Factories for the production of artistic brushes. How to start a paint brush business

Probably, entering a specialized store and looking at brushes with various inscriptions, you wondered what kind of brushes are actually made here, in Russia. Are there any factories for the production of drawing accessories in Russia? Due to the location, and specifically the availability of source materials, the Kirov region became the center of the production of artistic brushes in the USSR. The largest enterprise organized in the post-Soviet period appeared there. Subsequently, it was transformed into LLC "Art materials" and it formed the basis of several separate companies, which later began to conduct independent activities.

LLC "PTK Arteks-M"

A modern company for the production of artistic brushes of various nomenclature for a wide range of users, operating since 2001 in this market. The organization is registered in Kirov. The processes use the developments and technologies of European and Asian countries. The assortment in the catalog is constantly changing and updated. At the moment, they produce brushes from the maximum range of available raw materials: column, squirrels, ponies, goats, dogs, bristles, cow ear hair, as well as synthetic and blended bristles.

LLC "Nil"

The corporation has been operating since 1988, when the collapse of large Soviet enterprises began and the first private firms were created. The launched enterprise was improved by opening new suppliers of raw materials. At present, Nil LLC is completely autonomous - all sources for making brushes are produced independently, based on their own raw material base. All products are certified according to GOST standards. The factory makes brushes from natural squirrel bristle, column, pony, bristle, goat, arctic fox and synthetic hair, suitable for both amateurs and professionals. In addition, the plant manufactures specific types of brushes to order.

"Painting brushes"

The classic Kirov school of making brushes formed the basis of another company for the production of brushes for painting, which later received the Roubloff brand. The company uses technologies from world leaders, combining ancient methods of processing natural pile and bundling with modern production methods. A complete list of brushes of various levels of professionalism is available to order. Users appreciated the brushes made of squirrel hair, column, bristle, synthetics. This allows you to choose brushes for almost any type of paint and creativity, as well as restoration work and cosmetic services.

LLC "Art materials"

The factory for the production of goods for creativity was founded in 1937. The company began as a manufacturer of brushes, but later covered the full range of accessories for creativity, such as tablets and easels. Later, they mastered professional cosmetic brushes for makeup, nail art. The company produces brushes from kolok, squirrel, pony, goat, bristle and synthetic bristles and also offers the widest selection of professional brushes.


Another domestic manufacturer of brushes, as well as a variety of equipment and accessories for painting from Novosibirsk has been known on the market for over 20 years. This time was not wasted - the plant switched to a closed production cycle. In the company's catalog you can find brushes for both professionals and school options from natural and synthetic hair of all shapes and sizes. The company also has its own experimental laboratory.

"Nevskaya palitra"

One of the oldest factories, founded in 1934. A private paint and varnish plant was converted into it, as it is logical from the name it specializes in the manufacture of all kinds of paints. The priority area of ​​activity is the production of brushes from squirrel, column, bristles and synthetic bristles. All products of the plant are marked with the trade logo "Red Palette." Products under the Nevskaya Palitra brand are supplied to the USA, Europe and other countries.

Of course, this is not the whole spectrum of manufacturers of brushes. The modern market has created an environment for the development of many commercial companies of various sizes that produce brushes, but we stopped at the most significant and long-term enterprises. Now it is difficult to imagine that only 10 years ago, Russian manufacturers lagged behind their foreign counterparts by 10-15 years in technology. The painful process of modernization of production and renewal of equipment has brought results and now the brushes of Russian brands in many respects are not inferior to Asian and European counterparts. At the same time, the availability and assortment is a serious plus, thanks to which the buyers made a choice in the direction of Russian goods.

Art brushes are made from hair of various animals as well as from bristles. Particularly appreciated are the hair brushes made from the tails of gerbils, badgers, Siberian weasels, and squirrels. Depending on the purpose, flat and round brushes with an elongated or shortened hair part are made. Currently, due to the significant cost of traditional brushes for painting from the hair of the above animals, more and more often hair from other animals is used for brushes, and not only hair, but also wool. These new suppliers of raw materials for brushes include: fox, arctic fox, mink, and here hair that is quite suitable for brushes is a waste of fur factories and fur repair shops. Also suitable for making brushes: wool of long-haired dogs, camels and sheep, as well as human hair. Of course, the use of certain hair depends on what kind of work the corresponding brushes will be used for: for watercolor or oil painting, for graphic works, and so on. For example, Chinese and Japanese artists who paint with ink prefer brushes made exclusively from camel hair.

Many art lovers sometimes try to make brushes on their own, but not knowing the technology of this specific production, they get brushes that are of little use for work.

Making brushes for painting

So for making brushes for painting is primarily necessary prepare pork bristles or hair of the corresponding animals. In the description of the brushes below, the animals from which the brushes are made are indicated, as well as the characteristics of the brushes made from those or other hairs. Note also that all of the brushes listed below are made from treated animal tail hair.

Gerbil. Only flat brushes with lengthened or shortened hairs are available.

The hair is very soft and has little elasticity. It is mainly used for working with tempera, gouache and watercolors, when working with oil paints, for glazing lacquer coatings, for applying a thin painting layer, etc.

Badgers. The shape of the brushes is flat and round. Brushes are somewhat stiffer than gerbil hair brushes. Used in oil painting.

Columnar. Round and flat brushes with lengthened or shortened hairs. The brushes are distinguished by exceptional firmness and elasticity with satisfactory softness. They are used in all types of painting, but they are absolutely irreplaceable in the work with gouache and watercolors, when great elasticity is required from the brush. In oil painting, they are used when making small details; in mural painting, round brushes are used to draw long contour lines, and flat brushes are used to apply thin layers of painting. Column brushes are handy for wet glazing.

Squirrels. Only round brushes are available. These brushes are distinguished by great softness and elasticity, they are mainly used in watercolor painting on paper, in painting on porcelain. Note that marten or sable brushes are considered the best brushes for watercolors, and large brushes for watercolors are made from coarser camel hair.

The practical use of brushes, soft or hard, flat or round, depends on the individual requirements of the master, on the technique in which he solves certain painting tasks.

The group of so-called school brushes, which are usually made from the hair of a squirrel, fox, bear, column includes brushes of nine numbers: 2; 4; 6; eight; ten; 12; fourteen; 16; 18 (see tables 1 and 2).

Table 1. Painting brushes, flat
Brush no. Hair bun width at the clip, mm Hair release length, mm
Bristle Squirrels, martens Core, gopher, gerbil, mink
dl. Wed cor. dl. Wed cor. dl. Wed
2 2 13 11 7 - - - 6 5
4 4 15 13 9 - - - 8 6
6 6 17 15 11 10 8 8 11 9
8 8 19 17 13 12 10 8 13 11
10 10 21 19 15 14 12 10 15 13
12 12 23 21 16 16 14 12 17 15
14 14 26 24 19 18 16 14 21 18
16 16 29 27 22 20 18 16 24 21
18 18 32 30 25 22 20 18 27 24
20 20 35 33 28 25 22 19 - -
22 22 38 36 31 27 24 21 - -
24 24 40 39 34 29 25 29 - -
26 26 44 42 37 31 25 25 - -
28 28 47 45 40 33 30 37 - -
30 30 49 47 42 35 32 29 - -

Table 2. Round brushes for painting
Brush no. Beam diameter at the sleeve, mm Hair release length, mm
Bristle Squirrels, martens Core, gopher, mink Badger, gerbil
long short average
1 1 7 8 8 6 6
2 2 9 10 11 9 8
3 3 15 12 13 11 10
4 4 19 14 16 14 12
5 5 24 17 20 17 14
6 6 28 20 20 21 16
7 7 30 24 26 23 22
8 8 32 28 28 25 26
9 9 34 30 30 27 28
10 10 36 33 - - 30
11 11 38 36 - - 33
12 12 40 38 - - -
13 13 42 - - - -

After removing unnecessary individual hairs from the bundle, it is trimmed (on the non-working side of the hair) and, with the cut part down, is placed in a narrow glass with a flat bottom. From a light tapping of the bottom of the glass on the table, all the hairs of the bundle will settle and become equal.

After that, the hair bundle is tied up (Fig. 1) and unnecessary hairs are combed out of it, using a frequent comb with sharp teeth. The combed out bunch must be additionally tied up, after which it is degreased in gasoline. The bundle is kept in a jar of gasoline for at least 2 ... 3 days (the jar must be tightly closed). Next, the hair is washed several times in pure gasoline, and then boiled in a 10% solution of potassium alum, which is a tanning agent. (As a result of this treatment, the hair becomes non-absorbent.)

A bunch of dried hair is wrapped in newspaper (in one layer), the hair is tied up and tempered, keeping it at a temperature of 140 ... 150 ° C, usually for 50 ... 60 minutes. Generally, the time for hardening the hair depends on the type of hair. Thus, the dog's hair is heated for 1.5 hours. In this case, thin hair requires a higher tempering temperature.

To determine the heating temperature, they usually use the following simple method. If the paper placed in the oven (oven) turns slightly yellow, this means that the temperature is below 150 ° C and is not enough for hardening. When the paper acquires a light ocher color, we can assume that the temperature is close to 150 ° C, that is, the temperature required for hardening the hair has been reached. Carbonization of the paper indicates a temperature that is too high, which is clearly above 150 ° C. Please note that this temperature is not suitable for heat treatment of hair, as overheating makes hair brittle.

Having adjusted the temperature in the furnace, they begin to harden. It is best to put a bun of hair in the oven on a metal mesh or hang it so that the hair is evenly heated with hot air.

After warming up the hair, comb it again and remove short or unusable hairs from the beam using a razor. To do this, the bundle is placed on the palm (with the cut off to the palm) and, holding it with your fingers, the unnecessary hairs are trimmed with a razor. Then the bundle is pushed apart and unnecessary hairs are also removed from the middle, taking them out with tweezers. The hair bundle processed in this way is again wrapped in newspaper, tied up and tempered again using the same regimes.

To determine the quality of hardening, the hair is moistened with water. If the hair is not warmed up enough, curls form on some of the hairs. Then the bunch is moistened with water and the hair is calcined again. The quality of hair hardening can be judged by their color. So, with sufficient hardening, white hair acquires a yellowish tint. Using this property, several control white hairs are inserted into a bun of dark-colored hair when heated, the yellowing of which will be a sign of a sufficient degree of hardening of all hair in the bunch.

From the hardened hair, you can already knit brushes. Depending on the number (see tables 1 and 2), a certain amount of hair is taken from the bundle, lowered into a pre-prepared mold with a conical bottom, made of tin or plastic. It is clear that such molds should be sized according to the corresponding brush numbers. So, having put the required amount of hair into the mold, tapping on the mold, the hair bun is shaped into a blank for the brush (Fig. 2). Then the bundle is taken out, tied up, the excess hair is cut off, the non-working side of the bundle is varnished and the blank is inserted into a metal capsule (clip). These capsules are either solid-drawn or formed from a thin metal strip, the edges of which are overlapped (with soldering of the joint). Capsules are usually made of tinplate or brass, their sizes depend on the number of the brush.

The handles of the brushes are carved out of birch, pine, beech or alder wood, then sanded, coated with colorless varnish or painted in various monochromatic colors. The bunch inserted into the capsule is poured from the open (wide) end of the capsule with waterproof varnish or synthetic glue so that the glue (varnish) reaches the end of the hair bunch in the capsule. After drying, the capsule with a hair (bristle) bundle is connected to a wooden handle, on which the capsule is additionally crimped for strength. The handle of the finished brush is varnished. The length of the hair released from the capsule depends on its elasticity. Note that the correct release of the hair is important, since very long hair will make the brush tousle, and insufficiently released hair will pick up little dye. The finished brush is moistened with water, combed until the hair of the brush becomes even.

Natural plant dyes

Painting and plastering tools are indispensable for finishing work on various surfaces (leveling, strengthening, applying paints and varnishes and plastering materials, etc.). These tools include brushes, rollers, and spatulas. Despite its low cost, the choice of painting tools has a direct impact on the quality and result of repair and finishing work.

According to the results of marketing research, the majority of Russian consumers (almost 53%) prefer domestic products when choosing painting tools. About 5% of respondents buy Polish products, which are considered one of the cheapest in Europe. Another 7-8% of respondents are ready to purchase brushes, rollers and spatulas made in Germany. Chinese products, which are distinguished by a low price, were preferred by 15% of the respondents. These data, unfortunately, cannot be considered complete, since the research assessed the entire market for painting and plastering tools, which includes not only cheap rollers and spatulas, but also brushes.

In the first case, of course, domestic products prevail (their share is about 80%), since the cost of such a product itself is not high, its service life is also limited and it is irrational to bring it from abroad.

In the case of paint brushes, things are a little different. This segment is dominated by products from Finnish, Swedish and German manufacturers, which are more expensive, but at the same time of much better quality. In second place are domestic companies - these are mainly enterprises organized on the basis of specialized factories operating since the times of the USSR, as well as manufacturers from Ukraine and Belarus. They use, for the most part, outdated equipment, so their products cannot compete in quality with Western ones, but at the same time they are superior to cheap Chinese ones.

According to experts, the market for painting and plastering tools will increase every year by 25-30%. This is due to an increase in the standard of living of the population and the movement of residents of large cities to the outskirts or to the countryside to their own homes.

Let's consider the production process of such products using the example of the most popular tool - a paint brush. The design of the brush is extremely simple: the bristles are attached to the handle using a bandage. There are three types of bristles that are used in the production of paint brushes: natural (for example, badger), artificial or mixed. The highest quality and most expensive hard brushes are made from spinal and semi-spinal bristles. This hair has a tapered structure, due to which it retains more paint or varnish and less splashes them, evenly coloring the surface. Horsehair brushes are cheaper but tend to last considerably less. Synthetic fiber bristles are a good alternative to natural materials. It has only one drawback: synthetics do not hold the paint well, increasing its consumption.

In expensive high-quality products, the bristles are arranged not in one, but in several rows, which are separated by so-called wedges. The wedges form a working cavity, which is filled with paint and varnish material and holds it inside the brush. The size and number of wedges can vary depending on the shape and thickness of the tool itself. To keep the bristles well and the fallen bristles do not spoil the painted surface, the bristles are fastened together with wedges using a special glue. The quality of this adhesive is of great importance - the service life of the brush depends on it.

Around the bristles and wedges is a so-called band that connects the head of the tool to its handle. The bandage is made of stainless steel or undergoes anti-corrosion treatment, otherwise it can rust from constant contact with moisture. The handle design is also of great importance. Professional painters choose brushes from renowned manufacturers with a comfortable grip that fits well in the hand and does not slip out of it.

Brush handles are divided into three main types, depending on the material used: wooden (such handles are also called classic), plastic (hard plastic), mixed type, or two-component (for the production of which hard and soft polymer materials are used). As a rule, professional brushes are of the latter type. Their hard plastic handles are equipped with a soft anti-slip coating that reduces hand fatigue and provides a comfortable grip and maneuverability.

Thus, the simplicity of the design of the brush and the process of its production is only apparent. In fact, the quality of all components of the tool - from bristles to glue, and its manufacturing technology is of key importance. The most common types of paint brushes that are produced by domestic enterprises: flat (flange) brushes of various sizes, round brushes, bristle brushes (large brushes for treating large surfaces), radiator brushes with a long handle, narrow and thin brushes. In addition, paint brushes are classified according to their shape: flat, oval, round. Manufacturers note an increase in the popularity of flat brushes - they are more convenient to work with and versatile, unlike brushes of other shapes.

As mentioned above, painting tools are made from various types of materials, but the main ones are wood and plastic. These materials have fundamental differences that determine the technologies used in production.

Consider the manufacturing process for brushes with hardwood handles (most commonly oak and beech). Wooden blanks are given a certain shape using a milling machine. The shape is determined in advance, depending on the brush model. After cutting, the blank for the handle is sanded and varnished.

Once the lacquer is completely dry, bristles are attached to the handle. The highest quality bristles are made from natural animal hair with a density of up to 90%. The bristles are glued to the base of the handle with a special glue. It is safe for humans, moisture resistant, withstands exposure to solvents and high temperatures.

Polyamide is often used as the basis for attaching the bristles. This material is widely used in environments with aggressive nature (for example, acid or alkali). A bandage is put on the handle with bristles. The finished product is packed in foil and cardboard boxes. Companies that care about their reputation monitor the quality of their products and control it at every stage of production.

The technology for the production of painting tools from plastic has fundamental differences. Whether it is made entirely of this material (for example, wall grout) or partially (handles of brushes, rollers and trowels), special molds are used to produce plastic parts. This process is more automated and, thanks to the conveyor feed, allows the production of a large number of accessories for hand-held painting tools in the shortest possible time.

Large Western companies producing such products usually do not have their own production and place orders at factories in China. Domestic small and medium-sized enterprises open their production in Russia. For a small plant for the production of painting and plastering tools, you will need a room with an area of ​​at least 80-100 sq. m. On this area there are machines, molds, transport tape.

An existing business can be purchased. Sales proposals start at 1.5 million rubles (small-scale industries producing one or two types of products). Of the employees, you will need workers in the shop (about 3-5 people per shift, depending on the volume of production), an accountant (he is a personnel officer), a sales manager. The duties of the latter can be performed independently at first. The purchase of raw materials for the first batch of goods will require about 300 thousand rubles.

Please note: for most types of mechanical, hand and electric tools, it is necessary to obtain certificates of conformity. Hand tools are goods of increased injury risk and are subject to mandatory certification. When drawing up the relevant documentation, the products are checked for compliance with GOST, hygienic (sanitary) safety, etc. Therefore, when you decide on the range of products that you plan to produce, consult with specialists about the need to certify your product.

Experts say that a good quality tool will always find its customers. However, it is better to take care of sales in advance. Since a large market share in the low- and mid-price segment belongs to domestic manufacturers, the percentage of direct sales is about 25% (buyers are large companies that provide renovation services).

Over 60% of the goods are sold through wholesalers in large cities and regions, as well as distributors. A small part of the goods is delivered directly to retail chains, separate specialized shops of the “all for repair” type and to the construction and household goods markets. Rollers and brushes are sold worst of all through online stores: it is easier for buyers to go to a regular store or to a wholesale warehouse and buy the product they need, rather than wait for delivery. And it is unprofitable for online stores to keep products with such a low cost in the warehouse.

The painting and putty tool business, like the construction and renovation industry as a whole, is subject to seasonal fluctuations, but there are some differences. Between November and March, there is a decline in sales of repair tools. But these indicators, although not as high as in the warm season, are still higher than in the industry as a whole. Customers are postponing the construction of facilities for spring-summer. But finishing work is carried out indoors (moreover, prices for them are significantly reduced during the off-season), so these services are in demand even in the winter season.

Lilia Sysoeva
- portal of business plans and guides

Painting and plastering tools are essential for surface finishing (reinforcement, plastering and paint application). Brushes, rollers and spatulas are exactly such a tool that is in demand among finishers. Despite its affordable price, the choice of painting tools directly affects the quality of painting and plastering work.

According to marketing research, Russian consumers, as a rule, when choosing tools for painting work, purchase domestic goods, this is about 60% of all buyers. Another 5% buy Polish products, which are the cheapest in Europe. Another 8% purchase brushes, rollers and spatulas from German manufacturers. Another 15% prefer Chinese goods.

Domestic products (spatulas and rollers) prevail on trade counters, the cost of the goods is not high, the service life is limited and it is not profitable to import tools from other countries.

Paint brushes are sold mainly by Finnish, German and Scandinavian manufacturers, which are more expensive, but also the quality is higher. Domestic manufacturers are in second place - these are, as a rule, companies operating on the basis of specialized factories dating back to the times of the USSR, there are also manufacturers from Ukraine and Belarus. These enterprises have outdated equipment, so their goods cannot compete with those of Western Europe, but at the same time they are superior in quality to cheap Chinese ones.

According to marketers, the demand for painting and plastering tools will increase by 25-30% every year. This is due to the construction boom in Russia and with the relocation of residents of megalopolises to the outskirts of cities or to the countryside in their own cottages.

Using the example of a paint brush, we will tell you about the production process. The design of the brush is primitive: the bristles are attached to the handle by a bandage. There are three types of bristles used in the manufacture of paint brushes: natural (badger, for example), artificial or mixed bristles.

The most expensive but high quality hard brushes are made from spinal and semi-spinal bristles. This bristle has a conical structure in its structure, due to which it retains more varnish and paint and, accordingly, splashes them less, densely painting the surface. Brushes made from horsehair are much cheaper, but they also serve less. Synthetic fiber brushes are a good substitute for natural materials. There is one drawback - synthetics do not hold the paint on itself well, significantly increasing its consumption.

In a high-quality brush, the bristles are arranged in several rows, which are separated by wedges. The wedges are necessary to form a working area that fills with paint or varnish and holds the paint inside the brush. The length and number of wedges can be different, depending on the thickness and shape of the tool. To keep the bristles tight and prevent them from falling out, the bristles are held together with special glue together with wedges. The quality of this special glue affects the service life of the tool itself.

A bandage is located around the wedges and bristles, which firmly connects the handle with the bristles. The bandage is made of stainless steel or undergoes anti-corrosion treatment, otherwise the bandage will start to rust. The handle design can also be different. Professional painters purchase brushes from well-known companies with a comfortable grip that is convenient to use.

Brush handles are produced in three types, depending on the material used: wooden (this is already a classic), plastic (made of thick plastic), mixed type and two-component (hard and soft polymers are used for manufacturing). Professional brushes are available in two components. The handles of professional brushes are made of hard plastic and covered with a soft anti-slip coating, due to this coating, hand fatigue is reduced and provides maneuverability during work.

It follows from this that the simplicity of the device of the brush and the process of its manufacture is not complicated but requires adherence to the instructions. The quality of all parts of the tool is important - from bristles to special glue, and the process of its production.

The most popular types of paint brushes produced by domestic companies: flat (they are also flange) paint brushes of various sizes, round, maklovitsy (large brushes), radiator brushes with an elongated handle, narrow and thin paint brushes. Likewise, brushes are classified depending on the shape produced: flat, round and oval. Manufacturing companies note a great demand for flat brushes - they are more convenient for painting and are versatile.
As stated above, painting tools are made mainly of wood and plastic. These materials are different in properties, and are used in production depending on the brushes produced.

Consider the method for making brushes with hardwood handles (oak and beech). Wooden workpieces are processed by a milling machine to a certain shape. Depending on the brush model, the shape is selected in advance. After processing on the machine, the blank for the handle of the future brush is sanded and painted with varnish.

After the varnish has dried, the bristles are attached to the brush handle using a special glue. The best quality can be considered animal hair bristles with a density of up to 90%. Such bristles are safe for humans, moisture resistant, and withstands high temperatures and paints well.

Polyamide is also used as the basis for attaching the bristles to the handle. This material is used in aggressive environments. A bandage is put on the finished handle with bristles. After the brush is ready, it is packed in foil or cardboard boxes. Manufacturers who care about their brand and reputation, monitor the quality of their goods and control the entire production stage.

The manufacturing technology of plastic painting tools has cardinal differences. Regardless of whether it is made entirely from the original material (grouting for walls) or partially (handles of paint brushes, spatulas and rollers), special molds are used to make plastic parts. This work is automated and, thanks to the conveyor, allows the production of the required number of components for the painting tool at the right time.

As a rule, companies producing such products do not have their own workshops and place orders at factories in China. Russian companies open their factories in our country. For a small workshop for the manufacture of tools for painting and plastering, a room with an area of ​​about 90-120 sq. m. In this room are located working machines, molds, warehouse.

You can buy an already operating workshop. Offers for the sale of small industries producing 1-2 types of goods start from 1.8 million rubles. For work, 3-5 people are required per shift, depending on the number of machines, accountant, product sales manager. The director can take over the function of the sales manager. For the release of the first batch of products, it will take about 300 thousand rubles.

Clarification, for some types of mechanical, hand and electric tools, it is necessary to obtain certificates of conformity. So hand tools are goods of increased trauma risk and they are subject to mandatory certification. When issuing certificates, the products are checked for compliance with the GOST criteria, sanitary safety, etc. As soon as you decide the issue with the range of products, consult with lawyers whether it is necessary to certify your product.

Sales managers say that quality painting tools will always be in demand from buyers. However, marketing options should be taken care of in advance. Due to the fact that more than half of the market in the low- and medium-price segment belongs to domestic manufacturers, the share of direct sales is 25%, as a rule, construction crews.

Approximately 60% of the products are sold through wholesalers in large cities, as well as through distributors. The remaining 40% of the products are supplied to retail chains, to specialized stores such as "samodelkin" and to construction markets.

The painting and putty tool business, like the construction industry, reacts to seasonal fluctuations, but has its own characteristics. From November to March, fewer tools for repair work are bought in stores. The customers of the objects are postponing the construction dates for spring-summer. But indoor work is carried out all year round, so these services are in demand in winter as well.