What is anti-cellulite massage? Anti-cellulite massage at home. Anti-cellulite massage Guasha

Regular massage improves blood supply to tissues, normalizes cell nutrition, and reduces body fat. Massage is a must anti-cellulite program... You can sign up for a massage course in the salon or perform this procedure yourself, at home.

Please note that the results of the massage do not appear immediately. You will have to wait 2-3 weeks, and sometimes even longer. It all depends on the condition of your skin, as well as on the individual characteristics of the body, therefore, during the massage, you should not be too zealous: the quantity will not turn into quality, but, on the contrary, will worsen the situation. Massaging too much will cause bruising and swelling, so massage your skin gently and gently.

If you suffer from varicose veins or dermatological diseases, massage is contraindicated for you.

There are 3 main types of anti-cellulite massage: manual (manual), dry rubbing and vacuum massage.

Manual anti-cellulite massage

The main techniques of manual anti-cellulite massage are stroking, patting, gripping, "kneading" movements, pinching and pinching.

First, wash your hands, dry them dry and apply massage oil or anti-cellulite product all over your body. Thanks to these formulations, your hands will glide easily over the skin, and a special anti-cellulite cream will enhance the effect of the massage.

Anti-cellulite products, both pharmaceutical and homemade, contain ingredients that can cause allergies. For example, honey is considered one of the best helpers in the fight against cellulite. But for all its positive qualities, honey is a strong allergen. Therefore, be sure to perform a skin sensitivity test before using a new cosmetic product. For this, on the inner fold of the elbow, apply a little cream that you are going to use and rub it into the skin. If you show signs of an allergic reaction within 12 hours, stop using this product.

The massage is carried out from the bottom up, that is, they start with the legs, then move on to the thighs, buttocks, abdomen and finally massage the hands. The stomach is rubbed especially carefully: the movements should be smooth, light and clockwise. Do not massage the groin, inner thighs and hamstrings!

Anti-cellulite massage oil

Required: 1 tbsp. l. any vegetable oil, 2 drops of lemon, orange or grapefruit essential oil, 3 drops of juniper oil.

Preparation: Heat vegetable oil in a water bath to 35-37 ° С, add essential oil and stir.

Application... Use warm oil during massage.

Dry rubbing

Dry rubbing is carried out using a massage glove, a brush with natural, not very stiff bristles, or a terry towel folded in a cord.

To achieve the result, this massage must be done at least 2 times a week, and the session must last an average of 5 minutes. However, time is not the main reference point here - problem areas of the body must be rubbed until persistent redness.

When you try this type of massage in practice, you will make sure that the skin covered with a cellulite crust remains pale for a long time, because blood circulation is impaired in the changed fat layer. You will probably want to quickly achieve persistent redness, and you will begin to intensively "rub" the problem areas. Do not give in to this impulse! You will not achieve anything good by force, just bruise yourself and scratch your skin. Dry rubbing, like other types of anti-cellulite massage, must be done carefully, without any extra effort. It is better to spend more time on massage, but get the desired result.

When rubbing, as with manual massage, you need to move from the bottom up.

Pay special attention: dry rubbing should not be done on a wet body! The skin must be dry, otherwise you will simply injure the skin.

After the massage, apply milk or nourishing cream to the body. Massage the cosmetic into the skin thoroughly with gentle massaging movements.

Vacuum massage

For this type of massage, buy a silicone can at the pharmacy.

It is advisable to do massage daily. The duration of the procedure is about 10-15 minutes. As with dry rubbing, the main signal that it is time to finish the massage is the appearance of persistent redness.

Lubricate problem areas of the body with massage oil and bring the silicone can to the skin. Due to the vacuum, the jar will "stick" to your body. Move it in a circular motion over the problem area. Throughout the entire procedure, the jar will be held on your body thanks to the vacuum.

When persistent redness appears on the skin, finish the massage, cover yourself with a warm blanket and lie down for a while to keep warm. Then take a shower and lubricate the problem areas with an anti-cellulite product or body milk with citrus essential oils.

To fight cellulite, it is useful to visit a bathhouse or sauna. Steam at least 1 time a week, and to consolidate the anti-cellulite effect of the bath, go in for swimming and exercise.

The notorious "Orange peel"- this is a nuisance that pesters not only puffy representatives of the weaker sex, but also slender, athletic beauties.

And this is not surprising! After all, cellulite is not only medical, but also aesthetic skin defect, which takes a lot of effort and time to fight!

What is the reason? Let's look at the very mechanism of cellulite, and also find out what methods of fighting for perfect female body.

So, cellulite (from the Latin cellula - "cell") - these are specific changes in adipose tissue, which lead to the formation of these unpleasant bumps on the skin.

In simple terms, our adipose tissue is made up of fat cells - adipocytes, which are shaped like lemon slices. Between these cells is collagen (connective tissue), which are very strong threads. Their purpose is keep the skin stable.

In addition to collagen fibers, there are elastin fibers (in the form of small springs), which act as a shock absorber. In addition, the hypodermis contains a large number of superficial blood vessels and nerve endings.

In adiptocytes, various metabolic processes constantly occur, such as fat synthesis - lipogenesis and its decay - lipolysis. Under the influence of certain factors, the processes of lipogenesis begin to prevail over the processes of lipolysis, which leads to growth, increase fat cell, which, in turn, leads to tension of the collagen fibers.

This contributes to the fact that fat cells squeeze blood and lymph vessels, stagnation of oxygen exchange occurs, poor lymph outflow, swelling and soreness of the skin occurs.

The whole process leads to unevenness on the surface of the skin, which in the common people is called "orange peel" - because of its similarity to the peel of an orange.

Such changes are very stable, and fat cells are not at all inclined to "lose weight". That is why even slender ladies cannot get rid of this problem in any way.

The causes of cellulite

As you know, the beautiful half of humanity is more susceptible to cellulite. This is due to the hormone estrogen, which affects the decrease in the activity of blood vessels, which means that there is a violation of microcirculation and metabolism.

TO causes of cellulite include the following:

  • nature of food: an unbalanced diet with a predominance of saturated fats, excessive consumption of salty, spicy foods, which leads to fluid retention and the formation of edema;
  • passive lifestyle or work "on legs", which leads to stagnation of the lymphatic system;
  • wearing tight clothes, shoes with heels;
  • smoking;
  • short-term stress, as well as prolonged excitement;
  • various diseases of internal organs, as well as diseases of the circulatory system, for example, varicose veins.
  • not the least is heredity and constitution (body structure).

Cellulite Fighting Methods

Today cosmetology cellulite correction should be an integrated.

This complex includes, in addition to establishing healthy eating and physical activity, a range of cosmetic procedures.

Such procedures as: manual (manual) massage, body wrap, pressotherapy, mesotherapy, ozone therapy, electrolipolysis, microcurrent therapy, etc. One of the proven effective ways anti-cellulite massage is an anti-cellulite massage. The question is also often asked, does anti-cellulite massage help you lose weight?

Despite all the effectiveness of the effect of massage on the patient's body (improvement of microcirculation of lymph flow, relaxation and toning, improvement of general well-being), you need to understand that massage does not remove fat, but water, which is in fat cells, due to which there is an effect of instant weight loss, but one should not hope for an early weight loss. Massage starts metabolic processes, which pushes the body to burn fat reserves.

Advice! It must be remembered that anti-cellulite massage will give the best effect only in combination with a balanced diet and physical activity!

Types of anti-cellulite massage


Experts distinguish between the following types of massage:

  • manual (manual);
  • hardware;
  • dry rubbing.

It is also worth highlighting vacuum (cupping) massage - it can be either manual or hardware, and hydromassage - the effect on the affected areas with a jet of water of varying intensity.

Manual (manual) massage

Uniqueness manual massage consists in the fact that it is done by the masseur with his hands without the help of any devices. This allows the specialist to select an individual anti-cellulite massage technique, the degree of impact on the skin surface and the duration of the session.

For achieve the best effect it is necessary to do anti-cellulite massage with a specialist with at least secondary medical education. This will help avoid unpleasant consequences. If you do not have the opportunity to consult a specialist, you can do anti-cellulite massage yourself at home, after carefully studying the technique of its implementation.

Consider basic techniques manual anti-cellulite massage:

  • Stroking. Any massage begins with this technique. It allows you to establish a relationship between the patient and the massage therapist and consists in the fact that the hand smoothly glides over the skin. Stroking can be shallow and deep (if more force is applied when performing it).
  • Kneading. This technique consists in grasping the muscle mass with your hands, kneading it like dough, while mobilizing deep tissues and muscles. This leads to an improvement in cellular metabolism and contributes to the saturation of cells with oxygen. It also helps to remove toxic substances from the body.
  • Vibration. This additional technique is performed manually or mechanically. It is aimed at relieving tension and eliminating muscle tightness. The vibrations can be quite strong and energetic, unlike other techniques that affect the lymphatic system.
  • Manual lymphatic drainage. A rather mild technique of influence is used (suitable for people with a fragile circulatory system, with varicose veins, sensitive skin). For better activation of the lymph flow, you should start with a surge of techniques that unblock the lymph nodes, and then apply medium-force shocks to the areas being massaged.
  • Pat. It is carried out with the palms of the skin on the surface with light to medium intensity. This method helps to speed up blood circulation and creates an overall tonic effect.

It is very important to know that pinching as a method for anti-cellulite massage should be used with extreme care! This is due to the fact that the cellulite areas have an altered structure. They are quite painful under mechanical stress and have fragile blood vessels.

Excessive exposure can cause unpleasant pain and bruising, which is highly undesirable for anti-cellulite massage. Bruising during massage unacceptable!

Attention! One of the basic rules when conducting anti-cellulite massage: do not allow bruising. This leads to stagnant processes in the dermis and can aggravate the situation.

For the best effect during manual massage, special anti-cellulite oils and creams are used. In their absence, it is possible to use conventional cosmetic oil.

Hardware massage

Hardware massage is a cosmetic procedure during which the affected areas are treated with exposure to special devices, expanding the possibilities of specialists in working with severe forms of cellulite.

Complex methods Cellulite treatment involves the use of a wide range of techniques, such as impulse currents, magnetotherapy, electrophoresis, ultrasound, external therapy (peloidotherapy), heat and balneotherapy, mechanotherapy.

These methods, as well as their combination are selected individually for every client. Depending on the level of development of cellulite, a set of preventive measures is selected.

Important! Hardware anti-cellulite massage is carried out only by specialists and only in rooms adapted for this!

Dry rubbing

Dry rubbing is a type of massage using a massage brush or mitten, terry towel, rolling pin, bamboo sticks, or other available methods.

Its peculiarity is that it is carried out on a dry body, without the use of additional oils, creams and lotions. One more advantage- it can be done at home every day, in contrast to the above types of massage.

Its main goal is to improve blood circulation on the surface of the skin, giving general tone. Exposure time - 5 minutes at each site. Dry rubbing can be a good addition to the complex of anti-cellulite procedures.

The frequency of anti-cellulite massage: massage is carried out in a course, on average 2-3 procedures per week, but with the use of additional methods of correction, the frequency of sessions may change. The duration of the massage, depending on the number of problem areas, can be from 30 to 40 minutes.

Anti-cellulite massage zones and massage lines

The areas of the body most susceptible to cellulite are estrogen-dependent areas: thighs, buttocks, abdomen and arms.

It is in these zones that the largest accumulation of fat cells, which increases the risk of cellulite.

Depending on the area being massaged, the direction of the massage lines will be different. So, on the hips and buttocks massage is always performed in the direction of the reverse flow of blood and lymph - that is, from bottom to top, from the foot to the gluteal muscles.

Massage of the abdomen is performed mainly clockwise, since this corresponds to the biological peristalsis of the intestines and the vital activity of internal organs. The direction of hand massage is from the hands to the shoulder joint. Failure to comply with these rules can lead to negative consequences.

Contraindications to anti-cellulite massage

With all the effectiveness of anti-cellulite massage, there is row contraindications to execute it:

  • changes in the skin - the formation of malignant moles, papillomas, etc.;
  • wounds and cracks on the surface of the skin;
  • infectious and non-infectious skin diseases;
  • violation of the activity of the lymphatic and venous system;
  • heavy immune and infectious diseases;
  • cardiovascular disorders.

Nutrition rules to combat cellulite

It is necessary that nutrition for cellulite was balanced and rational, and preference should be given to natural foods rich in fiber. You need to eat foods rich in antioxidants.

Such products are, for example, berries with purple and blue colors: grapes, blueberries, cranberries, black currants and blueberries. The latter are rich not only in antioxidants, but also anti-inflammatory elements.

Watermelon - a unique product whose pulp is rich in vitamin C, and the seeds contain fatty acids, selenium and zinc. Recommended vegetables include broccoli, watercress, Brussels sprouts, cabbage and cauliflower, carrots, radishes and turnips.

Garlic and onions have antioxidant, antiseptic, diuretic and choleretic properties, improve blood circulation, which is very important in the treatment of cellulite. Bell peppers, berries, peas, tomatoes, melons are a source of vitamin C and help to strengthen collagen.

Favorably affect on the body also some spices, such as cloves, cinnamon, turmeric, black pepper. It is important to use vegetable oils containing essential fatty acids in food, as well as fish and lean meats.

When eating should adhere to following rules:

  • Eat regularly, don't skip breakfast.
  • If you're in the mood for a snack, eat fresh fruits and vegetables or nuts, cereal crisps, and unflavored natural yogurt.
  • Don't eat fried foods - prefer boiled, baked, or stewed foods.
  • Have a drink 1-2 glasses of water 15-30 minutes before meals. This will allow you to improve metabolic processes and reduce the size of the serving, which will automatically lead to a decrease in the number of calories consumed.
  • Eat slowly.
  • Only eat when you are hungry.
  • Examine the ingredients on the packaging. This will help you avoid foods that are high in fat, sugar and carcinogens.

Advice! It is also necessary to remember about adherence to the drinking regime when fighting cellulite. You should consume at least 2.5 liters of clean, non-carbonated drinking water per day. Try to avoid drinking alcohol and nicotine, as well as sugary and carbonated drinks.

In general, we can say that anti-cellulite massage gives good effect in the fight against cellulite. A correctly selected individual program and an integrated approach will help to achieve a positive lasting result.

Compliance with dietary rules and healthy lifestyle in combination with massages will help you get rid of the hated "orange peel" and feel boldly and confidently on any beach in the world!

We invite you to watch the video master class - how to do anti-cellulite massage:

Anti-cellulite massage is a combination of special mechanical techniques on tissues in the form of friction, pressure, pressing and vibration. It is carried out on the surface of body parts affected by cellulite deposits.

According to reviews, anti-cellulite massage is most effective with the use of aromatic and massage oils, medicinal ointments, gels and other drugs, as well as temperature exposure.

Experts believe that the correct anti-cellulite massage must be done using oils, since they are already completely ready-made mixtures created directly for anti-cellulite massage.

According to reviews, anti-cellulite massage effectively helps to get rid of tuberosity in the most problematic areas without the use of surgical and hardware techniques. In addition, anti-cellulite massage, like other types of massage, is a pleasant and enjoyable procedure. Usually massage courses consist of 10-15 procedures, depending on the degree of cellulite damage to the body.

The benefits of a proper anti-cellulite massage

Anti-cellulite massage can be easily done at home. Regular and correct massage can achieve the following results:

  • Improving the metabolism between cells and intercellular fluid (activation of the process of nutrition and cell renewal);
  • Improvement of capillary blood circulation (stimulation of blood microcirculation);
  • Prevention of the formation of stagnation processes in the body;
  • Improving lymph flow;
  • Acceleration and facilitation of the removal of excess fluid from the body (the disappearance of edema);
  • Acceleration of the healing process and tissue regeneration;
  • Removal of toxins from the body and relaxation of muscles, raising the tone of muscle tissue;
  • Connective tissues become more flexible and elastic;
  • Due to the improved functioning of the internal organs, the pores of the skin are opened;
  • As a result of active stimulation of the sebaceous and hormonal glands, the structure of the skin is improved;
  • Increased immunity due to the improved functioning of the lymphatic system in the body.

Anti-cellulite massage technique

During the anti-cellulite massage, the following rules must be observed:

  • Before the massage, it is necessary to thoroughly relax the muscles and warm them thoroughly with your hands;
  • The correct anti-cellulite massage is carried out with light and smooth movements. Massage begins at a slow pace, gradually increasing it;
  • It is recommended to massage at least once a week for half an hour;
  • All movements during massage should be directed from bottom to top;
  • It is forbidden to massage the groin area, upper inner thighs and popliteal cavities;
  • An absolute contraindication to anti-cellulite massage is varicose veins and cardiovascular diseases.

The most common anti-cellulite massage techniques are:

  • Stroking - light movements of the fingers, with which any massage should be started and with which it should be finished. Stroking significantly improves blood circulation in the capillaries;
  • Trituration. This technique of anti-cellulite massage is similar to stroking, only with it the fingers should be widely spaced and tight against the skin. Rubbing perfectly improves skin tone, promotes the disappearance of subcutaneous fat, and removes excess fluid from the body. On the legs, rubbing is done from the bottom up, and on the hips - in a circular motion;
  • Patting is a series of blows of varying strength and intensity. The blows must be applied with the joints of the fingers clenched into a fist. This is the most effective anti-cellulite technique;
  • Pressure. It can be superficial or deep. With superficial pressure, the skin should be pulled and released to soften the cellulite areas. With deep pressure with both hands, they grasp as much of the cellulite zone as possible and knead it like dough, gradually bringing the hands closer together. This activates the activity of blood vessels and has a positive effect on the connective tissue. Just 10 minutes a day of such a massage is enough to significantly improve the condition of the skin.

Anti-cellulite massage techniques at home

Cellulite in every woman can manifest itself in different places. So, in some it can be observed on the buttocks and thighs, in others - on the stomach. There are four most effective anti-cellulite massage techniques that are very easy to perform at home:

  • For thighs, knees and buttocks. Place your fingers together and massage the affected areas in a circular motion, pressing lightly. You can do a similar massage with all your fingers, or with each one individually;
  • For thighs, abdomen and inner arms. Grasp the skin firmly with your hands and smooth it from the bottom up. At the same time, the skin should be pinched vigorously, but do not overdo it so that there is no bruising;
  • For the abdomen, thighs and buttocks. Make a fist and forcefully sweep the skin from the knee to the thigh, and then in the opposite direction. Do this until there is a feeling of warmth and the skin starts to redden;
  • For the abdomen, thighs and buttocks. Form a triangle with your thumbs and forefingers and push it towards your thumbs. Then move your thumbs up. This exercise is very simple and effective, therefore it is great for anti-cellulite massage at home.

Anti-cellulite massage with a brush

Deservedly popular massage against cellulite using a massage brush with natural bristles. However, when performing massage using it, you should adhere to the following rules:

Contraindications to anti-cellulite massage

  • Thrombosis, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Diseases of the blood;
  • Diseases of the skin;
  • Pregnancy period;
  • Menstruation;
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • HIV diseases.

Anti-cellulite body massage can be performed in a complex manner or in separate zones: breeches and legs, buttocks, abdomen. Less often - on the arms and back. On each of these zones, it is possible to perform both a manual type of massage and hardware.

Massage of the area of ​​breeches, legs and buttocks

Schematic direction of movement during anti-cellulite massage

Before massaging any area, it will be useful to take a shower and peel the body. Anti-cellulite massage of the buttocks can be a hotel procedure, but more often it is done in conjunction with the hips. The session itself begins with the application of an anti-cellulite gel or cream. This is followed by rubbing the zone, which includes stroking and intense movement. For the massage of the legs and hips, it is important that the movements are from the bottom up. The basis of the massage is an intense forceful effect on the skin. After the end of the session, contrasting patting and stroking is performed. To massage the buttocks, movements are performed diagonally, from the hips to the groin.

Anti-cellulite massage of legs, buttocks and thighs (breeches) is carried out in several ways:

  • Manual massage. It includes several variations of performance: dry, lymphatic drainage and general.
  • ... It can be done with banks, massager, apparatus.
  • Hardware massage. It is also carried out in several ways: hydromassage,.

An important feature of the hip region is that vacuum massage cannot be performed on the inner thighs. In addition, you should be very careful with even mild varicose veins.

Even with mild varicose veins, you should be careful when performing anti-cellulite vacuum massage

You can see how the procedure of anti-cellulite manual massage of the thighs goes here:

In order to reduce visible cellulite in the initial stages, it is not necessary to visit expensive salons. may well take over the fight against the "orange peel".

Abdomen area

The procedure for preparatory actions in the abdomen is the same as in other areas. Cleansing, stroking and warming up. The techniques that can be used for anti-cellulite abdominal massage are also the same. But an important feature is movement during the procedure. After all, the procedure is quite intense and painful, and the internal organs are not protected by the skeleton and muscles. During the massage, the classic techniques of stroking, rubbing, and patting are used. Plus vibration and tingling. But this procedure should be performed as carefully as possible so as not to harm the internal organs. You can watch how to do self-massage in the video:

Massage the abdomen should be done 1-2 hours after eating.

Cellulite deposits are the main enemy of body beauty. Millions of women, as well as many men, dream of getting rid of the hated "orange peel" and finding smooth and beautiful skin. Fighting cellulite is extremely difficult, but with the right comprehensive approach, it is still possible. You need to practice healthy eating, exercise, lead a healthy lifestyle and apply various types of anti-cellulite massage, and other useful procedures.

The main causes of cellulite are disorders of lymphatic drainage and blood circulation in the subcutaneous fat layers. That is why various massage techniques and techniques are used to treat it.

Regular sessions of anti-cellulite massage improve blood circulation in tissues, reduce unwanted fat deposits, and normalize cell nutrition.

However, you should not wait for an instant result, the effect of the procedures does not appear immediately. Only after a course of 12-15 sessions, the volume of the body decreases, the skin is smoothed and tightened. And sometimes 2-3 courses may be required. It all depends on the condition of the skin and the body as a whole, as well as on the selected type of massage. Let's consider the main types of anti-cellulite massage in more detail.

Manual (manual, classic, general) massage is the simplest, but at the same time a very effective way to get rid of cellulite. It is performed locally - in those places where cellulite is pronounced. It is recommended to do classical massage every day for 20-30 minutes, using the basic techniques - gripping, stroking, pinching, pressing, patting, etc. In this case, you need to ensure that the movements are not very strong, so that bruises and bruises do not occur.

After 14-15 sessions, it is imperative to take a two-week break, since too frequent procedures put a heavy load on the circulatory and cardiac systems of the body. During the massage, it is necessary to use special products - oils, gels and creams that enhance the massage effect. However, it must be remembered that these funds in their composition may contain components that can cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, the sensitivity test is a mandatory preparation for the classic manual massage.

Classic manual massage is also a medical procedure that improves the general condition of the skin and the whole body. You need to start massaging at a slow pace, accelerating gradually. All movements during manual massage should be directed from bottom to top and along parts of the body as well: legs, hips, buttocks, back, neck, abdomen, arms. The abdomen is rubbed very carefully: stroking should be light, smooth and performed clockwise.

The popliteal folds, inner thighs, peri-groin and groin should never be massaged!

Hardware anti-cellulite massage is also very effective and is in demand in beauty salons. This type of massage can help get rid of cellulite even at an advanced stage using various hardware methods: vacuum, press, electric current, vibration, temperature, ultrasonic massage. The procedure is quite energetic, sometimes painful, but the result is worth it.

Hardware massage against cellulite allows you to shape your figure, effectively burns fats, improves skin condition, removes toxins, toxins, excess fluid from the body, and is also an excellent alternative to liposuction. To achieve a sustainable result, it is necessary to conduct a course of 15-20 procedures, 2-3 sessions per week.

However, there is a fairly large list of contraindications for these types of cellulite treatment:

  • disorders in the endocrine system;
  • infectious diseases;
  • epilepsy;
  • pregnancy;
  • skin diseases;
  • varicose veins;
  • malignant formations;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • recent surgery or injury.

Vacuum (cupping) anti-cellulite massage

For this type of massage, a silicone can is used, therefore its second name is canned anti-cellulite massage. The vacuum method of cellulite treatment is based on reflexion: the vacuum arising in the jar irritates the skin receptors, which leads to reddening of the skin and blood flow to this area. Therefore, the duration of the session should not exceed 15-20 minutes, otherwise the vacuum effect will lead to rupture of blood vessels.

During the procedure, problem areas are lubricated with massage cream or oil, then a silicone jar is brought to the skin, which is "sucked" to the body, creating a vacuum effect. The bank moves along the problem area in a circular motion, constantly holding on to the body. After the procedure, you need to cover yourself with a blanket and lie down for a while, then take a shower and lubricate the body with milk with citrus essential oils.

The vacuum method increases the tone and elasticity in the muscles of the massaged areas, and also increases the rate of their contraction and resistance to temperature extremes. Therefore, vacuum massage for cellulite is perfectly combined with the room of a bath, sauna, as well as swimming and fitness classes. You need to take a steam bath or visit the pool at least 1 time a week in order to, by combining vacuum massage, remove as much toxins and toxins from the body through the skin as possible.

Massage lines for vacuum massage

Anti-cellulite massage with honey

To improve the condition of the skin, to combat cellulite deposits, to remove toxins, honey anti-cellulite massage with extracts of various medicinal plants or other means is used. The technique of honey anti-cellulite massage refers to a type of reflex therapy, and consists in warming up problem areas of the body. Salts and excess fat are removed through the skin of the massaged areas.

The technique itself involves applying 1-2 teaspoons of liquid, unsweetened honey to the palms and patting the cellulite-affected areas with your hands until the mixture is completely absorbed into the skin. Honey, penetrating deep into the skin, dramatically improves blood circulation and improves nutrition in the tissues, underlying muscles and internal organs, and also absorbs toxins.

Anti-cellulite massage with honey cleanses the deep layers of the skin, smoothing them, and burns the capsules of fat cells, mixing their contents with interstitial fluid, which is removed to the surface along with other harmful toxins. After using the honey technique, the skin in problem areas becomes elastic, silky, elastic, all subcutaneous seals are smoothed, the muscles acquire tone.

Lymphatic drainage technique for cellulite

Often, along with anti-cellulite, lymphatic drainage massage is also used, which is aimed at activating lymph and blood flow. Lymph is the intercellular fluid in the body, the very 80% water. All harmful substances are excreted through the lymph, but for various reasons, lymph stagnation occurs in the tissues, as a result of which cellulite is formed, and excess fluid is not excreted from the body. The lymphatic type of massage removes this fluid, fighting cellulite and congestion.

Lymphatic drainage massage includes several techniques:

  1. Superficial - done with the hands, acts on the capillaries and neuroreceptors that are located in the skin.
  2. Deep - also carried out with the help of hands, in addition to blood vessels and capillaries, affects the deep layers of tissue, eliminating congestion.
  3. Internal - hardware lymphatic drainage subspecies, based on microcurrent effects on large lymph nodes.

Lymphatic drainage massage involves light pressure, wave and circular movements from the bottom up, pushing the lymph to the lymph nodes, which filter it and return it to the blood. In addition, there is a positive effect on the central nervous system. Lymphatic type of massage is carried out for at least 1 hour, but the procedure is almost painless and very relaxing.

Thai anti-cellulite massage technique

Thai anti-cellulite massage refers to exotic techniques, it is based on techniques that affect the energy zones of the human body: meridians and active points, while not individual areas are worked out, but the whole body. During the session, which lasts 2-2.5 hours, the patient will feel a huge amount of pleasant movements and twisting in the joints.

The Thai massage procedure for cellulite normalizes metabolism, enhances lymph flow, corrects the figure, fights cellulite, stimulates the burning of subcutaneous fat, improves skin color, firmness and elasticity. The recommended course is 12-15 sessions.

Dry rubbing, aromatic, therapeutic and other types of anti-cellulite massage are also used, however, the varieties described above are the most popular and effective.