How to lose weight by the summer in a month for a teenager. How to lose weight for a teenager in a week - the right diet, tips and results

The living conditions of modern adolescents create all the conditions for children to gain excess weight. Today's children do not play football and other outdoor games in the yard, preferring to spend their free time on social networks, where they communicate with their peers. Parents should monitor their child's balanced diet and be aware that excess weight can cause diseases common for adolescents.

Diseases in adolescents

  • Of cardio-vascular system;
  • Disorders of the endocrine system;
  • Disease of the digestive system.

Perhaps a teenager, due to health problems, quickly gets tired, his concentration of attention decreases, so he is not attracted to sports, and he becomes a victim of computer addiction. The presence of all these signs cause excess weight gain.

What if a teenager starts gaining weight?

The teenager must be shown to a doctor who will prescribe a comprehensive examination of the child. If the examination does not reveal any pathological changes in the state of health, then the child should be explained about all the serious consequences of excess weight and persuade him to start a weight loss program.


If your child is not convinced by your arguments about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle, then the parents should work with the doctor to find such arguments and motivation for losing weight so that the teenager perceives them as a way to act.

Slimming a teenage boy at 14 years old

Nutritionists do not prescribe a strict diet for a teenager at this age, but they put forward several requirements that a teenager must comply with:

  • Strictly limit yourself to the use of sweets and carbonated sugary drinks.
  • Replenish glucose in the body only with natural products (honey, dried fruits)
  • Breakfast should consist of any porridge other than semolina.
  • Only steamed or boiled dishes are suitable for food. Fried and baked with a golden crust should be excluded from the teenager's menu.
  • Meals should be at least five times a day and in small portions.
  • When composing a menu for your child, you must take into account that the daily diet should consist of 20% proteins: dairy products, lean meat and fish. Eggs can be included in the menu no more than 2 pieces per week.
  • The menu should include as many vegetables and unsweetened fruits as possible.
  • Snacks in the form of chips and chocolate bars between meals are completely eliminated.

Nutritional features of a 14 year old girl

For the normal development of the growing body of a girl, 2500 calories are needed per day, while for boys this norm consists of 3000 calories. In girls, by the age of 14, the monthly cycle may already begin, so nutrition should be such that the body receives all the necessary nutrients, including vitamins and trace elements.

Sample day menu for a teenage girl

  • Breakfast - carbohydrate food only;
  • Lunch consists of protein foods;
  • Dinner is a low calorie meal.

Fats, which are a necessary component for the growing body of a girl, should be present in the daily diet up to 20%.

What should be avoided from the diet

When joining the fight for weight loss, parents should, together with their child, exclude from the diet all bakery products made from premium flour. Include bran bread instead. Explain to your child that fast food is not the kind of food that promotes weight loss. All dairy products are selected with the lowest fat content.

The teenage nervous system is very vulnerable, especially at the age of 14. You need to pay more attention to your child, talk to him and see all his changes, both outside and inside. You should not allow your teen to eat a lot of sweet starchy foods, and, especially, overuse fast foods. Teens should eat lightly and exercise. More vitamins and then the teenager will not feel discomfort and extra pounds.

How to lose weight for a teenager

Not only adults are overweight, but so are children. In adolescence, as in anyone else, obesity is a dangerous problem that can contribute to serious diseases such as type 2 diabetes. Fortunately, there are many ways to lose weight for a 13-year-old child without constantly counting calories and hours of training in the gym. You can quickly lose weight by changing your bad habits into several new ones that are beneficial.

So, understanding how to lose weight for a 13-year-old child begins with determining the reasons why the process of accumulating excess weight occurs. Puzzled by the question of how to lose weight to a 13-year-old teenager, in no case should you use diet pills, sit on low-calorie and low-carbohydrate diets or starve, since such methods of dealing with excess weight will only harm the health of a growing body.

Puzzled by the question of how to lose weight for a 13-year-old girl or a boy, the following helpful tips will help:

  • Exercise for an hour a day. Exercise for at least an hour a day will help you lose those extra pounds quickly. Any type of physical activity is suitable, such as dancing, jogging, swimming, cycling or walking, attending sports clubs, gymnastics, or ballet. In free time from study, it is useful to move as much as possible and spend time in the fresh air;
  • It is believed that team sports (football, basketball, volleyball, etc.) are the most effective types of physical activity, which are quickly put into proper shape. Being in a team, children, without realizing it, compete with each other, which stimulates and motivates them to train harder, develop speed and coordination;
  • Reduce serving size. Restaurants and school canteens often serve food in large portions, making it easy to overeat without even realizing it. In such cases, do not eat everything on the plate, leaving a quarter of the food you buy intact. It is better to bring ready-made lunches and food for snacks with you from home according to a pre-planned menu for the daily diet;
  • Breakfast should be served daily. A nutritious breakfast can increase your metabolism, which will eventually burn more calories throughout the day. High-fiber grains and whole grain baked goods, nuts, fruits and cereals are ideal. A heavy breakfast can satisfy hunger for a long time, saving you from overeating and eating unhealthy snacks between meals;
  • Do not get distracted while eating. Avoid talking on the phone, watching TV, texting, or playing video games while you are eating. This distracting activity will prevent you from picking up the signals from your brain about satiety. Eat slowly, chewing each bite 32 times, and savor the food so that you feel satisfied, even if there is less food on the plate than usual;
  • Weigh yourself often. On average, knowing how to lose weight at the age of 13 and applying this knowledge in practice, a teenager should lose no more than 1 kg per week so as not to harm his health. Weigh yourself several times a week, but not more often, to know how much weight is going away. In addition, knowing how many kilograms goes away in a month, you can determine the end date of the diet and the achievement of the goal;
  • Determine the amount of kilograms that you want to lose and make a detailed plan for achieving the required weight, describing not only the daily diet, but also the desired physical activity;
  • In order for weight loss at the age of 13 to be effective, you must drink plenty of water. Aim to drink at least 6-7 glasses of plain water every day. Drink water every time you feel hungry, sometimes its appearance is associated with a lack of water in the body;
  • Try to go to bed at the same time every day, even on weekends, with at least 8 hours of sleep per day.

How to lose weight in a 13-year-old teenager: daily diet menu

Puzzled by the question of how to lose weight for a 13-year-old girl or a boy, you need to know how to properly compose and what products the menu of the daily diet should consist of:

  • Breakfast should be the largest meal of the day. In order for weight loss at the age of 13 to be effective, you need to think in advance what kind of food will be satisfying, nutritious and healthy. If preference is given, for example, to pancakes with syrup and yogurt, then only yogurt will be useful in such a breakfast, since there are a lot of calories in pancakes and any sweet syrup. Try a healthier alternative to your chosen pancakes with syrup, such as whipped bananas and oranges in a sugar-free blender, and pancakes with low-fat cottage cheese pancakes. Any fruit, freshly squeezed juices, eggs, meat, green tea with mint, 50 g of dark chocolate, dairy products and cereals will be useful for breakfast;
  • It is best to take lunch with you from home, because this is the only way to know for sure what products it is made of. Vegetable, fish and meat soups, vegetable stews, baked or boiled lean meat and fish, fresh vegetable salads and seafood salads (without mayonnaise) will be useful for lunch;
  • Dinner should be light, and low-fat dairy products such as cottage cheese, kefir and yogurt are ideal for it. You can have dinner 3-4 hours before bedtime;
  • For snacks, in accordance with the knowledge of how to lose weight at 13, it is better to use fruits and nuts.

Baked goods, sodas and sweets can be eaten once a week within reasonable limits, otherwise the entire weekly result can be negated.

Knowing how to lose weight at the age of 13 is worth thinking about self-promotion. Every time you achieve a new result, for example, losing 1 kg per week, buy yourself something or celebrate this event by going to the cinema, bowling or going to the skating rink with friends.
It is also important for the teenager to be supported by both family and friends. Many nutritionists say that it is much easier for a child to diet and control appetite if his family members go on a diet with him and eat similar foods. At this age, it is quite difficult to resist temptations, and if relatives eat prohibited foods in front of a losing weight child, this is unlikely to serve as a good incentive to continue dieting. Support from relatives will come in handy more than ever, joint sports, weekend trips to nature, as well as any other active family vacation will be useful. In addition to relatives, it is important for the child to be supported by friends who can also help to actively spend their free time from school.

Another important point for a teenager in curbing appetite, besides knowing how to lose weight at 13, oddly enough, is the lack of boredom. It has been proven that it is the ignorance of how fun and interesting to spend leisure time pushes children to overeat. Any hobby or creative activity such as drawing, playing musical instruments, origami, sculpting, etc. can help fight boredom.

4.2 out of 5

At school, each class, as a rule, has its own fat man, or even two or three. These children are always the subject of ridicule, and physical education lessons for overweight children turn into real torment. And the problem is not only and not so much that the program and the teacher make high demands (teachers, in general, treat with understanding and give feasible assignments). The most unpleasant and terrible thing is the reaction of classmates to the failures of a fat teenager.

As a result, being overweight is not only a threat to physical health and is an aesthetic problem. It also has serious psychological consequences: the child gradually becomes withdrawn, his self-esteem is lowered, faith in his own strength melts.

Meanwhile, losing weight for teenagers is not fraught with any major difficulties.... After all, children aged 12-16 have a fairly fast metabolism. As a rule, to normalize weight, it is enough to adjust the diet and provide the child with sufficient physical activity.

Reasons for the appearance of excess weight in adolescents

The presence of excess weight in adolescent children is extremely rarely caused by diseases of the internal organs. Overweight is usually a consequence of hormonal changes in the body, combined with an unhealthy diet and low physical activity.

Often, working parents do not have the ability to control how and what their child eats during the day, how he spends time after returning from school. And they begin to sound the alarm only when the problem of how to lose weight to a 14-year-old teenager (a little older, a little younger is not so important) requires an urgent solution.

The adolescents' craze for sweet carbonated drinks, chips, crackers, and products offered in fast food cafes leads to the appearance of excess weight. These products, firstly, have a high glycemic index, secondly, they are high in calories, and thirdly, they contain flavor enhancers and preservatives that stimulate appetite and encourage you to buy new portions of treats.

Carried away by such food, and even spending most of the day with little or no movement, sitting at the computer, children receive much more energy with food than they expend.

Weight loss for teenagers without dieting

Since the body of a 12-16 year old child is intensively developing and growing, there can be no question of any diets for weight loss for adolescents. The child's nutrition should be complete and varied.

Of course, you still have to introduce some restrictions if you need to lose weight for adolescents. You should refuse products such as:

  • crackers;
  • crisps;
  • "Chinese" instant noodles;
  • hamburgers;
  • French fries;
  • sweet carbonated drinks.

The usual white bread in the diet should be replaced with whole grain, instead of the usual 3 tablespoons of sugar, now you should put only one in tea. It is better to replace cakes and sandwiches with any fruit, including bananas, during snacks.

From baked pastries, buns and pies, the child can not completely give up, you just need to reduce the use of these products a little. In the process of losing weight for adolescents, the effect will already be noticeable if your favorite pastry is not eaten daily, but once every 3-4 days.

When solving the problem of how to lose weight for a 14-year-old teenager, the child's day menu may look something like this:

  • Breakfast. 2 boiled eggs, 1-2 slices of whole grain bread, 1 banana, a cup of tea with 1 teaspoon of honey;
  • Lunch. 40-50 g of chocolate (half a bar) or a typical school breakfast;
  • Dinner. A portion of lean borscht, boiled chicken (or fish, or meat) with a side dish of buckwheat, rice or durum pasta;
  • Afternoon snack. Low-fat cottage cheese with sour cream, fruits;
  • Dinner. Stewed vegetables or vegetable salad, steamed fish.

Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of low-fat kefir or milk, eat a glass of sugar-free yogurt.

To achieve weight loss, it is advisable to always eat at the same time. Besides, when losing weight for adolescents, sleep duration is of great importance... It should be 8-9 hours. Lack of sleep has been shown to lead to overeating.

Exercise for an overweight teenager

It will be quite difficult to send an overweight child to the sports section. After all, he is able to assess his capabilities and understands that in the group he will most likely be an outsider. Therefore, in the matter of losing weight for adolescents, parents should be the first assistants.

There is no strength to lose weight for a child more effective than the personal example of mom or dad. The best option is to start working with parents together with the child. Maybe you will invite a fitness instructor, or you will go to the pool together, or do video tutorials using the Internet. There are many options. It is important to understand that it is extremely difficult for a child to solve a problem alone, and benevolent parental support and personal example make the task dozens of times easier.

It is best to start solving the problem of losing weight for teenagers during vacation time.... It will be great if during this period one of the parents can take a vacation in order to devote time to the child, provide him with healthy food, limit the time spent at the computer, organize walks in the fresh air or cycling, remind him of training. As a rule, children gladly accept the help of their parents in this matter, and having noticed the first results, they no longer need additional reminders and motivation.

How to lose weight for a teenager in a week

Losing weight quickly is extremely unhealthy. Doctors consider a monthly 5% weight loss to be safe for an adult. The same 5% is considered the limit for the rate of weight loss for teens, because they continue to grow. Therefore, setting a goal of how to lose weight for a teenager in a week is at least incorrect. After all, the extra pounds in the child were formed over several months, if not years, therefore, it will take a certain time to get rid of them.

The loss of extra pounds in adolescents due to the high metabolic rate occurs much faster than in adults. One has only to adjust the diet and daily routine, as well as choose the appropriate physical activity. A week after starting training and switching to a balanced diet, the results of losing weight will not yet be obvious, although the mechanisms for burning excess fat will already be launched. But after 1-2 months, the results of losing weight for the teenager himself and his environment will be very noticeable.

To speed up the process of losing weight, measures such as strict diets or fasting in relation to adolescents have been found to be ineffective. In children, the state of health and performance worsened, and in most cases there was a breakdown, accompanied by an outbreak of increased uncontrolled appetite. As a result, 1-2 kilograms that were thrown off with difficulty returned very quickly, and with interest.

The correct diet for teenagers is based on the principles of a rational and balanced diet. It will help not only get rid of extra pounds, but also improve the condition of the skin, strengthen the body.

How to choose a diet for a teenager from 12 years old

The period of 12-16 years is accompanied by intensive growth and development of a growing organism. In addition, metabolism at this age occurs somewhat differently than in an adult. It is important for the child to receive all the necessary vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Therefore, you need to worry about being overweight only if the doctor diagnoses "obesity".

If a teen is really concerned about being overweight, the best recommendation for him is to eat regularly and properly!

Any diet is a restriction, which after a few years can "backfire" with serious health problems. So, strict weight loss programs for adolescents 12 years old cause skin problems, hormonal imbalance, and the development of intestinal diseases. The best option is a healthy diet and exercise in the sports section. You need to eat at least 4 times a day in small portions, limit sweets and "harmful" (crackers, chips, sweet carbonated drinks).

What products should be discarded for weight loss

Parents shape a teen's diet, so it is very important that they respect their decision to lose weight. It is quite difficult to give up bad children's eating habits; a son or daughter will need psychological support.

We'll have to exclude from the menu:

  • Fast food dishes that are very high in calories and harmful, as they contribute to the accumulation of cholesterol, which reduces the elasticity of blood vessels.
  • Chips, a bag of which helps to quickly satisfy hunger, but at the same time, it is even more addictive and the appearance of extra pounds, due to the high calorie content.
  • Fresh baked goods. Bread is not banned, but it is better to dry it or make toast.
  • Sweets that can be replaced with fresh fruit. If you are completely unbearable without sweets, it is advisable to gradually reduce the daily amount of sweets eaten.
  • Sweet carbonated drinks. Parents need to initially accustom their child to ordinary water or compotes.
  • Industrial juices, they are extremely different from homemade ones. As a rule, sugar and preservatives are always added to them, which is unhealthy.

Diet food for weight loss for adolescents is recommended exclusively by the pediatrician supervising your child! The manifestation of independence is inappropriate here, in the presence of pathologies or chronic diseases, the doctor will help to correctly formulate the diet.

Healthy eating rules during weight loss:

  • Enriching the diet with healthy carbohydrates, including cereals, vegetables and fruits in the daily menu.
  • Fractional food. You need to eat 4-5 times, preferably at the set time.
  • Limit the use of fried and fatty foods as much as possible. They can be replaced with baked, boiled, or steamed.

It is allowed to reduce the calorie content of the diet by 20%. Girls should consume about 2000-2100 kcal (norm - 2500 kcal), boys - 2200 (norm 2700).

How to lose weight for a teenager girl

Teenage girls are especially vulnerable to dieting. Having looked at the models of fashionable glossy publications, everyone wants to quickly get rid of excess weight. However, rapid weight loss is dangerous for the health of the child. The most important thing in dietary nutrition is balance.

It is better to eat foods rich in carbohydrates for breakfast, protein for lunch, and low-calorie meals for dinner.

Those carbohydrates that were entered during breakfast are converted into energy, which the child will spend during the day. Protein will help alleviate hunger, so your teen will be full until the evening. The low calorie content of dinner will prevent the accumulation of extra pounds at night.

Teenage diet 14, 15, 16 years old - menu for a week

Day number 1:

  • Breakfast: barley porridge (125 g), boiled chicken without skin (100 g), tea without sugar.
  • Lunch: rice soup with veal meatballs (180 g), 200 ml fresh juice.
  • Afternoon snack: 75 g of nuts, better than unroasted walnuts.
  • Dinner: steamed broccoli, turkey fillet (180 g), 200 ml of baked milk.

Day number 2:

  • Breakfast: steamed protein omelet, toast with soft cheese (5 g), chamomile tea.
  • Lunch: pea soup (150 g), boiled veal (100 g), 3 croutons, dried in the oven, 200 ml of freshly squeezed juice.
  • Afternoon snack: 230 ml of milk, toast.
  • Dinner: oven-baked potato casserole with herbs (180 g).

Day number 3:

  • Breakfast: wheat porridge (125 g), rosehip broth.
  • Lunch: steamed chopped meatballs (95 g), lettuce (85 g), compote.
  • Afternoon snack: a small apple, a glass of low-fat yogurt.
  • Dinner: fish (preferably river) baked in foil (130 g), boiled potatoes (90 g).

Day number 4:

  • Breakfast: oven-baked syrniki (130 g), compote.
  • Lunch: lean borscht (210 g), boiled brisket (75 g), a slice of black bread, 180 ml of juice.
  • Afternoon snack: 1 small orange.
  • Dinner: 210 ml low-fat milk with toast.

Day number 5:

  • Breakfast: durum spaghetti (150 g), a small fresh cucumber.
  • Lunch: stewed chicken with potatoes (125 g), 210 ml of freshly squeezed juice.
  • Afternoon snack: 50 g of walnuts.
  • Dinner: salad with fresh cabbage and cucumbers (200 g).

Day 6:

  • Breakfast: buckwheat porridge (125 g), tea.
  • Lunch: rice soup (210 g), stewed rabbit meat (135 g), 200 ml of compote.
  • Afternoon snack: 3 tangerines.
  • Dinner: vegetable stew (150 g).

Day number 7

Fasting day. You can drink low-fat kefir, eat cottage cheese, boiled meat.

What doctors say about teen diets

A diet for adolescents, if the basic recommendations are followed, will only benefit. However, it is contraindicated if the child has chronic diseases or food allergies. Doctors insistently remind that nutrition should be balanced and complete.

Slow weight loss is considered natural, no more than 2 kg per week.

Otherwise, the metabolism slows down, and the body turns on the "self-preservation mode". Therefore, rapid weight loss on fast diets will ultimately do more harm than good.

To support your child in the fight against excess weight, it is better to switch to proper nutrition with the whole family and start leading an active lifestyle.

More and more modern adolescents are obese. Moreover, if earlier the main cause of overweight in children were various diseases, now the situation has changed radically. Perfectly healthy children get fat, and in the first place their parents are to blame. And only then health problems appear, provoked by overweight.

The problem is compounded by the fact that today's children are so used to fat classmates that they do not pay any attention to it. And only in adolescence, when a child begins to be interested in the opposite sex, and the first sympathies appear, he realizes that being overweight is a big drawback. Girls react especially sharply to their imperfection, to whom the media hammer into their heads the idea that it is necessary to comply with model standards. Therefore, the question of how to lose weight at the age of 13 becomes very relevant.

In 90% of cases, parents are entirely to blame for adolescent obesity. Even if it is provoked by a chronic disease, then it must be diagnosed and treated as soon as possible, and not give up and put up with the problem. But modern parents are too busy with their own careers and obtaining material values. And left to their own devices, children lead an inactive lifestyle and eat just about anything.

The result of inattention to their own children is that the main problems of adolescent obesity have become:

It is impossible to help a child lose weight without eliminating these or other possible reasons why he gained excess weight. And you can't do without help from your parents or a nutritionist.

If you do not tell the teenager the right way to lose weight, then at the age of 14 the girl will start looking for him herself. And after such attempts, neuroses, anorexia, bulimia and other serious mental disorders often develop.

Teenage weight loss

The good news for obese adolescents and their parents is that metabolic rates are very high between the ages of 12 and 14. Also, the concentration of growth hormone increases in the blood, and children begin to intensively "stretch" upward. This means that even small, but correctly applied efforts will be enough to quickly solve the problem.

The bad news is that 80% of people who were very overweight by the age of 18-20 cannot get rid of it at an older age. Without delving into the reasons why this happens, we insist that if a child is obese at the age of 13-14, it is necessary to start fighting him immediately.


It is at this age that motivation plays a key role and the success of losing weight depends on it by 80%. A teenager who reacts very sharply to any prohibitions and restrictions cannot be made to lose weight. The ideal situation is when the child himself realizes the problem and comes to his parents for advice on how to lose weight at the age of 14. But that rarely happens.

Basically, the initiative comes from the parents, and it depends on how correctly they behave, whether the child becomes their ally or the active confrontation of the parties begins.

In no case should you criticize a teenager by pointing out to him his shortcomings. Believe me, he has already had a lot of such situations with peers. This only causes irritation and a desire to get away from the offender. Instead, it is better to challenge him to a frank conversation and make him feel that you understand the complexity of the situation and sincerely want to help.

You can motivate a girl to lose weight at the age of 14 as follows:

  • offer her a radical change of image after she succeeds in losing weight;
  • promise a trip to a place where the child has long wanted to visit;
  • allow you to independently compose a diet based on the principles of healthy eating;
  • learn to cook new interesting, tasty and healthy dishes with her.

Of course, every child needs an individual approach. And any loving parent knows exactly what can interest a teenager and motivate him to work on his own body. The main thing is to make it so that losing weight becomes a fascinating process, and not the constant violence of parents and a child against themselves.

Specialist consultations

Before starting the search for an effective way to lose weight for a 13-year-old girl, it is advisable to undergo a preventive medical examination to make sure that there are no serious chronic diseases that lead to obesity: hormonal disorders, diabetes mellitus and others.

If a girl is restless, does not sleep well at night, is often irritable and shows unmotivated aggression, it is advisable to see a neurologist or child psychologist. Stress is not the best way to lose weight, especially considering that many people tend to eat it sweet.

By the age of 13-14, girls usually have a definitive menstrual cycle. This means that the process of hormonal changes has gone well, and the body is developing correctly.

If menstruation is absent, irregular, too painful, or there are other irregularities, go to the gynecologist. Let him confirm the absence of pathologies on the part of the female organs. And only being confident in the complete absence of serious problems, you can start active weight loss.

Prohibited foods

You need to start by changing your usual diet and introducing rules that, first of all, severely limit the consumption of fast carbohydrates and high-calorie foods that contribute to obesity. It is advisable to completely abandon:

If a teenager immediately reads out this list, it will be extremely difficult for him to agree to such restrictions - it contains almost all the products that are loved by children. The right step is to gradually abandon them and replace them with healthier treats, which must be selected together with the child.

Healthy food

The best way to lose weight for a 14 year old girl is to get her interested in cooking healthy and tasty food. If she herself can cook healthy and original food for herself, fantasizing and combining a wide variety of products, interest in packaged food will disappear by itself - artificial delicacies are far behind in comparison with homemade dishes.

Here's how to replace popular health hazards:

  • berry jellies or mousses are a great alternative to ice cream;
  • milkshakes are much tastier and healthier than condensed milk;
  • grilled meat or fish - contain fewer calories than cutlets and kebabs;
  • Whole grain bars are tastier and healthier than cookies;
  • black bread with grains and seeds is more original and healthier than white bread;
  • homemade lemonade or kvass is a great alternative to harmful carbonated drinks;
  • fruit salad is a great dessert that can easily replace a cake or pastry.

Not a single teenager will refuse such delicacies, especially if he can prepare them himself whenever he wants.

It is also very important to ensure that complete animal protein is present in the adolescent's diet: meat or fish. It is a building material for muscle fibers, and during the period of intensive growth, muscles grow very actively.

Seafood is even more useful - they contain iodine, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland and the active course of metabolic processes.

Physical activity

Stimulating physical activity in an obese teenager at the age of 14, who is also used to spending most of the time in front of a monitor, is extremely difficult. The most effective options are few:

Doing in gyms or traditional for clubs types of workouts, aerobics, stretching, etc. teenagers are usually bored. Therefore, there is no need to insist on this - there are always alternative options.

Regular physical activity greatly speeds up the process of losing weight and allows you to remove up to 3-4 kilograms per month. This means that in a few months, the problem of excess weight will be solved.