How to wash a polyester coat. Polyester - what is this fabric? Polyester: is it warm

Outerwear should be not only fashionable, stylish, but also practical - capable of protecting from cold, wind, rain, snow. Therefore, great attention is paid to the quality and characteristics of materials. Everyone knows that fabrics made from natural fibers have the most beneficial properties, such as heat retention, as well as hygroscopicity, which allows the skin to "breathe" and remove excess moisture. At the same time, these materials do not have air and moisture resistance, which means they are not able to protect against moisture, wind and frost. It is for this reason that modern technologies for the production of fabrics with the addition of synthetic fibers or completely artificial materials that meet all the requirements are used to create outerwear.

Polyamide (nylon), polyester, polyurethane can significantly improve the characteristics of materials. In addition, currently in the textile industry, special components are used to obtain various textures and effects due to the weaving technique of fibers. As a result, we get outerwear with such qualities as moisture resistance, wear resistance, resistance to dirt.

Made from 100% polyester

Dozens of varieties of popular fabrics for outerwear with various textures and effects have been created from polyester: with a matte or glossy surface, with a "chameleon" effect, as well as different tactile sensations: soft, smooth, dense, thin. It depends on the shape, weave and size of the primary fibers. Compounds with cotton, polyamide, acrylic, lycra are widely used.

Such "different" can be a fabric made of 100% polyester fiber: matte, shiny and brightly colored, as well as frankly glossy.

A large group of hi-tec (high-tech) fabrics contains polyester fibers in one amount or another, and such fabrics, thanks to the latest expensive technologies and "intricacies" of fibers, have maximum protective properties and at the same time maintain good air exchange at the level of natural fabrics, i.e. .e. "breathe". Due to its complex production technology, high-quality polyester fabrics can be very expensive and exceed the cost of expensive natural fabrics (wool, silk).

Outerwear with the addition of polyester: jackets, coats, raincoats, windbreakers, down jackets are lightweight and durable, perfectly retain their shape, do not wrinkle, do not let water through. The fabric is good at repelling dirt, resistant to light and heat, easy to clean, easy to clean and wash, and dries quickly. Such clothes will not lose the brightness of color, will not fade in the light and sun, and will not shed when washed.

Synthetic insulation, such as sintepon, holofiber are based on polyester fiber.

Polyamide (nylon)

Polyamide (nylon) often used in outerwear materials. Fabrics with its addition are more expensive than polyester ones, since it is the most expensive synthetic fiber. In terms of its properties, it is very similar to polyester, but has greater strength and durability. Polyamide (nylon) fabrics are resistant to moisture, but this property is slightly less pronounced than polyester fabric. Materials for outerwear can be made of 100% polyamide or combined, including polyester. Interestingly, just a small percentage of this material increases the strength and durability of the fabric several times. Various shapes of fiber cross-sections allow you to create a variety of textures: shiny and matte. Polyamide fabrics, due to their very good dyeing, can be of a wide variety of colors.

Pure 100% nylon is a soft, dense and very lightweight fabric. When folded, a windbreaker made of such material will fit into a small handbag without any problems and will not weigh it down at all. Jackets, raincoats, down jackets made of nylon fabric or with the addition of nylon are very wearable and durable, keep their shape well, do not wrinkle, wash easily, do not require ironing, dry quickly. Such things will not get wet and will perfectly protect from the wind.


In the fabrics for the production of jackets, down jackets, raincoats and windbreakers, another synthetic fiber is used - polyurethane, which is used only in combination with other fibers, giving the fabric strength and low hygroscopicity. Fabrics made entirely of polyurethane fibers are a specific material that is only applicable for the production of workwear. With its high elasticity, strength and low hygroscopicity, polyurethane is often used in the form of a micron coating of fabric - impregnation, making such fabric completely impervious to water and dirt, waterproof and windproof.

The latest developments in the textile industry are leading to the creation of new fabrics for off-season outerwear that must withstand the changing moods of late autumn and early spring. Products with a high content of polyurethane (more than 50%) are very aesthetic and noble, with a beautiful shine, similar to the shine of patent leather. Such a durable and wear-resistant material does not allow water to pass through, repels dirt, and is resistant to dirt and stains. It does not change its properties in the cold, does not rustle. Ease of care of outerwear made of fabrics with a high percentage of polyurethane makes it especially practical: sometimes it is enough to wipe it with a wet cloth.

With regard to outerwear, it is worth mentioning the widespread use of polyurethane in combination with cotton to create artificial leather and leatherette.

It is not at all within the power of the buyer to understand what is included in the composition of the fabric by the appearance of the jacket alone. Determining whether it is polyester or polyamide by touch is also not easy. Modern textile production with its high technologies of weaving of fibers makes huge strides forward and creates a variety of fashionable and beautiful fabrics for sewing outerwear.

With the end of the cold season and the arrival of warm fine days, outerwear is traditionally tucked into the far corner of the closet and stored there until next autumn. But before you send the coat to a well-deserved rest, it is recommended to thoroughly clean it so that the dirt accumulated on the collar and sleeves does not absorb into the fabric, and the product itself does not spoil the moth.

However, independent attempts to wash the coat at home can irreparably ruin the item. In this case, the fabric from which the coat is sewn is of paramount importance, as well as the recommendations for caring for it given on the label. What problems can arise when self-washing this or that type of outerwear and why can't the coat be washed in an automatic machine?

Wool coat

A woolen coat is undoubtedly a beautiful thing, but very capricious to care for. So, any violation in the process of cleaning the product can spoil its appearance and make it unusable. The main problems that can arise when washing a wool coat include:

  • Deformation of the fabric. Even the “manual” and “delicate” modes available in modern washing machines are often not suitable for wool outerwear. The minimum violation of the permissible temperature regime will inevitably lead to the stretching of the thing. Machine drying or wringing of a coat can have the same sad consequences. Even if the washing was carried out according to all the rules and during it the thing was not deformed, there is a risk of damaging the original shape of the product during further ironing.
  • Pilling. In most cases, after washing, pellets appear on the surface of woolen products, making the item unattractive, untidy and giving the impression that it has been worn for a very long time. Of course, there are various ways to remove the pellets, but none of them will return the original shine to things.
  • The appearance of divorces. The wrong detergent can damage the fabric, leaving permanent streaks on it.
  • Molting. If the wool is dyed with low-quality dyes, during washing in some places, the color of the product can be washed off along with the dirt, making the thing unsuitable for further use.

Polyester coat

In general, washing polyester coats has the same difficulties as woolen products. However, in addition to the possible problems of deformation of the thing, the formation of pellets and shedding, these products often wrinkle after washing and acquire non-smoothing creases.

Cashmere coat

Cashmere is a finicky material that requires a particularly delicate approach. When washed, it has all the same disadvantages as wool and polyester, but in this case, the likelihood of shrinkage is added to the list of difficulties. So that the product does not shrink, local removal of dirt is sometimes carried out to avoid complete wetting of the coat. Outerwear manufacturers recommend avoiding machine washing and drying of this type of product, preferring dry cleaning to them.

When caring for a coat made of any type of fabric, it should be remembered that a minimal mistake can irreparably ruin the thing, therefore, before starting to wash a coat yourself, it is important to assess and compare the risks. Perhaps the best solution would be to entrust the clothes to the dry cleaning staff, where they will correctly determine the composition of the fabric, select professional detergents and thoroughly clean the product from contamination in full compliance with the technology, as well as dry it on special equipment, which guarantees the safety of the coat in its original form.

In the process of wearing, any things tend to get dirty. Outerwear is more susceptible to contamination, which takes on the main environmental influences: snow, rain, wind, dust. Mechanical friction contaminates sleeves and pocket edges. One way to remove stains is to have it dry cleaned, but due to its cost and durability, it won't suit everyone.

One type of fabric that can be machine washed is polyester. This material is widely used for sewing jackets, coats, raincoats. This article provides instructions on how to machine wash your polyester coat.

Preparing for washing

  1. We check the resistance of the fabric to detergent. When buying a coat, along with spare accessories, the manufacturer puts in a small piece of fabric from which the product is sewn. It is necessary for testing the agent that will be used for washing. Apply a little and watch the reaction: if there are no changes in structure and coloring, then this type of washing powder can be used when washing a coat;
  2. Detach all detachable decorative parts: belt, fur inserts, metal badges, cuffs;
  3. Check pockets. Keys, lighters, coins, paper clips, pens, buttons and any other items can damage not only the washing machine, but the coat itself;
  4. Fasten all buttons and zippers and turn the outfit to the wrong side;
  5. Place in a laundry bag.

Advice: pay attention to the information on the label. The usual washing temperature for polyester clothes is 40 º, but sometimes the manufacturer reduces it to 30 º, or increases it to 60 º.

What detergents to use

When choosing a detergent, you need to focus on the color scheme of the coat. If the outfit is dark, then it is better to give preference to liquid washing powder. Thus, outerwear will last longer and retain its original color.

In the event that the coat is bright or light colored, then you can use not only liquid detergent, but also granular detergent. In no case should you use a variety of bleaches. Otherwise, the thing will become unusable and lose its presentation. Below are some basic tips on how to wash your polyester coat at home.

Removing stains

It so happens that it is not always possible to achieve a flawless appearance of the product by resorting only to washing. And the blame is for stains that ordinary powder cannot cope with. Even though polyester is very resistant to all kinds of stains, you have to work hard to remove stains from wine, coffee, chocolate or grease.

It is important to know: any spots are removed from the edges to the middle. This method will avoid further spread of contamination to clean areas of the product.

Before starting washing, the problem areas of the product should be treated with a stain remover and left for a while. If the stain remover has not coped with the pollution, then it makes sense to resort to more drastic measures. Depending on the nature of the pollution, there are several proven and effective ways to combat them.

Wine stains can be removed with salt. To do this, add a little warm water to the salt, mix until a gruel and apply on the problem area for 15–20 minutes.

Greasy stains can be easily removed by using talcum powder and a brush. But remember that with this method of cleaning, you should avoid water and apply talcum powder to a dry cloth, rubbing it thoroughly with a brush.

Ammonia diluted in a 2 to 1 ratio with glycerin will become a wonderful ally in the struggle for purity. This method is suitable if there are coffee, tea and chocolate stains on the clothes.

Tip: Fresh dirt is easiest to get rid of, so don't delay cleaning. Stubborn stains will be much more difficult to remove.


One way to remove contamination faster is to pre-soak and wash specific areas. Learn how to wash your polyester coat using these processes.

Partial washing of particularly dirty areas such as sleeves, cuffs, hem can shorten the wash time. In this case, certain rules should be observed:

  • it is forbidden to stretch the fabric;
  • strong mechanical impact with brushes is prohibited. It is better to take a piece of soft cloth and, dampening it in soapy water, gently wipe the dirty areas.

Excessive deformation of the polyester fabric will lead to loss of shape and attractive appearance of the product.

The soaking procedure can be performed manually or entrusted to the machine by selecting the appropriate mode. For manual testing, you will need:

  • bath thermometer;
  • capacity;
  • warm water;
  • detergents.

Important! When using chlorine bleach is prohibited! An alternative to chlorine is liquid oxygen.

  1. We adjust the temperature, the water should not exceed 35 degrees, use a thermometer for this;
  2. We add a detergent to the container, preferably a liquid powder, and then, stirring thoroughly. This is done in order to avoid the presence of white streaks on the fabric, which may appear after the garment is completely dry. If there are traces of animal hair, fluff on the coat, then it is recommended to remove such dirt with a soft bristle brush or a roller for cleaning clothes.
  3. Turn the coat inside out before placing it in the water. If the clothes are heavily soiled, then the best option would be to soak the product in water for 30-40 minutes. But do not overuse this method and leave the coat in water for a long time if the thing is not monochromatic.
  4. It is recommended to use a clothes brush to clean the dirt during the washing process. It is desirable that it has a soft pile. Do not press too hard on the brush, so the risk of damaging the fabric will be minimized.
  5. After the coat is cleaned of dirt, it should be rinsed in cool water several times. It is recommended to add a small amount of fabric softener to the water. It is necessary to wring out the thing very carefully and carefully so as not to damage the structure of the fabric, thus preventing premature deformation of the coat. Hang the outfit on a hanger and let it drain, then move it to a warm room until it dries completely.

Tip: carefully read the instructions for use of washing powders, stain removers and conditioners - not all of them are suitable for washing such material. The best choice for polyester is a liquid powder for delicate fabrics.

Washing in a typewriter

Important! Before loading the drum, make sure that there is no other dirty laundry in it.

To determine if a polyester coat can be washed in the washing machine, you need to look at the product tag.

Shown is a crossed out basin - not washable, outerwear is only suitable for dry cleaning. No icon - washing is allowed.

Before you decide to wash polyester, you can test it for durability. For this, cheesecloth or cotton pad must be moistened and applied to the material. If the surface of the gauze is stained, and the coat has changed color, it is absolutely impossible to wash it.

If the gauze is not stained, carefully place the rolled-up coat in the machine. We choose the type of washing "delicate" or "synthetics". In accordance with the recommendations on the label, we set the water temperature: too hot water violates the integrity of the fibers (30 degrees mode).

  1. It is necessary to turn off the spin mode - it is strictly forbidden to twist a polyester coat, this leads to deformation of the fabric and loss of the presentation of the coat;
  2. We use only those detergents for washing that are suitable for polyester. They cannot be added directly to the drum, only to a special cuvette. Direct contact with active chemicals also damages tissue;
  3. It is recommended to set a double rinse mode in the wash program - this way, the water will remove powder particles stuck between the fibers. After drying, the front side will be free of stains and streaks.

When the washing process comes to an end, you need to carefully remove the coat from the washing bag, shake it and hang it on a hanger to dry. Do not wring out the fabric.

If the washing machine used is semi-automatic, then you will have to set the temperature of the water for washing and rinsing manually, focusing on the thermometer.

When self-caring for things made of synthetic fabrics, you need to decide on some issues. First, you should carefully examine the product for contamination. Assess the front of the work, depending on the appearance. If the coat is 100% polyester, you can omit some of the features. When other natural ingredients are also included, a more accurate cleaning will be required.

An air conditioner is needed to dissipate static electricity. Since the minimum spin speed will not allow you to achieve the desired effect the first time, you can put it again. After removing the coat, hang it on a spacer to maintain its shape.

The coat does not require additional ironing, but a hand-held steamer can be used to give it a proper look. In the absence of such a mode on the iron, ironing should only be done through damp gauze.

Mixed fabric coats are rarely washed in cases of special need. Natural materials lose their textured lines with frequent washing. In fact, there is no difference in the care between blended and 100% synthetic fabrics, it is enough to adhere to the previously presented recommendations.

It so happens that the coat gets dirty in a specific place. Of course, you shouldn't wash it completely. There is an algorithm of actions that must be followed in order to quickly remove the stain:

  1. Choose a mild stain remover;
  2. Apply it to the place of contamination and leave for two minutes;
  3. Gently rub the stain, rub off lightly. The main thing is to remove the remains of the stain remover.

An alternative to detergent is table salt.

Attention! If a polyester coat is additionally insulated with fluff or padding polyester, you need to take care that the material does not turn into lumps. You can purchase special fluff-smoothing balls at any hardware store.

If both polyester and wool are present in the coat, the procedure remains the same. The only caveat is that the detergent should be chosen for wool, not polyester.

It is possible to machine wash your polyester outfit. However, this process requires special care: carelessness can damage the coat irrevocably.

When is it better to trust professionals

There are situations when home appliances are unreliable and you should accept help from specialists, that is, contact a dry cleaner.

As with other wardrobe items, a coat needs to be looked after expertly. I wondered, is it possible to do without dry cleaning and do it yourself? It turns out that washing your coat at home is possible if you follow certain instructions.

How to wash a coat?

How to wash your coat? There are three ways: hand wash, machine wash and dry cleaning. We remove the laundry and dry cleaning immediately, as it takes a lot of time, and the price is usually too high. Therefore, I will tell you about the first two methods.

Preparatory stage

Regardless of the material, clothes must be properly prepared before washing.... Here are the basic guidelines:

  • If your outer garment has fur cuffs or a collar- unfasten them. If the design of the model does not allow this, fight back.

  • Remove large metal parts, and all kinds of decor.
  • You cannot wash such things with cold water., a warm one (about 40 ° C) is suitable for us;
  • Cashmere coat and wool products can be processed only with special detergents (example in the photo below);

  • Using the manual way washing, try not to use force.
  • In an automatic machine- only delicate mode or mode for wool.
  • Regardless of the method, the coat must be thoroughly rinsed after washing to avoid streaks on the surface.

Method 1. Washing by hand

Instructions, presented in the table, will tell you how to properly wash a coat, depending on the material:

Image Material

Cashmere coat
  1. Fill the bath with water (no higher than 40 ° C);
  2. Add a couple of scoops of cashmere detergent and stir;
  3. Lower the product into the bathtub and, holding by the shoulders, move it from one side of the bathtub to the other;
  4. Then put the entire canvas in water and leave for 15 minutes;
  5. Finally, rinse thoroughly and dry.

Can the wool coat be hand washed? It is possible, but only if the product label says that washing is not contraindicated.

The conditions are the same as for cashmere.

Dip your sleeve into the water and check for shedding. If the villi "crawl" profusely, you cannot wash such a thing at home.


Washing a drape coat includes 2 stages:

  1. Wet cleaning with a brush using detergent (pay special attention to the collar and cuffs);
  2. Wash in cool water (just like cashmere items).


Polyester is the most unpretentious material, so it can be washed with the addition of regular detergent and stain remover

Method 2. Washing in a typewriter

If you decide to wash your coat in a washing machine, then first carefully study the labels for prohibition signs (crossed out machine, temperature limitation). Having specified these details, you can start the process itself:

  1. If size allows, put your clothes in a washing bag. This will make the fabric less wrinkled;
  2. Fasten all buttons, zippers and buttons... Remove the cuffs and collar;
  3. Add a standard dose of powder or, if the product is made of wool, detergents for woolen garments. Add a cap of hair conditioner to the balm compartment;

  1. Place the item in the drum and start the wash.... Attention: only a delicate (for wool) mode and a temperature of no more than 30 ° C are suitable. Spinning and drying must be turned off.

After washing, the coat must be properly dried. Polyester is simply laid out on a flat surface or hung to dry on a hanger.

  • To iron your coat, and not spoil its appearance, it is recommended to use a steamer.

    1. Inspect your outerwear carefully for pilling and stains. It is much easier to get rid of any deficiency if you start to eliminate it right away.


    We found that a coat made of any material can be washed with ease at home. It remains to apply one of the described methods in practice. The video in this article will demonstrate how to wash a coat visually. And I'm waiting for questions and suggestions in the comments.

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