Integrated lesson in the senior group "Traveling through the islands of knowledge". Synopsis of an integrated lesson in the senior group "An Unusual Journey"

Integrated lesson in the senior group "The Adventure of the Star" (mathematics + drawing)

Program content: Clarify children's knowledge about the season, spring months, the sequence of days of the week. To consolidate the skills of ordinal and reverse counting within 10. Ability to correlate the number of objects with a number. Consolidate children's knowledge of geometric shapes. Stimulate the development of children's thinking abilities, curiosity, cognitive interest; the ability to bring the work started to the end. To acquaint children with a new type of drawing with stamps on fabric. Learn to see and appreciate beauty. Develop aesthetic perception. Foster a sense of mutual help, sympathy. Interest in the outside world.

Course of the lesson

Educator: Guys, you know that every day starts at dawn. And so that every day the dawn was beautiful, you need to meet it with a smile.

To make the dawn beautiful
It takes a long, long time to go.
And an armful of shining yellow rays
Find it yourself on the road.
And add to the shining yellow rays
A bunch of green branches
The edge of the sky and the singing of the stream
And little birds of all kinds.
Mix it all
And hardly breathe.
I swear it will be a wonderful sunrise
If no one forgets at the same time:
Shout: “Good morning, sun!
Good morning birds!
Good morning flower!
Good morning, cat!
Good morning, earth! "

Educator: Today, I will tell you a story. There is a little sadness, light, warmth, a lot of joy and love in it. And you will definitely feel all this, I know. So…

In ancient ancient times, the sky at night was completely dark, and there lived a single tiny star. When she looked around, she realized that she was alone in the sky. And this made her sad. The star really wanted to have sisters to catch them and give them their own light. And then she decided to turn to a kind wizard who lived on a high - high mountain. She sank lower and asked, "Can you help me?" The wizard was old and wise, he knew well what loneliness was. What do you guys think it is? (children's answers). The wizard decided to help the starlet. But as soon as he waved his magic wand, since it was very old, and the wizard tried very hard, and from his efforts the wand suddenly broke. What to do? A new magic wand was needed, and the wizard sent an asterisk to the magic age-old oak tree for a new wand. And hit the road.

On the way, she met a bear, which had not yet fully woken up after a long winter, sat and scratched behind his ear and thought: “What time of year is it? What month is it? And what are the spring months, how many are there and what are their names? What day of the week, what day of the week was yesterday, what will it be tomorrow?

Let's help the star and the bear and answer all these questions.

The star flew further and suddenly she saw a fox sitting and crying, she really wants to go to school, but the teacher, Owl, said. That, first of all, she must learn to correctly, make up a number series. See if the squirrel has put the numbers correctly.

Game "What number is gone."

Well done guys, they helped the fox, and she wants to play with you, she has pictures, and pictures are drawn on them, Count to yourself how many objects such a figure is drawn and show.

The asterisk completed the task and went on. And suddenly on the ground she saw strange signs. What is it? You need to connect the numbers in order, and you will find out what is drawn there. The little star was very happy, because these drawings were so similar to her little stars. And she ran even faster. But then hares blocked her way, they were very cheerful after a long winter, at last spring came. “Play with us, starlet, play!


How are you?
Like this!
Are you swimming?
Like this!
How are you running?
Like this!
Are you looking in the distance?
Like this!
Are you expecting lunch?
Like this!
Are you waving after?
Like this!
Do you sleep in the morning?
Like this!
Are you naughty? Like this!

The little star was in a hurry, she ran so much that she did not see the mother of the Hare, who was carrying a full dish of cookies that she baked for all her friends. She bumped into it and all the cookies crumbled. Let's help to collect it and tell who has what shape cookies.

Children collect geometric shapes and characterize them.

An asterisk ran to the wizard, brought him a twig, but no matter how he tried, nothing came of it. Our little star was sad: “Will I really stay alone in the sky - lonely, the magician waved his wand for the last time, and suddenly, it turned.… Look, what is it? What do you think? (Answers of children) Yes, indeed these are stamps and we will draw with them. We have a magic canvas on which we will draw sisters for our star using these stamps.

Children draw stars on the fabric.

Educator: Guys, the magic has not ended yet, while you were busy with work, the wizard gave us a wonderful bag, there are many stars in it, take a look. The teacher sprinkles stars on the carpet. Find two identical stars, keep one for yourself, and give a friend to our guests so that no one in this world is alone.

Radakina Lilia Nikolaevna

Elena Kubasova

MBDOU- CRR- Kindergarten number 84

The final integrated lesson in the senior group "Searches for Spring"

Target: generalization and consolidation of knowledge and skills acquired by children during the year.



To consolidate in children knowledge about the characteristic signs of spring, the names of the spring months.

Exercise children in the ability to formulate questions and give answers in a complete sentence.


Development of dialogical speech.

Development of verbal and logical thinking, auditory and visual memory.

Stimulate the development of thinking skills.


To educate children in curiosity, observation.

To cultivate mutual assistance, independence

Methods and techniques:

    verbal: conversation, search questions;

    visual: ICT, pictures;

    practical: cognitive games.

Equipment and material: tape recorder, envelopes with assignments, cut pictures, cards with the seasons, a poster with the sun, disposable plates with diluted gouache, wet wipes.

Course of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.

Children are included in the group, come up to the teacher.

Educator: Guys, look at our guests, let's say hello:

Hello, what a wonderful word,

A little kind, a little gentle.

Hello, we will tell this day,

Hello, we say to everyone and everything!

2. The main part.

Educator: Guys, I got an interesting message today! I think you will like it too! Let's listen to him!

“Children come up to the tape recorder and listen to the audio recording from Dunno:

Hello guys! I am Dunno! I know love me! So I decided to play with you! I found pictures of the seasons in your group. He left three pictures on the table, and hid the fourth season! To find her, you need to complete tasks! After each completed task, you will receive parts from which you will then collect the whole picture. My tips will help you! First tip: table, food! Good luck! Your Dunno! "

Educator: Where do we look for the first task that Dunno said in the first clue?

Children's answers. (Table, food)

Educator: What does it mean?

Children's answers.(The table on which the food stands is a distribution table)

The teacher, together with the children, goes to the distribution table and finds an envelope with the task there. The teacher reads the assignment.

Task number 1. "Cut pictures"

Cut pictures are on the tables. Children are divided into three teams and put together a puzzle. If the children put the pictures together correctly, then there will be two extra pieces.

Educator: What did you do!

Children's answers. (Seasons)

The teacher approaches each team in turn.

Educator: What time of year did you have?

Individual answers of children.

Educator: By what signs did you guess that it is autumn (winter, spring)?

Individual answers of children.

Educator: The task is completed. Guys, we have collected all the pictures! So what time of year is missing?

Children's answers. (Spring is missing)

Educator: What are we looking for? (Picture of spring) What else is left? (two extra details)The teacher turns over one of the details and finds a message from Dunno: "Well done, second tip: window, cars"

Educator: Who guessed where to look for assignments?

Children's answers. (At the boys in the corner, near the parking lot, on the windowsill)

Educator: Then go ahead and search!

The children go to the window and find an envelope. The teacher reads out the assignments.

Educator: What are the spring months?

Children's answers.(March April May)

Replay: How many are there? (Three spring months)

Educator: Name them in order!

Children's answers. (First March, second April, third May)

Game exercise “What happens in spring? "

Children come to the table, where the teacher lays out cards depicting different seasons.

Educator: We need to select only the pictures depicting spring. Everyone will choose the card they need and tell them by what sign they learned that it is spring.

Children call the signs of spring. (The snow melts, streams run, icicles appear on the roofs, birds fly in from the south and begin to build nests, the first flowers bloom)

Educator: You did a great job! There are 3 more puzzle pieces and a hint in the envelope! Next tip: pencils! Where should we go for assignments?

Children's answers.Children with a teacher go to the fine art corner and find an envelope with assignments there.

Educator: Oh, what a cunning Dunno, he invented such puzzles!

"Game for quick wits". He reads, the children answer:

- how many ears do 2 mice have,

- how many tails do 3 cats have,

- what day of the week after Tuesday

- how many days off per week

- how many tummies 6 hippos have

- what day of the week before Friday

- how many spouts 4 sailors have.

- We sleep at night, and do exercises .... (in the morning).

- The sun shines during the day, and the moon…. (at night) .

-We have dinner in the evening, and have lunch .... (in the afternoon)

Educator: Well done, here are the last details, now let's try to fold the picture. Put the puzzle together and you get an image of spring.

Educator: So we completed all the tasks, found all the details and folded the picture! What great fellows we are!

3. The final part. Educator 2: Guys, I forgot, Dunno also gave us a poster. Unfolds the poster. The sun is painted there.

Educator: The sun is not only a symbol of warmth, but also a symbol of peace! Our palms are always drawn to the sun, to the world! Let us now put our palms in the paint! We will make handprints on the poster to show how we are reaching for the sun, peace, goodness!

The audio recording is switched on: the pioneer song "Let there always be sunshine ..."

Children (in turn, girls at the beginning, then boys) come to the table, where they stand prepared in advance, plates of paint, lower their palm and put an imprint on a poster around the sun.

Educator: Do you guys like our sun? Well done all tried!

Final integrated lesson in the senior group

Merzlyakova Natalya Vladimirovna, teacher of the kindergarten "Solnyshko", p. Ynyrga, Municipal Educational Institution "Ynyrginskaya Secondary School", Choisky District, Altai Republic

Directly educational activities in the senior group "On the roads of the rainbow"

Description: a summary of the GCD in the senior group of kindergarten will be useful for kindergarten teachers during monitoring.
Target: generalization and consolidation of knowledge among children of the older group, according to the material covered during the academic year through the organization of various types of activities.

- to fix the characteristic features of the seasons, names of months, days of the week;
- exercise the naming of morning, day, evening, night, have an idea of ​​changing parts of the day;
- to fix the count of quantitative and ordinal numbers (within 10, the ability to compare objects by eye (in length, height); to determine the accuracy of executions by imposition or application;
- exercise in the classification of objects, the definition of the material from which they are made;
- exercise to select several adjectives for nouns;
- improve the ability to move in a given direction and define it with words: forward, backward, right, left;
- consolidation of the ability to use generalizing words.
- to expand the vocabulary of children, dialogical speech;
- develop logical thinking;
- to consolidate the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships;
- develop hand motor skills.
- to educate curiosity, observation;
- to educate mutual assistance, independence.
Form of work- frontal, individual, in pairs.
Occupation type- consolidation.
Stages of the lesson:
1. Organizational moment. Surprising moment.
2. Motivation - setting goals and objectives for children.
3. The main one is direct work with children.
4. Reinforcing - conclusions, rewarding.
Methods used:
Game method, visual, verbal, encouragement. As well as a cognitive method (tasks, ingenuity), social (forms of work), emotional (atmosphere during work, interest in tasks), reflection (results, conclusions, conversations on issues), control during work (oral, frontal, check each other, encouragement).
GCD move
The teacher, disguised as an artist, meets the children. The music "Yeralash - Music of Happiness" sounds.
Educator: Guys, have you guessed who I am?
Children: Painter.
Educator: Guys, guests came to us today. Let's say hello to them and stand in a circle.
(Children greet and stand in a circle).
I see a wide circle
All my friends stood up.
We'll go right now
Now let's go left.
Let's gather in the center of the circle
And we'll all return to the place
Let's all smile at each other.
Educator: Hello guys, that's right, I am an artist and I have prepared a beautiful picture for you, which I painted myself, but first, guess the riddle:
Multi-colored rocker
Hanging in the blue sky
Seven-color arc,
Undoubtedly ... a rainbow
Here it is, look! (There is an image of a rainbow on slide 1).
What a miracle - miracles came to visit a rainbow and brought paths,
All the tracks are not simple, but magical!
Whoever walks along the path is playing
He knows a lot, always speaks beautifully,
In a hurry to go to school!
Educator: Guys, do you want to go to the preparatory group? (Yes) (The rainbow goes out.)
Educator: Oh, something happened, the rainbow is gone! How do we get to school now? I’ll probably have to stay in the older group, since I will no longer be able to draw the same rainbow, I don’t remember the order of the colors. Or can you help me remember the arrangement of the colors of the rainbow? (Yes).
Educator: Good. The teacher put her hands in her pockets and suddenly pulls out 7 colored envelopes.
Educator: Oh guys look, I have colored envelopes for you. In each task that you need to complete, but in a certain sequence you need to take envelopes so that the rainbow is restored correctly. We face a difficult task. Guys, you are ready to go the hard way along the paths of the rainbow, test your knowledge, which we have learned in a year, and go to school.
Children: Yes!
Educator: But before proceeding with the assignments, you and I need to remember how many colors a rainbow has? (7). Name these colors. (Red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, purple).
Educator: Let's rather open 1 envelope with the assignment! Oh, I don’t even know which one to choose, suddenly I’ll make a mistake again, mix up the colors. Help me, which color of the envelope to choose first?
Children: Red! (open the red envelope)
Educator: Reads the assignment
It dawns early in the morning, all the snow has melted here and there,
The stream is noisy like a waterfall, starlings fly into birdhouses,
Drops are ringing under the roofs, a bear with a fir tree has risen to bed,
The sun caresses everyone with warmth, who knows this time of year?
Children: Spring. Slide 2 shows a picture of spring.
Educator: What are the months of spring? How many are there? (3). Which? (March April May)... After a harsh, long winter, spring came. Let's describe in words what spring is like? (children take turns naming adjectives)
Children: Long-awaited, warm, ringing, sunny, affectionate, etc.
Educator: After what time of year did spring come? (Spring came after winter)... What proverbs do you know about spring?
1. Rook on the mountain - spring in the yard.
2. Spring is red with flowers, and autumn with cakes.
3. In the spring, it bakes from above and freezes from below.
4. He who sleeps in the spring cries in the winter.
Educator: Well done boys. Oh, I'm kind of tired ... (Fizminutka)
Guys, imagine that in winter you were a big "Snowman".
Throughout the winter, a snowdrift "stood" under a large tree.
(the children sat down in a bunch with the teacher, pretending to be a snowdrift.)
But now spring has come, the sun has warmed up,
Mischievous rays tickled the snowman
The snowman could not stand it - he laughed, melted -
Streams sprinkled in all directions, streams of water ran to wake the earth.
(children scattered around the hall and sat down at tables, sit down on chairs).
Educator: Guys, look you have streams of different lengths on your tables. Count your streams, how many are there? (5). Now spread out the rivulets from the longest to the shortest. What is the longest stream in a row? and the shortest?
Educator: Well done boys! Did a good job. So the first rainbow track appeared. I draw a red carpet.
Educator: And where did the streams come from in the spring?
Children: Because it has become warm, the sun is shining brighter ...
Educator: Guys, I know a fun game for our fingers.
Finger game "Rain"
The rain came out for a walk, it runs down the lane,
Drumming on the window, scared the big cat
(bend 1 finger for each line)
He washed the umbrellas of passers-by, washed the roof of the house too.
The city immediately became wet.
The rain is over - I'm tired (they shake their hands - as if shaking off the water).
Educator: Guys, what's the next color for the rainbow track? Pick out the orange 2 envelope.
Educator: For the next rainbow track to appear, you need to correctly complete the task. "What is made of what." This wonderful bag contains various items that are made from different materials. Your goal: select and bring one object each and put to the corresponding object, which are made of wood, on the second - from metal, and on the third - from glass. (children complete the task, and at the end call three children in turn to check the task).
Educator: Well done guys did it, and now an orange rainbow path appeared.
Educator: Oh, look, there are still colored envelopes on the table - yellow, green, cyan, blue, purple. Which one to choose, children, tell me! The artist confuses children. Children choose the right color - yellow 3 envelope. Picture 3 glade with flowers, children sat at the tables
Educator: Look at the picture, what is shown on it?
That's right, the picture shows daisies and bells. Take a seat at the tables, you need to collect a bouquet of 4 daisies and 5 bells. Is the number of bells and daisies equal, count? (No). How many fewer daisies are there than bells? And what needs to be done to have the same number of daisies and bells? (Remove one chamomile or add a bell too). And indicate the quantity with the corresponding number.
Educator: They did it correctly, and another rainbow track appeared.
Now we have only 4 colored envelopes left, what color do we choose? What task is prepared for us? Children choose a green envelope 4. Now I suggest you rest and play a little.
Children stand in a circle. The teacher has the ball in his hands. The game in a circle with a ball is called “Vice versa.” The teacher throws the ball to the child and names a word, the child catches the ball, calls the word antonym and returns the ball. An approximate set of words: large - small, hot - cold, distant - close, high - low, wide - narrow, smooth - rough, winter - summer, sweet - bitter, fast - slow, strong - weak, black - white, thick - thin.
Educator: The next rainbow green path appeared.
Educator: So, we have only 3 tasks left to complete. We are already opening what kind of envelope? Here we already have a blue 5 envelope. What task did he prepare for us?
The teacher reads:"The task for quick wits". These are the tricky questions! He reads, the children answer.
- how many ears do 2 mice have,
- how many tails do 3 cats have,
- what day of the week after Tuesday
- how many days off per week
- how many tummies 6 hippos have
- what day of the week before Friday
- how many spouts do 4 sailors have
- we sleep at night, and do exercises ... (in the morning).
- the sun shines during the day, and the moon…. (at night).
- we have supper in the evening, and we sleep ... (at night).
Educator: Well done boys. You are probably tired. Let's take a rest with you.
The child tells. They stand in a circle, repeat the movements behind it.
I went swimming on Monday and painted on Tuesday
On Wednesday I washed my face for a long time, and on Thursday I played football
On Friday I was jumping, running, dancing for a very long time
And on Saturday, Sunday - I had a rest all day!
Educator: Well done boys! And they successfully coped with this task! The next, blue rainbow path appeared. We only have 2 envelopes left, blue and what ... purple. Which one should you choose now? - blue envelope 6.
D / and "What is this?" Children should quickly answer the questions “What is this?”, “Who is this?” (The use of generalizing words and words related to a certain group of objects). Displaying pictures on the monitor.
Apple. What is it? (The fruit). Whale. Who is this? (A fish). Birch. What is it? (Wood). Tulip. What is it? (Flower). Headdress? (Hat, hat). Kitchen appliance? (Meat grinder, mixer). Bedding (sheet, pillowcase). Part of the plane (Wings ...), etc.
Educator: We still have a purple envelope.
Game exercise "If you go right, you will find a treasure."
Educator: The wizard hid the treasure and invites you to find it. With the help of a reading machine, the driver is selected:
Pour in some water
To the cow to drink,
For you to drive.
The leader completes the task: takes five steps straight, turns to the right, and takes three steps, etc. the rest of the children follow him. Children find a small chest and get medals and food from it.
Educator: And so the last path of the rainbow appeared. We completed all the tasks of 7 envelopes, and the colors of the rainbow were folded correctly. Now, with our knowledge, we can safely go to the preparatory group!
Educator: Guys, what happened to the rainbow today? Did you enjoy helping an artist? What did you like more? What seemed difficult? Which of the guys was the most active?
Educator: I want to praise all the guys for your knowledge and give everyone medals that will remind you of our meeting.
Music played by N. Ovseichik "Rainbow"
Rainbow arc-arc, take me to the meadows
On a silk grass, on a turquoise river,
On the warm yellow sand, where a corner dear to my heart
We walked along the paths of the rainbow, completing all the difficult tasks.
It's time for us to go to the preparatory group, goodbye friends!

Lesson topic:"Everything is in order!"

Patter of the day:

Lyubashka has a hat

Polyushka has a bun,

Pavlushka has a boat,

Ilya has a hockey stick.

The purpose of the lesson: systematization of children's knowledge; joint planning of summer projects with children.

Equipment and materials: strips of colored paper.

Part I. What a mess!

Goals: application of classification skills (determination of the basis of classification, division into groups according to a given criterion); application of knowledge about various natural communities (biocenoses), plants and animals, professions; development of speech.

Pochemuchkin comes to visit the children.

Pochemuchkin... Guys, I haven't been with you for a long time, I missed you. I really want to know what's new with you, where have you been, who have you met, what have you learned? And I also have a problem - I scattered cards with images of people, animals and plants and now I don't know how to put my collection in order.

Educator... Guys, let's combine the two tasks into one: you will tell Pochemuchkin about where you have been and what you learned, and at the same time you will put his cards in order.

Children and the teacher are seated at a round table to work together with the Pochemuchkin collection.

Didactic game "Divide into groups"... We will discuss with the children what it means to put things in order. Why do people (and animals too) try to keep order around? In which case is it easier to find the right thing: when the order and things are in place around, or when everything is piled up? Let's formulate a simple recipe for maintaining order: you should always try to put things in their place.

We will invite the children to consider the cards brought by Pochemuchkin. What groups can they be divided into? What games can we play after we arrange the cards into groups?

Play on the development of attention "Don't miss it." Let's practice our attention. Hearing a word from a given category (name, name of profession, pet, tree, etc.), you need to clap your hands.

Didactic game "In one word"... We will divide the children into teams of 3-4 people. Players need to pick up cards to get the task for a new game. The teams take turns presenting their cards to the neighbors on the left, asking the same question: "How do you call all these objects (plants, animals, people) in one word?" For example:

Cow, horse, goat, rooster are domestic animals.

Magpie, crow, ostrich, lark - birds.

Pine, spruce, birch, oak - trees.

Coat, raincoat, jacket, fur coat - outerwear.

Outdoor game "Get in order"... Children are divided into teams of 4-5 people, captains are chosen. In each round of the game, various tasks will be offered with a common goal: to line up in order as quickly as possible. The winner is the team that completed the task not only quickly, but also correctly. The winner receives one point and a token.

Round 1. You need to build according to your growth.

Round 2. Children receive cards with numbers, you need to stand up:

Ascending numbers;

Descending numbers.

Round 3. On cards - different stages of life of people, plants, animals. Children need to decide what follows what and stand in the correct sequence.

See the figure for examples of tasks.

At the end of the rounds, the teams check each other, explain how and why they lined up in that order.

Part II. Where have you been, what have you seen

Goals: updating children's knowledge on various topics; development of speech.

Didactic game "We saw, we saw"

Round 1. Pochemuchkin shows cards with images of various animals. Children call them and say where they saw this animal, where it lives. Let's draw the attention of the children to the fact that there can be several correct answers. For example, tits live in forests, parks, near human habitation, and they can also be found near the river.

Round 2. Pochemuchkin shows cards with images of representatives of different professions. Children need to name a profession and tell where the people depicted in the pictures work.

The result of the lesson. Pochemuchkin expresses joy that the children have learned a lot. He asks what was the most interesting for the children during the trip with Dudu, what would they like to know more about?

Follow-up work

Based on the interests and wishes of children, various summer projects are planned: research, creative, adventure, play, informational, practice-oriented. Projects may vary:

- by the composition and number of participants;

- by the degree of certainty of the result (the expected results may be known in advance by the project participants, or on the basis of the project results something is created that is not known to the participants in advance);

- by terms of implementation (short-term and long-term);

- by topic.

It is impossible to include children in projects that are not interesting to them, but there are areas of knowledge and activity that are interesting to the absolute majority of children. For example, the projects "Interesting Nearby" (about the unusual properties of familiar things), "Familiar strangers" (about the life activity of animals familiar to children and the properties of plants), "DIY cartoon", "Secrets of crafts", "Space comics", etc.

In the daily activities of children, the project "Everything needs order", started in the lesson, will be continued. Within the framework of this project, children will not only carry out practical actions to maintain order in the group, on the site, at home, but also learn to classify objects, come up with interesting games and tasks for each other, and plan their activities.

Synopsis of an integrated lesson in mathematics (FEMP) and speech development in the senior group according to the standards of the FSES DO "Forest School".

Viewschildren's activities: play, communicative, constructive, cognitive and research.

Goals: fix the ordinal count within 10; generalize knowledge about geometric shapes; exercise in orientation on a sheet of paper; develop the ability to solve simple problems in poetic form (PP); exercise children in naming the "neighbors" number; consolidate knowledge of the rules of behavior in the forest, develop interest in mathematics, imagination, thinking, memory, the ability to do logical conclusions; foster independence, willingness to help comrades.

Possible achievements of the child: has an elementary understanding of the composition of numbers from 1 to 10; can keep the necessary condition in memory when performing mathematical actions and act with concentration for 15-20 minutes; knows how to work collectively; actively and kindly interacts with the teacher and peers during outdoor games;

Materials and equipment:

1. Organizational moment.

Psycho-gymnastics"Walk in the autumn forest" ( leaves are scattered on the floor)

Guys, imagine that we are in the forest. The wind whirled and lifted us together with the leaves high into the sky. We fly, whirl, feel the smell of fresh, clean air in the forest.

What time of year is it now? ( Autumn! )

By what signs did you determine that it is autumn? (Leaves turn yellow, fall off)

What is the name of a natural phenomenon when leaves fall ? (Leaf fall)

Take a deep breath, straighten our shoulders, and exhale.

The birds flew away to the warm lands, oh, they didn't have time to fly away, the wind prevented and all the birds got messed up.

What are the names of the birds that fly away to warm regions?

And what are the birds that remain for the winter called?

Let's sort the birds: we'll send the migratory birds to the sky, and the wintering ones to the trees.

(children disassemble the pictures, pronouncing clearly the name and type of bird)

How many birds are migratory? How many are wintering? Which ones are more and which ones are less?

Well done! Let's wish them a safe journey!

Tell me, what will be our mood when the birds fly back in the spring? (children feign joy)

In such a good mood, we will continue our work.

2. A trip to the forest.

Under one of the pieces of paper, the children saw a note.

"Dear Guys!

Come urgently

Help urgently

I invite all children

hit the road soon!

Find my little ball

and read the hint.

Lesovichok. Forest school. "

Who is asking for help?

Where is he calling us?

Well, shall we go with you to the Forestry School?

We need to hurry. To do this, you need to choose the fastest transport.

What kind of transport can you get? ( car, bus, plane)

And I propose to go by fabulous transport.

Let these be our chairs.
- Look, the chairs are unusual with a propeller, they will quickly take us to the forest. ( There are balls on the chairs)

Going to the forest, we must know:

  • What month is it?
  • What day of the week is it today?
  • And yesterday, and tomorrow, and what are the weekend names?
  • What's our address so we don't get lost?

So, with that we are all right. Do we know the rules of conduct in the forest? Who can tell how to behave in the forest?

Children's answers. ( Keep quiet!)

Right! Do not make noise so as not to scare birds and animals. The forest loves silence.

Well, are you ready?

Everyone sat down comfortably, closed their eyes, I must say the magic words: "One, two, three, fly my chair!" ( children speak, music sounds)

So we arrived.

(A note is attached to the ball: 5 steps to the right ...

Completion of 1 task. Game "Name the Neighbors"

Look, the stumps, and there are mushrooms on them. Children, what do you think, whose stock of mushrooms we found with you? Squirrels!

Right. The squirrel also left us a note.

Note from a squirrel on a stump:

Take one mushroom each. ( numbers on mushrooms)

One child goes to the blackboard and hangs up his number.

Show everyone the number. Name her. Now, from this figure, we will begin to build our own number series. Who is the neighbor of the number 5? etc. The result is a number line.

(a squirrel appears and is placed on the table.)

Let's once again name all the numbers in order with the squirrel. I raise one number up. Name numbers greater than 3 ... Less than 8 ...

How many mushrooms did the squirrel collect?

(the squirrel is placed on the table under the board)

Completion of 2 tasks. Exercise “Orientation on the ground.Arrange the Christmas trees correctly» (the sound of a snort of a hedgehog)

Guys, who else is hiding there under the tree stump? ( Hedgehog!)

What do you think he is doing there?

- The hedgehog lines his mink with fallen leaves to keep him dry and warm in winter!

Guys, does the hedgehog make supplies for the winter? ( No!)

Why? ( He hibernates!)

Right! The hedgehog digs a burrow for himself under a tree stump, drags foliage there and sleeps all winter.

The hedgehog whispers: I walked through the forest and got lost. Help!

On a piece of paper, you need to make a forest full of miracles. Children, sit down in the clearing and listen. The children sit down with sheets of paper in front of them.

a) put 2 Christmas trees in the upper right corner;

b) put 3 Christmas trees in the lower left corner;

c) put 1 Christmas tree in the upper left corner;

d) 2 Christmas trees in the lower right corner;

e) put 1 house in the center of the sheet


Well done! Such a wonderful forest turned out.

What kind of forest is it? ( spruce, coniferous)

I think the hedgehog will be happy. Good, and you coped with this task. ( The hedgehog is exposed)

The sound of a bell is heard.

Guys, do you hear, a forest school is nearby.


Our bell is ringing

Boys and girls gather in a circle

I see in a wide circle

All my friends stood up.

We'll go right now
Now let's go left.

We stomp with our left foot
Let's wave our right hand.

Let's gather in the center of the circle

And we will all return to the place.

Let's smile, wink and start the game again.

Completion of 3 tasks. (the roar of a bear is heard, let's go look for them)

These are baby bears. We were naughty from the bottom of our hearts. We played, we played and fell off the chair.

Let's sit quietly at the tables. And I will sit with you. I'll sit. I ask you riddles, I'll see who's smart.

Bend your fingers together, and solve the problems!

Who doubts, let's check it on our fingers.

Three fluffy kitties
We settled down in a basket.
Then one came running to them.
How many cats have become together?

Six funny cubs
They rush to the forest for raspberries
But one of them fell behind,
Now find the answer:
How many bears are ahead?

The bunny went through the woods.

He quickly found the mushrooms:

Two-under a birch,

One under the aspen.

How many there will be

In a wicker basket?

Four goslings and two ducklings
They swim in the lake, shout loudly.
Well, count it quickly -
How many babies are there in the water?

The hedgehog went mushrooming,
Found nine saffron milk caps.
three he put in a basket,
The rest are on the back.
How many mushrooms are lucky
A hedgehog on his pins and needles?

3 bears are exposed

Completion of 4 tasks. (graph. Dictation "House")(There is the sound of a fire truck, followed by the croaking of a crow.)

Guys, do you hear something happened in the forest. The crows are screaming, the chanterelle's houses are burned down.

Can we help the chanterelles build new houses?

(children sit at tables, take pencils and a piece of paper in pencil cases)

Thank you! Now we'll be fine. There is now where to hide from enemies and frost in winter.

Chanterelles are exposed

(Again the sound of a bell)

- Oh, do you hear, there is another bell for the lesson, and here is the forest school. But look, the entrance to the school is littered with stones. Apparently, the same wind was playing pranks. What to do, how to bring animals to school?

Let's try to disassemble the rubble. Each correct answer removes one stone.

  • What is the number that comes before the number 8.
  • The number behind the number 5.
  • the number indicating the day of the week - Tuesday (2);
  • The number is 3 less than 9.
  • How many corners does a square have?
  • Near the triangle.
  • By the circle.

Well done guys, now all our friends
will be able to study at school. And for that they say THANK YOU (at the gate)

- Now it's time for us to go back to kindergarten. We sit on the chairs and count in chorus from 10 to 1 (the teacher bursts balls one by one) ( Children count in chorus)