A perfect working scheme for a date with a girl. What to do with a girl on a first date? How to behave on a first date

Many guys get very nervous before calling a girl somewhere. There are too many unanswered questions: who pays, where to go, what to say and how to invite. We have collected the most asked questions and answered them.

1.What is the purpose of calling?

Remind about yourself


Make an appointment (place and time)

2. When and how best to call?

It would be nice to find out from the girl briefly what she is doing in order to roughly understand when she is free. You need to call not in a week, a month, a year. After a while she will forget you, call the next day. Better in time on weekdays from 14 to 15 (lunch) or on weekends after 15 hours. It is better to make an appointment by telephone by voice. This makes a positive impression. Live communication is better and more emotional. Also, demand to clearly indicate the time of the meeting. Make it clear that you value your time. Do not wait for a girl like a hachiko if she is more than 15 minutes late without warning.

3. How and where is it better to invite?

Sit down and make yourself comfortable. Scroll through all the ideas in your head, go online, see the list of upcoming events. Choose where you will take the girl based on your budget. Decide on the time of your upcoming date based on your schedule. Think over everything to the smallest detail: where, when, where. Choose a meeting place so that, first of all, YOU feel comfortable. But you shouldn't choose it at the opposite end from the girl. It is advisable to choose 2 options for a place and 2 options for a time to choose from. When you decide on everything, exhale and dial the girl. Chat with her, get interested and find out how her mood is. After, make an appointment.

4. Where to lead and who pays?

Remember that the first date is a mini presentation to each other. You don't have to go to a super expensive restaurant and hire an orchestra. There are several options: a walk, an inexpensive cafe, exhibitions, various active events. The most optimal thing would be to take coffee with you and go for a walk in the city center. The man must pay. If a girl really wants to pay herself, give her that opportunity.

5. What to do and say on a date?

Your goal on the first date is to get the girl interested, find common interests, tell about yourself and hear about her. Eliminate criticism and harsh statements, it is too early for that. It would also be nice to make physical contact. Try to touch the girl. Move her across the road by the hand, gently touch her waist and sit with her as close as possible. You need to create a comfortable environment ..

6. What if you don't like a date?

Do not sit and do not tolerate the company of a person who does not like it. Just smile and tell me you have something to do. Also, you can say directly that somehow it does not stick and, apparently, you are too different. There is nothing offensive in this. Respect yourself and your time.

7. How to answer awkward questions?

The answer should be as simple as possible. You don't have to come up with a whole scheme. You can get away with general phrases. As a rule, girls start asking about the relationship. For example, why don't you have a girlfriend. It will be enough to say that you do not agree and translate the topic. But don't read a monologue about your exes.

8. How long is the date?

The first date should not be too long, an hour and a half is enough. During this time, you will get to know each other enough and will not have time to get bored. Have a nice time, see the girl and then think about wishes and further actions.

9. How do you like it?

Remember self-presentation. Decide in advance what you will talk about yourself. Only your speech should not look like a salesperson's monologue. Do not over-praise yourself and do not dump all your ins and outs. Tell us a little about your hobbies and try not to say negative things.

10. How to behave?

Be confident, keep your back straight and smile. If you're really worried, voice it. Girls love sincerity. Speak calmly and breathe evenly. You are not at the doctor's office, there is no reason to be nervous.

Hope you can do your best. Good luck. Well, if luck doesn't work well, you can always come to one of our trainings, where you will be taught all the subtleties of seduction.

Whether a person wants to be with you depends on the first impression. It depends on the first date whether your relationship with the girl continues. That is why it is important not only to be able to approach and meet girls, but to carry out the first correctly. What to do?.

You should initially know about some things that will allow you to think over the program of the first date and even calm down a little:

  • The girl is just as worried as you are. If a girl hasn't been on dates for a long time, or haven't been on dates at all, then you can be sure that she is worried and worried just like you. She also wants the meeting to be successful. She also thinks what to wear, where to go, what to talk about, etc. Only self-confident girls do not worry, who have many fans.
  • The girl will dream of a second date if the first is successful. What is meant by a successful date here? A certain image of who you are has formed in the girl's head. She likes this image, otherwise she would not agree to your offer to go on a date. Your task is not to spoil this image!

Here you should include amenities: funny moments, beautiful places, romantic situations, etc. If a girl laughs and supports the topics that you start with her, then she is clearly interested in you. Otherwise, she will look around, look at the time, rush home or on business. This already suggests that she is not interested, bored or disappointed.

  • Think positively. If you focus on your own experiences, then understand that, most likely, you will attract it. If you think about failure, you will be constantly worried about provoking them. Stop thinking about what you might be bad at. It is better to think about how to show your strengths and qualities.

Despite the fact that the success of the first date depends to a large extent on the man, one should not forget about the role of the girl. She also invests her time and energy. If the girl does nothing to have a good time, then she is asking too much of you. If after that she still does not want to see you, since she will consider you an uninteresting guy, then she achieved this result by her own inaction.

As a guy, try to do everything to make the first date interesting. But do not forget that the girl should also make your meeting interesting and exciting. Otherwise, you don't even have to grieve if the second date doesn't happen.

For the operation to be successful, you need not only to have the necessary skills and knowledge, but also to carefully prepare for the process. The stages before and during the date are important. In order to have an interesting first date with a girl, here are some tips for behavior that will help:

  1. Study the girl.

To know how to behave, what to talk about and even where to go for a walk with a girl, you should study her. This can be done at any time. Since you are not inviting a stranger, you already have some information about her. You can supplement it with information taken from social networks. Look at the photos, examine the data on the home page, the communication style, and more.

Regular telephone communication will not interfere, even if it lasts 10-15 minutes. From here you can get a lot of information: the manner of communication, the degree of talkativeness, topics that interest the girl, etc. Do not forget about the questions that people often use to learn something about others. Ask questions, tell something about yourself, watch the girl's reaction, to which she reacts with interest, and what makes her bored. All this will allow you to understand where to go on the first date and what to talk about so that the time is spent with benefit.

  1. Set a goal for the meeting.

So that the first date does not go in vain, you need to set a goal for the meeting. For what purpose did you invite a girl out on a date and want to see her? The place of the date, the topic of conversation, your behavior, etc., depends on this. As the saying goes, if there is no goal, then you don’t know where to go and what to do. To avoid such a situation, clearly define for yourself why you are going on the first date with your girlfriend.

Naturally, you will want to achieve your goal. In order for everything to contribute to this and you purposefully walked towards this, it is necessary to behave accordingly. The desire to sleep on the first date or to build a serious relationship are completely different. In the first case, you will seek solitude and even invite the girl to your home. In the second case, you will spend time with your fellowship and spiritual reunion.

A guy's behavior differs depending on the goal that he has set for himself. The girl will either agree to the realization of your goal, or refuse, which will save you from the head trouble.

  1. Imagine a date.

To make the date successful, practice it. Of course, even imagining a date, it can happen that things turn out differently. But this is not the main thing! Firstly, imagining the first date with an interesting girl, you already begin to understand a little what to do and how to lead. This already relieves some of the tension.

Secondly, by imagining a date where you achieve your desired goal, you are already setting yourself up in the right mood. Why think about the bad when you can focus on the good? Think about how great the date will go, imagine it. And there it will already be seen.

  1. Get ready.

Ideal if you just think over your date plan. Where are you going to go? What places to spend time together will you offer your girl? What gift will you give her? How much time will you spend on a date? How will you get around the city? How do you send the girl home? What cash costs are you expecting? And so on. You should do at least minimal preparation so that there are no situations when you are standing in the middle of the street and do not know where to go next and what to do.

It's okay if all plans are broken. It is impossible to predict what a girl will want. Sometimes it's enough to have enough money in your pocket for the girl to manage the date herself. This will allow her to get to know and know her interests, as well as the tendency to waste.

  1. Tell stories.

Guys often wonder what to talk about with girls on their first date. The answer is quite simple: tell them various funny and interesting stories. It could be anything. Here you can talk about everyday or work topics, as well as discuss various funny adventures and stories from life. The most important thing is to monitor the girl's reaction and note what she is interested in listening to and discussing, and what causes boredom (in this case, quickly switch to another topic).

  1. Be able to tell about yourself.

The girl does not know you well, as do you her. This should be played so that she becomes interested in you and wants to see you again. Here you need to skillfully talk about yourself. Self-presentation is the best way to get yourself interested.

Present yourself as a successful, interesting and attractive person. Where you need it, you know how to be flexible, smart and successful. You are popular among the girls. Other men turn to you for help and advice. Just don't talk about it directly. Tell stories or say phrases that will make her think of you as a successful and attractive guy.

  1. Get close to the girl.

So that she does not think that she does not attract you, so you no longer need to date, you should approach the girl. Try to hug her, hug her,. The girl herself will let you know how far you can go in physical intimacy. If she doesn't mind, then you can have sex. Don't shy away from topics of sex or lovemaking if your girlfriend is supportive. At the same time, try to bring her closer to you.

  1. End the meeting unexpectedly.

It is important not only to get the first date right, but also to end it skillfully. If you see that the girl is beginning to get bored, then it's time for you to go home. The girl can be guided to a place from where she can easily get home or even bring her home. There are recommendations to leave the girl halfway home in a positive mood. How to proceed, you need to look exclusively at the girl.

The most important thing is that the lady should remain happy and know how to get home from the place where you part with her.

  1. Make me think about you.

You can make yourself think about yourself as follows: do not agree on the next meeting. Kiss the girl, send her home and tell her that it would be nice to see you again. And when it will happen and whether it will happen at all, do not say a word about it. Let her doubt it. Let her worry if you like her or not.

However, here you should not delay with the call and the next meeting. If we are talking about light flirting, then the girl can darken in anticipation. However, if the girl is serious, like you want a serious relationship, then you need to make a second date in the coming days.

All girls are different in this regard. Know one thing: if a girl likes you, then she will be ready to wait for the call and the next meeting even more than a week, although she will not show it.

  1. Experiment.

The first date can be imperfect. Moreover, often for many people, even experienced ones, the first meetings do not go quite according to plan. It is impossible to guess here how the meeting with this or that girl will go. However, this is not a cause for disappointment. If the second date did not happen, the girl refused further acquaintance, then it is better to analyze your mistakes and correct them so as not to repeat them again.


The first date cannot be pre-programmed or predicted. However, you can prepare for it and maintain self-confidence in any development of events. The result will depend on the guy's willingness to overcome any difficulties and the behavior of the girl herself.

Remember that predictions cannot be made in advance, even if you are experienced. Even successful guys have a bummer. This does not mean that you are a failure. However, you can become one if you do not analyze your own mistakes and correct your behavior.

First date with a girl- this is often a very exciting event in the life of the stronger sex. Psychologists say that the excitement on the first date is completely unfounded. For a date to be successful, you need to think about it from the position of what a man can give during the first meeting, if he is the initiator of the date. There is no need to expect that the young lady will be the first to take the initiative, but the man should be active himself, and after that it will be possible to hope for a response from the chosen one.

Your first date - why not worry? You are already shaken from the very thought of a date, you are thinking about the first words, try to plan everything perfectly, you are worried about how to make the meeting unforgettable. Fearing not to please, realizing that the experience with the ladies is small? What is appropriate, you think, to talk to a girl? To take her hand for a walk or kiss, or is it unnecessary? You dream of coping with the excitement that literally covers you, which does not allow you to control yourself, without even thinking about getting pleasure, although it should be the basis of your communication. You know, the first date will definitely give the girl an impression, and they wanted to appear in a favorable light in front of her, to be remembered, so interested that she was looking forward to new invitations. After all, every guy competes for attention, recognition of women with other men, when the girl really likes it - the guy is ready to give his best so as to definitely win his dear heart.

So how do you go on your first date with a girl? The tips below will help you please the girl by controlling the situation so that the date is comfortable and inviting for both.

How to communicate with a girl on a first date? First of all, it is you who should have pleasure from yours, both of you should feel comfortable, communication must certainly be free, natural, unconstrained, which will confirm your compatibility.

Communication with a woman should not be radically different from hanging out with close friends, with relatives, in which you freely tell what you want, without filtering, without wondering how they will react. If you want to tell, you just share it with your loved ones. You share your mood with them. It would be strange if, when telling your loved ones, you would like to give them a special impression of you. So, the young lady will also feel whether you are natural or want to impress her at any cost. She is more likely to perceive your state if you yourself feel comfortable - she will also like the date, but if you are squeezed - then regardless of what exactly you tell her, she will also be tense. And since women live with emotions, she will remember exactly this effect as the result of your date. Therefore, the goal for you will be to properly tune in to the first date with a girl, to provide yourself with comfort and confidence in advance, to identify details that destabilize your condition.

Rather, you experience excitement and anxiety in connection with past experiences, complexes or prevailing negative attitudes regarding communication with ladies. It happens that the feeling before the first date is so strong that the guy wants to avoid it, cancel it or even come at the last moment, but if possible, not coping with his excitement, hastily end it.

When you are wondering how best to have a first date with a girl, you are on the right track, because after sorting out what is bothering you, you may not leave a trace of your fears. If you find that you yourself cannot cope with your anxiety, you can attend a special course on communicating with ladies or an individual consultation with a psychologist.

Nevertheless, in practice, help is rarely required, and a small psychological educational program, as well as preparation for the first date, resolve this issue. In this article, you will find practical tips to help you regain control of the situation, date yourself as yourself, and make your communication authentic and unforgettable.

How to communicate with a girl on a first date? Remember that there is no universal advice, accept only those that do not run counter to the individual style of your communication, because when you put on a mask, it will not be organic, you will get tired of constantly supporting someone else's image in yourself, and the lady will be at a loss, not understanding, why have you changed so much. This remark is especially important when you are looking for a young lady for a long-term trusting relationship.

Do not strive to be perfect, because in the end, our loved ones love us for our shortcomings, which are juicy features of our personality for them. Of course, they should seem to be just raisins, you should not dump all your negative qualities and traits on the young lady. Be with her what you yourself want to be, who you are alone with yourself. It is important here that you accept yourself, that you feel comfortable within yourself, that you personally feel good on your own. Because only then is it possible to build a good relationship. Many people run away from themselves into relationships, as if hoping that the other person will save them from loneliness and problems. This is not particularly suitable as a line of conduct for men. You will be able to build harmonious relationships only if you figured out yourself, when you feel like an integral self-sufficient person, when you like yourself.

How to ask a girl out on a first date?

So, you really liked the girl, now you want to meet together. How to invite her for a walk in such a way as to obtain consent? Perhaps you have known each other for a long time, and still do not dare to tell her about your desire to communicate better. Or maybe you were overtaken by love at first sight, you need to quickly navigate how to attract her interest? Do not worry, because it is always pleasant for a girl to receive such an unambiguous manifestation of attention from a man. What better compliment for a woman than an invitation to a first date? Therefore, do not be afraid to call the girl you like for one-to-one communication. Don't be afraid to get rejected because it doesn't mean how successful you are. Consent or refusal is always a matter of only the girl herself, she may have a lot of reasons to accept or decline an invitation that do not depend on you personally.

How to ask a girl out on a first date? Many guys hesitate to ask the young lady who attracted them on a date, fearing a refusal, which, it seems, can only be received by losers. However, it is this philosophy that leads guys to failure. As a result, they do not call anyone out or they call a lady who is not interesting for them, not dangerous, from which, they are sure, there will definitely not be a refusal. Do I need such a date? Remember that women love purposeful guys, some even deliberately, knowing it or not, refuse many guys at the first or banal invitation. In this way, they test men, weeding out those who are afraid of life's difficulties. Women follow their unconscious need to be close to a strong partner who can protect them and their offspring. By accepting this fact and overestimating your attitude towards a possible rejection, you will be able to invite any ladies on dates.

The more often you become active, the more rejections you will have the opportunity to receive, but even then you will get more consent in the end. Nobody is safe from refusal, get rid of this illusion, treat any refusal as a personal choice of the young lady, which should not affect your self-esteem. It is a well-known fact that the most beautiful and successful girls who look very confident are often alone. Men are simply afraid to fail by approaching such a lady. Having coped with this unconscious fear, you will get a head start, a wide range of opportunities, and you will be able to win the attention of the most attractive girls.

When you have decided on a candidate, if the young lady is very valuable to you and you want to be guaranteed to get consent to continue communication, then you can prepare by examining the interests of the girl, finding out her expectations. This can be done through her friends, from the pages of social networks. Try to find out what she is dreaming of. This may turn out to be an unexpected, extraordinary invitation to the first date with a girl, which will surprise her, flatter her, show not only your interest in her, but also your ability to think creatively, will make you stand out from the crowd of other guys. Having received such an invitation, the young lady simply cannot refuse you, it will be interesting for her to talk further, to get to know you as a non-standard person. You, having prepared an unusual invitation, will be able to plan everything, and your ease should be the final touch. Remember, the effort you put into preparation will pay off more than once, both on the date itself with the girl's joy and her friends' pride and envy when she tells them. And she certainly will not forget about the specially undertaken efforts for her.

Where to invite a girl on a first date?

What to do on the first date with a girl? Standard dating options are cafes and other establishments. In second place behind them are trips for two out of town, to the park, which is already more interesting, but it happens less often. The guy initiates a trip to the theater even less often. Which is absolutely undeserved, since the quality of a date when going, for example, to a performance, automatically grows in comparison, for example, with an ordinary date over a cup of coffee.

Where can you invite a girl on a first date? Very rarely, men improvise and try to come up with an unusual date, losing the opportunity to be remembered by the young lady, surprising her, not thinking what to do on the first date with the girl. See what is around you. Perhaps there is a tennis club nearby that you never noticed or considered as an option for dating? Or, perhaps, an institution with board games or an escape room, where you certainly won’t think about how to structure your date, since you will now have such an interesting joint activity, which will also show how the young lady behaves in different situations, what line of behavior he chooses, how he experiences victory or loss. How do you like going to dance together? No, not to a disco, but to classical dance classes? Are you ready for this? But such an invitation will appeal to most girls, you will receive wonderful emotions, perhaps even discover a new side of yourself.

Or how about a joint trip to a recreational sports event if the young lady is fond of physical activity? Maybe this is an activity on a climbing wall or rollerdrome, a night on a skating rink, flying together in a wind tunnel, on a hang glider, a small airplane, joint aquabikes, ATVs? At the same time, a ride on horses together will be non-standard and romantic, which will appeal to most girls who love animals. If a girl loves adrenaline, then you can completely move away from the standard scenarios of the first date and try to invite her, for example, to a joint bungee jump. Of course, here it is important not to scare the lady and not seem inappropriately active. Therefore, you can make such non-standard invitations, as if as a joke, urging the young lady to find out the boundaries of what she herself is capable of. And if you succeed, you will get the most unique first date.

Take care of safety, plan everything, surround the young lady with care so that she feels your strong man's shoulder - and then you will leave her no choice but to fall in love with you. After all, the adrenaline rush contributes to the emergence of a strong feeling of falling in love, the rise of emotions will unconsciously associate with you as a person who was next to you at that moment, in fact, will create a conditioned reflex. If you take the trouble to fix it, you will conquer the girl. Today, there are many proposals for non-standard recreation, you should just monitor them and use them, since joint activities bring together much more than a boring trip to a cafe. And, perhaps, you will still find a common activity that you want to continue together, and the question of the next meetings will also be resolved.

What to give a girl on a first date?

The first date is both a very pleasant and stressful event for which you want to feel prepared, so that the date would be fun, and no one considered the evening wasted.

How to surprise a girl on a first date? Our mentality is the norm that a guy on a date is practically obliged to make some kind of present to a girl, pay for a treat and an event. However, men do not always realize the expectations of girls, it happens that a guy considers a date to be just a walk, and a girl has already planned for herself an obligatory entertainment program with flowers and a gift. It is worth clarifying here that for a girl, receiving a gift can mean your assessment of her as a partner, and by whether you make a present, and what kind, she will judge, consciously or not, but about your attitude towards her. Therefore, in order not to get into a mess, it is better to study the girl's expectations, if there is this opportunity, and if not, try to make her a small but appropriate and pleasant present.

How to surprise a girl on a first date? Almost every woman expects to receive flowers on a date. However, guys are often afraid to show such signs of attention, because they are afraid that the girl is not interested in them personally, but in receiving a gift. They seem to check the girl for non-mercantileness, interest in herself, observe how she will behave if the meeting is held without standard presents. And there is a certain logic here. At the same time, a girl may consider, quite deservedly, a guy uninterested in her, inattentive, stingy and tight-fisted.

What can you give a girl on a first date? The best recommendation for meeting for the first time would be a small, unobtrusive, but original bouquet or gift that emphasizes the girl's femininity. He will make her feel desirable and valuable in your eyes. An argument against expensive flowers or gifts will be the fact that a woman may consider them an indecent hint, an attempt to buy her favor.

How to kiss a girl on the first date?

Have you decided to kiss the girl on your first date by all means? Think it over carefully, because it can both like the girl and bring you closer, and push her away, scaring her with your frivolous intentions.

When meeting, usually a guy and a girl either just say hello, or hug or kiss on the cheek, like friends. Should you get closer or leave the date without physical contact, just as easily saying goodbye? How to avoid mutual embarrassment, you do not yet know how well the girl is located? Some girls can take the initiative themselves, solving this issue for the guy, but in most dates the man is leading. Guys prefer to find some excuse, create an atmosphere, to take a woman by the hand or kiss. And this is true. So, the first contact by the hand can be when you offer the girl your hand when she gets out of the transport, when crossing a busy street. This will be regarded by the girl as a good form, taking care of her, will be pleasant and appropriate, will position her further.

Before the date, try to understand what you personally want from the meeting. Just chatting or kissing a girl? If a kiss is a must for you, then you should think about tactile rapprochement in advance. Often a young lady comes to a meeting in heels, she can get tired, then it will be appropriate for a guy, like a gentleman to take a lady by the arm. You can also offer the lady your sweater or hug lightly if she is cold. And if you come across a large puddle on the street, you can even carry the girl through it.

How to kiss a girl on the first date? For the first kiss, it is better to choose a beautiful, cozy place and the moment when you certainly know that the meeting impressed the girl and you liked each other, a romantic moment when you talked about a lot and found something in common. Do not rush, but you should not drag it out, tensely thinking over the moment of the first kiss. Let yourself go, try to swim with your partner on a common wave, then you will definitely feel the right moment and you will not be mistaken.

What to write to a girl after the first date?

If the first date with the girl was successful, it should be continued by correspondence and communication on the phone. How to make the correspondence exciting, leading to deeper communication? It happens that you have had a first date with a girl, there will be a significant time interval until the next meeting, and you want to maintain interest even when you are not around, prevent the young lady from forgetting the emotions from the meeting, wait for the next opportunity to see. If your correspondence is structured correctly, you can even more interest her in yourself, attracting the young lady more and more.

What to write to a girl after the first date? After the meeting, you can remind the girl about yourself via SMS. You can make a casual joke, emphasizing your positive attitude after the date, letting her know that you enjoyed being with her this time. It is important here that the correspondence is lively and natural, so that you do not try to show yourself as another person in it, do not use worn-out, other people's phrases.

The first date of a guy and a girl is exciting for both parties, so when you first communicate on a social network, you can remember important moments of the meeting, even reveal to the young lady some of your worries or how you prepared the date. Tell her what you liked and remembered from the first date, what impressed her, it will be an unobtrusive and at the same time meaningful compliment for the young lady, she will be highly appreciated and if she was also worried about how the date went, now she will have only pleasant emotions. At the same time, do not be obtrusive, there is a great danger to start writing too much to a girl when she begins to believe that you are in love without memory and have no other content and hobbies. Add some humor, tell her what funny moments you experienced during the day, or tell other life stories. Online, you can communicate in each of you’s comfort zones from home, with plenty of time to prepare.

If, after meeting and having already spent the first date, the girl agrees to your offer to meet a second time, then you can be sure that you have already done most of the "work". It remains only to find out how to spend a second date with a girl, increase her interest and, possibly, have sex (unless, of course, you did it on the first ).

But in order for her to agree to the second, you need good →

How to invite her correctly

So, Hitch was absolutely right. If this is the second date, and not the first, then you simply have to be relaxed and have fun.

If you want your date to go off with a bang, then:

Let's take a closer look at each point!

Tell stories from your life more often.... When you tell stories from your life, then your communication automatically becomes closer. Thus, you are showing her part of your personality. Of course, stories shouldn't be trivial and portray you in a bad light.

These stories should be:

  • Interesting
  • Intriguing
  • Showing your lifestyle
  • Increasing your status (if possible)

For these stories to increase your status, try not to brag directly, but to talk about something "in between." Wrong: "almost all my friends are businessmen." Right:

“Yesterday I went to my friend’s business conference, and there I heard a story from his friend…”.

As you can see, the difference is significant.

Listen to her stories... Everything is clear here - you need to let her speak. Plus, it's not always just you. We need to give her the opportunity to invest in the development of communication.

Ask about her attitude to something... By evaluating a girl, you automatically increase your value in her eyes. She already understands that if you evaluate her, it means that you are of great value. And then you need to seize the moment and get your hands on such an interesting guy.

In some cases, approve of her opinion.... When she, and this opinion coincides with yours, then you can say that you agree with her. Cultivate the conversation by actively listening to her and nurturing her sense of self-importance. But here, too, you need to know when to stop: overdoing it, you risk becoming a sycophant for her.

And "dilute" it all with flirting... If you do not use flirting, then you risk falling into the "friend's zone". And flirting helps give your conversation a sexual context. Also, banter can be attributed to flirting. The main thing is to do it rarely and gently.

Remember about each of these components and then you can spend a second date with the girl.

"Will there be sex?"

Will! At least if you touch her.

In practice, some guys are afraid to do this. But touching is almost main trigger, which can instantly direct the girl's thoughts in the direction we need.

If this is difficult, then you can start with socially appropriate touch: give your hand when exiting the transport, tell her to take your arm when you cross the road. And only then their intensity increases. Trust me, if this is a second date with a girl, then she is guaranteed not to mind you touching her.

Also, try build trust... This can be done:

  • By holding any of her things in her hands, or by giving her to hold her
  • Talking about deeper topics
  • By adjusting for values

Show that you have the same attitude towards something as hers (try to do this only if this attitude is really the same).

If you see that her interest in you has increased, then take her for a walk towards your house. You can use any reason for this. And what to do at home, you already know.

As you can see, having a second date with a girl is very easy! The main thing is to communicate with her on a deeper level, while not forgetting about flirting and humor. And then yours will bring a lot of emotions to both.

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first acquaintance

You have a first date with a special girl. Of course, you could resort to the usual trip to a restaurant in such cases, but are looking for other, more extraordinary options. In addition, if you do not have fabulous financial resources at your disposal, then going to a cheap cafe will only spoil the experience. We invite you to study the materials of our publication and choose an unforgettable date for your special girlfriend. Young ladies, in turn, can also adopt some of the proposed developments to surprise their beloved.

We've divided the first date options into 3 sections: outdoor dating, indoor dating, and a blind date category. Choose everything that you personally like best.

1. Walking

At first glance, walking around the outskirts of the city may seem like something ordinary. However, for a first date, this option looks very unusual. You can easily feel the mood of your companion as you walk slowly through the places that are significant to you. In addition, to show the beauty of the area that your girlfriend is not aware of is to surprise her. The sight of the sights will certainly be accompanied by stories from a past life, such from which warmth emanates.

But be prudent enough not to accidentally recall out loud about your previous relationship. If you adopt the idea of ​​walking in the open air, then, deep down, you expect that your date can turn into something more and end with a kiss or a return invitation for a cup of coffee.

2. Open-air cinema

To invite a girl to watch an old romantic film in the open air means to revive a banal and hackneyed idea for a first date in an ordinary cinema. An evening session, a deep starry sky overhead, excellent acting and an intimate atmosphere - what could be better for a first romantic date?

3. Organize a picnic

If you have the opportunity to invite a girl to nature, that's very good. However, do not despair if the nearest water body or modest forest edge is several tens of kilometers away. Do you know where to go for a portion of mouth-watering charcoal grilled meat? Any place near the nearest restaurant where freshly prepared take-out food is wrapped is suitable for this.

4. Take a boat ride

When planning a date on the pond, inquiring about renting boats, canoes and other related equipment, you should inquire about the girl's psychological readiness in advance. What if she's never been in a boat before, and is panicky about the river? In any case, even if none of you is a master of sports in rowing, and after a walk you find yourself splashed with water from head to toe, such a date can be fun and instructive. When planning your appointment, keep in mind that the ideal weather for your event is a quiet, windless day.

5. Evening jogging

If you are a jogger, invite your potential partner to join you in jogging in the park. This unusual first date idea can bring a lot of joyful and positive emotions to both partners.

6. Volunteer in the cafeteria

It is better to schedule such a date in the early morning, as soon as the nearest dining room opens. Surely the staff of the institution or among its owners have good friends of yours who will allow you and your soul mate to be volunteers and show all your culinary potential for the good of society. Who said that working for the good of society is not able to bring two unfamiliar people together?

7. Get the opportunity to become the first customers of your favorite cafe

Another surprisingly simple idea for bringing two strangers closer is to wake up with the first roosters and visit your favorite breakfast cafe before it even opens. While you are waiting for the hospitable doors to open especially for the two of you, you can observe the process of preparing the staff for the beginning of the working day and exchange opinions on this matter.

8. Introductory yoga classes

This idea is suitable for those who feel that the physical form is far from ideal. By inviting your chosen one to an introductory yoga class or other direction of the fitness industry, you will spend time not only pleasantly, but also useful. Moreover, such a date is simply doomed to repeat itself over and over again.

9. Visiting a psychic

If you believe in magicians, sorcerers and mysticism, you can jointly visit a psychic in order to lift the veil of secrecy over your future. A safe bet to impress a girl.

10. Visiting social institutions

The next idea of ​​a first date on visiting a hospital with seriously ill people, disabled people and orphanages is suitable for those who are looking for a merciful and kind person as a life partner. Move away from prejudice, do not hesitate to show your true nature, and you will surely find a kind heart.

11. Date with video games

It doesn't matter if both of you are avid gamers. A date on which you have to fight with each other can give you many unforgettable, exciting and exciting moments.

12. Joint music lesson

How to organize a romantic date, impress and expand your creativity at the same time? Take a joint music lesson by playing guitar or piano. Note that such a date is also simply doomed to continue. This way of dating will save you from a heap of complexes and fears, especially if you go not to a private teacher, but straight to a music school.

13. Go to a rare bookstore

Everything that the fingers of great writers and poets, public figures and other famous personalities have touched is saturated with an aura of historical value. Leafing through the rare items displayed on the shelves, you will receive a powerful emotional charge. Well, if you buy the edition you like and give it to your chosen one, then you will truly make her happy.

14. Go for gifts

If your chosen one needs to find an anniversary gift for her relatives, then it's time to go shopping together in search of an unusual and original little thing. At the same time, you can find some pleasant and sweet purchase for your companion as well.

15. Make a first date in a cooking class

This option is ideal for a blind date and looks like a safe option to get to know your potential partner well and quickly.

16. Attending an interesting social event

Continuing the blind date theme. If you go to any entertainment or social event hosted by your community, then you will be safe in the event that your potential partner is not at all what he pretended to be. You will always have the opportunity to smoothly nullify a date.

17. Music festivals, exhibitions or museums

Music festivals, exhibitions or folk museums can also be a great occasion for a first meeting. It remains only not to get bored.

18. Meet for a drink

Getting together to taste alcohol is extremely common among young people. You can also try taking a cocktail mixing workshop from an experienced bartender.

19. Go to a new restaurant

Another good blind date idea. You still do not know either the person himself or the quality of the food that is served in the recently opened establishment.

20. Make your own lunch

Go out for lunch together in the middle of the day, or make your own lunch.

21. Virtual date

Spend your first date talking on an electronic device. First, look at the person's face and appreciate his voice, and only then transfer the date to reality.