How to make a witch costume. All about how to make the perfect witch costume for Halloween. What should be the shoes

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I am glad to welcome you to the new article! A cool witch costume for Halloween is not difficult to make with your own hands. The main thing is to choose the right image of a witch and start preparing at least a few days in advance in order to be in time. I will tell you about the brightest images, help to bring to life interesting and unusual bold ideas. Go!

Choosing the image of a witch for girls

Classics are always out of competition. Do not like experiments, stick to proven solutions? Choose an ordinary witch costume in the best traditions of this image. Necessarily this is a black long dress, a mantle or a long cape, a broom and a hat. You won’t be surprised by such a witch, but it will definitely attract attention.

  1. If on Halloween you are determined to try on an image scary witch like Baba Yaga from a fairy tale, then you will have to forget about beautiful makeup and black lace. Everything should be as natural as possible: gray hair, rags, a hooked nose and warts, a predatory evil look and a broom.
  2. Image evil witch from a fairy tale, create from old clothes from the "grandmother's chest". A long skirt, a vest and a knitted jacket, moth-eaten in places, will do. If this is a forest witch, add some "forest" accessories, for example, dry branches, berries, leaves. The image of an evil swamp witch should be supplemented with mud, frogs, snakes, leeches and other "amenities". Props are sold in thematic stores, it is easy to make some elements with your own hands.
  3. For a girl prone to romance, the ideal image is gothic witch. A long tight black dress, beautiful black lace gloves above the elbow, a pale face under a veil, robe folds and a luxurious dark satin collar - in this outfit you will become the gothic queen of the party!
  4. Fashionable perky witch. The image is suitable for both a child and an adult girl. A cheerful and not at all evil witch can be in a bright short dress, with variegated color combinations, a magic wand instead of a broom. Such a witch will not scare, but rather cheer up others.

You can also surprise the audience on Halloween in the form of a zombie witch, a witch who miraculously escaped from the scaffold, where they were going to hang her or burn her at the stake, seductive witches, etc. Choose what is closer to you and act!

What is included in the witch costume: base and accessories

To make a beautiful and unusual witch costume with your own hands, you need to know which parts you have to work on. Regardless of the image, the outfit is built on 4 components:

  • top;
  • mantle;
  • hat.

The corset and skirt for the outfit can be combined into a dress. The details of the costume will look equally impressive separately. Instructions for the manufacture of individual elements of the costume are below.

how to make a hat easy

Witch hats are different. Classics of the genre - pointed with a large buckle in the middle. This is easy to make yourself from cardboard or thick and easy-to-use felt. The second option is more practical and convenient for decoration with various decorations.

Master class on making a cardboard hat:

  1. From a sheet of white cardboard, cut out a circle with a hole in the center. Do I need to say that the diameter is equal to the girth of the head?
  2. Transfer the circle to a sheet of brown cardboard. Cut along the contours without affecting the hole.
  3. Make triangular cuts along the diameter of the hole, bend. Notches are needed to fix the cone.
  4. Cut out a cone from brown cardboard so that the diameter of its base coincides with the inner circumference of the fields.
  5. Fix the cone on the prepared triangles with glue.

That's all! The witch's hat is ready. It remains to decorate it. Use dark-colored satin ribbons, as well as decorative elements of your choice: rhinestones, fake cobwebs, mesh, lace, spiders and plastic mice. Another variation:

Hats can be any size. If this is a children's costume, then the hat can be made quite tiny in the form of a hairpin or rim. On adult girls, hats with a high peaked top look spectacular.

You can replace the hat with unusual and stylish accessories, especially suitable for the image of a modern witch. Hoops with bats on a wire look great. And yes, they are easy to make. Cut out mouse silhouettes from black cardboard or felt. Attach the mice to the wire and then to the hoop. The length of the wire rods should be different to give the impression of a natural flutter of mice over the head of the witch.

How to make the top of the dress

The corset beautifully emphasizes the curves of the female body, lifts the chest, makes the waist thin and graceful. Girls do not need such an element of clothing, but for ladies who are important to remain attractive and desirable even in a black witch costume, a coreset will be very useful for a holiday.

You can sew a corset with your own hands (you need some skills and experience), remake a finished one or replace it with a slimming bodysuit or a black swimsuit. Rhinestones, beads, foil stars, attributes of the "dark world", such as a black cat or a raven (use suitable children's toys) are suitable for decorating the top. There are a lot of options, dream up and portray something special!

Witch's skirt: what can it be

The floor-length skirt looks more spectacular, and it looks equally great both narrow with cuts and lush. Maxi can be substituted for mini if ​​desired. The main thing is that it should be a dark-colored skirt made of fabric suitable for the suit.

The easiest option is to make a skirt with your own hands from a piece of black fabric. Just cut out a rectangle twice as wide as the hips in girth, gather it into folds, fasten it with threads and tie it around your belt with a wide ribbon. That's all, a spectacular Halloween witch skirt is ready!

By the same principle, you can make a skirt for a child. Remember that a witch for a child can be creepy in moderation, rather, the finished image should turn out to be cute and a little funny. That is why the children's version of the skirt is best made from tulle. Buy different colors of tulle and tie it in strips on a wide ribbon for a belt. You will get a beautiful funny skirt, from which you can build on, complementing the costume with accessories.

Cape or mantle for a witch

This element of clothing is also quite easy to make. Any materials that can be found at home will do. The ideal cape is velvet or satin, but even tulle or organza will do.

Cut out a rectangle, gather it at the top with a lace, as you did with a skirt, and the cape is ready. This is the easiest option, there are others. For example, the web mantle. Make it from an unnecessary black thing: an old scarf, raincoat, T-shirt, skirt, etc. The size of the future web will depend on the length of the material. Remember how you cut out snowflakes from paper as a child. The web mantle is made according to the same principle:

  1. Fold the material in half twice.
  2. Make a pattern from the edge of the fold.
  3. Measure the circumference of your head and divide this number by 2.
  4. Add 2 cm to the resulting number and put a mark on the fabric (set aside from the edge).
  5. Make a similar mark on the other side.
  6. Connect the labels in a semicircle.
  7. Mark the length of the cape in a horizontal plane from the starting point of the folded edge.
  8. Ideally, the mantle along the length of the arms should be about 70 cm in each direction.
  9. From the cutout point of the hole for the head, start measuring.
  10. Cut out a semicircle.

If everything was done correctly, the result should be a pattern similar to a sun skirt. You can initially use it as a layout, replacing the waist circumference with the head circumference.

If you wish, sew a hood to the mantle. To do this, prepare two semicircles. Sew them into the cape in a straight line along the entire neckline.

Next is the most interesting - the web. With a piece of chalk or a piece of soap on the fabric, draw vertical stripes in the direction from the neck to the bottom. They are needed to keep the proportions. Give the bottom a curly shape. Draw the cobweb with chalk, for the symmetry of the pattern, cut it out along the fold of the fabric. Line the robe with contrasting fabric as desired.

Quick witch costume in a hurry

When there is absolutely no time for sewing and other manipulations to create an original witch costume for a holiday, the main thing is not to abandon the idea, but to go the simpler way. Make a light suit to start with, which will take no more than 10 minutes, and then, as far as possible, improve it with accessories.

So, for a quick and easy witch costume, you will need any black clothing and decor. Choose gloomy clothes that you haven’t worn for a long time, you can grandmother from an old wardrobe in the country. Decor - various props on the topic, ranging from cobwebs to insects, mice, crows and other evil spirits.

Everything that you can find or manage to make from the decor, stick or sew to your black base. That's all, nothing more is needed. It remains only to arm yourself with the attributes of a witch: a broom from the yard or a semblance of a magic wand, an old umbrella or a cane and go ahead to scare the honest people!

Oh yes, and makeup here should be in the subject. Use theatrical makeup whenever possible, paint silicone wrinkles, cover your face with gray, white or even green paint. Glue on long lashes, insert frightening red or white lenses, highlight lips brightly.

Don't forget your manicure and hair. The witch's nails, if the hands are not gloved, should be long, sharp, dark and intimidating. Hair, if this is not the image of a coquette witch and a fashionista, with gray hair, tousled, flowing long dirty strands with insects and moss lost in them.

Don't underestimate the power of accessories. When there is no time, desire and opportunity to “conjure” a costume for too long, they will become a real salvation. What this will be depends on the desired effect.

So, if the goal is the image of a fashionable and perky witch, for example, when you need a costume for a child, you should choose cool striped socks or stockings as mandatory accessories. They go great with a pointed hat and clogs with turned-up toes. These, too, can be made with your own hands from used shoes in just half an hour!

  1. Just model a sharp "nose" on the shoes with masking tape, foil or plaster bandages.
  2. Fix them on the surface of the shoe, cover with newspapers (toilet paper) and carefully primed with paint.
  3. The final layer is colored paint and glitter, if you really want a layer of glue after the paint dries.

As you can see, nothing is impossible if you want to dress up as a witch for Halloween. Look at the pictures of ready-made images and be inspired by interesting ideas already implemented somewhere on the other side of the world. Be sure to share this article with useful tips with your friends! On the eve of the most terrible holiday, it will be useful for many of them to learn how to make a witch costume for themselves and for a child simply and cheaply with their own hands. Goodbye!

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoreva

The associations of the image of a witch with a terrible old witch are long gone, a modern witch can be a very attractive young woman. The Halloween witch is one of the most interesting and popular images for the feast of All Saints.

How to Make a DIY Halloween Witch Costume

Making a witch for Halloween is not so difficult, you can create a suitable look without a special fancy dress. To create this character, it is advisable to choose black clothes, which will most accurately convey the gloom of the image of the villain.

Witch costumes for Halloween can be presented in a wide variety of options, it all depends on the imagination and wishes of the participant in the event.

Stylists offer the following options for outfits to create the look of a sorceress:

A maxi dress with a ripped hem or bodycon floor-length dress with a plunging neckline and a high slit in the side or front.

Corset without straps in combination with a long or short skirt.

With a long train.

To give the image of a witch for Halloween originality and even more outrageous, you can choose a black outfit with dark purple or red accents. The modern sorceress can dress not only in gloomy black, but yellow, red, green and purple outfits are also great for this character. Such a costume will add brightness to the image and distinguish it from the crowd of other participants in this mystical event.

Many young girls, having decided to appear on Halloween in the guise of such a character as a witch, want to look sexy and seductive. In this case, the right solution would be a black tight-fitting strapless dress slightly above the knee. A hat-cap with a veil will perfectly complement the image of an attractive and seductive witch.

Halloween Witch Accessories

Do not know how to create a Halloween witch look so that it is harmonious and realistic?

The following accessories associated with the image of a sorceress will help you with this:

cap hat. In the outfit of a witch, the main accessory is a hat called a cap. This attribute can be different - with wide or small fields, complemented by a veil or without it. When choosing this accessory, it is important to take into account your type of face, so you can’t do without trying it on. Tall caps with wide brim are suitable for chubby sorceresses; small hats with small brim should be discarded. But for girls with a narrow face, the last option is perfect.

Gloves. To complement the sinister ensemble, you can use gloves. They can be with closed fingers or open. Gloves for the witch can be long or short, leather, velor or lace. To give more realism to the image, gloves can be decorated with long metal nails. The main rule to follow when choosing gloves is that they should match the main outfit of the sorceress in texture.

Stockings and tights. Usually this wardrobe item should be chosen based on the personal preferences of a girl or woman who takes on the appearance of a witch on Halloween. However, the most successful option would be tight black tights with lace inserts on the sides.

Shoes. High-heeled shoes are best suited for a witch costume. You can give preference to shoes, boots or ankle boots. The height of the top should be selected based on the length of the outfit. The shorter the skirt, the higher the top should be, and, conversely, the longer the skirt, the shorter the top. To celebrate Halloween, when creating the image of a witch, it is advisable to choose black patent leather shoes. Some suede models also look good.

Making your own Halloween witch costume is easy. To create an outfit, a tight-fitting dress is suitable, on which an openwork fabric is sewn on top along the waist line, imitating a spider web.

If a girl decided to appear as a witch on All Saints' Day, you can make such a costume:

Take a wide elastic band that matches the parameters of the girl's waist.

Cut long strips of medium width from a variety of colored fabrics - tulle, lace, organza, satin or chiffon, tie them around an elastic band, thus making a skirt.

Put a dark T-shirt and leggings on the girl, a skirt on top.

A hat, shoes and a magic wand will help to complete the look.

The image of a kind little sorceress is ready!

The best images of adults and little witches for Helloween are in the photo below:

How to dress up for a Halloween witch look

You have chosen for yourself the image of a witch for the feast of all Saints, but do not know how to make up a witch for Halloween? The following tips from makeup artists will help you create a realistic look for a sorceress:

Beforehand, you should prepare the skin for creating a spectacular make-up. To do this, apply a base for makeup on the skin.

To create a realistic appearance of a witch, it is important to give the skin pallor. To achieve this effect, you need to apply light powder, foundation, and baby powder to the skin.

On the eyelids, you can apply shades of blue, black and silver, evenly distributing them over the eyelid. Black and silver colors of shadows are applied on top of the eyelid, and a wide line is drawn in blue under the lower eyelid.

You can use another version of eye makeup: bright pink shadows that are applied under the very line of the eyebrow, and black long arrows.

To give the image of gloom on the inside of the eyelid, you can apply a black pencil and bring the upper and lower eyelids.

Eyelashes and eyebrows should be painted as brightly as possible, because the witch always has an expressive look.

Whiskey and the upper part of the cheeks can be decorated with drawings stylized as a witch - cobwebs, bat wings, spiders.

For lip makeup, you need to use lipstick in dark saturated colors.

The witch's lips can be red, burgundy, brown, purple or black.

Halloween witch makeup in its various versions is shown in the photo below:

The simplest witch costume can be made in 10-15 minutes. All you need is some black clothing (which will be the base) and holiday decor. Decor - cobwebs, spiders, bats, insects, etc. before the holiday can be found in any store or, at worst, cut out of cardboard, fabric, or even a mouse pad.

Rags and decorative elements (it is better to paint them in black or shades of gray) are attached to the base clothes - and your costume is ready. It remains to supplement it with appropriate makeup, and you can go on a holiday.

Halloween witch costume can be made with your own hands and in 5 minutes. It is enough to dress in black, tousle your hair, and paint visible areas of the skin with green make-up. Striped knee-highs or tights and pointed shoes are a good addition to such a suit, but they are also optional.

witch hat

Your only carnival attribute may well be a pointed witch hat. The easiest way to make a witch hat is from a hard material - cardboard or felt.

You can decorate a hat with the same bugs, mice or, for example, autumn leaves, feathers and ribbons, small bubbles with "poisons".

A witch's hat can be quite small, decorative. The main difficulty is to securely fix it in the hair. To do this, you need to glue the rim, hairpin, hairpin to the finished hat and be sure to check in advance whether the hat will hold.

An interesting alternative to a hat is "fluttering" bats. They are cut out of black paper and attached to the rim with wire. To make the bats look convincing, bend them as shown in the photo.

Broom for witch costume

If you're making a children's witch costume for Halloween, be sure to complete it with a broom! A broom can be made from grass and a branch - spray paint them black and collect.

If you live in a big city and you have no desire to dig up wet grass from under the first snow, look into any flower shop. A deluxe witch's broom can be made from gypsophila, asparagus, or any other inexpensive lush flowers.

On the left - asparagus, on the right - gypsophila

Turned-toe shoes

Shoes for a Halloween witch costume are always black, long-nosed and with heels. You can make perfect shoes from any old ones - scratched, ugly, and simply boring.

Model a sharp nose with masking tape and foil. Attach it securely to your shoes. Tape the shoes with newspaper or prime with a coat of paint. Apply a final coat of spray paint. When the shoes are dry, coat them with PVA glue and sprinkle with glitter sequins.

Witch skirt

A young witch can afford a brighter outfit: black leggings and a turtleneck combined with a bright fluffy skirt. This skirt does not even need to be sewn! Long colored and black patches of mesh are simply tied to an elastic band. A budget alternative - a package skirt - often looks just as good.

Witches traditionally consist of several elements: hats, dresses, stockings and brooms. If we use ready-made colored tights / stockings, then all other elements of the New Year's outfit can be made with our own hands. To do this, we need the following tools and materials:

  • scissors;
  • roulette;
  • threads;
  • cardboard;
  • felt;
  • black boots;
  • decorative elements for the costume (bats, spiders, cobwebs, etc.);
  • cosmetics for applying makeup (optional);
  • tulle;
  • wide band.

Attention! The list contains the main elements that will definitely come in handy for us to create a New Year's image for a child. But this does not mean that you cannot add to the proposed list. Fantasy in this case is only welcome.

hat making

A witch's hat must be pointed, but otherwise - do not limit the flight of your imagination. We offer 2 options for making a witch hat: a neat, dense little hat and a large cap hat with a wide brim. Let's consider each option in detail.

For decorative hat all you need is cardboard and a small piece of felt or any other black fabric. The main thing is that it should be dense enough. Since the hat will be attached to the head only with the help of various hairpins, and not put on in its entirety, the exact size of the child's head will not be needed.

We cut out a circle from cardboard so that the surface of the future hat does not cover the entire head. Now we draw a diagram of a cone for a cap (we choose the size “by eye”, say, 15 cm). But its top should not be pointed: that is, in fact, it will be an isosceles trapezoid with a narrow top.

We cut out the cardboard blank and fold it in such a way that we get a cone. And glue along the fold line. We leave to dry. Now it remains only to cut the felt according to the same patterns and stick it with a glue gun on a cardboard base. The hat is ready!

The second option is somewhat more difficult. To make a complete hat put on the head, first of all, we take the dimensions of the child's head. Then we make drawings on cardboard. The diameter of the brim can be different, it all depends on your wishes, but in order for the hat to fit on the head, the diameter of the base of the cone must be the volume of the head + 1 cm.

The length of the cap can be different, but such that the hat does not stick out like the Eiffel Tower. We will take approximately 25 cm. As in the first case, the cone will be without a pointed top. The length of the top top will be approximately 2-2.5 cm (this is our "reserve" for creating a fold line).

We cut out the created blanks from cardboard, glue them together, then sheathe the resulting hat with felt or other dense fabric.

Both a decorative and an ordinary hat can be decorated with additional elements: leaves, a beautiful ribbon / lace, decorative spiders, mice, etc.

Making a witch costume

We bring to your attention two completely different, but equally spectacular New Year's outfits of the witch.

Option 1. This option includes a long dress and a raincoat. Any black fabric can act as a dress, which must be sewn in such a way that it “sits” on the child quite freely. Or you can simplify the task by using some of your old dark-colored dress to create a costume.

For a raincoat, stock up on a fabric of two colors: black and some dark one for the inside of the raincoat (it can be burgundy, purple, dark green, etc.). The length of the raincoat should be equal to the height of the child from the neck and almost to the toes (it can be a little shorter), and the width should be such that the raincoat can be wrapped up.

We attach both pieces of fabric to each other (their size should be absolutely identical) and carefully baste the fabric. Then use the sewing machine to secure the result. After the end of the sewing process, carefully iron the finished raincoat with an iron.

So that it can be fixed on the neck, we use a ribbon. We cut out a not very wide strip of fabric, cut it and sew each of the halves to the upper edges of the raincoat.

Option 2. This costume is absolutely different from the previous one and is more suitable, perhaps, for younger girls. It consists of a top (T-shirt or bodysuit) and a bottom (an unusual fleece skirt).

We make a tutu skirt as follows:

  • We take tulle of different colors (orange, purple, green, red, black, etc. are perfect) and make blanks from rectangular pieces of fabric about 15-25 cm wide. The length depends on what size the finished skirt will be.

Advice. In order for the pieces of fabric to turn out to be the correct size, the length of the skirt must be multiplied by two, since when attaching to the base, we will fold the pieces of tulle in half.

  • We take a wide elastic band and fix it on a solid base, such as a roller or a thick book. And proceed to tying tulle. We fold the strip of fabric in half, thread it under the elastic band with the folded side forward a couple of centimeters, lift the “tail” up and thread it through the resulting loop, tighten it tightly. It turns out a strip tied with a knot. We do the same with the rest of the stripes, alternately changing colors.
  • As a finishing touch, we tie a beautiful satin ribbon on the skirt.

So, our hat is ready, the costume is ready, we will complement it with a broom, colored tights and the New Year's look is complete!

Witch costume for a girl: video

There is no better Halloween outfit than a witch costume, which can also be great for any other holiday. The witch's outfit is very bright and memorable, able to amaze the imagination, it will add some mysticism to your image, which will correspond to the general spirit of the holiday. Another advantage of this outfit is that it is very easy to make it yourself.

So what's stopping you from getting started right now? Read on to find out how to be the most intimidating guest at a themed costume party. See and read ideas for other carnival costumes.

What do you need to make a costume

A witch's dress is often a mixture of various accessories that you can pick up at art and craft stores, with items that you can make at home from improvised means. Here's a short list of the things you'll need to put together a complete sorceress outfit.

  • Black outerwear. You will be using it as the basis for the costume, so it is better to take an old long skirt and a long-sleeve sweater.
  • Makeup. Feel free to use bright colors paired with purple or even black lipstick. This will only add credibility to your image.
  • Black boots.
  • Cards. A Tarot deck is ideal, but with skillful handling, playing cards will also fit (you just need to draw the Queen of Spades more often with a mysterious look).
  • Pieces of black and red matter.
  • Needles.
  • Scissors.
  • Sewing machine or thread for hand sewing.
  • Fabric marker.

Costume base

Any witch, without any doubt, simply needs a cloak. It creates an atmosphere of mystery and mystery, making your outfit, along with the witch hat, supremely convincing and complete. After all, the traditional image of a witch is simply impossible without a high pointed hat and a cloak fluttering when flying on a broomstick!

If it is better to purchase a hat in a themed store, then it is quite possible to make a raincoat yourself, adding personality to it, which will distinguish your creation from the template store versions. Below is a step by step guide to making it.

A step-by-step guide to making a real professional witch's cloak

  1. Get a large piece of red and black fabric - you will need both colors in combination. Use synthetic fabric as it gives a glossy effect. The specific dimensions of your fabric cuts: they should be equal in length to your height, and in width be at least three times larger than you.
  2. We sew a raincoat. The seam should tightly sew your pieces of fabric to each other, completely even out the edges. It should be about 1.5 centimeters wide, and after that it will need to be folded and ironed well. After you have marked the stitch width and overcast the fabric, enlist the help of your sewing machine and sew the raincoat pieces together. Do not forget that you need to flash all four sides of the raincoat.
  3. Iron the fabric properly. There should not be a single wrinkle left on it before you fasten it around the neck.
  4. The finishing touch is a ribbon around the neck so that the cloak does not fall off when moving. A strip of black fabric is taken, of such a length that it will be possible to freely tie it around the neck, cut in half and the halves are sewn to the cloak. Then, it is enough to tie the ribbon into a beautiful bow and the cloak will flow smoothly over your shoulders.

A few words about makeup

When the cloak is sewn, the jacket and skirt are found, and the hat is bought - it's time to think about how to make up for a greater effect.

For this purpose, face painting kits are ideal, which are easy to purchase at a craft supply store. There is a lot of room for individuality here.

Your skin can be dark green, like the Witch of the West of Oz, or classic silver, as if carved from pure moonlight, or you can make a red witch. In a word, create, invent your costume, and the witch's makeup will become the brightest at the party.

If the witch's costume seemed too gloomy to you, how about delicate fairy-tale carnival costumes? See photos and learn how to create other wonderful New Year's costumes:.

Watch the video on how to sew a witch costume:

How to make a fairy costume with your own hands

There is no such little girl who would not want to become a little charming fairy, flutter from flower to flower and perform small miracles. And in their dreams and fantasies, they could become little magical creatures. Fairies have become especially famous lately thanks to the work of the Disney studio and a series of cartoons about the adventures of a cheerful team of fairies from the magical kingdom.

And let's not forget the constant companion of the eternally young Peter Pan - the Tinker Bell fairy in her cartoon and cinematic incarnations. From our article you can learn how to make a costume of a charming little fairy for a holiday for your child. And you can see even more fairies in our other article: New Year's fairy costume for the New Year 2015 in the photo.

What you need to create a fairy costume

The dress of a magical baby is actually not at all difficult to sew, even if you are a beginner in sewing, there is a simple step-by-step instruction, guided by which, you can easily get a great holiday costume. The most important part of the outfit is jewelry, additional details of the dress.

There should be so many decorations that they can add extra color and shine to the costume. Raid craft and craft stores, visit a flower shop and inspect the contents of your wardrobe for everything a young fairy needs to shine. The fairy costume will consist mainly of a dress full of sequins, leaves and flowers, with little wings as the finishing touch. Here is a list of all the things you need to be creative.

  • Women's combination, if possible - silk.
  • A piece of light fabric in light pastel colors.
  • Needle.
  • Scissors.
  • Silk leaves and flowers for details.
  • Fairy wings purchased from a fancy dress store.

So, step by step instructions for making a costume

  1. Take the combination and make sure it suits the young fairy princess. We strongly recommend that you choose a combination of silk fabric, simply because it is a good, light and light base. Fairies don't wear heavy jeans or corduroy trousers.
  2. Take a piece of light fabric, attach it to the combination and measure. From this fabric you will make an overskirt. Measure from the waist line to the bottom edge of the combination and cut your fabric so that it does not go beyond this distance, but completely matches it. Also in width, it should freely wrap around the combination, so take the appropriate measurements. The edge of the fabric must be overcast with a simple zigzag seam so that it does not crumble. After that, the fabric is sewn with a sewing machine to the combination only along the waist line - the bottom should be free so that the skirt flutters during movement or circling.
  3. The dress for the fairy is almost ready, it remains only to finalize the details. Think about silk leaves and flowers - you will need them. Take the leaves and sew them to the top skirt, going from the bottom edge towards the waist. Closer to the waist, add flowers to the leaves and complete the outfit with flowers. Sew the flowers and leaves carefully using ordinary thread and needle (note that the color of the thread should not stand out against the general background).
  4. It's time to reward the fairy with wings bought from a fancy dress store.

Your fairy outfit is ready - it's time to try it on and your child can become a magical guest at a children's party. See photo!

Watch the video on how to make wings for a carnival costume:

How to make a pirate costume with your own hands

A pirate costume is very easy to make yourself. In addition, many people want to try themselves in the role of a seasoned and treacherous sea wolf in the style of John Silver, or to become for one evening a bold, cheerful and cunning captain of the Black Pearl - Jack Sparrow. And let's not forget that piracy is fanned with a halo of romance, and there are many episodes in history associated with the Jolly Roger brotherhood: there were female pirates, pirates of the Eastern Seas from Japan and China, legal pirates who received permission to rob the ships of states that were in war with the country that gave corsairs such "credentials". By the way, an interesting fact from the history of Russia: Ivan the Terrible, having quarreled with a number of Western countries, allowed the Dutch pirate to shamelessly rob their ships, which caused a lot of surprise and discontent abroad. History confirms the popularity of the pirate profession. If you need to make yourself a festive pirate outfit, while spending a minimum of time on creation, read our recommendations - they will help you in the creative process.

What do you need for a pirate costume

Do you remember watching the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean"? (And if you watched all the parts, it's just great). Surely you can remember what kind of clothes the pirates wore? Well, in case nothing comes to your mind, here are a few tips. Mostly brave guys - the conquerors of the seas wore black trousers, a striped vest, a hat, an eye patch on the right or left eye (necessarily black), and a lot of frightening-looking additional things, such as boarding sabers, pistols and guns.

How to put together such an outfit?

Now you will hear very good news. This costume does not need to be completely created from scratch. It is enough just to search your home closets with clothes and find a few key components that will form the basis for your future pirate outfit. Here they are:

  • Old black trousers or jeans - they should not be too new, because we will create a frayed effect due to small cuts.
  • Striped T-shirt or turtleneck - again, they should not be too new, in no case should they be ironed, you can even get a little dirty to enhance the effect.
  • A pair of old broken boots.
  • Black belt - make sure it comes with a gold buckle.
  • Bright scarf.
  • Face makeup.
  • Elastic band.
  • Empty egg carton.
  • Treasure island map (you can easily draw it yourself).
  • Foil and cardboard in metallic or silver.
  • Black paint.

Let's start making the costume

Let's start with the biggest and most notable positions. Take old jeans and cut them so that they are just below the knee in length. After, we cut the ends a little with scissors and pull out a row of threads so that the pants look torn and worn. With a striped shirt, we will do the same, giving the clothes a look of creative mess. A few torn stripes, rough, raw edges - this is just what we need, because real pirates do not take care of their clothes.

Additional Pirate Costume Accessories

It's time to get busy making an eye patch and getting the cutlass ready. Let's start with the most important accessory - eye patches.

The bandage is very easy to make. Now you will find out what an egg carton is for (preferably a plastic, round shape). From the box, carefully cut out the cell where the egg was stored: as a result, you should get a round, convex piece of the box (convex so that it does not press on the eye), which is to be painted black. Further, in the resulting eyecup, we make small cuts for a thin elastic band, on which this design is tied to the head. The main thing is not to tighten too much, so that it does not press on the eye or on the face.

So, it's time to make a boarding saber. We make the blade for your saber from silver cardboard, although if you do not have this color another one will do, then when you have cut a long enough blade, wrap it in foil - this will create the illusion of metal. Then cut out a handle with a hole for the blade in the middle from cardboard, paint it black - and the grappling blade is ready!

Make up the face a little: make a tan, add some dirt on the face, paint on a small scar to give yourself a dashing and independent look.

So, a pirate costume is really very easy to make with the help of improvised means and old clothes that were lying around in your house. At the party, you will be the most interesting guest.

Watch the video on how to make a pirate costume:

By the way, check it out, it's interesting:

Many sorcerers are sure that most women are naturally endowed with magical abilities. After all, the main task of girls is to preserve the hearth and comfort. Magic on men is weaker due to more rational thinking and strong energy from nature, helping them survive in not the most favorable conditions. But for some girls, the gift is obvious and interest in magic, strange behavior or magical experiences are direct proof of this. But a witch can be recognized not only by her behavior, but also by certain external characteristics, which will be discussed in this article.

Some features in appearance may well give out a witch. For example, moles located in an unusual way, for example, in a semicircle, may well speak of a magical gift. Or a woman can blossom sharply in outward signs, then some talk about magical beauty. In the Middle Ages, when the persecution of witches was especially widespread, a special book was created, called the Hammer of the Witches. It contains the characteristic features of appearance, as well as knowledge about the witches of that era. Thanks to this instruction, the Inquisition determined the presence of witchcraft abilities in a particular girl with high accuracy. The misconception about dark and light witches originated in that era when the church and clergy, wanting to gain complete control over the spiritual side of the life of ordinary people, assured that witches were servants of dark forces. Uninformed people continue to consider witchcraft to be the devil's occupation to this day.

It is possible to conditionally distinguish between external and internal, invisible signs of a witch. External signs include unnatural, internal magnetism of the eyes, a naturally attractive body, birthmarks or moles of an unusual shape, double eyelashes and other unusual features. Internally, a witch can be recognized by light or dark energy, in any case, it is stronger than that of ordinary people. Animals love a light witch, dogs and cats do not attack, cats, by the way, on the contrary, like to sit on such a woman's lap. But the dark witch rarely gets along with other people and animals, her power is bestowed by the creatures of the lower world. However, it is impossible to say with accuracy that the light witches are absolutely pure, and the dark ones can only harm. Witches have a concept of energy balance, it's just that the scales of one or another force somewhat outweighs the other, opposite one.

This knowledge will help to distinguish a real witch from a self-taught one and recognize the nature of the gift.

Many sorcerers are sure that most women are naturally endowed with magical abilities. After all, the main task of girls is to preserve the hearth and comfort. Magic on men is weaker due to more rational thinking and strong energy from nature, helping them survive in not the most favorable conditions. But for some girls, the gift is obvious and interest in magic, strange behavior or magical experiences are direct proof of this. But a witch can be recognized not only by her behavior, but also by certain external characteristics, which will be discussed in this article.

Some features in appearance may well give out a witch. For example, moles located in an unusual way, for example, in a semicircle, may well speak of a magical gift. Or a woman can blossom sharply in outward signs, then some talk about magical beauty. In the Middle Ages, when the persecution of witches was especially widespread, a special book was created, called the Hammer of the Witches. It contains the characteristic features of appearance, as well as knowledge about the witches of that era. Thanks to this instruction, the Inquisition determined the presence of witchcraft abilities in a particular girl with high accuracy. The misconception about dark and light witches originated in that era when the church and clergy, wanting to gain complete control over the spiritual side of the life of ordinary people, assured that witches were servants of dark forces. Uninformed people continue to consider witchcraft to be the devil's occupation to this day.

It is possible to conditionally distinguish between external and internal, invisible signs of a witch. External signs include unnatural, internal magnetism of the eyes, a naturally attractive body, birthmarks or moles of an unusual shape, double eyelashes and other unusual features. Internally, a witch can be recognized by light or dark energy, in any case, it is stronger than that of ordinary people. Animals love a light witch, dogs and cats do not attack, cats, by the way, on the contrary, like to sit on such a woman's lap. But the dark witch rarely gets along with other people and animals, her power is bestowed by the creatures of the lower world. However, it is impossible to say with accuracy that the light witches are absolutely pure, and the dark ones can only harm. Witches have a concept of energy balance, it's just that the scales of one or another force somewhat outweighs the other, opposite one.

This knowledge will help to distinguish a real witch from a self-taught one and recognize the nature of the gift.

Many sorcerers are sure that most women are naturally endowed with magical abilities. After all, the main task of girls is to preserve the hearth and comfort. Magic on men is weaker due to more rational thinking and strong energy from nature, helping them survive in not the most favorable conditions. But for some girls, the gift is obvious and interest in magic, strange behavior or magical experiences are direct proof of this. But a witch can be recognized not only by her behavior, but also by certain external characteristics, which will be discussed in this article.

Some features in appearance may well give out a witch. For example, moles located in an unusual way, for example, in a semicircle, may well speak of a magical gift. Or a woman can blossom sharply in outward signs, then some talk about magical beauty. In the Middle Ages, when the persecution of witches was especially widespread, a special book was created, called the Hammer of the Witches. It contains the characteristic features of appearance, as well as knowledge about the witches of that era. Thanks to this instruction, the Inquisition determined the presence of witchcraft abilities in a particular girl with high accuracy. The misconception about dark and light witches originated in that era when the church and clergy, wanting to gain complete control over the spiritual side of the life of ordinary people, assured that witches were servants of dark forces. Uninformed people continue to consider witchcraft to be the devil's occupation to this day.

It is possible to conditionally distinguish between external and internal, invisible signs of a witch. External signs include unnatural, internal magnetism of the eyes, a naturally attractive body, birthmarks or moles of an unusual shape, double eyelashes and other unusual features. Internally, a witch can be recognized by light or dark energy, in any case, it is stronger than that of ordinary people. Animals love a light witch, dogs and cats do not attack, cats, by the way, on the contrary, like to sit on such a woman's lap. But the dark witch rarely gets along with other people and animals, her power is bestowed by the creatures of the lower world. However, it is impossible to say with accuracy that the light witches are absolutely pure, and the dark ones can only harm. Witches have a concept of energy balance, it's just that the scales of one or another force somewhat outweighs the other, opposite one.

This knowledge will help to distinguish a real witch from a self-taught one and recognize the nature of the gift.

Many sorcerers are sure that most women are naturally endowed with magical abilities. After all, the main task of girls is to preserve the hearth and comfort. Magic on men is weaker due to more rational thinking and strong energy from nature, helping them survive in not the most favorable conditions. But for some girls, the gift is obvious and interest in magic, strange behavior or magical experiences are direct proof of this. But a witch can be recognized not only by her behavior, but also by certain external characteristics, which will be discussed in this article.

Some features in appearance may well give out a witch. For example, moles located in an unusual way, for example, in a semicircle, may well speak of a magical gift. Or a woman can blossom sharply in outward signs, then some talk about magical beauty. In the Middle Ages, when the persecution of witches was especially widespread, a special book was created, called the Hammer of the Witches. It contains the characteristic features of appearance, as well as knowledge about the witches of that era. Thanks to this instruction, the Inquisition determined the presence of witchcraft abilities in a particular girl with high accuracy. The misconception about dark and light witches originated in that era when the church and clergy, wanting to gain complete control over the spiritual side of the life of ordinary people, assured that witches were servants of dark forces. Uninformed people continue to consider witchcraft to be the devil's occupation to this day.

It is possible to conditionally distinguish between external and internal, invisible signs of a witch. External signs include unnatural, internal magnetism of the eyes, a naturally attractive body, birthmarks or moles of an unusual shape, double eyelashes and other unusual features. Internally, a witch can be recognized by light or dark energy, in any case, it is stronger than that of ordinary people. Animals love a light witch, dogs and cats do not attack, cats, by the way, on the contrary, like to sit on such a woman's lap. But the dark witch rarely gets along with other people and animals, her power is bestowed by the creatures of the lower world. However, it is impossible to say with accuracy that the light witches are absolutely pure, and the dark ones can only harm. Witches have a concept of energy balance, it's just that the scales of one or another force somewhat outweighs the other, opposite one.

This knowledge will help to distinguish a real witch from a self-taught one and recognize the nature of the gift.

Many sorcerers are sure that most women are naturally endowed with magical abilities. After all, the main task of girls is to preserve the hearth and comfort. Magic on men is weaker due to more rational thinking and strong energy from nature, helping them survive in not the most favorable conditions. But for some girls, the gift is obvious and interest in magic, strange behavior or magical experiences are direct proof of this. But a witch can be recognized not only by her behavior, but also by certain external characteristics, which will be discussed in this article.

Some features in appearance may well give out a witch. For example, moles located in an unusual way, for example, in a semicircle, may well speak of a magical gift. Or a woman can blossom sharply in outward signs, then some talk about magical beauty. In the Middle Ages, when the persecution of witches was especially widespread, a special book was created, called the Hammer of the Witches. It contains the characteristic features of appearance, as well as knowledge about the witches of that era. Thanks to this instruction, the Inquisition determined the presence of witchcraft abilities in a particular girl with high accuracy. The misconception about dark and light witches originated in that era when the church and clergy, wanting to gain complete control over the spiritual side of the life of ordinary people, assured that witches were servants of dark forces. Uninformed people continue to consider witchcraft to be the devil's occupation to this day.

It is possible to conditionally distinguish between external and internal, invisible signs of a witch. External signs include unnatural, internal magnetism of the eyes, a naturally attractive body, birthmarks or moles of an unusual shape, double eyelashes and other unusual features. Internally, a witch can be recognized by light or dark energy, in any case, it is stronger than that of ordinary people. Animals love a light witch, dogs and cats do not attack, cats, by the way, on the contrary, like to sit on such a woman's lap. But the dark witch rarely gets along with other people and animals, her power is bestowed by the creatures of the lower world. However, it is impossible to say with accuracy that the light witches are absolutely pure, and the dark ones can only harm. Witches have a concept of energy balance, it's just that the scales of one or another force somewhat outweighs the other, opposite one.

This knowledge will help to distinguish a real witch from a self-taught one and recognize the nature of the gift.

Many sorcerers are sure that most women are naturally endowed with magical abilities. After all, the main task of girls is to preserve the hearth and comfort. Magic on men is weaker due to more rational thinking and strong energy from nature, helping them survive in not the most favorable conditions. But for some girls, the gift is obvious and interest in magic, strange behavior or magical experiences are direct proof of this. But a witch can be recognized not only by her behavior, but also by certain external characteristics, which will be discussed in this article.

Some features in appearance may well give out a witch. For example, moles located in an unusual way, for example, in a semicircle, may well speak of a magical gift. Or a woman can blossom sharply in outward signs, then some talk about magical beauty. In the Middle Ages, when the persecution of witches was especially widespread, a special book was created, called the Hammer of the Witches. It contains the characteristic features of appearance, as well as knowledge about the witches of that era. Thanks to this instruction, the Inquisition determined the presence of witchcraft abilities in a particular girl with high accuracy. The misconception about dark and light witches originated in that era when the church and clergy, wanting to gain complete control over the spiritual side of the life of ordinary people, assured that witches were servants of dark forces. Uninformed people continue to consider witchcraft to be the devil's occupation to this day.

It is possible to conditionally distinguish between external and internal, invisible signs of a witch. External signs include unnatural, internal magnetism of the eyes, a naturally attractive body, birthmarks or moles of an unusual shape, double eyelashes and other unusual features. Internally, a witch can be recognized by light or dark energy, in any case, it is stronger than that of ordinary people. Animals love a light witch, dogs and cats do not attack, cats, by the way, on the contrary, like to sit on such a woman's lap. But the dark witch rarely gets along with other people and animals, her power is bestowed by the creatures of the lower world. However, it is impossible to say with accuracy that the light witches are absolutely pure, and the dark ones can only harm. Witches have a concept of energy balance, it's just that the scales of one or another force somewhat outweighs the other, opposite one.

This knowledge will help to distinguish a real witch from a self-taught one and recognize the nature of the gift.

Master classes: We sew, knit and craft for children Fashion trends of the season Autumn / Winter 2018-2019 Red dress

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