The Spanish beard is an attribute of heroes and romantics. Goatee or goatee - who suits and how to cut

Complete information on the topic "how to make a goatee beard with a trimmer" - all the most relevant and useful on this issue.

Trimming a beard is one of the most important parts of caring for your appearance, and doing it at home is not so difficult. It is not necessary to contact hairdressers or stylists, look for barbershop reviews when you can do everything yourself. To create the right image, you only need to know a few subtleties.

Choosing the right shape

A beard is not just a symbol of maturity and masculinity, but also a fashion trend. With its help, you can favorably emphasize individuality, create your own unique style. Today there are about thirty different types of beards. Consider the most common options.

  • Lincoln

Vegetation has a square shape, so it corrects the shape of the face well, gives the external image of masculinity. Suggests slightly elongated temples and mustache.

  • Canadian

    It has a short beard and mustache. A universal option that does not suit only plump chubby men.

  • Balbo

    Represents an inverted T and a mustache. A very common type, suitable for men with a square face shape.

  • Imperial

    Sideburns are connected to the mustache vertically, and the chin is clean-shaven. Suitable for rectangular and oval face shapes.

  • Hollywood beard

    Suggests vegetation around the lips and along the lower jaw. This type of beard is worn by George Clooney, Hugh Jackman and other American celebrities.

  • classical

    Sometimes it is also called "Russian". This type is suitable for owners of very dense facial hair, thin hair is not suitable here. The classic beard does not require much maintenance, it just grows naturally. But if desired, it can be given the desired shape at any time.

  • Duck tail

    It has an outward resemblance to a Russian beard, but looks more neat and has a pointed end.

  • short beard

    Reminiscent of light unshaven, combined with short and long haircuts.

  • Royal

    This is a short-cropped beard and mustache. Popular for its brevity and restraint.

  • Goatee

    Despite the unattractive name, it is in demand among modern youth. It is a strip of hair from the lower lip to the chin.

  • Island

    Hair in the middle under the lower lip, no mustache. A versatile option for any face shape.

  • Perhaps after a successful haircut, you want to play with your bearded image, like Isaiah Webb (Mr Incredibeard), who became popular on Instagram thanks to his beard.

    The process of creating the above types of beards on your own can be viewed in training videos on the Internet, as well as see diagrams and photos of other haircut options.

    Preparing for a haircut

    Before you start cutting, you must first wash your beard. It is advisable to use a special shampoo or moisturizing soap in order not to overdry the skin. Then the hair should be dried with a towel and combed thoroughly. Remember that combing is recommended for hair growth. Thus, they will straighten out, and it will be easier for them to give the necessary shape. For a haircut, it is better to choose a polygonal type mirror so that you can see yourself from all sides. Pay attention to good lighting to avoid cuts, bald patches or missing hairs.

    Beard trimming can be done with a clipper, scissors or trimmer. The choice of tool should be approached responsibly, since the result of work and your own safety depend on it.

    • Scissors should be sharp, preferably professional hairdressers, and not ordinary clerical ones. Otherwise, the tool during the cutting process will not cut the hair, but pull it, and it will be impossible to give the beard the desired shape.
    • When using the trimmer, check the battery charge level. It is advisable to have an extra battery in case one fails or runs out of power.
    • The machine should be chosen with ceramic knives that do not require lubrication. It is desirable that a sufficient number of nozzles be attached to the tool for competent modeling of the shape of the beard. The function of working from the network will be useful in case of battery discharge.

    Remember that beard trimming tools are not worth saving. Give preference to trusted manufacturers with a good reputation. This is a guarantee that the device will last a long time and will not fail at the most inopportune moment.

    Cut your beard the right way

    So, after washing, the beard is thoroughly dry, and you can start cutting it with a machine. To do this, you can not only use the algorithm below, but also watch a detailed video. Also make sure that the tools are clean before work.

    1. To give the vegetation the necessary density, the haircut should start from the places where there is the most hair - from the neck and cheeks. In this case, a machine with a laser pointer is well suited. Decide on an imaginary line on the neck and remove excess hair from below.
    2. Now you can start modeling the mustache and hair on the side. Remember that the mustache should be combined with the beard. Start cutting from the nose to the corners of the lips, removing protruding hairs with sharp scissors.
    3. Next is whiskey. They need to be cut according to the type of beard chosen to complete the look. With the help of sideburns, you can model the desired oval of the face. For example, short temples are suitable for owners of a narrow or triangular face, and long ones for chubby and those with a square shape.
    4. Shave off all unnecessary stubble. It is advisable not to go through the device several times in the same area. It is better to stop, comb through the hair and remove individual hairs with scissors. Unnecessary vegetation on the cheeks can be removed by removing the nozzle. Hair should be removed with soft smooth movements, moving from the ears to the chin.

    The procedure for cutting with a trimmer is no different from working with a machine. It is also necessary to cut the beard symmetrically, with gentle movements in the course of its growth. Attachments will help control the length of the vegetation, preventing you from cutting off excess. Scissors can be used to cut loose hair in remote areas.

    Pay attention to the observance of safety regulations. Mowing with electrical appliances should be done in a dry place away from water to avoid short circuits.

    The beard should be washed regularly with shampoo or moisturizing soap. However, you should not do this every day, otherwise you can damage the natural fatty layer of the hair and dry out the skin. Despite the fact that the vegetation on the face is much tougher in structure than the hair on the head, it is advisable to use a conditioner after washing. It will make the beard softer and more manageable, as well as prevent static electricity. For thorough combing, choose a comb with wide teeth so as not to twitch the hair too much.

    It is very easy to look masculine and attractive today. It is not necessary to go to a barbershop or stylists for this, because daily timely care for your appearance is enough. Just 10-15 minutes of free time will help you look beautiful and stylish at any time!

    Basic principles of growing and correcting a goatee beard

    The goatee is one of the most stylish and elegant types of beard ever flaunted on a man's face. So it was in the days of gallant musketeers, so it is today.

    • Modern men appreciate the goatee because it adds sophistication to the features of almost any (with the exception of a particularly round) face.
    • This aristocratic beard has never gone out of fashion and has always been relevant.

    The goatee is a small island of vegetation left under the lower lip in the very center of the chin, shaped like a wedge.

    The goatee is sometimes erroneously referred to as the goatee. In fact, these are different types of beards, differing both in shape (the outlines of the goatee are more rounded) and in the area occupied on the round part of the male chin. The goatee occupies all its roundness, the goatee is much narrower.

    • The goatee can be completed with a mustache and wide sideburns, at the same time it is often worn without additional accessories.
    • There is also a miniature version of it, which is only a small strip of hair under the lower lip. Most often there is a combination of this beard and a stylish short mustache.

    Men with what type of appearance can wear such a beard?

    We emphasize again: the goatee is not suitable only for chubby men. On the faces of all other types, it looks impeccable.

    She gives special romanticism to the appearance of thin men, and burning brunettes acquire with her help a special attraction for the fair sex, who prefer communication with true machos.

    Types of goatee

    The variety of goatees can be reduced to three main types. They are:

    How to grow and arrange a goatee?

    Growing a beard is a very responsible step that radically changes the appearance of a man, so it requires a certain preparatory period.

    Preliminary steps

    • By moving the razor away, facial hair is given complete freedom. Since the hair on the face of a man can grow in the most unexpected way (the reason for this is a genetic predisposition), before releasing the goatee, you need to make sure that they are in the right areas of the face. This will become apparent after a few days.
    • After making sure that the hair in the desired area grows without problems, you can safely wait until they become a little longer. If there are few of them there or they generally refuse to grow in the chin area, a man should think about what other kind of beard suits him.

    How to quickly grow a beard - video:

    • Having mentally imagined his image with a goatee on his face, the young man must think over several possible combinations of its length and shape. This can be done with the help of information obtained from illustrated magazines and sources on the Internet. An excellent opportunity to choose different types of beards for your face is provided by computer modeling programs for appearance. They are both on the Internet and in good hairdressing salons.
    • Having decided on the choice of shape and desired length, you can begin to form a beard.

    Stage of goatee formation

    How to make a stylish goatee?

    1. Any beard begins to form around the edges, and this is where you should start. Carefully acting with a razor, they begin to remove excess hairs, outlining the desired contour. At the same time, the strict symmetry of the created beard is monitored.
    2. It is necessary to perform the operation of delineating the contours of the goatee with a trimmer (razor) or an impeccably sharp blade.
    3. Since the direction of hair growth on the face is never constant, you will have to wield the blade in different directions.
    4. If the beard will be completed with a mustache, it is necessary to determine their shape. If desired, you can make a small gap between the mustache and nose.
    5. Completing the formation of the beard, it is given a wedge-shaped shape, sharpening the corner (if the shape of a traditional wedge is chosen as a sample). If it is assumed that the goatee will be Vandyke, the corners should be made on both sides of the chin.

    How to make yourself a goatee - a master class in the video:

    What is a beard shaving template and how to use it?

    Beginners who are not confident in their abilities, you can purchase a special template for shaping and shaving the beard. You can buy it both on the Internet and in a specialized store offering products for stylists.

    Such templates are universal, because, by slightly adjusting the size and adjusting to a certain face shape (there are three types of settings), they can be used by men with any type of appearance.

    How to make a neat beard using a template?

    What is required for self-shaping a beard?

    A beginner barber will need very few tools. He must have:

    • Large mirror (possible with a magnifying effect).
    • Electric or battery trimmer with a set of special attachments for beard care.
    • Hairdressing or nail scissors.
    • Comb with frequent teeth.
    • Shaving cream. Its use will be especially relevant if the young man is endowed with sensitive skin or too hard facial hair.
    • Cosmetic wax for hair styling. It is not necessary to use this tool, it will only give the beard and mustache an extra gloss and well-groomed appearance.

    How to care for goatee?

    A stylish beard of this kind requires constant and thorough personal care. First of all, this concerns the timely maintenance of its form.

    Related products:

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    How to adjust the shape of the goatee with a trimmer?

    • After washing the beard, it is thoroughly dried and combed with a frequent comb.
    • Taking the trimmer, it is equipped with a special nozzle for shaving the beard and shave off the hair that has grown outside the contours of the goatee.
    • First, move the machine from top to bottom, and then in the opposite direction. The presence of a built-in regulator will not allow a beginner to remove a large length of hairs and thereby ruin a neat beard.
    • When correcting the goatee, it should be remembered that the maximum length of its hairs should not exceed five millimeters.
    • To correct the lower part of the circular goatee (the base under the lower lip), it is best to use a narrow nose hair clipper.
    • Correcting the line of junction between the neck and chin, experienced bearded men usually set the mirror below the level of the head, as if pulling the chin inside the neck.

    Correction of the shape of the goatee with a trimmer - video:

    Goatee care rules

    A stylish beard always attracts the closest attention, so you need to carefully monitor its cleanliness.

    • Rinse the goatee with clean running water during the morning and evening toilet. Such regular washing, which contributes to the timely cleansing of pores from accumulations of sebum, will prevent the formation of pustules and boils.
    • You can wash your beard with shampoo no more than twice a week, using hair conditioner every other time.
    • After each meal, a stylish bearded man must always look in the mirror so as not to become an object of ridicule due to crumbs stuck among well-groomed hairs.

    If, nevertheless, a man decides to do it on his own, he should know that it is necessary to choose a dye whose tone either matches or is a couple of tones lighter than the color of his natural hair. In another scenario, he risks looking ridiculous.

    Is there a relationship between beard and character

    A beard can tell a lot about a man's character.

    • A thick full beard with long and silky hairs indicates that its owner is a calm, wise and reasonable person with certain principles.
    • Men who display vegetation consisting of black coarse hair, as a rule, have an indomitable and passionate temperament, combined with high sexuality.
    • The nasal groove (a depression located above the upper lip), devoid of vegetation in a bearded man, may indicate his softness and low potential. Young people who are just thinking about the style of their future beard need to take this into account.

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    Goatee beard (Spanish beard): overview and recommendations

    Having a beard in the modern world is very stylish. Many men began to attach special importance to this type of jewelry. The goatee beard gained particular popularity after it was grown by famous movie stars.

    Today we will talk with you how to grow a beard and make a goatee out of it. We will look at how to care for a beard and how to choose the right shape. Let's find out what a goatee is.

    What does it represent?

    On each representative of the stronger sex, the beard goatee looks different. To see this, you can see photos of different men. The Spanish beard is a small island of vegetation that is located in the center of the chin, under the lower lip in the form of a wedge.

    Sometimes this beard is called a goat, but this is a mistake. These are completely different types of beards, which differ in shape and area on the chin. The goatee is much smaller than the Spanish one.

    This beard can be worn with a mustache or wide sideburns, but if they are not, it will not lose its appearance. It is important for a man to choose the kind of beard that suits him.

    History of appearance

    The goatees began to be worn by the Spaniards in the 16th century. Goatees at that time were worn with small mustaches and short haircuts. There were men who put a wooden press on their beard at night so as not to spoil the goatee.

    Spanish mustaches, over time, began to be worn by men from other countries, especially Protestant priests. So, the goatee has come down to our times.

    Who suits?

    The Spanish beard is not suitable for chubby men. On other types of faces, it can be grown. Many artists or people associated with show business adorn themselves with such a beard.

    The goatee is suitable for brunettes, as it makes a man courageous and handsome. Thin men can also give their image a romanticism with this beard.

    Types of goatee beard: photo

    The Spanish beard is a separate type of beard, but it can be made in different shapes. Experts have identified three main types of goatee. Now we will consider each of them in detail.


    The classic Spanish beard is worn without a mustache. This is a small hair island that is located throughout the chin.


    It is also called the Van Dyke beard. Anthony van Dycke lived in the 17th century, this Flemish portrait painter wore just such a beard. In memory of this great man, this type of Spanish beard began to bear his name.

    The Vandyke beard is a wedge-shaped island, which is decorated with a thin mustache. Beard and mustache do not connect.

    Such beards do not have a clear wedge shape. This combination is a combination of a thin mustache with a rounded island in the center of the chin.

    On the sides of these types of beards, a bare body remains and it must be regularly monitored so that it does not overgrow, otherwise the goatee will lose its appearance.

    How to grow?

    Some people think that growing a beard is easy, but it's not. So that later, you cut your beard and get a goatee, you need to know how to grow hair on a beard.

    The first thing to start with is to forget about the razor for a while. Your facial hair should grow in its order. Due to genetics, you need to see if you have hair growing on the right parts of your face. You will notice this only after a few days. This period must be endured, since it is very difficult to grow a beard at the first stage. She looks untidy and chaotic.

    When you notice that you have hair growing in the right areas of your face, then give time for the beard to lengthen. If your chin hair does not grow or grows very rarely, then you should choose a different type of beard.

    The length of your beard is up to you. Imagine your image to determine the length and shape of the beard. Photographs or pictures in magazines can help you with this. Also, if you have a facial modeling software, you can use it to determine the shape and length of the beard. Such programs can be downloaded from the Internet or go to the salon and use them.

    When you have chosen the type of beard and decided on the length, then you can proceed to the next step - cutting the goatee.

    How to trim and shape a beard? (what tools to use, step by step instructions)

    To cut a goatee, you will need tools, for example:

    1. large mirror,
    2. Shaving gel,
    3. special scissors,
    4. A special comb for such a beard,
    5. Electric trimmer with nozzles,
    6. Wax for beard styling.

    It is very important to buy quality tools and beard care products, as the shape of the Spanish beard and its overall appearance will depend on this.

    Some do not know how to cut a goatee, so they turn to specialists for help, but if you want, you can do it yourself. The main thing is to follow the instructions.

    1. To achieve symmetry, you need to start shaving the beard around the edges. With a slight movement of your hand, shave off excess hair, carefully approaching the outlined contours. Don't forget to keep your beard symmetrical.
    2. You can outline the contours with a sharp razor or trimmer.
    3. Shave your hair as you like by changing the direction of the machine.
    4. If you decide to decorate your beard with a mustache, then decide in advance on their shape.
    5. When you finish shaving your beard, sharpen the corners to give it a wedge shape. With a Vandyke beard, angles should be made on both sides of the chin.

    To better understand how to do this, watch the video on the Internet and repeat it on yourself. The main thing is not to rush, otherwise you will have to grow a beard again.

    How to use a shaving template?

    If this is your first time getting a beard and you don't know how to make a goatee, then you will need a beard shaving template. You can buy such a template in special stores or on the Internet.

    A universal template will suit all men with different face shapes. On it, you can adjust the size of the beard that suits your face. There are three types of settings in the template.

    If you decide to use a beard shaving template, then you need to know about the instructions for using it.

    • To make the template fit snugly on your face, bite into a special mouthpiece.
    • You need to customize the template, taking into account your features of the face. Choose what kind of goatee you want and secure the template in this way.
    • It is important that the template tightly covers the area of ​​hair that you want to keep. If you have done this, then you can not worry that while shaving, damage the shape of the goatee.
    • Take a razor and bare your face from unnecessary hair without touching the borders of the template.

    The template is needed for those who shave their beard for the first time, when you learn, you will get it automatically.

    How to adjust the shape with a trimmer?

    At the very end, when you have finished shaving your beard, you need to correct it. For this, you will need a trimmer. To get a beautiful Spanish beard, you need to pay special attention to the final stage.

    Wash your beard after cutting and comb it with a comb. Take a special trimmer head and remove excess beard hairs that go beyond the intended contour. It is important that the machine moves from top to bottom, and then vice versa. Thanks to the built-in regulator, you will not be able to spoil your goatee.

    When trimming a Vandyke beard, shave the ends of your mustache so it doesn't grow below the lip line.

    Do not forget that the maximum length of this beard should not exceed five mm. When shaping the lower part of the beard, use the narrow nozzle that cuts the hair in the nose. When you get to the chin-to-neck joint, then move the mirror below your head so you can see what you're shaving.

    A beautiful beard always attracts attention, so a man must ensure that it is in perfect condition. For this it is important:

    1. Wash your beard twice a week with a special shampoo. Once a month you can use the air conditioner.
    2. Wash your beard daily with clean water in the morning and evening. Due to this, abscesses or boils will not form under the beard on the skin.
    3. When you eat, make sure that no food remains on your beard. Always carry a small mirror with you.
    4. Comb your beard regularly to keep it looking neat. You need to do this every two hours.
    5. Use cosmetics to improve the condition of the goatee.

    Some men are concerned about their beard appearance due to age. The gray-haired goatee does not look very nice. This problem can be solved with coloring. However, this procedure should be done by a specialist.

    If you want to do it yourself, then get serious about this issue and choose a quality paint in the right color. The paint should be lighter than the usual hair color, or match it. The wrong color will make you shave off your beard.

    Beard is a sign of masculinity

    Today we learned how to shave a beard and how to care for it. A beard does make a man attractive and masculine, but it needs to be maintained regularly. Correct the goatee in time, otherwise it will look bad.

    Choose the right shape for this beard, as every man has a different style of goatee haircut. Many men began to feel more confident when they grew a beard.

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  • The goatee is an elegant and aristocratic beard that is constantly in fashion. Its relevance today is fully justified. She is remembered from the time of the Musketeers. Why do men choose this type of beard? It gives the face a new shade, refines the features, while making the look masculine and stylish. This type of unshaven will suit almost everyone, but not for those who have an overly round face. Goatee adds sophistication, gives a new image and self-confidence. There is no doubt that this beard is one of the ten most popular in the world.

    The goatee is a small wedge-shaped island of hair under the lower lip exactly in the middle of the chin. She looks great with a mustache and is not too drastic a way to change her appearance. You can often find a very conservative one, which is only a small strip under the lower lip without additional vegetation or with a miniature mustache. But especially sophisticated and courageous men can combine goatee even with sideburns. Sometimes this type is confused with a goatee, but they differ significantly, because the shape and area are noticeably different. The goatee has a rounder shape, and the area is larger than that of the goatee.

    You can meet a lot of celebrities who wear goatee beards. After all, it is suitable for any type of face, except for a round one, and this provides her with such a great demand. In addition, along with other forms, this beard looks rather modest and not too defiant, because not everyone decides on long dense vegetation, but on a small one. Blondes and brunettes, thin and large men can afford to grow a small beard in the form of a wedge. In addition, for a particular type of face, you can choose the most suitable goatee:

    • the classic one is a pointed small wedge located on the chin; this one does not provide for the presence of a mustache.
    • the circular one does not have a wedge-shaped outline, leaving a small rounded island that covers the center of the chin and a thin mustache that, falling down, connects to the beard, and under the lower lip there is a medium width hairline that does not connect to the island located below.
    • vandykovskaya (came from the artist Anthony Van Dyck) looks like a wedge-shaped island connected to the hairs below the lip, and is also completed with a separate mustache.

    We grow and form a goatee

    Since growing a future beard is a responsible and rather long business, it is necessary to carefully prepare for it and take into account the recommendations. Leave your facial hair alone and don't even touch a razor. It will not be possible to give shape soon, when the length reaches 1 centimeter. At the initial stage, make sure that the hair grows well in the right areas: under the lip, on the chin, for some types around the lips. If hair does not grow in these places, which may well turn out, because stubble is a purely individual phenomenon and depends on genetics, you should look for other types of beards that will suit your face type. Next, you need to create a visual image of your goatee, reflecting on several of its possible variations. To do this, you can use both special programs for selecting beards and mustaches, hairstyles, and photos of celebrities, for example, from the Internet. Now that you have chosen the shape, length, you can start shaping. If you decide to do it yourself, check out the steps and rules for shaping your goatee:

    1. It is necessary to start from the edges, removing excess hair with a regular razor smoothly and gradually until the desired contour appears. Make sure you get a symmetrical pattern several times.
    2. Contours are selected with a trimmer.
    3. Work the trimmer in different directions, depending on the characteristics of hair growth.
    4. If you have a mustache in mind, clearly define their outlines, you can either not touch the area between the nose and the upper lip at all, or leave a gap.
    5. At the end, the beard needs to be shaped into a wedge, making points at the corners.

    beard shaping tool

    So, you have decided to shape your own beard and mustache. So, you need to get a set of items necessary for this: a comb with closely spaced teeth, a mirror with a magnifying effect and an ordinary one, hairdressing or manicure scissors, a trimmer with the necessary attachments, shaving cream, styling wax, aftershave balm. At the very end of the procedure, it is recommended to use cosmetic wax, which will give the hairs the desired shape and a neat, well-groomed look.

    Shaping with a template

    If you are a beginner and are afraid to shape your beard yourself, you can use a shaping and shave template, which can be purchased today without difficulty in a specialty store or on the Internet. Templates have the advantage of being quite versatile and suitable for any type of face, as they have the ability to customize the shape and adjust the size. Take the template and firmly attach it to your face, biting the mouthpiece. Then adjust as indicated in the printed material that came with the product, choosing the desired type of beard. Make sure the template is positioned correctly and covers the part of the face where the stubble needs to be left intact. This will allow you not to make a mistake with the symmetry and not to shave off the excess. Now take a razor and boldly remove all the hair that is located around the template.

    Care and correction

    The goatee requires constant timely care. It is not easy to maintain in proper form if the bristles grow very quickly. The shape will have to be given very often, otherwise it will lose its zest and look careless.

    When leaving, due attention should be paid to washing. Rinse your bristles with plain water in the morning and evening after brushing your teeth. This is necessary to avoid the formation of sebum, which contributes to the appearance of boils and purulent wounds. Shampoo your chin hair twice a week, but not more often, using a hair conditioner weekly to keep hair soft and manageable. Get in the habit of looking at yourself in the mirror after eating, as leftover food can get stuck on coarse hairs. If your stubble is sparse, you can use hair growth products, which, in a short time, will help improve the appearance of the goatee. Always have a comb with you to comb facial hair. It is recommended to do this every 2-3 hours. If your chin hair is turning gray, you can dye it. This is a common occurrence and this service is provided by all professional stylists and hairdressers. With self-coloring, you need to choose a color 2 tones lighter than your hair.

    To adjust the outlines of your beard, you need to take a few steps. First, wash the bristles with shampoo, dry and comb it. Then put on the trimmer the desired nozzle and remove the hairline that is outside the contours of your beard. Operate the machine in the direction from top to bottom, and then vice versa. Shave the regrown antennae so that they do not stick out below the contour of the lips. The maximum length of the hairs when forming the goatee should be 0.5 cm. To outline the island under the lower lip, use the nozzle for removing hair in the nose. To correct the contour between the chin and the neck, push the chin forward and up a little so that it is convenient to shave the hair.

    Beard and character

    A thick and long beard is most often the choice of wise and reasonable men, in whose character a special place is given to calmness and integrity.

    A black stiff short beard reflects the indomitability of temperament, passion, harshness and sexuality.

    The absence of hair in the depression between the nose and the upper lip indicates a certain softness, weak character, and low potential of a person.

    Published: 07.01.2016

    Each man chooses his beard depending on personal preferences, facial features and other factors. One of the most popular types of beards in recent times is the goatee, which we will talk about in this article.

    What does a goatee beard look like

    The goatee beard is one of the most elegant and sophisticated varieties. She will invariably adorn any male face. For many, this type of beard is associated with musketeers. Modern men also like the goatee because it gives the image sophisticated features and aristocracy. That is why the fashion for it remains unchanged today.

    The goatee is distinguished by the presence of a small island of vegetation on the face, located under the lower lip in the center of the chin. Such a beard has the shape of a wedge, so it is often confused with. However, these are completely different species, since the goatee is distinguished by more rounded outlines and a larger area. The goatee can be complemented with a mustache or sideburns, although it is often worn without these elements. Quite often, along with a goatee, men grow a stylish short mustache. In this case, the beard should occupy only a small strip of vegetation under the lower lip.

    Main varieties

    To date, the goatee beard is presented in three main types:

    1. The classic version is a neat wedge with a sharp end, occupying the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe chin. At the same time, the classic variety does not provide for any mustache.
    2. The Vandyke beard is named after the famous Flemish painter who painted portraits in the seventeenth century. This version of the goatee looks like an island of vegetation in the form of a wedge without a connection with a graceful thin mustache.
    3. The circular beard does not have the typical wedge shape. It includes an interesting combination of an island of vegetation with round outlines on the chin and a thin mustache. In this case, there should be a fairly large accumulation of hair under the lower lip. There are gaps on the sides that need to be shaved regularly.

    How to grow a goatee beard

    To make this type, you will have to start from the preparatory stage. To do this, you need to stop using a razor and see how the hair grows. In a few days, you will understand whether stubble appears on those parts of the face that are necessary for growing a goatee. If it grows normally, then you need to calmly wait for the hair to become longer. Otherwise, in the absence of hair on the chin, it is better to think about a different kind of beard.

    How to shape a beard

    You need to mentally imagine a beard of this type and decide on the choice of a specific shape and length. For growing and shaping, you will need the following tools:

    • electric trimmer with beard attachments;
    • hairdressing scissors;
    • large mirror;
    • comb with frequent teeth;
    • shaving cream, which is especially important for men with sensitive skin;
    • a special wax for styling hair, which is needed to give the beard a certain shape.

    • If the beard is not growing as well as you would like, you can use various means to accelerate hair growth.
    • To find the best beard shape for your face, don't be afraid to experiment.
    • When you shave the inner corners under your lower lip, you should use a trimmer with narrow nose tips.
    • To give the goatee a neat and regular shape, it is best to use a trimmer with certain nozzles;
    • If your beard has begun to turn gray, it can be dyed.
    • The goatee will look good with sideburns that do not extend beyond the earlobes.

    Who suits goatee

    Since the goatee is wedge-shaped, it is not recommended to grow it for men with a round face. Wide vegetation under the lower lip against the background of a round face will ruin the whole look. For all other representatives of the stronger sex, this version of the beard fits perfectly. The goatee looks especially good on thin men, as it gives the image a certain romanticism. At the same time, if you have dark hair, then with such facial hair you can pretend to be macho.

    Character by beard

    Traditionally, a goatee characterizes a man as a courageous intellectual. At the same time, she is very often found among famous people, in particular, show business stars love her. Here are the most famous personalities who prefer such a beard:

    • Orlando Bloom;
    • Robert Patinson;
    • Brad Pitt;
    • Robert Downey;
    • Dima Bilan.

    How to properly cut goatee

    In order to form the necessary outlines, the beard must be cut regularly, at least once a week. They usually start from the edges. To do this, carefully remove excess hair and outline a certain contour. In the subsequent stages, you need to ensure that the beard is symmetrical. It is best to use a trimmer to outline the contours of the goatee, although some men simply use a sharp blade for this. The blade is much more difficult to work with, as facial hair never grows in the same way, and you will have to work with the tool in different directions. It is not bad to complement the beard with a thin mustache, which also needs to be cut regularly to maintain the necessary shape. At the final stage of the haircut, the beard should acquire a wedge shape. For this purpose, it is necessary to sharpen the corner as much as possible. If you are going to grow a vandyke version, then such corners should be done on both sides of the chin.

    What to use to care for a goatee beard

    In order for your goatee beard to always look stylish, you need to regularly care for it. In particular, facial hair should be washed with running clean water at least 2 times a day, which will avoid clogging the pores and the formation of pustules. In addition, the beard requires periodic shampooing, which should be done about 2 times a week. In this case, you can use hair conditioner every other time. When leaving, frequent combing is very important, which must be done every 2-3 hours so that tangles do not form. After each meal, it is advisable to look in the mirror and carefully remove all the crumbs left after eating. If your beard has begun to turn gray, stylists recommend touching it up, which is a perfectly acceptable option. This manipulation is best left to professionals who can perfectly match the tone. It should be the same color as your hair or a few shades lighter.

    Thus, the goatee is a stylish and sophisticated beard. In this article, you were able to read all the essential points on growing and caring for it, which will help you grow a beautiful and stylish beard.

    The goatee is one of the most stylish and elegant types of beard ever flaunted on a man's face. So it was in the days of gallant musketeers, so it is today.

    • Modern men appreciate the goatee because it adds sophistication to the features of almost any (with the exception of a particularly round) face.
    • This aristocratic beard has never gone out of fashion and has always been relevant.

    In contact with

    A man who adorns himself with this neat beard immediately acquires the appearance of a stylish, refined and self-confident person.

    The goatee is a small island of vegetation left under the lower lip in the very center of the chin, shaped like a wedge.

    The goatee is sometimes erroneously referred to as the goatee. In fact, these are different types of beards, differing both in shape (the outlines of the goatee are more rounded) and in the area occupied on the round part of the male chin. The goatee occupies all its roundness, the goatee is much narrower.

    • The goatee can be completed with a mustache and wide sideburns, at the same time it is often worn without additional accessories.
    • There is also a miniature version of it, which is only a small strip of hair under the lower lip. Most often there is a combination of this beard and a stylish short mustache.

    Men with what type of appearance can wear such a beard?

    We emphasize again: the goatee is not suitable only for chubby men. On the faces of all other types, it looks impeccable.

    This beard is most often found in the artistic environment and among famous people representing show business.

    She gives special romanticism to the appearance of thin men, and burning brunettes acquire with her help a special attraction for the fair sex, who prefer communication with true machos.

    Types of goatee

    The variety of goatees can be reduced to three main types. They are:

    How to grow and arrange a goatee?

    Growing a beard is a very responsible step that radically changes the appearance of a man, so it requires a certain preparatory period.

    Preliminary steps

    • By moving the razor away, facial hair is given complete freedom. Since the hair on the face of a man can grow in the most unexpected way (the reason for this is a genetic predisposition), before releasing the goatee, you need to make sure that they are in the right areas of the face. This will become apparent after a few days.
    • After making sure that the hair in the desired area grows without problems, you can safely wait until they become a little longer. If there are few of them there or they generally refuse to grow in the chin area, a man should think about what other kind of beard suits him.

    How to quickly grow a beard - video:

    • Having mentally imagined his image with a goatee on his face, the young man must think over several possible combinations of its length and shape. This can be done with the help of information obtained from illustrated magazines and sources on the Internet. An excellent opportunity to choose different types of beards for your face is provided by computer modeling programs for appearance. They are both on the Internet and in good hairdressing salons.
    • Having decided on the choice of shape and desired length, you can begin to form a beard.

    Stage of goatee formation

    How to make a stylish goatee?

    1. Any beard begins to form around the edges, and this is where you should start. Carefully acting with a razor, they begin to remove excess hairs, outlining the desired contour. At the same time, the strict symmetry of the created beard is monitored.
    2. It is necessary to perform the operation of delineating the contours of the goatee with a trimmer (razor) or an impeccably sharp blade.
    3. Since the direction of hair growth on the face is never constant, you will have to wield the blade in different directions.
    4. If the beard will be completed with a mustache, it is necessary to determine their shape. If desired, you can make a small gap between the mustache and nose.
    5. Completing the formation of the beard, it is given a wedge-shaped shape, sharpening the corner (if the shape of a traditional wedge is chosen as a sample). If it is assumed that the goatee will be Vandyke, the corners should be made on both sides of the chin.

    How to make yourself a goatee - a master class in the video:

    What is a beard shaving template and how to use it?

    Beginners who are not confident in their abilities, you can purchase a special template for shaping and shaving the beard. You can buy it both on the Internet and in a specialized store offering products for stylists.

    Such templates are universal, because, by slightly adjusting the size and adjusting to a certain face shape (there are three types of settings), they can be used by men with any type of appearance.

    How to make a neat beard using a template?

    What is required for self-shaping a beard?

    A beginner barber will need very few tools. He must have:

    • Large mirror (possible with a magnifying effect).
    • Electric or battery trimmer with a set of special attachments for beard care.
    • Hairdressing or nail scissors.
    • Comb with frequent teeth.
    • Shaving cream. Its use will be especially relevant if the young man is endowed with sensitive skin or too hard facial hair.
    • Cosmetic wax for hair styling. It is not necessary to use this tool, it will only give the beard and mustache an extra gloss and well-groomed appearance.

    Each man can bring sophistication and accuracy to his image by making his beard neat and stylish. An indisputable regularity is the fact that the most beautiful and successful men prefer to wear goatee beards.

    The peak of popularity of this type of beard fell on the era of the Musketeers. Modern men, with its help, give their face a certain aristocracy and elegance.

    What is a goatee - a stylish beard

    For a long time The goatee is one of the most popular and sought after types of beards. Its history begins in the late Middle Ages and continues to this day. The goatee's popularity is due to its versatility. This beard can be worn by men with any features and facial contours. With its help, every man can acquire the unique charm of a noble aristocrat.

    The goatee is a stylish beard that has a variety of shapes.

    Note! A distinctive feature of the goatee is a small wedge-shaped patch of hair in the dimple of the chin. Without it, the goatee can be easily confused with a goatee. However, there are clear differences between these types of beards.

    The goatee has a smoother outline, a more rounded contour, it is wider and can be equipped with additional accessories. Often the goatee is worn with lush sideburns and a stylish mustache. This type of goatee does not require additional accessories. In a miniature version, the goatee is only a narrow strip of vegetation under the lower lip.

    Goatee is a beard: who suits

    The goatee is a stylish beard, as it can decorate almost any man. It is not recommended to wear it only for too chubby representatives of the stronger sex. This type of beard suits very thin men, making their image more romantic and sophisticated.

    Most often, the goatee is worn by strong, strong-willed and successful men. In the Middle Ages, it was preferred to be worn by kings and monarchs, and now it complements the image of many famous and adored by all representatives of show business.

    What is a goatee beard: photo

    The traditional goatee is most popular among business men. Circular goatee appeals to movie stars and other men of creative professions
    The Flemish artist Anthony van Dyck liked to wear a goatee, which was named after him - Van Dyck.

    Types (options) goatee

    There are several main varieties of goatee that are currently popular:

    • Traditional- looks like a pointed wedge on the chin, the presence of a mustache is not necessary.
    • Circular- instead of a wedge-shaped area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hair, it has a neatly shaved island in the center of the chin, the mustache smoothly passes into the beard, encircling the chin with a rounded contour.
    • Vandaykovskaya- has similarities with the traditional, should have wedge-shaped vegetation in the center of the chin, but the mustache does not pass into the beard.

    What are the forms of goatee beard

    A goatee is often referred to as any beard that covers part of the chin and falls slightly towards the neck.

    Important to remember! It is necessary to select a beard taking into account the parameters of the face. It should look harmonious, decorate its owner and, ideally, hide minor flaws in his appearance.

    The shape of the goatee is very common, when the mustache does not turn into a beard.. In this case, the cheeks should remain smooth. If the choice fell on this type of beard, you need to be prepared for regular care for it.

    The goatee can connect with the mustache, forming a round contour around the lips. Such a beard looks more massive. This form of goatee is suitable for men with soft features or a square chin. With the help of a beard of this form, you can easily hide minor skin defects.

    The goatee can be combined with a large mustache of the Hungarian type. Such a beard will be demanding for personal care, but with its help a man can look very extravagant. This shape of the beard must be controlled by trimming regularly. For extra care, a man will definitely need hair conditioner and wax to give the beard the desired shape.

    Goatee (beard) without mustache

    A goatee without a mustache can be the perfect choice for intelligent men who want to look more masculine. An additional advantage of this type of beard is that it is easy to maintain.

    The main rule is to wash your beard regularly. using various cosmetic and hygiene products. The frequency of these procedures should coincide approximately with washing the head. Drying your beard with a hair dryer is not recommended. For these purposes, it is better to use a towel.

    Otherwise, skin irritation may begin. Bristle hairs always grow in different directions. In order for the goatee to look neat, beautiful and improve the image of a man, and not vice versa, it must be combed daily. Then the contour of the beard will be even, neat, each hair will grow parallel to the next.

    The most convenient and practical tool for beard care is a trimmer. It allows you to adjust and shape the shape of the goatee. When purchasing a trimmer, it is best to pay attention to wireless models. Some men and barbers use special scissors to trim their beards. It is convenient to comb the goatee with a wide comb.

    What should be the length of the hair for a goatee beard

    There is an opinion that every man can be the owner of a lush and thick beard. However, the facial hair of each man is formed differently. First, the bristles grow and already at this stage it becomes clear: whether a beard will suit a man or make him untidy.

    It's important to know! Not all men have hairs that grow evenly in the area necessary to form a stylish goatee. Especially in young guys, the bristles may not have the necessary rigidity, or will grow in certain areas of the neck and chin.

    At the same time, if you give the hairs some more time to grow, the situation in the general sense will not change. It is also a misconception that hairs grow faster and thicker if they are shaved off. In such cases, you need to either choose a different type of beard, or constantly shave off the stubble.

    At first, during the formation of a beard, unpleasant sensations may be observed. in the form of itching from regrown hairs. It is also worth noting that each area of ​​the face and chin has its own bristle growth rate. This can contribute to the unkempt appearance of a growing beard. This stage just needs to be endured. With proper care for the goatee, she will take the desired shape and become a true complement to the image of a successful man.

    You still need to shave your neck regularly., since the bristles on it do not participate in the formation of a beard in the form of a goatee. It is not recommended to control hair growth with a razor. It is necessary to ensure that they are of the required length. For most men, this is no more than 2 cm.

    Neat goatee without a mustache

    How to grow a goatee beard

    The formation of any beard, and in particular the goatee, begins with the cessation of the use of a razor. A few days later, when bristles appear, the man must choose the shape of the future beard. It is necessary to decide on the shape of the goatee before picking up scissors and cutting off excess hairs.

    To properly grow a goatee, you need to sequentially perform the following steps:

    1. Shave unwanted hair behind the cheekbones. The best way to do this is with a trimmer.

      When removing hair behind the cheekbones, try to keep the blades at a right angle to the skin.

    2. To give the goatee a more regular shape, it is necessary to remove the stubble on the neck with a razor and at the bottom of the chin.

      The skin of the neck and chin is more sensitive than other parts of the face, do not press the machine hard so as not to get hurt

    3. The goatee itself and the mustache are equalized using a 3 mm razor head.

      If you do not have a 3 mm nozzle, you can trim the mustache with the thinnest available

    4. With a detailed trimmer, you can select a wedge-shaped area vegetation in the center of the chin, as well as separate the mustache and beard from each other.

      Detail trimmer needs to work with point touches

    5. If necessary, shave off the hairs on the cheeks.

      Lonely, protruding hairs, usually strong, shaving them with a machine can be slightly pressed.

    Attention! The chin area during the formation of the goatee is very demanding for care. It is necessary to regularly monitor the growing bristles and shave off excess hairs in a timely manner. You should get into the habit of rinsing your beard with running water after every meal.

    A beard and mustache require no less care than the hair on your head. They need to be washed regularly with shampoo or soap. It will not be superfluous to use special gels and balms.

    How to make a goatee yourself

    You can become the owner of a stylish and attractive goatee with the help of a qualified hairdresser, or you can try to make it yourself. To implement this idea, it is best to purchase a special template. It is a special tool that bites the teeth on one side, and the other fits snugly against the skin of the face, exactly repeating the features of a male face.

    Next, adjust the template so that it exactly matches the contours of the goatee. In this case, the hairs of the beard itself will be completely intact. Using a razor, remove all vegetation that goes beyond the template. Trim the beard itself with gentle movements of scissors.

    When forming a beard, it is better to let go of the bristles on the skin of the cheeks. The larger the initial area of ​​\u200b\u200bvegetation, the easier it will be to form the desired shape of the goatee. The initial shape of the beard is achieved with a trimmer, shaving off the hairs on the neck, cheeks and around the chin. The lower border of the goatee should be slightly above the Adam's apple. It is better to correct the edges of the beard with an electric razor or a new and sharp blade.

    Before shaving, the hairs of the mustache and beard must be combed in order to better navigate along their length. The edges of the beard should be clear and even. The width of the correct goatee is approximately equal to the width of the mouth. The main criterion that must be constantly monitored when forming a goatee is its symmetry with respect to facial features.

    Having bitten the template, try not to move it with your teeth so that the contour of the goatee is even

    Goatee beard template, where to buy

    Every man strives to look stylish, neat and attractive to others. There are several ways to achieve this goal. He can visit a qualified hairdresser, while spending his money and time on trips to specialized salons, or independently monitor his appearance.

    Note! A neat beard is a powerful accent in the image of a man. To make this accent more expressive without the help of beauty salons, you need to use a goatee template. You can buy it in specialized online stores.

    Modern templates are a special mouthpiece which is made of lightweight and durable plastic. Its design allows you to adjust the template to individual facial features. This ensures that a man can become the owner of exactly the goatee that he has long dreamed of.

    The template must be firmly pressed to the face and held in one position. during the entire process of shaving off excess hairs. A more secure fastening of the template is provided by special clamps that can be clamped in the mouth. Such a device is easily washed with warm water to remove hair that has fallen on it. The goatee template does not interfere with the use of shaving cream.

    Goatee template: how to do it yourself

    A real man always strives to cope with the solution of many problems on his own. Building a house, repairing a car, image - all this does not tolerate the wrong hands. Also, lovers of doing everything with their own hands can independently acquire a high-quality template for a goatee.

    At present, it is not difficult to find images of the required template on the Internet. The process of its manufacture comes down to downloading the desired file, printing the outline on a sheet of thick paper or cardboard. A self-made template can be used, as well as purchased in a company store.

    The most creative men can make a similar tool out of the cut-out bottom of a plastic bottle. The benefits of a homemade template are:

    • saving money on the purchase of tools;
    • the template will ideally fit the facial features, as it will be unique and individual;
    • complete freedom in the choice of material and design;
    • an opportunity to show the ability to think creatively.

    Goatee (beard): how to cut

    A very deep delusion is the opinion that the beard does not need care. Many people think that it is possible to form and grow a beautiful beard without any effort.

    It's important to know! In order for the goatee - a stylish beard not to lose its clarity and its contour, it must be cut at least once a week.

    It is necessary to start from the edges of the goatee in order to more clearly highlight its contour. Then, cutting off excess vegetation, you need to monitor the symmetry of the beard. You can mark the outline of the goatee with a razor (the blade must be new and sharp) or a trimmer.

    Handling a blade will require a certain skill and skill from a man. Hair on different parts of the skin of the face grows randomly, so for a smooth shave, you will have to point the blade in different directions. If the goatee is complemented by a mustache, they also need to be trimmed regularly. After this procedure, the goatee should acquire a clear wedge-shaped shape.

    For the convenience of haircuts, you can use a special comb

    Goatee: how to shave

    Proper shaving of goatee requires compliance with certain rules. This process should not cause skin irritation and subsequent discomfort.

    For this It is important to choose a quality and reliable beard shaving tool. Razors with a so-called dangerous blade are very popular among men with a beard. Such a razor should be sharpened regularly, as it quickly loses its sharpness of the blade. Its sharpening or replacement will make the process of shaving more hygienic and comfortable.

    Shaving is best in the morning. At this time, the process will be of better quality. First you should wash with warm water. It is also recommended to use a softening gel for the skin of the face.

    This preparatory step will soften the bristles. Then apply a damp towel to your face. After such moistening, you can start shaving the goatee. First you need to apply shaving foam to the desired areas of the skin. When shaving the hair, the blade should move in the direction of hair growth.

    For a softer shave, rinse the razor in warm water. After the cheeks, it is necessary to shave off the hair on the neck. Here the blade should move from the chin down the neck. At the final stage, the area near the mustache is shaved, since it is there that the bristles are the most rigid. The razor should move in gentle movements from top to bottom.

    Goatee: how to properly care

    No one will argue with the fact that a stylish beard must be carefully looked after. Goatee is recommended to wash twice a day after all, after eating, small particles of food can remain on the beard.

    At least 2 times a week, washing the beard should be done using cosmetic products such as shampoo and balm. Plant-based shampoos and a variety of essential oils are important in beard care. If desired, a man can use hair conditioner. This will help keep its original shape and prevent tangles.

    It is important to use special shampoos to wash the goatee.

    If gray hair contradicts the image of a man, the goatee can be tinted. To this end, it is better to turn to professional stylists who will perform the entire procedure at the highest level. Usually, the color tone of the beard is selected lighter than the natural hair color.

    Goatee is suitable for almost all men. It is formed using a special template, razor or trimmer. Goatee requires care, which consists in the use of shampoo and regular combing.

    A useful video about the goatee beard, how to cut it and many more interesting things on the topic

    And how to make a goatee correctly step by step - you will learn a stylish beard from the video: