Where is the baby at 12 weeks pregnant. What kind of research do you need to go through? Scheduled visits to doctors

In the 12th week of pregnancy, many important events occur with the baby. So, at this time, the placenta is already fully formed. She begins to work fully, providing the child with oxygen and nutrients.

The size of the crumbs is 6-8 cm (approximately as lime), weight - 19-22 g.

The kidneys begin to excrete urine. Periodically, the baby pees, and urine is excreted into the amniotic fluid. From the 12th week of pregnancy, the baby begins to swallow amniotic fluid. In this case, the amniotic fluid does not penetrate the respiratory organs, since the glottis is closed.

The muscles of the chest begin to contract rhythmically, the child may hiccup imperceptibly for the mother. These movements are a kind of diaphragm training, preparation for spontaneous breathing after birth. The development of the digestive system continues.

The intestine becomes more complicated: folds form on its inner surface (like in an adult), the first peristaltic movements appear - test contractions, which are the preparation of the intestines for digesting food. While it is in the area of ​​the umbilical cord, but in the next weeks it will descend into the abdominal cavity. The nervous system continues to actively develop. Connections are formed between the cerebral hemispheres and the spinal cord. By the end of the week, a child's brain is a smaller copy of an adult's. The baby's face becomes even more like the face of a baby: the ears drop down the sides of the head, the eyelids become less transparent, and the eyes are closer to each other.

In the baby's blood, starting from the 12th week of pregnancy, there are not only red blood cells (as in the previous weeks), but also leukocytes (cells that protect the body from infections). The baby's liver, in addition to performing the function of hematopoiesis, begins to produce bile and enzymes for digestion.

The crumb periodically opens its mouth. He has vellus hair. They are soft and colorless, located mainly in the area of ​​the eyebrows, eyelashes, above the upper lip and in the chin area.

At the 12th week, the baby's genitals are already fully developed, so you can find out his gender using an ultrasound scan.

Twin development

Twins develop at the same rate as a baby in a singleton pregnancy. The main event of this week is that you can find out the gender of the babies on an ultrasound scan.

At 12 weeks, your babies are about 5.3cm tall and weigh 20g each.

Sometimes an ultrasound scan reveals that one child is larger than the other. As a rule, this is due to the fact that one of the crumbs has better placental nutrition. The doctor will help to find out the reason for the difference in height and weight of children.

What Happens to Mom: Feelings

From the 12th week, for most expectant mothers, the golden period of pregnancy begins - a time when unpleasant symptoms and difficulties with well-being recede, since the woman's body has already adapted to the changes associated with bearing a baby.

Changes in the uterus. At the 12th week of pregnancy, the uterus is already large enough to fit in the hip space, so it begins to partially occupy the abdominal cavity, reaches the edge of the pubis and is palpated over the pubic bone (the doctor will palpate this area during examination). Normally, the uterus at this time increases to 10 centimeters. It is important to know that during this period she may have a slight tone, and this is the norm, and not a cause for alarm. The belly is not yet noticeable, it is just beginning to grow.

Frequent urination... The growing uterus squeezes the bladder, so the urge to use the toilet becomes more frequent. An increase in the volume of circulating blood in a woman's body, a changing hormonal background, an increasing need for fluid also increases urination.

Pain and cramps in the lower abdomen. At the 12th week of pregnancy, mild pulling pains in the lower abdomen are normal: the uterus presses on the ligaments, and under its influence they stretch. Nevertheless, severe pain and cramps are a reason to immediately consult a doctor, because these symptoms can be harbingers of miscarriage, including a miscarriage against the background of an ectopic pregnancy.

Headache. Hormonal changes, overwork, increased anxiety typical of expectant mothers, as well as stress, SARS and other reasons can cause headache attacks. Discuss how you are feeling with your doctor.

Back pain. Moderate pulling back pain is caused by the load on the spine, which increases with each week of carrying the baby. If the pain is severe, accompanied by bloody, purulent vaginal discharge, fever, an urgent visit to the doctor is needed to eliminate the risk of miscarriage and other pathologies. Also, the cause of back pain can be various diseases of the spine that a woman had before pregnancy, so it is advisable to consult a specialist.

Breast changes. At the 12th week of pregnancy, the breast increases a little more and retains increased sensitivity, possibly a feeling of heaviness, tingling. This is the norm, as the mammary glands gradually prepare for breastfeeding.

Puffiness. Many expectant mothers are familiar with such a symptom as edema. Retention of water in the body is provoked by hormonal changes, an increased load on a woman's kidneys, and the growing needs of her body and the child's body for fluid. The increase in the volume of amniotic fluid also occurs weekly.

Sweating. Increased sweating (hyperhidrosis) is caused by hormonal changes, by the fact that the expectant mother consumes more fluid, and also by the fact that the volume of circulating blood in her body increases. Sweating is especially pronounced at night. To cope with the consequences of the symptom will help rubdown or shower with herbal infusion instead of soap, shower gel.

Vaginal discharge. At the 12th week of pregnancy, scanty or moderate discharge is considered the norm. It is worth monitoring not only the amount, but also the color and smell of these secretions. There should be no unpleasant odor, and the color should not differ from transparent or transparent white. Any changes, as well as a curdled or flaky consistency of secretions, is a reason to consult a specialist. Bloody discharge should alert the expectant mother, as they can talk about a miscarriage that has begun.

Minor bleeding... In expectant mothers, especially with multiple pregnancies, nosebleeds may open. It is caused by an increase in blood flow: due to increased stress, weak vessels burst. Vaginal bleeding at 12 weeks is an alarming signal; it can signal an incipient miscarriage or an ectopic, non-developing pregnancy. There are also more harmless causes of bleeding, for example, damage to the uterine pharynx after intimacy or intense sports (the muscle walls of the uterus become softer under the influence of the hormone progesterone, so it is easy to irritate them). Spotting spotting can be if a pregnant woman has uterine erosion, fibroids or polyps, venereal diseases. In any case, a doctor's consultation is necessary.

Increased body temperature. A slight increase in temperature to 37.5 degrees Celsius during the entire 1st trimester is considered normal - this is how hormones affect your body. Of course, it is necessary to see a doctor to rule out respiratory illness. If the temperature began to decrease, approaching normal, then it should be so: at the 12th week of pregnancy, it should begin to return to normal.

Increased fatigue. Weakness, a constant feeling of fatigue, drowsiness, mood swings and many other uncomfortable symptoms in the expectant mother at the 12th week of pregnancy weaken or disappear, so her body has adapted to the changes taking place in it.

Changes in food preferences and smells. The increased susceptibility to food and smells caused by the influence of hormones in expectant mothers at the 12th week of pregnancy, as a rule, becomes less pronounced.

Increased appetite... At the 12th week of pregnancy, the manifestations of toxicosis in most expectant mothers soften or disappear, so the appetite increases. In addition, starting from the 11th week of pregnancy, the metabolism in a woman's body proceeds 20-25% faster. However, try to control food cravings as excess weight complicates pregnancy.

Changes in the condition of the skin and hair... Hormonal changes in the body of the expectant mother affect the condition of her skin and hair either for the better or for the worse, making them more oily or, on the contrary, dry. Natural changes in the endocrine system provoke increased (less often decreased) secretion of the sebaceous and sweat glands. If skin problems become severe (acne, enlarged pores, etc.), it is best to see a dermatologist. A dark (pigmented) vertical stripe from the navel appears on a woman's belly at 12 weeks gestation. Often this happens earlier, in the previous weeks. This streak appears in 90% of women during pregnancy and is a sign of hormonal well-being. After giving birth, the pigmented line will disappear.

Weight gain. By the end of the 12th week, the woman's weight increases by 1-2 kg, and in the expectant mother of twins - by 5-8 kg compared to the weight before pregnancy. If the weight gain, according to the doctor, is more than normal, all his recommendations must be followed.

Medical examination

If the expectant mother has not yet registered with the antenatal clinic, then at the 12th week of pregnancy this must be done. It is important to understand that all consultations, tests and procedures are not a whim of doctors, but care for your baby.


  • obstetrician-gynecologist (a scheduled visit, if you registered earlier, is not required; consultation of an obstetrician-gynecologist is necessary if any complaints appear)
  • consultations with other specialists (phlebologist, endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, etc.) at the discretion of the doctor conducting your pregnancy, if indicated

If this is your first time registering, you will be given referrals to the following specialists:

  • therapist (the doctor will exclude / confirm chronic diseases in the expectant mother, decide on their compatibility with pregnancy, and, if necessary, prescribe treatment)
  • ophthalmologist (the doctor will assess the likelihood of the development of pathology and give recommendations for the duration of pregnancy and childbirth, if this or that eye disease is already present)
  • dentist (untreated teeth and gums are a source of infection, which can adversely affect the condition of the child; dental treatment, as a rule, the doctor recommends to transfer to the 2nd trimester, since in the early stages of pregnancy, almost any drug exposure is undesirable)
  • otolaryngologist (ENT) (the doctor will identify / rule out chronic infections of the ears, nose or throat, due to which the well-being of the expectant mother may worsen, and the course of pregnancy may be complicated)
  • endocrinologist (this specialist will assess the state of the endocrine system of the expectant mother, give recommendations that are important for the successful course of pregnancy)
  • geneticist (the doctor will assess the risk of developing hereditary diseases and pathologies in the baby)
  • surgeon (a specialist will assess the likelihood of developing varicose veins, possible risks for gestation and childbirth, associated with the peculiarities of the woman's musculoskeletal system, with injuries and fractures received before pregnancy)
  • there are no mandatory tests at the 12th week of pregnancy, if you registered earlier
  • "Double test" (it is also prenatal screening of the 1st trimester, biochemical screening of the 1st trimester, - an examination aimed at identifying malformations of the child; carried out if not passed at 10-11 weeks)

Screening includes:

  1. a blood test for the content of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG; necessary to control the normal development of pregnancy) and PAPP-A (a protein associated with pregnancy);
  2. a blood test for progesterone (gives a picture of the course of pregnancy; if the level of the hormone in the blood is lowered or increased, it is possible that the fetus has genetic diseases due to a chromosomal disorder - Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome, and the level of progesterone can also be increased due to pregnancy with twins) ...

The World Health Organization recommends prenatal screening for all pregnant women without exception. Future mothers pass it without fail: a) over the age of 35; b) already having children with genetic or chromosomal disorders; c) previously had more than two miscarriages; d) who have taken medications that are dangerous for the child in the 1st trimester of pregnancy; e) exposed to radioactive radiation shortly before conception (as well as the wives of husbands exposed to radiation); f) in other cases when the doctor considers it necessary.

If you are registering for the first time, you will also need (at the discretion of the doctor, not all of the listed tests may be prescribed):

  • biochemical blood test (important for monitoring the well-being of the expectant mother)
  • analysis to determine the blood group and the Rh factor (it is important, firstly, to provide timely medical care to a pregnant woman - transfusion of blood or its components, and secondly, to identify / exclude the Rh-conflict between mother and child)
  • coagulogram (blood test for prothrombin; required to detect / exclude blood coagulation pathology)
  • a blood sugar test (necessary to identify a predisposition to the development of gestational diabetes - diabetes mellitus in pregnant women; the disease can lead to abnormalities in the baby's development or complicate the course of pregnancy)
  • a blood test for HIV (mandatory to determine the HIV status of the mother and child and the appropriate tactics for managing pregnancy and childbirth; the disease can lead to abnormalities in the development of the baby or complicate the course of pregnancy)
  • blood test for syphilis (RW, Wasserman reaction; necessary to identify / exclude syphilis in the expectant mother and prescribe appropriate treatment if the reaction is positive; the disease can lead to abnormalities in the development of the baby or complicate the course of pregnancy)
  • a blood test for hepatitis B and hepatitis C (required to identify / exclude hepatitis in the expectant mother and prescribe appropriate therapy; the disease can lead to abnormalities in the development of the child or complicate the course of pregnancy)
  • a blood test for TORCH infection (required to identify / exclude a complex of infections such as toxoplasmosis, rubella, cytomegalovirus, herpes, chlamydia; diseases if they become infected after conceiving a baby can lead to abnormalities in the development of a child or complicate the course of pregnancy)
  • urine analysis according to Nechiporenko (assigned for in-depth diagnostics to detect an infection if there are abnormalities in the clinical (general) urine analysis)
  • a smear on the flora (microscopic examination of the vaginal discharge is necessary to identify / exclude infections of the genital organs, in particular thrush (candidiasis), as well as sexually transmitted diseases; timely treatment helps to avoid infection of the baby and complications during pregnancy)
  • general urine analysis
  • stool analysis
  • Ultrasound (performed routinely as part of the prenatal screening of the 1st trimester, if it was not passed by the expectant mother at the 10-11th week of pregnancy. Before the 14th week, the woman must do the first ultrasound. During the study, the doctor will find out whether the development of the child is appropriate term, whether there are gross developmental pathologies, how the organs of crumbs and other tissues are formed. The size of the baby (or babies!) and the approximate date of his (their) birth are determined. pregnancy, assesses the amount of amniotic fluid and their condition)
  • weight measurement (weight control is carried out constantly, since excess weight gain during pregnancy can lead to the development of complications during gestation and childbirth)
  • measurement of blood pressure (increased pressure indicates the development of arterial hypertension and other complications of pregnancy)

If you are registering for the first time, you also need to go through:

  • ECG (electrocardiogram is needed to assess the health of the heart of the expectant mother)
  • measuring the size of the pelvis (with a narrow pelvis, prevention of complications of bearing a child is required)

Difficulty carrying

Deviations and pathologies of the 12th week of pregnancy are as follows:

Toxicosis... At the 12th week of pregnancy, bouts of nausea and vomiting disappear. The corpus luteum, which previously produced the hormone progesterone - the main "culprit" of toxicosis and other unpleasant symptoms (weakness, increased drowsiness, fatigue), transfers its functions to the placenta. If the manifestations of toxicosis remain, you should consult a doctor.

Miscarriage. 30% of pregnancies before 12 weeks end in miscarriages. The causes of miscarriage in the 1st trimester are hypertonicity of the uterus, nonviability of the crumbs, rejection of the child by the mother's body as a foreign body, a sharp deterioration in health, chronic diseases, hormonal disorders, stress, bad habits, injuries of the expectant mother, etc. in the lower abdomen, in the lower back, there is bloody discharge, call an ambulance.

Ectopic pregnancy. Such a pregnancy is terminated because it is a threat to the life and health of the mother. Adding in size, a child in the 20th week of pregnancy, and sometimes even earlier, causes a rupture of the fallopian tube, damage to the ovaries or other internal organ of the mother, which causes severe bleeding and requires urgent hospitalization of the woman. An ectopic pregnancy is diagnosed by ultrasound and a blood test for hCG (the level of this hormone is lower than during normal pregnancy at the same period), accompanied by pulling, aching abdominal pains, which are joined by bloody discharge. The likelihood of pathology is increased by a previously performed abortion, inflammatory processes in the urogenital system of a woman, the age of the expectant mother (less than 18, more than 35 years), bad habits, anomalies in the structure of the uterus and fallopian tubes and other reasons.

Non-developing pregnancy. The development of the child can stop at any stage of pregnancy, but the likelihood of pathology is highest in the 1st trimester. A frozen pregnancy leads to the death of a baby and a miscarriage. Symptoms of pathology - a decrease in the level of the hormone hCG, smearing bloody vaginal discharge, severe weakness, fever, chills, pulling pains and cramps in the lower abdomen, disappearance of painful sensations in the chest. Diagnosed by ultrasound, blood test for hCG. If the pathology is confirmed, curettage of the uterine cavity and histological examination are performed. The reasons for undeveloped pregnancy can be deviations in the development of the child, as well as infectious and chronic diseases, trauma, hormonal disruptions, bad habits, stress of the mother, and the medications she takes.

TORCH infections... TORCH is an abbreviation for the names of diseases: Toxoplasma (toxoplasmosis), Rubella (rubella), Cytomegalovirus (cytomegalovirus), Herpes (herpes). These infections are dangerous if they are first infected during pregnancy, as they lead to malformations of the child and miscarriage, and may become an indication for termination of pregnancy. Compliance with hygiene and prevention measures, including vaccination 6 months before conceiving a baby, will help reduce the risk of infection.

Placental abruption... Abdominal pain, back pain, and bleeding can be signs of placental abruption. With timely medical assistance (bed rest, medications), it is possible to preserve and carry the baby even with a large area of ​​placental abruption.

Bubble drift. This is the name of a complication of pregnancy, the cause of which lies in the violation of the fertilization process. It is manifested by the hypertrophied development of the chorion - the future placenta.

"Colored pregnancy". Sometimes during pregnancy there are periods, sometimes until the very birth. Doctors call this phenomenon "color pregnancy". It is caused by low levels of hormones that suppress menstruation. Deviation is not dangerous for the woman and her child, but requires medical supervision.

Photos: belly at 12 weeks pregnant

A note to the expectant mother: what is allowed, what is not

At the 12th week of pregnancy, the following changes in the woman's lifestyle are required:

What is POSSIBLE for an expectant mother:

  • go for a massage
  • do fitness programs for pregnant women
  • walking more, being in the fresh air; to climb stairs instead of an elevator to prevent varicose veins, excess weight, swelling of the legs
  • put into daytime sleep mode to recuperate
  • do cosmetic procedures, having previously consulted with a gynecologist and cosmetologist, in order to avoid allergic reactions, the ingress of toxins into the body, etc.
  • have sex: if there are no contraindications and the changed hormonal background has a positive effect on libido, doctors do not prohibit intimacy (choose a position that is comfortable for you without deep penetration, make sure that bleeding from the vagina does not appear, as well as aching pains in the lower abdomen and lower back)
  • visit the bathhouse and sauna without a steam room, if there are no contraindications (overheating increases the risk of miscarriage)
  • take a multivitamin complex prescribed by your doctor
  • perform Kegel exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, master breathing exercises (these workouts will help the expectant mother during childbirth)

What a mom-to-be should NOT:

  • keep bad habits - smoking, being a passive smoker, drinking alcohol, drugs
  • take medications and dietary supplements without consulting a doctor
  • do an x-ray of the chest (including fluorography) and abdominal cavity
  • experience severe stress
  • endure intense physical activity, lift weights weighing more than 3 kg
  • work in hazardous production
  • take hot baths (this increases the risk of miscarriage), and in general it is better to temporarily stop bathing and take a shower
  • have sex if there is a threat of spontaneous miscarriage or increased uterine tone, severe toxicosis persists
  • dye hair, eyebrows, eyelashes (the procedure can cause toxic substances to enter the body of the mother and her baby)
  • make tattoos, permanent makeup (the procedure can cause toxic substances, dangerous viruses, such as HIV, hepatitis, to enter the body of the mother and her baby)
  • to have pets (animals, especially cats, birds, rodents, can be carriers of TORCH infection - toxoplasmosis; taking care of pets already at home during pregnancy should be entrusted to someone from the family)

Proper nutrition

Hot first courses are the foundation of any healthy diet. Treat yourself and your baby to tender and delicious puree soups!


The need for vitamins and minerals

At the 12th week of pregnancy, the doctor, if he has not done this earlier, without fail recommends a multivitamin complex to the expectant mother, since the growing needs of a woman and her baby for nutrients are increasingly difficult to satisfy only with nutrition. What do they both need?

Vitamin B9 (folic acid)... Prevents the development of neural tube defects in the baby. It is necessary for the formation of the nervous system and DNA of cells, hematopoiesis, metabolism and, in general, for the normal intrauterine development of the child. It is required for maturation of the placenta, prevention of iron deficiency anemia, improvement of blood clotting and immunity in the expectant mother. Where to look? Beef liver, cod liver, parsley leaves, spinach, lettuce, green onions, asparagus, cabbage, legumes, fresh green peas, cereals, wholemeal flour products, yeast, cottage cheese, cheese, nuts, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds.

Vitamin B1 (thiamin)... It is necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems of the expectant mother, alleviating the symptoms of toxicosis, preventing low blood pressure - hypotension. Where to look? Cereals, wholemeal flour products, yeast, bran, sprouted grains, legumes, nuts, apricots, rose hips, beets, carrots, cabbage, radishes, potatoes, onions, watercress, spinach, milk, meat, eggs.

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin). Participates in the metabolism, absorption of iron, which means it helps to prevent anemia. It is important for the functioning of the liver, the immune system of the expectant mother. It is necessary for the normal development of the baby, including the formation of the skeleton, muscles, and the nervous system. Where to look? Liver, milk, eggs, yeast, cereals, legumes, spinach, arugula, Swiss chard, cabbage, tomatoes, lettuce, watercress, dill, parsley, basil, lettuce, rose hips, apricots.

Vitamin B3 (vitamin PP, niacin)... Participates in metabolism, maintaining normal cholesterol levels and blood pressure. It is necessary for the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, liver of the mother and child. Where to look? Meat, liver, kidneys, eggs, milk, cereals, wholemeal flour products, legumes.

Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid)... Participates in the metabolism, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, the work of the adrenal glands and the thyroid gland of the woman and the unborn baby. Where to look? Liver, kidneys, meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, legumes, beets, asparagus, cabbage.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)... Participates in the metabolism, the process of hematopoiesis and blood supply, the functioning of the nervous system and the gastrointestinal tract of the expectant mother and her crumbs. Reduces the severity of toxicosis, prevents hypotension. Where to look? Meat, fish, eggs, legumes, cereals, sprouted grains, nuts, spinach, potatoes, cabbage, carrots, lettuce, tomatoes, strawberries, cherries, citrus fruits.

Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin). It is necessary for the normal development of the child, the prevention of anemia in the expectant mother. Supports the process of hematopoiesis, the functioning of the liver and digestive organs, the nervous system. Where to look? Beef liver, meat, fish, seafood, milk, cheese.

Vitamin A (retinol)... Participates in the metabolism and blood formation, activates cellular immunity, is necessary for the functioning of the placenta, the formation of the skeleton, organs and tissues of the crumb, the prevention of a decrease in visual acuity in the expectant mother. Where to look? Butter, cream, cottage cheese, cheese, fish oil, beef liver, egg (yolk), bell pepper, pumpkin, cabbage, carrots, spinach, celery, watercress, sorrel, dill, parsley, green onions, rose hips, black currants , sea buckthorn, apricots, watermelon.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)... Strengthens the body's defenses (immunity) of the expectant mother, relieves inflammation, helps prevent anemia, varicose veins, gum disease, and premature termination of pregnancy. It removes toxins from a woman's body, reduces the risk of stretch marks. It tones up the blood vessels of the placenta, minimizes the risk of its detachment, and improves the flow of oxygen to the baby. Where to look? Bell peppers, cabbage, potatoes, tomatoes, sorrel, eggplant, green peas, parsley, radish, green onions, dill, watercress, rose hips, currants (any: black, red, white), cranberries, rowan berries, sea buckthorn, strawberries, kiwi, melon, citrus fruits, apricots, peaches, apples, seaweed, beef liver and kidneys, pork liver, goat milk, kumis.

Vitamin D (calciferol). It is necessary for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, participates in the mineralization of bone tissue, the formation of bones and teeth, helps to prevent rickets and skin diseases. Strengthens the immune system, improves the functioning of the thyroid gland, the cardiovascular system of the mother and the child. Where to look? Fish oil, cod liver, herring, mackerel, salmon and other types of fish, beef, pork, chicken liver, eggs, milk, butter, cottage cheese, cheese, spinach, parsley.

Vitamin E (tocopherol). Improves the supply of nutrients and oxygen to cells, since it has a positive effect on blood circulation. Promotes relief of inflammatory processes, prevention of miscarriages and premature birth, prevention of blood clots. It is necessary for the production of hormones, the metabolism of the mother and the child, and the normal intrauterine development of the baby. Where to look? Unrefined vegetable oils, cereals, bran, sprouted grains, nuts, seeds, tomatoes, lettuce, fresh peas, spinach, parsley, rose hips, meat, eggs, beef liver, milk.

Vitamin H (biotin). Participates in the metabolism of amino acids and fatty acids, the work of the nervous system, is necessary for the health of the skin. Where to look? Beef liver, kidneys, eggs, milk, yeast, beets, cabbage, spinach, legumes.

Vitamin K. It is necessary for both the expectant mother and the child for blood clotting. Where to look? Cabbage, carrots, tomatoes, spinach, rose hips, strawberries, wild strawberries.

Iron... This trace element is involved in the production, and therefore is necessary for the prevention of anemia in the expectant mother and the prevention of hypoxia - oxygen starvation of the baby. Prevents the appearance of intrauterine pathologies in the baby and premature birth. Where to look? Beef liver, kidneys, meat; poultry, fish, seafood, legumes, buckwheat, rolled oats, cabbage, tomatoes, celery, spinach, lettuce, watercress, leeks, strawberries, cherries, apricots, quince, blueberries, pomegranate, apples.

Iodine. It is necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland of a pregnant woman and her unborn baby, full-fledged intrauterine development of the child. Where to look? Sea fish, cod liver, seaweed, iodized salt.

Calcium. Required by the future baby for the formation of bones, teeth, muscles and tissues of internal organs, the development of the nervous, cardiovascular systems. The expectant mother needs this trace element for the prevention of osteoporosis, caries, problems with hair and nails, as well as for improving blood clotting, maintaining normal cholesterol levels, blood vessel tone, and full functioning of the kidneys. Reduces the severity of toxicosis, participates in the production of hormones. Where to look? Cabbage, garlic, sorrel, spinach, celery, parsley, dill, basil, dairy and sour milk products, eggs, fish, nuts, sesame seeds, poppy seeds, bran, pasta and baked goods made from whole grain flour, gooseberries, black currants, strawberries, cherries, mineral water.

Magnesium. It is important for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems, the metabolism of mother and child: coordinates the heart rate, normalizes blood pressure and blood sugar, increases the immune activity of cells, accelerates the elimination of toxins from the body, is necessary for the synthesis of enzymes, nucleic acids, fats , proteins, B vitamins, collagen. It prevents DNA and RNA mutations, strengthens the nervous system, helping to resist stress, insomnia, anxiety, headache. Participates in the formation of bone tissue. Where to look? Drinking water, nuts, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, bran, cereals (including legumes), wheat germ, cocoa, seaweed, rose hips, dates, watermelon, dried fruits, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, spinach, green salad, Swiss chard , parsley, green onions, celery, green peas, hard cheese, rye bread, whole grain flour products.

Manganese... It is necessary for hematopoiesis, strengthening the immune system, assimilating iron and B vitamins. It is important for the development of the skeleton and soft tissues of the unborn child. Where to look? Meat, beef liver, kidneys, fish, bread, cereals, cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, turnips, potatoes, parsley, spinach, plums, dates, grapes, bananas, raspberries, cranberries, tea, cocoa, honey.

Copper. It is necessary for metabolism, the production of hemoglobin (hematopoiesis) and enzymes, the synthesis of pigments responsible for the shade of the skin, hair, eyes, and the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. It is also important for the normal functioning of the immune and respiratory systems, the endocrine glands of a woman and a child. Where to look? Liver of beef, pork, chicken, seaweed, cereals (including legumes), potatoes, tomatoes, beets, cucumbers, dill, apples, pears, raspberries, strawberries, nuts, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, sprouted wheat, baked goods , tea.

Selenium... It is necessary for the body as a strong antioxidant that protects cells from the effects of free radicals, which impair immunity and contribute to premature aging. Strengthens the action of another antioxidant - vitamin E, improves its absorption, as well as the absorption of iodine. It is necessary for the synthesis of thyroid hormones and, in general, for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. It helps to increase the body's defenses and neutralize toxins entering the body of the mother and child. Where to look? Meat, offal (liver, kidney), fish, seafood, cereals, whole grain bread, asparagus, garlic, eggs.

Phosphorus... Participates in the synthesis of proteins, nucleic acids (part of DNA and RNA), the formation of bone tissue (together with calcium), metabolism and energy, muscle activity, is necessary for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system and kidneys of the expectant mother and her child. Where to look? Meat, fish, seafood, milk, cheese, cottage cheese, cereals (including legumes), cabbage, carrots, parsley, garlic, spinach, berries, nuts.

Zinc. It is necessary for the expectant mother and baby for the synthesis of hormones, proteins and nucleic acids, metabolism, normal functioning of the digestive and immune systems. It is important for the normal development of tissues, skeleton, cardiovascular and nervous systems of the child, as it is required for cell growth, lymph function, and brain activity. Prevents prolonged pregnancy. Where to look? Beef, beef liver, lamb, pork, poultry, eggs (yolks), seafood, cheese, legumes, spinach, nuts, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, cocoa butter.

Chromium... Contributes to the maintenance of normal carbohydrate metabolism and blood glucose levels, which means it prevents the development of gestational diabetes (aka pregnancy diabetes). It is important for the prevention of high cholesterol levels, diseases of the cardiovascular, endocrine and nervous systems. Where to look? Carrots, corn, parsley.

Important! Choose a multivitamin complex on the recommendation of your doctor - your obstetrician-gynecologist and / or therapist.

Expectant mothers at 12 weeks

Fitness for expectant mothers

At the 12th week of pregnancy, choose special activities for expectant mothers: swimming, water aerobics, gymnastics for pregnant women, breathing exercises, Pilates or yoga, Nordic walking. Before going to workout, consult with an obstetrician-gynecologist. The doctor must confirm that you have no contraindications. Don't forget about daily walks in the fresh air.

Pregnancy ailments

For expectant mothers in the 12th week of pregnancy, the following are typical disorders of well-being:

Acute respiratory diseases (ARVI, ARI)... Throughout the entire 1st trimester, the expectant mother has weakened immunity so that her body does not reject the child. Therefore, it is easy for a woman to catch a cold. After the 10th week of pregnancy, respiratory diseases are no longer as dangerous for the baby as in earlier periods, when the disease could lead to placental abruption, for example. And yet, taking many drugs for pregnant women is prohibited, so your faithful helpers are still traditional medicine: rinsing the throat and nasal cavity with saline, drinking plenty of fluids, herbal teas. And of course, no self-medication, you should see a doctor.

Bloating (flatulence). The symptom appears due to the accumulation of gases and fermentation processes in the intestine, due to the action of progesterone. This hormone relaxes the muscles in the anterior abdominal wall, increases abdominal fat, and slows down the contraction of the intestines, which leads to bloating. Increased gas production often worries expectant mothers, but it is not dangerous for the child.

Constipation / diarrhea... Under the action of the hormone progesterone, intestinal motility becomes weaker. An imbalance in the digestive system of the expectant mother provokes various problems with stool. The reasons for this are varied: a change in hormonal levels (an increase in progesterone levels), taking certain medications, non-compliance with dietary and drinking recommendations, insufficient physical activity, food poisoning. It is necessary to see a doctor to rule out the adverse effects of a stool disorder for the child.

Heartburn... The increased production of the hormone progesterone leads to relaxation of the muscular walls of the uterus to prevent miscarriage. The action of the hormone also affects other internal organs of a woman: the walls of the esophagus also relax, so stomach contents can be thrown into it, causing irritation of the mucous membrane and a feeling of discomfort in the expectant mother. The disorder is not dangerous for the baby, it is treated with medications, and is corrected by changing the diet.

Thrush... Candidiasis (thrush) is a fungal disease provoked by a decrease in immunity and changes in hormonal levels, hypothermia of the expectant mother. It manifests itself as cheesy vaginal discharge with an unpleasant sour odor, sometimes itching, burning sensation in the lower abdomen. Treatments that are safe for the baby.

Cystitis... Pain during urination or discomfort in the lower abdomen (burning, cramps, itching) can be signs of cystitis - inflammation of the bladder mucosa. For a child, the disorder is not dangerous, but the expectant mother needs a visit to a therapist and / or urologist so that the specialist will prescribe a suitable treatment that will stop the inflammatory process.

Phlebeurysm... Hormonal changes, an increase in body weight and an increasing volume of blood in the body of the expectant mother affect the state of her blood vessels: they expand, stretch, a feeling of heaviness, burning sensation appears in the legs, ugly spider veins become visible, because blood is retained in the lower extremities. The disease worsens the condition of the expectant mother, adversely affects the child, therefore, attention should be paid to the prevention and treatment of varicose veins, after consulting a phlebologist.

  • ventilate the office and apartment several times a day
  • if possible, avoid stress, mental and physical overload at work
  • switch to comfortable, comfortable clothes, underwear made of "breathable" fabrics
  • use hypoallergenic care and decorative cosmetics
  • refuse high-heeled shoes (to prevent varicose veins, tendon and ligament injuries, to avoid falls)
  • control weight gain (weigh in in the morning, on an empty stomach, in light pajamas and no more than 1 time a week; it is better to record the results)
  • start using cream against stretch marks
  • buy a pillow for pregnant women (the tummy is growing, and very soon you will need it to make your sleep more comfortable)
  • install a mobile application with pregnancy calendar and tips for expectant mothers
  • register in the community of expectant mothers, for example, on the website, to exchange experiences, questions, impressions throughout the entire period of bearing a child
  • start studying literature for parents in order to master the intricacies of caring for a baby and raising him
  • In the 1st trimester of pregnancy, pelvic ultrasound is performed transvaginally. Special preparation for the study is not required, and you do not even need to drink water: for accurate diagnosis, it is better that the bladder and intestines remain empty. To free the intestines, you do not need to eat food and drinks that provoke flatulence on the eve of an ultrasound: legumes, cabbage, potatoes, corn, grapes, pears, apples, peaches, soda water, juices, baked goods made from premium wheat flour, dairy and sour milk products, including cheese and ice cream. Your doctor may recommend a mild laxative or enema.

    Your family probably has a tradition of joint hiking and rafting, cycling and skiing, rollerblading and ice skating. While waiting for the child, these activities, potentially traumatic for the expectant mother, must be postponed. Instead of conquering the mountains and scuba diving, support your beloved woman in the activity allowed for her: go to the pool, for massage, yoga, visit spa treatments, walk in the park, go Nordic walking.

    Pregnancy is a great time for a woman, it is a natural physiological process that changes the outlook of the expectant mother. She experiences a lot of new sensations, some of them make her jubilant, like the first weak thrusts of a baby, some frighten. A pregnant woman must necessarily know all the features of the changes taking place with her in order to meet them without panic and nervous breakdowns, but calmly and confidently. This also applies to the twelfth week, in which several pleasant surprises await the woman.

    According to obstetric calculations, the twelfth week of pregnancy is the tenth week of the fetus's life. That is, exactly ten weeks have passed since the moment of conception, and two more weeks have passed since the day of the last menstruation. The first trimester ends precisely at this time, and with it toxicosis and fear of losing a baby go away, and perhaps thoughts about terminating a pregnancy.

    • The end of the first trimester is marked by several major changes in the maternal body:
    • Sex hormone levels have stabilized;
    • The placenta has reached six times the weight of the fetus and takes over the functions of providing for the child;
    • Nutrients stay in the blood longer for the baby to enter.

    Signs, symptoms, sensations

    The changes in a woman's well-being are so obvious that it is simply impossible not to notice them.

    1. One fine morning, the mother-to-be notices that the excruciating nausea has magically disappeared. This means that the hormonal background has stabilized and there will be no more toxicosis.
    2. Night trips to the toilet and constant absences to the restroom at work have also stopped, and hormones are also to blame. From this moment and until about seven months, the woman does not feel the frequent urge to urinate.
    3. Emotional lability, expressed in tearfulness, a sharp change in mood and resentment, also passed without a trace to return after childbirth.

    The external signs of pregnancy are already more pronounced, the tummy may become slightly rounded, and the breasts have become even larger. The pigmentation of the midline of the abdomen and nipples becomes more and more severe, but after childbirth it will disappear. Some women develop dark spots on their face, which will also disappear later.

    Pain and cramping

    1. Pain in the abdomen may appear due to some stretching of the ligaments of the uterus, while minor pain can be felt only on the sides, not extending to the lower abdomen.
    2. Sometimes the relaxation of the ligaments of the uterus and the process of preparing the pelvic bones for childbirth can cause stabbing pain in the pubic area. This is a normal pregnancy symptom.
    3. The constipation that accompanies this period is associated with a decrease in muscle tone under the influence of progesterone. Regular bowel movements are stimulated by the fiber found in vegetables and exercise.
    4. Itching in the mammary glands, the skin of the thighs and abdomen is the effect of hormones, and in order to prevent the formation of stretch marks, it is necessary to use special creams and oils from this period.


    Vaginal discharge most often becomes more abundant, but uniform and light in color, with a weak sour odor. Since immunity is weakened, they can be triggered by candidiasis, which lived asymptomatically in the vagina. To find out the infectious nature of the discharge, it is enough to take a smear during a routine examination. Any genital infections are potentially dangerous for a pregnant woman, therefore, they must be treated.

    Description Week 12

    What happens to the mother's body

    Since the placenta takes a large amount of oxygen and nutrients to feed the fetus, the maternal body is forced to increase the volume of blood flow by forty percent. This is due to an increase in the rate of blood circulation in the vessels, for which the heart increases the number of beats. Heart palpitations are a common late first trimester symptom.

    Twelfth week is the ideal time for a woman to enjoy her pregnancy to the fullest. Toxicosis and low blood pressure no longer bother, the tummy has just begun to emerge, the weight of the fetus and uterus is still quite small and does not interfere with walking or enjoying travel. Doctors recommend taking a vacation during this period, walking more or going to the sea, doing whatever you want.

    Fetal development

    • At this time, the baby already resembles a real man, which is especially noticeable in the photo taken with the help of ultrasound. It grows up to 9 centimeters and already weighs 14 grams. The head is disproportionately large in relation to the body, the eyes are closed, but there is already a reaction to light.

    • The external genitals are still forming, so it is impossible to say with absolute certainty whether it is a boy or a girl.
    • The fingers are divided, nails are formed on them, the child can already perform arbitrary, chaotic movements, the signals of which come from the spinal cord.
    • A swallowing reflex appears, the baby drinks amniotic fluid, which is released in the form of drops of urine. The fetus can "breathe", at a rate of eighty "breaths" per minute, the blood pours oxygen into its vessels. Thumb sucking is also a reflex reaction that manifests itself when a finger enters the baby's mouth.
    • All the main organs have already been formed, and from that moment on, their development proceeds. The small intestine begins to work, a small peristalsis is recorded. The kidneys work, excreting urine.


    Cooking rules

    Toxicosis no longer torments the expectant mother, so she can eat all kinds of healthy and natural foods. You don't need to follow a special diet, it is only important to put fresh vegetables and fruits, beef or poultry, cottage cheese and cheese in the refrigerator. Do not think that a pregnant woman should eat abundantly, since only one hundred additional calories per day are needed to cover the increased needs of the body.

    Particular attention is paid to the cooking process, since the preservation of all nutrients is a priority in a pregnant woman's kitchen. Meat can be boiled, baked or stewed, steam cutlets or zrazy can be cooked from minced meat. Use only fresh cottage cheese, or cook it yourself, as this product is an excellent breeding ground for microbes.

    Fried foods and pastries, as well as cakes, chocolate and other harmful excesses are not recommended, but during this period you can pamper yourself with delicious delicacies, barbecue or salted fish. The stress on the kidneys is not yet as strong as in the third trimester.

    Acceptable Products

    1. Boiled eggs or omelet, sea fish and nuts are essential foods for a mother-to-be. Carbohydrates, which help conserve energy, should be taken from oatmeal and buckwheat porridge, boiled vegetables and grain bread.
    2. Sunflower seeds are essential for all pregnant women, as they contain selenium, which is an important element for the normal functioning of the nervous system. Doctors know that those mothers who ate a lot of seeds during pregnancy, babies are born with clear skin, they have better reflexes at birth.
    3. It is advisable to use vegetables baked or boiled, so the body spends less energy on their assimilation. Fruits and berries can be consumed in unlimited quantities, fresh or after heat treatment.

    Foods harmful during pregnancy

    The twelfth week is only the first third of the long journey that the expectant mother and baby in her belly will go through. The influence of pregnancy on a woman's body is not yet particularly great, she can lead the old way of life, slightly adjusting it:

    • Establish a stricter daily routine, go to bed earlier, get enough sleep;
    • Accustom yourself to regular and healthy snacks between meals;
    • Start taking special vitamins for pregnant women;
    • Walk more;
    • Monitor regular bowel movements;
    • Do not be nervous, concentrate on your position, enjoy it.

    Sexual relationships at the end of the first trimester can bring many pleasant minutes, since a woman feels great, her libido increases, and the fear of a possible miscarriage passes. But caution and tenderness during intercourse are still required from a partner. Sex is not recommended only with the threat of miscarriage, uterine hypertonicity or other pathologies.

    Venous congestion or exacerbation of thrombophlebitis can begin already in this period, so you need to regularly wear special compression stockings, and also use vascular tonic creams.

    Cramps of the calf muscles, especially those pestering at night, are well relieved by light massage with any massage oil and an increase in the content of calcium and magnesium in the diet.

    Dangerous signs

    For any incomprehensible and disturbing symptoms and sensations, be sure to consult a doctor. Most of them are quite normal and explainable by the changes occurring with the woman, but there are a number of signs in which you should immediately go to the emergency room:

    • Bloody vaginal discharge;
    • Brown discharge accompanied by pain and tension in the uterus;
    • Watery, copious (more than one tablespoon) discharge;
    • Fever and pain in the lower abdomen.

    These warning signs can be harbingers of miscarriage or serious infection and need immediate medical attention.

    Fetal development ultrasound

    At the twelfth week, the woman will have a pleasant procedure for the first ultrasound, which will show how well the baby is developing, and they can also conduct perinatal screening, if the doctor deems it necessary. With the help of an ultrasound scan, the doctor determines:

    • The level of development of the placenta;
    • The condition of the walls of the uterus, hypertonicity and the presence of tumors or other neoplasms;
    • The presence of malformations and chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus;
    • Determination of Down's syndrome by the thickness of the collar zone, if it exceeds 3 millimeters, then the doctor recommends additional research;
    • The quality and quantity of amniotic fluid;
    • Fetal heart rate;
    • Baby's gender.

    Ultrasound is considered absolutely safe for the baby, so it can be done at the earliest possible date, but it is not advisable to undergo this study on your own and too often.

    Pregnancy 12 weeks photo

    A more detailed study or screening is carried out for the following groups of expectant mothers:

    • Late pregnancy;
    • A history of stillborn children;
    • Genetic abnormalities in close relatives;
    • A history of intrauterine infection.

    For a complete study, not only ultrasound data are taken, but also blood tests, amniotic fluid or amniotic fluid.

    Screening is carried out in special centers, and allows you to identify the following pathologies and diseases at an early stage:

    • Down syndrome;
    • Diabetes;
    • High risk of miscarriage;
    • Intrauterine infection;
    • De Lange syndrome;
    • Multiple pregnancy;
    • The gender of the baby (the study is carried out with the threat of hemophilia and other similar diseases).

    The screening data is carefully interpreted by the doctor, since small deviations from the norm can be absolutely normal, so the expectant mother should not worry before the examination.

    Even if any pathology is revealed that is subject to treatment or correction, the pregnancy can be saved. Genetic and chromosomal abnormalities cannot be treated, so the doctor may recommend termination of the pregnancy, but the woman makes the final decision.

    With all the new signs of pregnancy that await a woman in the twelfth week, this time is the best of all trimesters. A woman should not think too much about the benefits or dangers of this or that dish, or an evening walk under the stars. Pregnancy is an absolutely normal condition, which is taken for granted by a healthy body. You just have to live, enjoying new sensations, the care of loved ones and the expectation of the birth of a baby.


    The 12th week of pregnancy has already come, which means that from this moment the future mother, if she suffered from toxicosis, will most likely begin to feel better. Yes, yes, the placenta is slowly taking over life-supporting functions, the corpus luteum has “done” its work, and, therefore, nausea and vomiting will most likely now remain in the past. But, unfortunately, this concerns more "traditional" pregnancy, but if the pregnancy is designated as multiple, the symptoms of toxicosis may remain with it for some time. As well as emotional outbursts, irritability and nervousness caused by hormonal changes in the body.

    Even if a woman, due to toxicosis in the first weeks of pregnancy, lost a little weight, starting at 12 weeks, body weight will begin to increase: plus 500 grams per week is considered the norm. A new life growing in a woman's womb demands from the mother's body "to the maximum", in connection with which all its systems and organs work in full force. The volume of blood increases, its circulation increases, the lungs and kidneys work more actively, the heart beats faster. At the same time, urination is "debugged" - the frequent urge to go to the toilet "small" will no longer disturb the woman, as at the beginning of pregnancy. But there may be a problem with bowel emptying: the growing uterus presses on it, the bowel function slows down, against which constipation may occur.


    At the 12th week of pregnancy, the expectant mother can already feel how her belly begins to grow slowly. Usually, if pregnancy is new for a woman, then the tummy begins to grow later, at 12 weeks it practically did not increase, the expectant mother feels comfortable and ordinary clothes still fit her. If pregnancy is not the first for a woman, then the belly usually begins to increase earlier, often forcing the expectant mother to start looking for more loose-fitting clothes already at 12 weeks. Often, the growth of the abdomen is accompanied by itching, this is a kind of "hint" for a woman to be concerned about the choice of suitable means that will help avoid the formation of stretch marks, not only on the stomach, but also on the chest and hips. In addition, on the stomach, at the 12th week of pregnancy, it can be indicated by both age spots and a dark strip, which, starting from the navel, goes down. Experts reassure: there is nothing wrong with that, these phenomena are temporary and are not a cause for concern.

    Uterus at 12 weeks gestation

    Probably, it is not difficult to guess that the belly begins to grow precisely in connection with the gradual increase in the size of the uterus. So, the uterus at 12 weeks of pregnancy usually increases to such a size that it simply becomes cramped in the hip region. At this stage, the width of the uterus "grows" to about 10 centimeters, therefore, goes beyond its usual location and rises into the abdominal cavity. The woman can even feel and feel the increased size of it.


    Usually, the first ultrasound examination occurs at the 12th week of pregnancy, with the help of which the doctor determines the size of the fetus, and also establishes the estimated timing of delivery. An ultrasound scan at the 12th week of pregnancy becomes a real revelation for the expectant mother: her first acquaintance with the baby takes place, she already distinguishes him as a tiny person who is destined to be born in the near future. Although such indicators are extremely important in ultrasound, other, much more important results can be shown by ultrasound at 12 weeks of gestation.

    So, during an ultrasound study, the doctor assesses the condition of the uterus and determines its tone, analyzes the location of the placenta, excludes the likelihood of an ectopic pregnancy and clearly establishes how many fetuses develop in the womb. A woman can already observe her future baby on an ultrasound monitor, but without the help and explanation of a doctor, she will not always be able to make out where what is and how the baby is now feeling. Do not hesitate to ask the doctor for explanations - he can answer all the questions for mom, thereby acquainting her with her baby.

    The doctor compares the results of ultrasound at the 12th week of pregnancy with the indicators indicated in the table of normal values. This will make it possible to establish whether everything is going "as usual", and in the future the indicators of the first ultrasound will be compared with the indicators of repeated ultrasound examinations. Thus, the specialist will be able to monitor whether the pregnancy is proceeding normally, whether there are any abnormalities.

    It happens that early diagnosis becomes a disappointing "surprise" for parents: an ultrasound scan at the 12th week of pregnancy can already give an answer whether the baby is threatened with congenital defects or chromosomal abnormalities. Unfortunately, such diseases cannot be treated, and parents, learning about deviations, are tormented by a difficult choice: to leave the baby or still resort to abortion.

    Screening at 12 weeks gestation

    An even more informative method for assessing the development of the fetus and the course of pregnancy according to the norm can be screening at the 12th week of pregnancy. This is a comprehensive study that covers not only ultrasound, but also a biochemical blood test. A blood test involves measuring two markers in a woman's body - free b-hCG (free beta-subunit of chorionic gonadotropin) and PAPP-A (plasma protein A associated with pregnancy). In this regard, the first screening is also called a double test.

    Optimally, screening during the entire pregnancy is carried out three times, and the first is recommended for just between 11 and 13 weeks. The fact is that screening at the 12th week of pregnancy, which includes a mandatory fetal ultrasound scan, is aimed at examining the so-called "collar zone" of the fetus. Such a study makes it possible to exclude gross malformations of the fetus and even anomalies that are incompatible with life. The collar zone - the area of ​​the neck between the skin and soft tissues in which fluid accumulates - refers to non-permanent markers. As the baby develops, the norms of the collar space change, and therefore its research must be carried out strictly within a certain time frame. And, in addition, the analysis of the state of the collar zone can be performed subject to the high qualifications and special training of the operator, otherwise the presumptive diagnosis can be strongly questioned.

    In turn, the study of the level of hormones (free b-hCG and PAPP-A), carried out as part of screening, makes it possible to determine the degree of risk of developing certain abnormalities in the fetus. For example, an increase in the values ​​of free b-hCG on average by a factor of two may be a reason for suspicion of the presence of trisomy 21 (Down's syndrome) in the fetus, and a decrease in trisomy 18 (Edwards syndrome).

    However, despite the high information content, screening at the 12th week of pregnancy is by no means a reason for the final analysis. This study only establishes the degree of risk and the possibility of the presence of trisomy 21, trisomy 18, as well as a neural tube defect. The screening results become the reason for further research using special methods. Among other things, the doctor, in case of questionable analyzes, usually refers the expectant mother to a geneticist, who, in turn, recommends other additional studies.


    In addition to ultrasound and biochemical blood tests, the doctor may prescribe some other tests for the expectant mother at the 12th week of pregnancy. Usually, a woman has to take all routine tests when registering with a antenatal clinic. But it happens that tests at the 12th week of pregnancy may be needed due to the late appeal of a woman to a gynecologist about pregnancy. Or it happens that tests at the 12th week of pregnancy are needed for an extended examination of the expectant mother in connection with her condition - as an additional control tool.

    In addition to the traditional blood test for AIDS, syphilis, hepatitis B, blood group and Rh factor, by this time a blood sugar test, as well as a biochemical analysis, should already be taken. Among other things, an analysis at the 12th week of pregnancy, which examines "biochemistry", will determine the level of hCG in the body of the expectant mother. And a biochemical blood test is carried out, as already mentioned above, as part of a screening examination of a pregnant woman. If there is any suspicion of specific diseases, a woman can also be sent for tests for hormones and tests for urogenital infections.

    Fetus at 12 weeks gestation

    All these actions are necessary both in order to control the condition of the expectant mother, and in order to carefully monitor the formation and normal development of the fetus at the 12th week of pregnancy. At this stage, he has already grown significantly: the fetus at 12 weeks of gestation, at 10 weeks of age, weighs about 14 g, and reaches 6 to 9 cm in length (from the crown of the head to the coccyx). From this moment, by the way, the rate of its growth and length are a much more important indicator for doctors than weight.

    The fetus at the 12th week of pregnancy is already practically formed, all its systems and organs are actively working and continuing to develop. So, the fingers are divided and marigolds are formed on them, a unique imprint is formed on the pads of the fingers, the upper layer of the skin is renewed, and where the eyebrows and cilia appear in the future, a fluff appears. Also, vellus hairs arise both on the chin and on the upper lip.

    By the way, at the 12th week of pregnancy, the fetus is already actively “expressing emotions” with its face: it grimaces, opens and closes its mouth, and even takes a finger in its mouth. At the same time, the baby waves his arms and legs, and also somersaults and "floats" freely in the mother's womb.

    The internal organs of the child at this stage, in parallel with the fact that they are functioning, still continue their development. The baby's intestines, "taking" their place, already periodically contract, the liver synthesizes bile, and the pituitary gland and thyroid gland produce hormones and iodine. The bone tissue continues to mature, the muscles of the crumbs are strengthened, the heart beats quickly, the kidneys and the nervous system work fully. And at this stage in the blood of the fetus, in addition to erythrocytes, leukocytes also begin to form - the immune system is more and more improved.


    All this "magic" that is happening in the mother's tummy, normally should not be accompanied by painful sensations. True, mild and weak pains at 12 weeks of gestation, felt in the lower abdomen, can be explained by the tension of the ligaments that support the growing uterus. At the same time, doctors often justify lower back pain by a change in the center of gravity due to a gradually growing abdomen, and also by softening the supporting ligaments and discs under the influence of progesterone.

    At the same time, lower back pain can be triggered by a bladder infection, so it is still better in such a situation to consult a doctor and, if necessary, undergo an examination. It will not be superfluous to consult a specialist even if pains in the 12th week of pregnancy appear in the lower abdomen periodically, are aching and pulling in nature, and also if the pains in the lower abdomen last for 2-3 hours. And, even more so, they are accompanied by bloody discharge - this dangerous sign indicates the threat of premature termination of pregnancy. If a woman reacts in time when painful sensations appear, a miscarriage can be avoided, therefore it is necessary to seek help immediately.


    Bloody discharge at 12 weeks of gestation, even minor ones, should always alert a woman. Moreover, if they are still accompanied by abdominal pain - all this indicates the risk of spontaneous abortion. But the bloody discharge that appears after a gynecological examination or sexual intercourse can be explained by erosion of the cervix. And this condition is also a sufficient reason for contacting a specialist and additional examination.

    Normally, the discharge at 12 weeks of gestation is moderate, light or milky, of a uniform consistency and with a slight sour smell. There should be no pus, mucus, green or yellow, cheesy discharge or discharge with a pungent and unpleasant odor: such discharge becomes a sign of infection. A change in the consistency and color of discharge can be a symptom of thrush, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, which require mandatory treatment, because the infection is quite capable of infecting the fetus.


    Bleeding at 12 weeks of gestation always requires consultation with a doctor, because it is always defined as a very dangerous sign. Although bleeding of a different nature is considered a fairly common phenomenon in the early stages of pregnancy, it is still impossible to take risks and let the situation go by itself - in order to prevent a possible miscarriage, the harbinger of which is bleeding at 12 weeks of gestation.

    Bleeding is especially dangerous, which is accompanied by cramping or pulling pain in the lower abdomen, painful sensations in the lower back. Indeed, in addition to the threat of spontaneous abortion, such bleeding can also indicate an ectopic pregnancy - a complex and pathological pregnancy that poses a threat to the health and life of a woman.

    Colds at 12 weeks gestation

    The twelfth week ends one of the critical periods of pregnancy - the first trimester, after which most of the anomalies and malformations of the baby will no longer be scary. But for now, in this last and crucial week of the first trimester, you still need to take care of, including colds.

    A cold in the early stages can do a lot of trouble: provoke the development of placental insufficiency, fetal hypoxia, and significantly increase the risk of miscarriage. After all, transferred on legs and "untreated", a cold at the 12th week of pregnancy still remains a significant danger: it can cause malformations of the baby, even incompatible with life, which may eventually result in spontaneous abortion.

    The situation is significantly complicated by the fact that it is forbidden to treat a cold in the early stages of pregnancy with medications in order to avoid negative consequences. In this case, only traditional medicine is suitable, and even some herbal remedies - and then only after consulting a doctor.

    Rest and bed rest are mandatory for a woman in the process of treating a cold. Plentiful drinks (warm, but not hot) are shown - herbal teas, rosehip broth, berry fruit drinks from lingonberries, raspberries, currants. Honey is also useful - albeit in small quantities, since it has a strong allergenic effect. Honey can be added to tea, drunk with warm milk. Also, warm milk in half with Borjomi mineral water is considered a good remedy in the treatment of colds, primarily against coughs. You can also fight a cough with the help of a marshmallow mixture, syrup or lozenges Doctor MOM, Gedelix remedies.

    It is imperative to consult a doctor again if a cold at 12 weeks of gestation does not go away within 3-4 days, if its symptoms intensify, headaches are observed against the background of a cold, and the cough, accompanied by wheezing, does not go away. Moreover, compulsory consultation of a specialist is required if a cold at the 12th week of pregnancy is accompanied by a high temperature - within 38 degrees or more.


    The temperature at the 12th week of pregnancy, which is marked by indicators slightly higher than normal and fluctuates at around 37-37.5 degrees, can be either a variant of the norm (this is how the body reacts to increased levels of progesterone in a woman's body), and also indicate hidden diseases. Tests will help identify these diseases - usually inflammatory ones provoke changes in the levels of leukocytes, as well as the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR). And, nevertheless, more often a slightly increased temperature at the 12th week of pregnancy is a characteristic feature of the body of the expectant mother.

    But a noticeable high temperature at 12 weeks of gestation, accompanying any disease, poses a significant threat to the baby. So, under the influence of high temperatures, pregnancy fading can occur at such a time, therefore, a long-term high temperature is simply not acceptable. But after all, most antipyretic drugs are prohibited at the 12th week of pregnancy (the only exception is paracetamol, and that is mandatory only with the permission of a doctor). So what do you do?

    First of all, do not "disdain" the folk methods of lowering the temperature - rubbing with cool water with the addition of a small amount of vinegar, wet and cool lotions on the ankles and hands, a cool shower. But all this - only after the doctor was called at home: he will help determine the degree of danger of high temperature, and prescribe a dosage in which paracetamol will not cause much harm.


    You should also refrain from alcohol at the 12th week of pregnancy, as, indeed, during the entire period of carrying a baby. A conscientious mother, after all, is clearly interested in her baby being born a full-fledged and healthy baby, while alcohol at the 12th week of pregnancy, consumed even in the smallest doses, can prevent this.

    At this stage, the formation of the brain is still ongoing, and no specialist will take responsibility for guessing how alcohol will affect this process. So, alcohol can cause irreparable damage to brain cells - up to the destruction of some of them, which will not be restored in the future. The effect of alcohol can manifest itself in this case even several years after the baby is born: at some point it will become clear that we are hard to teach, overly excited and hyperactive, and suffers from poor memory.

    In a more severe case, alcohol at 12 weeks gestation can still cause severe malformations and physical deformities by affecting bone formation and muscle development. Alcohol in large quantities, constantly penetrating the placenta to the baby and exerting a toxic effect on him, can even lead to miscarriage. Therefore, alcohol at the 12th week of pregnancy should definitely be excluded from the life of the expectant mother.

    Sex at 12 weeks pregnant

    But sex, if a woman feels satisfactory, and there are no contraindications for carnal pleasures, it is not at all necessary to give up. Moreover, at the end of the first trimester of pregnancy, toxicosis and the accompanying symptoms slowly recede, the woman enters a certain period of "prosperity" and the dangers that were characteristic in the early stages of pregnancy also gradually remain in the past.

    The only contraindication to sex, both in the first weeks and at the 12th week of pregnancy, may be the threat of miscarriage. And then, in this case, restrictions on sex are usually imposed by doctors just up to 12 weeks. Other reasons that will become a reason for a woman to be careful may be multiple pregnancies and a low location of the placenta (it will be determined by a planned ultrasound scan). If pregnancy is not accompanied by such characteristic "features", sex at 12 weeks can be safely practiced.

    The only thing - not too actively and not "zealous", avoiding the pressure of the partner on the stomach and tracking internal sensations after intercourse. For example, seizures that can appear after carnal pleasures are usually classified as normal. But, if the convulsions do not go away for some time after sex, and even accompanied by bleeding, you should immediately call a doctor.

    You should also consult a doctor if possible if spotting is observed after sex at the 12th week of pregnancy, but they are not accompanied by pain. Such a sign may indicate the presence of cervical erosion in a pregnant woman.


    Nutrition at the 12th week of pregnancy is absolutely complete and balanced: the rapidly developing body of the baby needs nutrients and nutrients as much as possible. They are contained in the required quantities in "healthy" food: meat and fish, dairy and fermented milk products, cereals, vegetables and fruits. Moreover, the method of their preparation occupies an important place: it is better to boil or bake food when cooking (fried causes heartburn), vegetables and fruits - to eat raw (fiber improves intestinal motility and reduces the likelihood of constipation).

    A full breakfast is important, for the first it is advisable to always eat a portion of the first, and dinner should be light. It is better to eat, again, more often, but in small portions, avoiding overeating. If some products in connection with pregnancy suddenly began to arouse rejection in a woman, you can always find an “alternative” to them: for example, if you do not want and do not accept meat, it can be completely replaced with fish. Don't like boiled fish? You can try to bake it. Yes, and one more thing: there is no point in torturing yourself and trying to "squeeze" into the stomach a product that the expectant mother simply disliked at the moment, but which, according to all characteristics, is extremely useful for pregnant women. For example, many women during pregnancy simply cannot look at cottage cheese, although it seems to bring exceptional benefits to the body of the mother and baby. But only the food eaten through force will definitely not work for the future, therefore it is still better not to go contrary to your taste "sensations".

    This is the time when nausea and vomiting recede. A woman's well-being significantly improves, at the same time, her belly is not yet so big, so she can enjoy her position, a blooming appearance and excellent well-being.

    What Happens During 12 Weeks Pregnancy

    By this period, the uterus has grown even more. The size of the uterus during the twelfth week is about 12 cm wide, 10 cm long - like the head of a newborn baby. She still has enough room in the small pelvis, but soon she will begin to rise into the abdominal cavity. The height of the fundus of the uterus at this time is from 2 to 6 cm.

    Weight over the past period of pregnancy can increase by 1.8-3.6 kg, depending on the individual characteristics of the organism. If the pregnant woman had severe toxicosis, it may decrease at 12 weeks gestation. Wherein weight gain should not exceed 300-450 g per week.

    During this period, the load on all internal organs of a woman increases significantly - the kidneys, heart, lungs, liver. That is why it is important to avoid overwork or disruption of work and rest. It is advisable to rest more, breathe fresh air and enjoy your position.

    What happens in a woman's body

    Most women feel good at the twelfth week, because during pregnancy, the increased production of progesterone by the corpus luteum stops. By the end of the first trimester, the placenta has practically formed, therefore, from that moment on, it already performs life support and protection of the fetus.

    Because the uterus is enlarged at 12 weeks gestation, it can put pressure on the blood vessel system, which carries blood from the lower extremities to the upper body. The increased size of the uterus after twelve weeks causes swelling of the legs and enlargement of the saphenous veins in most women. To prevent possible complications, the doctor may prescribe the wearing of compression stockings.

    Typical external changes:

    • the appearance of a dark strip running from the navel to the pubis;
    • hyperpigmentation of the skin on the chest, face and neck;
    • the appearance / intensification of acne due to metabolic disorders in the body;
    • stretch marks in the chest, abdomen and thighs.

    To prevent the formation of stretch marks, it is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the skin, prevent excessive weight gain, and regularly moisturize the skin with the help of special creams and oils.

    Signs of pregnancy

    The 12th obstetric week of pregnancy is characterized by a decrease in toxicosis. But sometimes, due to the individual characteristics of the organism, nausea, vomiting and odor intolerance can persist for up to 4-5 months. This is due to the fact that the function of the corpus luteum, which is responsible for the production of progesterone and the maintenance of pregnancy, is taken over by the placenta.

    The 12th week of pregnancy is a period when a woman still lacks stability in the emotional sphere.

    Hormonal changes in the body still lead to increased irritability, frequent mood changes, anxiety, and tearfulness. Such changes can happen up to several times a day.

    What happens at 12 obstetric week of pregnancy:

    • breast enlargement;
    • headache appears;
    • the lower extremities are swollen;
    • varicose veins develop;
    • tachycardia is possible;
    • increased urination.

    12 weeks of pregnancy - how many months is it

    As the gestational age increases, the difference between the normal lunar and obstetric months becomes more and more noticeable. The countdown when carrying a baby begins from the first day of the last menstrual cycle. The midwife month is four weeks, which means that the 12th week is the end of the third month and the first trimester. How old is the fetus? - 10 weeks.

    Feeling in the stomach

    The surrounding people still cannot notice the changes in the woman's appearance, but the expectant mother herself can note an increase in the circumference of the hips and the growing volume of the tummy. The feeling of "tightness" is caused by the growth of the uterus and its pressure on the other organs located in the pelvic cavity.

    Feelings in the abdomen at 12 weeks of pregnancy are individual for each woman. If the pregnancy is the second and subsequent, then the belly may already be significantly rounded. This is due to the fact that the muscles and ligaments have already been well stretched during the previous pregnancy, so they are elastic and mobile. After 12 weeks of pregnancy, the size of the abdomen may also depend on other factors, such as: physique, placenta insertion and the number of fetuses.

    Discharge at 12 weeks of gestation

    Normal discharge during pregnancy is considered transparent, white and yellowish without any admixture of pus and blood, as well as a pungent odor. If there is a significant increase in their volume, a change in color and consistency, as well as the appearance of burning and itching, you should contact your gynecologist to make the correct diagnosis.

    A dangerous symptom is the appearance of a significant amount of bloody discharge, accompanied by a sharp cramping pain in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region. Such symptoms during 12 weeks of pregnancy may indicate placental abruption and miscarriage that has begun.


    The 12th week of pregnancy is the period of the mandatory first screening examination, which allows you to assess the viability of the fetus, its condition and development, the place of attachment to the placenta, as well as the presence or absence of genetic disorders or abnormalities.

    During the examination, the specialist evaluates:

    • weight and size of the fetus;
    • the structure of the brain;
    • the correct location of the baby's internal organs;
    • circumference of the head and abdomen.

    If, during the twelfth week of pregnancy, abdominal sensations deviate from the norm, and any problems are identified, the expectant mother should undergo additional examinations. To confirm the diagnosis of Down syndrome in the period 9-13 weeks, a special analysis is carried out that can accurately determine the likelihood of having a child with such a deviation. Depending on the size and weight of the fetus, the doctor will also set the expected due date.

    Fetal development

    The abdomen at the twelfth week of pregnancy increases, the fetus grows even more. The baby's height is about 60 mm, and the weight varies between 9-13 g. The unborn baby is like a lemon. His heart beats around 110-160 beats per minute, which can be heard on an ultrasound examination.

    The fetus already knows how to raise and lower the chest, as if breathing, and is also able to close its eyes, open its mouth, wiggle its fingers and toes. The baby can suck on his thumb, swallow fluids, urinate, and hiccup. In addition, he is actively moving, but the woman cannot yet feel his movements, since they are softened by the placenta and the amniotic fluid inside.

    From twelve weeks of gestation, the fetus develops a thymus gland, which is responsible for the production of lymphocytes. After his birth, she will take an active part in the development of the immune system. In addition to red blood cells, white blood cells appear in the blood. Other internal organs also begin to function actively.

    The liver secretes bile, peristalsis appears in the small intestine, and a strong bone substance is formed in the baby's skeleton. The body of the fetus was already covered with skin last week, and at the end of the third month, the first hairs appear on a thin layer of the still transparent epidermis. The volume of amniotic fluid is already about 50 ml, it is updated daily.

    Possible problems

    The twelfth week of pregnancy is a relatively calm period. The threat of spontaneous miscarriage has already receded, but harmful external factors can have a significant impact on the proper development and functioning of the fetus. During this period, a woman, together with an ultrasound scan, takes several tests - biochemical, for syphilis and a study of blood glucose levels.

    Possible problems during this period include:

    • the wrong process of development of the placenta -;
    • phlebeurysm;
    • the threat of termination of pregnancy.

    A delicate problem of this period is the frequent, resulting from the action of the hormone progesterone - it relaxes the intestinal muscles and makes it difficult for food to pass through it. It is extremely undesirable to allow this - the overflowing intestine presses on the uterus and disrupts its blood supply. You can prevent negative consequences if you include in the diet fresh fruits and vegetables, cabbage and beets, a mixture of steamed dried fruits. A description of all useful products can be easily found on any specialized website and forum that deals with obstetrics and gynecology.

    The intestines can also be stimulated with folk remedies: on an empty stomach in the morning you should drink a spoonful of vegetable oil, drink water with lemon and honey or kefir, herbal fennel tea (it effectively fights tension in the stomach). It is strongly not recommended to do laxative enemas or take appropriate medications. They help tone the uterus and cause unwanted effects.

    If the intestines are not emptied for 3 or more days, and no procedures help, you need to contact a specialist to prescribe laxatives, taking into account the characteristics of the body of a pregnant woman.

    To prevent any complications, it is necessary to avoid nervous overstrain and stressful situations at home and at work, prevent possible injuries (for example, when falling), limit contact with sick people and visit public institutions, etc. A woman should take care of herself as much as possible, since any disease can cause a miscarriage, the appearance of pathologies in the fetus or a frozen pregnancy.

    What to look for

    During pregnancy, you should not give up sports, but physical activity should be reduced to 60-80%. It is also worth giving up cycling, scuba diving, rollerblading and ice skating and other dangerous sports for a while.

    A pregnant woman's diet should be rational and balanced. You should not eat junk, fried and fatty foods and carbonated drinks. Weight gain for each week should not exceed 300-450 g, therefore, if these optimal values ​​are exceeded, it is necessary to revise the diet.

    With a strong breast augmentation, it is worth buying a special natural cotton bra with soft cups, wide shoulder straps, without underwire. It will help to avoid sagging breasts and the appearance of stretch marks on it.

    Since the uterus has already significantly increased in size, it is not worth sleeping in the prone position, as all the pelvic organs may be squeezed.

    Contrary to popular recommendations, you should not completely abandon perfume and cosmetics. If the odors do not cause discomfort, cosmetics can be used throughout the pregnancy. It is important for almost any woman to be confident in her beauty - this gives her confidence in her abilities. In addition, this method is almost the only one for the expectant mother to find time and take care of herself. Of course, overloading the body and face with unnecessary care and makeup is not worth it, the skin should breathe actively. You can refuse from intimate hygiene products and gels with fragrances and fragrances - it is better to replace them with ordinary baby soap. Intimate places during this period are very sensitive, such agents can cause itching, burning or thrush.

    It is imperative to quit all bad habits, including smoking. Ideally, they should be abandoned at the time of making the decision to get pregnant.

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    In the twelfth week of pregnancy, the condition of many expectant mothers begins to change. The second trimester is approaching - there is only one week left. The hormonal storm in a woman's body gradually subsides. Symptoms, many of which have already become quite boring, are on the decline.

    The tummy begins to grow, and now it is more and more difficult to hide it from relatives, friends, colleagues. It is at 12 weeks that many expectant mothers finally decide to reveal their secret to those around them. Time for congratulations!

    Signs and symptoms of 12 weeks pregnant

    One of the most common symptoms that worries many expectant mothers in the first trimester of pregnancy - morning sickness - is finally starting to recede. But it can be replaced by other disorders, such as headaches and dizziness.

    If nothing bothered you in the previous weeks of pregnancy, you belong to a happy minority of expectant mothers. In most cases, some symptoms occur:

    · Dizziness... Often they begin to bother it precisely at the twelfth week of pregnancy. The reason for them is the expansion of the lumen of blood vessels under the influence of hormones and a decrease in blood pressure. Frequent snacking and drinking enough fluids will help reduce the symptom. If you feel dizzy, lie down or sit down and lower your head.

    · Headache... Like vertigo, it often first occurs at 12 weeks. Their reasons are varied: frequent stress and anxiety, poor sleep, hormonal effects, dehydration, a drop in blood glucose levels.

    · Discharge of a small amount of blood from the vagina... During pregnancy, the mucous membrane of the cervix changes: it becomes more sensitive, vulnerable. After sex, she may bleed and you will notice traces of blood on your underwear. There is nothing wrong with that. But if you think your vaginal bleeding is too much, you need to see your doctor.

    · Profuse vaginal discharge... If they are clear and odorless, you are fine. In this way, your body is trying to protect the unborn child from infection.

    · Heartburn... There is an unpleasant burning sensation in the chest, which spreads upward. This is due to the fact that the hormone progesterone relaxes sphincter- muscle pulp on the border between the esophagus and the stomach. It does not close tightly, as a result of which acidic gastric juice is thrown into the esophagus, especially when you are in a horizontal position.

    · Large amounts of saliva... This symptom is likely to go away in the second trimester of pregnancy.

    · Bloating and gas... For many expectant mothers, the hormone progesterone continues to relax the intestinal wall at 12 weeks. Food stays in it longer, and the body manages to get the maximum of valuable substances from it. This is good for a growing fetus, but you will have to endure.

    · Increased fatigue, weakness... If you are still experiencing these symptoms, then it will not last long: at the beginning of the second trimester, you will feel that you have more energy.

    · Spasms... Many expectant mothers in the 12th week of pregnancy complain of acute pain in the groin. Most often, nothing terrible happens: the uterus just grows and rises up, its ligaments are stretched. But if the pain is severe, it is best to see a doctor.

    · Skin pigmentation... The nipples and the surrounding skin areas (areola) darken, pigmentation spots appear on the face ("pregnancy mask"), a dark line that descends vertically from the navel. Perhaps it seems to you that all this does not look very nice. But there is no reason for panic: after childbirth, all these spots and stripes will disappear.

    The emotional state of the expectant mother at the 12th week of pregnancy

    You may have had frequent mood swings in the previous weeks. Now it starts to level out. You are less worried and depressed, and you become more and more calm. More and more reasons for joy arise. Indeed, there is no reason for worry: you have almost stepped into the second trimester, which means that the likelihood of termination of pregnancy, which was relatively high in the previous weeks, is now very low.

    However, some things can still knock you out of your peace of mind and cause you to cry. Try to avoid these situations. Don't watch movies and TV programs that make you feel undesirable.

    Pregnancy at 12 weeks of twins

    If you have undergone an ultrasound screening, then you already know that two babies are growing in your tummy. They are approximately 3.5–4 cm long and weigh 13 grams. Their growth rates are about the same as in a singleton pregnancy, but at a later date, they will begin to lag slightly. Women who are pregnant with twins usually have more symptoms of pregnancy, but this is not necessary.

    How much is the twelfth week of pregnancy?

    Pregnancy can be calculated in two different ways:

    · Fetal, or gestational, term, is counted from the moment of fertilization of the egg.

    · Obstetric term is counted from the first day of the last menstruation. It starts about two weeks earlier than embryonic.

    The embryonic term is, in fact, the true term of pregnancy, but it is inconvenient to use it, because no woman can say for sure on what day her egg was fertilized with a sperm. But you can remember exactly on what day the last menstruation began. Therefore, among doctors of obstetricians and gynecologists, it is customary to focus on the obstetric term.

    Twelve weeks obstetric time corresponds to 10 weeks gestational. Twelve weeks gestational age - 14 weeks obstetric.

    When the twelfth week comes to an end, you will be pregnant for about 3 months.
    Calculate how long you are pregnant in weeks and calculate your due date from your last menstrual period

    What happens to the fetus at 12 weeks gestation?

    At 12 weeks gestation, the body of the fetus reaches approximately the size of a plum. Its length is 5 cm, weight - 13-14 grams. Over the past week, it has doubled. He has all the main organs - they appeared during embryonic period... The proportions of the body are gradually leveled, as the trunk grows faster than the head. Now, during the months remaining before delivery, the fetus's body will grow and mature very quickly.

    The brain of the unborn child develops especially intensively at the twelfth week of pregnancy. New nerve cells appear, connections are formed between them - synapses... Starts producing hormones pituitary- An important endocrine gland located at the base of the brain. The kid already knows how to bend and unbend his fingers, clench his hands into fists. The thumbs are opposed to the rest. The muscles around the eyes contract, and the muscles in the mouth suck. If you stroke the belly, then the child will begin to make more active movements in response, but you will not feel them, because he is still too small.
    Fetal movements are reflexive, but the brain is already sending signals to the muscles and causing them to contract.

    The face of the unborn child looks almost like that of a newborn. The eyes, which were previously on the sides of the head, return to their usual places. The red bone marrow begins to produce white blood cells ( leukocytes), which in the future will protect the body from pathogens and other foreign agents.

    Muscles in the wall of the digestive tract are actively developing. The first contractions occur in them, after birth, due to this, the movement of food through the intestines will be ensured.

    The kidneys begin to produce urine. It is secreted directly into the amniotic fluid.

    Nails continue to form on the toes and toes. The skeleton is getting stronger and stronger. The fetus can suck on the thumb. His eyes are closed for the time being. The nose, ears and lips are fully formed.

    Some scientists argue that already at this time it is possible to determine the nature of the unborn child, to find out whether he will be calm or very active.

    Ultrasound at 12 weeks of gestation

    Is it possible to determine the sex of the child during an ultrasound scan at 12 weeks of gestation?? At this time, the genitals of the fetus are very poorly developed, therefore, it is impossible to distinguish a boy from a girl. An ultrasound scan helps to determine gender, starting from 20 weeks. If you do not want to wait, you can have a non-invasive prenatal DNA test (DNA diagnosis of the fetus from the mother's blood).

    What happens to the uterus and abdomen at 12 weeks gestation?

    Now the uterus is enlarged so much that its upper edge rises above the pelvic bones, and the doctor can feel it during the examination. For many women, the tummy begins to become noticeable precisely at 12 weeks. The expectant mother begins to notice that her waist is disappearing, and the clothes that she wore before completely cease to converge at the waist. This suggests that it is time to think about purchasing special clothing for pregnant women.

    How much weight should the expectant mother gain?

    Normal weight gain by the twelfth week is between 1.8 and 3.6 kg. All expectant mothers gain weight in different ways. It depends on how much a woman weighed before pregnancy, what her physique is, whether she is pregnant with one fetus or twins, how good her appetite and good nutrition are (and this, in turn, depends on the severity of pregnancy symptoms: nausea and vomiting, aversion to certain types of food).

    Don't worry if you didn't gain any mass at all, or even lost a little during the first trimester. This is normal and you will gain more weight during the second trimester. If the changes in your body weight do not seem normal to you, consult your doctor.

    Too much weight gain during pregnancy threatens gestational diabetes, complications during childbirth, high blood pressure, and more pronounced stretch marks on the skin. Excessively low weight leads to some complications of pregnancy, premature birth, and low birth weight.
    Calculate mom's weight gain during pregnancy by week

    How to eat right?

    In order for the expectant mother to have a normal weight gain, and in order for the body of the unborn child to receive all the necessary substances, you need to eat right. The assertion that a pregnant woman “must now eat for two” is a myth. Nutrition should be healthy and balanced.

    In the first trimester of pregnancy, you do not need to consume twice as many calories. Chances are, your body doesn't need any extra calories right now. When the second trimester arrives, you will need to consume 300 additional calories daily, and in the third - 500 calories.

    The volume of food does not need to be increased either. Just eat foods that are high in nutrients and can give your body extra energy.

    If you have a fast metabolism or are very active physically, you will gain weight more slowly.

    TOP 10 foods useful during pregnancy:

    1. Meat... It is a valuable source of protein - the main building material that the fetus needs. In addition, meat and liver contain iron.

    2. Lentils... Contains folic acid, which is essential for the normal formation of the baby's nervous system and the prevention of malformations. In addition, lentils are rich in vitamin B6 and iron.

    3. Yoghurts... They contain calcium, a mineral that is essential for the formation of baby's bones. The daily dose of calcium for the expectant mother is 1200 mg. Plus, yogurt will provide you and your baby with folate, protein. And if it contains cultures of beneficial bacteria, then it will help normalize digestion and prevent yeast infections.

    4. Salmon... Contains omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for the normal development of the baby's nervous system and eyes.

    5. Avocado... Not everyone likes the taste of these fruits, but they are very healthy, as they contain vitamin C, B6, potassium, folic acid.

    6. Oats... A source of fiber, iron, B vitamins and certain minerals. You can eat oatmeal, as well as add oats to the dough for pancakes, baked goods.

    7. Nuts... They contain many useful substances: calcium, potassium, zinc, selenium, magnesium, manganese, copper, vitamin E.

    8. Carrots and bell peppers... They are powerful sources of beta-carotene, a precursor of vitamin A. In addition, they contain fiber, vitamin C, B6.

    9. Mango... May be a source of vitamin A and C for you.

    10. Water... It is not really a food item, but drinking enough fluids is very important during pregnancy. Water is needed for the normal course of all metabolic processes, replenishment of blood volume, and removal of toxins from the body. Drinking plenty of fluids also helps relieve constipation.

    Physical activity

    An expectant mother needs physical activity at any stage of pregnancy. It helps to reduce the risk of complications, improve well-being, cope with increased fatigue, stress and frequent changes in emotions.

    There are many different types of physical activity that are suitable for pregnant women: swimming, indoor cycling, yoga, pilates, aerobics, dancing, brisk walking, and even running. Power, contact, extreme sports are contraindicated. Cycling is not advisable, as a pregnant woman (especially if she is worried about dizziness) can easily lose her balance and fall. If you are interested in a particular sport during pregnancy and are not sure how safe it is, it is best to consult your doctor.

    Any physical activity is considered a sport. Cleaning the house, walking in the park, working on the garden plot - all this can be equated with exercising in a gym.

    How to motivate yourself to exercise during pregnancy?

    Increased fatigue, drowsiness, bad mood, headaches and dizziness are frequent companions of pregnancy. When you are feeling unwell, it is of course worth taking some rest and some rest. But sometimes, it seems, the state of health is normal, but there is no motivation. What to do in such cases?

    Here are some helpful tips:

    · Remind yourself of how good exercise is for you right now. Stand in front of the mirror and recite the mantra to yourself several times: "If I go to do the exercises now, I will definitely not regret it."

    · Feeling sleepy and tired? Think about spending half an hour in the pool or gym giving you a boost of energy.

    · Focus on your successes. After your next workout, think about how well you tried today and how good you feel now. Remind yourself of this before your next workout.

    · Find the type of physical activity that you like. Exercise in an environment that you like and motivate. Some women like to visit the gym, where they have many friends with whom you can talk, others prefer to walk or jog alone in the park, and others like to swim in the pool.

    · Try something new that you haven’t done before. An excellent choice would be a pool, a yoga group.

    · Wear comfortable clothing during exercise. The bra should support your breasts well. The fabric should be breathable, and should not constrict anywhere. The jersey that you wore before pregnancy may no longer work. If you are uncomfortable in it, get a new one.

    · Train with other people. Doing yoga with other mothers-to-be will motivate you to stay on track. You can exercise at home with friends, relatives. It is much more fun and interesting than doing it alone.

    Is it okay to have sex?

    If the doctor has not found any contraindications, you can have sex at any stage of pregnancy. It will not harm the fetus. From the side of the vagina, it is reliably protected by the cervix, and the amniotic fluid surrounding it perfectly softens the tremors. Do not be afraid, the baby will not spy on what you are doing: his eyes will not open until the seventh month.

    Another question is whether you feel like having sex. Due to the symptoms of the first trimester of pregnancy, it may not be at all until then. But by the beginning of the second trimester, most expectant mothers have increased libido, the partner begins to seem much more attractive. Blood flow to the genitals increases, intimacy begins to bring more pleasure. Thanks for this you need the hormones estrogens.

    Do you smell too much, and some of them make you sick? Open windows often and ventilate rooms. Hold a lemon wedge nearby and smell it, put it on your tongue when you smell an unpleasant scent. The citrus scent helps relieve nausea.

    · Avoid activities during which the supply of oxygen to the body of your unborn child decreases. Diving and hiking in the mountains is definitely not for you right now.

    · There is a wonderful tradition among American mothers: during pregnancy, they write a letter to their baby. The child will receive this message when he grows up and learns to read. Maybe you also want to write down a wish, parting word for your future son or daughter? Just imagine how great it will be to read it in a few years!

    · If you haven’t had your first prenatal screening yet, it’s time to do it.

    · If you haven't shared the pregnancy news with family, friends, and coworkers yet, it might be high time.

    · Schedule activities for the second trimester. This is the most favorable time to go shopping, buy clothes, furniture and other things for the child, and do the decoration of the nursery. You can even take a short trip, your well-being will allow it.

    · Tobacco and alcohol are strictly contraindicated at any stage of pregnancy. But now they are especially dangerous, because at 12 weeks a critical period in the development of the fetal brain begins. It will last up to 18 weeks.

    How to choose the right maternity bra?

    Choosing a bra for a mother-to-be is often a difficult task. The size of the breasts is constantly changing, in addition, it becomes sensitive, and contact with the cups can be painful.

    Some pregnant women simply choose to buy a larger bra. When the breasts are enlarging again, it's time to go to the lingerie store and get a new fitting size. A more comfortable and practical solution is a special bra for nursing mothers. It is adjustable and adapts to the size of the breast.

    A nursing bra differs from a normal bra in that it has more hooks for resizing. If the breasts are enlarged so much that there are not enough of them, you can buy special extenders... In addition, it is wider, due to which it better supports the mammary glands. These bras are most often made from cotton, as this material allows the skin to breathe and dries quickly. But now there are also high quality synthetic fabrics.

    Choosing the right bra is important... It is difficult to do it on your own, so it is better to buy underwear in a specialized store, where professional consultants work. Nowadays, many mothers-to-be prefer to shop online. It is convenient, there is always a large selection on the Internet. But there is a risk of making a mistake with the size, buying the wrong model.

    Do you know how to put on a bra correctly? Experts advise doing this by leaning forward a little and, as it were, lifting the mammary glands with cups. Straighten, straighten your breasts, making sure your nipples are straight and symmetrical. Ask someone to adjust the belt so that it fits snugly against your back, but does not press on.

    What kind of research do you need to go through?

    When do you need to see a doctor?

    · Headaches, which suddenly became very severe, changed their character.

    · Heavy vaginal bleeding, as during menstruation.