How to drive a person out of the house. Conspiracies to move bad neighbors. Conspiracies for the care of an annoying man

Let us consider in detail so that a person lags behind forever a conspiracy - with a detailed description of all magical actions so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.

It is very important for any woman and girl to have a loved one nearby, whether he is in the status of her boyfriend or husband. You are planning a future together, thinking about what he can do for your relationship, imagining a future wedding and dreaming that your beloved guy will become your husband. But what to do when a bright joint future is no longer the subject of your aspirations?

When you think about what to do so that your ex-lover finally gets behind you and allows you to live in peace. Your desire, instead of living together, is the desire to protect yourself from close attention in order to avoid any contact with such a close person in the past. You look forward to the boyfriend or ex-husband no longer bothering with his presence.

When you have tried all conceivable and unthinkable ways, went through all possible instances, tried all workarounds and this did not work, then there is another way out. Lapel is a reliable way that uses ritual and conspiracy to turn an annoying admirer away from you.

After the lapel, the husband or boyfriend will leave you alone, and you can easily establish your personal life, freely walk the streets and do not worry if an annoying person “accidentally” appears around the corner. Even if this is your husband with whom you want to part and divorce, the lapel will help you.

Let's figure out what a lapel is, how to turn a man off and how he will turn out for you.

Conspiracies to get a man behind a woman

A lapel is a magical action aimed at worsening love and interpersonal relationships. The lapel conspiracy is aimed at making the person cool off towards you and not be interested. In the case when a guy or husband does not give you life, turn away his only way out.

To make a good lapel so that the husband no longer interferes with life, you should read the conspiracy on a safety pin:

To be sure of the conspiracy, you can read another one. Say the following words:

As it will scratch and puncture, so it will save me from you. You will no longer be near me, just as you unhook a wounding pin, you will unhook yourself from me, and you will no longer know me.

How to use magic to make a man or a guy fall behind?

If you want to get a man to fall behind you with the help of magic, you must understand what a lapel can be. The lapel from the guy is a ritual of cooling and quarreling, this is their symbiosis:

  • Cooling is a magical action with the help of a conspiracy and ritual that helps the feelings of both a man and a woman to cool down. It can be used to cool the feelings of one person or both at once. From the outside, it looks as if the relationship between a man and a woman has exhausted itself and burned out, love and passion have subsided.
  • Rassorka is a magical action of a negative nature. They will be applied so that feelings not only cool down, but change to radically opposite ones. Such a couple constantly has conflict situations and quarrels. Also from the outside it looks like love is gone and the relationship between a man and a woman is bursting at the seams and holding on by a thread.

The lapel is both a squabble and a cold together. But they are also used separately. In the case when you just want to break up with a man or a guy without quarrels and scandals, use only the cold. After all, then you will simply be left alone, without aggressive actions and threats to yourself.

Prayer for a guy to leave

We will consider strong prayers for an annoying man to leave you. After all, with the help of faith and church paraphernalia, prayers to heaven and saints, you can achieve a lot.

Go to church. There, stand near the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Ask him to leave my husband behind me, leave me alone.

Reveal your miracle, Holy saint of God. May your grace visit me, in order to leave myself in the world with your grace. So that unkind people do not visit me and look for me, so that my husband (name) does not climb on me and torment me with his perseverance and annoying attention for me. Amen.

Cross yourself three times and bow to the ground to the icon.

Asking for protection, if an unwanted admirer is already crossing all conceivable boundaries, should be with George the Victorious. It is he who is the warrior of God, and one can ask him for protection.

Ask for his icon. Say that the need has led to ask the Holy Warrior of God.

May Saint George intercede for me, may he protect me from earthly and spiritual dangers. So that my husband (name of a fan) does not touch me, so that he does not offend me. I ask for help, intercession. May the warrior of God, Saint George the Victorious, save me and save me. And stands up for me from today and forever. So that dangers overwhelm me and evil people go around, so that their malevolence does not touch me and does not reach me.

The last prayer is also good because it will protect you from the conspiracies of other girls. After all, if you don’t need a guy or a man, other girls who will try to regain your admirer may well love him. And they may well do damage to you or read on you a conspiracy for failure or health problems. Therefore, do not forget: if you go to church for help, wear a pectoral cross as a talisman against other ill-wishers.

Lapel conspiracy from a guy

Strong plot, using candles:

  • You will need two tall scarlet candles. They need to be placed in separate but similar candlesticks.
  • The table must be covered with black cloth, on which there was nothing but candles in front of it.
  • You will also need a pack of new matches, the contents of which are still intact.
  • With a knife that is not used in cooking, scratch on one candle the name of the husband you want to drive away from yourself, on the other - yours.
  • Place candles on a table covered with black cloth, as close as possible to one another. This should be done at sunset.
  • Start reading the candle plot. Say: “As the flame burns and goes out, so the love of the servant of God (the name of the man) hugs me and fades along the way. I drive it away from me like smoke from a candle. You don’t want to see me anymore, for me he is not nice, so that he fences me off from himself. My words are indestructible, the key, the lock. Amen".
  • As soon as it gets dark outside, you need to extinguish the flame of candles with something wooden, but not personally, they also cannot be blown out.
  • The ceremony should be performed every day, each time placing the candles further apart and also read the plot. The ritual can be completed when the candles are completely burned out and all this time they will be moved away.

Soon you will notice that your husband or boyfriend has cooled off towards you.

There is also a good and effective ritual and a conspiracy for salt:

Rules for reading a conspiracy to cool a man's feelings

Before holding a lapel to turn a man off, some rules should be considered:

  • If the plot does not indicate when it should be read, then the ritual should be performed in the phase of the waning moon. The best day for a lapel is Saturday.
  • Do not put hatred into your words, do not wish evil to an annoying husband or boyfriend. After all, then everything will go downhill. Instead of a lapel, you will end up with damage to an annoying person.
  • Be serious in your intention. This is not a joke, if you take the ritual and conspiracy lightly and with mockery, you will receive adverse consequences for yourself.

When reading a conspiracy to cool down or making a lapel, you should visualize only one particular man, so as not to make yourself worse. When reading such a plot and performing a ritual, you should use phrases that specifically indicate you, so use “me” and “yourself”, your name. Say the name of your husband or boyfriend. For everything to go well, try to get a personal item of the admirer, read a plot on it and return it. At the same time, you should throw things on which you recited a conspiracy from the previously mentioned rituals.

By concretizing a person, you will protect yourself from the fact that the lapel will fail and you will become uninteresting to other men. After all, making a cold and a lapel, not adhering to the rules, you can cool the attitude of the entire opposite sex, and this is not at all what you need.

The consequences of conspiracies to turn away a man and their impact on a woman

Any magical action has its consequences and entails a rollback, as a payment for the intervention of higher powers in the life of another person or people.

When reading a conspiracy, think about his words, familiarize yourself well with the attributes and its meaning, because you can get hooked on black magic, and here the consequences for you will be the most serious.

Do not wish evil to a person - illness, failure, death. After all, he will really start to get sick, drown in a black streak of failures. He will have serious problems at work, in relationships with other people. The same will happen to you.

Do not use things from the deceased, items of his clothes, the water with which he was washed, do not put any items in the coffin, do not bury any things and photographs of the stubborn guy in the cemetery and do not use the earth from there. The rollback will literally sweep you away for using such necrotic magic.

Do not overdo it. When you saw and felt cold towards yourself from a boyfriend or husband - stop. After all, making lapels on it further, you will only harm yourself. It will be very problematic for him to build normal relationships with other women. The negative influence of the lapel will ruin his personal life and instead of just driving him out of your life, both of you will be left alone. He is like a person who has been sent a lot of lapels and colds, and you are like a person who made it and gets a rollback back.

It’s easy to turn a guy away, it’s even easier to cool his feelings if you know how to do it right, just don’t worry about caution and use magic for its intended purpose and in no case to harm a person.

A conspiracy from a bad person, 10 delivering conspiracies

To ward off a bad person from myself, I recommend reading short conspiracies that save you from his evil presence.

Someone's negative thoughts or evil deeds can strike even a steadfast personality.

Sometimes, it is so uncomfortable to be with someone next to you that you want to run away.

A bad person may not give himself away, but, on the contrary, demonstrate sugary benevolence.

And only at the level of the soul, you are able to feel how the negative penetrates into your consciousness.

Before communicating with a bad person or wanting to get rid of his conversion, read special magical conspiracies to yourself, having memorized them.

* Bad man - go away. You're not with me. I'm not with you. Amen.

* If you do bad things, you will harm yourself. Amen.

* I get rid of the bad, I defend myself from the dashing. Amen.

* I'm not afraid of harm, I'll pray for myself. Amen.

* How bad it suddenly becomes, let my enemy fall behind. I will drive away trouble, I will take away enmity. Amen.

* Whoever does bad things will take everything, then he will go back with this rabble. Amen.

* Whoever sends me bad things will rot in a month. Amen.

* I get rid of bad people, I defend myself with this conspiracy. Amen.

* Take filthy thoughts with you, get away from me as soon as possible. Amen.

* For the bad, you will get doubly, everything will return from God to you. Amen.

Now you have 10 magical conspiracies at your disposal to help get rid of a bad person.

Read them when you feel inner discomfort and anxiety.

Is there a conspiracy to get a person behind me and my family?

People, help. I don't know what to do anymore. I'm even ready to sin. I have such a situation. 7 years ago I met a guy, first relationship, first love, etc. She herself was small and stupid (14 years old), and he was 19. I met and that's it, because he was the first who paid attention to me. He himself was without a residence permit, did not graduate from school, a thief, an alcoholic. Naturally, relatives were very categorically tuned. I didn't notice all this. Yes, and with me, he behaved normally, for the time being. After about half a year of relationship, he began to come to me drunk, then he began to beat people in front of me, then he began to call me names, then he began to gossip that I was a slut, etc. (which half of the city still thinks, and I the child is actually home, no one knew about my existence before him), then he started to beat me. I was silent, I was ashamed to admit my mistake in my choice and tell my family. The relationship was about 1.5 years old. I left him. And then he went wild. He got a pit bull, bought a gun, and was constantly waiting around the corner for me after school. He took away the phone and the keys to the house (he knew when his mother was at work from somewhere). He took me to my house and beat me. I couldn't kick him out. I told my mom, but she didn't seem to respond. Yes, I understand. You are the one to blame. Well, in general, there were people who kicked him (sister's husband, a military man) and drove him away from me. And since then, this man has not lagged behind my family and me. First, he got a job with my father (my father lives in another family and my relationship didn’t really bother him) and they became friends with him. I was constantly looked after by his comrades at school. He called and wrote to my sister and mother. He called and wrote to me. Silenced for a while.

About 3-4 years ago, I find out that my ex was put in jail for murder. Joy knew no bounds, but not here - it was. My father still communicates with him, gives him money, brings handouts to prison, and he is happy, sits and complains about how bad he is (why my father.). He calls my father. With my sister. He also talked with my mother, since my mother recently put him everywhere in an emergency. And they communicate, he calls, and they feel sorry for him, they say they put him in jail for nothing and so the whole beggar ..

How does he touch me? But what. He knows everything about me. He knows everything about my family. Absolutely. Where I am. Who am I with. How I live, where I study. He just knows everything. About mom, dad, sister. His friends, if possible, report everything they know about me, his sister or friends for some reason bring my photos to him in prison. He also calls from different numbers, writes. In classmates often shine at a party, he writes some kind of nonsense. Again, humiliating me that I am a slut, a whore, unclean, constantly gets the fact that he knows everything about me.

People, I can't take it anymore. I have a loved one, and this scoundrel does not give me life. I want him to disappear from my life, leave me and my family alone. Especially since he's getting out of jail soon.

The best conspiracies from ill-wishers and enemies and the features of their implementation

Everyone has hidden ill-wishers, and the intrigues of these people can seriously spoil our existence. Haters have an extensive arsenal of filth, intrigue and slander. A conspiracy from enemies will help to escape - a magical ritual invented by our ancestors to destroy anger.

People are looking for Vanga's conspiracies, Slavic or Islamic rites - all this for the sake of protection from negativity. Getting rid of the enemies is hard, but we will help you deal with them. Quite simple spells will help you punish the enemy, protect yourself from trouble. Get ready to record.

How to pacify ill-wishers

There are enough enemies and envious people in everyday life. Natural magic works well against ill-wishers, causing them to suffer and suffer. There's a proven plot to get you out of your insecurities and make your enemies fall behind. You need to read the text three times:

“If a bad person (a name is called) on God’s servant (your name) or a cow, a dog, my horse covets, then he will never be good. I collect sand from the sea, I take your anger. The trees cannot be counted and all the water of the sea cannot be drunk, so this man cannot defeat me. Let him break the joints of an evil person, as God's power breaks the roots in the forest. Let the troubles go back. Let the conspiracies and prayers of adversaries strike with an arrow. Amen".

Magic neutralization of the enemy

Some especially powerful rites are aimed at making the offender afraid of you. Such conspiracies are read from enemies once, with the right hand placed on the heart. So, if there are people nearby who interfere with your life, mentally cast a spell:

“Not me to suffer, but you. From an evil thought, Lord, protect me, take black deeds away. Your eye sockets are empty, your bones are wax. From intrigues and unnecessary evil, my prayer is strong. Forever, adversary, get out of my way. Victory will be mine. Adonai."

Getting rid of enemies at work

Sometimes a person may need a conspiracy from enemies at work who have decided to destroy their competitor. To get rid of envious and spiteful critics who interfere with career advancement, get their photos. In order for the spell from ill-wishers at work to be effective, the picture must be individual. You don't want black magic to do bad things to innocent people.

It happens that the picture shows 10-12 people, one of which is your sworn enemy. To perform a magical rite, take scissors and remove unnecessary characters. If you are interested in getting rid of a group of ill-wishers, you can work with their collective image.

Reading a conspiracy against colleagues

Taking a black thread, wind it harder on the extracted photo. The thread against enemies at work should be woolen. The order of actions:

  1. Cast a spell from evil people 7 times.
  2. Tie the thread as tightly as possible (three knots is enough for you).
  3. Say the phrase: "I go and say - so be it."
  4. After reading the plot on the enemy, go outside and burn his photo there.

There is no need to be afraid to combine rituals. Conspiracies from ill-wishers are different, they can be used for several groups of opponents separately. Spells are read to some spiteful critics for food, to others - for three candles. Here is the full text of the "working" spell:

“I direct my will, I direct my word, so that for many adversaries the undertakings come to a standstill. Let (the mention of a name or names) take their hands off me, they do not achieve their task. I wind the black thread, I wish to exterminate the enemy. Let (the name of the enemy) suffer from envy, but he cannot take away my strength. Forever will stray, lag behind me. Amen".

The most powerful conspiracies

With a powerful conspiracy, you will protect yourself from enemies even at a great distance. Magic works both on the Slavs and on representatives of other peoples. The main thing is to know the name of a potential enemy. After waiting for sunset, say the following prayer (read three times):

“I will call upon Saint Elijah to remove misfortune and misfortune from me. Heavenly army, earthly and water forces, tell me how to get rid of the envious. I will lead the Guardian Angel to battle, all his strength will punish the evil-doing adversary. Help, heavenly host, to cope with an unpleasant person. Whoever thinks evil - stop, who gets rid of me - warn. The evil force will be defeated. Amen".

A conspiracy for a handkerchief

In order for a strong conspiracy from enemies to bring the desired effect, you can use magical artifacts. With a charmed handkerchief, you can put the enemy to a standstill, prevent his aggressive actions. This is a strong defense against enemies, but you need to cast a spell before leaving the apartment. Pay attention to a number of points:

  • we speak the handkerchief in a whisper;
  • the optimal time for the ritual is before going to work;
  • after wiping your face with a charmed handkerchief, hide the resulting amulet in your pocket;
  • the rite is repeated daily;
  • a spell can restore health, ward off damage and create good conditions for business.

A scarf will create a bunch of obstacles for a bad person. Anyone who reads such a slander will cease to be afraid of competitors. The ritual is not the most effective, but quite serious. Here is the text:

Seraphim and heavenly angels. I made a feast for honest friends, the Lord's servants and sudden guests. They will protect me from the evil eye, they will drive away evil damage from the house. What is stuck will turn into a scarf.

Rite with poppy seeds

A poppy conspiracy is considered a preventive rite - it is used to get rid of potential enemies. At the same time, the status of a person and the degree of his closeness to you do not play a role. Here's what needs to be done:

  1. Take out a handful of poppy seeds.
  2. Pour the poppy into a clay container.
  3. Cross food 3 times.
  4. Read the plot.
  5. Throw a charmed poppy to anyone who crosses the threshold of your home.

Guests do not need to sprinkle grains on their hair - it is enough to toss the grains into the pocket of a jacket or shirt. You can do this when the guest wants to go to the toilet. With a well-wisher, everything will be in order, and a potential enemy will have problems. Conspiracy text:

“I will cross the grains, I will not allow evil enemies into the house. Whoever had a bad thought was born, immediately returned to the enemy. Let the enemies live and suffer, do not encroach on my ruin and health. If an enemy steals something, damn it.”

Prayer with candles

Strong conspiracies are sometimes obtained from simple prayers. A candle spell will become a strong defense against any adversary. For the ritual, you will need a glass of water and three candles. Cross and drink water, light candles and start reading the prayer:

“Lord, save me from intrigues and networks, insidious notions and evil ideas, swords and poisons. May the Muslim blade, prison, bribery and enemy will not strike me. Hot words, false promises, a sinking wave, a wild beast and fire, go away. Jesus and the twelve apostles are with me, from early death, sickness and an inverted cross will protect me. Fuck me. Amen".

return hex

There are slanders, popularly referred to as "boomerangs". The following spell is recited mentally in the face of an enemy arguing with you. Procedure:

  1. Learn the text by heart.
  2. Mentally pronounce the slander.
  3. Seeing the fear in the eyes of the opponent, add: "It will return to you."

Hex-return works quickly. The enemy leaves without having time to harm you. The spell is:

“Mine will remain with me, your evil will return to you. Dark thoughts - in your bodies. Everything will be that way. Amen".

How to make a charm from enemies

Experienced healers recommend conspiracies so that enemies are afraid to combine with the manufacture of magical artifacts. Get loose gray poppy and proceed to the ceremony on Thursday. An important point: change in the store when buying a poppy is not taken. The protective poppy itself crumbles at the threshold and passively protects your home from ill-wishers. Conspiracy text:

“Behind the shoulders is a month, before the eyes the sun is red. If the adversary conceived a dangerous one, I will tie up with the night stars, I will not be afraid of anyone. Roll out, gray poppy, to my enemies to ruin and the plans of vile ruin. Key and lock with tongue. Evil is escaping. Amen".

We have given the simplest and most effective rites, since ancient times used by our ancestors in everyday life. There are also more complex conspiracies, pronounced at midnight or on major religious holidays. Some rituals fall under the category of dark magic, so use them carefully. Hit the enemy with a spell only as a last resort!

A plot to keep the enemies behind.

What to do if enemies constantly interfere in your life, and you do not believe that they will ever leave you behind? There are several conspiracies that can expel enmity from the heart of an ill-wisher, and your enemy will fall behind you and forget about your existence. Today I will share a few plots to keep the enemies behind you.

Exactly at midnight, read the plot from enemies 9 times. Here are the words of the conspiracy.

“Save, Lord God, and have mercy on me (name)

From the malice of a dashing, evil man,

From his thoughts and deeds,

From bad words

Secret malice, evil thoughts.

Let all his ideas and deeds

They will go to dust, but before me, servants of God (name)

They won't reach, they won't touch.

Amen. Amen. Amen".

Here is another plot that will make your enemies fall behind you forever.

Words of a conspiracy to keep the enemies behind.

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I will go across the open field,

I will meet seven evil spirits and half-spirits.

Go you spirits and semi-spirits

Grab 'em and hold 'em

Tethered, eat their anger, drink their hatred.

And I, the servant of God (name), will be safe and sound,

Unreachable for my enemies

Neither in the field, nor at home, nor away,

Neither on the road, nor in the forest, nor at the table,

Not in bed, not with relatives, not with strangers.

Nobody will interrupt my word,

Every evil person will leave me.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Amen. Amen. Amen".

In war, all means are good! Sometimes your enemies do such nasty and mean things that even.


Everyone knows what insomnia is. Also, you probably know how difficult it is to return.


Autumn is not only a beautiful time. Unfortunately, cold and gloomy weather, as well as constant rains,.

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In war, all means are good! Sometimes your enemies do this.

Everyone knows what insomnia is. Also, probably.

Autumn is not only a beautiful time. Unfortunately, cold and gloomy.

You've probably heard of the conspiracy used to stop.

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Hanging moles can cause a lot of inconvenience. Elementary, .

It's no secret that extra sweets and buns in the form of fat are deposited.

Sometimes a too slender body does not always look beautiful. Too much.

Sometimes there is a situation when guests arrive at the wrong time and stubbornly refuse to leave. If conventional methods fail to get rid of their society, you can turn to magic for help.

If people came to the house whom for some reason you don’t want to see, then it’s better to just try to tell them about it in a mild form. However, if this is not possible, for example, a person is overly touchy and instead of understanding will make a scandal, special conspiracies can be used. To protect the house, people have long used magical rituals: they hung a horseshoe over the door, and buried a knife on the threshold. This was done so that uninvited guests or people with bad intentions did not go into the house.

Today, this practice has already been lost, so we have to solve problems as they arise. To do this, there are conspiracies that will help drive a person out of the house. The plot is read into the water. To do this, you need to pour a glass of running water, and, imperceptibly for that person whose presence is undesirable, read the following words over it: will go home." After that, you need to approach the person and, as if by accident, knock over a glass of water on the floor next to him.

After some time, the person will feel uncomfortable and leave the house. If water cannot be spilled on the floor, for example, a carpet is laid, then another conspiracy can help to drive a person out of the house. The plot must be read on a pinch of salt, which then must be quietly thrown at the feet of the person who must leave. The conspiracy sounds like this: "As salt flies under your feet, so you will run away from my house." Immediately after the unpleasant visitor has left, you need to carefully clean the house and wash the floors.

And to prevent such situations in the future, so that you don’t have to read the conspiracy so that the person leaves, you need to protect your home. To do this, you need to take a sharp nail or a safety pin, stick it into the door jamb, where the intersection of the horizontal and vertical parts of the jamb is formed, with the tip down. At the same time, saying the following words: “I plant a pin in the door, I protect the house from enemies. Let her be sharp, let only kindness into the house.

Such a conspiracy on a pin will protect the house from uninvited guests and from people who are unfriendly. They will not feel very comfortable in a house protected by conspiracies, both mentally and physically, so they will not stay in the house for a long time. And over time, they will stop paying visits altogether. These conspiracies work regardless of who exactly came to the house: a former friend, an unpleasant relative or an official.

However, the conspiracy will not work against the person who lives in this house. This is due to the fact that these conspiracies are designed to protect the house as a whole and to protect the people living in it. If you need to protect yourself from the intrusion of a person who lives in the same house, special conspiracies are needed to protect the room. You can use a conspiracy on a pin, you just need to stick it in the door of the room and pronounce the words a little differently: “I put a pin in the door, I protect my house from enemies. Let her be sharp, let only kindness into my house.

Again, this rule only works if the person lives in a separate room and can call it home. In general, to protect the room from unfriendly people, it is very beneficial to fumigate the room with incense or incense sticks. This will cleanse the atmosphere of the room and fill it with lively positive energy that will resonate with the energy of an evil person.

Despite the many admirers, the effectiveness of magic has not been scientifically proven, however, just as its absence has not been proven. Therefore, such subtle matters as incantations and spells must be handled with care.

Divorce plots so that the husband leaves home

Not every couple who legally united their destinies manages to carry their love and mutual respect through several decades. Often between lovers there are scandals that destroy tenderness. They can appear against the background of everyday life, arise on the basis of problems, or gradually arise due to different characters. In any case, when two people are unhappy in marriage, the situation can be resolved in several ways. The most drastic solution is divorce. However, not everyone wants to make such a decision on their own, realizing all the responsibility and consequences. Divorce conspiracies, examples of which are in this article, will help to minimize losses and disperse on a “peaceful” note, while maintaining friendly relations.

Conspiracies that separate a married couple can only be carried out if the legal spouses do not experience the same feelings and wish to part peacefully. Otherwise, the use of magic is fraught with negative serious consequences for a third person who decides to separate people in this way.

How to determine what conspiracy is needed?

Among the many different rituals and conspiracies, divorce conspiracies occupy a special position. These spells are aimed at solving the problems of the spouses that brought them to divorce.

By resorting to the help of this kind of conspiracies, it is possible to achieve not only a conflict-free dissolution of marriage. Depending on what circumstances force the use of magic, you can do the ceremony:

  • With a conspiracy on one of the spouses. Often, such rituals are carried out so that one of the spouses (more often the husband) calmly leaves the house, amicably signing a divorce;
  • With a conspiracy from a relative. Such rituals can be performed by relatives or the closest family friend. These conspiracies help to separate people who no longer feel love for each other, but do not dare to break the connection due to certain circumstances (housing, children, etc.).

If the relationship between two people who once created a family no longer brings them satisfaction, joy and desire to perform feats, a special plot for divorce will help.

In order for it to be effective, it should be read in a certain setting and taking into account the basic rules for conducting magical rituals. For example, rituals are best performed alone so that the consequences do not affect other inhabitants of the house. It is also necessary to maintain complete confidentiality. In addition, in order to get rid of a husband or wife, make one of them leave, and achieve a peaceful divorce, one should read the conspiracy during the waning moon. As a rule, it is during this lunar phase that rites for the separation of people are performed.

There are many rituals and conspiracies that will help solve the problems of spouses with divorce. The most common of them, which are in special demand, are listed below.

Strong impact on unhappy spouses

The most powerful rituals are usually performed with photographs of the victims. In this situation, in order for the divorce plot to be effective and help get rid of the husband / wife, you will need a joint picture of the married couple. The photo must necessarily meet the "magic requirements" of the rituals. In particular:

  • the photo must be recent, i.e. made no later than six months ago;
  • outsiders (especially children) should not be depicted in the background;
  • eyes and other facial features should be clearly visible in the picture.

In addition to photos of a husband and wife who do not dare to divorce on their own, for the ritual you will need:

  • ordinary church candle;
  • fireproof saucer.

This ritual can be performed not only by the wife (husband) herself, but also by a blood relative of one of the unhappy people in marriage.

On the day planned for the magical ritual, free the table to place only photos of the victims on it, put a candle next to it. In the evening of this day, sit down at the table. Light a candle. Take a picture. Now say the magic words:

“The servant of God (name of the husband) and the servant of God (name of the wife) in the picture in this picture are alive. So let everything that I want happen to them.

After the words of this conspiracy, you can set fire to the edge of the photo from the flame of a candle. Say the words at the same time:

“As this photograph burns with a blue flame, this photograph burns with bright fire, so let the marriage of the servants of God (names of the victims) be destroyed. The forces of heaven will help to get rid of addiction and weakness before divorce, so that one leaves, and the other releases and forgets him in peace. Let the hearts of God's servants (again their names) remain full of happiness, their souls become free, and in life everything will only be done for the better. Amen".

Collect the ashes from the burnt marital photo in a saucer. Open the window and blow the ashes into it with the words:

“All that is said will come true. My word is firm, so be it from now on.

Leave the candle on the table to burn out. Bury the remaining cinder in the garden under a young tree for the plot to take effect. The effect should appear within the first month. Spouses who wanted to get rid of the burden of marriage will part amicably during this period. If the spouse or spouse left the house peacefully, this is an indicator of the effectiveness of the magical conspiracy.

Rite for the suffering wife

If the wife is tired of a hopeless relationship and wants the man to leave the house and leave her, this conspiracy is given. To drive the legal spouse out of the house, the ceremony can be performed by the wife herself. As in the previous case, the ritual is performed in the phase of the waning moon.

To get rid of a husband whose relationship does not bring satisfaction to both, salt will need to be prepared for the ceremony. Take the seasoning and bring it to your mouth. Whisper the words nine times in a row:

“White, salty, sugary, tasteless salt! Take my husband (his name) away from me. So that I can get rid of him with small sacrifices, drive him out of my house. Let the servant of God (his name) leave our house, leave me. I will sprinkle salt on the path to me so that my husband has begun to forget me. I don’t hold a grudge against him, I wish him happiness, but away from me. Amen".

Scatter the conjured seasoning in several places so that a man steps over it. Such conspiracies for divorce begin to act as soon as the victim steps over the magical seasoning. In the near future after that, the object will offer to get a divorce first.

A strong conspiracy to make the husband leave home forever, 3 conspiracies

When there is no other way out, the wife wants her husband to leave home forever. Unbearable beatings and daily drinking took away the hope for a happy relationship.

Expelling his wife from the apartment, he returns again, as if nothing had happened.

Often asks for a loan, throws threats.

For the sake of the peace of mind of the children, try using strong magical conspiracies that will stand as a wall between the husband and the house.

They will not bring harm to him, and they will not demand a ransom.

Exactly at midnight retire in a locked room.

Light 7 candles.

Tear your spouse away from the apartment, clearly imagining his departure forever.

Once a loved one, became a stranger, and voluntarily left your territory.

Proceed to repeated and confident whispering of conspiracy formulations that help achieve your goal.

Let my husband leave the house faster, in the dark, half-drunk, like a goblin, does not wander. It doesn’t disturb children, it doesn’t scare people, it disappears from my life forever. Let it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!

I read a strong conspiracy against my husband, I drive him out of the house forever. Now he will not be able to swear and get angry, the apartment will start to shun like fire. Dare to enter, it will become stuffy in the chest, he will not be able to return, having said “I'm sorry”. Let it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!

I drive my spouse out of my life forever, and I create this conspiracy mercilessly. I don’t scold him for tears and sorrows, I don’t punish him for vileness and meanness in response. I want only one thing, so that I leave the house, and I will certainly find my happiness. Let it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!

When you finish whispering, blow out the candles, take away the spell sheet.

Repeat all activities in about a week.

Take care of yourself!

Author: Site Administrator | Published: 11.08.2016 | Home | STRONG CONSPIRACIES

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Conspiracies for the care of an annoying man

Sometimes a separation plot remains the only way out for parting with a man who does not understand any hints or direct instructions to the door. Sometimes a man behaves in such a way that he leaves no chance to even hint at ending a relationship - situations are so deplorable that a woman lives in constant fear, driven into a corner. Does he drink excessively? Changes? Is he a tyrant? Help yourself with the help of magic, using one of the simple rituals.

Christian rite

The disgusted husband will leave, a separation plot will help you with this. Proceed on the waning moon, for the performance of the rite you will need a shirt that the man already wore. It is necessary that sweat, particles of skin and the smell of her husband remain on her. During the day, draw a bucket of ice water (you can use ordinary running water from a tap), wash it in the room where you sleep. While washing, read a plot to get rid of a man who has set his teeth on edge:

My Lord Devil cast out, and I want you (name) to leave. You disgusted me like a pig in the mud. So I clean the dirt and expel you. I say goodbye to you forever, and so that you forget the way back. Amen!

Important! Resort to this conspiracy if the husband is behaving really boorishly. The conspiracy is focused on getting rid of a husband who humiliates and offends his woman. Do not perform this rite if the man as a whole is not guilty of anything, but is simply tired - the conspiracy will not help get rid of a good person.

Strong rite

This separation plot can be applied not only by the husband's spouse, but by one of his closest relatives. For a man to leave a couple, stock up on his photo:

  • Use only images with your husband - there should not be anyone else in the photo.
  • For the plot to work, take a new photo (not older than a year).
  • The husband should not be fully visible, the main thing is the face, especially the eyes.

Conspiracies using photographs are considered the most effective, getting rid of a man will also help:

  • A candle bought in a church;
  • flat metal bowl;
  • Matches;
  • Clean table without foreign objects.

Choose a day when no one will disturb you. Place all the items listed for the ritual on the table so that the man leaves. All things should lie in peace from morning until evening on the table, and when it gets dark, start. Hold in your hands a photo of your husband, on whom a lapel is being made. Tell:

In this photo, you are just as alive as you are standing next to me. Therefore, I have authority over you; as I say, so shall you do. I want you to leave me.

Use a match to light a candle, and from it - a picture. Hold the burning photo over a bowl so that the ashes fall into it. Say the words for the lapel:

I put on the lapel while I burn this image with blue flame and black ash. The servants of God (the names of the spouses) will no longer live together, they will not love each other. My lapel is strong, no force will destroy it from now on. From now on, the husband will calmly accept my decree - so that the separation goes smoothly, the forces of heaven will become a help in that. Amen!

Let the photo burn out. To complete the lapel, toss the remaining ash out the window and watch it blow away by the wind.

It is necessary to set it on fire with a match

Don't blow out the candle. When it burns out, collect the wax and cinder, wrap it in an old rag. Find a deserted place in a park or other cluster of trees, bury the remains of a candle deeper, say:

My lapel has come into force, it will come true, what is said.

The benefits of this conspiracy with the effect of turning away from family life in the subsequent peaceful separation, amicable divorce, and all this within a month. It remains to enjoy the result: your man left and has no complaints, and you have achieved your goal.

For the man to leave, do the ceremony with ordinary table salt. This divorce plot is not only aimed at getting him to leave, but also calmly signing the divorce papers and not bothering you in the future.

To conduct a ceremony that allows you to get rid of a boring spouse, select the time of the waning moon. Wait until midnight, take a handful of salt in your left hand, so that it does not crumble - you should be comfortable. Look at the month through an open window and say 9 times:

Everyone needs salt to live. And as there is a lot of salt, it is completely tasteless. So you, the servant of God (name), are disgusted with me. It’s not tasty for me to live with you, to share years. Help me get rid of salty salt from a man in order to reduce melancholy from my heart. White salt will make him leave, and so that he forgets about me. Amen!

The plot for divorce does not end there - carefully sprinkle salt on the threshold of the house, which the man often crosses. Within 3 weeks, the spouse will talk about divorce.

I am 30 years old, I have a little daughter. It would seem, how can I, a simple teacher, marry a millionaire? However, this story is able to inspire faith even in those who are already desperate. Hope she inspires you.

My story begins with a failed marriage. I married for love at the age of 19, and for almost 10 years I lived with an absolute loser. At first he seemed nice and good, but after the birth of the child, he took to drink and turned into an alcoholic, lowering my meager salary for vodka.

When an enemy lives in the house, a bad stranger came to visit or an obsessive neighbor stuck, all sorts of conspiracies and rituals will help. How to drive away an unwanted person from the house quickly to the salt, and what spells to say in order to forget about this problem forever.

Ways to drive an unwanted person away from home by conspiracy

When a guest came to the house and the owner no longer wants this person to cross the threshold of his house, a folk conspiracy will help. After the unwanted guest has left, on the street, after him, pour a bowl of water along the way and say:

“Just as this water does not return to my house, so the hand (say the name of the intruder) will never touch my hand again! Amen".

Repeat the prayer 3 times.

If unwanted guests have visited the house, the owner does not want these people to return, then after they leave, it is necessary to sweep the threshold of the front door saying:

“I speak - I speak, I will speak the threshold of my house. Let the evil person not come to me, let my house go around, if only this (name) threshold went around and never came here. My vow is the words and the key to the lock. Amen".

Protect and conspiracies from bad people in the house

So that bad guests take away bad thoughts, think and black magic, you need to hang a garlic amulet and speak it. For this you need:

  • take a head of large garlic;
  • take 9 ordinary sewing needles;
  • stick the needles inside the garlic so that the ears stick out and the garlic looks like a hedgehog;
  • with a small silk rope, silk-colored, tie the garlic near the entrance
  • door or above it.

In order for the amulet to start working, it must be spoken with the words:

“Whoever enters my house evil, brings damage, he will take it all upon himself. Let it be so!".

Additionally, a bunch of dried or dry thistles can be hung near the door, the words of the conspiracy are the same.

A conspiracy with salt from an unwanted person

House threshold plot with salt

For this ritual, you will need holy water and coarse salt. Sprinkle the threshold with water, lightly sprinkle with salt and say:

“I’m not pouring salt, but I’m putting up a wall to block the path to our house (the name of the unwanted guest). You can't go through the wall, you can't go around the wall, you can't break the wall, you can't climb over. Let it be so".

After that, light a light or church candle in the house. Wait until it burns out completely. Then gently sweep the salt onto white paper and, together with the rest of the candle, take it to the nearest intersection, leave it there.

Spell to keep dogs away from home

So that the dogs do not run near the house, do not bark and do not rush at people, you need to read special conspiracies. This will save the tenants of the house from unwanted animals.

Soap Spell

A conspiracy from unwanted animals should be pronounced by a woman. Close windows, vents, curtains, blinds. Let down your hair, untie your clothes, remove all hairpins and pins. Feet must be bare. Lather your hands to a thick foam, apply it on the right foot. In the kitchen, take a knife that no one has used for a long time and carefully scrape off the foam from the sole. Throw her on the threshold and say:

“The bell is on the temple, the icon is in a frame, the cross is on me, the key is in the lock, the snake is in the grass, the beast is in the den, and I am on my doorstep. Just as this snake of mine does not crawl over, the beast does not cross, so the uninvited guest will not come. I close my words, I bow to you, holy images. Cover the eyes of those who come with this foam. He will not see the threshold, he will not cross. My angel, stand with me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

This conspiracy is pronounced 1 time, in the evening. Additionally, near the threshold, you can hang thistles or consecrated salt.

So that stray dogs do not rush

In order for unwanted dogs not to become near the house, it is necessary to speak them. The animal is sprinkled with holy charmed water for 3 days in a row. You can simply pour or give special water to drink. Water Spell:

“Silent, breather, calm down, I give you a stir. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

This plot can be used for barking domestic dogs or other unwanted animals.

Stray dog ​​spell

In order for the dogs to run away forever, you need to say a special spell. Before that, go to the threshold of your house, sprinkle it with salt and sprinkle with holy water. Prepare a special bait for stray dogs:

  • cook dog food
  • add spelled salt to it;
  • put on the street;
  • make sure the dogs eat the bait.

Conspiracy words for salt:

“What is the path, what are the roads, All the legs are confused. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Ritual from homeless dogs

Stray dogs not only harm the owner with their presence, barking, but also by stealing pets, tattered fences, and plants. To stop harming, you need to say a special rite:

  • sprinkle spoiled places with holy water;
  • cross out the entrance to the house or barn with a lit light candle.

Water and a candle must be strong, consecrated or bought on a big bright Orthodox holiday.

A conspiracy to make guests leave faster

When relatives linger and are in no hurry to leave, you need to fumigate the guest room with smoldering chicory. Thistle infusion will also help. It must be sprayed under the beds and on the sheets where the "long-livers" sleep. After the guests leave, the threshold is sprinkled with bay leaf powder, dry garlic and cloves.

In addition to spraying and powder, you can read a plot to make guests leave faster. It is read once, near the guest bedroom:

“A leaf was torn off a branch, it was brought into our house. As the wind brought you, it carried you further. Here you did not linger, you yourself went on the road. You are sad here, everything here is not nice. From us (name), get out, return to your home. Amen".

If a conspiracy from unwanted guests near the door did not help get rid of the problem, you can speak tea or food. Treat an unwanted guest for several days. This will help get rid of his company forever.

Conspiracy from a delayed guest

Get down on your right knee with a jerk, make an emphasis with the fist of your right hand, bend your body strongly and say:

“Divide, fire, into two sides: the fire of heaven and the fire of hell. Unite in my desire, perform my spell. Let the slave (name) remain (here and there) and not go (go) (there and there): I command two fires, I conjure two fires. Fire of heaven and fire of hell, unite, as I said, so everything will happen. Word, fire, earth and God's servant I, (name). Amen".

In this prayer from an unwanted company, it is important to visualize your desire. Want the guest to leave or never come, imagine how he will leave or collect things.

Home protection from uninvited guests

There are proven ways to get rid of uninvited or bad guests. After the guests leave, you can:

  • wash the floor on which they walked and pour water on the street;
  • sweep the floors towards the threshold and throw the garbage on the street;
  • sprinkle the threshold with charmed salt, immediately after the guest leaves;
  • hang a horseshoe over the front door;
  • put a knife under the threshold;
  • drive a charmed nail under the threshold or put
Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Issue 30 Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

Survive from the enemy's house

Survive from the enemy's house

From a letter:

“My daughter, out of stupidity, out of her youth, got in touch with a non-Russian. He settled with us and from the very first day became our king and master. He is a Muslim and threw out all our pectoral crosses. He intimidates me and my daughter, says he will cut us to pieces, and if we report him to the police, his brothers will come and kill us. The daughter is no longer happy with what she has done, and she realized that there would be trouble. We are afraid that he will kill us, and he will sell the apartment and leave. Do not write letters home, suddenly he will see. Please answer in your next book, I will buy a book and read it.

Wash a rag with menstrual blood and say:

I erase my blood, I call the secret spirit:

You, spirit, expelled from Golgotha,

Thrown by a stone from a high mountain.

Secret spirit, faceless spirit, come

And bring your seal with you.

Seal my enemy like this

To leave me forever.

The gates of hell are opening

My enemies are going to hell.

For now, for centuries, for all time,

Water with blood is poured under the male tree.

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Whisper on the enemy Nails at your feet, No path for you, no road.

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How to fool the enemy So that the enemy forgets about you, read the following conspiracy: Find, trouble, from any side, From the windy and reciprocal, From the sunrise and from the west, Confuse your head, look away Thirty-three times. Morbid leprosy, Eat purity of thought, Give me a swooning emptiness. how

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On a fierce enemy This sin is difficult to pray. If your bloodline is killed, they throw a handkerchief to the enemy with a spell: Like a cow roars, it does not live without a roar. What hour does not pass, the minute does not blow. Roar you, do not roar, treat you and not cure. I close the stone key, the lock is tightly

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Protection from the enemy From a letter: “I have always considered myself happy and lucky, and only now have I realized that human life depends on those people who are nearby. I don't mean relatives, I'm talking about neighbors. The year before last, my husband and I bought a summer cottage, and almost immediately in our

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To confuse the enemy They take a ball of black yarn and a ball of white yarn. Both ends are tied together and wound around the arm through the elbow, while they say: I twist, twist, I want to confuse, I deprive the enemy of speech, I close his eyes. The devil will take the tip of my wool, Weave a net for himself. circling,

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A conspiracy to the wind for the enemy They go outside after midnight and say against the wind: Spin, wind, wind, fly And (such and such) exterminate. I (name) know all the winds, I call to myself every wind. Fly, brothers of the winds, fly And (such and such) exterminate. Key, lock, tongue. Amen!

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From the book of 7000 conspiracies of a Siberian healer author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

Paralyze the will of the enemy All of the above will require the skull of a goat. The skull is placed on the pentacle in the center of the star. Candles at the mirror at the end of work are extinguished by breathing. The skull is buried under an aspen. This method crushes and paralyzes the will of the enemy completely. He every hour

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On a fierce enemy If your bloodline is killed, they throw a handkerchief to the enemy with a spell: Like a cow roars, it does not live without a roar. What hour does not pass, the minute does not blow. Roar you, do not roar, treat you and not cure. I close the lock with a stone key, I close the lock tightly, with a salty tear

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From weapons in the hands of the enemy Seeing the danger or heading to the place where they may be waiting for you with weapons, read: now and ever and forever

From the book Golden Manual of the Folk Healer. Book 2 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

Torture the enemy Find the green toad. In the cavity of her mouth, put the dead man's hair interspersed with the hair or nails of the enemy. Sew up the mouth of the toad with a ritual needle. Anoint it with fern juice and name it after the enemy. Burn it with coals or pierce it with a ritual needle. Enemy

From the author's book

Punish the enemy Chop the bones of an animal (ram, bull, etc.) with an ax and say: I chop, whip your enemy, That's not meat - that's his arm and leg. I pour not the blood of an animal, but a filthy enemy. I break his ribs, I break his brain. Be thou, my enemy, cursed by the saints And mine

From the author's book

Take strength from the enemy At the moment when a cow is being milked, you need to approach and, looking at the stream of milk, whisper: As milk is taken away from a cow, So (such and such) will say goodbye with force. It will be thick for me, but (so-and-so) empty. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

A conspiracy that closes the road to an unwanted guest

For this purpose, there are special morsels. If you read such a mess, then the person whom you do not want to see in your house or in the store will change his mind at the last moment and will not annoy you. Conspiracy words are pronounced at the threshold of the front door. The conspiracy sounds like this:

For the first time, for the first time

I speak, I pronounce, I speak my threshold.

How people don't walk on shit

How do they bypass it?

So would (name) bypass my threshold,

Never ever came.

The key to my words

Castle to my business.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

A conspiracy to help drive an unwanted person away from home

Draw twelve crosses on the front door with a knife and read the following conspiracy twelve times in a row:

They crucified Jesus Christ on the Cross

They nailed Him to the Cross

No one was allowed near Him.

Don't let me, Lord

And You are to my threshold the servants of God (names).

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy: How to drive an unwanted person away from home

In this case, you may be advised to do the following. When the guests leave, wipe the floor after them, and pour the water out into the street, saying:

How is this water

She won't come back to my house

So is the servant of God (name)

My hand will not touch the bracket.


Prepare a head of garlic, a silver thread, nine new darning needles, a large gypsy needle, a clove and a mallet. Insert the thread into a gypsy needle and tying a large knot at the end of the thread, thread the thread through the head of garlic from the bottom of the head to the sharp protruding end so that the head of garlic turns out to be suspended on this silvery thread. Make a loop at the free end of the thread. Insert one of the nine prepared needles into the head of garlic with the eye on the bottom of the head, so that the needle points down when the head of garlic is suspended on a thread. Next, stick four more needles in the same way in turn, so that they look at the four sides with their points and not much down. Next, stick in the same way four more remaining needles one by one, so that they look at the same four sides as the previous four needles, but not much up. You should get a kind of "hedgehog". Sticking each needle, read the slander :

“Whoever enters my house with evil, bites, lessons, damage to my house will bring, my needles are steel arrows and sharp all those bites, lessons and damage will take over, they will split them in half, they will break them, but in return to the adversary who entered the head, yes the heart will be sent. Let it be so! Let it be so! Let it be so!".

Hang this “hedgehog” on a carnation above the front door from the inside.