What is considered seniority. What is included in the total work experience (types of work experience)

Retirement is the logical end of a person's ability to work. Having worked all his life for the state, a person has the right to support from the government. According to the current laws, when registering the status of a pensioner, the total length of service is taken into account. With its help, the type of pension that the applicant can apply for will be determined. But what are the ingredients included in seniority? And what is it anyway? About this and not only it will be possible to find out further.


General work experience - what is it? And for what purposes is it needed?

The specified term describes all periods that will be counted as workers at the time of a person's retirement. Taking into account the latest changes in legislation, the total length of service is called the insurance experience.

But what does it include? And how to calculate the corresponding component correctly? As the show is not so difficult to do. Especially if you know how to act.

Labor periods in the Russian Federation

The total length of service for calculating a pension is extremely important. Without it, a person will not be able to obtain pensioner status. More precisely, the incapacity for work will come 5 years later than the rest. And the payments to the old man will be minimal. They are called social.

The main component of the concept being studied is work experience. The time when the person worked officially. During these periods, the employer will make regular contributions to the FIU. Of these, the citizen's pension will be formed in the future.

Informal labor is not counted in any way. Therefore, you should not count on him. If people work unofficially, the government thinks he is unemployed. And this period is not included in the total length of service. This is possible in exceptional cases.

Insurance intervals

We are talking about situations when an insurance period appears. It can be defined as the time intervals in which money was transferred to the Pension Fund for a person, but in fact the citizen was without official work.

For example, the insurance period includes the time of being registered at the labor exchange. As long as a person receives appropriate payments as an unemployed person, he will approach retirement. But that is not all. Next, we will look at the main periods of time that are of concern to the population, as well as how they affect the general work experience.


Let's start with the army. At the moment, in Russia, men from 18 to 27 years old are subject to compulsory conscription into the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. You will have to be a soldier for 1 year.

Is military service included in the total length of service or not? Yes. This also includes all periods equivalent to being in the country's Armed Forces as a "conscript."

The period described is included in the insurance component due to the fact that the young man who was drafted into the army cannot officially work. “Losing” a year due to civic duty is not right. Therefore, serving in the army will affect the seniority for retirement.

Children's affairs

What is included in the total length of service? It's no secret that almost every family in Russia has children. And you have to take care of the kids for some time.

Pregnancy will not affect the studied component if the girl does not have an official place of work. The exception is cases when a woman continues to work. Then the entire period of work in the company "counts". The decree is also included in the insurance experience. It is taken into account by both working parents and unemployed.

The total time "credited" for each child is 1.5 years. Caring for a newborn before this time allows a person to not worry about retirement points and future retirement. In total, a parent cannot have more than 4.5 years of childcare.

If the family decided to look after the kids for longer, then this will not affect the insurance type experience in any way. Caring for children after 1.5 years does not count.


What is included in the total length of service? Believe it or not, this includes all periods of a person's disability that are paid. That is, while social payments for a sick citizen were received by the FIU.

As a rule, this means a regular sick leave at work. It is paid by the employer. And so the work experience does not stop.

Diseases without sick leave are not taken into account in the study issue under any circumstances. That is, an unemployed person or an informal worker may not expect a quick approach to retirement.


The calculation of seniority gives ordinary citizens a lot of trouble. Therefore, it is problematic to independently find out how much is missing before retirement (without taking into account the person's age).

Entrepreneurial activity is also labor. But, unlike official work, it is not entered in the entrepreneur's work book in any way. What happens in this case?

The activity of an individual entrepreneur is an insurance experience. After the person completes the activity, the FIU will give him a certificate of the established form. It will indicate the period of stay as an entrepreneur.

This decision is due to the fact that entrepreneurs, like employers, make contributions to the Pension Fund. Also, an individual entrepreneur has the right to hire employees. Then the workers under the leadership of the entrepreneur will have an insurance experience. And labor too.

In fact, entrepreneurship in any form is a job, but "for oneself". The tax regime is irrelevant. A person can work both under the OCH and under the patent. The main thing is to register as an individual entrepreneur with the Federal Tax Service.

Caring for the elderly

What is included in the total length of service? Sometimes people agree to care for the older generation. Often such a decision is accompanied by the actual disability of the "nurse". Working in conditions of constant care for the elderly is problematic.

Accordingly, this time will be lost. The citizen does not receive official income, no deductions are made for him. The experience does not increase. Neither insurance nor labor.

But there is an exception. The calculation of the length of service of the labor and insurance type begins when the citizen has officially formalized the care of the elderly. The rule applies to people with disabilities and people over 80 years of age.

Circumstances like these do not allow the "nurse" to work officially. But looking after the old man is entitled to compensation. It is 1,200 rubles. The government will make payments to the caregiver to the Pension Fund.

Other circumstances

We will talk about the confirmation of the general work experience later. First, let's look at a complete list of periods that count towards retirement.

In addition to the listed components, you may encounter the following situations:

  • participation in paid public works;
  • moving to another area in the direction from the employment service;
  • problems with employment while being in the status of a spouse of a contract soldier;
  • residence abroad due to the fact that the spouse conducts consular or diplomatic activities abroad on behalf of the Russian Federation.

All these circumstances are taken into account in the insurance experience. But there are some peculiarities that everyone will have to remember.

If we are talking about the spouses of the military, then the total period of "problems with work", which is taken into account in the total length of service for a pension, cannot be more than 5 years. The same amount of not working is allowed in the last described version.

Behind bars by mistake

Separately, the period of detention should be highlighted. In general, this time is not reflected in any way on the "labor history" of a person. Due to the conclusion, one cannot get one step closer to retirement.

The exception is situations when a citizen was "imprisoned" by mistake. Then the entire period of serving the sentence will be taken into account upon reaching the retirement age. This is an extremely rare but existing phenomenon.

Training and work

Is study included in the general work experience? This question worries many students. Especially those who study full-time. Combining such training with work is problematic. Sometimes it's impossible.

Until 2012, "points" were taken into account in seniority. But now the situation in Russia has changed. The point is that during the period of study at the university, a citizen does not make any social contributions. Neither the university nor the municipality do this either. Accordingly, study is not considered work. It is an independent unit.

Is the institute included in the general length of service? No, if we are talking about a period of study in any form after 01.01.2012. There are no exceptions and there cannot be. Such rules are in force in Russia today.

Foreign affairs

Today, residents of the Russian Federation have the opportunity to go to work abroad. This decision raises a lot of questions in terms of the formation of the future pension.

The point is that, ideally, the time of official work is not included in the total length of service. This only happens when:

  • the corresponding clause is spelled out in the contract;
  • the employer makes contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Accordingly, it is impossible to say for sure when employment outside of Russia will be taken into account when obtaining pensioner status.

What does not include

There is a certain list of circumstances that are not considered either as labor or in the form of insurance periods. Everyone should know about them.

These include:

  • study in any form;
  • living under occupation or in concentration camps during the Second World War;
  • stay in besieged Leningrad;
  • caring for parents or HIV patients.

The situations described will not have an impact on the pension. They will not affect the citizen's "insurance history" in any way.

How to confirm

And how to carry out confirmation of experience? This is done in different ways. The following options are possible:

  • according to the work book and other certificates;
  • evidence of two or more witnesses.

As a rule, the second option is possible when the applicant has lost his documents. For example, after a natural disaster. Ideally, the confirmation of the length of service takes place with the help of various papers.

Among them are:

  • certificates from the FIU about deductions per person;
  • business statements;
  • birth certificates of children;
  • work books.

In reality, everything is much simpler than it seems. But a seniority calculator will still come in handy for correct calculations.

Basic calculation rules

  1. Subtract the date of hiring from the date of dismissal of the employee. Add 1 day to the resulting figure. To calculate the total seniority, you need to add all the results together.
  2. A year of experience = 12 months, and a month consists of 30 days. Moreover, if there are no exact figures regarding the beginning and end of work in the company, then for these components they take either the 15th day of the month or the middle of the year - July 1.

Ideally, the user can calculate any type of seniority using special calculators. Work experience is easy to find on the PFR website. There is a corresponding service there. Having indicated the data from the available papers, the citizen will quickly cope with the task at hand.

Another way to solve the problem is to contact the Pension Fund with SNILS. Employees of the relevant service will help you cope with the task.

Work experience is the total duration of a citizen's activity, which is legally included in the length of service, which is the main factor for obtaining social guarantees defined by Russian legislation.

Work experience is regulated many regulations, such as:

  1. International treaties concluded by the Russian Federation, which have a higher priority than federal legislative acts. If an international treaty prescribes other rules concerning, for example, determining the duration of the term of employment or other activities, then in practice the provisions of this treaty are applied, and not the corresponding federal law.
  2. Legislative acts.
  3. By-laws - decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation.
  4. Normative legal acts of ministries, departments and subjects of the Russian Federation.

Types of work experience

Such types of work experience:

  • general;
  • continuous;
  • special;
  • insurance.


What is included in the total length of service?

It takes into account all labor or social activities of a person from the moment they reach working age. The general work experience also includes the period of study - with the exception of studies in educational institutions.

Important... Breaks from work do not affect the length of the total length of service. Only periods of work with formal employment are taken into account.


The period of the last uninterrupted work for one employer (or for several employers, if the interruptions in work did not exceed the time limits established by law) is defined by law as continuous length of service. It does not affect the size of the pension in any way, but the size of the accrued benefit for temporary disability, the receipt of allowances, benefits, various subsidies and other payments depends on it.


The period of work in certain sectors of the economy and geographic regions, for some professions and positions is defined by law as a special length of service. It includes:

  1. Work in special working conditions.
  2. Work and service in the Far North or areas equated to it.
  3. Work in civil aviation.
  4. Work in education and health systems.
  5. Military service.
  6. Service in law enforcement bodies.


The periods during which payments were made to the Pension Fund of Russia of insurance contributions are defined by law as insurance experience. Its duration is a defining condition for the appointment of an old-age pension.

To receive an old-age pension, a six-year minimum insurance experience has been established since 2015, and by 2025 it is planned to gradually increase it to 15 years.

For reference. If a person does not work, but at the same time voluntarily pays insurance contributions to the Pension Fund, then these periods of payments are included in the insurance experience.

What else is included in seniority?

Work experience also includes such periods:

One and a half coefficient for periods:

Double coefficient for periods:

  1. Works in leper colony and anti-plague institutions.
  2. Work during the war (work in the temporarily occupied territories is not counted).
  3. Urgent military service.
  4. Living in Leningrad during the blockade.
  5. Being in concentration camps during the war.

Triple coefficient for periods:

  1. Service in the active army and partisan detachments during hostilities.
  2. Treatment in hospitals for the consequences of military injuries.
  3. Military service in the Chernobyl exclusion zone.
  4. Works in Leningrad during the blockade.
  5. Remaining in custody and imprisonment (including in exile) of persons who were subjected to unjustified criminal prosecution or were unreasonably repressed, and then rehabilitated.

Documents confirming the experience

The work book is the main document with which a citizen can confirm his seniority.

If the work book has disappeared or it contains erroneous, inaccurate or incorrectly executed entries, then confirm experience can be done using the following documents:

  • earnings certificates;
  • extracts from orders for employment and dismissal;
  • payroll;
  • specifications;
  • contracts with employees;
  • other documents that contain the necessary data.

Only original documents are submitted for confirmation. This does not apply to the work book, for which a copy of it is presented, certified by the body that appoints the pension.

When going to retire, everyone should know how to calculate seniority and what is included in it. The length of service for women, as well as for men, is the duration of all labor activity. Work experience is the basis for retirement, going on vacation, receiving benefits, etc. Proof of seniority is a work book, in which all data about the work are entered. To know how to correctly calculate the length of service, it is necessary to distinguish between its types: general, continuous, special.

  1. General work experience. Let's look at what the total length of service is and what is included in the length of service and what is included in it. Total work experience is the total duration of all work, regardless of the break in work experience. Taking into account the total length of service, an old-age pension or a disability pension can be assigned, and the amount of the pension is calculated. This includes work in the public service or enterprise, in organizations or institutions, collective farms and agriculture, creative unions. It should be noted that study is also included in the work experience, the corresponding entry in the work book can be made after graduating from the university and receiving a diploma.
  2. Continuous work experience. This type of seniority has no legal significance in the appointment of a pension, it characterizes only a certain period of time throughout the entire period of work. However, continuous work experience can play an important role in obtaining additional benefits and allowances for pensions or wages. Such benefits are a kind of encouragement from the employer, with the aim of the employee's long-term work in a permanent workplace. These can be benefits for receiving sanatorium vouchers, additional vacations, bonuses and rewards, additional payments, increased benefits, etc.
  3. Special work experience. This type of work experience covers only certain industries and positions, activities and professions. These can be special working conditions, service in the Far North, service in the bodies and special services, disabilities of varying degrees, harmful working conditions.

How to find out your work experience?

Consider how to correctly calculate the length of service and what is included in the length of service. The minimum length of service for a pension is 20 years for women and 25 years for men. If the length of service is less, then the pension will also decrease significantly. In addition, the right to a pension is also determined by the insurance experience, the period during which insurance contributions to the pension fund were paid. These contributions are usually automatically collected from wages when the job is applied. Any person is subject to compulsory pension insurance.

A separate point is to consider maternity leave and work experience. A pregnant woman, or one who has a small child under the age of three, cannot be fired, unless only in the event of the complete liquidation of an enterprise or organization. She is granted maternity leave for a period specified by law, and is also granted leave. childcare up to three years old and unpaid leave. Also, the legislation provides for parental leave for a child under six years of age (in some cases), which will also be included in the length of service. All these types of vacations are included in the general work experience, in the continuous one, as well as in the work experience in the specialty.

Work experience - the total time (duration) of labor, social activities. Also here are added separate periods in which the citizen did not work, but the law provides for the possibility of counting this period of time in the length of service.

The concept of “seniority” appears in the Federal Law “On Labor Pensions”. Information about a person's labor activity is recorded in the work book. There are several types of seniority:
  • General (this is all useful labor activity at a working age, which is taken into account when calculating pensions - by age, by disability, etc.).
  • Continuous (affects the receipt of any cash payments of the supplementary plan: a housing subsidy, an increase in benefits, a one-time remuneration, a salary increase, pensions, sanatorium vouchers, additional vacations, etc.; this length of service does not affect the amount of pension).
  • Insurance (includes those periods of time during which a person paid contributions to the Pension Fund; it is on this basis that an old-age pension is assigned).
  • Special work experience (the period of time of work for any position, profession, in a certain industry, area, etc.).
When calculating the total length of service, work breaks are not important, the main thing is the total amount of time actually worked. In addition to work, the work experience also includes:
  • study at the university;
  • childcare (1.5 years for a maximum of 4 children, i.e. not more than 6 years in total);
  • decree (receiving social benefits due to temporary disability);
  • period of state registered for unemployment;
  • the period of service in the Department of Internal Affairs, the army, in the bodies, institutions of the criminal-correctional system;
  • caring for a disabled person, for a person who has turned 80 years old;
  • vacation period, sick leave;
  • performance of public works;
  • stay in prison, colony, exile, repression (subject to subsequent rehabilitation);
  • the period when a citizen does not work, but voluntarily makes contributions to the Pension Fund;
  • stay with a spouse during the redistribution of a civil servant to another area for employment.
The described periods are included in the seniority provided that immediately before them (after them) there was at least 1 day of labor activity, and there were deductions to the PF. Remember that seniority is necessary for a citizen to receive various compensations and guarantees. Therefore, it is worth thinking about the future, not living for today.

Each accounting department, personnel department of the organization provides for a system for calculating seniority, usually in the form of a program. It will not be difficult for an accountant to say how much experience you have if you are interested in this issue.

Work experience can be:

  1. General.
  2. Special - characterizes only certain industries, positions and professions. For example, special working conditions, disabilities of varying severity. Also, the monetary remuneration for the length of service depends on the duration of the special experience.
  3. Continuous - characterizes a certain period of time for the entire time of work. At the same time, in some cases, it can affect the receipt of additional benefits and allowances.
  4. Insurance.

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Total experience

General work experience- represents the amount of the duration of labor and socially useful activities, as well as the periods of activity that are stipulated by law. Based on the total experience, the size is determined:

  • old age pensions;
  • in some cases it may be necessary to determine the amount of the seniority pension.

There are two key points for inclusion in seniority:

  • Professional activity should be carried out only on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  • It is necessary for payments to be made to the RF Pension Fund.

It is worth noting that the total length of service can include the period of work that was carried out outside the country, but subject to:

  • that this clause must necessarily be spelled out in an international treaty;
  • contributions were made to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

The total experience includes:

  1. The period when one of the parents provides constant care for the child until he reaches one and a half years. It should be borne in mind that there is a limitation - no more than four and a half years in general for each of the parents. Important, before January 1, 2014, the length of service included a period equal to no more than three years. Consequently, with an increase in this period, the amount of labor pensions, which was established before January 1, 2014, is subject to recalculation.
  2. The period of temporary disability during which payments for compulsory social insurance were received (sick leave).
  3. Service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and equated to it.
  4. The time when a citizen was in custody or in places of deprivation of liberty due to unjustified criminal prosecution.
  5. The period when a citizen is registered with the employment service and at the same time receives.
  6. Period of participation in public works that are payable.
  7. The time of relocation or relocation for the purpose of employment in another locality, provided that this is carried out in the direction of the employment service.
  8. The time of residence of the spouses of contract servicemen in places where they could not find a job due to the lack of such an opportunity. Important, in total, this period should be no more than five years.
  9. The period of time when permanent care is provided for a disabled person of the first group, for a pensioner whose age is over eighty years. Important, care should be carried out only by an able-bodied person.
  10. The period of stay abroad of the wives / husbands of employees who are sent to carry out professional activities in the diplomatic and consular offices of the Russian Federation. Important, the total should be no more than five years.

An important point, concerning the period of study of full-time students. Until January 1, 2012, full-time education, along with work, was included in the general education. But in connection with the current pension program, periods of study are not considered work activities, since the payment of insurance contributions to the country's Pension Fund does not occur, which means that this period will not be included in the calculation of future pension.

All of the above activities will be counted in the seniority only if the requirement is met.

Professional activity should be strictly obligatory before and after them. It should be noted that there is no duration limit.

Periods that are not included in the total length of service:

  1. Training, various training / retraining courses.
  2. The period of residence of citizens in the occupied regions during the Second World War.
  3. Staying in concentration camps during the Second World War.
  4. Accommodation during the siege of Leningrad.
  5. Time for caring for HIV-infected minors by parents and other legal representatives.

Confirmation of seniority can be carried out in two ways:

  1. Based on entries in the work book of the established sample. In case of loss of employment, you can provide a contract, an order for hiring, as well as extracts on deductions from salaries.
  2. Confirmation by testimony of two or more witnesses. This method can be used, for example, in case of loss of documents during a large-scale natural disaster.

Calculation of the total length of service

The calculation of the total length of service is necessary for a citizen, first of all, at the time of retirement. According to Russian law, full work experience is 25 years for men and 20 years for women. Provided that the length of service is fully worked out, the size of the future pension will be calculated according to the employee's average earnings, and equal to 55% of it.

The current pension program proposes to increase the length of service for processing over the established years, for 1 year there is an increase of 1%, but not more than 20%.

Thus, all pensioners who continue to carry out professional activities are adjusted to the length of service.

The calculation of seniority can be done in two ways:

  • simple;
  • preferential.

With a simple method, counting can be done manually, but a more convenient way is to use a special computer program. When calculating by hand, it is best and more convenient to calculate when all the data is collected in a column. The calculation is carried out for each individual place of work of a citizen.

To do this, it is necessary to subtract the date of the employee's first working day from the date of dismissal of the employee and add one day. The total will be the sum of all the results obtained. It is worth noting that a whole year of experience is 12 calendar months, and a month consists of only 30 days. Important keep in mind that if there are no exact dates of entry in the labor book, then the beginning and end of the period is considered to be the middle of the month (15th day) or the middle of the year - July 1.

Based on the legislation, each citizen must have at least five years of experience in order to receive a basic old-age pension. If the labor activity will be more than five years, then the following formula applies.

To the base pension is added the result of the ratio of all payments that were made by the citizen to the pension fund to the total number of months during which the state undertakes to pay the pension (228 months).

Continuous experience

Continuous work experience has no effect on the size of the pension. But there are cases when, nevertheless, when calculating the total experience, it becomes necessary to compare the data obtained with continuous experience. If, when comparing, the total length of service is less than the continuous one, then the determination of the amount of the benefit will be carried out according to the data of the continuous length of service.

Continuous seniority will be maintained if:

  • when changing the place of work, the period of termination of work activity did not exceed one calendar month;
  • the employee terminated the employment contract on his own initiative and the temporary break, until the moment of employment at a new enterprise, was no more than 3 weeks;
  • a woman is in a position, has children under 14 years old or a disabled child under 16 years old;
  • the employee terminated the employment contract on his own initiative, due to the fact that the husband / wife was transferred to another locality to continue his professional activity or retired.

Continuous work experience will not be maintained if the employment contract was terminated due to:

  • systematic failure to fulfill their direct labor duties;
  • failure to show up for work for a good reason;
  • being drunk at work;
  • if a court verdict comes into force, according to which the worker is sent to places of imprisonment.

So, let's summarize some conclusions about the article:

  1. The size of the pension is directly affected by the total length of service.
  2. Labor activity is included in the calculation of the total length of service, provided that it is carried out on the territory of the state and social payments are made.
  3. To receive a basic pension, you must have no more than five years of total work experience.
  4. To receive social benefits, for example, when calculating a sick leave, at 100% rate, you must have at least 8 years of work.
  5. It is possible to confirm the length of service by means of entries in the work book or by means of testimony.

It is worth noting that the calculation of the total length of service for each employee can be carried out not only by the pension fund, but also by the personnel department at work, which must have a special computer program.

Every citizen should think about the amount of his future pension in advance and consciously make a choice of work in favor of the organization that pays wages officially, and not in envelopes, since the size of the pension will be calculated on the basis of the employee's average wage.