What is face and body exfoliation? Deep chemical peeling at home with salicylic acid and calcium chloride


Depending on the substances and methods used for peeling, peeling can be chemical, mechanical, laser, radio wave peeling, etc. Any type of peeling thinns the stratum corneum, removes small comedones, facilitates access to deeper layers of the skin, expands pores and softens the skin. which often makes peeling a preparatory process for subsequent procedures. Peeling also enhances cell division of the basal layer, and the skin becomes smooth and light, acquiring a younger and healthier look.

Exfoliation is successfully performed using mechanical or chemical means.


Mechanical exfoliation uses facial scrub microbeads, crushed almond shells, sugar or salt crystals, pumice stone, and abrasive materials such as loofah. These face scrubs are readily available, retail and consumer use.


For chemical exfoliation, scrubs containing salicylic acid, glycolic acid, plant enzymes (proteases), citric acid or malic acid are used, which can be used by a dermatologist both in high concentration and in low concentration - consumers.

The purpose of exfoliation is to help rejuvenate the skin and prevent unwanted skin conditions such as acne scars or ingrown hairs. The use of the term is associated with daily skin care. Cosmetic procedures such as dermabrasion and microdermabrasion are used in special cases of exfoliation: when removing the surface layer of the skin, it is similar to resurfacing.

It is very important to exfoliate the skin no more than 2 times a week, unless a daily exfoliator is used. You have to be careful with the skin, do not apply strong pressure - it is easy to pat your face horizontally. It is best to apply a light exfoliation with small crystals to avoid irritation on the skin. It is not advised to exfoliate against hair growth immediately after showering and not to shave, although it is useful to prevent ingrown hairs.

see also

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Our body has the ability to constantly change, renew itself - some cells are born, some die off. The skin, as one of the organs of the body, is also involved in this process, and skin cells are subject to the process of death and regeneration.
Everything in the world requires care. So is our skin : dead cells remain on its surface, and if they are not removed in time, the skin becomes clogged, acquires a dull unhealthy shade. A natural conclusion suggests itself: to stimulate skin renewal, make it soft, clean and healthy, you need to cleanse the skin, remove dead cells. There is an affordable and simple method of cleansing the skin - exfoliation, which allows you to quickly and efficiently remove the dead layer of cells.

What is needed for exfoliation?

  • special exfoliating cosmetics,
  • a brush or special gloves for the body,
  • body lotion,
  • pumice.

How to properly exfoliate?

  • Remember one necessary rule: you need to start the procedure from the bottom, from the toes and soles of the feet, gradually going up.
  • Another rule: if the skin is "burnt" due to sunburn (overburned) or if the skin has wounds, cuts, exfoliation should not be performed.
  • To soften the skin, you need to make yourself a foot bath with warm milk half an hour before taking a shower (one glass of milk per bowl of water).
  • Before taking a shower, dry skin should be cleaned with a body brush. This simple procedure will help prepare our skin for the exfoliation process.
  • Use a pumice stone to remove rough skin.
  • Apply the exfoliating scrub to the skin using gloves. Starting at the feet, massage the skin in a circular motion. Be careful with the bikini area - there the movements should be softer, more gentle.
  • You can use a long-handled body brush to cleanse your back.
  • The skin of the face should be massaged with gentle circular movements of small amplitude, trying to avoid the area around the eyes and mouth. For the face, you need to use a separate cosmetic product - softer, since the skin on the face is much more sensitive than on the rest of the body.
  • Next, you need to rinse off the exfoliating agent, first with warm and then cold water. You can pre-apply shower gel to your skin.
  • After the shower, the skin needs to be softened and soothed. To do this, apply an emollient cream or moisturizing lotion. The best option is to use moisturizers that contain alpha and beta hydroxy acids.
  • Remember that exfoliation will dry out your skin and that moisture loss needs to be replenished with moisturizing cosmetics.
  • For exfoliation, you can use natural scrubs: sugar,

During chemical peeling, aggressive substances (acids) are applied to the skin in order to exfoliate and further renew the epidermis.

During the procedure, the skin receives a chemical burn of varying degrees depending on the type of exfoliation, which leads to the activation of protective properties, the formation of young healthy cells and the synthesis of collagen fibers.

Varieties of the procedure

Acid exfoliation, depending on the depth of exposure, is:

  1. , in which only keratinized cells are exfoliated. This type is the most gentle and delicate. For this type of peeling, fruit acids are used (almond, lactic, glycolic, etc.) and sometimes salicylic, the effect of which is quite difficult to control. The rehabilitation period is three to four days.
  2. - the effect is carried out on the upper layer of the living epidermis using trichloroacetic, salicylic acids or Jessner's solutions. The procedure is painful enough. It is recommended to perform it under local anesthesia. During the rehabilitation period, which lasts a month, special care is prescribed for the correct restoration of the skin.
  3. - it is carried out with phenol derivatives under local anesthesia or even general anesthesia. The session goes up to "blood dew", that is, a sufficiently strong injury to the epidermis. The rehabilitation period in this case lasts from a month to three.

At home, such procedures are unrealistic to carry out without harm to health and appearance.

Chemical peeling should only be done by a professional, strictly controlling the degree of exposure to active substances on the patient's skin.

If the exfoliation process during the session gets out of control due to the individual reaction of the epidermis to aggressive substances, then the beautician has in his arsenal of tools to prevent negative consequences. It is impossible to do this at home.

Types and purpose of peels:

What problems does it solve

Superficial peeling can be carried out from adolescence. During the procedure, dead skin cells are removed from the surface of the epidermis, which allows it to breathe.

As a result of this type of exfoliation, you can also:

  • cleanse the skin of acne and comedones;
  • normalize the work of the sebaceous glands;
  • even out tone and relief;
  • remove fine wrinkles.

After two courses of treatment with an interval of three months, age spots and keloid scars (post-acne) become less noticeable.

Using the median method chemical exposure, it is additionally possible to get rid of the following defects:

  • wrinkles;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • flabbiness and sagging;
  • scars.

Deep chemical exfoliation carried out for the purpose of rejuvenation. After properly carried out rehabilitation care, the skin becomes renewed, soft and youthful.

The main stages of professional cleansing

Each professional has his own experience, secrets and peculiarities when carrying out cosmetic procedures, but the basic algorithm of actions remains constant:

After the professional chemical peeling of the face in the salon, it is necessary to spray the epidermis with thermal water several times a day and lubricate it with a moisturizer.

After superficial exfoliation, creams with shea butter, shea butter, kelp extract or aloe juice are suitable.

During rehabilitation after deeper influences the cosmetologist can recommend creams "Panthenol", "Lipobase" or their analogs.

Where to do

Superficial exfoliation can be done in any salon worthy of your trust.

In order for chemical peeling, regardless of the depth of the effect, to bring only benefits, you must first consult a professional cosmetologist at the appropriate clinic, Institute or Center.

He will conduct the necessary tests, review the test results, and only then will he recommend the type of exfoliation specifically for your type of epidermis.

Medium peeling can be done in the salon if there is confidence in the qualifications of the masters.

Before the session, it is advisable to ask the beautician in detail about the procedure for the procedure and, which is important, the skin care products during the rehabilitation period.

If the specialist says that facial care after the procedure will be normal, then you should not turn to him anymore.

Deep exfoliation should be done only in specialized clinics or beauty institutes.

Do not give in to the temptation to save money by agreeing to have this procedure carried out by a specialist at home, since as a result of complications he will not be able to provide the necessary assistance.

What results to expect: photo

On the second day after superficial exfoliation, the skin usually begins to peel off.... This phenomenon disappears in two to three days. The face becomes soft, clean, with tight pores.

After a mid-peel, the face first turns red. On the second day, slight hyperemia is possible, which subsides in a day.

Then the period of exfoliation of the epidermis begins, which is fully restored only after a month. The face then looks rejuvenated, smooth, wrinkle-free and blackhead-free.

Immediately after deep exfoliation, the skin appears as a solid red surface. The swelling and redness begin to subside after a week.

Full recovery lasts about three months, after which there is complete renewal of the epidermis at the cellular level.

The new skin looks soft, smooth and elastic, without scars and age spots.

This is what the face looks like before and after the professional chemical peeling procedure in the salon:

Contraindications and precautions

Salon chemical peeling should not be performed when:

  • individual intolerance and allergy to the components of the cosmetic procedure;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • high temperature and feverish conditions;
  • dermatological diseases, including infectious;
  • open wounds, scrapes, or cuts.

Sun exposure should be avoided after exfoliation... This can lead to permanent pigmentation of the new layer of skin.

Before going outside, the treated areas of the skin must be lubricated with a cream with a high spf - at least 30.

Chemical peeling is a skin-traumatic procedure. Conducted by a professional, it can magically rejuvenate the epidermis, relieving it of the signs of wilting, pigmentation wrinkles.

But complications after the procedure are also possible., therefore, it is worthwhile to take a responsible approach to the choice of the type of exfoliation, beautician and salon.

One of the best rejuvenation tools is exfoliation or exfoliation of the outer, already dead layer of skin cells. How does this happen? What types of exfoliation are there? Can exfoliation be done at home? At what age can this method of rejuvenation be applied?

What happens during exfoliation?

Our skin is made up of several layers. The cells of the basal layer, when dividing, give rise to cells of the surface layer (epidermis). These cells, gradually moving into the upper layers and falling off the surface layer of the skin. With age, this period of "cell turnover" increases to 40 days or more. The skin thickens. Gradually, it loses its flexibility and freshness, as the number of such keratinized cells increases. Exfoliation breaks down the bonds between old cells. Dead cells are quickly exfoliated, exposing the fresh layers of the skin. The result of this method of rejuvenation is visible almost immediately. The skin becomes lighter, fresher and more elastic.

Exfoliation is mechanical, enzymatic, based on fruit acids, as well as professional using phenol.

Mechanical exfoliation.

A mechanical exfoliant is a scrub that acts on the principle of friction. These are usually creamy preparations, to which an abrasive is added. For this, crushed shells of nuts, fruit seeds, eggshell shells, silicone abrasives are used. But one of the most effective scrubs is considered to be crushed almond shells. This scrub is applied with massage movements, avoiding the area around the eyes, as the skin there is very thin and delicate. In this case, the layer of dead cells is erased without side effects. But the skin needs support to restore the chemical and biological balance, so in addition, you need to use tonics, balms or moisturizing masks.

Enzymatic exfoliation.

This method is not recommended for skin rejuvenation before the age of 30, as at this age the skin functions better in its natural mode. Enzymatic exfoliants (collagenosis, elastase, bromelain, etc.) are added to some creams and face masks. They are quite safe because they do not penetrate too deeply into the skin, but only affect the upper layers of the skin. Enzymatic exfoliants dissolve dead cells biologically. They destroy the outer membrane layers of old skin cells. But their action can cause allergic reactions.

Exfoliation based on fruit acids.

In this case, exfoliants chemically dissolve the substances that are responsible for the attachment of the dead layer to the young substrate. This method accelerates natural exfoliation, and its intensity depends on the concentration of acids. At home, it has been used for a long time, adding apple or fruit vinegar, milk whey, sour wine to face masks. After using them, the skin becomes light and smooth. But it is interesting that fruit acids act not only as exfoliants, but also as stimulators of the formation of elastin and collagen, which make the skin not only youthful in appearance, but elastic to the touch. Thanks to their effect, wrinkles are smoothed out, and age spots become lighter. But the best results can be achieved with repeated skin care sessions. Irregular use does not give such results.

Professional exfoliants with fruit acids and phenol.

At home, such drugs cannot be used, since the concentration of such acids is quite high and, if used ineptly, can cause serious harm to the skin (severe irritation, light burns). Phenolic exfoliants are used extremely rarely, since the effect of phenol on the skin is very strong, unfavorable, even in small doses. It is used in beauty salons for the treatment of gross skin imperfections and on the recommendation of a doctor. Phenol penetrates to the deep layers of the skin and therefore after its use, a recovery period of approximately one week is required.

With the right and skillful approach, exfoliants can rejuvenate the skin without surgery, preserve its youthfulness by stimulating natural processes.

Facial exfoliation: getting rid of the stratum corneum

Everyday hygiene procedures that we perform do not allow the skin to completely get rid of the accumulating stratum corneum. Every day its amount increases, there is a violation of oxygen access to the cells, and creams applied to the skin surface are practically not absorbed. This problem should be addressed with special exfoliators called exfoliants. We will tell you about the features, actions and secrets of this manipulation in our article.

What information will you learn:

What is the technique

The main task of exfoliation is to remove horny cells

The procedure for exfoliating the superficial stratum corneum of the epidermis using chemical compounds is called exfoliation.

The main tasks of this technique are the removal of dead keratinized epithelial cells, as well as deep cleansing of the pores.

One of the most important stages of quality facial care is its correct and regular cleansing, which accelerates blood circulation, metabolic and regeneration processes in cells, and increases tissue oxygenation.

The appearance of the skin after such a cosmetic procedure is noticeably improved by eliminating the accumulated layer of dead cells, which prevents its renewal.

What is the benefit of the procedure

There is a misconception that exfoliation is harmful, does not bring positive results, but rather traumatizes and damages the integrity of skin cells.

This is a misconception, since the procedure for high-quality cleansing of the facial skin promotes its rejuvenation and slows down the aging process. Among its advantages are the following:

  • alignment of the color and relief of the face;
  • acceleration of the processes of cell regeneration (renewal);
  • deep cleansing of pores from sebaceous plugs, blackheads, acne and blackheads;
  • normalization of sebum production;
  • an increase in the amount of oxygen entering the cells of the epidermis;
  • deep penetration under the skin of any cosmetic formulations, the effectiveness of which increases significantly;
  • removal of pigmentation;
  • increasing the degree of hydration and nutrition of cells.

Exfoliation procedure helps with facial hyperpigmentation

In what cases is the technique prohibited?

The procedure for chemical exfoliation of the skin is not allowed for everyone. The acids in these products can cause irritation, allergic reactions and other complications. The risk category includes:

  • pregnant and breastfeeding women;
  • women under 22;
  • patients with warts, large moles, dermatological diseases and violations of the integrity of the skin;
  • people prone to allergic and inflammatory skin reactions;
  • everyone who has undergone surgery, chemotherapy, as well as those who have cancer;
  • patients whose skin has been exposed to the sun for a long time or to radiation in a solarium.

Only a cosmetologist has the right to decide on the possibility of exfoliation for each specific patient, depending on the condition and type of his skin.

Home exfoliation rules

You can perform this procedure yourself only after consulting a cosmetologist, who will determine the percentage of active acid that is suitable for your type of epidermis.

The technique should be carried out in strict compliance with the following rules:

  • it is allowed to use high quality exfoliants, the concentration of active ingredients in which does not exceed 9%. They should be designed specifically for the skin of the face;
  • for dry epidermis, preference should be given to products with AHA-fruit acids, and for fatty ones with BHA-acids (salicylic);
  • be sure to check the expiration date of the product you have chosen and refuse to use it if it turns out to be expired;
  • always test the skin in the area of ​​the inner elbow for an allergic reaction before applying the composition to the face;
  • apply the exfoliant on a pre-moistened skin surface of the face along massage lines, with light movements, excluding the areas around the lips and eyes;
  • keep the product on the face for no longer than a quarter of an hour. If a strong burning sensation arises, as well as other uncomfortable sensations, immediately wash off the composition from the skin, regardless of the amount of time passed.

If the exfoliation time is exceeded, burns and excessive dryness of the skin are possible!

  • if you did not get the desired result after the manipulation, the next procedure is allowed to be carried out no earlier than a week later;
  • during the manipulation, the sun's rays should not fall on the skin;
  • at the end of the procedure, you should thoroughly rinse the composition from the skin of the face, and also apply a layer of cream that has an anti-inflammatory and moisturizing effect.

Exfoliants are any scrubs and peels for the face.