What a man needs to know and do after discharge from the maternity hospital. What a young mother needs to remember in the first days after returning home from the hospital

The moment of childbirth was successfully postponed, several days in the maternity hospital are coming to an end, the joyful moment of discharge comes, when you finally find yourself at home with your baby in your usual surroundings. But for many new parents, coming home becomes a real shock, because the baby, having woken up, began to cry and demand attention, and there are no longer numerous medical workers near you who can explain to you the reason for crying and your further actions. So how to behave with a child at home, especially in the first days after discharge, what should be done and what should one be aware of?

It is no secret that many mothers who did their job well in the maternity hospital, left alone with a newborn, do not know what to do with him and are even afraid to pick him up. That is why you should try to avoid such situations by studying the information on how to properly care for your child at home after discharge.

Sleep and feeding

For a newborn, it is sleep and food that are the main components of his daily life for the first month. It is better to breastfeed the baby, it is not only healthier for the baby, but also more convenient for the mother. It is not necessary to give a breast to a child by the hour, it is better to arrange feeding on demand, when the baby wants and asks for food. At first, breastfeeding will look chaotic, but over time, the baby will “draw up” a specific feeding schedule for which parents can adjust.

It is not necessary in the early days to allocate a separate room for the child. In the first few weeks, the baby will often wake up at night and eat. In this case, it will be more convenient for mom to be next to him, and not run to him in another room. Many mothers try to be as close as possible to the baby for the first few days, so they move his crib to their own or even put the baby with them.

Most often, the baby falls asleep almost after each feeding. The first few weeks, newborns spend most of the day sleeping - up to 19 hours. But already by six months, your baby will reduce the regaling time to 12-13 hours, learn to distinguish night from day, begin to sleep longer at night and less during the day. By the age of one year, the baby will sleep like an adult - all night and a couple of hours after dinner.

Parents do not always know exactly the answer to the question of whether to swaddle the baby or not. Doctors today say that it will be better for the baby if he feels freedom, this will help him in psychomotor development. But mothers may notice that in the first days the baby is simply afraid of her legs and arms, so they try to swaddle the baby for sleep. And in fact, such a dream turns out to be much stronger and better. Therefore, try to swaddle the baby for the first 3 weeks before going to bed and “release” it to freedom after waking up.

About hygiene and diapers

For more than a year now, there has been an active debate about. Someone continues to claim that they cause irreparable harm to children, but someone understands that these are prejudices and there is nothing wrong with using modern diapers. And all the fears of parents and the older generation are associated with the myth that boys can develop infertility when wearing diapers in childhood. But today we can already say with certainty that this is a myth. And "pampers" are absolutely safe, both for boys and for girls.

Of course, in the use of diapers, certain rules must be observed in order to avoid unpleasant consequences. This may include the following:

  1. Change the diaper immediately after the baby went "by big".
  2. Change after a maximum of 6 hours, even if the baby just peed.
  3. Give the little ass sometimes "breathe."

Bathing a newborn

You need to bathe the baby immediately after discharge from the hospital, since recently newborns have not been washed after birth, but only wiped with special means. Daily bathing of the crumbs should become a ritual for him. As a rule, children quickly get used to water procedures and tolerate everyday traditions well. But if the child resists for the first few days, there is nothing wrong with that. Over time, you can add not only bathing foam to the water, but also put all kinds of toys. The main thing to remember is that the baby should not be left alone in the bathroom, even if he lies on the "slide" or swims in.

After the baby is bathed, you need to give him a few minutes to wake up and then put him to bed. In this case, it is simply necessary to observe the time regime. So you teach your child to fall asleep after going to the bathroom.

Walks in the open air

Do not forget that you need to walk with your child every day and in any weather. The first day of the walk should take place within 10 days after discharge, but only if it is not colder than minus 10 degrees outside. Otherwise, the first walk should be rescheduled for 20 days after arriving home.

The first time you need to walk is not long, 10-15 minutes. But every day, the time outside should increase, reaching 1.5-2 hours at a time. And ideally, you should go out with the crumbs twice a day. Sunlight will help the baby saturate the body with vitamin D, and cool air will help harden the baby.

The first days the baby will constantly sleep on a walk. Therefore, at this time, a mother can do a lot of useful things at home if she manages to organize baby walks with grandparents. After a couple of months, the child will have less and less desire to sleep on the street, and he will begin to get acquainted with the environment in an accelerated mode. At this moment, most often the child requires the presence of the mother herself.

He cries - what to do

Having brought the baby from the hospital, you may encounter the first most terrible problem - the baby is crying! Of course he must cry! However, more and more often you can hear the mother's lament that in the maternity hospital the baby was a completely calm child, all these days he only slept and ate, and as soon as he was brought home, he began to cry all the time. Someone will write it off for a change of scenery, someone for the “bad” eye of others. In fact, everything is easier. The first days after birth, the baby sleeps because he needs rest after the physical exertion that he experienced during the birth. But after a few days, when the baby is already at home, the baby begins to adapt to the new environment and explore the world, so he is no longer up to sleep. And crying is the only way a baby can convey to adults about their childhood troubles.

You will soon begin to recognize your baby's crying. You will understand that he cries like this when he is hungry, but like this when he wants to sleep, and completely different when something hurts him. Mostly babies cry because they experience some kind of discomfort, or they are tormented by the tummy. But there are also kids who often get bored and sad, and they call their mommy for help. Learning the "language" of crying is not as difficult as it seems. The main thing is to be close to the baby and, if possible, devote more time to him.

The importance of order in the house

After you and your baby arrive home, it is very important to organize your life. Particular attention should be paid not to the whole house (let him wait for now), but to the baby's room. To behave confidently with a newborn baby, you need to know that all the necessary things are at your fingertips. Indeed, at first it may be difficult for you to handle your child, he will need to handle the navel, wash his eyes, change diapers and carry out other maternal affairs. Therefore, do not waste time looking for the right accessories, let diapers, cotton swabs, powders and creams be in one place, where it is most convenient for you.

Do not place various shelves above the baby's head. Some changing tables have shelves on which it is very convenient to place various jars of creams and powders. But doing this is not recommended if there is even the slightest chance that all this can collapse on the child.

In general, to behave naturally with your baby, you do not need a lot of work. The main thing is that you understand that everything will now go a little differently for you, that now the life of this crumb depends entirely on you and your household. Therefore, it would not hurt to accustom them to a special order. Let them take an active part in the life of the baby, so that they also know how to treat him and what to do with him.

Time for yourself

Despite the fact that you were driving from the hospital with a sense of long-awaited release from captivity, the reality suddenly turns out to be different. And your baby, peacefully sleeping in the hospital, flatly refuses to behave as quietly at home. And your dreams that you can now finally put yourself in order, put on makeup and do a manicure, crashed into everyday life on the very first day of your stay at home.

Now you don’t know how to have time to deal with the baby, clean up the house, and cook food. What kind of manicure is there, it turns out to wash only in the evening, when the husband returns from work! But you can't behave like that. Now you are a mother, and now you need to do a lot, not forgetting about yourself.

There are several tips:

  1. Put a bassinet in the kitchen. So you can cook and do household chores so that your baby is supervised.
  2. Buy a sling. So your baby will be able to be in close proximity to your body. This option is especially good for restless babies, who know with a sixth sense that mom is about to leave the room, and begin to protest loudly.
  3. Sleep with your baby. Do not think about the mountain of linen and unprepared dinner. In the early days, you just need to get enough sleep. At first, it will be difficult for you to get used to the new rhythm, but over time you can learn to live according to the child’s schedule and manage to manage household chores.
  4. Ask loved ones to give you at least half an hour, during which you can put yourself in order. This is especially important in the first days of staying at home, when the psychological state is still a little unstable.

The first days at home is another test that every mommy goes through. The main thing to remember is that now you have a new family member, and that it is he who is now the center of your universe!

First you need to get a birth certificate. It is issued in the registry office at the place of residence of one of the parents.

A birth certificate must be obtained within a month after the birth.

The following documents must be submitted to the registry office:

  • certificate of birth of a child issued in the maternity hospital;
  • mother's passport;
  • father's passport;
  • Marriage certificate.

If the parents are married, then one of them with the named documents can come to the registry office. If the parents are not officially married, then both parents must appear at the registry office in order to write an appropriate application. In this case, paternity will be recognized. If the father is not at the registry office, the child's patronymic and surname are recorded from the words of the mother, and a dash can be put in the column "father" at the request of the mother.

In the registry office, in addition to the birth certificate, parents receive two certificates necessary to receive a one-time and monthly allowance for a child.


The next important thing is the registration of the child. To do this, you must contact the housing office at the place of residence of the parent to whom the child will be registered.

If the parents are registered in different places, you will need:

  • father's passport;
  • mother's passport;
  • Marriage certificate;
  • mother's statement (template can be found in the housing office);
  • father's statement (template can be found in the Housing Office);
  • a copy of the mother's financial and personal account (issued in a single information and settlement center - EIRC);
  • a copy of the father's financial and personal account (issued at the EIRC);
  • extract from the house book of the father / mother;

If the parents are registered in one place, the papers will need a little less:

  • father's passport;
  • mother's passport;
  • Marriage certificate;
  • birth certificate of the child;
  • mother's statement
  • father's statement
  • a copy of the financial and personal account;
  • Form No. 6 (issued and completed on the spot).

Remember that minor children can only be registered with their parents - they cannot be registered with their grandmother or other relatives.

You have the right to register a child in your living space without the consent of other family members - co-owners in accordance with Art. 70 LCD RF.

Up to one month after birth, the newborn is prescribed based on the mother's application. After one month after birth, the newborn is registered on the basis of the mother's application and a certificate from the father's place of residence (copy of the personal account).

Medical policy

Compulsory medical insurance policy (CHI) for children is issued at the place of permanent residence at the points of issue of MHI policies; most often they are located at district clinics.

To obtain a medical policy for a newborn, you need:

  • birth certificate of the child;
  • passport of the parent, which is registered at the address territorially related to this point of issuance of CHI.

It should be borne in mind that a permanent policy is a plastic card, so its production takes some time. Parents will be notified when it will be ready and will be told how to find out. Before receiving a plastic policy, they give a temporary one - a paper one.

Cash benefits

Within 6 months after childbirth, you must apply for the required benefits:

  • A one-time allowance for women registered with medical institutions in the early stages of pregnancy (if you registered with the antenatal clinic before 12 weeks of pregnancy). Issued by the department of social protection of the population. To receive benefits, you need a certificate from the antenatal clinic and an application for the purpose of the allowance (the application can be written on the spot).
  • One-time allowance for the birth of a child. Issued at the place of work of the father or mother or in the department of social protection. To receive this benefit, you need a birth certificate from the registry office (which you received along with the birth certificate) and a birth certificate, an application for the grant of benefits and a certificate from the spouse's place of work that the benefit was not issued.
  • A monthly allowance for caring for a child up to one and a half years old is issued to employees (students) at the place of work or study. To calculate this benefit, a copy of the child's birth certificate and an application for parental leave and benefits are required.
  • Monthly child support is issued by the department of social protection if the income level is below the living wage. A birth certificate and application are required to apply for this benefit.

In addition to these benefits, regional authorities may assign other payments, which are issued, as a rule, in the departments of social protection of the population.

  • If this is not the first child in the family, then it is necessary to submit documents to the Pension Fund branch at the place of residence to obtain a certificate for maternity capital. This can be done at any time after the emergence of the right to receive maternity capital, that is, at any time after the birth of a child. The following documents (or their notarized copies) must be submitted along with the application:
  • a document proving the identity and place of residence (passport);
  • a document confirming belonging to the citizenship of the Russian Federation (the same passport);
  • a document confirming the birth (adoption) of children (birth certificate);
  • a statement that can be written on the spot.

Within a month from the date of receipt of the application with all the necessary documents, the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation makes a decision to issue a certificate or to refuse to issue it. For a certificate, a woman is invited to the branch of the Pension Fund.

Keep in mind that in order to receive all the documents, you may need not only the original documents, but also their copies, so at the very beginning of this documentary epic, it is better to make several copies of each document.

In the postpartum bustle, one should not forget about one's own health, so a visit to the obstetrician-gynecologist must be included in the to-do list. This visit cannot be considered formal in any way - you should visit a doctor not only in order to hand over an exchange card. After spontaneous childbirth, you can go to the antenatal clinic about a month after the birth. After a caesarean section, this must be done in the first week after discharge from the hospital. If you have any complaints, you should contact your doctor immediately. The doctor will evaluate how the recovery process goes, and if there are stitches, how they heal. You can consult a doctor about the possibility of resuming sexual activity, discuss contraceptive options, and maybe discuss the timing of planning the next pregnancy.

Babylonskaya Svetlana obstetrician-gynecologist,
cand. honey. Sciences, employee of the department
clinical pharmacology
MGMSU, Moscow
The article was provided by the magazine on pregnancy and childbirth "9 months" No. 12, 2008

On the site for moms, the site says that the most difficult thing for a young mother occurs in the first days after discharge from the hospital. Young mothers are often lost, left alone at home with a child, they don’t know how to properly pick him up, how to care for him and what to do with him.

After discharge, the newborn gradually gets used to the new environment, to mom, to dad. Therefore you must be extremely attentive and observant to learn to understand when the baby wants to eat, when his tummy is twisting, when he cries because he cannot poop.

Within the first three days after you are discharged, your local pediatrician and nurse will come to your home. They will examine the child and register it in the children's clinic, answer all your questions and give recommendations on caring for him.

Children's room

Even before the baby is born, it is worth equipping the nursery or a place in your room if you do not want to leave him alone at night. It is better to put the bed in a dead corner without a window, so that there are no drafts, so that the sun does not interfere with sleep during the day and the moon at night.

Make a canopy over the crib, if it was not there when you bought it, so that you can cover the crib from the general lighting in the room. Place a changing table or a wide chest of drawers nearby, cover the lid of which is folded in several layers.

The warmth of mother's hands

Do not be afraid to take the child in your arms, do it confidently, because he feels your excitement. Hold the baby with both hands, holding the head. In the first days after the discharge of the newborn, you can swaddle before feeding and after bathing, so it will be easier for you to cope with this moving lump.

Do not hold the baby in outstretched arms, try to hug him to you, the proximity of the mother's body quickly calms the baby and gives him a sense of security.

Newborn after discharge: how to feed?

In the first days after returning home from the hospital, the baby is fed at his request, until the mother's lactation normalizes, and the baby will not get used to sucking properly at the breast. Before feeding, it is advisable to give the baby 1-2 coffee spoons of boiled water or a few drops from a clean pipette.

Walking a newborn after discharge

In the first week, usually the baby is not taken out for a walk, especially if it happened on frosty days. But you can take it out to the balcony and to the loggia for 5 minutes 2-3 times a day, dressed according to the weather and season.

Cleanliness is the key to baby's health

Bathing is a necessary and daily ritual. so that the child does not have diaper rash and irritation. The first two weeks after discharge, the newborn is bathed in boiled water, the temperature of which is 36-37 * C, until the navel completely heals. A weak solution of manganese can be added to the water - it has disinfecting properties and dries out any irritations, or decoctions of string, chamomile, oak bark, oregano.

Bathe the baby usually in the evening before the last feeding. During the day, you can use special wet antiseptic wipes when changing diapers. But after defecation it is better to wash the child with warm water.


New knowledge and skills

  1. A newborn after discharge requires a lot of knowledge and skills from a young mother. A very important moment umbilical cord treatment. After bathing, the wound is smeared gently with a solution of brilliant green or 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. It is impossible to manually remove dried crusts and seeds from the wound. It is advisable to apply a sterile bandage to the place of the navel at first, so as not to accidentally scratch the wound with clothes or hands.
  2. Mom will have to clean her baby's nose, ears, and cut her fingernails on her own. The body of a newborn after discharge is cleared for some time, therefore it is necessary daily:
  • rinse eyes boiled water with cotton pads after sleep;
  • inspect and clean ears cotton turundas, ordinary ear sticks are not recommended for babies;
  • clean the nasal passages cotton turundas that encourage the baby to sneeze, freeing the nose from the "goats".

Soothing ritual before bed

Try to put the baby to sleep by putting it in the crib. Lean on him, pet him, talk softly or sing a lullaby softly - these actions calm him down. Do not rush to accustom the newborn after discharge to motion sickness in the arms or in the crib. If the baby is naughty or crying, there is some reason for this, except for the fact that he does not want to sleep.

Many advise her to put the baby to sleep in her bed, as he will smell the milk, which will not allow him to sleep peacefully. But many mothers say that they sleep better with a baby at their side, so it's up to you! For sleep, you can purchase a sleeping bag for babies, which is a bag in the form of a long dress with fasteners on the shoulders and a zipper in the middle. The sleeping bag will keep warm around the baby, will not move out of him at night and will not cover him with his head during sleep, which can happen with a blanket or bedspread. If you put your baby to sleep in his crib, it will be useful for you to read.

In the first days after discharge from the hospital, the mother has many different questions, write them down in a notepad, which put next - "at hand". Feel free to ask your pediatrician or pediatric nurse any questions you have, and a notepad will help you remember anything.

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So, if everything is fine with you and the baby, you will be discharged from the hospital in 3-4 days. During this time, relatives have probably already managed to do a general cleaning, remove extra carpets, furniture and strong-smelling house plants from the room where the baby will now live, set up a crib, and made room for a stroller on the balcony.

How to do everything if you have a newborn?

What do you need to know so that the first days with the baby pass without much unnecessary hassle, worries and worries?
And at least the fact that even if a young mother feels just great after giving birth and does not walk, but “flies on wings”, she still categorically cannot do hard work around the house. It is not for nothing that doctors say that the recovery period after childbirth takes at least two months, while psychologists say that a woman will fully regain her physical and spiritual harmony only a year after childbirth. One way or another, a vacuum cleaner, hand washing a large amount of laundry, lifting weights - this is all work for a husband. Mommy can devote a few minutes a day to special restorative exercises.

If your husband, for one reason or another, cannot be actively involved in the house, find yourself an assistant, at least for the first week. This may be one of your friends or relatives, or maybe a hired housekeeper.
Particular attention should be paid to the establishment and maintenance of lactation: watch your diet, try to get enough sleep during the day, if this fails at night, be less nervous and worry.

Organize a children's corner so that you do not have to spend extra time moving from the locker to the changing table, bending over for diapers, moving the crib. Newborns poop up to 20 times a day, after each attachment to the breast - be prepared for this and stock up on a sufficient number of diapers - they will come in handy.
Until the umbilical wound heals, it must be treated, first with hydrogen peroxide, and then with brilliant green. Until it is completely healed, it is better to bathe the baby in boiled water and in a small bath. Do not forget to ventilate the room where the baby lives.
Forget about things that you don't have to do or that can wait. Perhaps you should discuss with your husband in advance what worries about him you can “sacrifice” for the sake of caring for the baby and rest (for example, in the morning he will warm up his own food, and you can sleep longer). To avoid the picture when dad comes home from work and strokes the diapers, again agree that you will iron every day, and on weekends your husband will “replace” you, etc.

Do not be afraid to often take the baby in your arms or put him to sleep in your bed. There is no such thing as a mother's love.
Take care of yourself. Then you will have much less time for this. Do not rush to completely update your wardrobe, but it's time to correct it, because you still don't want to wear things with tight elastic bands, belts, clasps that restrict movement and breathing. You also can’t immediately put on your favorite stiletto sandals, even if you dreamed about them all months of pregnancy - the postpartum period is still a very big load on the muscles of the back and spine, you need to take care of yourself: light massage, exercises and shoes without heels.
In the first weeks after giving birth, you may feel emotionally overwhelmed, confused, unsure of your own actions. Believe me, this will pass with time, you don’t need to focus on your own mistakes, it’s better to find someone who will tell you what’s what.
Schools for pregnant women now provide a special service - the visit of a consultant on lactation and the first days of the baby. By inviting a specialist, you will avoid unnecessary hassle like “do I feed him correctly (bath, swaddle)”. Otherwise, feel free to ask all your questions to the pediatric nurse from the clinic, and then to the local pediatrician (they are required to visit newborns regularly).

If, suddenly, a wave of bad mood and irritation rolls over you, you should not be tormented by guilt that you are a bad mother - just tell someone about your experiences, you can use an inanimate object, write your bad thoughts on paper, and then tear it up and throw it away .
And finally, you need to do three things: register the child in the registry office, register him in the apartment and arrange maternity payments for yourself.
Let the husband find out what are the terms for registering babies (up to a maximum of 3 months) and processing assistance (half a year). This can be done before childbirth, prepare the necessary certificates in advance. Remember, a child can be registered with one of the parents without the knowledge and consent of everyone living in the apartment (even a privatized one).

Caring for a newborn baby after childbirth That's all, the birth is over and you and your baby are finally going home. And now the care of him will fall entirely on your shoulders.

Let's look at the main rules of child hygiene again. Naturally, the morning for everyone, even for the smallest, begins with washing. For this process, it is important to use chilled boiled water. It is recommended to wash and clean the eyes with cotton balls or a simple cotton swab moistened with warm water. Do not forget that the eyes are wiped from the outer corner to the inner. If the baby has crusts on his eyes during sleep, in order to remove them, you need to gently wipe them with a moistened cotton swab from the tip of the eye, where the tear passage is located to the bridge of the nose. Wipe the face gently in a circular motion.

Next, we process the nose. To do this, there are special cotton buds for babies. They are moistened in vaseline oil and carefully cleaned first one and then the second nostril. It is too early for us to bathe often, so the body is wiped with wet wipes for newborns. Every crease on you baby is wiped with a napkin. After that, they are lubricated with a special baby cream or powder, you can also lubricate with baby oil. Particular attention should be paid to the umbilical wound. If it has not yet dried up, then it is treated daily with peroxide and brilliant green.

Pampers will help make life easier with a child under two years old. No need to wash thousands of diapers, just throw away the used diaper and put on a new one. It is important to choose the right diaper size, and at each diaper change, be sure to wash the baby, and do not forget about the powder. You should not constantly dress your baby in a diaper, otherwise he may overheat and earn prickly heat or worse. It is better to bathe children with an unhealed umbilical cord using decoctions of medicinal herbs. This will help the wound heal faster and also reduce the risk of infection.

Of course, you can’t describe all the things that you may need, since a child’s discharge happens both in summer and in winter and in different weather. As a rule, there is approximately the same and standard list of things, for example, like this one:

One or two disposable diapers, knitted bodysuit and overalls; booties or socks;

a headdress that would cover the ears of the child; outerwear; child car seat - without it, the baby cannot be transported in the car; a blanket (in winter - wadded, in spring, in autumn - woolen, in summer - flannelette);

ribbons; an envelope, an elegant diaper (corner) and a camera to capture this wonderful moment.

In this article, we will not analyze the completely trivial things that will be needed at home and in the first months, such as napkins, nipples, bottles, rattles, sheets, baby soap, creams and other necessary things.

We consider what can make life easier for a mother in the first and subsequent months of your child's life, for some they are mandatory, for others not - it's up to you! And we will tell you what and why they are used.

I hope this little list is helpful to you!

So let's get started! Here is a list of what is advised to purchase in the first days at home:

Good old bodysuits

During the first week at home, you and your child will get used to each other, try to create the most comfortable atmosphere for both your child and yourself! Do not immediately buy a lot of outfits, get a set of soft cotton bodysuits, these are the most comfortable clothes for babies!


A good stroller should be covered with a thick fabric to protect the baby from the wind. On the one hand, it should be spacious and not hinder the movement of the child even in warm winter overalls, but on the other hand, not all modern strollers can enter the elevators of some houses. Consider the width of the lift if you don't want to take the stroller up the stairs. Check if the set includes a rain cover and a mosquito net.

Comfortable chair for a newborn

Such a chair perfectly frees the mother's hands and gives her the opportunity to rest. If the baby is crying, the vibration of the chair can easily calm him down. These chairs have special seat belts, so don't worry about your little one falling out.

Suitable place to sleep

Pulling the baby out of the crib to feed at night is not very convenient. For the first weeks or months, you can use the bassinet and place it next to your bed, this will allow you to get more sleep at night.

Large rocking chair

No, of course, this is not at all necessary, but at first the child will spend in your arms, believe me, you will want to be with the baby as much time as possible. Feeding a baby while sitting in such a chair is very convenient.

Reliable car seat

Road safety is paramount. If you have a car, a car seat should be on your shopping list. Then you can safely travel with your child anywhere.


This is perhaps the most useful invention! Just imagine how our mothers and grandmothers washed, dried and ironed 20 diapers a day. That's terrible! With diapers, everything is much simpler, expect that you will need 5-7 pieces a day, but we would not recommend buying large packs at once; experiment with diaper shapes and try different brands.


Bathing a baby in a huge bathroom is not very convenient, and a small baby bath will come in handy; if you do not have free space, as an alternative, you can use liners in the main bath. Before each bath, check the temperature of the water and the stability of the tub.

You can easily find all these things in the store, but the most important thing that a baby needs is mother's love and affection.

Your care and attention will never be superfluous for a child. Your baby deserves love and you should not be shy about showing your feelings. We are sure that you will have a happy family life and real family happiness.