Valentine's Day. History, customs and interesting facts. Interesting facts about Valentine's Day Valentine's Day interesting facts

  • New about Valentine's Day.

We habitually think that the traditions of a people are passed down from generation to generation, but it turns out that sometimes they are borrowed from other nations. This happened, for example, with Christmas Santa Claus, and also with Valentine's Day.
I think it will be interesting for you to know where the tradition of celebrating Valentine's Day came from and why it is celebrated on February 14th.

The pagans revered on this day the god Vali - the patron saint of fertility and rebirth. This holiday is also associated with the veneration of ancestors. Today this holiday is better known as Valentine's Day, and few people know about its original purpose. This is a holiday of late frosts, dedicated to the victory of the light of the Sun over the dark days of Winter. It is traditionally a family celebration with the exchange of gifts and wishes of love. It is also a time for wedding vows and as a suitable occasion for weddings.

For example, the Romans in mid-February celebrated Lupercalia, a festival of eroticism in honor of the goddess of love Juno Februata. Everyone left their business, and the fun began, the purpose of which was to find their half.

But the official holiday of lovers, Valentine's Day, which has survived to this day, has been celebrated since the 13th century in Western Europe, and since 1777 in the United States. Why is it Valentin's day, and not Dmitry's, for example, or Mitrofan's, or Cupid's Day, a very appropriate name, in my opinion :)

This holiday has a beautiful legend about Saint Valentine - the patron saint of all lovers. In short, it sounds like this: during the time of the Roman Emperor Claudius II, the priest Valentine, who was also the Bishop of Ternii, lived near Rome. Claudius waged constant wars of conquest and was in dire need of new soldiers in his army. He was convinced that the soldiers' affection for their wives and families suppressed the spirit of war. Therefore, he forbade weddings and engagements among his legionnaires.
But, not fearing the imperial wrath, the priest Valentine secretly married the legionaries with their beloved, for which he was imprisoned and sentenced to death. On February 14, 270, he was burned. There he fell in love with the jailer's daughter, who was blind. The day before the execution, Valentine asked the jailer for paper, pen and ink and quickly wrote a farewell letter to the girl.

When the jailer returned home, his daughter met him. The girl opened the note and found a yellow saffron (crocus) inside it. The note read "From your Valentine." The girl took the saffron in her palm, and its sparkling colors lit up her face. A miracle happened: the girl's eyesight was restored!

Subsequently, Valentin was buried in Rome (according to other sources, part of his relics are in his homeland in the city of Terni, and part - in the Church of St. Anthony in Madrid). It is not surprising that Valentine was not forgotten and was chosen as the patron saint of All Lovers. As a Christian martyr who suffered for the faith, he was canonized by the Catholic Church. And in 496, Pope Gelasius declared February 14 as Valentine's Day.

Since 1969, as a result of the reform of the divine service, Saint Valentine was removed from the liturgical calendar of the Catholic Church (along with other Roman saints, information about whose life is contradictory and unreliable). However, even until 1969, the church did not approve and did not support the traditions of celebrating this day. Whether it was so or otherwise, but, most likely, it was from there that it was customary to write love notes on Valentine's Day - "valentines".

But this story is really only a legend, not confirmed by any records and reliable information.
The complete inaccuracy of this story is evident even from the fact that the Ancient Church did not know the special rite of wedding. The sacrament of marriage was concluded through the blessing and short prayer of the bishop and the joint participation of the bride and groom in the Eucharist. The independent rite of wedding is of a rather late origin and is known not earlier than the 9th century.

If you look in the month, then on this day (both according to the Gregorian and Julian calendar) we will not find the memory of the said saint. The Orthodox Church honors three saints with this name: the martyr Valentine (July 30) and two martyrs (April 24 and July 6, dates are indicated according to the Julian calendar), but none of them is the person whose name is associated with the appearance of the so-called “ Valentines "- special romantic cards in the form of hearts.

The Catholic Encyclopedia also lists three saints named Valentine, who are listed in the martyrology under February 14. The same edition mentions the popular celebration of Valentine's Day. Its origins, undoubtedly, should be sought in the medieval belief that in mid-February the mating season begins for birds. In this regard, the day of February 14 was considered specially dedicated for lovers: it was possible to send love letters and give trinkets reminiscent of love.

English and French literature of the 15th century speaks of a similar practice. It seems that the earliest mention of this can be found in the 34th and 35th ballads of the poet John Gower (1327-1408). Those who choose each other in this celebration should call each other their Valentine. Dame Elizabeth Brews writes in Paston Letters about the match she wants to find for her daughter, addressing her favorite fan: Monday, my cousin, will be Valentine's Day, and every bird will find a mate. And if you want to come on Tuesday night and have patience, I trust God that you will talk to my husband and I will pray that we will complete this matter. Shortly thereafter, a young lady sent a letter to the same man, inscribed: "To my dear Valentine, John Paston, Esq."

Hundreds of years ago in England, children were dressed up as adults. Children went from house to house and sang songs about Saint Valentine. In Wales, wooden "spoons of love" were carved and presented to loved ones on February 14th. The spoons were decorated with hearts, keys and keyholes, which meant "you found your way to my heart."

According to foreign folk tales, it is on this day that all birds choose a mate for themselves. There is a belief that the first man who met a girl on February 14 should be her Valentine, regardless of her wishes.

  • Valentines

Nowadays, a valentine is called a card to a beloved on Valentine's Day. The first valentines appeared in the Middle Ages, when lovers spoke or sang words of love to each other. Written valentines date back to the 15th century. The oldest of them, presumably dating back to the 15th century, is on display in the British Museum. Paper valentines used to be exchanged instead of gifts. They gained particular popularity in England. They were made of colored paper and signed with colored ink. The inventiveness of lovers in creating valentines knew no bounds.
The most talented ones wrote valentines in the form of an acrostic - this is a poetic meter, when the first letters of each stanza together form a meaningful word, in this case, the name of a lover. Valentines were cut with small scissors or pierced with small pins in the form of lace, dyed through a stencil, created a valentine puzzle or rebus, or imitated a medieval manuscript with colored drawings. At the beginning of the 19th century, the serial production of valentines began. At first, these were black and white drawings, hand-drawn in a factory.

Later, the custom of choosing and sending "valentines" was gradually forgotten and was revived only in the 20th century.

  • In the modern Western world, this custom has become an unofficial mass celebration, and with the fall of the Iron Curtain it has also penetrated the territory of the post-Soviet states.

On this holiday they like to arrange weddings and get married. It is believed that this will become a guarantee of eternal love. The tradition of giving gifts on this day grew stronger every year and for some it has become a fairly successful business. For example, at the beginning of the last century, it was customary for Americans to send marzipans to their brides, which were quite expensive.

  • In Japan, the tradition of giving sweets on this day appeared at the suggestion of a large chocolate company. They began celebrating Valentine's Day in the 1930s, and to this day, chocolate remains the most common gift. By the way, among the Japanese, Valentine's Day is a bit like "March 8 for men", as Japanese men receive, perhaps, even more gifts than women. Usually these are all sorts of men's accessories such as a razor, lotion, wallet, and so on.
  • It is customary for passionate French people to give jewelry on Valentine's Day.
  • In romantic Denmark, people send dried white flowers to each other. This holiday lasts for them almost all spring - patient Danes like to stretch the intrigue :). Men send Valentine cards to their girlfriends. If the girl guesses who the sender is, in response she must send a chocolate egg for Easter.
  • In Britain, on February 14, unmarried girls get up before sunrise, stand by the window and look at the passing men. According to legend, the first man they see is the betrothed. The British, for example, on Valentine's Day send love messages not only to friends and acquaintances, but also to their pets (isn't it really nice of them).
  • Italians consider it their duty to give sweets to their beloved on this day. This day is called in Italy - sweet.
  • But there are some countries in the world that have particularly excelled in celebrating Valentine's Day.
  • In Finland, men have practically turned 14 February into a "women's day", since they do not have one, and they give gifts not only to their loved ones, but also to mothers and daughters.
  • In Saudi Arabia, this holiday, on the contrary, is FORBIDDEN! Up to fines.
  • In Taiwan, men present women exclusively with roses: one flower - a declaration of love, 100 roses - a proposal to get married.
  • Do you want to get married on February 14 and even naked? Then you go to Jamaica. It is on February 14 that there is a “day of nude weddings”.
  • In Scotland, they have fun in full and in large companies: they organize a playful party of "bachelors", where only unmarried girls and unmarried guys are invited.
  • In Germany, February 14, honors are given to the mad. On this day, the Germans decorate psychiatric hospitals with scarlet ribbons and hold special services.

The legend about Peter and Fevronia tells that Prince Pavel lived in Murom with his wife, to whom a werewolf serpent began to fly. The princess learned that the snake was destined to die at the hands of the prince's younger brother, Peter. Peter kills him with a sword, but the dragon's blood splashing on him causes a serious illness - the prince's hands and face are covered with sores. Peter ordered to be taken to the Ryazan land, famous for its doctors. There, going into one room, he saw a girl - she was sitting at the loom, and a hare was jumping in front of her. Fevronia amazed Prince Peter with her wisdom, solving the most difficult riddles. She agrees to heal the prince on the condition that he takes her as his wife. The exhausted prince agrees to everything. However, having recovered, the prince refuses to fulfill his promise, after which he again becomes covered with ulcers. Fevronia helped him once more and became a princess. Gradually, the prince realizes that Fevronia is his only love. And when the Murom boyars demanded that the prince abandon a simple village girl or abandon the principality, he, without hesitation, leaves with his beloved wife to a distant village. However, the disagreements and disagreements that arose between the boyars force them to ask Peter and Fevronia to return home. The power of love of Peter and Fevronia defeated deceit and hatred. The story of the death of this married couple is amazing: when dying, Prince Peter sends to his wife to tell her that she is ready to die with him. Fevronia, busy with embroidery, sticks a needle into her work, folds it neatly, lies down and dies with her husband ... They remained faithful to each other not only to the grave, but also beyond the grave. Peter and Fevronia died at the same hour.

Approximately 300 years after his death, in the 16th century, Peter and Fevronia were canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church.

Interestingly, it was children who started the tradition of celebrating Valentine's Day in Russia. I remember that about fifteen years ago, on February 14, in all schools, the mass production of notebook leaves began - by turning them into hearts, painted with red felt-tip pens, and by composing love poems (well, or rhymes). And with bated breath it was expected whether the valentine would come from HIM ...

And of course, our parents quickly felt this romance and adopted it. Mothers that day went about some mysteriously beautiful and baked cakes, and fathers rushed to flower shops after work. And until now, having become mothers and fathers ourselves, we support this tradition. It's so great when flowers, sweets, valentines and, of course, LOVE appear in the middle of a cold winter!

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Valentine's Day has been celebrated for several centuries, and during this time many traditions have appeared, which many people happily follow.

Accordingly, every year the holiday is "overgrown" with new facts concerning Valentine's Day. We will tell you about some of them today.

1 ... There are at least 5 legends-hypotheses associated with the origin of Valentine's Day, and there are at least seven Valentines themselves claiming to be the "ancestor" of the holiday. True, the real existence of only two martyrs with that name, who were actually executed, has been documented, but for what exactly - history is silent.

2 ... The Feast of Love grew out of the Roman Lupercalia, a pagan fertility festival. As in our country, in European states, those pre-Christian festivals that could not be banned altogether were adapted to the new religion, dedicating them to some Christian saint. At the same time, today on Valentine's Day, the Roman Catholic Church does not hold any special services, that is, the holiday is secular, not religious.

3. The first mention of Valentine's Day, as Valentine's Day, is found in the chronicles of the 13th century, and it became widespread in high society only at the end of the 14th century. This happened thanks to two popular writers at that time - Geoffrey Chaucer and John Gower, who poeticized this holiday. It became nationwide on a global scale by the 18th century, and in general it came to our country only in the 90s of the 20th.

4 ... The tradition of sending heart-shaped postcards to lovers is also related to one of the legends about St. Valentine. It is believed that from prison he wrote a message to his beloved on a red paper heart, but she received the letter only after the execution of the prisoner in love with her. True, according to another version, the "valentines" became famous thanks to the Duke of Orleans, who from his imprisonment wrote poetry to his wife on pink hearts.

5. At the end of the 19th century, the first collection of poems and thematic greetings for Valentine's Day was released in England. The book was called "A Young Man's Guide to Writing Valentines."

6 ... Nowadays, "valentines" are so popular that in terms of sales they are second only to Christmas cards. Moreover, it is customary to give them not only to loved ones, but also to relatives and friends, and even teachers and colleagues. Moreover, many Americans and Europeans buy valentines as gifts for their pets.

7. The main gift for Valentine's Day is a variety of sweets in the form of hearts. According to some reports, many inhabitants of the planet spend from 85 to 150 dollars annually on sweets, chocolate and gingerbread, and sellers of edible “valentines” earn a total of more than 1012 million dollars.

8. Flowers are also very popular - about 200 million roses are sold in the world every year on Valentine's Day and on the eve of roses alone. In addition, on Valentine's Day, flower arrangements in the form of a heart are often presented. By the way, sometimes they include strawberries or chocolate "valentines" on thin metal sticks.

9 ... It is not accepted to give expensive gifts on Valentine's Day, they are presented only if they want to see their beloved (beloved) spouse (or, accordingly, spouse). In addition, mothers, wives and female bosses often receive expensive gifts.

10. In some countries, Valentine's Day is the equivalent of our March 8, but in Japan it rather became a kind of February 23, since there the bulk of gifts, flowers and congratulations are received by men, and women are "honored" on March 14.

11. This holiday is very popular with children - more than 650 million kids aged 6 to 10 exchange themed cards and small souvenirs on Valentine's Day. The priority is plush toys: hearts, bears, cats, as well as key rings in the form of two connected hearts.

12 ... Two kissing doves are considered the symbol of Valentine's Day. This is due to the fact that in the Middle Ages the belief spread that it was on February 14 that these birds choose a mate for themselves. Then they began to depict pigeons on "valentines" and on boxes of chocolates, in addition, holiday cakes are decorated with their figures.

13 ... From the Middle Ages came to us and ribbons, which are often painted on "valentines" or attached to them. During knightly tournaments, ladies gave ribbons to the cavaliers fighting for them, and they tied them to helmets, armor or spears. It was believed that these stripes of fabric bring good luck to knights, and not only in tournaments, but also in real battles.

14. Making a marriage proposal is the prerogative of men, however, on Valentine's Day, girls themselves can take the initiative, and this is not considered something reprehensible. In the Netherlands, in general, there is a beautiful custom - if a man refuses a woman that day, he is obliged to give her a silk dress.

15 ... Despite the fact that everyone knows very well that Juliet of Verona did not really exist, every year on Valentine's Day, a huge number of letters come to the address of her museum. Lovers from all over the world write to her and share their stories of happy or unhappy love, and also ask to give them this wonderful feeling. Naturally mutual.

16. According to polls of American women's magazines, about 50% of women respondents will not forgive their lovers if they forget to congratulate them on Valentine's Day. Moreover, many women are even ready to part with their men without receiving a gift from them or at least one rose.

17 ... Ladies who do not have a love partner quite often buy flowers for themselves on Valentine's Day or order their delivery to their work so that colleagues think that this woman is not alone. According to some reports, 15% of American women do this. By the way, a similar trend has been outlined in our country recently.

18 ... In some Muslim countries, such as Saudi Arabia, the celebration of Valentine's Day is prohibited because it is believed to promote sexual depravity. Those who break this prohibitive law face a huge fine.

19 ... But in other countries now there is a fashion for the so-called "naked weddings", which are held on Valentine's Day. At the time of the wedding ceremony, only wedding rings are worn on the spouses. This tradition originated in Jamaica, but quickly spread throughout the world. Such weddings are held in the United States, and in China, and in some of the most liberated states of Europe. By the way, in the homeland of this funny custom there is even a monument - a naked groom in a tailcoat and a naked bride in a veil.

20 ... Another interesting tradition is to present on Valentine's Day a tomato (as the French have done for many centuries) or a cinnamon stick (an Asian custom). This is a secret language, that is, with such a gift, lovers express their feelings, in other words, they confess their love, if they do not dare to say it out loud.

21. In Japan, on Valentine's Day, there is an annual competition for the loudest love message. On specially built platforms or bridges, girls and boys climb, shouting declarations of love and in general everything that they want to say to their beloved. Prizes are awarded to the winners.

In general, Valentine's Day for many people has become a truly important and beloved holiday, therefore, in order to please them, several industries are working at once. Pastry chefs and chocolatiers create delicious “valentines”, TV channels and film studios are shooting new romantic comedies and melodramas for this day, manufacturers of soft toys switch to creating all kinds of plush hearts. And all products find their buyers and consumers.
However, the most important component of this holiday is, of course, love. This is what we wholeheartedly wish all our readers.

Valentine's Day is on the doorstep! But there is still time to brush up on its small features and unusual facts. The leading Russian information Internet portal helps in this. . 20 interesting and informative facts from the life of Valentine's Day.

Amazing and wonderful: facts that surprised us

1. Valentine's Day was born in 496, with the light hand of the Pope - Gelasius. This holiday is a successful attempt by the Catholic Church to replace the popular pagan festival (Lupercalia) with a Christian event - the Day of its saint, the patron saint of lovers.

2. In Europe, February 14 began to be celebrated in the 13th century. This holiday reached the United States only in the 18th century, and Japan and Russia - in the last century.

3. In Germany, February 14 is celebrated as the day of the mentally ill. Psychiatric clinics are decorated with red ribbons on this day, and a special service is held in the chapels at the hospitals.

4. Valentine's Day has another name that is almost forgotten - "Bird's Wedding". In the old days, it was believed that birds begin to build a nest and prepare for procreation on February 14th.

5. In Muslim countries, in particular in the UAE, Valentine's Day is strictly prohibited. The holiday is considered sinful, contrary to the foundations of Islam. For the propaganda of dissolute Western traditions on this day, they are punished with fines. No scarlet roses and plush hearts!

6. The Catholic Church drove Valentine out of their saints in the 20th century. This decision was explained by the lack of evidence and true facts about the life and deeds of this priest before Christianity.

7. The Russian Orthodox Church does not approve of this holiday, considering it immoral and unworthy of the ancient Orthodox foundations and traditions. The Day of family, love and fidelity is proposed, and as a role model - a married couple of Murom saints Peter and Fevronia.

8. The French are considered the inventors of poetic valentines. On this day, they give their beloved a ripe red tomato - "the apple of love", as it is called here.

9. The Italians dubbed February 14 "sweet day." It is chocolate and other confectionery that is the most common gift in this country for Valentine's Day.

10. Americans spend the most money on chocolate sets - $ 700 million!

12. In America, in the state of Texas, there is a city called Valentine. The name was born not in honor of a famous resident with that name, but on the case of the first arrival in the city of a train, which coincided with February 14 - Valentine's Day.

13. 73% of all flowers sold on February 14 are bought by men. And only 27% are women.

14. Valentines have the second largest sales volume after Christmas cards. A billion heart-shaped postcards are sent around the world every year.

15. On February 14, Jamaica hosts "naked weddings" that attract tourists. People from all over the world come here to gaze at the newlyweds, who are wearing nothing but a wedding ring.

16. The first Valentine's-themed box of chocolate was designed and marketed in 1868 by Richard Cadbury.

17. Valentine's Day is a fruitful holiday for private detective agencies. The recipients of anonymous valentines constantly contact them with a request to find the sender.

18. For Finns, February 14 is a holiday of friendship. On this day, they give gifts and show cute signs of attention not only to beloved ones, but also to parents, friends and other close people.

19. In England, there are a lot of signs and beliefs associated with Valentine's Day. On the eve of this day, young Englishwomen fall asleep with laurel leaves tied to the corners of the pillow, and get up neither light nor dawn, running to the window to see the first passer-by. So they hope to see their betrothed, predict family fate.

20. In the old days, lovers themselves made valentines, decorating them with bird feathers, dried flowers, beads and pieces of lace. It was believed that lace would help to catch a loved one in a love net, to entangle him with heart charms.

And the final fact about Valentine's Day from 4Banquet: 53% of women who do not receive a Valentine's Day gift break off their relationship with their partner.

Don't let this happen! Love and be loved!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Each country has adapted the holiday to its cultural traditions and people have brought new elements to the celebration. Now they congratulate not only lovers, but also relatives, friends, good acquaintances, colleagues.

Why the holiday appeared, how it is celebrated in different countries and how to spend this day in an interesting way - I tell in the article.


The main symbols of the holiday: roses, chocolate, Cupid, heart, flowers, pink and red colors, valentines, candies.


There are many stories about the origin of the holiday.

According to one version, during the Roman Empire, the Lupercalia festival was celebrated in honor of the harvest god Lupercalia.

The festival was held in February and traditionally the village girls wrote their names on pieces of paper and then hid them in a special box. And the young people then took out notes and paired up with those girls whose names they got. This often ended in a wedding.

According to another version, the Roman emperor Claudius II needed a strong army of unmarried men. He believed that they would protect him better. But the married soldiers refused to leave their families to fight for the emperor, and he forbade young people to marry.

A Roman priest named Valentine empathized with the couples and began to marry them in secret. When everything was revealed, the emperor ordered Valentine to be sent to prison and executed. While Valentine was in prison, he fell in love with the jailer's daughter, who looked after him. On the night before the execution on February 14, Valentine wrote her a farewell note and signed "Your Valentine".

Short story

Ancient Rome: the Lupercalia Festival, a feast of fertility, was celebrated in mid-February.

200-300 AD: at least 2 Christian priests named Valentine were executed.

1300s: Valentine's Day is associated with love and romance.

1600s: in Europe, there is a tradition of exchanging postcards at DSV.

1840s: for the first time in the United States, postcards for the holiday are mass-produced and sold.

  1. There is no exact information about the origin of the holiday, only assumptions and legends.
  2. The image of St. Valentine may belong to two people at once.
  3. King Henry VII of England declared the day a holiday in 1537.
  4. The oldest Valentine's card dates back to 1400 and is in the British Museum in London.
  5. Valentine's Day is celebrated in America, Italy, the United Kingdom, Mexico, Canada, France, Australia, Denmark.
  6. The main characters in Shakespeare's play Romeo and Juliet lived in Verona. Every year, thousands of valentines are sent there in the name of Juliet.
  7. More than a billion postcards are sent every year around the world.
  8. According to statistics, teachers receive the most postcards from parents, students, and families.

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In different countries


In the States, Valentine's Day is the most popular holiday of the year. This is the peak of sales for firms selling toys, gifts, chocolates, flowers. During this time, parties and romantic dinners take place, and children put on performances in schools. In America alone, millions of heart-shaped chocolate boxes are bought every year and 150 million valentines are sent out.


In the UK, people like to celebrate the holiday by writing love poems and giving heart-shaped gifts. This tradition is observed in every corner of the country, and love lyrics are published in the newspapers.



In Denmark, February 14 is considered a youth holiday, as it is celebrated mainly by people from 16 to 30 years old. On this day, many take a break from work to spend time with their loved one. Among the traditional ones, there are interesting gift ideas: snowdrops, love musical cards and funny poems. Parties, concerts, shows and exhibitions are held.


For Italians, Valentine's Day is an American holiday, like. They themselves have an important day, il giorno della festa degli innamorati. They celebrate with their family (Italians are generally very family people), but no one exchanges gifts. However, recently, in Italy, Valentine's Day is traditionally celebrated - congratulating the soul mate. Couples go to restaurants and exchange gifts (roses, perfume, candy, jewelry, depending on the person's preference). Baci Perugina - chocolate covered hazelnuts with a piece of paper with romantic quotes inside - is another Italian tradition.

What to give for Valentine's Day

1 An important wardrobe item

Gifts for a man are easier to make than for girls, because style and practicality are important for the stronger sex. For a connoisseur of their time, a new-fashioned watch with many functions is suitable. They are equipped with all the gadgets a real man needs: a stopwatch, three dials with an indicator, a polished case and mineral glass, and even waterproof!

2 To those who take care of themselves

If you want to give your man a useful gift that will definitely not lie idle, then a razor is the best choice. Unless your spouse grows a beard like a Viking! But most men still prefer to remove excess hair from their face, so a quality shaving kit is a must! You can add more foam or gel to it for a comfortable shave.

3 The cure for sadness

Not all girls love soft toys, but there is still a way out of this situation. Practical ladies who do not like dust collectors at home can be presented with such a charming anti-stress pillow. It is difficult to refuse such a gift - it is cute, useful and magically helps to relieve stress perfectly! This is the perfect choice to give your soul mate a good mood for the whole day.

4 For warmth and comfort

This gift is just perfect for any girl! A cozy plaid + mug set is a great option for cold February evenings in front of the TV, just like in romantic melodramas. This surprise will automatically make a man a caring, gentle and empathetic life partner who worries about the comfort of his beloved.

5 Important details

If a couple lives together, you can make a luxurious gift that is suitable for two at once. It's trite, but this is a bedding set! Of course, we are not talking about cozy family sets with calm patterns. You need to give a passionate red, exciting set, which will not only decorate your bedroom, but also awaken secret desires.

6 Games for two only

In order to diversify your romantic relationship, you can give In Love a play set for lovers. This addicting game is for two only and will set anyone in a playful mood. An excellent choice for February 14th - the game will help you spend an evening together and get to know each other better. Moreover, the game is suitable both for couples in love and for spouses who have been together for more than one year!

Celebration Ideas

It seems difficult to come up with original ideas for gifts and congratulations. But sometimes the simplest things can get extraordinary. Depending on how you want to celebrate this day (day of love, friendship, family - there is a great choice!), Think about it. Perhaps you have not gone to a restaurant with your loved one for a long time, have not gone to nature with your family, have not seen your best friends ... This can be your holiday!

  • Make a party for your favorite friends.
  • Have a family event (movie night, picnic, sports day).
  • Take time for yourself and do what you have long dreamed of.
  • Leave the house with your spouse and visit a restaurant, movie, or exhibition.
  • Prepare unusual dishes together for a romantic dinner.
  • Write a love note and hide it where the addressee will definitely find it.
  • Make a video clip in advance with your photos and your favorite music.
  • Give yourself and your loved one a gift voucher: parachute jump, guitar lesson, airplane piloting - you better know what your loved ones will like!

You can still improve your English! How?))