Using solar energy on Earth. Prospects for the use of sun energy on Earth. Prospects for solar energy

We live in the world of the future, although not in all regions it is noticeable. In any case, the possibility of developing new energy sources today is seriously discussed in progressive circles. One of the most promising directions is the solar energy.

At the moment, about 1% of electricity on Earth is obtained due to the processing of solar radiation. So why have we still not abandoned other "harmful" ways, and will refuse at all? We suggest familiarizing yourself with our article and try to answer this question yourself.

How solar energy is transformed into electricity

Let's start with the most important - how the sun rays are processed into electricity.

The process itself is called "Solar generation" . The most effective ways to ensure the following:

  • photovoltaic;
  • heliotermal energy;
  • solar aeright power plants.

Consider each of them.


In this case, the electric current appears as a result photovoltaic effect. The principle of this: Sunlight enters the photocell, electrons absorb the energy of photons (particles of light) and come into motion. As a result, we get electrical stress.

It is such a process that occurs in solar panels, the basis of which is the elements that transform solar radiation into electricity.

The design of photovoltaic panels is flexible enough and can have different sizes. Therefore, they are very practical in use. In addition, panels have high performance properties: resistant to precipitation and temperature drops.

But how it works separate solar panel module:

On the use of solar panels as charging devices, food sources of private houses, to enjoy cities and for medical purposes, you can read in.

Modern solar panels and power plants

From recent examples, you can mark the company's solar panels Sistinesolar. They can have any shade and texture in contrast to traditional dark blue panels. And this means that they can "arrange" the roof of the house as you will be pleased.

Another decision was suggested by the developers of Tesla. They released not just a panel on sale, but a full roofing material processing solar energy. Contains built-in solar modules and can also have the most diverse execution. At the same time, the material itself is much stronger than ordinary roofing tile, SOLAR ROOF is even an endless guarantee.

As an example, a full-fledged SES can be given a recent station built in Europe with bilateral panels. The latter are collected both direct solar radiation and reflecting. This allows you to increase the efficiency of solar generation by 30%. This station must produce about 400 MW per year.

Interest causes I. the largest floating SES in China. Its power is 40 MW. Such solutions have 3 important advantages:

  • there is no need to occupy large terrestrial territories, which is relevant for China;
  • in reservoirs, evaporation of water decreases;
  • the photocells themselves are less heat and work more efficiently.

By the way, this floating SES was built on the site of an abandoned coal mining enterprise.

The technology based on the photovoltaic effect is the most promising today, and according to experts, the solar panels will be able to produce about 20% of the global electricity requirement in the next 30-40 years.

Heliotermal energy

Here the approach is a bit different, because Solar radiation is used to heat the vessel with liquid. Thanks to this, it turns into a pair that rotates the turbine, which leads to the production of electricity.

The same principle employs thermal power plants, only the liquid is heated by burning coal.

The most visual example of using this technology is station Ivanpa Star In the Mojave Desert. It is the world's largest solar heliotermal power plant.

It works since 2014 and does not use any fuel for the production of electricity - only environmentally friendly solar energy.

The boiler with water is located in the towers that you can see in the center of the design. Around the field of mirrors, guides the sun's rays to the top of the tower. At the same time, the computer constantly turns these mirrors depending on the location of the Sun.

Sunlight concentrates on the tower

Under the influence of concentrated solar energy, water in the tower is heated and becomes ferry. So the pressure occurs, and the steam begins to rotate the turbine, as a result of which electricity stands out. The capacity of this station is 392 megawatts, which can be compared with the middle CHP in Moscow.

Interestingly, such stations can work at night. This is possible thanks to the room of the heated steam in the repository and gradually use it to rotate the turbine.

Solar aeright power plants

This original solution was not widely used, but still takes place.

The installation itself consists of 4 main parts:

  • Aerostate - located in the sky, collecting solar radiation. Inside the ball enters water, which is quickly heated, becoming steam.
  • Steam pipe - on it, pairs under pressure goes down to the turbine, forcing it to rotate.
  • Turbine - under the influence of the flow of a couple, it rotates, producing electrical energy.
  • The capacitor and pump - the steam passing through the turbine condenses into the water and rises into the balloon using the pump, where it is warmed up to the vapor-shaped state.

What are the advantages of solar energy

  • The sun will give us its energy a few more billion years. At the same time, people do not need to spend money and resources for its prey.
  • The generation of solar energy is a completely eco-friendly process that does not have risks for nature.
  • The autonomy of the process. The collection of sunlight and electricity generation passes with minimal human participation. The only thing to do is follow the cleanliness of working surfaces or mirrors.
  • The solar panels produced their resource can be recycled and used in production.

Problems for the development of solar energy

Despite the implementation of ideas to maintain the work of solar power plants at night, no one is insured against nature whims. The sky tightened by clouds for several days significantly reduces the production of electricity, and its uninterrupted feed is needed to the population and enterprises.

Construction of a solar power plant - the pleasure is not cheap. This is due to the need to apply rare elements in their design. Not all countries are ready to waste budgets for less powerful power plants when there are working TPPs and nuclear power plants.

To accommodate such installations, large areas are needed, and in places where solar radiation has a sufficient level.

How is the solar energy in Russia

Unfortunately, in our country, in our country, coal, gas and oil are harvested, and Russia will certainly be among the latter, who will fully turn into alternative energy.

To date solar generation is only 0.03% of the energy balance of the Russian Federation. For comparison in the same Germany, this indicator is more than 20%. Private entrepreneurs are not interested in investing in the solar energy due to a long payback and not so high profitability, because it costs us much cheaper.

In economically developed Moscow and Leningrad regions, solar activity is low. There, the construction of solar power plants is simply inexpedient. But the southern regions are quite promising.

To date, the problem of energy consumption is quite acute - the resources of the planet are not infinite and during their existence, humanity is pretty devastated by the fact that it was given by nature. At the moment, the extraction of coal and oil is actively carried out, the reserves of which are becoming less and less. allowed humanity to make an incredible step into the future and use atomic energy, bringing a huge danger to the whole environment with this blessing.

No less than an acute question is the environmental - active resource mining and their further use is perniciously affecting the state of the planet, changing not only the nature of soils, but even climatic conditions.

That is why special attention has always been paid to natural sources of energy, such, for example, like water or wind. Finally, after so many years of active research and development, humanity "Doroslo" before the use of the energy of the Sun on Earth. It is about him and go further speech.

What's attractive

Before switching to specific examples, find out how so much interested in this type of energy extraction of researchers around the world. Its main property can be called inexhaustibility. Despite numerous hypotheses, the likelihood that the star like the Sun will go out in the near future, extremely small. It means that the ability to obtain pure energy is open to humanity in a completely natural way.

The second undoubted advantage of using the energy of the Sun on Earth is the ecology of this option. The impact on the environment under such conditions will be zero, which in turn provides the world a much lighter future than the one that opens with constant mining of limited underground resources.

Finally, it should be paid to the fact that the Sun represents the smallest danger for the person himself.

As in fact

Now let's go to the point. A few poetic name "Solar Energy" is in fact converting radiation into electricity using specially developed technologies. This process provides photoelectric elements that humanity extremely actively uses for its own purposes, and quite successful.

Solar radiation

It so developed historically that the noun "radiation" causes a person with a rather negative associations rather than positive due to those technogenic catastrophes, which the world managed to survive in their century. Nevertheless, the technology of using the energy of the Sun on Earth provides for the work of it with it.

In fact, this type of radiation is an electromagnetic radiation, the range of which is between 2.8 to 3.0 μm.

So successfully used by humanity, the solar spectrum consists in fact of three types of waves: ultraviolet (about 2%), approximately 49% are light waves and, finally, as much as much as the solar energy has a small number of other components, but their role is so insignificant. that they do not have a special impact on the life of the Earth.

The amount of solar energy falling on the ground

Now that the composition of the human spectrum used for the benefit of humanity is defined, one more important feature of this resource should be noted. The use of solar energy on Earth seems very promising also because it is available in fairly large quantities at almost minimum processing costs. The total number of emitted energy star is extremely large, but it reaches about 47% to the surface of the Earth, which is equal to the sevenists of kilowatt-hours quadrillion. For comparison, we note that only one kilowatt-hour will be able to provide a ten-year work of a power light bulb in a hundred watts.

The power of the radiation of the Sun and the use of energy on Earth, of course, depends on a number of factors: climatic conditions, angle of falling rays on the surface, season and geographical position.

When and how much

It is easy to guess that the daily amount of solar energy falling on the surface of the Earth is constantly changing, because directly depends on the position of the planet relative to the Sun and the movement of the luminance itself. It has long been known for the fact that at noon the radiation is maximum, while in the morning and in the evening the number of reaches the rays is significantly less.

With confidence, we can say that the use of the energy of the Sun will be the most productive in the regions as close as possible to the equatorial strip, since it is there that the difference between the highest and lower indicators is minimal, which indicates the maximum amount of radiation reaching the surface of the planet. For example, on the territory of desert African sections, the annual amount of radiation reaches an average of 2,200 kilowatt-hours, while in Canada or, for example, Central Europe, indicators do not exceed 1000 kilowatt-hours.

Solar energy in history

If you think as widely as possible, attempts to "tame" the great luminaries, warming our planet, began in deep antiquity in the times of paganism, when each element was embodied by a separate deity. However, of course, then on the use of solar energy, even speech could not be - magic reigned in the world.

The topic of using the energy of the Sun on Earth began to actively rise only at the end of the XIV - the beginning of the twentieth century. The real breakthrough in science was performed in 1839 by Alexander Edmon Becquell, who managed to become the discoverer of the photovoltaic effect. The study of this topic has increased significantly, and after 44 years, Charles Frittts was able to construct the first module in history, which was based on the gilded selenium. Such use of the energy of the Sun on Earth gave a small amount of electricity released - the total amount of production was then at no more than 1%. Nevertheless, for all mankind, it became a real breakthrough that opened new horizons of science, which had not even even had to dream of.

A significant contribution to the development of solar energy was made at one time albert Einstein himself. In the modern world, the name of the scientist is more often associated with his famous relativity theory, but in fact the Nobel Prize he was awarded precisely

Until our days, the technology of using the energy of the Sun energy on Earth is experiencing the rapid ups, then no less rapid falls, but this industry is constantly updated with new facts, and you can hope that the door to a completely new world will open in front of us.

Nature against us

We have already spoken about the advantages of using the energy of the Sun on Earth. Now pay attention to the disadvantages of this method, which, unfortunately, not less.

Because of the direct dependence on the geographical position, the climatic conditions and the movement of the Sun, the production of solar energy in sufficient quantities requires tremendous territorial costs. The essence lies in the fact that the greater the area of \u200b\u200bconsumption and processing of solar radiation, the greater the amount of environmentally clean energy we get at the output. The placement of such huge systems requires a large number of free square, which causes certain difficulties.

Another problem regarding the use of the energy of the Sun on Earth is directly dependent on the time of day, since the production of at night will be zero, and in the morning and evening it is extremely insignificant.

An additional risk factor is the weather itself - sharp change conditions can be extremely negatively affecting the work of this kind of system, since it is difficult to debug the required power. In a sense, the situation with a sharp change of the amount of absorption and production can be dangerous.

Pure, but expensive

The use of solar energy on Earth is difficult at the moment because of its high costs. The photocells needed to implement the main processes have a sufficiently high cost. Of course, the positive aspects of using such a resource make it payback, but from an economic point of view, at the moment you do not have to talk about the full payback of cash costs.

Nevertheless, as the tendency shows, the price of photocells gradually falls, so over time this problem can be completely solved.

Inconvenience of the process

The use of the Sun as an energy source represents the difficulty even because this method of processing resources is quite time consuming and uncomfortable. Consumption and recycling of radiation directly depend on the purity of the plates, which is rather problematic. In addition, it is extremely negative on the process to also affect the heating of elements that can be prevented only by using powerful cooling systems, which requires additional material costs, and considerable.

In addition, the plates used in the heliacollectors, after 30 years of active work, gradually come into disrepair, and the cost of photocells was previously said.

Ecological question

It was previously said that the use of such a resource would be able to save humanity from sufficiently serious environmental problems in the future. The source of resources and the final product is really environmentally than the highest possible.

Nevertheless, the use of the energy of the Sun, the principle of operation of the helixollectors is to apply special plates with photocells, for the manufacture of which requires a mass of poisonous substances: lead, arsenic or potassium. Their use of harm to the environment does not bring, however, given the limited life of their operation, over time, the recycling of the plates can be a serious problem.

To limit the negative impact on the ecology, manufacturers gradually switch to thin-film plates that have a lower cost and less pernicably affect the environment.

Ways to convert radiation into energy

Films and books about the future of humanity give us almost always about the same picture of this process, which, in fact, can differ significantly from reality. There are several ways to transform.

The most common can be called the previously described use of photocells.

As an alternative, humanity actively uses heliotermal energy based on heating of special surfaces, which allows with the proper direction of the resulting temperature to heat the water. If you simplify this process as much as possible, it can be compared with the tanks that are used for the summer soul in the private sector homes.

Another way to use radiation to generate energy is "Sunny Sail", which can only act in this kind of system converts radiation into

The problem of lack of production at night is partially solved by solar aeright power plants, the operation of which continues due to the accumulation of the emitted energy and the duration of the cooling process.

We and solar energy

The energy resources of the sun and wind on Earth are used quite actively, although we often do not notice it. Previously mentioned the prime heating of water in the summer soul. In essence, most often solar energy is used specifically for these purposes. Nevertheless, there are plenty of other examples: in almost every store of the lighting technology, you can find cumulative light bulbs that can work without electric current even at night due to energy accumulated per day.

Installations based on photocells are actively used on all sorts of pumping stations and ventilation systems.

Yesterday Today Tomorrow

One of the most important resources for humanity is solar energy, and the prospects for its use are extremely large. This industry is actively funded, expanding and improved. Now the solar energy is as developed as much as possible in the United States, where some regions use it as a full-fledged alternative power supply. Also, the power plants of this type work to other countries have long taken the course for this type of electricity, which will soon be solved by the problem of environmental pollution.

Solar energy - This is light, warmth and life on our planet, and still solar energy is the main alternative source, which several orders of magnitude exceeds the entire existing energy potential of the Earth, and it is able to fully ensure all its energy needs.

As the Sun is an endless source of heat and light (conditional) and solar radiation energy supports life on Earth for no one million years. The ability to ensure all the vital processes of the Sun has due to its composition. In percentage ratio, it mainly consists of two elements: hydrogen (73%) and helium (25%). In more detail about the formation and life cycle of the Sun, you can read, for example, in Wikipedia.

The reactions of thermonuclear synthesis that occur in the sun burned hydrogen, turning it into helium. The colossal energy of sun rays, released during such processes, is radiated into space. By the way, scientists are trying to repeat these reactions on Earth (the reaction of the controlled thermonuclear synthesis, the international Tokamak project).

All organisms using sunlight energy provide their own life processes - sunlight is necessary for the initial stage of the photosynthesis process. With its participation, the synthesis of substances such as oxygen and hydrocarbons occurs.

The amount of hydrogen in the sun gradually decreases and sooner or later the time will come when its stock in the sun will be exhausted. However, due to the large amount of hydrogen, this will not happen, at least in the next 5 billion years.

Every second in the Sun kernel, about 4 million tons of substances are converted into radiant energy, as a result of which the solar radiation and the stream of solar neutrino is generated.

The main influx of the energy of the Sun, which comes to the atmosphere of the Earth is in the spectral range of 0.1 4 μm. In the range of 0.3 1.5-2 microns, the atmosphere of the Earth is almost transparent for solar radiation. Ultraviolet waves (the wavelength is shorter than 0.3 μm) are absorbed by the layer of ozone, which is located at the heights of 20-60 km. X-ray and gamma radiation almost do not reach the surface of the Earth.

Solar energy concentration is characterized by a value of 1367 W / m 2, called solar constant. It is such a stream that passes through a perpendicular area of \u200b\u200b1 m 2, if it is placed at the entrance to the upper layer of the atmosphere of the Earth. When this stream is reached, the energy loss is reduced to 1000 W / m 2 at the equator. But the change of day and night reduces it with another 3 times. For moderate latitudes, with the winter period, it is half of the quantitative indicator of the maximum flow at the equator.

Averaged over time and on the ground surface, this flow is 341 W / m 2. Per full surface, or 1.74x10 17 W in the calculation of the total surface of the Earth. Thus, in a day, the land on the surface will receive 4,176x10 15 kWh of energy, most of which returns to space as radiation.

According to IEA for 2015, the world energy production was 19099 MTOE (equivalent of megaton oil). In terms of familiar Kilowattshas, \u200b\u200bthis figure will be 6.07x10 11 kWh per day.

The sun gives energy of energy 8,000 times more than it is necessary to all mankind. Obviously, the prospects for the use of this type of energy are very wide. With her participation, wind-energy develops (the wind occurs due to temperature difference), photovoltaic converters are used and hydroaccumulating stations are built. There is a wide use of solar batteries.

The potential of the use of solar energy is very large.

Advantages and disadvantages of the use of solar energy

Benefits of using solar energy They led to the fact that today we see its use in a variety of human activities.

The main advantages are:

  • The inexhaustibility of the energy of the Sun in the next 4 billion years;
  • The availability of this type of energy is that farmers, and the hosts of private houses, and the giant plants are safely and effectively today.
  • Free and environmental purity of energy produced;
  • The prospect of the development of this source of energy, which is becoming increasingly relevant due to the increase in prices for other types of energy;
  • Because The number of equipment being commissioned annually and its reliability is growing, the cost of solar cells produced by kilowatt decreases.

To the conditional shortcomings of solar energy can be attributed:

  • The main disadvantage of solar energy is the direct dependence of the amount of light and heat from the influence of factors such as the weather, the time of year or the day. In this case, the need is the need to accumulate energy, which increases the cost of the system;
  • For the production of equipment elements of this purpose, rare and, therefore, expensive elements are applied.

Prospects for the development of solar energy

Today, the technologies in which the energy of sunlight is used is becoming more widely used. The most common is solar panels. Photoelectric elements are successfully installed on various types of transport - ranging from electric vehicles and ending with airplanes. The Japanese practices them on the train.

Successfully functioning, one of the European heliumelectric power plants provides all the needs of the Vatican. The largest station in California, the source for which is solar energy (the photo gives ideas about the scale), now provides the staff of its 24-hour work.

The introduction of such technologies faces resistance from the leaders of the hydrocarbon industry - after all, alternative sources in the energy sector may soon displace their representatives from leading positions.

If we talk about the direct transformation, such solar power conversion devices are the greatest distribution as thermal pipes (solar collectors) and solar cell batteries.

Solar installation economy

When considering the possibility of installing solar power plant, focus on environmental, and economic aspects. They sound like this:

  1. What is the cost of the solar installation?
  2. What is its payback period?
  3. Is there a sufficient number of electricity to generate installation?

It is advisable to consider small power plants with a capacity of up to 50 kW. Installations of greater power are used mainly on industrial facilities.

Is the amount of electricity sufficient to generate a home solar power station?

To answer the third question, before the design of the solar installation, it defines the profile of the house's power consumption. It can be recorded by installing the electricity meter at the object with the current parameter saving function: the voltage of the network consumed, the current power consumption, frequency. A month later, you can estimate your consumption profile with the average, maximum and minimum parameter values.

If there is no such device, the energy consumption profile can be evaluated as follows: it will be necessary to write down all the instruments that can be used in the house and simulate the possible options for their daily use. After that, armed with a calculator, you can calculate the daily consumption of electricity and peak power values.

A significant role is played by the region where the building is located. The energy that achieves the surface of the Earth, depending on the region, can vary from more than 5 kWh / m 2 / day to 1.5 kWh / m 2 / day and less.

If the maximum consumption falls in the daytime, then to ensure the adequacy of the generated electricity, it is necessary to divide the maximum power consumption to the power of one panel of solar cells. Type and characteristics of panels are known from manufacturers directory. It should be borne in mind that the characteristics of solar panels are given in their maximum illumination - amendment to the regional coefficient is required. Winter period, when the batteries are covered with snow not taken into account.

This calculation does not take into account the following feature: during the day, the installation will be always generate an excessive amount of energyAnd at night, for obvious reasons, the generation will be equal to 0.

Rechargeable batteries on one side increase the total cost of the system, on the other hand, reduce the number of solar cell panels due to the accumulation of energy during periods of smaller power consumption.

To calculate the Bank of AKB, you need to answer the following questions:

  • Is the system fully autonomous?
  • In case the system is not autonomous, then what the maximum possible period of interruptions in power supply.

Maximum consumption in kW clock is multiplied by the number of hours without the main source (it must be borne in mind that at the time of disconnection of the Sun may not be). Based on this data, it is possible to calculate the capacity of the Bank of AKB. The discharge of the AKB to 0 reduces their service life, therefore the coefficient of the maximum discharge indicator is introduced, for example, it can be 50, 40 or 30%. The smaller the maximum discharge rate, the greater the amount of acb will be required.

Solar generation cost

The main components of the system equipment are distributed in the following percentage ratio (conditional):

  • Inverter and control system - 15-40%;
  • Solar panels and MPPT Controllers - 20-40%;
  • Bank AKB - 30%.

The cost of solar panels and the battery will be identical for systems of all manufacturers, significant differences are available only in the cost of the inverter equipment with the control system and MPPT controller.

The difference in price reaches more than 200%, depending on the manufacturer. This is due not only to the "brand", but also the possibilities of the system, for example, convenience in control, the possibility of remote access, maximum load and resistance to 2x-3x multiple overloads, the ability to partially disconnect the load, etc.

Each final technical solution will be slightly different from others due to the fact that all people use different household appliances at different times of the day. An ideal combination of equipment, even at the specified power does not exist.

As the approximate value of the functional solar installation to a country house, taking into account the backup part of the power, you can roughly navigate the number 700-1800 USD / kW depending on the manufacturer of the equipment.

The payback period of the installation of solar generation

If the hosts are conditionally traveling to the cottage only for the weekend, and there are no consumers in the house that work daily, then, most likely, the system will pay at least 10-15 years, with current electricity tariffs.

With constant accommodation, payback periods will be reduced to 6-10 years.

The positive side of the medal - the owner of such a house receives a stable source of power supply and does not depend on liabilities of the power supply and power drops. Everyone is sitting without light, and you are with light, security systems function, you do not need to manually open the garage, etc.

It can be assumed that the development of private electric transport will reduce the payback period of the solar installation for households. The owner of such a car will be free to "refuel" it from his own roof..

The payback period depends on the completeness of the use of electricity. If the construction uses 100% of the generation and is connected to the central network of power supply, then in the general case there is no need to install the Bank of the AKB. The estimated period of complete payback of such an installation will be 3-5 years, and in the hot regions even less.

Additional benefits are formed due to the fact that the day owner DO NOT PAY at day rate, and at night Platitis On the night.

Such rapidly payback objects can be any energy-proof production with an empty flat roof, shopping and entertainment and sports centers and parkings with them, refrigeration complexes, etc.

Surprisingly, such solutions that allow substantially to reduce operating costs, still not used by the owners of real estate objects.

In the foreseeable future, with the development of solar energy, an increasing number of buildings owners will be used to use pure energy in return of hydrocarbon raw materials.

Without energy, life is impossible on the planet. The physical law of energy conservation indicates that energy cannot arise from nothing and does not disappear without a trace. It can be obtained from natural resources, such as coal, natural gas or uranium, and turned into convenient forms for us, for example, in heat or light. In the world around us, we can find various forms of energy accumulation, but the most important for humans is the energy that is given solar radiating solar energy.

Solar energy Refers to the renewable sources of energy, that is, restored without human participation, naturally. This is one of the environmentally friendly energy sources that does not pollute the environment. Opportunities Solar energy Virtually unlimited and scientists around the world work on the development of systems that expand the possibilities of using solar energy.

One square meter of the Sun radiates 62,900 kW of energy. This approximately corresponds to the capacity of 1 million electrical lamps. Impressive such a figure - the sun gives the earth every second 8,000 billion kW, i.e, several times more than all the power plants in the world. Before modern science is the task - to learn the most fully and efficiently use the energy of the sun as the most secure. Scientists believe that ubiquitous use solar energy - This is the future of humanity.

The world stocks of open coal and gas deposits, with such a pace of their use, as today, must be exhausted in the next 100 years. It is estimated that in yet the explored deposits of stocks of combustible fossils would have enough for 2-3 centuries. But at the same time, our descendants would be devoid of these energy carriers, and their combustion products would cause enormous damage to the environment.

Huge potential has atomic energy. However, the Chernobyl accident in April 1986 showed what major consequences may entail the use of nuclear energy. The public of the whole world recognized that the use of atomic energy for peaceful purposes is economically justified, but the strictest security measures should be observed during its use.

Consequently, the most pure, safe energy source - the sun!

Solar energy It can be transformed into useful energy through the use of active and passive solar energy systems.

Passive systems for using solar energy.

The most primitive method of passive use solar energy - It is painted in a dark color water tank. Dark color, accumulating sunny energy, turns it into thermal - water heats up.

However, there are more progressive methods of passive use. solar energy. Construction technologies have been developed that, when designing buildings, accounting for climatic conditions, the selection of building materials is as used as much as possible. Sunny energy For heating or cooling, lighting buildings. With this design, the construction of the building is a collector accumulating Sunny energy.

So, in 100g N.E. Pole, the junior built a small house in the north of Italy. In one of the rooms, the windows are made of mica. It turned out that this room is warmer than others and its heating was required less than firewood. In this case, the mica was like an insulator delaying heat.

Modern building structures take into account the geographical position of buildings. Thus, a large number of windows overlooking the south side, provide in the northern regions, so that more solar light and heat came, and limit the number of windows from the East and Western side to limit the flow of sunlight in the summer. In such buildings, the orientation of windows and location, thermal load and thermal insulation is a single design system in design.

Such buildings are environmentally friendly, energetically independent and comfortable. There is a lot of natural light in the premises, the connection with nature is more fully felt, and electricity is essential. Heat in such buildings is preserved due to selected heat-insulating materials of walls, ceilings, floors. Such first "solar" buildings have gained immense popularity in America after World War II. Subsequently, due to lower oil prices, interest in the design of such buildings several UGAS. However, now, in connection with the global environmental crisis, there has been an increase in attention to environmental projects with renewable energy systems increased again.

Active systems for using solar energy

At the heart of active use systems solar energy Solar collectors are used. Collector, absorbing sunny energy, converts it to heat, which through the coolant heats the building, heats the water, can convert it to electrical energy, etc. Solar collectors can be applied in all processes in industry, agriculture, domestic needs, where heat is used.

Types of collectors

Air solar collector

This is the simplest type of solar collectors. Its design is extremely simple and reminds the effect of a conventional greenhouse, which is on any summer cottage. Spend a small experiment. On a winter sunny day, put any item on the windowsill so that the sun rays fall on it and after some time put the palm on it. You will feel that this item has become warm. And outside the window can be - 20! So in this principle, the work of the solar air collector is founded.

The main element of the collector is a thermally insulated plate made from any material that carries out well. The plate is painted in a dark color. The sun rays pass through the transparent surface, heat the plate, and then the air flow heat into the room. Air passes due to the natural convention or using a fan, which improves heat transfer.

However, the lack of work of this system is that additional costs for the fan work are required. These collectors work through the light day, so they cannot replace the main source of heating. However, if you build a collector to the main source of heating or ventilation, its efficiency incommensurately increases. Solar air collectors can also be used for desalination of seawater, which reduces its cost of up to 40 euro suttings per cubic meters.

Solar collectors can be flat and vacuum.

Flat solar collector

The collector consists of an element absorbing solar energy, coatings (glass with a reduced metal content), a pipeline and a thermally insulating layer. Transparent coating protects the housing from adverse climatic conditions. Inside the case, the solar power supply panel (absorber) is connected to the coolant, which circulates through the pipes. The pipeline can be both in the form of a lattice and in the form of serpentine. The coolant moves along it from the entrance to the outlet nozzles, gradually heating. The panel of the absorber is made of metal well conductive heat (aluminum, copper).

The collector catches heat, turning it into thermal energy. Such collectors can be built into the roof or position on the roof of the building, and you can arrange them separately. This will give the design of the plot modern view.

Vacuum solar collector

Vacuum collectors can be used all year round. The main element of collectors are vacuum tubes. Each of them consists of two glass pipes. Pipes are made from borosilicate glass, and the inner coated with a special coating, which provides heat absorption with minimal reflection. From the space between the tubes, the air is soldered. To maintain vacuum, a barium gas supplied is used. In good condition, the vacuum tube has a silver color. If it looks white, this means that the vacuum disappeared and the tube must be replaced.

A vacuum collector consists of a complex of vacuum tubes (10-30) and carries out heat transfer to a storage tank through non-freezing liquid (coolant). CPD vacuum collectors high:

- with cloud weather, because Vacuum tubes can absorb the energy of infrared rays that pass through the clouds

- Can work at minus temperatures.

Solar panels.

Solar battery is a set of modules that perceive and transform solar energy, including thermal. But this term has traditionally been fixed behind phytoelectric converters. Therefore, saying the "solar battery" imply a phytoelectric device that converts solar energy into electrical.

Solar panels are able to generate electrical energy to constantly or accumulate it for further use. For the first time, photoelectric batteries were applied to space satellites.

The dignity of solar cells is the maximum simplicity of the design, simple installation, minimum repair requirements, a long service life. Installation does not require additional space. The only condition is not to shade them through a long time and remove dust from the working surface. Modern solar panels are able to maintain performance during decades! It is difficult to find the system as safe, efficient and with such a long validity period! They produce energy throughout the entire day, even in cloudy weather.

Solar panels have their drawbacks:

- Sensitivity to pollution. (If you position the battery at an angle of 45 degrees, it will be cleaned with rains or snow, thereby not need additional maintenance)

- High temperature sensitivity. (Yes, when heated to 100 - 125 degrees, the solar battery may even disconnect and the cooling system may be required. The ventilation system will cost a small share of the energy generated battery. In modern solar panel structures, a hot air outflow system is provided.)

- high price. (Taking into account the long service life of solar panels, it will not only pay off the cost of its acquisition, but also save funds in the consumption of electricity, will save tons of traditional fuels when environmentally safe)

The use of solar energy systems in construction.

In modern architecture, they are increasingly planning to build houses with built-in rechargeable sources of solar energy. Solar panels are installed on roofs of buildings or on special supports. These buildings use a quiet, reliable and safe energy source - the sun. Solar energy is used for lighting, air heating, air cooling, ventilation, electricity production.

We present several innovative architectural projects using solar systems.

The facade of this building is designed from glass, iron, aluminum with built-in solar energy accumulators. Energy produced is enough to not only provide residents at home with autonomous hot water supply and electricity, but also to light up the street 2.5 km during the year.

This house designed a group of American students. The project was submitted to the contest "Design, construction of houses and operation of solar panels". Competition Conditions: Submit an architectural project of a residential building in its economic efficiency, energy saving and attractiveness. The authors of the project have proven that their project is accessible, attractive to the consumer combines excellent design and maximum efficiency. (Translation from

Use of solar energy systems in the world.

Use systems solar energy Perfected and environmentally safe. Worldwide on them is a huge demand. Around the world, people begin refuse to use traditional fuels due to rising prices for gas and oil. So, in Germany in 2004. 47% of houses had solar collectors for water heating.

In many countries of the world, government programs for the development of use have been developed solar energy. In Germany, this is the program "100,000 solar roofs", in the USA a similar program "Million solar roofs". In 1996 Architects of Germany, Austria, Great Britain, Greece, and other countries have developed a European charter about solar energy in construction and architecture. China leads in Asia, where, on the basis of modern technologies, systems of solar collectors are being introduced into the construction of buildings and use solar energy in industry.

The fact that speaks of many ways is: one of the conditions for joining the European Union is the increase in the share of alternative sources in the country's power system. In 2000 The world has worked 60 million square meters of solar collectors, by 2010 up to 300 million square meters of km.

Experts celebrate the market of systems solar energy On the territory of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus only formed. Solar systems have never been made on a large scale, because raw material resources were so cheap that expensive equipment heliosystems were not in demand ... Release of collectors, in Russia, for example, almost completely discontinued.

Due to the rise in price of traditional energy, there was a revival of interest with the use of solar systems. In a number of regions of these countries experiencing a shortage of energy resources, local programs on the use of heliosystems are accepted, but solar systems are practically familiar with the wide consumer market.

The main reason for the slow development of the market for the sale and use of solar systems is, firstly, their high initial cost, secondly, the lack of information on the possibilities of solar systems, advanced technologies of their use, about developers and manufacturers of heliosystems. All this can not enable how to correctly evaluate the effectiveness of the use of systems operating on solar energy.

It should be borne in mind that the solar collector is not final products. For the final products - heat, electricity, hot water - it is necessary to pass the way from the design, installation before the start of heliosystems. A small existing experience of using solar collectors shows that this work is not more difficult to install traditional heating, but economic efficiency is much higher.

In Belarus, Russia, in Ukraine there are many firms engaged in the design and installation of heating equipment, but today traditional energy carriers have priority. Development of economic processes, world experience in using systems solar energy Shows that the future behind alternative energy sources. For the near future, it can be noted that Heliosystems are a new, practically not busy position of our market.

The principle of transformation of solar energy, its application and perspective

In the world, less and less traditional energy sources. Reserves of oil, gas, coal are depleted and everything goes to the fact that sooner or later they will end. If by this time not to find alternative sources of energy, then humanity is waiting for a catastrophe. Therefore, in all developed countries, research is underway to open and develop new sources of energy. First of all, this is solar energy. Since ancient times, this energy has been used by people for housing lighting, drying products, clothing, etc. Solar energy today is one of the most promising sources of alternative energy. Currently, there are already quite a lot of designs, allowing to transform the energy of the Sun into electrical or thermal. The industry is gradually growing and developing, but, like everywhere, there are problems. All this we will be discussed in this material.

The energy of the Sun is one of the most affordable renewable sources on Earth. The use of solar energy in the national economy has a positive effect on the environment, since it does not require drilling wells or to develop mines. In addition, this type of energy is free and worth nothing. Naturally, the cost of buying and installing equipment is required.

The problem is that the sun is an intermittent source of energy. So that energy accumulation is required and using it in a bundle with other energy sources. The main problem today lies in the fact that modern equipment has a low efficiency of the energy conversion into electrical and thermal. Therefore, all the developments are aimed at increasing the efficiency of such systems and reduce their cost.

By the way, there are a lot of resources on the planet are derived from solar energy. For example, the wind, which is another renewable sources, would not blow without the sun. Evaporation of water and its accumulation in rivers also occurs under the action of the sun. And water, as you know, is used by hydropower. Biofuels would not be without the sun. Therefore, in addition to a direct source of energy, the sun affects other energy spheres.

The sun sends radiation to the surface of our planet. From the wide spectrum of radiation of the surface of the earth, 3 types of waves are reached:

  • Light. In the emission spectrum of them approximately 49 percent;
  • Infrared. Their share is also 49 percent. Thanks to these waves, our planet is heated;
  • Ultraviolet. In the spectrum of solar radiation, they are about 2 percent. They are invisible for our eye.

Excursion in history

How did solar energy develop to this day? On the use of the Sun in their activities, a person thought from ancient times. Everyone is known to the legend, according to which Archimedes burned the Fleet of the enemy from his city of Syracuse. He used incendiary mirrors for this. Several thousand years ago in the Middle East, the Palaces of the rulers were heated with water, which was heated by the Sun. In some countries, we evaporate seawater in the sun. Scientists often conducted experiments with heating devices running from solar energy.

The first models of such heaters were issued in the XVIIIXVII centuries. In particular, the researcher N. Sosorur presented his version of the water heater. It is a tree box covered with a glass lid. Water in this device was heated to 88 degrees Celsius. In 1774, A. Lavoisier used lenses for the heat concentration from the Sun. And also appeared lenses that allow locally melted cast iron in a few seconds.

Batteries that transform the energy of the Sun into mechanical, created French scientists. At the end of the XIX century, Researcher O. Musho developed an insolation focusing rays using a lenses on a steam boiler. This boiler was used to work the printed machine. In the United States, at that time it was possible to create an aggregate operating from the Sun, with a capacity of 15 "horses".

For a long time, insoators were produced according to the scheme using the energy of the Sun to convert water to par. And the transformed energy was used to make any work. The first device transforming solar energy into electric was created in 1953 in the United States. It became the prototype of modern solar panels. The photovoltaic effect on which their work is based was discovered in the 70s of the XIX century.

In the thirties of the last century, Academician of the USSR A. F. Ioffe proposed to use semiconductor photocells to convert the energy of the Sun. The efficiency of batteries at the time was less than 1%. Many years passed before photo-elements have been developed, having an efficiency at 10─15 percent. Then the Americans built solar batteries of modern type.

To obtain greater power of solar systems, low efficiency is compensated by an increased photocell area. But this is not a way out, since silicon semiconductors in the photocells are quite expensive. With an increase in the efficiency, the cost of materials increases. This is the main obstacle to the mass use of solar panels. But as resources exhausted, their use will be increasingly profitable. In addition, studies to increase the efficiency of photo cells are not stopped.

It is worth saying that batteries based on semiconductors are rather durable and do not qualify for care for them. Therefore, they are most often used in everyday life. There are also solar power plants. As a rule, they are created in countries with a large number of sunny days a year. This is Israel, Saudi Arabia, South USA, India, Spain. Now there are completely fantastic projects. For example, solar power plants outside the atmosphere. There, sunlight has not lost energy yet. That is, radiation is invited to capture in orbit and then translate into microwaves. Then the energy will be sent to the ground.

Transformation of solar energy

First of all, it is worth saying that we can express and evaluate solar energy.

How can you estimate the value of solar energy?

Experts are used to evaluate such a magnitude as the solar constant. It is equal to 1367 watts. It is so much the sun's energy falls on a square meter of the planet. The atmosphere is lost by about a quarter. The maximum value at the equator is 1020 watts per square meter. Taking into account the day and night, changes in the angle of falling rays, this amount should be reduced three more times.

The versions about the sources of solar energy spoke very different. At the moment, experts argue that energy is released as a result of the conversion of four H2 atoms in the HE kernel. The process proceeds with the allocation of a significant amount of energy. For comparison, imagine that the energy of the conversion of 1 gram H2 is comparable to the one that is excreted when incinerating 15 tons of hydrocarbons.

Methods of transformation

Since science today does not have devices working on the energy of the Sun in its pure form, it is required to be converted to another type. For this, devices such as solar panels and collector have been created. Batteries convert solar energy into electric. And the collector produces thermal energy. There are also models that combine these two types. They are called hybrid.

The main ways to transform the energy of the Sun are below:
  • photoelectric;
  • heliotermal;
  • thermal-friendly;
  • solar aeright power plants.

The first way is the most common. Here are used photovoltaic panels, which under the influence of the Sun produce electrical energy. In most cases, they are made of silicon. The thickness of such panels is the tenths of the millimeter. Such panels are combined into photoelectric modules (batteries) and installed in the sun. Most often they are put on the roofs of houses. In principle, nothing prevents accommodating them on Earth. It is necessary only that there are no major items, other buildings and trees that can discard the shadow around them.

In addition to photocells, thin-film or electrical energy is used to produce electrical energy. Their advantage is a small thickness, and a disadvantage - reduced efficiency. Such models are often used in portable charging for various gadgets.

The thermo-friendly transformation method involves obtaining air flow energy. This stream is sent to the turbogenerator. In aeright power plants under the action of solar energy in the aeright cylinder, water vapor is generated. The surface of the aerostat is covered with a special coating absorbing the sun's rays. Such power plants are capable of working in cloudy weather and in the dark time due to the steam in the balloon.

Heliotremal energy is based on heating the surface of the energy carrier in a special collector. For example, it can be water heating for the home heating system. Not only water can be used as a coolant, but also air. It can be heated in the collector and fed into the ventilation system at home.

All these systems are quite expensive, but their development and improvement gradually continues.

Advantages and disadvantages of solar energy


  • Is free. One of the main advantages of the energy of the Sun is the lack of fees for it. Solar panels are made using silicon whose reserves are quite a lot;
  • No side effect. The process of energy conversion occurs without noise, harmful emissions and waste, environmental impact. This can not be said about thermal, hydro and nuclear power. All traditional sources in one way or another damage the OS;
  • Security and reliability. Equipment durable (serves to 30 years). After 20-25 years of use, photocells give up to 80 percent of their denominations;
  • Recycling. Solar panels are completely recycled and can be used in production again;
  • Easy service. The equipment is quite simply unfolding and works offline;
  • Well adapted for use in private homes;
  • Aesthetics. Can be installed on the roof or facade of the building not to the detriment of appearance;
  • Well integrated as auxiliary energy supply systems.