How to get to Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week? How to get display invitations

Daria Dvoeglazova told Svetskiy about how to get to Mercedes-Bens Fashion Week, how to dress so that your photo would be in the top collections of the fashionable British publication VOGUE, about fashion, style and her instagram blog.

Dasha hello. tell me something about yourself

My name is Daria Dvoeglazova. I'm 19 years old. I am studying at KFU as a PR specialist and have my blog on Instagram. My hobbies are travel, music and fashion. I love to create a cozy atmosphere around me. I consider myself an open, creative and sincere person. I prefer to devote my free time to myself and my loved ones. I try to abstract myself from the Internet, listen to new releases and watch films.

What is your first fashion week?

Mercedes-Bens Fashion Week is a bi-annual fashion week that gives an opportunity to show itself to both designers and all fashion bloggers. I learned about this event a year ago. My friends who live in Moscow told me about Fashion Week, and at the same time I saw a lot of posts and photos on Instagram. Of course, I was madly fired up by this large-scale event, and really wanted to get there. In the fall of 2016, I was fully armed and ready to go to Moscow. I contacted the designers in advance and collected all my bows. I had a chance to get on screenings and even be seen on the street style in front of the Manezh. You know, I think I was lucky because I became a part of this beautiful show: at the Chasto show I even went on the catwalk as a model. This was my first experience of working on such a large site.

In general, since childhood, I was engaged in modeling: I went to different modeling schools, participated in beauty contests, and worked as a model on the set. Before, becoming a model was a dream for me. And now it is more interesting for me to get into the magazine as a person, and not as just a pretty face. I came back from this MBFW week the other day and am still impressed! Fashion, popular people and the atmosphere of the event itself is insanely captivating. After such an event, it is difficult to switch to the working state.

How to get to Fashion Week?

Anyone can get into Fashion Week. It doesn't even matter what you do or whether you like fashion so much. The main thing is desire. You just need to write to the designer or apply for accreditation in advance. Accreditation makes it possible to pass to any show and
to the backstage zone. For two seasons in a row I have received this cherished letter confirming my accreditation. It is very nice!

What was important to you at Fashion Week?

Which collection was the most interesting and memorable?

First of all, I would like to note the show of Bella Potemkina, where Olga Buzova was the invited guest. It was interesting to see her live and feel her energy. She made this show memorable not only with the clothes, but also with the presentation. Also liked the show "Saint Tokyo". Style, music and models were so perfectly combined that I wanted to go to St. Petersburg that same evening and buy their clothes.

Which designers, celebrities or bloggers were you expecting to see at this event?

To be honest, most of all I was looking forward to meeting my friends. Yes, I was interested to see any media personalities, but I cannot single out any of them.

Your photo was on the VOGUE website. What kind of image were you wearing?

Yes, in the spring of 2017 on street style I was included in the selection of the best bows on the British site VOGUE. While creating this bow, I thought about its details for a long time. I wanted something unusual and relevant. At that moment, I was inspired by the new GUCCI fall-winter 2017/2018 collection. They combine incongruous and it looks really cool. I decided to accentuate with the help of a red and black plaid raincoat and it was right.

How long have you been blogging? What is he talking about?

For over a year now, I can say that this is a part of my life. I am a lifestyle blogger, so in my profile you can see travel photos, my everyday looks, reviews of various gastronomic establishments, tips for novice bloggers, and just tips for life, and, of course, my thoughts and photos.

Who or what inspired you to create your blog?

Foreign popular instabloggers inspired me to create a blog. I looked at their beautiful and perfect photographs and dreamed of interpreting my life through my viewing angle.

What qualities should a blogger have?

First of all, a blogger must be open and honest. He must be able to express his thoughts, feelings and emotions not only in texts, but also in photos. Such qualities as a sense of style and dedication are important.

What are your plans for the coming year?

Work harder and do your best to achieve your goal. I really want to be of interest to a large audience. I want to meet creative people who, like me, are in the blogging and fashion industry.

Photo: provided by the interlocutor

Every year, the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Russia is held at the Manezh Central Exhibition Hall, where designers from Russia, Georgia, Belarus, Ukraine, India and other countries show their collections. The most famous designers, film and television stars, fashion bloggers and popular personalities of the country - everyone or almost everyone converges for Fashion Week. And, of course, all significant persons of the fashion industry receive special invitations to the shows, and in the meantime, a huge number of novice bloggers and just people interested in fashion, from year to year ponder how to get to the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week in Moscow ... Today we will share with you how you can get to the most fashionable event in our country.

Obtaining accreditation

The most common way to attend all shows is to get accreditation. Accreditation is an official confirmation of participation in an event. If you are a fashion blogger or journalist, you need to fill out a form on the MBFWR website, and representatives of a PR agency will contact you, who individually consider all applications. If the publication you work for or your blog has a sufficient number of views, then you will be provided with a personal badge that allows you to be present at absolutely all shows! And also interview the designers and watch the preparations for the show backstage! In addition, whether you are a blogger or journalist, you have the option to accredit your personal photographer as well.

Work with event partners

The next option to be present at Fashion Week is to work with the partners of the event. For example, in one of the seasons the partner-stylist of the Fashion Week was the LOREAL company. So the company had its own information stand, where young girls informed those who wish about the possibilities of the Loreal brand. You can get a similar job, which will provide you with a badge for the whole week (that is, a pass to the screenings), and also provide an opportunity to earn money!

Getting an invitation to the screening

The most obvious way to attend a show is to get an invitation from a designer / director or model participating in a particular show. For example, last year, I got invitation cards from a model who was an acquaintance of my acquaintance. Yes, the most common scheme when good friends are important 🙂 The only problem is that you can only attend a certain show of a certain designer.

Win tickets

So, the easiest way to get your Fashion Week tickets is to just win them! By agreement of the organizers of the Fashion Week and the designers, partners almost always give away tickets on their websites. If you participate in several contests at the same time, then the probability of winning invitations in one of them is very high. You can also take part in one of our ticket raffles

Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia- an interesting and bright event that reflects modern Russian fashion. Leading designers present their collections, and people who are not indifferent to fashion, stars, fashion bloggers attend shows at MBFW Russia. For those who are interested in fashion, this is an opportunity to learn about and get acquainted with the collections in advance, as well as designers from Kazakhstan, Georgia and other countries invited to the Fashion Week in Moscow.

During fashion week, the very center of the city turns into a real fashion capital. Smart and stylish people, as usual, stroll through the center of Moscow, and a crowd of brightly and unusually dressed people gathers on Manezhnaya Square, hoping to be photographed by street style photographers from all over the world, and, possibly, to get into a fashion magazine .. This is an incredible atmosphere of special events to become a part of which some are willing to put in a lot of effort, queue, etc. However, admission to screenings is strictly by invitation only.

In this article, we will share with you tips on how to get to the fashion show at MBFWRussia.

How do I get display invitations?

As you know, invitations to screenings are usually not sold. From time to time, people who have received free invitations in advance resell them via the Internet - this is a very unpleasant phenomenon that causes obvious indignation of designers who are strictly against such fraud.

To get invitations to Mercedes Benz shows, you need to do this in advance - about two weeks before the show. It is worth subscribing to the official instagram Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia and She’s Mercedes to receive all the relevant information at once.

Practical jokes

Organizers, partners, and the designers themselves often play out invitations on their websites and Instagram profiles. Therefore, about two weeks before the shows, you can subscribe to the designers' instagram, also to the official MBFWRussia instagram, and follow their announcements of contests. #MBFWRussiaContest


Some designers announce the distribution of invitations on their Instagram profiles. To get an invitation, in this case, quite often you just need to write a personal message to the designer and find out where you can get it. Most often it is the center of Moscow. And almost always you need to rush for them!

Concierge service

Invitations are also available through numerous concierge services. However, not all of them really can receive invitations for you, and if they can, then these are often all the same invitations without the specified row and place. On the positive side, if you contact the concierge service, invitations are usually sent home by courier service.

Queues before the show

There is often a huge queue before entering the show itself. Therefore, it is imperative to arrive in advance in order to be at the beginning of the line - then there will be an opportunity to take seats closer to the podium. If you come later, you can get to the most distant places, from where it is very difficult to see. It happens that places run out. Then it's time to enjoy the show from the big screen with a cup of delicious coffee or a glass of prosecco!

The Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Russia that just ended in Moscow has become rich not only in loud parties and strong shows of popular domestic designers, but also in new talents. This time, among the participants, in addition to domestic brands, there were guests from other countries, in total, during the shows, the works of 217 designers were presented. Many brands began their journey through the fashion space of Russia in the neon rays of Manezh, so we decided to tell you about the most interesting young talents of the Moscow Fashion Week, which were shown in the Mercedes-Benz hall.

Red September

Olga Vasyukova, founder of Red September, graduated from the Fashion Design course at Polimoda and decided not to delay organizing her business. This is how a creative association emerged in 2018, inspired by the spirit of perestroika to create men's clothing. The fall-winter 2019 collection bears the brutal name Sons of Anarchy: “I developed and sewed many prototypes at night after a working day, often without even having a dummy at hand. The collection has become a kind of concentrate of all the emotions and impressions of locations and meeting new people, ”says Vasyukova. At MBFW, the brand's team paid maximum attention to working out the shoulders in the form of a tetra pak, and the main material was leather - Olga's favorite material. Red September has serious and ambitious plans: “It's time to discuss mistakes and move on. The most intensive work is going on now. "

Red September fall-winter 2019

LES 'by Lesia Paramonova

Lesya Paramonova first showed her collection at the Cycles & Seasons by MasterCard Fashion Week back in 2012, and now she participates in the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Russia program. Lesya loves to collect children's books from all over the world and make girls happier, and this spirit of magical childlike spontaneity is felt in each of her collections, including the fall-winter 2019 season. This time we saw nymphs from a fairy tale dressed in transparent capes and flying dresses with mysterious prints reminiscent of kaleidoscope patterns. Paramonova approaches the details of each item with trepidation: the collection features tapestry-shaped inserts, hand-made delicate embroideries and belts made of rope.

LES ’by Lesia Paramonova fall-winter 2019


Behind the rebellious façade of 1377, an underground fashion label founded in 2017, stands young designer Alexandra Zhurin. This season, even invitations to the MBFW show were with a kind of maximalist rebellious touch: "We don't know you personally, and you don't know us either." But, judging by the plans of the brand for the future and the ideas promoted in the collections, it is still worth learning about 1377. Each collection of clothes is filled with echoes of the past, and this season Zhurina interpreted the costumes of ordinary working guys of the early 20th century in her own way. So, on the catwalk, models appeared in dashing caps shifted to one side, quilted coats, felted wool jackets. At the same time, it was not done without deconstructed vests and futuristic trousers with "aprons".