What does it mean to be a self-sufficient man. Self-sufficient men - do they need a family

Self-sufficiency is a concern for many people. Where can I get it? How to develop? How much to buy?

I want to disappoint right away - complete self-sufficiency is unattainable in principle.

On the other hand, after all, no one really wants this self-sufficiency.

Let's figure it out.

There are no self-sufficient people

First of all, I would like to note that complete self-sufficiency means fullness, complete independence from the environment. That is, a person eats by himself, he has fun, he warms himself up.

This, as you understand, is impossible. There are no such self-sufficient people (at least, living ones). We are always connected with the environment - otherwise we die.

Moreover, man is a social being. We need other people to bleed from our nose. No wonder they came up with the saying "in peace and death is red."

As numerous psychological experiments have shown, in the presence of other people we have more strength, imagination, endurance, perseverance and discipline, and so on. In general, many of our virtues are greatly enhanced in the presence of other people.

For example, if we run in a group, we run faster and longer. And if we do push-ups, then it is better and with b O more repetitions.

This, by the way, is observed not only in humans, but even in birds (if you're curious, look in Yandex for “social facilitation”).

So complete self-sufficiency is not only impossible, but also deprives us of a fair share of opportunities.

I'll decide on my own!

When people talk about self-sufficiency, they are really talking about satisfying the need for autonomy. In its simplest form, the essence is this - we want to independently determine everything in our life.

In the literal sense - everything. When to get up, what to wear, with whom to communicate, what to do. The more of this in our life, the happier we are (this is also called the need to control our life, see the works of Edward L. Desi and Richard M. Ryan).

When people talk about being self-sufficient, they are talking about not wanting to do things when forced by others. And in this case, it does not matter at all whether it is physical or emotional coercion.

For example, the question "what will people say?" is also a compulsion, and when faced with it, people understand that they want not to depend on other people's opinions (but want autonomy, which is called self-sufficiency).

So is self-sufficiency in relationships. When a person is emotionally constrained, their need for autonomy is not met. This happens, say, when a woman feels dependent on a man, completely submits to him and is emotionally dependent.

Speaking of self-sufficiency, this woman just wants to satisfy her need for autonomy. That is, it is up to you to decide when to meet a man, what to do with him, what kind of relationship to maintain, and the like.

Where can I get autonomy?

A reasonable question is what you can do to satisfy your need for autonomy. The answer is obvious - make more independent decisions.

In other words, don't do what you don't want to do. And if you do, then let it be your decision.

For example, you work in an unloved job and for some reason cannot quit and find another. Then tell yourself, they say, I will eliminate the reasons that prevent me from moving to a new job, but while they are there, I choose to work at this job, because this is where I make a living.

And then, on the one hand, you eliminate the reasons and get closer to changing jobs, and on the other, you earn money for a living as you can in the current situation. Everything here is your decision, the need for autonomy is satisfied, you are happy.

It's the same with relationships. If you find yourself emotionally dependent (whatever that means), make your decisions. It is not you who are attracted to that person, but you have decided to be with him.

If you don’t want to be with him, but something pulls you there, tell yourself: “Okay, now I am drawn there, I don’t like it, but I cannot resist this attraction. So I will look for ways to remove this attraction. " And there are many ways - the Internet is full of psychologists, you can always find a suitable one in terms of views and prices.

The main thing in all this is to accept their solutions, support my autonomy even in the smallest detail. As American psychologists Ellen Jane Langer and Judith Roden have shown, even the smallest decisions have an extremely positive effect on a person's health and mood. Yes, even choosing a houseplant and how to care for it can significantly increase life satisfaction and even its duration.

Therefore, look for any opportunities for independent decision-making, even the smallest ones. This is possible in any, even the most difficult relationship. So there you will be self-sufficiency.

Ecology of cognition. Self-sufficient men and those who are in vain avoided by women. A self-sufficient man is a beautiful phrase, isn't it? So beautiful that every woman is sure of its obligatory use when describing the future father of her children. As if the word "self-sufficiency" is synonymous with the word "happiness."

Self-sufficient man- a beautiful phrase, isn't it?

So beautiful that every woman is sure of its obligatory use when describing the future father of her children. As if the word "self-sufficiency" is synonymous with the word "happiness." And, if he can be freely attributed to a man, then marriage with him will be one hundred percent successful.

It is interesting to observe with what respect women look at such males. If you look closely, you can see the process of their imagination. In just a few seconds in their heads, women paint their joint future in great detail. You are always amazed at what power a "self-sufficient man" has.

And how much sense women put into this criterion. But when you ask them to reveal it, to tell in more detail, for some reason it leads to a stupor.

Either they do not want to speak, or they really cannot. They themselves do not understand how it is.

But they still continue to say that they need a self-sufficient man. Only here the fair sex cannot understand what the more they talk about it, the more they push men away from themselves. After all, only at their request do men try to become self-sufficient in every sense.

And they become.

Subsequently, their independence is put in the first place, and to it already, as a significant addition - a woman.

Such a description of a self-sufficient man clearly does not represent any of the women, if it excludes the side that is unfavorable for her. What else is worth understanding about a self-sufficient man:

1. A self-sufficient man ceases to be unsure of himself and his opinion, therefore, a woman must be ready to refuse the fulfillment of her desires.

2. He is the master of his life, which means he will not let anyone destroy this power. A woman is obliged to obey.

3. Such a man does not set the goal of proving his innocence. Any dispute is beneath his dignity.

4. Does not have a habit of lying and hiding his feelings. If you don't like something, he will try to say it correctly.

5. Respects himself and his work. Will not allow a woman to belittle his dignity.

I in no way wanted to show this type of men who do not have positive qualities.

I just tried to argue undeniable dependence of a woman on a self-sufficient man... Remove the illusion of perfection of such men and ease in relationships with them.

So those women who think to relax, putting all household and family decisions on the shoulders of such a man, give him control of themselves.

Agree ladies, not all of you are ready for such a turn of events. All of you imagine life with this type of men as freebies, carelessness and absolute freedom. So it's worth reconsidering your views on a self-sufficient man again.

Such men cannot be called somehow unambiguously. This type, without saying anything, asks for help. Of course, only from women... Naturally, such men are therefore considered weak. I say right away - in vain. Their overwhelmed state, insecurity and loss are simply repulsive. Women in such see an inevitable end, doomed to failure.

Since such men themselves cannot cope with their lives, then the responsibility for one more person will bring them immediately to the grave. Women love to label such people as “hopeless”. This is how society teaches them.

In school, binary and trinity have the same status. Addicts have the same status. People with disabilities and simply sick people fall into the same category. It is always easier to leave such people alone, and it is better to direct energy to those who do not require large expenditures. But still, we have not once seen what heights are achieved by the same worst students in school. And all because of the fact that someone believed in them. Gave one chance. This is enough for motivation. I would like to openly ask women not to let such things pass by.

Lend a helping hand to men whose confidence they are trying to bury as deep as possible. Having given them a spark, fire will light up in them.

Such a man will never forget your act, he will always try to the last for you. Remember only the love of a woman makes a man never give up and always brings him to the top.

Imagine that you went to a landfill, what will you see there? An old rusty bicycle frame, empty bottles, and then shattered, scribbled, torn paper, leaky rubber tires from a car, old furniture, broken toys, cigarette butts, expired goods, torn clothes, but nothing whole.

You won't take anything from there, nothing separately, and even more so the whole pile of garbage ...

It's the same with people - no one wants to be with a person who has trash in his soul, frayed thoughts, a bundle of problems, garbage of unrealizable hopes, a mountain of falls ...

But few people think that something completely new, unique, fresh, and most importantly their own ...

One has only to put in a little effort, faith, care, striving ... published by

Self-sufficiency is the development of a person's ability to get along on their own, without fear of loneliness and without needing support from outside for good functioning. It is difficult to imagine a completely self-sufficient person, therefore, types of self-sufficiency are distinguished depending on the sphere (social, financial, household). The definition of self-sufficiency can characterize two poles of the manifestation of this quality - on the one hand, a positive influence, when a person is able to do without others, while not suffering (to be able to find something to do on a free evening, the ability to feed oneself, and also maintain everyday life), on the other hand, it is excessive manifestations of self-sufficiency, when the rest of the world is being pushed aside, and a person is locked in a hermit shelter.

Self-sufficiency is not only the ability to survive, but also independence in making decisions, life choices, regardless of the support or censure of the people around. Self-sufficiency does not fit with the concept of dependence, whether it is chemical or emotional dependence on a person. The question of whether this personality trait is positive cannot have an unambiguous answer, but society tends to develop self-sufficiency. People are looking for ways to develop self-sufficiency in themselves through training, articles, personal coaches and life strategy changes, but few are looking for a way to reduce their level of self-sufficiency. When it is in that excessive and inadequate degree of development in its implementation, then usually people come with problems of loneliness, inability to build relationships, psychosomatics or disorders of the affective sphere.

Self-sufficiency - what is it?

The definition of self-sufficiency implies the ability of a person to do without external help, as well as maintaining psychological comfort. The basic level of self-sufficiency satisfies the needs on the physical plane (to provide food, a home and clothing, the ability to prepare this food and maintain a home, to maintain a good state of things). The next level is psychological self-sufficiency, which concerns the need for another person or communication in principle. It manifests itself in a comfortable emotional state, independent of the presence of communication.

A self-sufficient person is interested and comfortable in loneliness, it does not frighten him, but provides space for classes, but at the same time the ability to enjoy interaction is retained. The opposite form of psychological self-sufficiency is psychological dependence and the need for constant contact with a particular person. The broadest level of self-sufficiency is social, which includes fulfillment in society through a deed that reveals inherent talents and brings pleasure.

Self-sufficiency has a close connection with caring for the health, beauty, strength and purity of one's own body. Since good physical condition improves health, removes old age, and, accordingly, prolongs the period of self-sufficiency. In some ways, self-sufficiency is similar to responsibility, and it is precisely these two qualities that help strengthen each other. When you focus on your own opinion, and do not listen to the advice of others, and then dump the responsibility on them, when you take care of your future and try to minimize your dependence as much as possible, you show responsibility for your own life, decisions made in it, and self-sufficiency in building unique living space.

A self-sufficient person is free from any addictions and public opinion. He does what is relevant to him now, not focusing on social assessment, wears his own clothes, and not the one that his acquaintances will approve. It is a great luxury to allow yourself pleasant communication within a pleasant time frame. It seems that this is a rather rude and selfish behavior, but self-sufficiency manifests itself in and to the same extent in respect for the other. So, if we talk about interaction, then a self-sufficient person will postpone a conversation that began at an inconvenient moment for him, but he will also not be offended at you if you do the same.

Self-sufficient people attract interest by the courage to live and be themselves, not hiding behind gray masks, the desire to merge with the crowd or meet expectations. Such behavior delights and frightens, someone can be inspired to discover their own individuality and a person will begin to strive for their dreams, and in someone it can give rise to aggression, fear and a desire to push the unlikely into the usual framework. Such fear is due to the lack of control and levers of control by a person for whom the main authority is within.

Self-sufficiency of a woman

Women's self-sufficiency in relationships has begun to manifest itself recently, and along with it, psychological queries about fatigue, lack of emotional warmth in a couple or lack of relationships began to become actual.

There can be many reasons for a woman's desire for self-sufficiency. Someone has been trying all their lives to justify their parental hopes and strive to become better and better, while someone has received, because of which the basic trust in the world has suffered, and now the woman has closed herself off from everyone and provides her physical and emotional existence herself. These are sad and difficult options, where self-sufficiency is only a tool for the intolerance of life, but internal problems are not solved and pleasure does not come. Developing her independence, a woman begins to wonder if she really needs someone nearby, because help may not be received, and the risk of a stab in the back appears. Men feel this attitude and run away on their own, or the woman herself does not show interest in the relationship.

But there are also pleasant moments in the development of the same self-sufficiency, based on the woman's inner confidence and the desire to move in her chosen direction. Then this feature is used not as a security mechanism, but as a way to realize one's potential and aspirations. With this approach, there remains an open interaction with the world, the ability to hear others, but act on the basis of their thoughts.

A woman's self-sufficiency, grown on confidence, and not on traumatic experience, allows her to be interesting to those around her. The absence of a rigid construct about "I myself" opens up more opportunities for implementation, communication, exchange of experience. This is a steeper level of development of the skill of self-sufficiency than just the ability to survive - it is social interaction in which there is an opportunity to see another and save oneself.

A self-sufficient woman understands her needs and is able to find various creative ways to fulfill them, giving her happiness. Of course, this includes taking care of your body (baths and oils, rest and comfortable shoes), its health (yoga, massages, fitness, vitamins and sanatoriums) and beauty (haircuts, masks, new beads). A self-sufficient woman is inconceivable without her own achievements, and this should not be hard scientific work (although if scientific activity brings joy and excitement, then scientific work), but something that brings satisfaction (charity, home decoration, business development, baking cupcakes).

The next important element of harmonious and happy self-sufficiency is a relationship (not only with a man). A woman lives in communication, and the ability to make it harmonious, constructive and pleasant speaks of a good knowledge of her needs and the ability to interact. It is necessary to constantly study and improve our inner space, with the same care, or even more, with which we care for our own body. Knowing your own needs, boundaries, desires, time and mental capabilities gives you an understanding of where and how you should move, when to stop communication, and when to continue, where to live, what to do, with whom to break contact, and from whom to give birth to children.

Self-sufficiency is a reliance on internal reference points, and, accordingly, a decent amount of time should be devoted to studying them.

Self-sufficiency of a man

Self-sufficient men are especially popular, because they are able to make decisions, be responsible, they know a lot and are able to, they are not scary. Most often, eyes light up, and there is a desire to get such a man from women with a dependent type of behavior in order to shift their worries onto him. But a self-sufficient person professes this principle in relation to others, which means that such a lady will not become interesting to him, but can cause rejection.

Male self-sufficiency in relationships is manifested in a special way. If a man decides to exchange his independence for marriage, then he understands the seriousness of the event, agrees to be responsible for his wife, new family and child. These are very positive features, but before the connection of your destinies takes place, a lot of time and discussion of all the rules must pass, because a man is used to living according to his certain laws and you either accept them or you are not the way. A confident man will not tolerate a person next to him trying to remake him, but he will not remake a woman either.

With such a man, female manipulations and the desire to drive him into a convenient pattern of behavior do not pass. An adult open conversation is possible with an adult, an accomplished person - he dyes his hair green, and you buy sixty-fourth shoes, or you just disperse. Long scandals are not present here, otherwise a self-sufficient man will wish you a pleasant life path, without offending or harboring resentment against you.

A self-sufficient man has his life's business and is successful in it, external activity is a priority for him. He does not look like a closed, crazy fanatic, but is completely socialized, open to criticism and new ideas, but filters any information through his perception. Such a man will lead like-minded people, and will pass through those who disagree, instead of stopping and proving to everyone that he is right. And, of course, he is adapted to living conditions, i.e. cooking dinner and cleaning a suit does not plunge him into a stupor of horror.

How to become a self-sufficient person?

They write and talk a lot about how to develop self-sufficiency in oneself, but they pay little attention to how necessary it is for a particular person in his life.

Absolute self-sufficiency does not exist: humanity depends on weather and climatic conditions, on the daily routine of another person. This is in addition to needs such as communication, warm relationships, the ability to lean. All aspects of interaction have under them a certain dose of risk and dependence, the question is in the set priorities. If you prefer family to loneliness, then there will be less independence in life, and there will be more opportunities to lean on someone and receive warmth. The question of developing self-sufficiency can be reformulated into the question of developing one's own sensitivity and the ability to notice one's needs on time.

Developing your independence, you should monitor your own life for the presence of addictions (food, adrenaline, chemical, relational) - any addiction controls you, not you. When making a decision, do not rush to run for advice or google what to do, it is better to spend more time and effort, but find the answer within yourself, because no reputable uncles, even if they are smart psychologists, know how you will be comfortable living.

Look less at the past, looking for excuses or explanations for what is happening there - act on the basis of the current situation and actual needs. Especially quickly interrupt memories of external criticism of your actions and do not allow the opinion of passers-by to influence your appearance, demeanor or choice of activities.

Work on self-knowledge and confidence. Improve your skills daily, starting from the level of everyday life, where you provide existence and take care of the body to the social level, where by presenting your true (found in the process of excavating the inner world) essence to the world, you are able to withstand the onslaught and criticism without changing yourself and accepting the difference in worldview ...

Greetings, my dear readers! Today we will focus on men. About those men with whom we, women, want to be close, who pull us to them like a magnet. You probably already guessed which man our conversation will go about? About one near which it is comfortable, but not boring. This is the kind of person in whom the core is felt, but he does not hurt, he respects the feelings of others. Of course, we will talk about self-sufficiency. Many people talk about it, but what it is - they have a vague idea.

A self-sufficient man, this is a dream for many women. But why, they often cannot explain it in words. Therefore, I propose to deal with the concept together. And let us also ask ourselves whether self-sufficient men need a family. Indeed, doubts often arise in this.

About term

They talk about self-sufficiency when a person does not need anyone for a comfortable life, he is not afraid, and he is independent from anyone. He can handle everything himself, and someone's praise or approval does not really matter to him. But self-sufficiency is different - positive and negative.

Positive - it is also called healthy, a valuable quality for a person. He is successful, self-confident, tries to succeed in everything, clearly knows what he needs from life and takes from it in full. And negative - problematic self-sufficiency - is when a person separated from society and in this way tries to escape from life, from his problems.

You can find out more interesting information by reading the book by John Eicaff “ Get started. Punch fear in the face, stop being "normal" and do something worthwhile».


A man successfully does his job, he is strong in spirit, open to communication. He can freely remain alone in a difficult situation, and at the same time he will feel comfortable. This is healthy self-sufficiency. And it is quite another matter when a man tells how well he is alone. But from the outside it is clear that he is withdrawn and not ready for new acquaintances. Such a person is afraid to make any independent decisions, constantly trying on a mask under which he is in fact unhappy. This is problematic self-sufficiency.

So, let's see, what kind of self-sufficient man is he? In a relationship with him, like a stone wall. He is an excellent host, a good family man and a wonderful husband. He knows perfectly well what his woman needs. She always supports, makes happy and takes care of her. Regardless of her mood, I am ready to share everything that she is experiencing. At the same time, in no case does he show his bad mood to others.

With such a person it is both comfortable and difficult, but only if there is a desire to control him. Since he is resistant to criticism, he perceives it adequately, slowly changing to please others. In fact, such a person knows how to soundly, and not rely on the assessment of others.

Be next to

Before starting a family, a self-sufficient man must make a decision, and he will not do it in a fit of passion. Realizing the importance of such a step, he will need it. After all, he approaches this issue very seriously.

If you managed to be together with a self-sufficient man, then be careful with the manipulations. He will feel it faster than your cunning plan will come true. With such a man you need to hide in different rooms. And if you do it all the time, then you will not have any problems with it.

Grudges for several days are not the case. With a self-sufficient man, with the right, sincere conversation, you can find a middle ground quickly enough and live on in harmony and well-being. Or disperse due to misunderstanding of each other. This also happens in life. But what does it mean to part with a self-sufficient man? He will not finally insult you with bad words and insults. He sincerely wishes you happiness and good luck in your new life without him.

And in general, does a self-sufficient person need a family - it does not matter if it is a woman or a man? It is quite possible, but not as a support. After all, let us remember that such a person does not need support, let alone guardianship. Yes, she does not feel deprived and unhappy if there is no couple. However, the most interesting thing is that those around them are drawn to self-sufficient people. After all, they feel the same inner maturity, which can also be called self-sufficiency.

Why being a self-sufficient man is beneficial

Self-sufficiency is sometimes confused with self-reliance. But this concept is much broader and deeper. can and should be developed even in a child as he grows up. But self-sufficiency is nothing more than internal maturity, which is expressed both in independence from someone else's opinion, and in the ability to form one's own goals, and then move towards them.

Self-sufficiency is a very capacious concept. It is not enough for a person to think about how to become independent in providing for their basic needs. Alas, many people who have a roof over their heads, a good job, family and friends, in fact, are not at all calm and not balanced internally. They depend on other people's opinions, are easily subject to attitudes and are ready to doubt their own values ​​and priorities, as soon as someone hints to them that they are wrong.

What is the advantage of being self-sufficient? For a man, this is doubly important, since such a person does not feel unhappy with or without a woman. He consciously makes his choice, taking full responsibility. Therefore, she does not blame anyone for her own failures, but knows how to analyze mistakes and correct them if necessary.

Summing up, I can say that self-sufficiency is made up of many factors. And, of course, it can and should be developed. To begin with, it is worth analyzing your own life and environment, and determining priorities. It will be good for yourself to honestly name the positive and negative, and also think about what qualities it is useful to develop. On the path to self-sufficiency, you will definitely have to overcome the fear of making your own decisions, without looking back at someone. In fact, we are talking about constant work on oneself, which will allow one to feel that a person has the main support in life - he can trust and rely on himself.

My friends, do not stand still, develop. Do what you love! And listen to your heart, it will definitely tell you the right path. Do not forget to subscribe to site updates and recommend this article to your friends on social networks. Wish you luck. Until next time!

Blue Beard, You read this in the Old Testament. There the history (in terms of people) of a particular people is described by the JEWS. All of the above "eye for an eye" and so on are applied to them. There is very colorfully described the superiority of this race over others. But I'm not talking about Judaism, but about ...

Blue Beard:

The foundation of the Bible is "EYE FOR EARTH AND TOOTH FOR TOOTH." The principle of just retribution, which is confirmed by a huge number of examples of PUNISHMENT to the wrong, ruthless as much as possible.

You read this in the Old Testament. There the history (in terms of people) of a particular people is described by the JEWS. All of the above "eye for an eye" and so on are applied to them. There is very colorfully described the superiority of this race over others. But I'm not talking about Judaism, but about Christianity. And this religion is directly related to Jesus Christ, and HE, in turn, postulated completely different principles. Actually because of this, Jews (professing Judaism) consider him a heretic sectarian.

Blue Beard:

The principle around which the frame of the gospel stories was stuck - "If you were hit on one cheek, then turn the other one too."

This is already a new testament, and somehow it does not fit with the postulate "an eye for an eye". Do you disagree?

Blue Beard:

Whose book is this? Buddhists?

Blue Beard:

in fact, treating it like a historical novel.

This is not a work of fiction, if anything.

Blue Beard:

Then, in addition to the Gospel itself, there is a DETAILED BELIEF and those who take ONLY the Gospel as a basis are not the same Christians who recognize the seven ecumenical councils. Those who recognize these councils have many different rules, WHICH DO NOT HAVE A RECOMMENDED CHARACTER, THIS IS THE IMPLEMENTATION OF STRENGTH, THE BOOK OF THE RULES OF THE SEVEN UNIVERSAL COUNCILS TO HELP. There, for any jamb, it is provided that excommunication, then "LET IT BE ABORNED."

And even earlier there were indulgences, crusades, the mercy of the LORD for the killing of infidels, iconoclasm, hesychaism, etc. Comrade Christianity is not static. It changes, and far from always for the better (which we colorfully observe in the example of the Russian Orthodox Church). But it's good. We all know that what does not develop degrades.

Blue Beard:

It is precisely about this useful little book that modern priests have forgotten, after which the SELF-CLEANING OF THE CHURCH STOPPED.

Here's another misconception. I will not say about the ROC, but the Greek Church regularly cleans its ranks.

Blue Beard:

If this public literally followed the rules of the seven ecumenical councils, MANDATORY FOR EXECUTION, in the entire Russian Orthodox Church, there would be three priests.

The same delusion. I can only name you on KMV 5. And these are the ones I know. There are many more of them than you think. They just do not climb the corporate ladder and are not noticeable against the general gloomy background.

Blue Beard:

The Bible is generally the world's first VOLUME TEXT.

the world's first voluminous religious text is the Sutras.

Blue Beard:

To compose one, it was necessary to take all possible statements, for all occasions, combine them in one book.

Well, yes, to convey worldly wisdom. What do you dislike here?

Blue Beard:


If you honestly did not understand why you said that?

Blue Beard:

As a result, one who has a discussion with the Bible under his arm cannot be "grabbed by the beard,"

Maybe this is because the fact that the Bible has a solid and logical position in life which is very difficult to dispute?

Blue Beard:

he will always twist and be behind you

To be honest, the emotionality of your epithets sometimes puzzles me. Why would he be behind my back? To, excuse me, throw me to the deflection? I apologize if I speak too harshly. The LORD sees that I do not want to offend or offend anyone. Just sometimes I don't understand what YOU want to say?

Blue Beard:

with the help of this book you can justify anything

This book makes it clear what kind of philosophy she is pursuing. There are 10 commandments, there are 7 deadly sins, there is the SON OF GOD sent down to us for our sins and instructing us on the true path. Listen to him. AND EVERYTHING. and everything except this is already speculation. Moreover, human speculation.

Blue Beard:

There is an opinion, and this opinion was expressed to me by a priest, that a person who has read the entire Bible with faith and reverence is VERY STRONGLY CHANGING.

I'm embarrassed to ask which way? For the best? Maybe then acquaintance with the Bible is useful ?. But these are emotional epithets. And if you approach the source objectively, then I will give you another priest as an example, Archpriest Alexy Chaplin and his sensational article about "On Lost Slavery and Market Freedom". This is nonsense. But judging by your logic, since this is the position of a priest, then this is the position of Christianity.

Where did you read it? Well, honestly, what kind of nonsense? It reminded me of a woman's logic with her "I want MUZHYGG to be a grandmother with me, and with the rest an alfosamer". Nowhere, except for a woman's head, this principle will not work, and this is obvious. If it had been introduced as a Christian church at the dawn of its history, it would have been defrauded by every Roman pagan cult. She simply would not have survived, but not only did she survive, she also replaced all other religions in the territory of the Roman Empire.

Anyway, if you change the terms in places and replace the word Christianity with MD. Well, the same categories of consideration on this resource cause nothing but laughter, well, or anger. Take the same article "Frontline everyday life of an ideological war." Remember how the video shows a degenerate with cattle physiognomy, outlining "Woman: a textbook for men." These are exactly the same techniques. He reads MD, he raped his grandmother, so all MD are rapists and perverts.