How to be the best girlfriend for a guy. How to be the best guy - wikihow

8 327 0 Hello, dear readers of our site. Today we will talk about how to become an ideal girl and wife, as well as about what the perfect girl should be, her character, appearance and other important points. To strive for the ideal is always good, the main thing is that this does not contradict your natural essence.

"All men are the same!". How often girls speak this phrase against a strong floor. But they forget that men also have a language and can also say to their address: "All women are the same!". And such words cling to living. After all, not a single girl or woman wants to equate it to everyone. In the shower, every woman believes that it is unique and unique. And how much such a girl will give it a man who emphasizes it, notes and appreciates ... Wuhuh!

For each man, a woman's ideal ideal. Everything is some "skeleton" in which men try to choose that very, perfect woman.

For some men, it is important that their perfect woman was economic (like mom), sociable (so that friends appreciate), while others are looking for an enterprising and businesswoman (in order to provide themselves), passionate and plastic (in order to satisfy the main instincts of a man).

Since the article is the most perfect girl and wife? About this next.

Why should you be perfect?

It is clear that to become an ideal girl for the guy - the task is not from the lungs. But as the Russian proverb says: "Love to ride, love and sosochos to carry." It means - if you want to enjoy life, you need to continue to work! This also applies to relationships! When a girl wants to have a beautiful, intelligent, sports, caring and loving young man, she needs to fit himself.

Such guys on the road are not lying and they want to be next to them there was a decent partner, and not just a girl whose brain will pause endless fantasies and illusions.

If the girl never sought anything herself in life, did not develop comprehensively, then she will definitely find the same man.

If the main goal of the girl is to get married as soon as possible and it doesn't matter for whom, then naturally, there is no big mind here and do not try much. She married, faced with the difficulties of family life, she will perplex why everything happens. And soon the couple will come to the conclusion that they are completely different identities and want differently from life.

Output: The specified high bar requires great effort and patience !!! Remember the wives of the generals were married to the lieutenants.

Even the most pretty girls are sometimes worried about the lack of male attention, or this attention is, but it does not come from from whom I would like. What young people attract in the girls, and what pushes? How to attract and keep the attention of the guy like?

No guy will not, first of all, look at the rich inner world of the girl. To begin with, she should interest him outwardly. As they say, they are met by clothes, and men love their eyes. It is clear that every product is your merchant. And not following the young lady, too, is sometimes lucky - there is such a merchant. But, mostly, men prefer sludge - more exquisite persons.

In the modern world, the vector of professional success is slightly shifted. A modern business woman should not only be smart and responsible, but also looks according to his position. Of the two identical candidates for the position will certainly choose the one that is more well-groomed, carefully dressed, because it means that it is more checked and any little thing is important for it. The staff is also the face of the company and the leader. That is why the secretaries at the directors are always "with a needle."

Regarding male preferences regarding the appearance of a woman, a lot of polls were conducted. Men expressed the most unusual preferences. In general, they can be combined into some generalized group of how the perfect girl should look like:

1. Well-groomed appearance

The perfect girl should first follow himself. The way a girl is dressed, what her hairstyle says a lot about it itself. She can still not say words, but the guy either appears interest to her or instantly disappears. An important role in the work of the impression is played:

  • Clean, washed, beautifully laid hair . Locked in the tail of curls or hair with a fatty glitter will not add a chance to anyone. It is worth trying to conduct experiments with different hairstyles. If not enough fantasy, then on the Internet you can find a huge number of proposals, like, quickly and with the help of healthy means, make a beautiful, interesting and unusual hairstyle (and not only loose hair, collected tail and two pigtails). But even loose hair can be laid beautiful and elegant. .
  • Beautiful manicure, well-kept pens and legs . Not everyone has the opportunity to walk on expensive beauty salons and change the color of nails 2-3 times a week. But you can always find 5 minutes of free time and cut your nails. Another 5 minutes to remove the cracked varnish with acetone. And 10 minutes to apply a new varnish. 1 time a week to trim the excess cuticle with marigolds. 1 time in two weeks to make a pedicure (sick the heel on the legs with a headset, make up your nails on the legs and lubricate the legs with a moisturizing cream). A small procedure will give ease and self-confidence.
  • Nice smell . Exquisite fragrance of perfumized water shams a man. The oral hygiene is of great importance. It is important to monitor the purity of the teeth, the language to make not only sounds, but also a pleasant smell. The use of deodorants will strengthen the beauty effect of the girl, and the smell of gentle, feminine spirits will attract fans like bees on honey. However, if you apply these cosmetics, but not to take a shower - there will be no use. No perfume and antiperspirants will disrupt the smell of sweat for a long time in the body.
  • Skillful use of cosmetics . All bright combat coloring will push the guy, and a modest makeup will give femininity and show the chastity and the inner beauty of the girl.
  • Beautiful and clean face . If there are problems in this regard, it will not be superfluous to visit the cosmetologist, make masks for the face, as well as cleaning and peeling. Expensive, but effective! The result is worth it. If there are small problems with a person - jumped a couple of malicious acne - neatly and uneasy to nourish them with a tonal cream. But do not forget to moisturize the face. Many useful face care recipes can be found in our section "".
  • Removal of unnecessary vegetation on the body . Feet, hands, armpits, eyebrows, mustache, white belly line, bikini zone - this is what many girls need to adjust in themselves. An ideal girl will choose the way that is convenient and is available for it and will use them regularly, not allowing thickets in these places. All you need to know about.
  • Good body . Someone from nature got a beautiful, sports figure. But it is rare! An ideal girl will give a paramount importance to this item, doing sports exercises at home or in a fitness club. Thanks to such regular efforts, its body will be touched and attractive! .

Output: Want to be perfect - do not be lazy! An ideal girl is important to follow yourself, then men will follow the girl !!!

Clean and relevant on the occasion of clothing +1 in your favor.

No matter how much money you have. Today there are many stores where you can choose yourself universal images on any occasion. Recall you 2 simple secrets, about which for some reason many girls forget.

  1. "Small black dress" It should be in the wardrobe of any self-respecting girl. When choosing this dress, try to be universal: for business meetings and dinners, important events and even for dates. You must most comfortably feel in it. No wonder this outfit remains in fashion for several decades.
  2. White top black bottom - So far the most winning option in clothes, which is out of time, out of culture. He is absolutely versatile! Combine blouses, jackets with skirts and trousers and you will always be in trend.

Better a little - but beautiful and stylish; Modestly, but tasteful! It is easy to chase at the latest new fashion, but also not to remove the old-fashioned thing.

And a few more rules:

  • Watch out for cleanliness. Wash it on time and be more accurate.
  • Mental outfit. It is not necessary to strive to show all your charms, you need to be able to create a mysterious image and intrigue to the man so that it becomes interesting to know you closer. Showing everything and immediately a man, he is unlikely to be interested in you, and if so, then only for fleeting merits. Too frank clothes will show that the girl desperately demands to pay attention and surrender to the first oncoming. Such behavior will not cause respect from the guy. In addition, dirty, unlightened clothes will show that the girl is perfect ... dirty and sludge!
  • Moderation in details. An ideal girl for a man is the one that can pick up jewelry, accessories and clothes in tone, style and color. At the same time, it will not be overwhelmed with the number of others on itself, but will not like the significance of these trifles in creating its unique image.

3. Ideal

Character is what the couples are going on, this is what is not like. Similar to the nature of the pair live in a more harmonious relationship.

Naturally, the girl should not be able to obey his man in everywhere. Undoubtedly, men appreciate peace, obedience. But the "silent" girl of some men can alert and even push off. When the girl does not have his own voice, her opinion she is similar to a pet. Men appreciate when a girl knows how respectfully, unobtrusively explain, while not a humiliating male opinion and not imposing his own.

"Basaar women" attract only the same "bazaar" maleans.

Permanent disputes, eternal clarification of relationships, full control, jealousy and distrust - this is what is not painting the perfect girl!

Very sympathizes to men when the young lady is welcoming, soft, tender, loves animals, children, show respect for parents and people of older. The same features will be appreciated by the parents of the chosen you will have to tie fate (if you are tuned to serious, long-term relationships).

Even when something bad happens around, the girl should be able to keep himself in his hands and beautifully go out of situations.

Let's summarize the results.

What should be the perfect girl

1 The perfect girl does not break down in trifles, does not hold, he does not focus, knows how to control his emotions, does not gossip about other people in the presence of a guy.
2 An ideal girl will never disagree his boyfriend in humans. She will never make him comments with his friends or parent. All you need, she will tell him alone.
3 The perfect girl should be educated, raised lady. It complies with the rules of etiquette, knows how to properly express his thoughts in words, and not "back" and "gambling", not knowing how to tie two words into a self-partition offer.
4 The perfect girl is a good mistress or at least the desire for such.
5 The perfect girl knows how to prepare something delicious and edible.
6 In the house of her order. And this order is not lies in the fact that in front of someone's arrival, all things are actively transferred to the closet and under the sofa, and then come back, no matter how it happens. An ideal girl understands the importance of cleanliness and tidy of his home or apartment!
7 The perfect girl should be independent and self-respecting himself. She must confidently stand on her legs.
8 Good taste in clothes, one more quality of the perfect girl.
9 The perfect girl always monitors his appearance: thrown off the roots to scratch, the old gel varnish is to take off, tighten the sides on the simulator, a raid on the teeth will eliminate the dentist.
10 An ideal girl is also a wise woman. A man next to such a woman will never feel that he is infringed in rights.
11 The perfect girl is a faithful girl. There are a number.
12 The perfect girl has no bad habits. She does not smoke and knows the measure in alcohol.
13 The perfect girl knows the price of his time and never spends it invested.
14 The perfect girl knows how to create beauties around him and notices only good in others.
15 The perfect girl always thinks positively. She will always find the right words in a difficult situation.

For girls, the main thing is that they love them, and men are more important that the girl respected them. Respect is manifested in the manner of behavior, communication, the ability to reckon with the opinion of a man, praise and respect him.

4. An ideal girl knows how to build perfect relationship

Relationship between a man and a woman is a hard work. They cannot be built overnight, but they can collapse into one moment. Therefore, do not forget about ordinary rules of behavior, and it does not matter how much time your relationship is already.

What qualities spoil the relationship?

3 The most frequent causes of disputes and parting in pairs.

Further Offense Ignorance and flirting
Men feel when they lack them out and hide some details. Therefore, that would serious and terrible happen - do not hide it from your boyfriend. Honestly told him about everything - you can conquer his trust and respect for yourself in the future.

You should also not follow his life by checking the phone, contacts, messages, email, social networks. He is not your property and has the right to an emergency life.

We are all imperfect. The guy can also be mistaken, break, forget important dates. If a girl is constantly sawing his soul mate, it will soon be bored with him, and he will begin to think that he and without a girl will live well in the world. And such relationships only infringe upon his freedom and the right to vote. It is necessary to be able to forgive men of their little weaknesses, and they will be forgiving and not paying attention to women's whims and disadvantages.When a girl does not use pleasant tender words in his speech, it is very annoying. The perfect girl will not imitate the conversational style of men. She is woman! And this is manifested in its soft voice, good manners, the words "sorry", "please", "Thank you."

But you need to know the face of the permitted and not allow such tenderness to surround into flirts with the opposite sex. Otherwise, the intelligence and tactful girl for the guy will turn into a disadvantage.

What qualities should be formed in yourself to become an ideal girl

The qualities of the perfect woman

1 Devotion and loyalty.It is important for your actions to show that no one else will occupy a single place. He is the most expensive and significant person in life. And since loyalty, in our time, quite rare quality, it is definitely a man will appreciate. Let it be a truthful proverb: "In life, as in chess. Lost the Queen, it means that they are satisfied with pawns. "
2 Respect for a man, his family and friends.For a guy, the circle of his communication is very important. If the lady starts to be capricious, grumble and resent about his surroundings, then troubles and breaking of relationships, in many cases, not to power.
3 The ability to listen and not interrupt.Men are rarely divided by their feelings and experiences. But if such a rare moment has come - the perfect girl will not miss the opportunity to listen to him, understand the feelings of her beloved and, if necessary, help, support, attach, hug.
4 A positive attitude is very important.After all, in life, so there is enough problems and acids. If the beloved woman is also sad and whin of their difficulties, then it should be silent. Smile Beautiful tool look happy and beautiful.
5 Praise is painted.And the ability to laugh on themselves and its shortcomings will cause a positive reaction from a partner and respect for the girl's person.
6 Self-development.This is the development of not only mind, but also the body.

It is enough to pay enough time to self-induce, increase the degree of your formation, follow the appearance and telecommunication.

7* And a bit moreā€¦It is important to develop decent quality: humility, politeness, softness, responsiveness, kindness, naturalness, punctuality, self-confidence and self-esteem.

Considering all of the above: do not stop until the reason is to be proud of yourself !!! Then it is easy to become a favorite, desired and perfect girl for a man.

Dreams Come True! The perfect girl married a man's dreams. How to get a new title: "perfect wife"? Yes, everything is simple, do not forget who you were before marriage.

Coming out married, many women cease to care for themselves, they are lynching to play sports, allow themselves to shout and grumble on her husband, refer to strong fatigue, forget about the fact that the man needs to feed, respect, listen and go to bed.

And for men, such changes are stress and a big blow. After all, they married sophisticated beauties, on perfect women. And what's the result? The ideal turned into the most ordinary one. Sadness sad !!!

What to do, so that family bonds do not turn into a routine? In principle, all the same as before the wedding. Only now twice as much effort and dedication. Why?

Because before marriage, on dates, everyone tried to show themselves from the best side. Encouraging, a completely different life begins. Spouses see each other and day and night. They are constantly together. And now the most complete bouquet of flaws and weaknesses is revealed, in all its glory.

And at this time, more than ever, you just need to work on yourself and the improvement of your personality and your relationship.

An ideal wife for a man is a woman who:

When the woman get married, they say about it: "She is married," and the man is "married." But sometimes the role in the family is changing and the man becomes " per married "and wife" husband ", Without the prefix" for "? If this happened, this is a serious reason to think about your relationship !!!

The woman was created by God from the fins of the man, and not from the head, so as not to rise over him. Not out of the legs so that her husband humiliate and not in anything. And at hand, so that she felt protected and next to the heart, so that she was beloved and desirable.

Being perfect is not easy, but perhaps and need!

Video about perfect woman's eyes men

What should be the perfect woman / girl? How to become a welcome woman? How to like men?


Relationships are not just a beautiful life together and certainly not permanent gifts, romantic dates and recognition in love. Relationships are built, above all, on mutual work on each other's characters, over mutual respect and understanding. The girl should take in this work hardly no more active participation than a man. After all, a woman from nature wise and endowed with patience, knows how to understand human nature and show good and tenderness. So why not use your best features to become perfect for!

Ideal is good both externally and internally. Yes, men love to see a woman who is well-groomed next to them, but at the same time its character is important for them. He will be able to file himself well, watch your body, face and clothing, but do not think that guys should notice every detail that rushes into your eyes. He is unlikely to understand, you lost weight or got, if you changed the hairstyle. And you do not need to dramatically concentrate his attention, to torment questions about how you look and all the more reproach that he did not notice something. The guy notices not the details, but your image is entirely.

Inside, the girl should be calm, confident and self-sufficient. This means that she should strive to be not an addition to his boyfriend, without which she is alone and unhappy, but a full-fledged person. Do not torment your favorite regular requirement to be only with you - he has his own interests, care, things. Do not call him every hour checking where he and how he is doing. And do not jealous to each meeting on the street. Self-sufficient and confident woman understands that relations are not consistent with constant control and desire to have a man completely. Young people see and feel confidential attitude towards them, and will be grateful for it.

Just as the girl believes in his own strength, she believes in his chosen one. Respect for another person, his desires, interests, a circle of communication is one of the wonderful signs of excellent relations. Well, if you love hobbies and interests of your partner, but it turns out not always. Then at least treat them respectfully, not counting nonsense and empty spending time, because this part of life is important for a young man.

But what is wrong in the relationship: do not try to radically change your man. And certainly do not do it with the help of constant scandals, reproaches and reminders. This will not stand any guy. But this does not mean that you need to completely remove from the development of a career or the nature of a young man. You simply do not need to hope that nature laid on nature can be dramatically changed. From the introvert will not be able to make sociable parties. And the modest performer is unlikely to become a good chief. But inspiration and at all times gave men forces, so refuse to disputes and take faith in your man, female patience and charm in order to help him and be support for him.

Watch the behavior and desires of your chosen one. Wake up what he loves and appreciates, as resting and what can I surprise him. Of course, you will not fulfill each desire of a partner and live only in order to fulfill his whim. But to understand the desires of your young man is the path to understanding his personality, and therefore, and a good relationship with him. In addition, as you try to change his habits into something, so he wants to change something in you. Therefore, mutual consent to the change will only benefit. Discuss together such questions, otherwise, then unspoken wishes can lead to a quarrel.

The dream of any representative of the beautiful floor is to become an ideal girl for a guy, parents, friends and for society as a whole. Women's positive from all sides attract public attention, because at the moment the image of Miss perfection is more popular. Often, girls are quite difficult to achieve the ideal and be them for others, as they are tritely not known where to start on the thorny path to achieving the goal. Also, most women do not even suspect their weaknesses. Therefore, psychologists have gathered the most common mistakes that ever to commit ever to representatives of the weak half of humanity. Knowing about them, you will have the opportunity to avoid typical "female" misses and become a real ideal.

Main aspects to achieve perfection

To be really an ideal girl, you need to pay attention to all parties of life, for example:

  • Appearance. Well-groomed and beauty makes a lady more confident in itself and liberated, so the achievement of all other goals becomes not so difficult;
  • Character. Work on it is primarily in the elimination of communication deficiencies. After communicating with society, much easier;
  • Relations with a loved one. Despite the age of female emancipation and independence, psychologists say that, without fulfilling communication with the opposite sex, the girl becomes more aggressive. This quality badly affects the reputation of any beautiful sex representative.

Let's consider in more detail each of the above aspects.

Appearance - "Basis" of an ideal girl

Be beautiful, it is, first of all, be. Following this thesis, it can be concluded that even the most ordinary girls can become attractive, it is enough to just follow simple rules for this:

  • Choose perfumes that match your inner state and characterize you as much as possible. It is proved that men choose a partner by smell, he also becomes a key point when memorizing a woman.

When using perfume, the main thing is not to rearrange. It is not worthwhile to pour the inconceivable amount of perfume every morning, it will only rebuild others.

  • Be care about skin condition. The skin reflects the state of human health. Acne, scars, peeling signals about health problems, so people are subconsciously choose to communicate individuals with smooth and matte skin.
  • Regularly get rid of the seeds of the tips. If you do not cut every two or three months, strands will acquire an unattractive look and will stop growing at all.
  • Create your own style. Do not be a copy of models from magazines. Look for things and accessories that emphasize your personality and go to you.

As you can see, eliminate flaws in appearance easily, but you need to work on the character.

An ideal girl not only shook outwardly, she also strives to be internally attractive man. Developing the following qualities, you will be one step closer to perfection:

  • Dedication. In life it is not difficult to achieve success, the main thing is to know exactly what you want. Miss Perfection Days are not aimless: each of them is the maximum for the maximum, which helps to achieve her desired. In addition, it does not retreat from their goals, whatever difficult to achieve them. This character trait and distinguishes it from other girls;
  • . You should not doubt that all the opportunized in the end turn out, because before assertiveness and tolerance, no one wall resisted! Also, do not burden yourself with complexes: they interfere with full-fledged communication.

Remember that a confident person will not all provoke this character quality by self-affirmation, humiliating and insulting others. Emit energy, and surrounding themselves will see the potential in you.

  • Non-conflict. The girls have long been considered not aggressive, in contrast to men - therefore, representatives of the strong half of humanity respected them. But now the situation has changed dramatically, and calm ladies are appreciated by the weight of gold.

How to become an ideal woman for him?

Statistics show that most men appreciate their chosen characteristics of character and skills:

  • The ability is not imposed. A man in nature is a hunter who needs to seek a woman, otherwise he will not appreciate it in the whole measure. Therefore, exclude frequent calls and messages: provide freedom to a partner;
  • Ease. After a difficult day, any representative of wonderful sex, I want to complete communication, without reproaches and complaints. Provide him this one - and you will be an ideal woman for him;
  • Fidelity. In no case, do not give a guy of the reason for jealousy, otherwise your relationship will end at the same moment when he learns about your correspondence with the incomprehensible type, or even worse, will see you kissing.

Now you hardly have questions about how to become an ideal girl in everything, because we have considered all the most important aspects of how to bring up perfection.

If the girl consists in a pair, then she should treat the feelings and preferences of a young man with all seriousness. To become an ideal girl, beloved and desirable, you do not need to have some outstanding data. It suffices to follow the basic recommendations that were developed by psychologists and help many women to keep male attention.

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The main thing, the features of the perfect image must manifest itself in everything: and externally, and in life.


The concept of "ideal" for each person's own. But there are both the general characteristics of the female ideal, and they should fit. For the guy, the beloved should be not just a normal girl, but a good and real companion.

Psychologists give a number of tips, following which, you can become the best, at least for your young man.

First you need to talk to a man, find out what he loves and appreciates. Then the parameters will be easier to match the parameters. If a young man is fond of football, then you can periodically ask him about the past matches, and sometimes even together attend games of your favorite team.

All this concerns and values. If the man likes caring and responsive girls (and often this is the case and the case), then you need to care for him: cook food, stroking things, unobtrusively helping the choice of clothing (for example, in accordance with the weather). You should not ignore his requests, but to react to them, try to keep it in everything.

If it turns out that the guy appreciates mostly appearance, then you will have to carefully carefully follow yourself, be able to dress up in fashion, use cosmetics, in any situation be stylish and beautiful. The effect will not wait long for a long time, and the guy will appreciate all the efforts spent.

According to the psychology of relations between a man and a woman, one of the main advantages of the perfect girl from the point of view of a young man - the ability to listen. Men can (and will) appear problems, difficulties, some trouble. This should not cover your eyes. It must be heard, cheer up. And the main thing is to help solve problems, be near under any circumstances.

How to become a favorite and desired


Not depending on the guy's attitude towards the appearance of girls, she is obliged to look good (we are not pumped up lips or expensive outfits, but about a pleasant and neat appearance). It is important to follow your form - from time to time to go to fitness hall (or just to engage in a favorite sport). This and the figure will save, and health will strengthen.

A distinctive feature of an ideal girl is a beautiful face. In care, it is impossible to miss the following features that are always noticeable:

  • eyebrows;
  • eyes;
  • leather.

The form of eyebrows can almost change the face. But it is not worth rushing to extreme. The tattoo and bright paints will only harm. In fashion will always be natural. Eyebrows should always have an ideal, beautiful and elegant form. They can be slightly tinted (mainly in moderation) with a special pencil.

Make eyes expressive will help emphasize eyelashes. But it is not necessary too often to resort to such procedures as increasing. It is important to help them maintain naturalness: lubricate with special oils, painted henna. Then eyelashes will be not only beautiful, but also healthy.

The perfect guy is such a guy whom the girl is literally amanship, who knows what she needs, and gives it. BUT how to be an ideal guyand how should it be? To become an ideal for a girl, you need to follow some requirements.

Ignore it from time to time

Do not impose yourself a girl, even on the contrary, sometimes you can somehow remove it from it, to show indifference. Just do not do it constantly, otherwise such a relationship to her will quickly turn it away from you.

Bribe it

To your girl consider you an ideal guy, bribe it, Come on the new clothes, which she has long wanted to buy. I don't need to be needed, but it is necessary to pamper your favorite new fur coat for the winter, if only she has five pieces in her wardrobe.

Speak compliments

Do not think that your compliments will be appreciated if they are talking once a month. It's nonsense - praise a woman speak her nice words as often as possible, For any reason, even if it is insignificant.

Listen to her

Perfect guy knows how to listen to a girl. He nods her, asks clarifying issues, it is approved twice from time to time, but not silent. Do not silent all the time, otherwise the girl may seem that you are twisted somewhere in the clouds. At least insert from time to time the phrase "Yeah", "very interesting", "of course", "I think so too" and others like them.

Don't tell her what to do

When you constantly tell a woman what to do, she feels disadvantaged, non-free. In addition, constant decrees annoy. Push it to one or another action so that she thought that the initiative showed exactly. Be sure: smart women do the same about men, so why don't you take this admission to weapons?


Did you randomly randomly her tea, whether her sandwich with oil and cheese bought it instead of his gingerbread, if two minutes were late - apologize. And do it as often as possible, with the slightest reason. You will look sincere - she will forgive you, and it will be better to treat you a little better after every apology.

Do not argue with her

Arguing with a woman is useless, and for the relationship is also harmful. Or you will not reflect it, or still reflect, but it will definitely frown. Best once again agree - Then they will, as they say, and wolves are full, and grandmother are intact.

Do not complain

Even if you have a problem at work, do not complain a girl - She is not interested. Leave your problems with yourself. Of course, if she is your spouse, and with your relationship with your family all okay, then you can still. Yes, and then it is not worth tying a conversation about problems; If you ask, then answer that, they say, there are a couple of problems, but it is not critical.