How to flatten a leather jacket and give it a decent look. How to iron a leather jacket using available tools

If stored improperly, things tend to wrinkle. It would seem, what's wrong with that? Irons are no longer in short supply. But there are such things, ironing which only worsens their condition and can hopelessly ruin their appearance. Such things include genuine leather jackets. Strong creases, ugly bruises do not allow wearing it. And ironing leather products is strictly prohibited. But the situation is not hopeless, and it is possible to iron a leather jacket, and quite easily!

How to iron a wrinkled genuine leather jacket?
It is a pity that the leather jacket is not designed for year-round wear, and you have to hide it for the winter in closets or on shelves. And in spring, the opportunity to put on your favorite jacket comes again, but by that time it can be pretty wrinkled. Fortunately, there are several ways you can get your leather jacket back in order:
  1. Specialty shops, large ateliers and dry cleaners. If, with the onset of the new season, you take a rumpled leather jacket to the dry-cleaner, then they will clean it correctly and iron it to boot. And large shops and ateliers specializing in the sale and manufacture of leather and fur products are ready to offer an ironing service for leather goods for a fee. In these cases, the so-called ironing press will help to iron the leather jacket. If there is free space in the apartment, and there is extra money in your pocket, then you can purchase a desktop press for home use.
  2. Ironing with Vaseline. Regular petroleum jelly will help to restore the presentable appearance of a crumpled jacket. It is enough to grease the crumpled places on the jacket with it, hang it on a hanger and take it to the balcony. Vaseline will soften the skin, from which it will quickly smooth out itself.
  3. Trample for clothes. The folds on the leather jacket will eventually smooth out on their own if you hang it on a hanger a week or two before the start of the season. A soft leather jacket will take half the time.
  4. Steam bath. This method will help if you need to iron the leather jacket very quickly. To do this, hang the crumpled jacket on a ram over the bathtub and turn on hot water. The bathroom door must be tightly closed to prevent steam from escaping. As soon as about half of the bath is filled with hot water, the water can be turned off. The jacket will take off in just half an hour or an hour, depending on the hardness of the skin.
  5. Ironing with an iron. It's a paradox, but you can iron a leather jacket with an iron, only very carefully. To do this, turn the jacket inside out, put a piece of parchment or fabric on the crumpled place. The iron should be put on a delicate setting and the steam generation should be turned off. You need to iron the leather jacket carefully, not running the iron over the surface, but periodically pressing on the right place. After that, the jacket must be allowed to cool by hanging it on a hanger.
  6. Steamer. A regular steamer or steam function on the iron will smooth out the wrinkles on the leather jacket in 20-30 minutes. It should be kept at a distance of 10-15 cm from the steam generator. And after each steam exposure on the jacket, you need to pull out the wrinkled places.
How to prevent the leather jacket from creasing during storage?
To prevent a genuine leather jacket from wrinkling, you must comply with all the conditions for its storage:
  • the jacket should be cleaned before being stored in the closet;
  • after cleaning, moisturizers are applied to the jacket;
  • store leather jackets away from direct sunlight and heating appliances;
  • it is recommended to hang the jacket on a hanger in the closet during storage;
  • before the next season, the jacket needs to be freshened, moisturized and protected from moisture;
  • do not store leather jackets in plastic bags.
A leather jacket is bought for more than one season and becomes the most beloved wardrobe item. Well, if suddenly it is wrinkled, then you can iron the leather jacket at any time using the above methods.

A leather jacket is quite wear-resistant and can serve for several years. In order not to detect creases and folds on the skin at the beginning of the season, the item should be stored correctly. But if the jacket is already crumpled, then don't worry. There are various methods of smoothing natural and artificial leather at home.

It is always easier to prevent a problem than to solve it. Therefore, it is worthwhile to study the rules for storing a leather jacket and avoid mistakes in the future.

  1. The jacket must always hang on a hanger of a suitable size.
  2. Dry your leather product thoroughly after washing or rain.
  3. The closet where the leather item is stored should be free enough.
  4. It is advisable to use a special cover for storing clothes.

Smoothing methods

If your clothes are already wrinkled, you can use one of the homemade wrinkle removal methods.

It is worth remembering that genuine leather needs a delicate approach: it requires attention and care. Otherwise, you can completely ruin your favorite wardrobe item.


There are easy and free ways to iron leather clothes. They can be called natural, since the process does not require improvised means.

These methods include sock and shoulder straightening.


A crumpled leather jacket can be simply hung on a hanger. The main condition will be the selection of a suitable hanger. Its length should match the shoulder width of the item. If the length of the hanger is longer, that is, there is a risk of deformation of the product, less - the skin will not be smoothed.


  • shake the thing well;
  • choose suitable hangers;
  • hang the jacket on a hanger, fasten and straighten it with your hands;
  • remove the item on a hanger in the closet so that it does not come into contact with other items.

The downside to this method is the long wait. Soft skin will take 2-3 days, but if it is rough it may take a whole week to wait. This method is used to straighten minor irregularities, but there is a possibility that strong kinks will not be smoothed out.


Another way to straighten a leather jacket in a natural way is to walk around in the product for several hours. As a result, minor irregularities will straighten out.

This method is good for immediately after buying a jacket or for small wrinkles.


If the thing needs to be smoothed out quickly, then you should pay attention to steaming.

There are two ways to steam a leather product:

  1. With water. It is necessary to draw hot water into the bath. Then you need to hang the jacket on a hanger of a suitable size above the bathroom and close the door to the room tightly. Sometimes it is advisable to wipe the thing with a dry cloth, avoiding excessive moisture. The jacket should hang like this for 30 minutes. As a result of the "greenhouse effect" created, the folds will be smoothed out. After that, the product must be moved to a dry room.
  2. Steam generator or iron with steaming function. This method is used for products that are crumpled in one or more places. It is important not to touch the surface of the skin with the iron and hands during the steaming process, otherwise traces may remain on it. First, the product must be hung on a suitable hanger. It is recommended to start processing with the sleeves and collar, without bringing the steamer closer than 15 cm to the jacket.Do not stay in one place for a long time, as there is a risk of skin deformation. After straightening, hang the item in a well-ventilated area.


Many people wonder if a leather thing will stretch if you iron it with an iron. There will be no deformation if you do everything carefully in accordance with the instructions.

  1. Make sure the jacket is free of stains. Ironing can fix them forever.
  2. This method is suitable for both natural and artificial leather. But it is advisable to iron the product from the wrong side.
  3. It is necessary to lay out the thing on the ironing board, straighten the lining.
  4. Cover the garment with a thick cloth to protect the leather material. It can be flax or coarse calico.
  5. On the iron, set a low temperature (from 110 to 140 ° C) and turn off the steam function.
  6. Ironing should be lightly pressed on the iron in the creases. It is better not to use the movements that are usually used when ironing, as the skin can stretch.
  7. After ironing, you need to shake the product, turn it out on the front side and hang it on a hanger.

During the ironing process, the material must not come into contact (skin to skin). To do this, you can put rollers in the sleeves of the jacket.

Smoothing with oils

A less well-known, but rather effective method is to treat the surface of the product with walnut oil. The skin tends to absorb oily liquids. As a result of processing, folds are smoothed out, and the material does not become greasy.

Butter is not cheap. Moreover, it is not so easy to find it. Instead of this product, you can use petroleum jelly or glycerin.

Before you start smoothing your leather jacket, you need to make sure there are no stains on it. If the item is clean, then you can start processing.

First you need to moisten a cotton pad in the selected substance. Then wipe the surface of the product, paying particular attention to creases and creases. The procedure must be repeated 3-4 times with short breaks.

After completing all the steps, the jacket should be hung on a suitably sized coat hanger in a dry and ventilated area.

Using the press

For leatherette jackets, a press is used. As weights, you can use:

  • books;
  • cloth-wrapped bricks;
  • containers with water;
  • bales of clothes.

You need to act as follows:

  1. Lay the jacket out on a table or other flat surface, straightening the lining with your hands. Do not stretch the product too much, otherwise it will deform.
  2. Making sure that no new creases are formed on the skin, the prepared weights should be placed on top.
  3. Leave the thing overnight.

In the morning, you need to hang the jacket on a hanger so that it finally takes the desired shape.

Moisturizer for leather goods

There are special moisturizers for leather goods. They usually come in spray form, so they are very convenient to use.

This can be used to smooth out a wrinkled leather jacket. For this you need:

  1. Unfold and straighten the jacket on a flat surface.
  2. Spray the humidifier onto the product from a distance of 20-25 cm.
  3. Rub the spray with a dry cloth until completely absorbed. It is not recommended to allow the natural drying of the humidifier on the surface of the jacket.
  4. Hang the thing on a hanger.

The moisturizer contains special substances that protect the skin from damage and aggressive environmental influences.

How not to do

Leather is a complex material. In order not to spoil it, it is worth studying the list of prohibited smoothing techniques.

  1. Straighten your leather jacket with a hairdryer. Dry and hot air will make the material rough and bruises will remain in place.
  2. Stretching the folds manually. This method is not only ineffective, but also detrimental to the appearance of leather items.
  3. Ironing is not recommended for very soft leather.
  4. Do not allow water to come into contact with the leather surface when steaming.

In order for your favorite clothes to remain an adornment of the owner for a longer time, you should store them correctly. This is especially true for capricious fabrics. But if the creases and bruises have already formed, then you can get rid of them at home.

Leather products, especially jackets, do not lose their attractiveness over the years. Due to their good quality, such things can be worn for more than one season, but for decades.

In the spring, when everyone is taking off their outerwear, it is necessary to clean the leather jacket and put it away for storage. And in the fall, you have to get it out of stocks again, and then the question arises of how to smooth out a leather jacket at home, because folds and creases have formed on it during storage.

When does it need?

If the jacket is wrinkled, then you need to remove the folds.

Situations when it is necessary to smooth:

  • folded storage after washing;
  • folded tightly during transportation;
  • the item was bought from another person who did not take care of it correctly;
  • restoration of clothes after prolonged wear and improper care.

The folds on the jacket are ironed, similar to the processing of a leather jacket. The process is the same.

Without the use of aids

For the onset of spring, you need to prepare, get light outerwear out of the closets and put them in order.

Straightening the folds of a leather jacket is the hardest part. This material looks great, but it is not easy to care for it.

If you are afraid to use an iron or steam cleaner, you can always straighten the folds on your leather jacket without using any auxiliary methods.

How to smooth:

  1. Take the product out of the cabinet and shake it well.
  2. Pick up your hangers, they should fit. A hanger too small will cause bumps on the shoulders, and too long will cause bumps on the sleeves.
  3. After hanging it on a hanger, it is necessary to align the product and fasten it.
  4. It is necessary to hang clothes in a separate closet or away from other things so that the jacket does not come into contact with them. Otherwise, it will wrinkle even more.

Thus, in 2-3 days you can remove small irregularities, but strong creases on a leather jacket cannot be removed.

Another method of leveling without aids is to wet the surface with plain water from a spray bottle and put on outerwear on yourself or on a mannequin.

This method is faster. It is enough to walk around in clothes for 2–4 hours. The material will fit in shape and there will be no trace of the folds.


It so happens that due to improper storage or other life troubles, leather jackets wrinkle a lot. Crumpled items can be ironed by steaming.

Can I iron my leather jacket with a steamer? This method of straightening is allowed to be carried out. This is the best method to straighten your leather jacket after purchase.

Steaming is less traumatic for the product, but there are also some nuances here. Therefore, it is important to familiarize yourself with how to stroke the skin with such a device so as not to spoil it.

In order for the manipulation to bring only pleasure from the work done, follow the instructions for using the steam.

How to steam a leather jacket - the correct procedure:

  1. First, you need to remove any dirt and clean the product with a damp cloth from dust.
  2. You can use a steamer, a steam brush, an iron with this function or a steam generator. Only clean water must be poured into any device. Not from the tap, but filtered.
  3. Bring the steamer to the product at a distance of 20 cm. So the skin begins to warm up slowly, you cannot immediately hold it too close, you can injure the material.
  4. Then the distance is slowly reduced to 15 cm. Watch how the steamer straightens the creases.
  5. To remove creases on the sleeve, apply steam from the inside, from the side of the armhole.
  6. A bruise on the collar is fought by applying a steamer from the side of the collar.
  7. The steamer must not be operated in one place for too long. Condensation may form on the fabric and damage the fabric.

It may not be possible to straighten the folds the first time. Then you need to use method 1 - without the use of auxiliary means, so as not to injure the dented thing once again.


Can I iron my leather with an iron? Yes, you can. A crumpled leather jacket can be flattened to make it look attractive with an iron.

In order to smooth out wrinkles and not spoil the product, you must strictly follow the instructions, and not deviate from it during the procedure.

To make it easier, write down the sequence and steps on a piece of paper and keep them handy when performing the manipulation.

How to iron a leather jacket at home:

  1. The product must be placed on a flat surface and covered with a cloth (cotton). You can use wrapping paper instead of fabric. The main thing is that the skin does not come into contact with the sole of the iron. It is better not to use kitchen towels and others with pictures. Leather is a soft material, and a pattern can be imprinted on it.
  2. Before ironing leather items, check them for dirt. Also, don't forget to remove all items from your pockets.
  3. To iron your leather, turn off the steam and set the iron to the lowest setting.
  4. It is necessary to iron the jacket carefully, do not use force and do not press hard on the fabric.
  5. You need to iron from the front side, periodically looking under the fabric to make sure that the process is going correctly.
  6. Sleeves are put on a special board that comes with the ironing board. How to iron the skin: When one is often smoothed, turn over your hands and repeat the procedure. To straighten the skin completely, do not rush from one place to another, do everything in sequence.

Ironing will not take much time, but much less than if using the method without the use of aids.

The ironed material should be hung on a hanger and kept away from other things. Otherwise, the clothes will wrinkle again and the procedure will have to be repeated each time before putting on to look good.


How else can you straighten leather items? You can iron your clothes with a press.The press is created from the material at hand. You can use magazines, books, bales of things.

How to smooth leather jackets:

  1. You can get rid of the crumpled material if you carry out the manipulation correctly. First, lay the jacket out on a flat surface.
  2. Then we remove all the little things from the pockets and smooth the thing with our hands. Don't try too hard to stretch the garment, just straighten the folds.
  3. Zip up your jacket and check that the lining is also flat.
  4. Then place the fabric without a pattern or gradient on the jacket, and place the press on top of it. New folds and creases are not formed under the weight of the press.
  5. The procedure lasts all night.

In the morning, before putting the product on the hanger, inspect it. If not all the folds have disappeared, then you can hang it on a hanger and let it hang for a few more hours.

Additional methods

If you're afraid of using other methods, you can try other home remedies to straighten creases and creases.

How to iron a leather jacket:

  1. Use petroleum jelly. What to do: Hang the clothes on a hanger and apply a small amount of Vaseline to the folds. This ointment softens the skin. You do not need to wash the item after using it. Vaseline absorbs well, but can leave a greasy residue. After a few hours, simply wipe the jacket with a soft cloth to remove any residual product.
  2. You can straighten your skin with steam in the bathroom. To do this, pour hot water into a basin, hang the product on a hanger above the container and straighten it. Close the bathroom door to prevent steam from escaping and leave the item in this state for 1 hour.
  3. Spray the back of the jacket with plain filtered water and hang it over the back of a chair. The thing itself will take the desired shape and the creases will disappear.

Such measures do not deform the product. You can also use castor oil, nut oil, or a hand moisturizer to straighten creases.

Traditional methods, of course, are budgetary and easy, they will remove bruises and creases, but in order for the skin to look presentable, it is necessary to store it correctly.

What can not be done?

What some owners of leather jackets do not come up with to smooth them at home.

In no case should this issue be resolved. by using:

  • hair dryer;
  • processing the material with hot water;
  • stretching the folds with your hands.

All these methods will not give the desired result, but they will easily ruin your favorite jacket.

The hair dryer dries the skin. It makes the fabric stiff, but the bruises won't go away.

Hot water should not be processed, because the fabric may deform and change color due to high temperatures. But the creases and folds will remain.

You also cannot stretch the skin with your hands. The fabric is injured and cracks may appear on it, which can be dry-cleaned or by contacting the atelier.


In order not to look for how to smooth the jacket yourself, it is necessary to store such products correctly.

Always use a properly sized hanger. Such things should not be folded on the shelf, they should always be hung on a hanger.

Also, keep leather jackets in a closet with adequate space. To avoid pressure from other clothing, store them a short distance from each other.

As you can see, there are many smoothing methods, but each of them has its own nuances. Before proceeding with any method of removing creases, become familiar with the chosen method.

leather dresses

Probably, each of us faced a problem with leather products. Often they lose their good appearance, wrinkle after long lying in closets in summer or winter, and we do not know the appropriate way to iron such things and what means to choose at the same time. In addition, it is not always possible to use dry cleaning services and you want to do it yourself. Especially for this, we have chosen several simple but effective ways of ironing leather products and keeping them attractive for a long time.

"Cold method" as an ironing method. This is the easiest way to straighten your leather item. All that is needed for this is to hang the necessary thing on a hanger-hanger and let it stretch out. If your product has creases or unwanted creases, this is the easiest and most effective way to eliminate imperfections. But this method has its drawback - in order to iron a jacket or raincoat in this way, it will take several days (on average a week). But for products made of thin material, 1-2 days are quite enough.

Steam straightening. Steam treatment of your leather product is very effective. Using steam is very simple - pour half of the bathtub with hot water and hang the necessary thing over it. But most importantly, keep an eye on the evaporation rate of the water. Excessive steam generation can damage the product. You can also use a handheld steamer for steaming, which is used in many clothing stores. The optimum height of the device is 10 centimeters. This appliance can be replaced with an iron having the same function.

Vaseline and peanut butter as leveler. This method is the most gentle of all, although few people know about it and are rarely used. All you need is to soak a cotton swab or disk in petroleum jelly and treat "problem" areas on your leather item or all of it. Then, after hanging it on a hanger, take it out for a couple of hours in a well-ventilated place (on the balcony, for example). Vaseline can still be substituted with peanut butter, but it will cost much more, and the effect is the same.

How to iron a leather item. It is not advised to use an iron in smoothing leather things, but there are a couple of ways when using it is appropriate. In this case, the heating temperature of the iron should be minimal, and cover the product with a thin layer of kraft paper (this paper is used for pasting do-it-yourself cardboard furniture) or another cloth (for example, chintz) and run the iron over it. But by no means on the skin. Can be ironed inside out. You should not use a steam generator during this process, and it is also not advised to put on a newly ironed thing immediately after the procedure. Let it cool down for a while. It is worth remembering that you need to iron the leather with an iron only from the inside out, otherwise there is a great risk of damaging the material and ruining the thing.

Use a press. Leather is not a fabric and you should not try to achieve a perfectly flat material. The remaining wrinkled areas will smooth out on their own after hanging on the hanger for a couple of days. But if you want to get rid of the wrinkles faster, try using an abs. Place something flat and heavy on the dented area. A thick, large book is perfect. Leave it on for a few hours, after which the place will be perfectly smoothed and flat.

For many years now, leather jackets have not lost their relevance and still remain popular among the population.

They are worn by everyone: men and women, the elderly and young people. These clothes can be worn for several seasons and look stylish.

However, the long-term use of leather products is possible only if it is properly and timely taken care of.

Often during storage, the jacket can wrinkle, creases appear, which spoils the appearance of the product.

Therefore, by the beginning of the season, many have the question of how to smooth out a leather jacket correctly. Let's take a look at the most common mistakes and the most effective methods that will return the proper look to outerwear.

In order not to waste time in an empty space and not to spoil an expensive thing, it is worth knowing what methods should not be taken in the fight against large folds and creases:

  1. One of the most ineffective methods of flattening a leather jacket is to let it sag. Returning the product to its attractive appearance will only work if the thing hangs for a long time in a room with high humidity.
  2. Smoothing the jacket with hot air. Hot and dry air will make the leather product rough and tough. This method not only fails to get rid of bruises, but it can also serve as the formation of new defects on the product.
  3. Smoothing the jacket with hot water. High temperature water will have a detrimental effect on leather outerwear. The product will lose its original shape and color.
  4. Stretching folds. Using this method will not get rid of the bruises. Moreover, the look of the leather jacket will be completely ruined.
  5. Jackets being worn out. It will take a huge amount of time to smooth the jacket in this way. Therefore, its use is not recommended.

9 ways to smooth your leather jacket at home

There are several effective ways to help smooth out a leather item at home on your own after buying a leather item. Let's take a look at how to use each of them.

Can I iron a leather jacket with an iron

It is possible to use an iron to smooth out leather outerwear, but this must be done correctly, otherwise it can completely ruin the appearance of the product.

In addition, this method can be applied to clothing that is made of smooth material.

In order to iron a leather jacket at home using an iron, follow these steps:

  1. The first step is to set the minimum heating temperature. The steaming function must be disabled;
  2. Then you need to lay out the product on the ironing board. It is recommended to iron the jacket from the wrong side, but if the lining does not allow it, ironing from the front side is allowed;
  3. It is necessary to iron clothes through wrapping paper or use a fabric that has a smooth texture;
  4. You need to iron slowly, without pressing the iron on the material. After the end of the procedure, it is necessary to check the results of the work. If they satisfy you, then you need to wait until the ironed area becomes cold, and then move on to the next.