What to wear in the year of the red rooster. What to wear a Sagittarius for the New Year? New Year's outfits - enchanting fiery color

If you are familiar with the problem of choosing the perfect outfit for New Year's Eve, refer to the centuries-old experience of the eastern horoscope. The wise Chinese identify each year from the twelve-year cycle with a special symbolic animal. The owner of the year influences human destinies, showing his strict or meek disposition. To celebrate Christmas Eve in accordance with the tastes of the totem beast means to secure his favor in advance. We reveal the secret: what to wear for the new 2017 year of the rooster to attract good luck.

Favorite colors of the rooster

The rooster, personifying the 2017 year of the eastern calendar, comes from the fire element. He will appreciate all shades of red in New Year's costumes. Consider this fact when considering what to wear to a New Year's party.

Don't limit your selection to monochrome red. The whole range is at our disposal: orange, burgundy, terracotta, cherry, raspberry, coral, chestnut, etc.

Colors should be vibrant, not pale or pastel. The impudent wayward henhouse owner favors the courageous and decisive. Don't be afraid to be bright this New Year's Eve.

If you don't want to wear red at all, and your friends have all already bought similar dresses, take a closer look at purple and deep blue. It will be especially chic if a dress or suit of this color is made of velvet fabric.

Prints and drawings for New Year's Eve

What dress will the rooster like? In any case, not in a tiger stripe. Animal prints are best deferred until the respective year is celebrated. The character of the rooster is fighting, seeing a predator, he can flare up. Exclude designs that mimic leopard, snake, zebra, or tiger skin from the list of options.

But there is plenty to choose from. A drawing in clothes that will come in handy - tongues of flame. Don't forget that next year is the fiery rooster. To prevent the outfit from looking like a comical fancy dress, choose a pattern with a technique of smooth flow of colors.

Fabrics of color of precious metals for the new year

A proud bird likes stylization in clothes imitating gold or silver. It is desirable that the texture of the fabric is matte, not too mirror-like. Shine can be added by using inlaid stones, sequins, silver and gold threads.

The most advantageous is the option of a floor-length dress with an open back. This outfit is perfect if you are planning to go out on New Year's Eve.

Emerald shades

Light, airy fabrics in blue-green shades are back in fashion as the eve of 2017 approaches. Choose an emerald-green dress or limit yourself to a scarf and add it to a light set.

What can be worn in combination with aqua colors, see the selection of photos below.

Accessories for New Year's Eve

Oddly enough, the feather boa is best left until next year of the dog. A proud rooster prefers to be the only owner of magnificent plumage. The same goes for hats, veils, and garment trimmings. Do not use feathers, even if they do not at all resemble a bright rooster in color.

Wear modest jewelry. Classic gold, silver or pearls will come in very handy. Especially if you, trying to please the symbol of the year, chose a fiery red set for New Year's Eve.

If the outfit is light and requires bright details, opt for large, bright beads in shades of red. Also, the motives of the flame can be attracted in the performance of New Year's manicure and make-up.

Add a couple of fiery curls to your hair. This is not only very fashionable, but the feathered one will also like it.

What to wear in the year of the rooster for men

What clothes to choose for the holiday? Men ask this question less often. However, the fiery master of the year prepared recommendations for them too.

The rooster does not need rivals. There can only be one leader in a chicken coop. It is better for the stronger sex to dress in accordance with everyday taste, without trying to surpass themselves.

A quality cotton shirt, such as an oxford cut, combined with jeans or trousers, will be appropriate for a family, at a dinner party or even in a restaurant.

It is better to choose classic, muted colors. Burgundy, cream, white, dark green will do. An option with a discreet pattern is also good, for example, as in the photo.

What to wear for a child on New Year's Eve 2017

Dress up your little one with a funny little chicken or a proud adult rooster, depending on his temperament and tastes. The main attribute of the first outfit is a large buttery comb and a fluffy tail. The second one is a yellow soft fluff. If there are several children in the family, you can implement both scenarios at once.

Video gallery

Check out a few videos below. They have a selection of additional options for matching outfits. Enlisting the support of an obstinate fire rooster is not at all difficult. The main thing is to listen to yourself and the recommendations voiced in our article. Happy New Year!

It is very important for every woman to always look beautiful. And on New Year's Eve, you just want to look stunning! And if, in addition to this, the New Year's outfit will affect the future fate, then it will be logical to listen and find out the advice of astrologers in the question: What to wear for the new year 2017 according to the signs of the zodiac? Of course, no one can give detailed answers, but sometimes it is important to find out about everything, even in general terms for all signs of the horoscope:

What color is fashionable in 2017 for the new year

What color dress or suit will be topical to wear for the new year? All shades of red and yellow will be considered the most suitable colors on New Year's Eve. Of course, you should not include the entire color palette in the New Year's outfit, but the presence and even the predominance of one of these shades is considered mandatory.

What accessories to choose for meeting the New Year of the Rooster

Although the rooster is not forty, but adores luxury ... Gold jewelry, rings and bracelets with stones of large sizes will be very useful. You should not complement your outfit with silver-colored jewelry, let it be better bronze or brass, but ideally, of course, gold.

New Year's manicure 2017: photos and ideas

We will talk about New Year's nail design in a separate article. And the color scheme, ideally, should be two-tone: red and gold manicure is a clear hit in the top ten, although the use of other colors, even contrasting with red, is also acceptable.

Festive makeup

New Year's makeup 2017 should be brighter than the previous year. Lipstick in the color of manicure will not only highlight your awareness in the world of makeup, but will also delight the tastes of this year's master.

How to celebrate the new year for Aries? The recommendations described at the beginning of the article are completely suitable for you. But there is one peculiarity - women born under the sign of Aries should not wear a low-cut top, generally should not expose their breasts in any way. Perhaps this advice is connected with the upcoming changes on the love front and the stars are in a hurry to warn you about this. In any case, take care of your heart, try to share less your experiences in the love field and do not open your feelings and emotions to random and unreliable people.

What outfit should Taurus choose? Weighted in many issues, Taurus can afford liberty, and will put on the most unexpected and even reckless outfit. But don't over-experiment with accessories and makeup. It will be enough to add some notes to your daily makeup and your New Year's style is ready!

Gemini clothes on New Year's Eve, as well as overall appearance are very important. Indeed, on January 31, 2016, the Moon will be in the sign of Gemini, and it is your sign that will meet the Fiery Rooster under the chime of the clock and a spray of champagne. Try to get into the holiday, be the highlight of the festive program, laugh and have fun with all the heart. An important attribute for a twin woman is a red hairpin or ribbon in her hair. This sign will bring you the favor of the firebird this year.

New Year's outfits for Cancer - a continuous flight of imagination. This year, like no one else, it is recommended that you put on what your heart prompts. Ideal if you become a participant in a carnival (costume) holiday. Although, a cancer woman by nature is most often very active and, if desired, can arrange a small costume ball with her family herself. So go for it!

Clothes and accessories for Lviv in the new year 2017. Having an excellent sense of tact in clothes, Lions are the very first to start thinking about a New Year's outfit. Although this sign does not need special adjustments regarding the choice of clothing and style, they periodically look into such horoscopes. Dear Lions, listen to your heart, because you already know that you will be irresistible on New Year's Eve!

How to dress Virgo on New Year's Eve? Unlike other signs, Virgo is advised to stick to moderately bright colors in clothes. Calm makeup and non-defiant jewelry maximize the femininity of virgins and bring good luck.

Libra festive image it is recommended to make up of clothes of contrasting colors, but one of them must necessarily include a shade of red. If you have the opportunity, indulge yourself on the eve of the holiday and buy yourself the outfit you've been dreaming about for a long time, so you start the generator of wishes for the whole year.

Scorpio outfits in the new year should stand out with a zest, well, or peppercorn. Therefore, think in advance about an element in clothing that will set you apart from the rest of the mass. Only in this way will you draw attention to yourself, and, consequently, good luck in your destiny.

What dress to choose for meeting the new year for Sagittarius? Sheer mini and defiant neckline. If your figure allows, you can shine in the image of a VAMP woman on New Year's Eve!

What to wear Capricorns to successfully celebrate the new year 2017? In clothes, you can turn on all your imagination and create a completely unpredictable individual New Year's style. It is recommended to pay special attention to hands and manicure. Be sure to wear a ring with a stone, a bracelet, or at least do a neat manicure with rhinestones - your hands should shine in the literal sense of this expression.

Bright decorations and maxi-length skirts or pantsuits are the rule for meeting the new year for Aquarius. It is very important for you to cover your knees. Most often, such advice is sent by the stars when it comes to energy release. Therefore, it is better to listen and choose an outfit from your wardrobe based on this knowledge.

New Year's outfit for Pisces. It doesn't matter what type of clothes you prefer on New Year's Eve, the main thing is that it is an exclusively new outfit. It is advisable to buy it on New Year's Eve, not sparing the money spent. After all, clothes will not only bring you a delightful look, but also give you self-confidence. The accent in the colors of clothes and accessories can be done on soft bed tones.

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Greetings, my dear readers! On the eve of the most awaited holiday, I would like to ask: "Are you ready for the New Year?"

As always in December, there is an eternal dilemma of three "what":

  1. What to gift?
  2. what to cook?
  3. what to wear?

I would like to leave all worries far behind this evening and look stunning. After all, there is even a saying: "As you celebrate the New Year, so you will spend it."

Lesson plan:

How to please the Rooster?

The fiery symbol of the coming year is always in the spotlight and prefers family traditions. Therefore, the best option is to celebrate the New Year at home, with family and friends. But a friendly and cheerful company will also appeal to an emotional Rooster.

According to experts in astrology, red will be the most suitable color scheme for New Year's Eve. Also, the refined symbol of the eastern horoscope will certainly appreciate gold and any of its shades. It can be sandy, lemon and bright yellow colors. According to the stars, the Rooster promises money for everyone dressed in golden color.

Outfits for adults

It should be noted right away that the Fire Rooster does not like carelessness, but welcomes style and consistency in dress. So ditch the funky T-shirts, tiger stripes, and predatory leopard prints. Fox fur and brindle-colored capes are prohibited. Otherwise, you will not see a cock in favor.

The best option for those who meet the New Year with a soul mate is to choose a pair, for example, a man's top in the color of a woman's dress. In this case, harmony is guaranteed to you.

Outfits for the New Year of the Rooster for children

How to dress up our beloved children, because they want to look spectacular at the holiday no less than ours. Of course, the costumes of fairy-tale characters are what kids need. Fairies and pirates, snowflakes and gnomes - just let your imagination run wild!

  • For girls, you can choose a dress in bright colors, fashionable this year, decorated with lace. Tie a red bow or tie your hair into a shiny barrette, and the Rooster will definitely turn his keen gaze on the young princess.
  • Black trousers with a bright top will be good for boys, and it can be not only a shirt, but also a stylish T-shirt with an applique of the symbol of the year.

By the way, fashion designers advise children to velvet. Unlike adults, they can wear it regardless of age. Moreover, it can be a velvet dress for girls or a velvet jacket for boys. It will be spectacular!

Dressing up according to the zodiac

What outfits do the stars advise us to wear on New Year's Eve? We select a festive wardrobe according to the horoscope.

For an energetic Aries, the red color of a festive outfit is just the way to go. Therefore, anything that will help to be in the center of attention and will attract the eyes of others will suit them without any problems. Just one warning from the Rooster - no cleavage for girls. Bright but modest.

The upcoming holiday will allow weighed Taurus to be a little free and choose the most unusual outfit. All shades of blue are suitable for decisive practices, and a tied red belt, a handkerchief in the pocket of a men's vest, or a suit where these two colors will be combined will help to smooth out the anger of the enemy in the colors of the Fire Rooster.

Only women need to be more attentive to makeup, and men to accessories.

Yellow color will bring good luck to Gemini, who should look their best on New Year's Eve. In addition, this color can be perfectly substituted for gold. A good addition to the look for girls is satin ribbons in red shades.

Cancers will have a seething fantasy. Choose whatever your heart tells you. Carnival costumes and masks for Cancers are the most suitable option and a wonderful outfit for the New Year's ball.

Paying special attention to their appearance, Lions will look flawless as usual. Astrologers advise them something orange-red for their good taste.

Unlike others, Virgos are advised to refrain from overly bright colors and be calm in makeup. There should be no defiant ornaments and neck chains as wide as a finger. Only femininity and masculinity in appearance will bring Virgos good luck in the coming year of the Rooster.

Libra needs contrasts, but always with the presence of red. Astrologers advise to fork out and buy what you have been looking at for a long time, but doubted each time. With an update, you will launch the mechanism for fulfilling your wishes next year.

The Scorpio outfit should have some zest, and maybe a peppercorn. Therefore, you need to think about the elements of festive clothing in advance. Miniature sophistication will set you apart from the crowd. The most suitable colors for Scorpions are magenta.

Sagittarius will need to show that they are ready for change, so they need to choose their outfit without thinking about what others will say. Silver, blue and burgundy - these colors will attract financial prosperity in the coming year for Sagittarius.

To successfully celebrate the New Year, Capricorns need to turn on their imagination and make themselves individually unpredictable. Jewelry in the form of rings with stones, bracelets - all this will please the Rooster in the form of Capricorns. An outfit for New Year's Eve is recommended to choose in brown shades.

Aquarians will shine on holiday, as their New Year's wardrobe should be made of flowing fabrics, decorated with shining accessories. For girls, sequins and rhinestones are appropriate, just remember about the measure.

On New Year's Eve, Pisces can be in any color of clothes in pastel colors, as long as it is new. These are the only representatives who may not use red in their outfit. Pisces for the New Year will suit gold or its yellow hue.

These are the tips for choosing holiday clothes we received from astrology. But in fact, if you are not superstitious and do not believe in horoscopes, then choose the outfit that you like.

Decorate it with a good mood, put on a dazzling smile, and then you will be assured of well-being in the coming year!

Hurry up, time is short!

Have you bought yourself an outfit for New Year's Eve? Do your children also have festive clothes hanging in the closet, waiting in the wings? Show off how you chose: heart or stars? I look forward to the stories in the comments.

Well, to better understand your little schoolchildren will help you from the ShkolaLa blog. I also recommend looking into and.

Always yours, Evgenia Klimkovich.

Well, girls and boys, the New Year is just around the corner. This year we will be greeted by the Fire Rooster, with its magnificent plumage. For everything to work out next year, it is advisable to make friends with the handsome red birds. And who, if not astrologers, will tell us - What to wear for the New Year 2017 according to the signs of the zodiac.

And it is better to celebrate the New Year in that outfit and in the color that pleases the owner of the year. New Year's Eve for every woman should be unusual, and on this day the lady looks like a brand.

What color is fashionable in 2017 for the New Year - what color should you wear?

If not live, then in the pictures and photos everyone saw exactly who the rooster is and what it looks like. Now we draw your attention to the color and color of the main character of the coming year.

Here he is handsome:

  • Red scallop
  • Orange and yellow feathers
  • Black, blued tail

But 2017 is the year of the Red Fire Rooster according to the eastern calendar, which means that the palette of all red predominates in taste: orange, yellow, gold (they say a cockerel, a golden comb), purple, terracotta, scarlet, watermelon, pink, pomegranate, crimson, maybe even and fuchsia.

Still, what color to wear a dress that will be fashionable for the New Rooster Year? We would advise you not to go strictly to red, but to dilute it with white or yellow. In any case, at least one of the accessories of the New Year's outfit should combine shades of red.

What accessories and jewelry to choose for fashionable New Year's dresses for the New Year of the Rooster 2017?

The cockerel is an important bird, he always walks with his head held high - a dude, in a word. For nothing, the more bright and gold, the better. Therefore, we advise you to choose clothes of a bright color according to the fashion trend of the coming year. As mentioned above, shades of red.

Gold, rhinestones, large stones will also be in vogue in 2017. Complement your trendy New Year's dresses with gold ornaments, but by no means silver - leave the silver next time.

Large bracelets and jewelry cuffs that were once worn by the Maya Indians. Gold rings in the form of washers with precious stones, large earrings. Chunky earrings will especially emphasize the bare neck. Long earrings are expressive with flowing dresses.

In addition to clothes and accessories for the New Year holidays, you will need to transform yourself, as it were, "put a marafet": put your hands and face in order, apply makeup, make a fashionable New Year's manicure and hairstyle for the New Year.

Fashionable manicure for the New Year 2017: photo of nails

Well, they chose a New Year's dress, picked up accessories for it. It's time to take on ourselves - let's start with nail design: a fashionable New Year's manicure to celebrate the New Year of the Rooster.

First of all, you should pay attention to the fact that a manicure is needed for a holiday. That is, it must be strong and resistant to New Year's festivities. And also to be like a New Year's outfit - combined with those colors.

Masters of nail design claim that the design of nails for the New Year 2017 should consist of two colors. As you probably guessed, the main color is red. But the second one is gold or shades of yellow and orange. But this is the ideal.

In fact, you can create whatever you want with your nails, not only with red, but in combination with an outfit. Boldly, but tastefully use glitter varnishes - you get a beautiful and unsurpassed manicure.

As for the safety of nails at a New Year's party, then take on the arsenal of gel polish. Just the same, he will help you ensure the maximum strength and reliability of the nail coating.

New Year's pattern on the nails will make you stand out from the monochrome ones, cheer you up and allow you to be proud of a beautiful manicure. What women do not come up with: draw snowflakes, snowmen, Christmas trees and Christmas balls. Without a brush, they use stickers.

Hands were brought into proper form, the matter fell behind the hair - New Year's hairstyle.

Fashionable hairstyle for the New Year 2017 of a fiery Rooster

In the current and next season 2016-2017, the ponytail and its shapes are in fashion. This hairstyle is suitable for women and girls with medium to long hair. What do you want to do when the hair is short?

It's simple, for the New Year for short hair, you can create an image in the style of glam rock. In general, a fashionable New Year's hairstyle depends on your outfit, party and mood.

With long hair, you can do whatever your heart desires - nothing is forbidden: braids, curls, bun, tail.

For festive makeup for the New Year, bright red lipstick is more than relevant for 2017. And if you put on a dress and make a manicure of the same color, you will become stunning for this holiday - a woman-Fire.

What to wear for the New Year 2017 - the year of the Rooster according to the signs of the zodiac

And now we will describe what to meet each sign of the zodiac:

  • What outfit to choose for Aries?

    It is best for women of the fire sign to celebrate the New Year of the Rooster 2017 in red clothes. You can shine at a party or at a corporate event in any of the shades of red. But in no case choose a dress or any other outfit with an open chest. Decollete is contraindicated, otherwise you will incur trouble on the love front. Be very careful about acquaintance, do not trust your feelings to random people, take care of your state of mind.

  • How to celebrate the New Year for Taurus?

    People born under the sign of Taurus shouldn't bother too much. But the stars are not expecting everyday decisions from you. Be extravagant and extravagant - wear original accessories, get an unusual manicure, but don't overdo it. The most unexpected and reckless notes are seen in clothes. In general, to make you happy in the coming year - blow up the world around you with your abnormality and unnaturalness.

  • How to dress on New Year's Eve for Gemini?

    In order for the "golden cockerel" to be supportive of you next year, you should become the hero of the party. To do this, wear what you like best and complement the outfit with a small red accessory: a wide bracelet, a scarlet headband, burgundy beads. Keep your mood on the pulse of the holiday.

  • How to look on the New Year for people under the sign of Cancer?

    Feel free to fantasize, listening to your heart. Create whatever your heart desires. Wear what you like, dress what you like. It turns out that in the year of the Rooster, you can do everything, or almost everything. On other sites they say - it is better if you put on a carnival costume and put on a mask. Something like that.

  • What to wear for the New Year 2017 for Leo?

    Rooster Leo is not a hindrance - the king of animals does not need help. Even ate and there will be no New Year's outfit until the very holiday, Leo will still remain irresistible. His demeanor and dignified nature will prevail.

  • What dress should a Virgo choose to celebrate the New Year?

    Virgo is modest and femininely sweet. On New Year's Eve, you should wear not bright clothes and non-defiant accessories. Simple, but tasteful - no glitter, but plumage.

  • What New Year's outfit to choose for Libra?

    Red dress, red lipstick, red manicure - you are ready to meet the Rooster. He will definitely like him and he will be lenient to you for a whole year.

  • How to dress Scorpions on New Year's Eve?

    Like Gemini, find something special: a red brooch on a golden dress, a red flower-shaped hairpin in your hair, a burgundy belt or scarlet-rimmed glasses.

  • What to wear a Sagittarius for the New Year?

    In the "bitch", and everything is there. Take a mini, dress with a neckline, a bright thing, bright makeup, glamorous shoes - that's for you. Charm under a glass of playful champagne will not disturb you in the least. You yourself know about it.

  • How to celebrate the New Year for Capricorns?

    To successfully meet and start the year, Capricorns need to first of all pay attention to their hands. The stars say: use luscious sparkles and stones, neat manicure and well-groomed hands. Choose the outfit yourself, whatever comes into your head.

  • Dress or suit for the New Year to wear to Aquarius?

    Aquarians choose an outfit that will hide you from adversity and indecent looks. A maxi skirt or a trouser suit is for you. Protect yourself and your energy under the veil. Modest makeup and inconspicuous, natural manicure.

  • What New Year's look for Pisces?

    The stars believe that just before the start of the holiday, you need to purchase a new pastel dress. If you buy an outfit on the eve of the New Year, then good luck and prosperity will come to the house.

Time goes by, the celebration of the new 2017 is not far off. How to celebrate the holiday in order to please the Fiery Rooster and fulfill your cherished desires? Let's try to figure it out.

The fiery rooster is preparing to take over. His reign will begin on January 28, but he will certainly visit all of us on New Year's Eve, and therefore one should thoroughly prepare for the holiday. What to wear for the New Year 2017 in order to please a lively bird and not part with love, good luck and health during the entire period of its reign?

General trends

Both stylists and astrologers agree that the predominant colors of festive outfits will be red, gold, black and green. The fabric for the dress should be chosen expensive: silk, velvet, organza or brocade. It will certainly attract good luck and wealth in the new year. Outfits made from fabrics with prints imitating the skin of a predatory animal can upset the symbol of the year, so you shouldn't stop at them. Well, the most important requirement for a New Year's dress is to decorate and delight its owner, to give a festive mood.

What to wear for the New 2017 for each zodiac sign?

The choice of a costume for the New Year also depends on when you were born.

Fire signs

How to celebrate the New 2017 Year of the Fiery Rooster for representatives of the fire element? Aries, Leo and Sagittarius will be irresistible in bright bold outfits:

  • Aries should definitely choose red and all its shades for their festive outfit. It can be a chic evening dress to the floor, and a suit consisting of a blouse and wide trousers. The main thing is that the neckline is not too deep.
  • Leos, choosing an outfit for the holiday, should be guided by their own impeccable taste and the principle of balance. Screaming details that draw all the attention to themselves are useless in Lions' New Year's outfit.
  • Astrologers suggest that Sagittarius should not be shy when choosing the style of a festive dress. A deep neckline, a short skirt, and a tight-fitting silhouette are acceptable. A long, tight skirt with a deep slit is also welcome.

Signs of the Earth

Representatives of the earthly element are distinguished by their practicality and thriftiness. Astrologers recommend each of them their own festive image:

  • Taurus on New Year's Eve can afford such an outfit, which in a normal situation would never have dared. They are allowed to literally shock others with their appearance.
  • Lovely gentle Virgo, choosing a festive dress, the main emphasis should be on softness and femininity. They shouldn't consider outfits in flashy colors, miniskirts, and daring necklines. Accessories should also not stand out from the chosen image.
  • The subtle flair and impeccable taste of Capricorns give them the right to experiment with a festive outfit at their own discretion, they decide what to wear for the New Year 2017. The outfit and jewelry are designed to amaze others to the very heart. It is not forbidden to decorate a dress with sparkling rhinestones, and hands - bright stones.

Air Signs

Highly intelligent children of Air will wisely approach the problem of choosing a New Year's dress. Astrologers recommend this:

  • Gemini will celebrate the New Year 2017 in the shadow of their constellation. Who, if not them, should shine on this night in all its glory! A bright, eye-catching outfit will make Gemini the center of everyone's attention. To please the Fire Rooster, they just need to decorate their hair with some red accessory.
  • Libra is no stranger to balancing everything in the world, so it won't be a problem for them to build their festive image on contrasts. Red, beloved by the Firebird, can be combined with black, adding a touch of mystery and sexuality to the outfit, or with gold to look royally luxurious.
  • Aquarians are optimists by nature, they are given to find positive moments in any situation. They are advised to wear festive outfits that cover the knees. It can be a luxurious long evening dress or a chic silk trouser suit. Bright accents in the form of jewelry and accessories will help attract the attention and favor of the Fire Rooster.

Water Signs

Children of Water are distinguished by special emotionality, they do not hide their feelings from others. Attention to detail is another distinctive feature of the representatives of the water element.

  • Cancers are incorrigible romantics with a vulnerable soul, they like carnivals and masquerades. Under the mask, these children of Water feel protected. New Year's Eve is a good time to put on the carnival costume of the Beautiful Shepherdess or the mysterious lady in dominoes. Cancers are advised to wear comfortable, stable shoes, and it is much easier to choose such a pair for a carnival costume than for an evening dress.
  • Scorpios should take care of their New Year's outfit in advance, because in order to attract the favorable attention of the Fire Rooster, they need to decorate their festive costume with interesting and unusual details. A skirt with folds in the form of feathers, accessories decorated with feathers or a feather as a part of a festive hairstyle - all this will certainly appeal to the winged symbol of the year.
  • A New Year's outfit in pastel colors is recommended for Pisces. It must certainly be new and must be comfortable, evoking extremely positive emotions from its owner. This will help Pisces to overcome their natural shyness and become more relaxed and self-confident.

With love for detail

A fiery rooster is, on the one hand, a bright bird, and on the other, a domestic one, and therefore zealous and thrifty. The symbol of the year is not to their liking empty waste. When choosing decorations for the New Year's outfit, preference should be given to gold, natural stones and pearls, but excesses should not be allowed. Another curtsy to the Fire Rooster, with a hint of its luxurious comb, will be hair ornaments, hats and veils, matched in the same style as a festive dress. It all depends on personal preference, but it's good if the hat is decorated with feathers. Since it is recommended to choose a festive outfit from expensive fabrics, special attention should be paid to decorative details. Belts, fasteners and buttons should be in perfect harmony with the material of the dress.

For representatives of the strong half of humanity

We talked in detail about which outfit is best for lovely ladies to celebrate the holiday. And what to wear for the New 2017 year for a man? Of course, a classic suit! You can experiment with color: golden or maroon will work great. Much attention should be paid to the shirt and tie. The first one should be perfectly ironed, and the second one should be sewn from natural silk and matched to the shirt and suit. To please the Fire Rooster, a man must have a stylish haircut and clean shaven, and his shoes must be polished to a shine.

Energy of color

On New Year's Eve, people believe that their most cherished dreams will come true and all desires will come true. A correctly chosen color of a festive outfit can help in this:

  • Red symbolizes not only love, but also material well-being. A desire related to finances will come true sooner if you put on a red dress on New Year's Eve.
  • Blue can solve family problems and get rid of loneliness. He awakens worldly wisdom.
  • Yellow or gold color will help to fulfill wishes related to improving health and getting rid of diseases.

The choice is yours

We hope that the photo and our detailed story will help you choose a festive outfit for. There is still time for preparation. Always be beautiful and happy!