How to use the brown epilator for the first time. Epilation for the first time? How to properly use the epilator and take care of your skin. Individual approach to different parts of the body

Hair removal product manufacturers are constantly improving and expanding their product range. Every year there are improvements in the form of new tips that allow you to reduce soreness to a minimum and get rid of the problem forever.

However, each product is individual in its own way and therefore it is important to know how to properly remove hairs with a depilator and how to properly treat the skin before and after depilation.

Skin preparation

  1. It is very important to accurately determine the time. when you want to perform the procedure. This is necessary so that the skin is soothed by this time and there is no inflammation.
  2. 2-3 days before depilation, it is necessary to shave your legs, because the longer the hair, the more painful it will be to remove it.
  3. If you have a high pain tolerance, then you should worry about pain relief in advance. In pharmacies, you can buy a huge amount of pain relievers for any person and for any skin type.
  4. Just before epilation you need to take a hot bath or shower to steam the skin well. This will help to reduce sensitivity as the pores will be enlarged and unwanted vegetation can be removed without any problems.

Fundamental rules

There are 4 basic and most important rules when using an epilator:

  1. Always read the instructions carefully accompanying the appliance, and always follow all the precautions written in it impeccably.
  2. Most epilators can remove hairs at least 1 mm long, but now some manufacturers have begun to produce their equipment with additional attachments that can remove even the smallest hairs. Also, you should not remove hair that is too long, it is better to remove it a couple of days before depilation, or, if there is no time at all, shorten it with a special trimmer.
  3. When using the depilator for the first time it would be best to give your preference to a nozzle that captures the largest amount of hair, and the speed is best set to the minimum.
  4. After the procedure the skin must be moisturized with a cream every time.

Step by step guide


  1. The ankle areas and the areas on the back of the knees are considered the most painful and sensitive areas when depilating the legs. The rest of the areas get used to the unpleasant sensations within a few minutes. Therefore, you should consider which zone is the best for you to start the procedure.
  2. Next, you should prepare the skin for further hair removal with a scrub. for the body or hard sponge. And also you should steam your legs in an hour.
  3. Then, following the instructions, start gradually removing unwanted vegetation.


  1. Before the procedure, the hairs should be slightly shortened so that they are not too long.
  2. Also, to relieve irritation and pain relief, you can treat the armpit area with an ordinary ice cube, and then apply a small amount of baby oil.
  3. In the armpit, the skin has its own characteristics, therefore, to reduce the painful sensation directly during the epilation itself, the skin should be slightly pulled upwards, this will provide an easier and more effective removal.

Bikini area:

  1. The bikini area is the most sensitive of all. Because of this, it should be treated with special care.
  2. When epilating, it is advised to cool the skin with a special glove or spray, which can be purchased together with the epilator in conventional hardware stores or ordered from specialized online stores.
  3. After the procedure, the area is treated with alcohol followed by a chamomile moisturizer to soothe the skin.

Precautionary measures

It is very important to read the list of contraindications before buying a device and make sure that this type of depilation is right for you. So, for example, the epilator is contraindicated in case of severe irritation and inflammation of the area where hairs need to be removed, and with open wounds on the skin. Also, people with diabetes mellitus, vascular inflammation and allergies will not be able to use it without consulting a doctor.

Without any additional attachments, epilation can be carried out only on the legs, and it is strictly forbidden to get rid of excess facial hair with it.

Despite the efforts of manufacturers and a huge selection of products for pain relief, hair removal is still one of the most painful procedures, however, it is also one of the most effective. Therefore, decide for yourself whether you are ready to be patient or whether it is better to look for a more gentle option.

Care after

Almost always, after the epilation procedure, irritation appears, which can lead to inflammation and deterioration. This is due to the huge formation of bacteria, so it is necessary to neutralize them in a short time and soothe the site of irritation.

Some people advise using a special cream or lotion for sensitive skin. For the same purpose, a baby cream is ideal, it gently moisturizes and soothes. However, it should be borne in mind that using baby powder or talcum powder for this is a big mistake, since their harm has been scientifically proven due to clogging of pores and causing inflammation.

If you feel a burning sensation and find minor injuries, you should disinfect the area as soon as possible. Alcohol, with a low percentage, hydrogen peroxide, or, if available, some herbal tincture, are well suited for this. This will quickly and effectively disinfect the skin and destroy all harmful bacteria, as well as tighten the pores.

However, be sure to ensure that any of these solutions do not get on the mucous membrane. And after the performed procedures, spread a layer of cream with a moisturizing effect.

  1. If you are concerned that alcohol-based solutions will do more harm than good, then you can always replace them with antiseptic tinctures of Miromistin, Chlorgesedin or Furacilin. They are more harmless and do not cause a burning effect after treatment.
  2. If you see that the inflammation has already begun, then you should immediately turn to more serious means and use antiseptic ointments like Miramistin, Malavit or Actovegin.
  3. Ointments containing panthenol are some of the best foods for treating inflammation. Thanks to them, the structure of the skin is easily restored, and all microbes and irritation instantly disappear.
  4. Means for processing after hair removal can not only be purchased at any pharmacy, but you can also do it yourself by resorting to folk remedies: (for example, one of the best medicines is a tincture or decoction of herbs, especially chamomile or calendula. decoctions should be done several days after the procedure.)
  5. It is also important to look after the area from which they were removed., but also a couple of days after epilation, since at this time your skin is especially vulnerable and needs special protection. Therefore, it is better to refrain from using deodorants and perfumes containing fruit acid in order not to cause irritation.
  6. Avoid large exposure to UV rays on unprotected areas and do not use tanning salons earlier than 48 hours after epilation, as this can lead to inflammation and pigmentation.

Smooth and delicate skin without traces of inflammation and ingrown hairs is the dream of every girl performing epilation procedures. Since it is quite difficult to use an epilator to achieve such results, you need to remember some rules for working with this device.


There are several types of epilators, they are classified according to the type of work and additional functions. Exists:

  1. Disk;
  2. Tweezers.

Disc epilators (Remington IPL, Saturn) are not recommended for the first time when treating the skin at home, as they immediately pull out a large amount of hair. The fact is that each time the hair root becomes thinner and less deepened, but during the first procedure it is very hard and deep. The disc epilation technique does not always pull out the strands completely, leaving a root with a curved growth trajectory under the skin. As a result, the effect after the session will be short-lived, and inflammation will appear.

Tweezers (Panasonic, Roventa) are more popular because they provide a neat pulling out of hair. But they are more painful, often it is necessary to carry out several passes through the zone at a time, which causes unpleasant sensations (especially in the bikini area). To smooth out the discomfort, the leading manufacturers of electric epilators (Philips, Rowenta Silence Soft and others) equip their massager products with cooling systems, specially shaped tweezers, but even this does not always help. The most practical addition is the leather stretching attachment (available on Remington, Braun's Silk-epil Dual Epilator, Me Quartz and others).

Photo - Types of epilators

Advantages and disadvantages

Dignity using epilators:

  1. Ease of operation. They are perfect for home use without any prior waxing experience. They are powered from the mains or batteries, so some can even be used outdoors;
  2. Availability. There are many different kinds of devices, some Panasonic and Philips satinelle models cost less than $ 10;
  3. Now there are devices that can be used even in water. This is convenient for girls who do not want to advertise methods of dealing with extra hairs and save their time;
  4. The duration of the effect. The result is enough for two to three weeks, depending on the rate of hair growth; over time, they begin to grow smaller and slower.

Photo - The cause of ingrown hair

But epilators have a whole range of disadvantages:

  1. It is very painful to use an electric epilator in the bikini and underarms area, even with a high pain threshold, severe discomfort will be felt;
  2. You cannot control the angle and direction of the work. Because of this, ingrown hairs, irritation, inflammation appear;
  3. With this type of skin treatment, blood vessels are injured and blood circulation is impaired. It cannot be used for varicose veins, thrombosis and other problems with the circulatory system.

Experts still cannot decide whether it is possible for pregnant women to use the epilator. On the one hand, if you have done epilation for a long time before, then you simply do not want to go back to the razor. Then you need to pay attention to the sparing Vital System from Zepter, Silk-Epil Xelle from Brown, SatinPerfect from Philips.

On the other hand, discomfort (especially in the bikini area) can cause blood to flow to these areas, and therefore premature birth may even begin. Reviews of girls on the forums say that it is better for this period to use more gentle options for getting rid of vegetation.

Fundamental rules

To avoid pain, you need to know how to use the epilator correctly. Consider the main recommendations of experts:

After the session, great attention should be paid to scrubbing the skin and moisturizing it. Use a coffee scrub or sugar on the treated area every two days to prevent ingrowth. Apply moisturizers to your body regularly after showering to prevent inflammation and irritation.

Faced with the problem of unwanted hairs, many girls do not know how to use an epilator correctly. Rumors that this method is very painful have been confirmed more than once by facts, and no one wants to experience it for themselves. But unwanted hairs do not just disappear, but it is very possible to minimize discomfort during their removal with an epilator.

The benefits of the epilator

  • hair removal - a method that has a destructive effect on hair follicles;
  • depilation is a method that does not affect the hair follicle, while only removing vegetation from the skin surface.

The concepts of epilator and depilator make a big difference.

Obvious advantages remain with the first, they are as follows:

  • you can do hair removal yourself and save time and money;
  • hairs are removed completely from the root;
  • suitable for hair removal anywhere on the body;
  • the skin after the procedure becomes smooth and taut;
  • new hairs will remind of themselves only after 3-4 weeks;
  • a wide range of devices for removing unwanted vegetation.

How to make the procedure painless

To learn how to properly epilate with an epilator, you need training. Sometimes it is immediately difficult to understand the instructions for the device, but after about 10 procedures, experience will appear based on our own experiments and mistakes.

It is useful to use the tips and rules that have been deduced by people with years of practice behind them:

  1. The optimal length of hairs for epilation is 0.5 cm. If the area to be treated has recently been shaved, you should wait 2-3 days for the hairs to branch. Otherwise, the tongs of the epilator will not be able to pick them up.
  2. Take a bath or shower before the procedure. The hot water will steam the skin and enlarge the pores, which will significantly reduce the pain during epilation.
  3. Epilation is done against hair growth. If this is neglected, there will be a need for repeated processing of one zone, which will prolong the discomfort and the time of the procedure.
  4. In the initial stages, use the epilator at a low speed. Rotating at maximum speed, the tweezers have time to capture and remove only fine hairs. And the thick rods are ripped out when the head of the device rotates more slowly.
  5. A special nozzle on the rotating head of the device with a massage effect will help reduce pain.
  6. Do not press hard on the skin with the device, otherwise irritation and scratches will appear on it. The epilator should be held at a slight slope to the surface and moved as smoothly as possible to capture all the hairs.

Features of the removal of vegetation in certain areas

The pain threshold is different for people. But the sensations during epilation are determined rather by the sensitivity of the treated area. Therefore, the procedure is preceded by preparation, which should not be the same for all parts of the body.

To remove hairs with the epilator, you can:

  • on foot;
  • in the armpits;
  • in the bikini area.

Legs are the least painful. You can get used to the feeling within 5 minutes. The most painful areas are the skin under the knees and ankles. The procedure is facilitated by the fact that the surface of the legs is flat, but the removal process will take at least 30 minutes.

An hour before epilation, it is necessary to steam the skin, treat it with a scrub and a hard washcloth. This will increase blood circulation, help prevent ingrown hairs, and reduce soreness.

The skin in the armpits is more sensitive. To relieve pain, you need to stretch it slightly. This way the tweezers will catch the hairs faster, and the procedure time will be significantly reduced.

It is advisable to trim long hairs before epilation. Otherwise, removal will be more painful. After the procedure, the armpit area must be treated with ice, this will help relieve inflammation. And to prevent infection, the skin should be disinfected with alcohol or hydrogen peroxide.

The hardest part to epilate is the bikini area. In this case, you cannot do without a spray with a freezing effect or a cooling glove.

Someone even prefers to take pain relievers before the procedure. You need to start by removing 2-3 hairs from the bikini line using tweezers. This will help prepare your skin and get in the mood for hair removal with your epilator. After the procedure, the bikini area must be treated with an alcohol solution and a soothing cream applied to it.

In what cases it is better to refuse the procedure

Although there are many advantages to removing unwanted hair with an epilator, it is contraindicated for some. The ban is:

  • phlebeurysm;
  • pregnancy;
  • significant damage to the skin.

Regular use of the epilator threatens that over time, fine hairs become darker and coarser. Therefore, it is not recommended to use this method to remove facial hair, arms and outer thighs.

Many people don't know which is best for hair removal: an epilator or a razor. And everyone solves the problem of choice independently. The razor is able to remove hair only from the surface of the skin, without affecting the follicles. And after a few days, unwanted vegetation will remind of itself again.

The epilator fights unwanted hairs more effectively, leaving the skin smooth for a long time.

But in some cases, you will have to refuse to use it. 1 procedure will definitely be the most painful. But over time, addiction will come and the pain will dull. If you follow the instructions, follow the advice of experts and those who have been using the epilator for a long time, you can also reduce the degree of pain and shorten the procedure time.

Almost every female at least once in his life comes to the realization that there is no longer the desire and strength to remove unwanted hair with a razor. The fact is that this procedure itself is not problematic or difficult, but skin irritation, ingrown hairs and the need to repeat the procedure every day will please and inspire few people. That is why women have been looking for a universal remedy for painless hair removal for a long time. In order to effectively reduce pain during the procedure, it is necessary to apply some methods.

The epilator has become useful assistant in everyday life for many women, because this is a fairly quick and effective hair removal in various parts of the body, and if we talk about painful sensations, then there are a lot of methods that will simplify this procedure. If you do not know which epilator to choose, then be sure to listen to the advice of consultants in the store, because they are well versed in the functions and features of each product name.

Manufacturers today epilators We focused our efforts on creating a unique device that would allow a woman to forget about, but at the same time, the quality of removing unwanted hair should not be affected.

If you have firmly decided what you want use only an epilator for home hair removal, then study all the nuances in order to be savvy in this matter.

The epilator can be real for you an ally in a difficult struggle with unwanted hair, but only if you purchase this device in accordance with your skin characteristics and pain threshold. Some girls are practically unable to endure even minimal pain at all, so in this article it is worth considering excellent options for painless removal of unwanted hair on a woman's body.

1. The most popular method to facilitate unwanted hair removal is freezing... Many years ago, mankind learned that cold, which can be used pointwise for various procedures, can significantly reduce pain. Based on this fact, manufacturers have created unique epilators for simple home use that cool your skin.

In the very epilator there is a certain form for filling with water. It can be easily detached from the epilator, because you have to place it in the freezer for a certain time. The water in the mold freezes and turns into ice, now you have to put this mold in place in the epilator itself. Done, you can now start your painless hair removal procedure. Chilled skin will perceive less pain, so you can remove unwanted hair much faster and easier.

2. Massage... This method is also great for reducing pain in the area of ​​hair removal, which is why epilators with massage attachments have recently appeared on the market. When you are ready for your hair removal procedure, gently apply a light layer of moisturizer or massage oil and start working with your epilator.

A special attachment perfectly relaxes the skin, makes it more elastic, because this is what makes it much easier and faster for the hair to leave the bulb. Already a huge number of women around the world have appreciated the advantage of such an epilator, because now you not only effectively remove hair at home without pain, but also get an excellent massage.

3. Pressing the skin with a special disc... If you were even a little interested in the process of hair removal, then you probably know that the pain during epilation is the stretching of the skin that occurs involuntarily when the hair leaves its bulb. Then how can this issue be resolved? And here the experts have developed an interesting type of epilators that press your skin with special massage discs and prevent the painful stretching of the skin. The system is quite simple but effective. To create such an epilator, a lot of tools and technologies were not needed - only high-quality knowledge in human physiology and anatomy.

4. Local anesthesia... This is a very affordable procedure that requires only a small financial investment at the initial stage - you need to buy a local pain reliever from the pharmacy. This is usually a spray that freezes your skin for a set number of minutes. Use this method if you have a fairly low pain threshold, because such sprays and aerosols cool your skin quite strongly.

As you can see, a fairly large number funds can be used to remove unwanted hair without pain. If you know perfectly well the level of your pain, then be sure to ask the consultant to provide you with the newest type of epilators that perfectly numb your skin.

There are also a number of folk methods for hair removal without pain, therefore, be sure to pay attention to them.

- Female cycle... There is a fact that the first phase of the cycle is the most suitable for removing unwanted hair with an epilator. The first phase of the female cycle is a few days after the end of menstruation.
- Specific time of day... The most painless period in the day is from 16.00 to 18.00. Try to epilate at this time.

- Hair length... This also plays an important role, so epilate short hairs that have just grown back.
- Steaming the skin... For some girls, taking a hot bath or bath before epilating is effective, so try it if you have not yet found your effective method of pain relief.

- Alcohol... Rub your skin and epilator with rubbing alcohol before the procedure. As the experience of many clients has shown, this is a fairly effective method.
- Local massage... If you cannot afford an expensive epilator with a massage attachment, then massage small areas of the skin yourself just before the epilator.

Of course, women constantly face difficulties in the process of caring for their body, but if there are excellent methods to make certain procedures easier faster and reduce the level of pain, then why not take advantage of them? If you use the above guidelines in your home hair removal, you will soon see that excess hair is not really a problem. Tune in positively, choose the best and most perfect epilators in the stores of your city and follow the advice that experienced experts in the field of epilation and cosmetology give you.

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The epilator is a small machine for removing hairs from the root from various parts of the body - arms, legs, armpits, bikini area, abdomen. Today we will talk about hair removal with an epilator at home and reveal the secrets of how to do it correctly.

Advantages and disadvantages

Depilation is the removal of hair from the surface of the skin, for example, with a razor or special cream. Do not confuse it with epilation - the procedure for removing hairs together with the bulb. Epilation is distinguished by a long-term "smooth" effect and gradual thinning of the hair and changes in its structure as a whole, therefore it is chosen as the main opponent against "extra" hair on the face and body. Let's take a look at the pros and cons of home hair removal with an epilator:

  • Long-lasting effect of "smooth legs". After removing hairs with an epilator, the smoothness of the skin (and not only on the legs) remains for up to 10-14 days.
  • Growth of new fine hairs- another advantage of the device. Removing hair from the root changes its structure - it becomes thin, soft and loses its color.
  • Profitability. Buying an epilator allows you not to think about purchasing shaving razors and replacement cassettes, blades, shaving foam and lotions afterwards.
  • Huge selection of models allows you to opt for the epilator of your dreams: mechanical or photo, with illumination or cooling attachment, with the possibility of water epilation or dry.
  • You don't have to shave every day- it is enough to use the epilator "on demand", which usually occurs every two weeks.

The disadvantages of such a device lie in:

  • High cost. Good epilators are expensive, and the purchase does not always meet your expectations: sometimes it seems painful / long / time-consuming to remove hairs, and so on, as a result, the unit is postponed to the farthest shelf for an indefinite period.
  • Duration of the procedure. To work out your legs with high quality, it will take about 30-60 minutes, add to this the armpits, bikini area and arms, and also preparation, care - you will have to spend half a day for sure.
  • Soreness. The first few times you shave with an epilator feels like hell, especially if you've overused your razor before and have grown thick hairs.

  • Short-term effect. Usually epilation is enough for 2 weeks of perfectly smooth skin, but not always and not for everyone. Incorrect hair removal technique, haste, insufficient care, a poor epilator, or all together leads to the fact that the hairs are already hatching 2 days after the home procedure and the question involuntarily arises - why waste 2 hours of your time and a pound of nerve cells on this.
  • Ingrown hair. Almost any type of hair removal is fraught with this problem. To protect yourself from it, you need to thoroughly prepare for the procedure and provide follow-up care - which one, we will tell you a little later.
  • Irritated. This is rather the most insignificant drawback of the epilator. After each procedure, small pimples or spots may appear on the skin - a typical irritation that will disappear with timely care and will soon disappear.
  • Noise.


Any epilator is a machine with a head (tweezers or discs are hidden in it). The head of modern epilators is often mobile, it seems to float along the contours of our body and effectively captures hairs.

  • Disk. It has small discs arranged in pairs. Usually there are not many disks in one head - about 12 pairs.
  • Tweezers. The number of tweezers is usually 20 or 40. If you choose between them, you need to take an epilator with 40 plates - it is more effective and captures more hairs.

Epilators differ in the number of speeds: 1, 2 3. The optimal choice is 2 speeds.

There are models with or without backlighting (a handy thing). They differ in the type of pain relief: some models simultaneously cool the skin or blow it off, others have vibration that well distracts from the feeling of pulling out the hair.

You still need to be able to do hair removal correctly. Usually, skills come after 5-10 procedures. Each area, be it legs, bikini area or underarms, requires the use of a different machine speed, different level of incline and other nuances.

  • The length of the hairs is 0.5-1 cm. Smaller machines simply will not capture, and removing too long ones will seem like real torture, and not all epilators will be able to grab and remove them with high quality (along with the bulb).
  • Clear skin is the main secret to proper hair removal at home. Take an example from the armpit area: the epilator simply will not capture dirty, sticky hairs, no matter how long they are. If you succeed in removing something, then particles of sweat, keratinized cells and other "debris" will get into the open pores, which will 100% respond with inflammation.

Make it a habit to cleanse your skin every time you do your hair removal at home. Take a hot shower - this will steam up the skin, allow you to qualitatively remove hairs from the root, the scrub will remove "dead" cells, raise the hairs, so it should not be ruled out - you can use it immediately before removing hairs.

  • Run the epilator against hair growth. Then the machine will grab the hairs and pull them out by the roots, the nozzle will raise them in advance, and the blades will correctly grip. If you hold the epilator during the hair growth procedure, it will selectively remove hairs and you will have to go over the same place two or three or four times, which is also not good.
  • Treat the same area no more than three times. Friction of one area causes irritation and even a violation of the integrity of the skin.

  • Do not press on the epilator. But do not remove too far - there should be a "golden mean" - the distance between the blades and the skin is such that they do not cling to the dermis and only capture the hairs.
  • Drive smoothly. It is as if you are guiding a razor blade through the curves of your body, regardless of the pain.
  • Play with speed. For the first shave, choose the minimum speed, for the tenth you can also use the maximum. Tender parts of the body - armpits, bikinis, calves on the legs - are also desirable to "pass" at a minimum speed, since they are most vulnerable to irritation. But if you are an experienced "user", choose a speed that is comfortable for you.

Skin preparation

The first step is to prepare your skin for epilation. It must be done every time in order to avoid irritation and to make the procedure safe and of high quality, to preserve the long-term effect of its implementation.

  • The ideal preparation is to shower with a scrub or light skin exfoliation. Warm water and steam will steam and slightly open pores for better hair removal, abrasive particles will remove dead skin cells and open access to hair follicles, lift hairs and remove dirt from the epidermis.
  • Wet skin is not suitable for dry removal. therefore, if you are using a classic epilator (without wet removal), the epidermis must be dried with a towel beforehand.
  • Treat your skin with any antiseptic- miramistin, hydrogen peroxide, in extreme cases, alcohol (it dries the skin).

Features of the treatment of different parts of the body

  • The legs have the largest area and are often the target of the epilator. The most sensitive areas are knees, ankles, because bones protrude there noticeably. A plus can be called the fact that the skin in this area quickly "gets used" to the pain and the process becomes more bearable, their relatively flat surface also allows the machine to work at the same pace and speed. The main feature is the duration of the procedure - from half an hour or more, since the area of ​​skin on the legs is quite large.
  • Hands. If the hairs are too long, trim them with a trimmer or scissors, then the epilation will be less painful. After completing the procedure, do not wear tight-fitting clothing (jacket, blouse) and avoid a prickly sweater, it is better to do without it altogether or choose cotton.

The irritation on the hands is noticeably stronger, so do not neglect the antiseptic and moisturizer immediately after the procedure.

  • Bikini area. Not every girl decides to epilate her. The most "insensitive" area is the pubis, the most painful are the labia and intergluteal region. Cooling compresses, pain relieving ointments and patience, willpower and the desire to be smooth for 2 weeks will help to make the procedure more pleasant - this is how much hairs “there” usually no longer bother.
  • Armpits. To make hair removal effective, stretch the skin and run the clipper over it, but do not press the head too close. Pressing hard on the blades can grab the skin and damage it, causing small wounds and bleeding.

If you injure your skin and see blood on its surface, wipe the affected area with an antiseptic or lotion, alcohol-free toner and complete the epilation.

You can continue it the next day, so that the wounds have time to heal, and it is not so painful to carry out the epilator. Almost every second girl is faced with damage to the skin in the armpit area, especially if the procedure is performed the first, second or third time. The delicate skin is not yet accustomed to such a serious treatment and resists, it is necessary to endure the pain and take several days to gradual and high-quality hair removal.

Anesthesia products

A positive attitude and breathing will help reduce pain - breathe deeply and evenly, do not hold it. If the procedure is too painful, the following can help reduce pain:

  • Lidocaine solution or spray;
  • Plaster or cream " Emla»;
  • Cream " Light Dep»;
  • Cream " Dr. Namb».

It is necessary to process the skin 10-20 minutes before the procedure (according to the instructions) - whether this will ease the pain depends on the characteristics of the skin.

Care after the procedure

It is no less important than the preparatory stage. It includes several mandatory points:

  • Treat the skin after the procedure it is necessary with an alcohol-free solution with a detoxifying effect - peroxide, miramistin, a decoction of medicinal herbs (chamomile, St. John's wort), tonic, thermal water. In this case, you should not rub the skin with a cotton pad, it is enough to gently distribute the composition over it or use a spray.
  • After a couple of minutes you can remove excess liquid with a soft towel or napkin and blotting movements.
  • Then apply a moisturizer. Bepanten ointments or any anti-burn ointment (they have a light texture and are quickly absorbed into the skin, effectively restore and care for the skin) will help soothe irritated skin.

If irritation occurs, you can make a soothing mask yourself - take a fresh aloe leaf, cut it lengthwise and apply it to the reddened areas of the body. You can use a base vegetable oil (usually olive oil) and treat the skin with it 2-3 hours after epilation - it perfectly nourishes the skin and restores the cell structure.

  • To avoid ingrown hairs, use a special anti-ingrowth cream. You can buy it at specialized outlets for beauticians or order online. Similar compositions will help inhibit hair growth.
  • 2-3 days after epilation, when the irritation completely disappears from the skin and it returns to its usual rhythm of life, make a light scrub and repeat the procedure every 2-3 days - this will additionally prevent hair ingrowth.
  • It is necessary to take care of the skin, To get rid of dryness, ingrowths and the appearance of new unwanted vegetation quickly - moisturize it with a light cream or oil every time after taking a shower.

How to avoid the problem of "ingrown hair"?

Ingrown hair can be prevented by preparing the skin with a scrub with mild abrasive particles before the procedure and applying it after 2-3 times a week. Exfoliating particles promptly remove dead skin cells, open pores and "stop" hair if it begins to grow in the wrong direction.

Why do ingrown hairs appear: after the hair follicle is removed, the pores tighten and thicken, new hairs cannot always "pierce" through the "wall". Their growth continues, but they grow already inside the skin, causing inflammation and an unpleasant pimple on the body.

You should not allow the formation of inflammation - 9 out of 10 cases of opening the focus of inflammation gives a pigmented spot, which will take a long time to get rid of.