Herpes after peeling. Herpetic complications of various types of peels. When to use cosmetics

Peeling is one of the most popular cosmetic methods to improve the condition of the skin and its appearance. However, it is accompanied by damage to the superficial and sometimes deep structural skin layers. Rare but possible complications after peeling can negatively affect the final result of the procedure.

Causes of complications after chemical and physical peeling

Complications are divided into predictable, that is, expected, and unpredictable, which are uncharacteristic consequences for the procedure. The first, as a rule, appear soon after the procedure and are explained by the body's normal reaction to mechanical, chemical and other types of receptor irritation.

As a result of the removal of the protective upper layer of the epithelium, dehydration of this zone occurs, its sensitivity to ultraviolet and thermal types of radiation increases, the reaction of blood vessels and metabolic processes change, which is also affected by the individual sensitivity of the organism. The deeper the skin layer affected by the effect, the stronger the reaction: deeper peeling leads to more significant complications.

The type and degree of their severity are also influenced by such factors as the cosmetologist's incorrect assessment of the initial state of the skin, its thickness, phototype, sensitivity, individual regenerative capabilities, the severity of dermatological changes, the presence of concomitant chronic diseases, and the patient's age characteristics. Some of them need a course of antibiotics or antihistamines to prevent complications before and after peeling. This will help reduce the risk of allergic, inflammatory, and suppurating reactions.

Why is acid peeling dangerous?

The choice of the type of procedure is also important. Some of the species have their own complications. So, for example, some complications after chemical peeling, which can occur in patients suffering from chronic diseases of the heart and blood vessels, kidneys and liver, are dangerous. This is due to the easy and quick absorption of chemical reagents from the wound surface and their toxic effect on internal organs.

In addition, with increased skin sensitivity or non-compliance with the technique of conducting (,), there is a great danger of burns, hyperpigmentation, persistent erythema, and the formation of a demarcation line.

1. Skin darkening after TCA peeling
2. Areas of hypopigmentation after peeling off the crust

Risks associated with laser exposure

If complications after dry cleaning are associated with the aggressive action of drugs, then complications after laser peeling have their own characteristics. In addition to the general consequences, there may be specific to this type of procedure:

  • the appearance of blisters filled with serous (as with a sun or thermal burn) or bloody contents, at the site of the opening of which erosions are formed, followed by pigmentation or the formation of scars;
  • punctate hemorrhages from damaged small vessels with the formation of small hematomas; these hemorrhages can come to the surface and look like bloody dew on the skin;
  • "gauze" effect or multiple punctate atrophic scars; such a complication is due to incorrect determination of the thickness of the skin layers (ultrasound scanning devices are used for this), inaccurate selection of the parameters for the procedure, and the body's tendency to form hypertrophic and keloid scars.

Complications. arising after laser exposure:
1. Erythema and edema of facial tissues on the 6th day after laser dermabrasion
2. Point hemorrhages from damaged small vessels with the formation of small hematomas after the Fraxel laser

1. Formation of blisters filled with serous fluid
2. Prolonged redness and swelling of the tissues of the periorbital region

Read about laser exposure in the articles: "", "", "".

Types of complications

Despite the fact that all types of peeling procedures differ in the depth of the effect and the mechanism of action, their goal is the same - the removal of the superficial skin layers, which means that the main possible complications after their implementation are similar.

Predictable or possible natural complications

Erythema, representing persistent pronounced redness of the treated area. The severity and duration of its preservation depend on the aggressiveness of the technique. This complication often occurs in people with dilated facial vasculature after deep peeling.

Puffiness face and eyelids, which occurs due to an increase in the permeability of small vessels and the release of the liquid part of the blood into the tissue. It may appear 1-3 days after exposure and persist for several days. More often occurs after chemical cleaning using either trichloroacetate, laser and.

Peeling- this is the basis of the peeling mechanism as such. It is a common consequence and goes away in 1-3 days. However, after the use of trichloroacetic acid or resorcinol, large scaly peeling may occur, which lasts for a week or longer. In these cases, it is necessary to use moisturizers.

Uniform darkening of the skin, which goes away on its own after exfoliation (after 1-2 weeks).

Skin hypersensitivity- expressed in an excessive reaction to temperature, pain, mechanical effects or to sunlight. This complication resolves in 1-2 weeks, but it can persist for up to 1 year.

Hyperpigmentation occurs when inadequate cellular response and excessive production of melanin by cells, resulting in the formation of dark areas. It most often occurs after treatment with trichloroacetic acid or exposure to a laser beam.

Read about how to cure hyperpigmentation.

Unpredictable complications

This view is not natural. It includes complications that entail negative consequences in terms of aesthetic result or may pose a threat to the patient's health.

Persistent erythema, which often occurs in persons with telangiectasia or rosacea after laser resurfacing or. A skin reaction in the form of persistent intense redness can persist for up to 1 year, but it goes away mostly on its own. In order to shorten this period, you should avoid visiting a bath or sauna, exclude the use of spicy foods, spices and alcoholic beverages.

When it occurs, it is recommended to take drugs that strengthen and increase the elasticity of the vascular wall (omega-3 fatty acids). They prevent the appearance of new telangiectasias. To improve microcirculation, Heparin and Hepatothrombin ointments or gels, creams with arnica extract, Lioton gel, which improves lymph outflow, blood microcirculation and cell regeneration, are used.

Allergic reactions can manifest itself in the form of itching, spotty rashes all over the body, Quincke's edema and in more serious forms, up to respiratory failure and anaphylactic shock. Such reactions are possible mainly on auxiliary components of drugs used in chemical peeling - kojic or ascorbic acid. In mild cases, it is necessary to take antihistamines, in more severe cases, emergency intensive therapy.

Exacerbation of herpes infection it is dangerous with rashes on the wound surface with the subsequent formation of atrophic or (less often) hypertrophic scars. In this regard, persons who experience such exacerbations at least 2 times in 1 year need to carry out a prophylactic course of treatment with Acyclovir or other antiherpetic drugs and prescribe them and identical ointments in cases of rash on the wound surface after the procedure.

Inflammation of tissues, accompanied by hyperemia (redness), edema and soreness for more than 3 days. Local treatment is carried out with the homeopathic medicine Traumeel, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Indomethacin ointment, Voltaren).

Marble coloring associated with the destruction of a large number of melanocytes during rough peeling or excessive exposure to chemicals. Such a complication cannot be corrected; only slight correction of tone uniformity is possible.

Demarcation (dividing) line sometimes possible in persons with dark, porous skin after laser or other deep cleansing. It is possible to smooth the border with the help of additional peeling.

Exacerbation of acne provoked by irritation and activation of the function of the sebaceous glands. Antibiotics and vitamin complexes are used as medicinal products. You can find out more about it by following the link.

Hypertrophic and keloid scars are treated with combined methods - surgery, cryotherapy, steroid drugs, laser resurfacing, etc.

Compliance with the rules of preparation for peeling and care measures after the procedure, the correct choice of method and its implementation minimize the likelihood of unforeseen complications.

Peels and resurfacing are popular. However, many of these procedures are repelled by stories about their unpleasant consequences. What should you believe and how to recover faster after peels?

Consults by Olga Vladimirovna Zabnenkova, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department of Medical Cosmetology of the Central Research Institute of Skin and Venereal Diseases in Moscow.

- How true are the stories about the frightening consequences of peels?

In every fairy tale, of course, there is some truth. Any chemical peeling, microcrystalline dermabrasion, laser skin resurfacing is always a skin damage. Naturally, after such procedures, a protective inflammatory reaction develops. Redness, swelling appears, the skin is peeling. All these are quite expected reactions that go away on their own after a while.

But if the patient was not properly prepared for peeling or resurfacing, or these procedures were not initially shown to him, "unexpected" consequences may arise.

- What exactly will the patients face after peeling or resurfacing?

During the first days after the procedure, the skin remains dehydrated. In addition, redness is bound to occur. Its intensity and duration depend on the depth and type of impact. For example, after peeling with fruit acids, only slight redness appears, which disappears after a couple of hours.

Comment on the article "After peeling: restoration and skin care"

Good evening! Did the peeling 4 days ago, the skin is peeling off, I could not stand it today and I pulled it off my face, the skin turned very red in the D-Panthenol prayer, will a scar remain in this place? . (((

01/09/2016 10:43:12 PM, Tamil 95

I never did anything like that. Very scary, but I understand what is necessary. After reading it, it became a little clear what and how. But it's still scary :(

01.10.2012 12:21:19,

Found what I was looking for.
I want to do a peeling, there was a question how everything will look after, what to do, how to quickly get back "in operation". At least I understood something. It is useful for me, but not enough information.

11/05/2008 17:45:49, Irina

Total 3 posts .

More on the topic "Dry skin and swelling after peeling":

3 months of use come to the end, but there is no result. Is that possible? I did everything according to the recommendations of Marina Haifa, first 5% then 10%, applied it together with tonic. It is clear that I did not expect rejuvenation :) but it seems like the skin should be renewed. Or is it too early? Should the skin peel off at all? I did not notice this process. Or is my skin thicker and 10% is not enough for me?

It seems that it would be good to do peeling in winter :) I have never done anything major, except for home procedures, and even then irregularly. I want to start) advise which peeling is effective for the age of 40+ where to do it? and then what to expect?

Gurus and just experienced! Please advise on a homemade facial exfoliation. Initial data: 41 years old, never dealt with a face: (The skin is dry / dehydrated. Non-budget options are possible - the main thing is quality and safety for health. I would be very, very grateful!

hello dear! Please tell me, how do you help your skin on your face after peeling, when the skin is renewed (as after sunburns it begins to peel off) so that this process ends as soon as possible, otherwise it is not very pleasant to appear in people in rags all over your face.

I did it for the first time ... And here is the result for 4 - 5 days I have bags under my eyes ((I want to cry, but I'm afraid the bags will become even bigger)) a vicious circle, you can't cry - you don't want to laugh. Who faced? Is this okay, will it go away? I began to look like an alcoholic, people think that I probably met the New Year violently ((I never suffered from bags

Girls, tell me, please. I did a glycolic peeling (if I reproduce it correctly) 50%, this is already the 4th procedure. Before that, there were 1 procedure - 20%, then two - 40% and each time the face was very flaky. The last time I just got covered with dry sores and my skin peeled off with scraps. Then everything went away and I was very pleased with the result, tk. the skin is a little problematic. And now there is no peeling at all, so a little here and there.

Girls, decided to do light and meso peeling, I heard somewhere that it would be good to do it at the same time. Is that really so, does anyone know? The beautician said that 6 procedures of both are needed, once a week. I want to ask those who did: are these painful procedures? and how soon can you show yourself to people - in an hour or in a day? and how often should these procedures be repeated?

What about us, white-skinned people? When to apply peeling on the face? For example, there is a peeling course designed for a month or two. Daily use exfoliating creams. This means that the sun is prohibited, and self-tanning is impossible - it will peel off from the acid in the creams. So walking with a white muzzle? It is melancholy! It is dreary in summer, in autumn and in spring ... Moreover, in November, in NG and in April, I go to warm regions to sunbathe. Accordingly, before these dates do not apply peels ... And what about?

Problems: Blackheads on the nose, cheeks; small pimples on the forehead, whiteheads on the chin (comedones), very fine wrinkles under the eyes, uneven complexion. I am 26. What luxury cosmetics can you try? Need advice on tonic, cream, scab, masks. Should I start using an under eye wrinkle product?

Question: what is it produced in order to remove these "cadaveric" spots? .. something for quick regeneration. And also what else would you advise - I don’t know, masks, resurfacing, lotions, etc.? it is not very noticeable on the face, but the effect of an additional shadow under the cheekbone is created. If you look closely, you can see ...

Girls, I heard from friends that such a peeling is done when the top layer of the skin is removed, various defects are removed, even small wrinkles. This is done either at home or in a beauty salon, and then you sit at home for two weeks, you come back to normal. Has anyone encountered this? How much is it?

Girls, share your experience! Has anyone done a chemical peel on the face? If yes, please answer my questions: 1. What acids were used (fruit or any other)? 2. What kind of peeling by the depth of effect did you do (superficial, medium or deep)? 3. Was there a preparatory period before peeling and what was it? 3. What is the result?

Tell, plz, about resurfacing, when is it better to do it, in spring-autumn, on the whole face or areas, before 30 or after, which is better chemical or others. I am 28 years old, the skin is terrible, mainly due to the sun (up to 25 years old I I didn't get out of the beach in the summer), but now is the time to despair ... If the topic was discussed, when, do not remember?

Peeling is a cosmetological way to improve the appearance and condition of the skin. Peeling has remained a popular procedure for a long time and will not give up in the near future. The essence of the method is that in order to renew the skin and get rid of cosmetic defects, it is necessary to damage the superficial or even deep structural layers of the skin. Any intervention in the body is dangerous with complications and side effects. The risk of their occurrence after peeling is relatively low, but they can seriously affect the result and expectations of the procedure.

Why do complications arise after peeling?

Experts divide complications into expected(projected) and unexpected(unpredictable), not typical for this procedure. The expected complications naturally arise soon after the procedure; they are a natural reaction of the body to a damaging effect (chemical, mechanical, etc.).

Peeling removes the upper layer of the epithelium, which performs protective functions, the upper layers of the skin are dehydrated. In this state, the dermis is hypersensitive to ultraviolet light and heat radiation, changes in metabolic processes and vascular reactions occur. These processes are influenced by individual characteristics and the level of sensitivity of the organism. The deeper layers of the skin the peeling touches, the more the body reacts, i.e. with deep peeling, the complications will be more significant.

The type of complications and the strength of their severity depend on many factors. The cosmetologist must correctly assess the initial state of the dermis, the thickness, sensitivity and phototype of the skin, take into account the patient's age and individual regenerative capabilities, the severity of dermatological changes, the presence of chronic diseases, etc.

Dangers of acid peels

The choice of the type of peeling is of great importance. Certain types of peels have specific types of complications. For example, if a patient suffers from a chronic disease of the cardiovascular system, liver or kidneys, some complications after chemical peeling may be dangerous for him. The explanation for this phenomenon is that chemical reagents are easily and quickly absorbed from the damaged surface and have a toxic effect on internal organs.

Also, a competent cosmetologist always takes into account the sensitivity of the skin and strictly adheres to the protocol of the procedure when carrying out acid peeling, because with it there is a very high risk of skin burns, hyperpigmentation, the formation of a "borderline" line and persistent erythema.

Risks of laser peeling

Complications of chemical peeling are associated with aggressive chemical action of drugs, complications of laser peeling have their own specifics. The list of common complications is complemented by the consequences typical only for a laser procedure:

  • the appearance of blisters with a serous or bloody mass (characteristic of solar or thermal burns), after their opening, erosions form, which are further scarred and pigmented;
  • minor hemorrhages and subsequent hematomas due to damage to small vessels (on the surface of the skin it looks like bloody dew);
  • if the specialist incorrectly evaluates the thickness of the skin and sets the wrong parameters of the procedure, the risk of the "gauze" effect increases, when multiple small atrophic scars form on the skin;the appearance of this complication may also be associated with an individual tendency to form keloid scars.

Complications after peeling

Peelings differ in depth and mechanism of action, but they all have one the goal is to remove the superficial layers of the skin, therefore, the main possible consequences of peeling procedures are similar.

Expected complications

Erythema or persistent pronounced redness in the treatment area. The more aggressive the peeling technique, the more persistent and pronounced the redness will be. This complication often occurs after deep peeling in patients with dilated vascular network on the face.

Swelling on the face and eyelids. They arise due to the fact that the liquid part of the blood comes out in the tissue, because small vessels become more permeable. This occurs within 1-3 days after the procedure and lasts for several days. This type of complication is most typical for retinoid and mechanical peels, laser procedures.

Peeling- actually, for the sake of which the peeling procedure was carried out, its usual and expected consequence, which takes place within 1-3 days. After using trichloroacetic acid or resorcinol, keratinized skin peels off in large scales within a week; to facilitate this process, cosmetologists recommend using a moisturizer.

Darkening of the skin is generally uniform and fades after exfoliation within 1 to 2 weeks.

Hypersensitivity of the skin to mechanical, temperature, painful effects, sunlight. This reaction usually resolves within 1 to 2 weeks, but in rare cases it can persist for up to a year after the procedure.

Hyperpigmentation- a reaction in which dark areas are formed on the skin due to inadequate cellular response and excessive production of melanin; typical for laser peeling and peeling with trichloroacetic acid.

Unpredictable complications

The appearance of these complications is possible, but not natural. This group includes complications that negatively affect the aesthetic result of the procedure or threaten the patient's health.

Persistent erythema- intense persistent redness of the skin, which lasts up to 1 year and goes away on its own. More often observed in patients with rosacea after laser resurfacing or deep peeling. In this case, cosmetologists recommend avoiding actions that provoke a rush of blood to the face: do not go to the bathhouse or sauna, exclude spicy and spicy foods, alcohol from the diet.

In this case, this complication can be alleviated with the help of drugs that strengthen the walls of blood vessels and increase their elasticity. Omega-3 fatty acids have this effect. Microcirculation in skin cells helps to improve heparin and hepatothrombin ointments, krem ​​with arnica extract. Microcurrent therapy significantly improves the condition of the skin with this complication, which improves lymphatic outflow, cell regeneration and blood microcirculation.

Allergic reaction can be expressed in various rashes on the body, itching, Quincke's edema and other forms, the most serious of which are respiratory failure and anaphylactic shock. Allergic reactions occur mainly to the auxiliary components of the peeling preparations used - ascorbic and kojic acids. With a mild reaction, antihistamines may be sufficient; in severe cases, emergency intensive care may be required.

Exacerbation of herpes- rashes on the wound surface, healing with the formation of atrophic or (less often) hypertrophic scars. If a patient has exacerbations of herpes infection, he is prescribed preventive treatment with Acyclovir once every six months. In case of relapse after the procedure, oral antiherpetic drugs and the external use of similar ointments are also prescribed.

Inflammation of tissues with hyperemia(redness) soreness and swelling and symptoms disappear for more than 3 days. This complication is treated with local application of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (for example, indomethacin ointment).

Marbling of the skin- a complication arising from the excessively deep exposure of the peeling preparation or gross violations during the procedure, resulting in the destruction of a large number of melanocytes in the skin. This complication is dangerous because it cannot be completely corrected, only slightly adjusting the overall uniformity of skin tone.

Demarcation line- the formation of a pronounced border of the treated area. It is more common with dark, porous skin after deep types of peeling. This complication is not dangerous; it can be smoothed out with additional peeling procedures.

Exacerbation of acne... Peeling can both help get rid of acne and post-acne, and provoke an exacerbation due to irritation and activation of the function of the sebaceous glands. To treat this complication, antibiotics and vitamin complexes are prescribed.

Keloid and hypertrophic scarring, which can only be eliminated by a complex method - using laser resurfacing, cryotherapy, steroid drugs or even surgical methods.

To minimize the risk of complications, you must strictly follow the rules of preparation for peeling, leaving after it.

A Few Tips for Those Who Decide to Get a Chemical Peel

Cosmetologists say that patients agree to peeling with such a willingness that they do not go to any other procedures. For the majority, peeling has opened the door to the world of more serious cosmetic procedures and plastic surgery, because its motivational power is very great: with minimal effort, you can get such a pronounced result.

In order for all expectations from the procedure to be met, you need to responsibly prepare for it.

  • Choose a certified beautician.

Only an experienced specialist can correctly diagnose the condition and problems of the skin, identify the characteristics of the patient's lifestyle and determine the skin phototype, and then determine the appropriateness of the procedure. For example, if a patient spends a lot of time in the sun throughout the year, chemical peeling can only aggravate skin problems, an experienced cosmetologist will definitely tell you about this and choose the most appropriate therapy scenario.

In addition, only a certified specialist understands the smallest nuances of the peeling procedure, knows how to reduce the risk of unpleasant complications. The success of the procedure largely depends on the skill of the master to feel when it is worth interrupting the procedure or, conversely, in certain places to make it deeper.

  • You need to think about your skin care system before, during and after the procedure.

All inflammations on the skin must be cured before the procedure, at least a week before the peeling, epilation must not be done, the preparations containing vitamin A must be abandoned in advance, powerful sunscreens and moisturizers must be selected - the beautician must inform the patient about all this. You need to return to the usual care system gradually and very carefully, after complete exfoliation and restoration of the dermis.

  • A vacation to hot / cold countries or a trip to the bath / sauna can be planned no earlier than 6 weeks after the procedure. Temperature changes cause hyperpigmentation.
  • Within 2 days after the procedure, you need to refrain from intense physical activity, sports training, ideally, this is the time of adherence to bed rest.
  • For the first few days, it is better not to wash your face with tap water, chlorinated water will dry out your already injured skin.
  • In no case should you touch your face during the period of peeling of the skin, after peeling off the flakes, scars remain.

You can help the skin to renew itself more quickly with the help of a regular wash with soft water, after that, blot your face with a soft towel and apply a generous amount of moisturizer.

  • It is best not to schedule any important appointments for a few days after the procedure. Even after a superficial peel, the skin does not look its best as long as the flakes are peeling off.
  • If the result is not noticeable, this does not mean that the peeling is ineffective.

Even if the promised abundant peeling does not occur, peeling "works" at the cellular level and starts the renewal processes, and changes occur in everyone in different ways.

  • It is useful to alternate peels of different intensity and composition, but you need to know when to stop.

The cosmetologists of our salon develop optimal treatment schedules for clients that do not allow the skin to “get used” when it gradually stops responding to the same type of repetitive procedure, at the same time taking care not to thin the dermis and reduce resistance to infections and bacteria.

Read also:

Autumn is the golden time for skin care! Cosmetic procedures calendar.

Jessner's peeling: composition, indications and contraindications. What are the benefits of Jessner peeling?

Sensitive skin. How to recognize a problem Sensitive skin care guidelines.

The consequences of face peeling can be very unpleasant: prolonged erythema, unusual pallor of the skin, or, conversely, the appearance of dark age spots, residual scars and scars. This is an incomplete list of complications after the cleansing procedure. In order for the cosmetic procedure to leave behind the maximum benefit and good memories, it is important with all scrupulousness and rigor to approach the choice of a cleaning method, a beauty salon and a beautician.

Principle and types of cleansing

Peeling is an important and responsible cosmetic procedure. Its main purpose is to remove (exfoliate) dead cells and keratinization from the thickness of the skin.

As a result of cleansing, a number of other positive changes to the skin occur:

  • metabolic processes in the cells of the epidermis are accelerated;
  • the work of the sebaceous glands is normalized, excessive fat and dryness of the integument disappears;
  • the relief of the surface of the face is smoothed, scars, scars and post-acne are corrected;
  • evens out skin color, lightens age spots, freckles;
  • the elasticity of the fibers increases, a lifting effect is observed;
  • the integument is healed, the cases of acne and the development of acne are reduced.

The peeling procedure allows not only to correct visible skin imperfections, but also to prevent their development in the future. This is especially important for the prevention of early aging, the formation and deepening of wrinkles, sagging soft tissues.

Removal of dead cells during peeling is accompanied by injury to the integument to a greater or lesser extent. Various techniques can be used to eliminate skin problems:

  1. Exfoliation or chemical peeling of the face - the procedure involves the application of an acidic, chemical composition. As a result of exfoliation, an extensive chemical burn occurs. The restoration of the integrity of the integument during chemical peeling is strongly pronounced: active peeling occurs, the surface layers are rejected, giving way to renewed fibers.
  2. Hardware peels - problem areas are affected by ultrasound, laser, microcurrents, radio frequencies and other factors. In this type of purification, special equipment and apparatus are involved, hence the name of the technique. The skin is less injured during hardware cleansing, respectively, the effects of peeling are less pronounced.
  3. Mechanical cleaning is the simplest, but no less traumatic, type of cleaning. The upper layers of the epidermis with skin problems seem to be "torn off". If superficial cleansing has practically no pronounced side effects, then after deeper procedures (such as dermabrasion, microdermabrasion), proper, special care will be required.
  4. There is one more type of peelings - enzymatic. It provides gentle surface cleansing. Enzymes (enzymes) are used to treat minor skin problems. They do not violate the integrity of the integument, act gently and do not need special care.

When choosing a method of skin cleansing, carefully study the requirements for preparation for its implementation, indications and contraindications, further skin care after face peeling, consequences and possible complications.

A detailed study of the peeling procedure and compliance with all the recommendations of specialists guarantees a positive result without unpleasant consequences and complications.

What to expect after your procedure

Cleansing with acids and chemical compounds is distinguished by pronounced post-peeling effects. That is why we will consider more the consequences of chemical peeling of the face.

After chemical peeling, you get a burn on your face. The body activates the renewal of the integument to replace damaged fibers with new ones. Chemical peeling does not end in the beauty parlor; a significant role in the speed of recovery is given to post-peeling skin care.

Cosmetologists divide all the consequences of peeling into 2 groups: expected and unexpected.

The expected consequences are the normal, permissible reaction of the skin to the performed treatment. Such phenomena include moderate erythema, slight swelling in sensitive areas, active peeling, and others. To eliminate side effects, no special treatment is required, only proper care, the use of moisturizing, natural cosmetics and wound healing ointments.

Unexpected (unpredictable) consequences or complications after peeling are an unusual reaction of the body to the performed cleansing. The patient's skin condition worsens, the rehabilitation period is delayed in time, special treatment is required. These consequences include persistent, prolonged erythema, severe edema, the appearance of rashes and irritations on the face; suppuration of damaged areas, marbling of the skin and others.

How to act with the development of unpredictable consequences can only be determined by a specialist. Self-treatment is dangerous with a worsening of the situation and residual scars on the face.

It is worth noting that the predicted consequences are characteristic for each patient, they cannot be avoided. But not everyone has complications, and it is realistic to prevent their development in most cases.

The reasons for the development of complications

Complications after peeling are mistakes that the beautician made during cleansing or the patient in facial care before and after peeling. Cosmetologists distinguish the following among the reasons for the development of unpredictable consequences of peeling:

  • Neglect of contraindications. Even a minor scratch on the face, abrasion can provoke a complication. One of the most common such reasons is the peeling during menstruation, while taking hormonal contraceptives or during breastfeeding. Changes in hormonal levels can significantly affect the outcome of the procedure, so during such periods it is better to exclude peeling.
  • Low experience and skill of a cosmetologist. Violation of the speed, the order of application of the exfoliant, the acid composition was applied unevenly or was on the face longer than necessary - all this affects the result and threatens with serious consequences, deep burns.
  • Failure to comply with the requirements of pre-peeling preparation. Before carrying out medium and deep cleansing, the patient must prepare the skin for further exposure. Before chemical peels, cosmetologists recommend using special cosmetics containing the indicated acids in a minimum amount; before hardware cleaning, you can do a surface acid peeling. It is also important to drink antiviral drugs before any serious peeling. Herpes rashes during the rehabilitation period are also post-peel complications.
  • Improper skin care after peeling. After the cleansing procedure, the skin fibers are very weakened, so the slightest mistake can cause serious trouble. For example, the cosmetics that you used before the procedure can now irritate the skin and cause an allergic reaction, so cosmetologists recommend their own line of cosmetics (it is usually more expensive). It is very important to adhere to the rules of care, to exclude increased sweating, because with sweat dirt and infection can get into the wound formed on the face.
  • An individual feature of the patient's body. It is very difficult to predict a negative reaction of the body. The minimum that you can do is to conduct an allergy test and take into account the previous experience of this kind of procedures.

Maximum responsibility on the part of the performer and the patient are the main factors that will help reduce the risk of complications. Take a more serious approach to the choice of personnel, a beauty salon, but also be aware of your actions if you want to achieve positive changes on your face.

Permissible effects of peeling

After deep cleansing with a laser, dermabrasion and chemical peeling, the following results are expected:

  1. Erythema or severe facial redness in the treatment area. The more aggressive the impact was, the stronger the redness will be. If the post-peel care is not violated, the side effect goes away on its own. If the patient does not follow the prescriptions of the caregiver, goes to the baths, drinks alcohol, then the erythema can intensify and drag on for a long time.
  2. Expressed desquamation. Thus, the skin rejects damaged fibers and renews itself. It is impossible to tear off, rip off the saggy films - it is dangerous with scars and the appearance of wounds. In some cases, cosmetologists recommend carefully trimming large sagging without touching the skin. To speed up the renewal and the passage of peeling, cosmetologists insist on using wound-healing ointments.
  3. Slight swelling in sensitive areas (near the eyes, mouth). The increased permeability of small vessels in these areas provokes fluid accumulation. The edema persists for up to 3 days and goes away on its own.
  4. Tightness of the integument. The characteristic discomfort can be reduced by regular application of moisturizing cosmetics and tonics. Cosmetics must be non-allergenic, approved by a beautician.
  5. Darkening of the skin (even). It passes on its own in 7-10 days.
  6. Increased susceptibility (sensitivity) of the integument. This deficiency can last from 1 week to 1 year. It is expressed in a sensitive, sometimes painful reaction to sunlight, temperature changes, touch and mechanical stress.

The predicted effects of peeling are temporary, do not require additional therapy, only observation and skin care prescribed by the cleansing method.

What shouldn't be?

Anxiety and immediate action can cause unpredictable post-peel consequences. They can appear not only in the first days after peeling, but also later. These include:

  1. Allergic reaction, expressed by edema, itching, rashes on the body. The most dangerous expression of allergy is Quincke's edema. If you do not provide assistance in a timely manner, the consequences can be very tragic. Mild stages of allergies can be eliminated with antihistamines, but in case of respiratory failure, complex allergy symptoms, hospitalization and emergency therapy will be required.
  2. Persistent erythema. The complication is typical for deep peeling; patients with rosacea on the face are at risk. An unpleasant phenomenon can last up to 1 year. To reduce the period of complications, it is recommended to adhere to some rules, to give up increased physical activity, baths and saunas, alcoholic beverages and spicy, spicy dishes.
  3. Herpes. It is better to avoid this consequence. For this, the beautician prescribes antiviral drugs. If herpes does appear, immediately seek medicated ointments (for example, Acyclovir).
  4. Marbling of the skin. Appears after deep peeling. The reason for the appearance of this unpleasant consequence is the destruction of a large number of melanocytes. You cannot get rid of the marble shade, only partially correct it.
  5. A clear dividing (demarcation) line. It is characteristic of the owners of the swarthy type of integument. A course of superficial peels will help to blur the clear line.
  6. Acne on the face. To treat this effect, vitamin complexes and antibiotics are used.
  7. Hypertrophic, keloid scars. The complication is caused by the individual characteristics of the patient's skin and body. It is recommended to use surgery, laser resurfacing and other complex procedures to remove residual scars.

Unpredictable consequences are a reaction to mistakes made by the beautician and the patient in cleansing. For their correction and complete elimination, contact a specialist. He will prescribe drug therapy, a course of other peels. Please be patient, post-peel complications may take a long time to remove.

How can complications be avoided?

It is much easier to avoid post-peel complications than to deal with them later. This is noted by both specialists and patients.

In order not to be upset with your reflection in the mirror, as well as to enjoy the successful peeling, cosmetologists strongly recommend paying attention to such aspects in facial care before and after cleaning:

  1. If you are taking any medications, be sure to notify your beautician. Many medicines increase the effect of acids and can be harmful during chemical peels. This is especially true for retinoids and drugs in this group.
  2. Before and after deep cleansing, be sure to take antiviral drugs. This will reduce the risk of a flare-up of herpes.
  3. After cleaning, it is important to use sunscreen cosmetics with maximum UV protection. This will prevent skin hyperpigmentation.
  4. After the peeling, you cannot visit the baths, swimming pool, solariums and play sports.
  5. Do not consume alcoholic beverages, spicy foods, until the integument is completely recovered.
  6. After cleansing, the skin's immunity noticeably weakens, vitamin complexes, a variety of healthy foods, fresh fruits and vegetables will help to partially support the body.
  7. Set aside your usual makeup for the duration of your rehabilitation. Use only natural cosmetics recommended by experts.
  8. Watch for changes on your face closely. At the first suspicion of the development of complications, contact a beautician. Timely prescribed therapy will help to quickly eliminate possible troubles.

Peeling is stress and trauma for the skin, so it is very important to follow all the beautician's instructions and use high-quality cosmetics. Only proper care can guarantee high results and quick recovery of the integument after peeling.

If you want to look beautiful, correct skin imperfections and avoid early aging, exfoliation is the surest way. Carefully study the technique of face peeling and the consequences of the procedure, seriously approach the choice of a clinic for its implementation, do not save on health. The professionalism and experience of a cosmetologist is half the success, the other half depends on you and skin care after cleansing.

The reaction of the skin to chemical peels of various depths can be both expected - in the form of an immediate inflammatory process and subsequent skin renewal, and undesirable - in the form of side effects. Complications from peeling can develop immediately - in the first few days after the procedure, as well as during the regeneration period after two weeks and later ..

Immediate adverse reactions after chemical peels

In the first 3-7 days after chemical peeling, a number of adverse skin reactions to the procedure may appear, which are considered complications and require active therapeutic measures.

  • Infection. It happens most often due to non-observance of aseptic and antiseptic measures during the procedure or in the period after peeling. The patient is prescribed local antibiotic therapy: a good effect is given by the ointment baneocin, oxycort, in severe cases - systemic kefzol, tavanik.
  • Allergy. It can be triggered by kojic acid, ascorbic acid in the peeling solution, as well as by components of cosmetics for care after peeling. It is manifested by increasing hyperemia, severe itching, if edema also joins, dexamethasone or prednisolone, antihistamines should be injected intramuscularly immediately.
  • Herpes. It is most often observed after peeling with retinoids (sprinkles with the red border of the lips and the wings of the nose) or with trichloroacetic acid at a concentration of 25-30% (generalized rashes are likely). The danger of such an adverse skin reaction is that the risk of atrophic and even hypertrophic scars is increased. For prophylaxis, it is recommended to carry out a course of antiherpetic therapy before the median or deep peeling procedure, even if the patient does not remember when he last had an exacerbation of herpes. If a complication still occurs, pulse therapy with acyclovir 1 g / day is prescribed once for 5 days.
  • Persistent erythema. The reaction of the skin to peeling is interpreted as extremely unfavorable, when inflammation and edema persist for more than 3 days - usually this means that the damaging effect of the peeling turned out to be stronger than the regenerative capabilities of the skin. This condition is dangerous because degenerative changes can develop in the skin, its elasticity decreases and sensitivity increases. Therapy should be very active - with the use of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory drugs containing zinc, indomethacin, voltaren, topically non-fluorinated steroids are recommended.

It is very important to correctly assess the reparative reserves of the skin and the state of blood vessels, take into account the type of skin, and collect a detailed anamnesis of the patient before carrying out a chemical peeling - this will prevent the listed complications.

Complications after chemical peeling during skin regeneration

Some complications after chemical peels, especially middle and deep ones, appear in the period from 2 to 6 weeks, when active regenerative processes begin in the skin.

Careful selection of patients for peeling, very careful and scrupulous collection of anamnesis allow you to avoid many complications or, at least, significantly reduce the risks of unpleasant consequences after them.

Persistent erythema. Patients with telangiectasias are at risk. Persistent erythema always tends to self-regress even without drug therapy, but, nevertheless, spoils the life of patients for six months, and sometimes longer. A good therapeutic effect is provided by microcurrent therapy, which can be started practically in the very first days after peeling. It is possible to recommend applying a 1% solution of epinephrine hydrochloride (0.5 ml / 100 ml of distilled water) to the skin - it quickly reduces the severity of erythema and soothes the patient.

Hyperpigmentation. It is triggered by the inflammatory response of the skin to the peel, which stimulates the increased production of melanocyte-stimulating hormone. Physiotherapy in the period after peeling can become another provoking factor of hyperpigmentation. At risk are patients with a tendency to hyperpigmentation or with IV-V skin phototype. Therapeutic measures: mesotherapy with ascorbic acid preparations (10-20%), additionally retinoic peeling (2-5%) or combined with a combination of kojic and glycolic acids.

Post-peeling acne. It is provoked by an inflammatory reaction of the skin, which activates sebocytes. At risk are patients with oily skin, with a history of seborrhea and pubertal acne. If inflamed elements of acne appear, therapy with sebosuppressants, local and systemic antibacterial treatment is carried out. Sometimes it is enough just dynamic observation, since the excess secretion of sebum goes away on its own after 2-3 months.