I want to learn how to read in syllables. How to teach a child to read: important rules and effective techniques. From simple to complex

And he even does it by syllables. What's next - leave everything as it is, practice and finish his studies himself? In no case! Otherwise, the syllabic reproduction of the text may become a habit, and you will face an acute problem - in words.

Parents, concerned about the future of their offspring, understand: what level of reading a student has - such is the level of academic performance. If a child reads in syllables in the fifth grade, then he will not become an excellent student - judge for yourself how long it will take him at least to read and understand the task, not to mention the standard lists of literature.

Regardless of age, children can be divided into groups according to their speed of reading aloud:

  • just learning to read;
  • reads 30 words per minute;
  • reads 80 words per minute;
  • reads over 120 words per minute.

According to the standards, the child is required to reproduce 180 words per minute - this volume leads to a certain level of perception and understanding of the text. Such indicators should be already in the fourth grade. By this time, you need to learn how to retell well, own the text, understand what is written there and see the essence.

Keep in mind that problems with studies, and with reading in particular, always arise due to initial preparation. Preschool age lays the foundation for the future potential of the baby, his academic performance. Everything that happens to a child at school is the consequences of the preschool period. In this regard, be sure to check out our articles and.

What to pay attention to?

You have to constantly work with your child. Pay attention to the following areas:

The development of anticipation (or divination). When an adult reads, he anticipates the following words, phrases, meaning, sees the structure and he has a general vision of the text. The child does not know how to read to such an extent, he recognizes what is printed at the level of syllables and the next word. He has all his strength directed towards this, so he does not understand what he is reading, but you still need to see the subtext, the semantic meaning of each word individually and the entire phrase ...

Development of memory, attention, perception, acceleration of mental operations. Half of the time for learning fast and high-quality reading should be spent precisely on the formation of an intellectual base, and then start working with the text. The point is not to teach the child speed reading, but to speed up mental operations, those very cognitive skills that are cognitive. It is thanks to them that the baby develops in reading, writing, counting, and so on. Keep in mind that these skills do not develop on their own. You can find the corresponding exercises in the articles and.

Formation of interest in reading. To do this, you need to try child. Lack of interest is the result of improper learning, which can kill the desire to go to school and learn something new.

Development of fine motor skills and physical training. Every parent should know. This prepares your baby's hand for writing, forming beautiful handwriting. Exercise for a huge amount. These include all types of creativity, for example, origami, applications, quilling, sewing, modeling, puzzles and so on - the main thing is to find what your baby likes and provide him with all the conditions and opportunities.

It may surprise you, but sports sections, dances, hikes, outdoor games, exercises, walks, and so on are also very important for the development of reading skills.

What can not be done?

How fast? Many parents think that for this they need to be forced to read many pages at a time. But in the end, you run the risk of running into resistance, which can lead to isolation and aggravated by a reluctance to study further. No need to suppress the will of the child!

  • short words for those who have just learned (3 and 5 letters) and as many as they can;
  • short texts for those who read 30 words, gradually increasing the volume;
  • 1-2 pages for those who read 60-80 words, starting from one page and, if the child is not tired, you can give a second one; allow these children to read silently;
  • 2-8 pages for those who read more than 120 words, starting with two pages and gradually adding them.

If the school set 10 pages, and for your child this is too much, you can change with him - he reads one page, you read the next, and so on. Thus, you will give him the opportunity to rest, and the process will not cause dislike in him.

How to train a child?

We offer several effective exercises for children of all ages who read at different speeds:

1. Practicing passages

The bottom line is this: we add 30 words to the actual reading speed. That is, if a child reads 30 words, we add 30 more to him, in the end he will work out 60. For those who can overcome 60 words in a minute, we give a text of 90 words and so on. The passage must be read three times in a row. For the first time, the baby is likely to be insecure and slow, in one minute he will not cope with the entire number of words: he will read either half or more, but not to the end. The task is to learn how to overcome this passage to the end in exactly 1 minute. That is, every day you need to read the selected text three times until you manage to hit one minute. Practicing the passage should go aloud, because our goal is to reach 180 words per minute.

2. Reading "Wave"

This exercise is suitable for children who, without straining, read at least 50-60 words per minute or more. First let the child read the text in the normal position, then turn the book 90 degrees - let him read the passage like this, then upside down and finally 180 degrees in relation to it. Start with a few sentences and work your way up to a full page. There is such an interesting indicator - if you let a child read the text upside down, then you can find out his real speed.

3. Reading tables of sounds, syllables, words

This is a very effective exercise for those who read 30-60 words. It helps to move from syllable reading to word by word, speed up the recognition of letters and syllables. Tables need to be read correctly: only in columns, for a while (30 seconds - one table), the results should be written down (in order to track the dynamics), you need to start with one and strive to read three at a time. Make sure that the child pronounces the floor of the column in one breath - this will help work out intonation in the future. You can write the tables yourself or find them in the book by S. G. Zotov “Increasing Reading Speed”.

4. Reading with retelling - 1-2 pages, 4-8 pages

This exercise must be done every day. If it’s really bad, then you can do it yourself, and let the baby retell. First, try to learn to retell in a paragraph, to find its essence. Then go to the full text. At the same time, it is not necessary to force the child to speak in detail from third parties - let him tell in general what the events were, who participated and how it ended.

5. Reasoning text - 12 sentences on a given topic

Usually this exercise is carried out with children in grades 3-4. They are given a certain thought, problem, some statement or question, and the child must discuss in detail on a given topic. Make sure that his sentences are logical, follow each other in a single connection and there are at least 12 of them. Therefore, be sure to give time for reflection - somewhere around 5-10 minutes. In fact, this is a psychological preparation for the oral exam in the future.

Daily Workouts

Let's decide what exercises can be included in daily workouts with a child to teach him to read quickly and efficiently:

  1. Tasks for the development of memory, attention, logic, anticipation (mandatory).
  2. Work with a passage of 60-80, 120-180 words (required, can be combined with school homework).
  3. Reading upside down, sideways (optional).
  4. Reading three tables 1-2 times a day (optional).
  5. Retelling of small texts (required, can be combined with school homework).
  6. Development of fine motor skills (mandatory).

Keep in mind that you should not force your child to exercise if he is tired or sick. You will not get the result, since all the forces of his body will be spent on recovery.

If your schedule allows, then you can do two workouts a day: in the morning and in the evening. And remember: one lesson - operating time, the second - consolidation. Even if you work with your child once a day, the next day there should be a consolidation of the material covered “yesterday”. Do not spend more than 30 minutes in the morning training, and 10-15 minutes in the evening. In the first lesson, try to do everything that is listed above. Secondly, let the child read the passage only once and only one table, and if there is time, you can do a retelling or complete a couple of tasks for the development of memory, attention or motor skills.

Be sure to try this technique with your child and share the results in the comments to the article.

In Soviet times, teaching to read was the concern of teachers. Today, first-graders who cross the threshold of the school can read, write in block letters and begin to comprehend foreign languages. And although such an impressive baggage of skills and abilities is not a mandatory requirement for a future student, many parents from an early age are engaged in the education of their offspring so that he does not lag behind his peers, easily and quickly learns a complex school curriculum. How to teach a child to read by syllables without pedagogical education and special knowledge? Let's become teachers!

Determine the level of training

In order to correctly set educational tasks, you must first determine the level of preparation of the baby and eliminate the "gaps" in time. Do not start learning to read if:

  • the speech of the preschool child has not yet been formed, he cannot correctly compose a sentence, he is not able to reproduce a short story;
  • there are problems of a speech therapy nature (the baby must not only pronounce sounds correctly, but also observe rhythm and melody in his speech);
  • the child confuses spatial concepts (right / left, up / down);
  • phonemic hearing is poorly developed (the ability to identify sounds in a word, their position);
  • concentrates on one object for less than 10 minutes.

First we eliminate the existing problems and only then we teach to read. Otherwise, the process will be delayed, the child will quickly get bored and will not bring good results.

"Refreshing" the material in your head

Parents could forget the sequence of letters in the alphabet, as they are called correctly. Therefore, we open the textbook and remember.

Understand initially for yourself how the letter differs from the sound. For those who do not remember: we see the letters, we pronounce the sounds. Letters 33, the sounds they represent are consonants and vowels. The first are also divided into hard and soft, voiced and deaf. While this is enough, repeat the rest when the child becomes a first grader!

Tune in psychologically to the process:

  1. do not expect quick results for them to appear, systematic and consistent classes will be required;
  2. be prepared for repeated clarification of the same;
  3. You are constantly looking for new ways and means of learning.

Understanding the methods

Today, a huge number of methods are available, involving various approaches to learning.

For example:

  • they teach syllabic reading - the kid memorizes letter combinations, and then makes words out of them.
  • - offers to memorize the spelling of whole words.
  • The Rough Ones help learn the alphabet through sensory abilities.

It is difficult to call any technique flawless, because they also have drawbacks. Therefore, it is better to turn to the good old sound-letter method, and Montessori, Doman, Zaitsev and other innovators will help diversify classes.

Where to begin

Now let's decide on the manual, according to which we will conduct training. The Primer by N.S. has proven itself well. Zhukova, in which classical methods have something in common with speech therapy content and unique author's developments.

N.S. Zhukov, to the question: “How to quickly teach a growing child to read?” answers - together, it is not necessary to know all the letters. A few vowels and consonants are enough to form letter combinations.

First, we study open vowels: "A", "U", "O", "S", "E". Then sonorous consonants - " M", "N". At this stage, using Zhukova's primer, we begin to explain how syllables are obtained from letters. Colorful illustrations show how one letter rushes to another, merging with it into a syllable. For example, " M» hurry to "O", pronounce fluently "M-m-m-o-o".

The main thing for a child is to understand the mechanism of their merging, with new letters he will get everything mechanically. All studied syllables must be repeated often and regularly so that their reading is brought to automatism.

Read not only simple open letter combinations in which the vowel follows the consonant ("MA"), but also complex "vowel-consonant" ("AM"), merging three sounds ("ARO", "PRA").

Let's take p.18 from the primer as an example.

Name the first letter - the parent asks.
- "X", - the kid answers.
What letter does "X" go to?
- To the letter "A".
- It turns out: "X-x-x-A". While the letter “X” runs to “A”, you cannot stop - they sound together.

Having learned just a few of these examples, the preschooler will understand the principle of constructing syllables and will be able to apply it to other sounds.

Never pronounce sounds in a syllable separately from each other! For example, "H" and "O" - "BUT". This method can delay the learning process for a long time. Teach your child to chant: "N-n-n-o".

What else will help to add syllables

A great way to learn how to pronounce syllables together is to sing sounds. This is often taught by kindergarten teachers. Chanting helps a lot of kids. Some, getting carried away, can sing together a whole sentence and even a paragraph.

Thematic material:

It is necessary to constantly remind the preschooler about the pauses between words and sentences. He sang a word - stopped, sang the next, again a pause. Do not worry, gradually the pauses will be reduced until the reading becomes meaningful and expressive.

The easiest way for children to learn is through play. The alphabet in pictures will help to remember a new letter (images of objects in which it occurs are attached to the studied letter), three-dimensional letters (sculpted from clay, wooden, etc.), rough Montessori letters, cubes. We studied the letter, made a manual for it and add up the syllables.

If the child is about 3-4 years old, and the learning process has been delayed (more than 6 months) - take your time, postpone classes until 5 years old. At this age, interest in reading will appear on its own, and the baby will master science in 1-2 months.

When reading books to a little one, constantly focus his attention on how good it is to be able to read.

At first, it is desirable to introduce syllables, where there are two vowels (“AU”), then where there is a voiced consonant with a vowel ( "BA", "RO", "WE"), finally remain hissing and deaf ( "TA", "HE", "SHI") and vowel-consonant pairs ( "AM", "ER", "UN").

Having mastered the syllables, proceed to reading the simplest words: MA-MA, WE-LO, RA-MA. Always start your class by reviewing and reinforcing what you have learned. Make sure that the future student does not forget to pause between words, check the assimilation of what they have read.

Let's take an example from the aforementioned primer (p. 58).

On the photo is the text "In the meadow." We pronounce the syllables in a singsong voice: “Here (pause) lu-jok (pause). Here (pause) bro-dit (pause) so-ba-ka (pause) Dru-zhok. etc. After reading, we ask the child: “What is the text about? Where is the dog roaming? What is her name?". If it is difficult for the child to answer immediately, let him find the answer in the text.

The duration of the first lessons for preschoolers 4-5 years old is less than 15 minutes, then they are increased to half an hour.

Children 5-7 years old get tired quickly, so constantly change the type of activity: read - draw or print letters. It is advisable to use coloring pages with an image, so the preschooler will rest and train motor skills.

Interactive technologies

As an auxiliary (not the main!) Tool, you should use online games and applications. Most of these programs are free for users and available on Android devices. For example, the Azbuka Pro program.

Some sites offer online exercises. For example, "Merry little train" or "Berilyaka learns to read." If online learning is inconvenient for you, you can download special disks with ready-made lessons or educational videos for free.

Of course, such activities are very popular with modern children who love high-tech devices. But do not forget that a child's excessive enthusiasm for even useful online games and videos can affect vision and emotional and mental health. Therefore, such teaching aids are best used to consolidate knowledge or during rest between sprinkling over a book.

10 useful games

Never force a child to learn letters. And so that home lessons do not turn into boring and monotonous activities, diversify them with games.

With the right approach, teaching a child to read by syllables is quite simple. It is much more important to instill an interest in reading, to make it thoughtful and regular. Indeed, as any teacher will confirm, the literacy of a person and the beauty of his speech depends on the amount of reading.

From syllabic reading to fluent

Read the sentence and ask the child to repeat it. Then increase the number of sentences to 3 or more.

Remember! During the exercise, correct intonation, remind about logical pauses.

You can also pick up the text, where instead of some words there are pictures. The next step is to exclude pictures from the text, and insert the missing words, focusing on the meaning of the sentence.

Teaching a child is easy when he enjoys learning, so try to present the material in a way that is interesting. It doesn't matter what methods you use. Get creative and discover your own way of learning. After all, only you know the interests of your preschooler.

When the child has mastered the alphabet well, it is time to teach him how to put letters into syllables and read them. Many mothers and fathers are tormented by the question of how to tell him everything about sounds and syllables, how to teach him to connect letters, and then explain how to put words together.

Learning algorithm

Teaching a child to read coherently is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. This is a rather serious matter that requires patience, perseverance and some preparation of the parents themselves. The process of developing reading skills consists of three steps:

  • memorization of letters and the sounds denoting them;
  • folding letters into syllables and practicing reading them;
  • folding syllables into words and practicing continuous reading.

The first step usually does not cause difficulties for children, they quickly memorize letters during the game. The next step, almost the most important and responsible, is not very easy for many children. Difficulties that have arisen can discourage hunting and significantly slow down the process. Do not give up and continue systematic studies, even if things have seriously slowed down. Encourage your child to feel more confident.

When can you start teaching your child to read?

Dear reader!

This article talks about typical ways to solve your questions, but each case is unique! If you want to know how to solve your particular problem - ask your question. It's fast and free!

Before you start learning, make sure that your charming student knows the letters of the alphabet and easily identifies them. To test skills, give your child the alphabet and ask them to name the letters. It usually takes 2-3 minutes for the kids to do this. This means that it takes him 4-6 seconds to recognize one letter. Based on the simplest calculations, it can be assumed that it will take him 20 to 25 seconds to read a word of 4 letters (“dad”, “mother”). Now imagine what it's like to read at that speed.

So knowing and identifying letters is important, of course, but their definition must be lightning fast. When the baby spends about 20 seconds to “disassemble” the entire alphabet, then proceed to the second stage of learning - how to teach the child syllables.

Fundamental points:

  • Teach your child sounds, not letters, this will simplify the process of subsequent learning. For example, not "de", "te", "me", but "D", "T", "M". Vowels should be long "uuu", "aaa". Start your practice with "A". It is the easiest for children, they quickly remember and determine it. As soon as the student determines it well, proceed to the consonants. Then begin to compose the syllables "MA", "DA", "GA". As soon as this works out, start building words: “ba-ba”, “ma-ma”. After practicing skills with the letter "A", start practicing with the letter "O", then "U", "I".
  • If your child knows the alphabet well, play with it. Show him how to collect simple words "da-sha", "ka-sha", "li-za", "li-sa", "mouth", "house", "ko-za".
  • Move on to 3-syllable words.
  • Learning in the game is the most optimal and interesting for the child.

Make active use of visual aids in the learning process. Pre-prepared colorful pictures, thematic video materials can become your assistants in this difficult task.

Teaching Methods

It is rather difficult to teach a baby to read on its own, without relying on didactic material (more details in the article:). Get a primer in advance, you will need it. Now they are produced in a large assortment - there are classic ones, there are also original ones. The most interesting and practically substantiated are the methods of N. Zhukova and E. Bakhtina.

Zhukova's method with "running letters" looks simpler to explain, and therefore more understandable to the child. We should not forget that every child is unique, his abilities are individual. What is convenient and understandable for one, does not work for another. If the baby does not feel very confident at the stage of syllables, do not rush to move on to folding words, even the simplest ones. Such useless acceleration will increase his uncertainty and discourage the desire to learn to read.

Bakhtina's technique is suitable for very young children who are barely 2 years old. The author assures that children who regularly study at home according to her method can read well by the age of three. According to Zhukova's primer, children go to school, i.e. at the age of 5-6 years.

We add and read syllables according to the method of Elena Bakhtina

The essence of the method is as follows: as soon as the baby has learned to fluently (precisely fluently!) Recognize letters, start teaching him to connect letters, build syllables to pronounce them. After he learns how to pronounce and recognize letter combinations correctly, you need to work out their varieties.

Let's take an example. In the syllable "MA" the letters "M" and "A" met and became close friends. Now they are together and it turns out "MA". Repeat about friendship "M" + "A" \u003d "MA" during the day, consolidate the skill the next day. In the same way, learn other letter combinations. At first, practice open syllables (for a vowel) "KA", "GA", "LA". Be sure to reinforce the pronunciation by demonstrating cards (visually).

Use the same cards to teach your child to read. We offer you ready-made cards: consonants - blue, vowels - red. Make syllables and words for reading from cards.

Important aspects:

  • At the initial stage, do not use vowels with "y" in the composition "yu" = "yu", "ya" = "ya". Don't use hissing consonants as they are harder to pronounce.
  • Teach your child continuously - not only at home with an ABC book, but also during a walk. Point the "student" to the signs, encourage him to find and pronounce familiar combinations, practice with unfamiliar combinations. Then you can include vowels with “y” in the composition and hissing consonants in the training.

It is possible that this technique will not suit the baby, and he will not learn to read. In this case, try another teaching method.

The classical technique of the author of the school primer Nadezhda Zhukova

Use Zhukova's primer to teach your child how to make syllables from letters. Start with the letters "M" and "A", because their combination is close and dear to the baby. This combination of letters is familiar almost from birth, it underlies the word "mother".

Pay attention to the baby that in the picture in the primer one letter runs to another, and then they are connected.

Speak the stretched letter “mmm” with him and turn it into “mmaaaa”. At the same time, the first sound is gradually reduced and the second becomes longer. In the same way, pronounce other open letter combinations with "A", "O", "U": "YES", "KO", "TU", etc. Then proceed to the addition of very simple words that are understandable to the student: “PA-PA”, “RU-KA”, “NO-GA”. Focus on articulation: we stretch one sound, and shorten the other. If you can make your cards with "running" letters, then you can teach your baby to read not only with a book, but also through a game.

Important aspects:

  • It is very important to encourage the child to analyze the syllables that he learns. Every time ask him what letters he sees here and how many there are. Let him say and repeat again and again.
  • Make sure that while reading, his letters do not “break apart” and do not “unfriend”, so that the sounds do not turn into letters when they are connected: “yes”, not “dea”; "pa", not "pea". The child must pronounce exactly the sounds. Remind the baby that the first sound must be pulled, and the second “cut”.
  • During the lesson, let the child determine by ear the number of letters (sounds) spoken by mom / dad. Ask him to name the first sound and the second. Initially, you can practice on combinations of vowels "ao", "ua", "ia".

Once again, we recall the individuality of the child. One kid will quickly connect letters and sounds, while the other will have difficulty. Do not rush him and do not pedal the situation. Let classes be regular. If your child is not given one technique, try another. It is important to choose the option that suits him.

Clinical and perinatal psychologist, graduated from the Moscow Institute of Perinatal and Reproductive Psychology and Volgograd State Medical University with a degree in clinical psychology

Each child in the process of learning to read goes through the stage of reading by syllables. At this stage, the child’s brain needs to perform several processes when reading: not only recognize the letters and pronounce the necessary sounds, combining them into a word, but also remember the first syllable, keep it in memory and connect it with the following syllables, and then also understand what you read . Therefore, a holistic perception or understanding, as we often say, is difficult.

Reading comprehension comes when the child reads in words, and not one word at a time, but groups of words. At this stage, the technical side of reading no longer causes difficulties and the main task is to understand the text.

But how to proceed to this stage if the child reads syllable by syllable and cannot be moved from syllabic reading in any way?

In this case, simply forcing to read will be ineffective. It is important to teach the child to easily and quickly read syllables first, and then words. Moreover, the words are given from simple to complex. First words of 3 letters, then 4-letter words and gradually the length of the word increases.

At this stage, repeated reading of words and syllables is necessary.

Why is it so important? Because when reading, we do not read letters or syllables, but simply recognize the word.

One of the main prerequisites for mastering fast reading at the level of speech activity is simultaneous - simultaneous - recognition of graphic material, i.e. words. O.A. Kuznetsov, L.N. Khromov Speed ​​Reading Technique

And in order to easily and quickly recognize words and syllables, repeated reading of words and syllables is necessary. And you can get it with the help of various exercises.

Tables of words and syllables. The table contains various syllables or words, and the child needs to learn not only to read these syllables or words, but to do it quickly. Therefore, we use one table repeatedly for a long time.

But just like that, the child is not interested in reading, therefore we offer different methods of reading. For example: 1) read in tow. An adult reads columns of words or syllables aloud, and the child repeats. 2) Read in unison. Here you can connect a child who reads better and then he will lead a slowly reading child. 3) we read only certain syllables or words, for example, beginning with the letter H. 4) we read in different voices, with different intonation.

And there are many such options. It is important that the child will perceive such reading options as a game, and reading will be more interesting.

Vrednyuchka. This technique can be used both on columns of syllables and on columns of words. There is such a creature Vrednyuchka, which does everything the other way around. And it also reads the other way around. Let's see how she reads. And we read the columns not from left to right, but from right to left. It turns out funny. children have fun, but at the same time learn to easily connect letters into syllables and quickly read.

This technique is easy to use in the classroom in a reading lesson. Then you can add options - girls read correctly, and boys, like Vrednyuchka. Then they changed.

Fillwords. Of course, you have seen similar tasks more than once in various collections of crossword puzzles, children's magazines. Feelwords are easy to compose on your own. And this is also a great exercise for developing reading skills. In the process of searching for a word, the child needs to repeatedly read the letters and syllables to find the hidden words. Besides, it's great

And this is only a small part of the exercises that help you move from syllabic reading to word reading.

  1. Tables of syllables and words
  2. Changers
  3. herringbone
  4. Couples (with a preposition)
  5. couple with ponytail
  6. Ladder
  7. Vrednyuchka
  8. upside down
  9. Square of syllables
  10. Fillwords
  11. Slogovitsa
  12. Folders
  13. hide and seek
  14. Harvest

And these are only those that are aimed at a quick transition from syllabic reading. And there are also other games and exercises: for the development of attention, memory, understanding of the text and the development of the speed of perception.

With the help of these exercises and techniques, you can easily achieve the desired - fast and correct reading with good understanding.

What activities and games do you use to help your child learn to read faster?

Remember that big blue primer with which all of us, parents, once began our acquaintance with the school? This book has helped teach millions of children to read. However, the modern market of educational literature is oversaturated with materials, choosing from which is not so easy.


Books that offer to teach your child to read differ not only in appearance, but also in the methodology used. For example, Tyulenev's educational literature promises to teach your child to read quickly almost from the cradle, rough Montessori letters and Zaitsev's cubes are designed for learning in the form of a game, etc. Such a variety of information available does not make life easier for young parents who do not know which method to choose for their baby. In fact, it doesn’t matter at all what method the child uses to learn to read, it is important that they LEARN!

If your child knows the alphabet, but he has some difficulties with reading syllables and words, you need to develop some kind of system according to which you will have to practice regularly and always with the baby. And you should start just by teaching how to put familiar letters into syllables.

How to teach a child to read by syllables: when to start learning?

You can teach a child all the letters even in a year. Asking questions about what this letter is and what words begin with it is a kind of game that a child is interested in playing at any age. But when to start teaching a child to read syllables and merge them into words?


Recently, there has been a real boom in the early development of children. The child will not have time to reach the age of one (and sometimes much earlier), as the parents immediately rush to teach him to read and write.

Dear parents, don't rush! Scientists (sociologists, psychologists, teachers, etc.) have already proved that such an early development does not lead to anything good. The consequences of early education are most often deplorable, especially for the not yet fully formed child's psyche. If you do not want to have more serious consequences with a violation of the development of children in the future, it is better not to rush, but to clearly determine at what age it is best to start learning to read by syllables.

So how do you know when your child is ready to start learning? To do this, you need to know at what stage of development your child is at the moment.

How to teach a child to read in syllables: do no harm

The first functional block of the brain, responsible for the cognitive, emotional sphere and bodily perception of children, begins to form from the earliest stages of a woman's pregnancy and completely completes its formation only by the age of three years of a child's life.

At the age of 3 to 5-8 years, children start the second important process - the formation of the second functional block, which controls the organs of perception: hearing, sight, taste, touch and smell.

After the studies, ophthalmologists gave their conclusion: with early education of the child, his eyes may suffer in the first place.

It is in children experiencing premature visual load that myopia is most often observed. Experts say that it is much more useful and safer to wait until the child is 5-6 years old, because only at this age the ciliary muscle responsible for visual acuity is finally formed in children.


Between the ages of 7 and 15, children develop conscious mental activity.

Each functional block of the brain is formed in a certain sequence with the rest, so every attempt by parents to “step over” a certain stage negatively affects the development of one or another developmental process characteristic of each period of the child’s formation.

In the natural development of children there will be a distortion, the consequences of which most often appear not immediately, but over time. Today you can teach your child to read in a year or two, and in a few years he will have serious problems in an emotional and personal relationship with others. It can also cause neurosis, tics, stuttering, obsessive movements and numerous speech disorders.

It is much easier to prevent all these disorders than to treat them later, do you agree?

How to determine the physiological readiness of a child to start learning to read?

  • the child's speech has formed, he speaks in full connected sentences and can compose a story;
  • the child has no speech therapy disorders, there is no violation of the melody and rhythm of speech;
  • the child has a good orientation in space, it is not difficult for him to determine where the right and left are;
  • the child has a fairly well-developed phonemic hearing, he easily distinguishes certain sounds both at the beginning of a word, and in its middle or at the end.

If all these skills are formed in a child, his brain is ready to start learning to read. Why the brain?

Scientists have conducted numerous studies, after which they came to an unambiguous conclusion. The eyes see, but they cannot comprehend what they see. The ears hear, but are unable to perceive sounds. All processes of understanding and awareness occur exclusively in the brain.

Having heard a certain word or a whole sentence, our brain converts sounds into certain electrochemical impulses that make information more understandable and accessible to the brain. All these impulses are further combined in the brain into one whole, after which we begin to perceive the meaning and meaning of what we hear. The same thing happens with vision - having seen what is written, our eyes do not understand it, our brain is engaged in processing the content and meaning of what is written.

How to teach a child to read in syllables so that he does not get tired?


So that children do not lose interest and do not get tired during classes, it is necessary to exercise regularly. At the same time, the duration of each lesson should be short - 5-10 minutes will be enough for the first lessons. Gradually, this time can be gradually increased, but it should not exceed 30 minutes.
It is best if you conduct classes in a playful way - then the child will perceive the incoming information easily and naturally, he will be interested.

Before learning to read, it is necessary that the child knows all the letters of the alphabet. You can learn letters in the traditional way using a primer, using Zaitsev's cubes with pictures, or in any other convenient way. While studying letters, be sure to teach children to correctly pronounce the sounds that these letters represent (the sound “d”, not “de”).


By adhering to these simple tips, you can easily teach your baby to read in syllables so that both of you get the maximum pleasure from the process - without scandals and tantrums, with interest:

Council number 1. We choose a methodology. The best choice for all parents is the method of teaching reading by syllables using a primer. The author of one of these textbooks, K. Zhukova, compiled an effective book that will be a real helper for the child. With it, the baby will learn to understand, not memorize, he will be able to quickly put letters into syllables, and syllables into words. There are not so many pictures in the book, but this is quite enough so that the child does not lose interest in learning.

In any case, you can choose any technique you like. The main thing is that the training is interesting for the child, in a friendly manner. If you are too strict, this can discourage the child from the lessons, because he will prepare himself in advance for possible failures and, as a result, your disappointment in his abilities.

Council number 2. We choose the correct sequence for studying vowels and consonants. The initial study of open vowels is considered optimal - a, o, u, e, s. After the open vowels are learned, we learn hard consonants - n, m. Be sure to make sure that the baby correctly pronounces each sound - m, and not me and not em. Then we turn to the study of deaf and hissing sounds - s, w, etc. Do not forget that we see and write letters, and we pronounce and hear sounds.


Council number 3. Repetition is the mother of learning. Each lesson must begin with a review of what was learned in the last lesson. Together with the child, remember the previously learned sounds. At the end of the lesson, be sure to consolidate what you have learned - this way you will help the child form the correct reading mechanism.

Repeat the same syllable several times. It’s great if you have prepared a bright handout before starting the training - separate cards with different syllables are perfect for this. Such cards can be mixed, and then randomly invite the child to read the letter combinations passed. This will help the child in a playful way to learn to read certain syllables on the machine.

Council number 4. Once you and your child have learned some of the simple sounds, you can try to put the letters into syllables. Although it seems like a very difficult task, in practice everything is much easier.
Look in the primer, tell the baby how "m" hurries to visit "a". Show your child how to pronounce this combination correctly - mmmmm-aaaaaaa. Tell your child that because the sounds are in such a hurry to meet, they need to be read together, not separately from each other. Be sure to pronounce the correct pronunciation of the syllables before the baby does it - he must clearly hear how to pronounce certain syllables in order not to make a mistake. If you hear that the error still slips - do not hesitate, correct it immediately, otherwise an erroneous understanding of sounds and syllables will form in his mind.

Council number 5. We study simple syllables. To facilitate the learning process, it is necessary to start introducing the child to simple syllables consisting of only 2 sounds - la, ma, ra, mo, mu. The child should form an understanding of how one syllable is obtained from two letters. Once this mechanism is mastered, further learning will be much easier. After that, you can begin to study more complex syllables - with hissing and deaf consonants (yes, shi, in, etc.).

Council number 6. When the previous steps have been completed, you can start learning more complex syllables. Do not rush to try to get the child to read the words after a couple of learned syllables. Let the baby better master the reading mechanism in general first, bring the skill of reading by syllables to automatism. Just gradually complicate the tasks over time - you can learn to read syllables that begin with vowels - aw, oop, um, he ...


Council number 7. Once all the syllables are learned and mastered, you can start learning to read the simplest words. Ideally, these should be words with the same, but repeating syllable - mom, dad, then you can add rarer ones to well-known syllables - ma-lo, we-lo, ra-ma ...

Or you can start by learning the shortest three-letter words. To do this, choose words that begin with syllables familiar to the child and end with one additional letter. For example, cat, poppy, cancer, soup, onion, forest, etc.

Tip #8. Before teaching a child to read in syllables, be sure to show him how to pronounce all the syllables correctly. Only in this way can he learn to read correctly. In some preschools, teachers teach children to chant syllables. Simply put, they sing syllables with the children. This is not entirely correct, because children quickly get used to this method and then try to pronounce all the available syllables in one breath. They do not pause either between syllables or between words. Once they have learned to read sentences, children will often chant an entire paragraph without pausing where they need to (punctuation marks). This leads to the fact that the child either does not understand what he read at all, or understands it incorrectly.

Since you have taken up learning to read by syllables, do it well so that later the child does not have problems.


The child should not sing everything in a row, he should be able to observe pauses where they are needed, especially between sentences. Do you want to teach your child through singing? Please! But teach him the following order: sang a syllable or word - pause, sang the second syllable or word - pause. Over time, children independently learn to make pauses between syllables shorter, but doing them at the beginning of learning is simply necessary. By focusing on this point, you help your child develop automatic and correct reading from the very beginning, as a result, he will not have problems with pauses in the future.

Tip #9. Everything has its time. You should not teach a child to read in syllables at 3 or 4 years old, because at this age it will simply not be interesting to him. At this age, it is good if he likes to look at pictures or has the patience to listen to a fairy tale you read. You need to teach when you definitely notice the child's obvious interest in this process.

But at the age of 5-6, before the start of schooling, you can begin to conduct classes with your child to teach reading and writing. Moreover, it must be taught to read and write in block letters.

Some children are taught this by kindergarten teachers. The child comes to school already sufficiently prepared to read the sentences in syllables. But if you didn’t teach your child to read before school, it doesn’t matter! The main thing is to teach correctly, otherwise it will be doubly difficult for the teacher.

A child who has learned to read in syllables before school will be much more confident, will feel better psychologically, will overcome stress faster, and will quickly join the team. He will be more calm and confident, which will only have a positive effect on his overall achievements.

Tip number 10. Try to conduct classes on learning to read by syllables in the form of a game. Do not rush to force the child to read quickly. It is not important! It is important that he correctly names all the sounds, understands what he read. Thoughtful and conscious correct reading by syllables is much more useful. The main thing is that the child understands the mechanism of correct reading.


By following these simple rules, you will help your child quickly and painlessly master the technique of reading by syllables. Experts say that if all these requirements are met, as well as with regular classes, your child will learn to read after a month and a half after the start of the lessons. Agree, this is such a short time compared to endlessly long training, first at school, then at the institute, then somewhere else ... The main thing is to help the child form the right system, help him develop the concept of the main mechanisms, love the reading process itself, and the rest - matter of technique and habit!

Remember: your child will definitely learn to read, sooner or later. Your task is to make this learning happen in an easy and unobtrusive way so that the child does not experience additional stress (believe me, he will get it at school without it!). Just love your child and play with him! And do not deprive your children of childhood - let them play at an early age, and you can start learning before school!