How to make your face white at home. How to make your face white: lightening the skin with folk methods

Clean, even, delicate light skin is considered a woman's adornment. Japanese women, for example, value very light, almost porcelain skin, which ladies are proud of and carefully protect it from the sun's rays. Just think, in order to keep the face snow-white, Japanese women even adhere to a certain diet!

In our country, the fashion for tanning, fortunately, is gradually disappearing into oblivion, and in its place is returning the long-forgotten standard of snow-white as the personification of health and cleanliness - today many young girls want to make their skin white.

How do I make my face white?

In order to make your face whiter, you can take the shortcut and use decorative cosmetics such as light foundation and powder. But complex makeup tends to take a long time in the morning. In addition, it is quite difficult to apply cosmetics so naturally that others would not know about its presence.

How to make your face clean and white all the time? Time-tested folk remedies can come to the rescue in this situation, allowing you to lighten the skin, make it smoother, smoother and more radiant.

Today we will share with you some recipes for lightening and rejuvenating facial skin.

Masks are one of the most effective, safe and affordable ways.

Parsley mask

Parsley juice has an excellent whitening and at the same time tonic effect. Moreover, you can use this fragrant and useful plant entirely - leaves, and stems, and even a root are used.

To prepare the parsley product, wash the herbs and roots, dry and twist in a meat grinder. Apply the resulting gruel with a thick layer on your face (it must be clean and dry) for 35 minutes. Then rinse off with clean warm water.

To get rid of age spots and freckles, you need to wipe your face with a mixture of lemon juice and chopped parsley (in a 1: 1 ratio) twice a day.

To combat age spots, you need to use a mask of twisted parsley with the addition of honey.

You can make a tonic from the sap of the plant. To do this, twist the parsley in a blender or in a meat grinder, strain through cheesecloth, pour into a bottle. Wipe skin with a cotton swab soaked in parsley juice twice a day.

For the winter, you can prepare frozen ice cubes from parsley juice. To do this, grind the washed greens of the plant in a meat grinder or blender, add a little water and, without straining, pour into silicone ice molds. You should wipe your face and décolleté area with such ice cubes twice a day.

Cucumber mask

Fresh cucumber juice not only brightens, makes freckles invisible, but also perfectly tones, rejuvenates and refreshes. To prepare the mask, it is enough to cut a fresh cucumber into thin rings and apply them to cleansed skin for 15-17 minutes.

A cucumber mask with the addition of lemon juice also has a good effect. To do this, wash the cucumber, grate it with a fine grater (or chop it in a blender), add a tablespoon of lemon juice and the same amount of fresh sour cream. The resulting mass should be applied in a thick layer on cleansed skin for 18-20 minutes, then rinsed with water.

Berry Whitening Masks

You can make your face whiter at home using products made from the juice of fresh berries. Since berries contain a large amount of organic acids (they are also called fruit acids), they are actively used in cosmetology not only as a whitening agent, but also as a rejuvenating and tonic agent.

You can use any berries: strawberries, wild strawberries, red and black currants, raspberries, cherries, viburnum, cranberries. But berries with bright coloring properties, such as mulberries, blueberries, etc., should, of course, be discarded.

There are two ways to prepare a remedy from berries:

  • crush half a glass of any berry (you can use a mixture), squeeze out the juice, soak the cheesecloth abundantly with it and apply it for 10-12 minutes. After this time, wash yourself with warm water;
  • beat the same amount of berries in a blender until gruel forms, mix with one tablespoon of any liquid honey and apply for 18 minutes. Then wash off everything with warm boiled water.

Rice mask

This method of whitening is used by women of the Land of the Rising Sun. The composition of rice contains the valuable substance gamma-oryzanol - a powerful antioxidant, grinding components, as well as fats that regulate collagen synthesis. Regular use of the rice mask makes the skin lighter and smoother.

To prepare the product, grind half a glass of rice in a coffee grinder. Mix 1.5 tablespoons of rice flour with warm (but not hot) milk until a thick, creamy mass is formed. First, lubricate the cleansed face with any oil (you can use both ordinary vegetable and cosmetic baby). Then apply the rice mixture in a thin layer for 14-16 minutes. Rinse off with warm water, dry gently with a towel and apply moisturizer.

Curd mask

Cottage cheese has excellent brightening properties. This fermented milk product is a source of zinc and lactic acid - substances that help nourish and brighten the epidermis. It is very simple to make a curd mask at home: whisk 100 g of high-quality curd in a blender (it is best to take a homemade one) and apply the mixture for 16-17 minutes. To enhance the effect, you can add a spoonful of honey and a little lemon juice or 2 teaspoons of sour cream to the curd.

It will take a long time to wash off the product, since the cottage cheese dries up and is taken with a crust. This should be done very carefully so as not to injure the skin.

Hydrogen peroxide mask

A good way to make your face white is with a hydrogen peroxide mask. But this method is not suitable for women with too delicate and sensitive skin, since hydrogen peroxide is a rather aggressive substance that dries out the skin and makes it more vulnerable to environmental factors.

You can prepare it in this way: thoroughly mix a package of fresh yeast with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide until a thick slurry is formed.

Apply to cleansed and dry face, avoiding contact with the eye area, leave for 8 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with warm water and apply moisturizer. While the substance is on the face, it is advisable not to talk or smile - this can lead to the appearance of expression lines.

You can also use a more gentle recipe: mix 5 ml of hydrogen peroxide with 10 ml of cream and 8 ml of lemon or grapefruit juice. Apply for 14-16 minutes, then wash first with warm and then cool water.

The female half of humanity always strives to look good and attractive. Lovely ladies give a special role to the external appearance of the face, its skin and its condition. They take care of, monitor the skin of the face, ensuring that it is clean and light. And, of course, suddenly appearing imperfections, dark spots or long-boring freckles can sometimes upset and upset anyone. What to do and how to make the skin white? This question often plagues the fair sex. We will deal with it in this article.

How do I make my face white?

Depending on the reasons for the appearance of pigmentation on the face, it is necessary to look for a suitable method of dealing with it. Once you figure out the root cause, you can use a variety of remedies:

  • Popular methods of lightening are proven and reliable.
  • A variety of cosmetics will also help to make the skin whiter.
  • In other cases, you may need the help of a specialist in this area.

Folk remedies to help brighten facial skin

Why do people often resort to folk remedies for skin care? Struggling to find ways to lighten your skin at home? The answer is obvious - it's reliable, safe and useful. So what ingredients can have the desired effect and are available to everyone? Let's list some of them.


The well-known lemon can not only improve the taste of tea, but also contribute to lightening the skin. It can be added to the composition of masks, scrubs, and also used by itself:

  1. Dip a cotton swab in lemon juice and gently rub the skin.
  2. After 15 minutes, rinse your face with water, cover the skin with moisturizer.

Important! Repeat this procedure once a day, no more than three times a week. Be very careful when rubbing the skin around your eyes. Avoid getting lemon juice in your eyes.


Cucumber is another effective remedy. In addition to whitening, it also perfectly moisturizes the skin of the face. Similar to lemon, cucumber can be used as an ingredient in masks, but quite often it is used in its pure form:

  • The classic way is to cut a fresh cucumber into circles, apply on cleansed face for 30 minutes.
  • Another option is to rub cucumber juice over your face. You can only use freshly squeezed juice!

Important! Cucumber has the ability to remove age spots, even lighten dark skin. This wonderful vegetable will also help you with dark circles under the eyes.


Strawberries also do a great job when it comes to making the skin white. Surprised, because the berry itself is red? Not everything is so simple - it contains natural acids that have a beneficial effect on the skin and the body as a whole.

Cut the berry into halves, rub the skin with them. Just 5 minutes is enough - during this time, strawberry juice will remove dead skin layers and the face will become much whiter. Do not forget to rinse your face with water after the procedure.

Important! Do not forget about individual intolerance, as this berry can provoke allergic rashes if the body as a whole is prone to such reactions.


It is included in a variety of masks and products. An easy way to use parsley:

  1. Pour 10 grams of fresh herbs with 200 ml of boiling water, leave for an hour.
  2. Soak a cotton pad in the resulting infusion, wipe your face.

Important! In addition to the fact that parsley will help to make the skin white, it will also saturate it with useful nutrients, vitamins, and generally contribute to an increase in tone.


This unusual product is universal as it is suitable for all skin types. Yeast is always mixed with some ingredient that depends on your skin:

  • If the skin is oily, then the yeast is added to the solution of 3% hydrogen peroxide.
  • For dry skin, milk should be used.
  • For normal skin, just water will do.

Yeast is placed in the appropriate liquid at room temperature and stirred until the consistency of sour cream. Then the resulting mixture is applied to the face, as soon as the mask begins to dry, rinse it off with water.


You will need to purchase this remedy at the most ordinary pharmacy. The mask includes:

  • 2 tablespoons of glycerin;
  • 1 spoonful of lemon juice;
  • 1 spoonful of apple juice.

We mix everything thoroughly, treat the skin of the face with the resulting mixture. After 15 minutes, wash yourself with water, lubricate the skin with a regular cream.


Horseradish is suitable for oily or combination skin:

  1. It is necessary to squeeze the juice from fresh peeled horseradish, add the same amount of water to it.
  2. You can wipe your face with this tool 1-2 times a day.

White cabbage

How to lighten skin with cabbage? Very simple! This vegetable is used in the form of compresses on the face:

  1. Squeeze out the cabbage juice, then steam your face well.
  2. This is best done by taking a hot bath.
  3. Soak a piece of gauze in the juice and place it on your face for 10 minutes.

Milk, kefir, yogurt

Dairy products are good at fighting age spots. You can use milk, kefir, sour cream, cottage cheese, etc. Wipe cleansed skin with milk. From other dairy products, various whitening masks and mixtures are well obtained.

These are just a few of the remedies that can help make your skin lighter and whiter. There are a huge number of recipes, the composition and ingredients of which you can choose at your discretion. And also choose the most effective way of care for your skin type.

Recipes on how to make your face white

Let's dwell in more detail on recipes and ways to make your skin white at home:

  • Cut the potatoes in half and spread the juice over your face. Repeat several times. Rinse your face with water after the procedure.
  • Take one tablespoon each of powdered milk, lemon juice and almond oil. Stir, apply to face and wait 15 minutes. Rinse off with plain water.
  • And here is a recipe suitable for all skin types. Mix two tablespoons of oatmeal with one tablespoon of milk, add 6 drops of lemon and olive oil.
  • Rub the cucumber on a fine grater, combine the resulting pulp with cottage cheese. This mixture can be used daily. In just a few days, you will notice a clear lightening of the skin.
  • A mask of lemon juice and honey is effective. These two ingredients are mixed in equal proportions and applied to the skin.
  • You can use a fresh tomato to lighten the skin. Mash the tomato with a fork and add 5 drops of lemon juice to this pulp.
  • Orange zest mixed with curd has an amazing effect.
  • Stir the watermelon and apple pulp until smooth. This mask is suitable for oily skin.
  • An interesting mask using rye bread and milk. Soak a piece of bread in milk and stir until gruel. Apply to face for 15 minutes, then rinse with water.
  • Combine a tablespoon of liquid honey and milk. Spread over face and leave on for 20 minutes. In addition to its whitening properties, this mask helps to reduce wrinkles and lift the face.
  • You will need to mix one teaspoon of cottage cheese, white clay and honey with one yolk. Apply the resulting mixture to the skin and wait 20 minutes.
  • You can also make a scrub that will both cleanse and brighten your skin. To do this, take two tablespoons of sugar and lemon juice, mix them together. Then, gently rub the scrub over your face until the sugar dissolves.
  • If you have an aloe flower at home, then there is nothing easier and better than rubbing your face with its juice. Tear off the leaf from the branch and wipe the face with the juice that has come out.
  • Turmeric can be an unusual face whitening remedy. Despite the fact that it has the opposite coloring effect, in fact, this spice is excellent at inhibiting the production of melanin. Namely, because of this pigment, your skin darkens. Mix together half a teaspoon of turmeric and two teaspoons each of lemon and cucumber juice. Leave the applied mask for 15 minutes and then rinse with water.

Important! When choosing any of the recipes, be sure to consider whether you are allergic to its ingredients. If you have any doubts, be sure to do a skin sensitivity test.

Why do you decide to whiten your face?

Well, of course, to be beautiful and attractive. And the face is the part of the body that is paid attention to in the first place. Not every girl can have perfect skin by nature, and then you should think about how to make her skin white.

The reasons why you decide to whiten your face may be:

  1. Various spots on the face: pigmented, allergenic or caused by stress, fatigue.
  2. Freckles, uneven tanning, burnt dirt.
  3. The consequences of unsuccessful cosmetic procedures.

The desire to have a white and even skin color, so that it looks healthy and well-groomed, is quite natural.

Surgeon services or ultrasound

You may have often heard how to make your skin white at home. However, not always known methods help. Or you just decided to trust a specialist cosmetologist.

The beauty salons will be able to help you and solve the problem with the help of ultrasound. In addition to the whitening effect, ultrasound has a beneficial effect on the skin and evens it out. And special cosmetic formulations allow ultrasonic waves to act deep in the skin.

Important! This cosmetic procedure starts the natural processes of skin regeneration. The skin of the face remains white and beautiful for a long time. But it should be borne in mind that it may be necessary to carry out several ultrasound procedures.

Another specialist who knows how to lighten facial skin is a plastic surgeon. Perhaps plastic surgery will intimidate you to some extent. But fear not, no scalpels or surgeries! And the result is high-quality and fast!

The main types of plastic skin whitening methods:

  1. Microdermabrasion. Clarification is carried out using fine sand and oxygen.
  2. Laser resurfacing. This method is most often used for aging skin - it allows you to remove blemishes, eliminate deep wrinkles.
  3. Chemical peeling. Skin cleansing takes place in the deep layers of the skin.

Important! Having achieved the coveted result, do not forget to continue to thoroughly care for your skin.

Who needs face lightening?

For what reasons, lovely ladies think about how to make the skin white? In addition, darker and tanned skin is more popular nowadays. Sometimes this is not so much a whim or a desire to look more beautiful, but rather a forced necessity.

There are several main reasons for resorting to skin lightening:

  • Unattractive tan, uneven.
  • Scars on the face due to injuries or acne.
  • Swarthy skin color.
  • Unsightly complexion: gray, red, or yellow.
  • Lots of freckles, excessive pigmentation

Important! Regardless of the reasons why you decide to lighten your skin, it will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with the basic rules and recommendations for using bleaching agents and masks.

How to make the skin lighter without harming it?

Important! The skin of the face is very delicate, and in case of a negative reaction, the traces cannot be hidden immediately.

Therefore, it is very important to adhere to these simple recommendations:

  1. Summer is a favorable season for whitening procedures.
  2. After a brightening mask, you should not appear in the open sun for several hours.
  3. To avoid allergic reactions, do a preliminary test. Apply the product to the skin inside the elbow fold: if after 15 minutes there is no discomfort, then the mask can be applied to the skin of the face.
  4. Prepare in advance: the skin must be steamed, and then, using a scrub, cleansed of impurities.
  5. Control the time of application of the product, the maximum time is 30 minutes.
  6. After the expiration of the action time, it is recommended to remove the mask with the help of medicinal chamomile steamed with boiling water.
  7. If you are initially prone to allergies, your skin is delicate and sensitive, then it is better not to carry out such procedures.

Important! Whitening masks and products are pleasant and painless. Do not forget, in order to consolidate the result, the procedures must be carried out regularly, with a frequency of 2 times a week.

Rules for girls who want to always have fair skin

To keep your skin looking beautiful and light at all times, we advise you to follow a few simple rules:

  1. Wear sunscreen regardless of the season.
  2. When using creams, pay attention to those that can block the formation of melanin.
  3. Cleanse your face regularly.
  4. Drink plenty of water.
  5. Control your diet - it must be balanced and rich in vitamins.
  6. Give up bad habits, especially smoking, because it is known that nicotine spoils the complexion very much.
  7. Perform skin lightening treatments regularly.

By adhering to these tips, you will undoubtedly achieve a positive result and a noticeable effect.

When can't the skin be lightened?

There are times when you have used many options to lighten the skin at home, and even were able to use the services of a specialist, but did not achieve the desired result.

Unfortunately, there are factors in which skin whitening is ineffective, and sometimes contraindicated. These include:

  • Dark skin.
  • Freckles from birth.
  • Diseases or hormonal disruptions that cause increased pigmentation (pregnancy, gastrointestinal and nervous system diseases).
  • Elderly age.
  • Lack of vitamins.

Important! To cope with this situation, you need to identify the cause of the appearance of age spots. And only after that try any methods to eliminate them.

If there are only minor imperfections and darkening on the skin, masking cosmetics may be one of the recommended remedies. It easily corrects complexion and you will be satisfied with your appearance.

Menu to enhance the effect of the procedures

In addition to the use of various folk or cosmetics, there is another important aspect of how to make the skin of the face lighter. Unlike external procedures, its action is directed from the inside and depends on your menu and nutrition.

By consuming appropriate foods, you will be able to enhance the effect. What foods should be present in your diet?

  • From vegetables, tomatoes, sauerkraut, broccoli, bell peppers, green peas are suitable.
  • For fruits, try apples, dates, citrus fruits will be especially effective. The vitamin C they contain helps to reduce melanin, which improves your complexion and also softens your skin.
  • As you can see, it is possible and necessary to deal with unwanted imperfections on the skin of the face! And sometimes it will not be difficult for you. Follow basic guidelines and rules. Approach the process of skin whitening responsibly, as the key to the success of all procedures is their regularity and correct use. A systematic approach is also important. It is necessary not only to act directly on the skin of the face, but also to eat right, lead a healthy and active lifestyle.

Well-groomed and healthy skin is the secret of beauty and attractiveness of any woman. Particular attention should be paid to the color, the whiter it is, the younger its mistress looks. There are many ways known to help make a surface.

White skin is afraid of the sun, so when going outside you need to wear a hat that will create a slight shadow on your face.

An addiction to bad habits also has a significant effect on skin color. Alcohol and nicotine, entering the body, make it yellow or gray. Therefore, giving up on them should be one of the first steps towards snow-white skin.

You will also have to revise and change the diet, excluding colored foods as much as possible, and increasing the intake of vitamin C.

These special creams, scrubs, masks will help to significantly brighten the surface of the face. You can also contact beauty salons, which will offer various peelings and other brightening procedures.

Traditional methods are also considered effective:

  1. A popular mask is made from lemon and cucumber juice with the addition of tomatoes. Apply it before bed for 30 minutes. With regular use, white complexion is almost guaranteed.
  2. The use of parsley gives a good result. First, it must be crushed (you can use a meat grinder) and apply to the surface of the face for 20 minutes. You can also wipe your skin 2 times a day.
  3. Not only will it make the skin lighter, but also significantly moisturize its curd mask. To do this, connect 2 tbsp. tablespoons of low-fat cottage cheese and 1 teaspoon of honey. Apply to the face before going to bed 3 times a week for half an hour.
  4. The following remedy is considered nutritious and whitening: 2 tbsp. tablespoons of corn or oatmeal are mixed with chicken protein whipped into a thick foam, after application on the face, wait 15 minutes and rinse thoroughly with water.
  5. Combine 1 tbsp in a glass dish. a spoonful of honey, the pulp of one whole apple and 20 grams of powdered milk, apply for 25 minutes on the skin of the face, then rinse with water. This tool gives a quick result.

White skin care includes the following procedures:

  1. Purification. It is better to wash your face with boiled water, so white skin will be less injured. If you need a deeper cleansing, you can use scrubs and peels.
  2. Toning will soothe the surface of the face and relieve irritation. As a whitening tonic, you can use it. From its application, white skin will be not only on the face, but also on the whole body. At the same stage, you can use a white clay mask, which will also help get rid of freckles and other spots on the surface of the skin.
  3. Nutrition and hydration. White skin needs special nutrition, this can be achieved with the help of a carefully selected cream or a mask prepared at home. A good remedy is black currant or. The berries are ground in a bowl and applied to the face for half an hour.
  4. Protection. For a cosmetic that can protect fair skin throughout the day, it is best to use sunscreen.

In the end, it is worth noting that summer is not the best time for whitening, as age spots can form on the skin due to increased sensitivity to ultraviolet light.

If a couple of years ago the main desire of girls was to make their face as dark as possible, now aristocratic pallor is in a special trend. Porcelain, light beige, ivory are the most trendy shades of tonal means of recent years. But knowing how to make your skin pale with home remedies, you can generally forget about using such cosmetics.

How to make your face pale at home

With a healthy lifestyle, proper self-care and regular nourishing masks, a healthy glow is a completely normal response of the epidermis. But this does not mean at all that for the skin, pale, like a vampire, you need to completely change this approach. It's just that the daily list of cosmetic procedures is supplemented with agents that reduce the synthesis of melanin.

Traditional methods of skin lightening

Only with complex lightening of the face and body will the effect look organic. Suitable for this milk baths... All fermented milk products contain acids and compounds that reduce the number of melanocytes - cells that produce melanin. These cosmetic procedures do not require huge investments. For one session, 1.5 liters of fresh milk and about 30 grams of honey are enough.

How to make a milk bath at home:

  • Milk (exclusively homemade) is heated to a pleasant warmth, but not boiled - otherwise there will be no effect;
  • The specified amount of honey dissolves in the hot liquid. Buckwheat is considered the most useful for the procedure - it is saturated with active substances and is distinguished by an increased amount of vitamin compounds. At worst, you can take acacia, but by no means synthetic;
  • The prepared concentrate is poured into a bath filled with water of 39 degrees (it feels warm, but not hot). Then you can lie down in the liquid and enjoy for 30 minutes;
  • When time has passed, it is additionally recommended to wipe off with cucumber lotion. Sessions can be repeated daily or at least 12 times a week.

It is important to remember, before making your skin pale at home, check the ingredients of the masks for allergenicity. Apply the product to an inconspicuous area of ​​the body and wait 20 minutes. If during this time there is no redness and itching at the place of use, you can safely apply it on your face.

Even dark skin can be made quite pale if every day wipe it with a lemon wedge... Some girls use orange peel tincture for the same purpose, but it has a strong drying effect. After wiping, you need to wait about half an hour and rinse off the remnants of the product with cool water. Repeat every day (preferably in the morning).

If you are allergic to citrus fruits, then an analogue of this method is rubbing with a slice of fragrant melons... With its help, the skin is saturated with essential acids, mineral compounds and vitamins (in particular, PP, which protects against UV rays and brightens it). You need to use melons in the same way as lemon.

For beautiful and matte white skin, girls used to use decoction of chamomile and linden... For half a liter of water, take a glass of dried flowers. To preserve the beneficial properties, the plants are not digested, but infused in hot water for 2 hours. The resulting liquid is necessary to cleanse the body and face every evening after a shower.

An unusual combination of castor oil and hydrogen peroxide gives a bright pallor to the entire body. These products are combined in equal proportions and applied with a sponge. You do not need to rinse - the main thing is to evenly distribute the solution. Conveniently, this method is suitable for lightening delicate skin under the eyes, in the bikini area and underarms.

Brightening masks

Lightening the skin quickly will help mask with oatmeal or rice flour and milk... In addition to visible pallor, it will also cleanse pores, eliminate expression lines and, with regular use, will have a significantly lifting effect. For two tablespoons of flour, 1 part of milk is taken. You can add a couple of drops of lemon juice or chamomile essential oil. Apply to décolleté, neck and face. Keep it on for 15 to 20 minutes.

Forever to become pale will help almond mask- but only on condition of regular use (it has a cumulative effect). Fresh nuts must be chopped and soaked in water overnight (so that the liquid covers them by 2–5 mm). In the morning they will swell due to the absorption of a large amount of liquid. Now they need to be ground in a mortar until a homogeneous mass is obtained. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to add milk or honey to the paste. The result is comparable to a gentle peeling with AHA acids.

In order to make the skin pale without makeup, you can use mask with potatoes and blue clay... For combined epidermis, it is recommended to take kaolin instead of Cambrian powder. Potatoes need to be grated on a fine grater, 1 clay is taken for two tablespoons of porridge. The mass is thoroughly mixed and applied to all problem areas. Keep for 30 minutes. Repeat every day.

Video: make your face pale with a mask

An effective method is rubbing your face with vinegar... It is necessary to dilute apple cider vinegar with mineral water in a ratio of 1: 5. Wash your face with the obtained tonic twice a day. Do not expect results after the first days - the product has a cumulative effect.

A very unusual but effective way to make pale skin tone is to cook home brightening peeling... For him you will need:

  • Citric acid - 2 hours;
  • Water - 2 hours;
  • Soda - 1 tsp

Mix all components and apply on face. Leave on for 10 minutes, then rinse with cold water. You need to be extremely careful not to get the mass on the mucous membranes. This method is not suitable for those with dry skin.

How to Make Pale Skin Tone - Makeup Secrets

The most important thing to remember is that the darker the skin color, the lighter the toner shade should be. To avoid an ugly yellow tint, try not to use cheap products, as well as products with the word "beige" in the name. You need to give preference to Ivory. Ivory is also different (light, dark, etc.).

Pale makeup secrets:

  1. Be sure to use the corrector under the eyes and in the T-zone. This will even out the complexion;
  2. You cannot completely abandon blush - the makeup will look unnatural. But instead of the usual peach or brick shade, it is better to use a pale pink or pearlescent;
  3. The highlighter is the pale girl's best friend. It should be applied to all areas that can cast an unnecessary blush, as well as areas requiring selection. This is the area under the eyes, the forehead, the part between the eyelid and the eyebrow;
  4. Don't neglect the powder. Celebrities with white skin prefer the mineral Mineral Veil, as it is known for its firming character and gives the epidermis a natural pale pink glow;
  5. To shade light skin and visually give it even more pallor, it is important to place accents correctly. For example, to become a real Snow White, you can dye your hair black or dark brown, use bright lipstick or shadows, pick up dark clothes.

Brightening cosmetics review

To make the skin pale and create a long-lasting effect, folk remedies alone will not be enough. The table below provides a ranking of the most popular products for whitening, removing pigmentation and giving it a spectacular whiteness.

Name Composition and effect
Caudalie Vinoperfect Radiance Serum Contains Viniferine (a synthetic whitening ingredient), cumin and mint extract. It has a strong lightening effect and is used to even out color and get rid of age spots.
Ellamé Hydro Complex Intensive mask with herbal extracts (spirulina, green tea, chamomile and others). Supplemented with hyaluronic acid and vitamin cocktail. It has a soothing, whitening and nourishing effect.
Laura Beaumont Whiteserum Intensive Whitening Serum This is a serum specially formulated to make the skin look pale. Used to combat hyperpigmentation, it has a powerful antioxidant and anti-aging effect. The active ingredients are mulberry extract, skullcap root and grape juice.
Collistar Special Essential White City UV Multi-Protection SPF 30 Collistar Fluid is not a specialized skin lightening product. But it effectively protects delicate skin from sunburn, exposure to aggressive UV rays and drying out. The composition includes a branded complex Essential White Complex.
Gatineau White Plan Intensive Whitening Premium French whitening mask. Characterized by a bright whitening effect, it makes even beige skin pale. The composition includes plant extracts and concentrates, as well as an intensive lightening formula.

In addition to the cream, it is important to supplement the arsenal of whitening agents with special masks and fluids - optimally from one series. Many manufacturers claim that in this case, the effect is enhanced.