How to meet a girl in a club. How to meet a girl in a club: original ideas, tips and tricks for a successful dating

Dating girls in a nightclub is somewhat different from dating on the street. And if you decide to go to a club and ideally leave there with a beautiful girl, then you should know a few nuances of club dating.

Firstly, the competition for the beauties in the club is much greater than on the street. Because if you are in real life only you, and, as a rule, no one bothers you. Then in the club you start competing with other guys. What is the way out here?

You shouldn't dwell on one particular girl. Choose a few, interact with them in turn. It kills two birds with one stone for you.

A) Each specific girl sees that you are communicating with other different girls. It means that you are sociable, successful, not a bore, etc. It attracts.

B) You increase your chances of meeting a girl. The more you communicate with, the more chances you have.

How to meet a girl in a club - what to do?

Now, let's pretend you walk into a club. Immediately from the doorway, you get into the field of view of many girls, and they begin to evaluate you. Therefore, from the very first moment, you must radiate confidence and high status. You can say hello to the guard, ask him how the situation is today, what kind of music, how many girls are there.

After entering, there are several strategies of behavior, and everyone chooses what he likes best.

You can go to the dance floor and really have fun, enjoy the music and the club atmosphere. Of course, not forgetting about the girls.

There is also another option. Make a circle around the club, discovering different groups of girls and making mini-communications. When you walk like this, you will make a rough picture of the girls you like. And then, when you meet one of them again, she will already know you, because you have already had a short conversation. And so you gradually narrow your social circle to two or three girls who you liked the most. And already from them you choose which one to take home, and take the phone numbers from the rest. 🙂

In no case stand next to the dance floor and do not look at the dancers. It drains energy and your mood drops. Therefore, if you approached the dance floor, immediately come in and dance, preferably closer to the center.

If you want seduction to be successful, then it is better to abstain from alcohol.

Firstly, it is better to take the girl away in your car. Sex can happen right in the car. You will be more mobile and will not depend on your friends or taxi drivers.

Secondly, when you are sober, you can do almost anything. People will see that you are not drunk or high. If some girl freezes and calls the guard, then the truth will be on your side, because you can immediately see which of you two drank. You can take her yourself, take her to the guard and say that she is drunk and behaves inappropriately. Most likely, she herself will be warned. And after going to the security, she will understand that you are unrealistically cool and can do whatever you want here.

Remember. Girls constantly scan you, even when it seems to you that they are not looking at you. And at every moment they should see the following picture:

  1. You light up, you are cool.
  2. You are communicating with someone.
  3. You're kissing someone.
  4. You are dancing with someone.

Fun clubs vs pretentious

All clubs can be divided into 2 types: fun and glamorous. Accordingly, your behavior there should also be different. Girls come to funny clubs to have fun and to have fun. This is where you can be arrogant, depraved and funny. And those who want to find a husband or a sponsor go to glamorous clubs. It is not customary to light and stick there. In such a place, for successful seduction, the appropriate character should be portrayed.

Of course, if you have a little experience of club seduction and dating, then it will not work out so perfectly right away, as written above. But if you methodically follow these tips, then sooner or later they will lead you to success.

Dating and pick-up in nightclubs are qualitatively different from dating on the street, in a cafe, at school or at work, because girls and guys initially come to clubs for new experiences and emotions. That is why the club can be called an ideal place to practice communication skills with the opposite sex. We will tell the male readers how to meet a girl in a nightclub.

Task 1. Present yourself correctly from the very beginning

It is necessary to attract the attention of the fair sex not at the moment of the beginning of communication, but immediately after entering the club. The female sex is distinguished by an attentiveness unattainable for men, and many girls constantly monitor everyone who comes in, instantly assessing his attractiveness.

No one is able to compete with other guys in the club in everything, but the "minimum program" should be observed - clothes should be absolutely clean and more or less fashionable. It is enough to put on one striking thing - for example, an unusual bright shirt.

It is better to smile when entering the establishment, even if there is no particular reason for it.

A smile is subconsciously perceived as a symbol of confidence and carelessness.

Task 2. Be able to feel and control the conversation

It should be understood that if any sounds are drowned out by the music, at this moment it is better not to yell at the girl's ear or move off the dance floor to a secluded corner, after which she will be able to focus on what you are saying to her. When the conversation does start, it is not recommended to ask the interlocutor who she works or where she studies - people visit clubs not at all in order to be bored with routine things there too. The conversation must be approached creatively: no trivial topics!

The power of the gaze should not be underestimated either - sometimes they can be expressed more than verbally. The pickup masters managed to write entire treatises on non-verbal, i.e. the ability to convey information by the timbre and intonation of the voice, facial expressions, gaze, gestures and body position.

Task 3. Read sign language and facial expressions, use empathy

The guy should watch the expression on the girl's face, her eyes. This allows you to correctly determine her attitude towards him, her emotional level and, therefore, understand whether he can hug or kiss her, or if it is worth postponing. If the girl's face shows discomfort, she may not have had time to get used to the situation.

What is empathy? Empathy - this is how one word can describe this psychological term.

A concrete example: a guy feels that a girl he likes is being careful with him, somewhat afraid. You can relieve this tension by saying something relaxing and humorous, for example: "Don't bother, I always get too arrogant in clubs." Such phrases will make her understand that he is adequate and does not intend to harm her in any way.

Task 4. Do not give up on mixed companies of guys and girls

In most cases, the club is visited not alone and not even in pairs, but more or less large companies. You cannot immediately reject such potential acquaintances just because these people came together. After meeting a whole company, a guy can make a lot of male friends and next time go in search of adventure with them. Moreover, it is they who will certainly offer to meet the rest of the ladies. And in order not to put yourself in an awkward position, "rolling" to someone else's girlfriend, it is enough to observe the relationship within the company a little.

Task 5. Learn permissiveness, not be afraid to be arrogant

Even if in reality all these affirmations are far from true, an insecure or inexperienced guy should fix the following attitudes in his mind:

  1. This is his club, and he is the owner here.
  2. There is no need to deny yourself anything.
  3. The whole party is based on it.
  4. If you like a girl, he will achieve her.
  5. All those present are extremely happy to see him and are eager to get to know him.

You can learn how to become more self-confident in the following video:

Objective 6. Be principled

Having received an undeserved turn from the gate from the side of an arrogant or rude girl, the best tactic would be to defiantly approach another. And since the desire to be in the center of attention (especially for men) is inherent in almost all the ladies, the girl who “sent off” the guy will probably regret her behavior afterwards, or even feel a prick of jealousy.

Task 7. Do not worry about rejections and "bounces"

If communication with the girl you like did not start, and she refuses to dance, you should not immediately look for the problem in yourself. There are dozens of reasons beyond the guy's control:

  1. She is tired of the constant "tackles" and does not meet anyone.
  2. She came with a boyfriend.
  3. Her friends are nearby, which shackles and confuses her.
  4. The guy and the girl are now "on different waves" and in different emotional states, which is why they cannot understand each other correctly.
  5. She simply does not hear him because of the rumbling music.

Task 8. Approach, hug and take to the dance floor

This tactic helps to step over the long and tedious initial stage of getting to know all his banal "What's your name?" and "You came here alone?" Dancing together makes two strangers feel like they've been friends for years.

It is in dancing, after accidental or deliberate touching, that attraction to each other can develop. You should not be afraid of a scandal - in clubs, the vast majority of girls like to get close without wasting words.

The acquaintance was successful. What's next?

Some guys get lost after the acquaintance in the next club has been successfully accomplished, and do not know how to spend an evening with a girl. Here are some ready-made “recipes” and tips for spending time together:

  1. Take me to the dance floor. Besides being the most obvious option, it is also a way to impress a girl with his dancing skills (if the guy took a few club dance lessons in advance).
  2. Take a walk around the territory of the club. The main thing is that the navigator should be a man, so that the girl does not feel the responsibility for entertainment transferred to her.
  3. Visit a karaoke room with her.
  4. Immediately after you managed to meet a girl in a club, it is better to isolate her from her friends with whom she came, so that they do not interfere with the rapprochement. After - on the contrary, introduce yourself and communicate.
  5. Introduce the lady to your friends. To strengthen the bond with her, a guy may even tell acquaintances that this is his girlfriend. She is unlikely to begin to argue out loud.

Alternative to club dating

For extremely shy people who are still not ready to meet in crowded clubs, we advise you to try your hand at dating sites. This method has a number of impressive advantages:

  1. All information at a glance. You can find exactly the one that you like both as a person and externally in the shortest possible time, without spending days, weeks and months fetching information from dozens of girls.
  2. Relative anonymity and "invisibility". At any time, you can break off a boring conversation or acquaintance.
  3. More sincerity. As Cicero used to say, epistula non erubescit - the letter does not blush. Those. on the Internet, people, as a rule, can write about themselves faster and more honestly what only close friends know about "in real life".
  4. The most suitable contingent. EVERYONE wants to get acquainted on specialized sites, which cannot be said even about such free places as nightclubs.

Absolutely any young man can come up and meet a girl in the club, since the very atmosphere of the institution contributes to this. To increase his chances of success, a guy should:

  • present yourself beautifully;
  • choose the right moment and place for the conversation;
  • observe the non-verbal signals of the interlocutor;
  • not be afraid of meeting big companies;
  • not an iota to doubt their abilities;
  • have a sense of pride and not indulge in arrogant girls;
  • do not worry about the "bounces";
  • try the "hugged and taken to the dancefloor" tactic.

In the club, overcome fear, excitement, fear of the opinions of others and other problems that guys face in nightlife. The article will be useful both for beginners in the night game and for avid party-goers. Study and become enlightened.

Previously, I was generally very afraid of clubs, I was afraid to meet there, because there I was in full view of everyone. Now clubs for me are one of the easiest places to meet in Moscow. I love clubs. I adore this aura, the setting, although I myself do not dance, but I adore coming there and meeting girls.

The most important rule.
The first thing to learn is the axiom that a club is a theater. Imagine that you are all in front of each other. If a girl suddenly refuses you, everyone will see it. If, on the contrary, she agrees, then everyone will see it too. In such a theater, you always need to be in a good mood. Never come to a club in a bad mood! Read this rule again and remember, I prefer to use hidden dating in the club.

An important point.
It is important to understand that if a girl came to the club that evening, this does not mean at all that she definitely wants to meet someone. She came there just to come off and relax. And this really is the very correct goal that you should pursue. And acquaintances will take place in parallel.

That is, your primary goal is to have a pleasant pastime, and dating girls is just a consequence. I'll warn you right away about dating. DO NOT go up to a girl and say: "We can meet you."

Women's opinion.
I once asked my sister for advice about a club game. Her look from the outside helped me to look at many things in a different way. She divides the people in the club into several categories.

Insecure pseudo "pickups".
These are guys who just passively stand and stare at the dance floor. They usually come to the club to take pictures of the girls. But, for half an hour, they don't get to know anyone. They just stare blankly at the girls. And then, finally, at one fine moment they decide to approach.

It often looks very ridiculous. They go from the edge of the dance floor to its center to some girl to take a phone number, she refuses him, the guy comes back and leaves with nothing.

There is another category of guys who get drunk. They get into condition, fear turns off, and they go to meet girls, only ugly ones. Attractive and demanded by male attention, girls will not even allow such guys to approach them. They care about their status. Therefore, acquaintance in the club should be natural without alcohol.

Passive vacationers.
There is another category of guys who come with a company just to communicate with each other and relax. They usually sit at the bar or at the table. Accordingly, they are completely dedicated to their communication.

Party people.
There are also those who came to the club to dance and get drunk. Everything here, of course, is not for everybody. There is a rule that real men do not dance, or they must simply dance masterfully, that is, graduate from some kind of dance school.

Always remember your true purpose.
Therefore, I repeat, you cannot pretend that you have come to look for a girl. Because in this case, the girl can understand that you already have some kind of problems with your personal life, since you go somewhere specifically to look for girls. Appearance, non-verbal communication and what you say play an important role in meeting. Here everything is from the beginning and in descending order.

  • Appearance is how you dress, club style. It is important to look neat and smell good.
  • Non-verbalika is your inner confidence. You should feel comfortable. Later I will give one non-verbal exercise that can and should be done.

What you say at the club doesn't really matter. The main thing is to say adequate things. You can start a conversation with a simple compliment like: “Hello! You're cool". All this looks very natural and works. By the way, in the club you can touch from the very first minutes (!)

Not a bad effective method
How to meet a girl at a disco? There used to be a good strategy. Its meaning was to come to the disco and immediately open 10 girls and then choose from them the one that is most of all on you. Such a strategy has a right to exist, but there are more advanced methods. You can open girls in different parts of the disco.

Why do you need to communicate with all the ugly girls ?! Moreover, if you are with ugly girls, then a beautiful girl will give you several negative points in advance.

Non-verbal bottle openers.
Before we get acquainted, I use a technique such as insulation. I either wink, or I look at the girl with a confident look for a long time, or I make a compliment while passing by and immediately leave, or I clink glasses at a distance. That is, there is a kind of non-verbal play. You can read about how to do this in the article "How to flirt with a girl."

Behavior strategy.
About the strategy of behavior. When you come to the club, you need to look around. The best thing is to pretend that you are just walking slowly and looking for someone. You need to choose the longest path. During this moment, while you walk, you need to see and see who is in the club, what kind of girls are around, with whom they are.

Dating methods.

Direct approach.
It is not the best, but for lack of others, it is best used. The action takes place at the bar. You go to the bar to order a cocktail, where this girl is standing nearby. We took ourselves a cocktail and just exchange a few words with her. Arouse interest, try to please and move as usual.

Also, if a girl is standing in another part of the club, you can walk there, and then just get up and stand nearby for a couple of minutes so that she just gets used to your presence. And then you just wanted to ask something, or talk, and you turn to her. As a rule, girls react to this perfectly, since you do not roll up to get acquainted. You are just chatting. Here's how to meet at the club.

There is also the same more advanced method. You go with a friend. You start communicating with him and you see some girl and walk past her. At this moment, some ingenious thought comes to you, and you stop it and start telling something. And the girl starts to pay attention. You appear in her field of vision. And you, on the contrary, do not pay attention to it. And she thinks: "Cool guys, do not need female attention." And she starts looking at you further.

At this moment, you just turn around, notice her gaze and wink, and then immediately turn away. She thinks that you paid attention to her, but for some reason you don't meet her, it means that you are really cool. Then you can look at her again and start chatting. You will already have plus five points in advance.

For beginners.
How to get used to the club. It's very easy to get used to the club. You have to go about eight times, just stand there, get used to it. To be just the guy who stands and just stares at the girls.

There is also a way when you just come to the club, keep a relaxed state and just walk. Your job is just to keep a relaxed state.

Seduction in the club.

  1. You met. We talked for about 15 minutes. You can treat the girl to a cocktail. This is fine. Then it is important to make a move. An offer to drink a cocktail may serve as an occasion.
  2. You offer to go and eat sushi at a nearby place. With the words: "We will not be a maximum of forty minutes, and we will return." As a rule, the girls agree. When you have already arrived, there you spend an ordinary date, seduce and take you home.

Do not forget to watch this cool video about seduction in the club)

That, in principle, is all you need to know so far about how to meet a girl in a club. Ask questions, write wishes. Bye.

Dating and Pickup

How to meet a girl in a club

Meeting a girl in a club is one of the most interesting and exciting challenges that can fall on a guy's head. And the trick is that girls initially come to the club to have a good time and meet interesting people, hence we have a huge number of pretty girls and great competition among men.

Nevertheless, absolutely any guy can grab a nice girl who will not only brighten up his evening at the club, but also agree to continue a closer relationship afterwards. To do this, you just need to know the basic principles of dating and avoid dynamo, bred.

Meeting at the club - basic theory

So, when a girl is going to go to a club, she expects to spend a pleasant time there, have fun and meet interesting people. It is for this reason that the girl tries to show herself in all her glory and gain admiration from others. And it is on this principle that the main rule of dating a girl in a club is based: "The guy should look so that the girl feels that it is he who makes her popular and successful."

However, it should be obvious to you that if you try to snatch a girl who is very popular with men, and she herself is dragged from such attention, then this option will be a failure for you. Therefore, immediately sweep aside all girls who fit this category.

Further, you should understand that a large number of busy girls also come to the club, who simply dance in it and take a break from their serious relationship. Most often, they can be identified by a large number of drinks and a condescending look at girls in the first category. It is better to exclude such girls, although if their boyfriend has not been at his best recently, you can get to know them, but this is at your own peril and risk.

There is a separate category of girls who "eat and drink" at someone else's expense. Most often, they look quite impressive, their movements are slow, and prefer to be near older men, although there are also plenty of hunters for young guys. Naturally, it is better not to approach such girls, since you will not achieve anything other than losing money. However, if you have agility and cunning, and the girl sees this, then she will be interested in you, because they love guys of their type.

The best option for dating is a modest girl who does not show herself actively on the dance floor and is slightly shocked by everything around her. Most often, such girls are brought in by friends of other categories for the company, and they do not understand what they should do. This is the perfect sacrifice.

  • Firstly, she will be grateful to you that among all the spectacular and pompous girls, you paid attention to her. She also wants to feel popular and successful.
  • Secondly, she will want to wipe her friends' nose, because such a gorgeous guy approached her. Oh, this female competition and envy!
  • Thirdly, it is these girls who most often leave you a real phone, and subsequently have sex with you.

It is important to know about acquaintance at the club. If you are trying to pick up a girl in a club who will have sex with you on the very first night, then you can do it. Only the quality of such a girl and the safety of sex with her will raise many questions. Therefore, if you understand that a girl is ready to have sex with you on the very first night of meeting - Change the Girl!

How to pick up girls

Obviously, there will be plenty of guys in the club besides you, both with money and with a good appearance, so it's not worth focusing on these two indicators. Your task is simply to look "normal and calm." Those. if it is customary for guys of your age to go to the club in shirts and trousers, then put on a shirt and trousers: no more, no less. In some places, you even have to blend in with the crowd.

You shouldn't count on booze either. Firstly, now such girls have gone that they themselves will sing any man, and secondly, a drunk girl will not be able to adequately accept your communication. And this is a guarantee that the very next day after your message or call, she will ignore you. This means that you have wasted your energy, time and money.

Therefore, you should rely solely on your confidence and ability to inspire girls that you are exactly the man they have been looking for and waiting for. And this is achieved by the following rules:

1) On the dance floor, you behave calmly, solidly and accurately. No jerky movements of arms and legs. You can grab a lot of space around you to show your confidence, but you shouldn't do it too pompously and violently, as sometimes happens.

2) You should not keep your hands in your pockets and drink too much near the bar or at your place. Girls prefer neat and discreet guys, and not those who poured into themselves a horse dose of alcohol, or vice versa, squeezed in a corner.

3) Your behavior should be calm, but you should radiate joy and positive. Girls love it when guys are happy. This is a great opportunity to put yourself a plus sign.

How to get the girl's attention in the club

The best way to grab a girl's attention and "feel out the surroundings" is to look, smile, and shake your head slightly. You kind of look at the girl and let her know that she is interested in you, and then you expect an answer from her.

  • If she was embarrassed or smiled back at you, it is "Yes."
  • If she made a stone face, it is "No."

So you can choose a girl who will be glad to your attention, which means that we will work with her.

When you approach her, you will first need to say a couple of banal words "Hello, how are you?" I said to myself: "Alexander, you must meet such a nice girl, and here I am."

What to talk about with a girl in a club

By the girl's reaction to acquaintance and her appearance, you can easily determine: she wants to talk or it's time to pull her to dance.

Conversations are usually conducted at the expense of:

  • Reasons why she came to the club;
  • Who came to the club with her;
  • Where does she live, what does she do;

After these answers, start acting as if you have known her for a long time, and now you need to have fun, not talk. After all, the girl will be glad that you have kept her company.

What to do at the end of an evening at the club

After you chat with the girl and find a common language with her, you will need to take her phone, or whatsAPP, or something else like that. Do not even try to persuade the girl to go to her or to your place this evening. Let for her you remain a decent guy who liked her, and you had a good time together. This will help you in the future to reach her, and even then seduce and bring the matter to a victorious end.

What images pop into your head when you hear "nightclub"? Something vulgar, unacceptable, cheap alcohol, expensive admission and wasted time?
By the way, I didn't introduce myself, my name is Vadim. For 10 years now I have been answering people to the question: how to meet a girl in a nightclub?

Myth 1st. "A normal girl won't go to the club." There are only fools and prostitutes.

Well, at first glance, you are right. If, upon entering the club, you look around, it becomes obvious: the girls came here with a specific purpose. I'm talking about an acquaintance now, not what you thought. To do this, they use all I-Catchers - all the best that nature has awarded them and what they bought at the last sale. Vulgar clothes, inducing makeup, loud laughter, a cigarette with lipstick prints in one hand and a glass in the other. Here is a rough portrait of a girl in a nightclub. It gives off a lot of cheapness. But! The question arises - why? And the answer is simple enough. How else to get your attention if you are so indecisive? This whole masquerade is for you, yes, it is for you. Do you think the girls themselves like it? She changed her cozy slippers to heels, and preferred loud music to a quiet evening with a book with the sole purpose: so that you finally have a reason to approach her.

Every girl has been to a nightclub at least once in her life. But that doesn't say anything about her. One of my students met a drunk girl in a defiant red dress at a club. A relationship started. As it turned out, the girl is modest, from a respectable family, and at the club she celebrated her birthday with friends.

Moral: don't be in a hurry to hang labels.

Myth 2. "Well, what a club without alcohol." And so that the evening does not go boring, you definitely need to get drunk.

Well, who told you that? Before going to a nightclub, ask yourself: “Why am I going there? Break away, or get to know each other? " If the answer is to come off, and you can't do it without alcohol, then congratulations, you're in trouble. Let's be honest: as one of my students says: "If you cannot cheer yourself up, without alcohol and other means, then you cannot do this under their influence." And if so, why? Alcohol will partially relax you, "remove responsibility", but will not give you confidence. Will only cloud your perception.

Consider the other side, for example, the so-called club pick-ups. They go to nightclubs with one goal - to make "plus one", that is, to film another new girl. We must pay tribute to these guys, I would give them free Viagra in the place of the state, because who else but they make 80% of dissatisfied Moscow girls happy, even for one night. The bottom line is that a pickup is an overhead business, requires investments, ranging from appearance to condoms and antiseptics. So, club pick-up artists do not drink alcohol with all the pros and cons! Well, or they do it in very small quantities to maintain a conversation with a girl.

Another friend of mine, by the way, just a club seducer who survived the financial crisis, went to nightclubs for about two years with money, which was only enough for a taxi home. And oddly enough, he often took beautiful girls away in this very taxi. As you understand, he did it in a sober state and this is the key point.

Myth 3. You need to be able to dance.

This is, in my opinion, the most common myth about nightclubs. To begin with, I can't dance. At all. I had a couple of moments when I felt at my peak and it seemed to me that I was the star of the dance floor, Michael Jackson, but now about something else.

Once I met two girls in a nightclub. The first is a quiet one, the other, on the contrary, is an inexhaustible flow of energy. Since I came alone, and there were two girls, I called and invited a friend to share the evening with us. However, he had to drive up only an hour later. So I was torn between a quiet whirlpool and fiery lava. I remind you that I cannot dance. And the energizer girl dances at full speed and attracts attention, and I liked her more. She was playing pop music, the rhythm was perceptible, and then, looking into her eyes, I began to simply repeat her movements. Imagine that you are a mirror. And just show her her own movements, as if in a reflection. In psychology, there is even a special term: "mirroring". On a subconscious level, it is almost impossible not to fall in love with your reflection. After dancing, she repeated to me several times that I was a great dancer, although I know that this is far from the case. This is the only seduction that is associated in my memory with dancing in nightclubs.

From this we conclude that dancing in nightclubs is possible, but not necessary.

Myth 4. To get into the club, you have to be "in the party."

We are talking mainly about Moscow promoted clubs, where there is strict face control at the entrance, and, indeed, not everyone is allowed in. Everything is simple here: if you can't get into this club, go to another. Next time, you should think carefully about your appearance. How to get through face control, I will write later, in a separate article.

Myth 5th. It's smoky there.

This has ceased to be a problem, since people in the capital's establishments have stopped smoking for a long time. But there are places where you can still smoke, such as open-air nightclubs, verandas or yacht parties. Yes, I agree that if you do not smoke, you are disgusted to be in a smoky room and it is unpleasant to communicate with a smoking person. But accept the fact that in Russia 40% of the population smokes. In a word: what to be, that cannot be avoided.

One of my students met his future wife, thanks to that very "spark". Since then, she has long since quit smoking. By the way, take a note: it is much easier to meet a girl you like on the street when she goes out to smoke. Shouting out the music in the club, however, can be difficult. And here there is a topic for acquaintance itself. The banal "there is no lighter?" will fit perfectly.

Myth 6th. Trampled and shoved. Can't do without grievous bodily?

Here, too, everything is simple. You can't cook scrambled eggs without breaking the eggs. There are always a lot of people in popular nightclubs and this is where the cutest girls go. True, all hunters also strive there. No matter how large a nightclub is, if it is promoted, of course, crowds of people cannot be avoided. Again, I urge everyone to turn this situation for good. These moments allow you to touch girls without undue shyness.

I witnessed another fateful acquaintance, which later grew into something much more. It all started with the fact that an unfamiliar girl on the dance floor accidentally stepped on my friend's foot. He turned her around and said: "If you were a guy, I would hit you ..." And it all ended with a wedding.

Myth 7th. "Without expensive clothes anywhere."

Everyone knows the feeling "I probably don't look good." Yes, yes, I know you think that if you are not wearing haute couture, you are doomed to failure in advance. An evil uncle at the entrance, who at a glance estimated the value of your outfit, will push you aside with a mighty shoulder. You will not be able to be on a par with others, because in the nightclubs "everyone is so trendy." You will not be able to properly relax and make the right impression. Of course, a lot depends on the club itself, which can be classified as pretentious and the presence of guests in stylish clothes can be considered a necessary terms of dress code. But there are also nightclubs that are less picky about the form of clothing. The main thing is that everything looks neat and stylish. Plus a stock of self-confidence, it definitely makes up for a small gap in the high cost of clothes. But this rule applies not only to nightclubs, right? And about girls a separate conversation. You know, if you look people in the eye, they don't notice what you're wearing.

Myth 8th. "Yes, there are only drug addicts."

First, I hope you are not a grandmother who sits on a bench at the entrance and divides all people into two well-known categories. The second, alas, is partially true. There are drug addicts in nightclubs, but you should not be afraid of them, they themselves are afraid of exposure, afraid to reveal themselves to those who are unreliable for them. Basically, they will not offer their rubbish to those who are not looking for it themselves. The good news is that I witnessed several drug raids by the authorities. The conclusion is this: he who seeks will find, everyone else can relax and enjoy the evening.

Myth 9th. "Who is booking the table?" Spoiler alert: none.

And again a myth associated with some traditions that have survived to this day since the 90s. This is, you know, when a group of tough guys in black leather jackets takes a table, throws out their 5 kilogram mobiles, purses and keys to 600 Merciers. They are pumped up with beer and other alcohol, in their own way, pretend to stick to women, some guys even manage to invite a couple to their table. What follows is an uncomplicated continuation. This type of rest in those days was characterized in the morning as "well rested."

The bad news: a stereotype is deeply rooted in our minds - in order to "have a good rest", you have to spend well.

Good news: we are not in the 90s. I have a rich experience of dating in various places, from the first nightclub in Moscow, Arlekino, to the most modern ones, such as Gypsy and Ikon, where I did not buy a table or even a cocktail. And in the end he left with first-class beauties.

Myth 10th. You have to drive up by car, and be sure to put it in front of the entrance. To be noticed.

I agree that a seduced car is an undeniable plus. But in itself, its presence does not promise you anything. One of my friends has a father - a high-ranking official, he drives with a driver in a car with government numbers. This guy, unfortunately, does not know how to get to know each other at all and believes that he does not need this, since without the slightest effort he is already surrounded by girls. It's really true, he is surrounded by pretty girls, but they are with him only when he has money. Once he took a car from his father and tried to get acquainted. He stopped at the sidewalk next to the girl, lowered the glass from his back seat and offered to meet, of course he was refused. I recommended that he get out of the car, but it didn't help much either. As a result, he gave up auto dating, returned to the old strategy and still meets with his freeloaders.

Moral: in communicating with girls, the main thing is not that you have a car or not, but how comfortable you feel without it.

Myth 11. "I need company to go to the club."

As the saying goes "together is more fun", but remember that if you are in the company of friends, then the girl has a choice. But if you are alone, then you will get everything, and you will have to choose.

I agree that it is morally easier to be with someone. But, even if you are alone, it will be perceived by the girl "with a bang", provided that you yourself are comfortable. Perhaps I'll tell you a secret, but many girls also go to nightclubs one by one. Can you guess why? I can remember a lot of examples when I used to take girls away when I was alone in a club. But the brightest was recently, when I was in St. Petersburg.

I came to this rainy city on business, dealt with them pretty quickly and ahead of me was Friday evening, which I had not planned to spend on sleep. I went to the nearest nightclub, but since I was there too early, the club was almost completely empty. I went outside with a cigarette and spoke to a guy who was smoking there. He turned out to be a typical clerk, tired of spending Friday nights atloneliness. I promised to help him. He, in turn, took me to the most famous St. Petersburg club. To the boundless happiness of my new acquaintance, that evening I introduced him to all the pretty girls of the club and he quickly left with one of them in an unknown direction.

By the way, then he came to me to study in Moscow, but that's another story. And I was left alone again. Of course, not quite alone, all the girls of the club already conventionally knew me and I, not being lost, chose the one I liked the most and went with her to the night study of non-standard St. Petersburg places for sex. The conclusion is that you are your own boss and your own boss. Even if you are alone, nothing prevents you from finding company.

Myth 12th. The music is too loud, it is impossible to talk in the nightclubs.

To begin with, if this is true, then why do people go to nightclubs at all? Where did all these stories about club rent come from, about club binges, about sex in toilets of nightclubs, finally? The music in nightclubs is, of course, loud, but not stronger than your desire to communicate. Skillful seducers use the flaw codenamed “too noisy” again for good, for example, to reduce the distance, because the louder around, the closer you lean towards the girl. Or she to you. Any flaw - we will fix it. There would be a desire.

Myth 13th. "You will have to pay at the entrance."

Again, not quite so. Most Moscow clubs have not had a paid entrance for a long time. But there are places where you need to buy an entrance ticket or face control will offer you to buy a deposit card. Again, if you find yourself in a nightclub where there is a paid entrance, be sure that the audience in this place is normal, that some gopnik who came not to rest, but to provoke a fight will not spoil your rest. Even more often, in places with a paid entrance for guys, for girls the entrance is free. And again you are in the black. You find yourself in some raspberry-tree, where the main thing is not to get lost. I take my students to places with free admission, since there are more and more such places every year.

Myth 14th. Expensive drink.

How did you want? A nightclub is, whatever one may say, a commercial organization, not a wholesale hypermarket. People go to nightclubs to have a good rest, relieve stress and have a good time with friends. The management of the club is betting on this: people drink there and drink a lot. But you don't have to drink, you've already read about that above. And if you really want to, the bar has an assortment of inexpensive alcohol, the main thing is to look carefully in the menu.

Myth 15th. "There will be a fight."

And again: the 90s are in the past. No one will let you fight in a nightclub unless you want to be blacklisted. The modern way to prove yourself right is a verbal duel. And why do you need all this controversy tonight? Well, if you really ran into a conflict, try to hush it up. You came to have a good time, trust me, this does not mean spending it in the emergency room or the police station. Better to spend it in the company of beautiful girls.

Do you want to feel "at home" in the nightlife of the city and invariably leave the party with the most beautiful girl?

Come to the Master Class and learn more about how to meet girls not only in nightclubs, but anywhere and in any situation.

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