How to keep a man next to you. Soft and sensual. A woman is a self-sufficient person

When my husband and I are asked how long we have been together, I always say it like it is - 15 years. Usually, after that, the interlocutor looks at me incredulously, and I add - I'm 29, we've been together since we were 14 years old.

Many are surprised, but I do not see anything strange or surprising in this - we love each other and are diligently working on our relationship. Quite often I am asked the question of how to keep the man you love throughout your life.

I decided to answer all the questions at once by writing a short instruction that will help women save relationships.

How to approach the issue

In general, it seems to me that it is far from possible to maintain relationships with every man for life - people change, they have new interests and desires, and much more. And sometimes some relationships are immediately doomed to failure - it’s not that you can’t keep close, it’s generally impossible to guess what will happen next.

In my opinion, it is best to immediately think about what kind of relationship you need - for life, or just pass the time. And already on this basis, you need to look for a man - so there is a chance to get the desired result.

How to understand that a man is set for a long-term relationship:

  • he easily plans the future;
  • he is responsible for the words;
  • he is ready for dialogue;
  • you are good together;
  • he knows how to talk about problems;
  • he is ready to live the same life as you.
If you are interested in a long-term relationship, then it is better to avoid amorous guys who drag behind every skirt. Any girl has such a guy in mind (or just among acquaintances), who tells every girl about great love, but at the same time, his relationship with none of them lasts more than six months.

In my case, there was no such opportunity to observe a person - after all, at the age of 14, any romantic relationship seems to be eternal. However, I can say that even then my future husband was a responsible, diligent and faithful person (which, by the way, attracted me to him).

Relationship work

Girls, I will never tire of repeating that relationships are hard work! If you want to understand how to keep your beloved man - work on yourself and on your relationship! It is best to do it together, then there will be more sense. Relationships should give a person everything he wants.

If your man is focused on a quiet family life, then arrange a little paradise for him at home - it is always clean, it always smells good of baking and is quiet, the wife is smart, the children are fed and play.

If a man wants to remain an eternal lover (like, for example, my husband), then do the same as I do - periodically indulge him with exciting passionate nights, leave romantic notes in his pockets, flirt to the fullest - our relationship is based on the fact that my husband conquers me year after year.

Everyone needs freedom

Do you need freedom? Your man needs it too. You should not fill your whole life with each other, leave room for hobbies, hobbies, some activities that you do separately. You should not make scandals, forcing him to choose between friends and you - he is already next to you, he loves you, which means you can safely let him go to do what he wants.

My husband and I have different hobbies (of course, there are also common ones), and therefore we try to plan our time in such a way that we can do our own things at the same time - this seems right to me. He likes to drink whiskey with friends, I like to go to the spa with my girlfriends or go shopping.

What is more important is to say everything that seems important and vital to you. I am sure that if people can sit down and have a normal conversation, then everything will be fine with them - you should not even worry.

The main thing is personality

This is where I always meet the abyss of misunderstanding, because almost every woman wants to change her man. No, girls, I understand everything, we all wish happiness to our loved ones, and we try to change their lives for the better, but by and large, we love the personality in them, and this personality should remain intact.

It pains me to see when a girl marries a merry fellow and joker who has always been the soul of the company, and then begins to spoil him. First, the guy rarely meets friends in his favorite pub, then he refuses to go to the gym - because his girlfriend thinks that he spends too much time there, then he scores on the weekly airsoft, and what do we have in the end?

From a handsome, stately man with fire in his eyes, a man turns into a balding, pot-bellied uncle who is only interested in the cost of tomatoes near the metro. I would not want to bring my husband to this, so the changes that I carefully make in his life do not change the main thing - his essence.

I can say the same about myself. My husband loves me for who I am - and I'm smart, I can be beautiful and very reasonable. Therefore, I do not allow myself to be stupid, I do not allow myself to walk around the house disheveled, and first I weigh all my words before starting to reflect. In the end, he fell in love with me just like that - why would he love me differently?

carnal pleasures

Heh, this isn't talked about too often, but I'll give it a try anyway. Least of all, men leave those wives with whom they have something to talk about and with whom they have good sex. In fact, you can be hysterical, sloppy, "your boyfriend" in jeans and wrestling, but if you make him happy in bed - he's not going anywhere.

Of course, you should not shift the focus in one direction, but still you need to remember that the night cuckoo has been doing the day cuckoo for several centuries.

Care and attention

It seems to me that this is very simple, but in fact, many of my girlfriends do not do this, and I want to emphasize this separately. A man needs to be taken care of. NECESSARY. And he should also take care of you, because otherwise it is no longer a relationship, but the devil knows what.

Try not to criticize him thoughtlessly, or do it as gently as possible - condemnation is clearly not the reaction he needs.

How does it happen with us? As I said, we have a very romantic relationship, we are constantly flirting, constantly seducing each other. However, there is also life, right? In everyday life, we treat each other like children - and it seems to me that this is the best option.

I always warmly and confidentially listen to how he is doing, he shares absolutely everything with me (even what a beautiful new secretary his boss has), I am always ready to help him in any situation. He answers me the same - he tries not to argue with me over trifles, pampers me exquisitely and in various ways, and also makes sure that I am happy every day.

I think that every smart woman will find an approach to her man and they will be happy, in any case, I sincerely wish you this.

Attracting a guy's attention and starting dating is a small step compared to a long-term serious relationship. Keeping a man to create a full-fledged family with a loving husband and obedient children is a great art. It is necessary to find the right words, develop appropriate manners, develop character traits that a guy cannot and will not want to do without. Only then can you count on success. To understand these subtleties of behavior, the girl needs to listen to the advice of experts.

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Rules of conduct for a woman in a relationship with a man

To keep a man at different stages of a relationship, you must follow certain rules of conduct. Psychologists recommend that you carefully study what qualities a woman likes a man, and with which he categorically does not want to put up.

The main advice in this matter is to put yourself in the place of the guy. The girl should try to look atevery act of yours from the outside. Such an analysis can help control their actions, because partners of both sexes want attention and respect.

How to build a relationship with a man

What do men want to see in their chosen one?

In order for a man to want to stay with a woman forever, it is necessary to create suitable conditions for him. This does not mean that you need to solve all the problems of everyday life and satisfy it in sexual relationships. These aspects are important, but they are not enough. Men will always be close only to interesting women who have a zest and who will remain an unsolved mystery. To match this image, a girl needs the following qualities:

  1. one. . A self-respecting girl will be respected by a guy. This is the truth, the evidence of which is the broken fates of the victims. If a woman does not allow the use of obscene expressions in her presence, has her own point of view and does not compromise on principled positions, then she is respected by a man. And without due respect, harmonious relationships cannot be built.
  2. 2. Mysteriousness. It is always necessary to remain a mystery to your loved one. Men need constant interest. There is the concept of "female logic", which is not clear to guys. This abstract concept should not be confused with a lack of common sense. It's the kind of unpredictability that men are so attracted to. For example, a girl in the first minutes told the guy about herself and her relatives to the smallest detail. She speaks her every thought aloud, her dreams and secret desires are not a secret. Then the partner will not last long.
  3. 3. Housekeeping. This quality is especially valuable for men. Everyone wants to live in comfort. If there is delicious food on the table, and the house is cleaned, the guy’s mood immediately rises. Original serving, tasting a new dish or favorite delicacy, a general cozy atmosphere will create conditions that you won’t want to refuse. And if a girl has a hobby in the form of sewing, knitting, embroidery or other useful skills, the guy’s admiration will have no limits. According to these qualities, young people choose a companion who will be able to properly care for children.
  4. 4. Trust. A man always feels when he is trusted. This is confirmed by the freedom that a woman provides him. If you constantly control the guy, then he will deceive. In the male nature there is a desire to conquer. If a girlfriend completely belongs to him and protects her partner from the attention of strangers, then he gets bored. If a companion trusts her young man, then he has a feeling of gratitude and anxiety. In the first case, conscience does not allow to deceive the trust placed, in the second, the guy asks himself the question: why is he so easily let go and is there a reason for jealousy.
  5. 5. Understanding. A whole range of human relations is embedded in this capacious concept. If a woman truly loves, she is always on the side of her partner. This applies to a number of situations in life: at work, in business, with friends and relatives. It is important that a girl can morally support, cheer up a guy. And in the case when he made a mistake, he is able to forgive and understand. This is the most difficult task, but it pays very high. Men are always in a hurry to stay where they are understood.
  6. 6. Good manners. This quality must be possessed by every girl who dreams of a relationship for life. Restrained manners, the ability to behave in society, the absence of swear words and a raised tone will make a woman as attractive as possible to the opposite sex. A man wants to see a gentle, feminine companion next to him, for whom he is not ashamed in front of friends and relatives. No matter how the relationship develops, a woman is always obliged to control her emotions, not stooping to insults and screaming.

The most important criterion for long-term harmonious relationships is moderation. It must be understood that even the best qualities of character can be unpleasant for a man if their manifestation is excessive. The saying: “The best is the enemy of the good” should become the motto of women who dream of a worthy partner for life.

How to get a guy's attention

What do men dislike in women?

Some aspects of behavior can destroy the strongest relationships. The negative reaction of men is caused by:

  1. 1. Talkativeness. A girl who constantly talks can tire a young man. A man perceives information for 7 minutes in one "session". He barely hears the rest of the conversation. It is recommended to weigh words, build a conversation in the form of a dialogue, listen to the opinion of a partner. If communication takes place in the evening after work, then you need to choose the most important.
  2. 2. Control. Constant control in the form of calls, SMS, unexpected arrivals with checks, etc. can cause a guy to react back. He just wants to run away. At first it will be a disappearance for a certain time, then he will no longer want to return. A person needs to leave room for his personal space, since a tightened pressure spring has the properties of straightening.
  3. 3. Guardianship. Excessive care sometimes turns into guardianship. A man is more inclined to take care of his partner himself. Constant courtship practically "strangles" him, and he does not want to put up with it. But there are situations when a guy gets used to such a role, and then all the responsibility falls on the shoulders of a woman. It is worth thinking carefully before creating such conditions, since the relationship goes into the stage of mother - son.
  4. 4. Addiction. If a girl is completely dependent on a guy, demanding increased attention to herself, then this can last for a short time. Moving into a serious relationship requires a healthy partnership. A man is forced to solve women's problems and fulfill his duties, his patience will not last long. A woman needs to move from the role of a helpless girl to the role of a friend and a wise equal adviser.
  5. 5. Hysteria. A girl who is used to taking everything too emotionally takes her partner out of balance. Constant tantrums and lamentations for any reason will bring discord and understatement into the relationship. It’s easier for a guy to keep silent about his problems than to calm an angry girlfriend. Experts say that the exclamation “Oh! ”causes the greatest degree of irritation in men.

The presence of even one of the above qualities of character can destroy the strongest love. Men cannot endure such shortcomings for a long time and begin to seek solace in the arms of other women. Therefore, if a long life together is planned, then it is worth eradicating these shortcomings.

How not to lose a loved one at different stages of a relationship?

At every stage in the development of relationships, there is a danger of losing a man. To avoid this, you need to be wise and attentive. A girl needs to control her behavior from the very first meeting and not stop keeping herself in good shape even after a successful marriage. If a loved one is near today, this does not mean that feelings will not pass in the near future.

  1. 1. At the stage of acquaintance. If the first dates were successful and the guy continues to call and invite you to the next meetings, then everything was done correctly. At this stage, it is worth learning as much as possible about all his interests, place of work, relations with relatives and friends, get acquainted with the lifestyle. This must be clarified tactfully and accurately so that the interlocutor himself enjoys his story. To do this, you need to be an attentive listener and a sincere interlocutor. No need to insist that he introduce you to his comrades or relatives. There will be enough information to help you get to know him better. The time will come, and he himself will want to open new pages of his life.
  2. 2. In a relationship. If partners meet for a long time, then their love should move to a new stage of development. If this does not happen, then sooner or later the relationship will end. Each girl must decide for herself how to act. You can slightly hint to the guy that she is tired of endless dates and wants a quiet life with her beloved. To do this, it is recommended to invite him home, unobtrusively introduce him to his parents. If a man has serious plans, then he will not be afraid. It will be interesting for him to look at the living conditions of his girlfriend and her relationship with her family. Perhaps this will speed up the marriage proposal. If a guy offers to move to live with him or rent an apartment together (while not meeting his parents and visiting her), then this should alert. The man has no desire to take her as his wife. There is no universal advice here. Each woman can make an acceptable decision for herself: to agree or not. In order to tactfully raise the issue of the future, you need to choose the right moment and talk frankly with the guy, listening to his plans and talking about your desires. You should not demand urgent registration of marriage immediately after bed. It will look like blackmail, because it was a mutual decision to go to such a stage. Girls are advised to carefully weigh their actions and in no case set a trap for their partner. Even if everything works out, the young man will feel deceived and will try to get rid of this "captivity" as soon as possible. If one side uses the other to achieve personal comfort, it will not lead to anything good.
  3. 3. At a distance. There are many examples of distance relationships. First of all, this applies to the initial stage of acquaintance, when communication takes place by correspondence. This option can be compared to first dates when you need to get to know a person better before a real meeting. In another situation, lovers have to part for some period. This may be a business trip or temporary residence in different cities. In the world of modern technology, such separation is not an obstacle. To make it as easy as possible, you need to get in touch more often. You can call, text or chat on Skype. An original solution is to watch the same movie with your loved one or cook the same dish while being in touch. If a man has a birthday or a girlfriend wants to remind himself, then you can order him a treat from a restaurant or an unusual gift via the Internet. The main thing is to constantly demonstrate your interest and not let yourself be forgotten. You should not control and distract from important matters, but it will not hurt to show care and tenderness.

No need to force events. The stronger the pressure on the guy, the faster he will disappear - such is male psychology. A man always wants to conquer a woman, then he values ​​her more. It is desirable that it was he who started talking about a serious relationship. It is necessary to create such conditions that the man himself strives to be close to the girl and waits for the wedding, counting the days.

How to maintain long-term relationships with representatives of different zodiac signs?

To keep a man close to you for a long period of life, you need to deal with the peculiarities of his character. Astrology can be an adviser in this matter. Given the constellation under which a man was born, it will be easier for a woman to adapt to his desires and try to meet his requirements as much as possible.


Representatives of this sign are like little children who constantly demand new exciting activities. After they cope with the task, they should definitely be praised. This will give Aries strength for new things and stimulates for upcoming discoveries. All the emotions of such a man are in plain sight, he always speaks directly about everything that he likes or not. This is a hardworking sign that is always striving for new earnings and business projects.

Girls Aries prefers bright and stylish, will never tolerate bad taste and vulgarity in clothes and makeup. To live a long and happy life with him, you need to support his ideas, become a reliable partner and faithful adviser. There are times when you need to warn a man against rash acts.


The Taurus man is distinguished by a calm, assertive and stubborn character. The element of earth endowed this sign with increased earthiness. He is a loyal family man, a caring father and a hardy worker. The material component of his family plays a major role in life. Taurus loves good food and good rest. He enjoys spending time reading books or watching scientific films.

A woman who wants to connect her life with Taurus must learn how to cook deliciously and manage the household in general. Take care of your partner and children, keep yourself in great shape and develop spiritually. In addition to joint evenings at a richly laid table and watching your favorite films, a man will be pleased to go to the theater, to an exhibition or to a creative evening of his idol.


Representatives of this sign are unpredictable and easy-going. They often change their views on life, tastes, there is practically no permanent attachment. It is difficult to keep a man of the windy element. He is always surrounded by fans, because he has the ability to speak beautifully, an excellent sense of humor and innate sociability.

To stay close to the Gemini man, you need to constantly grow spiritually, educate yourself and generate original ideas. Such a guy is conquered by a frequent change in the image of the chosen one, as well as her unusual hobbies. It can be football, fishing and other addictions more characteristic of men. It is advisable not to make comments, since the touchy Gemini will never be the first to put up.


A guy born under this constellation is distinguished by an enviable constancy in relation to his family. He is a very gentle and attentive husband, a caring father and an excellent supplier. Cancer does not show violent emotions, collects information for a long time and looks closely at the girl. If she meets his requirements, then the man will marry her once in a lifetime. He is rarely mistaken in his feelings.

Just like that, conquering the heart of Cancer will not work, because it is he who chooses. It is necessary to be a modest, calm, balanced, well-mannered girl with good manners. Particular attention should be paid to economic and educational skills that will help in creating an ideal family. A man periodically decides to cheat, but perceives them as a physiological necessity. He only loves his family.

a lion

The regal, majestic sign of the zodiac represents the element of fire. A man must constantly shine in high society and bathe in luxury. Leo always strives for this, and he succeeds. His woman must fully comply with the status of a lioness, the partner will do everything necessary for this in material terms.

Leo prefers a bright, educated, successful girlfriend whom he can be proud of. She must be a good housewife, an excellent mother and a faithful wife. A man, too, will not remain in debt, but only on one condition. In the family, only he will be the king, and the wife will become his complement. Leo will not tolerate even a hint of criticism and will never become jealous. You can win the love of such a man with praise and gratitude.


The Virgo man is a true perfectionist. Everything must be top notch. This applies to clothing and to the spiritual fulfillment of a person. He never shows his feelings, thinks through everything to the smallest detail and makes decisions himself. The guy is secretive and withdrawn, too demanding of the opposite sex, but does not tolerate criticism in his address.

A woman who plans to live with a Virgo man should be modest, educated, polite and well-mannered. In no case should you give a reason for jealousy, become flirtatious and creative. The guy is attracted by naturalness and naturalness, you should not experiment with your appearance and too fashionable outfits.


A person born under the sign of Libra has a controversial character. He has little to no consistent point of view as his moods and tastes change. It is difficult for him to make a decision regarding living together; a woman experienced in all respects is capable of doing this. A man will not even be able to understand that this is not his opinion.

A girl who is next to Libra should be an intelligent, well-groomed, comprehensively developed personality, and have excellent taste. It is desirable that she be interested in art, like the guy of this sign. Diversity in family life, travel and new perspectives will make the pastime of such a couple exciting and romantic.


Such men attract girls like a magnet. They never have problems with fans, so they choose carefully and thoroughly. Honest and faithful in relationships, Scorpio is looking for the same companion. He will not forgive betrayal and will not tolerate betrayal. He appreciates in a woman a sense of dignity and a personal point of view.

The appearance of a girl for Scorpio is not of fundamental importance, he knows how to recognize spiritual beauty. Women's kindness to the surrounding people and animals can move him to immediately propose. He appreciates thriftiness, care, the ability to lead a discussion. Protects personal space, so women should give their partner the opportunity to be alone with themselves and do their favorite things.


The guy of this constellation is always focused on himself. He does only what he likes, since a sense of duty does not exist for him. Sagittarius will never give up his business to help others, for this you should not be offended by him. You just don't have to rely on it. He loves luxury and knows how to provide it to himself and his companion. This is a good diplomat and organizer who is constantly on the move.

The Sagittarius woman should attract the attention of all the men nearby. She needs to be easy-going, share his passions and encourage his ideas. A man loves to be praised for his work. He does not tolerate criticism and moralizing, he simply leaves forever. It is very difficult to keep him, because he considers betrayal to be the usual course of his fascinating life.


Men of this sign are straightforward and serious. They do not like frivolity and coquetry, their earthiness is on the verge of stubbornness. Capricorn and innovation are incompatible things. They honor family traditions, use only items and tips that have been proven over the years. Women are selected for a long time and carefully, at the slightest discrepancy they immediately disappear forever.

If the companion of Capricorn is quiet, well-mannered and economic, the guy will not leave her anywhere. This zodiac sign is the most loyal and devoted. He appreciates comfort and homeliness very much, his chosen one should cook deliciously and skillfully manage the household. Traditional holidays, memories of the past time give such a person great pleasure. Scandals and showdowns are unacceptable for him.


The Aquarius man is an innovator in all areas. He is interested in everything new, unusual, sometimes even devoid of any meaning. Stagnation is categorically contraindicated for him, since he runs away from memories of the past throughout his life. He never realizes his mistakes and does not grieve over the departed happiness. He is afraid of growing old and overestimates his strength.

The companion of Aquarius must be unusual. A girl should not strive to meet the usual standards, her task is to constantly surprise her man. She must be ready for experiments, unexpected trips and original ideas. Admiring his eccentricity, you need to offer your own vision of the situation. Such a person is happy to be involved in any game, because the main thing is not to be bored.


Guys of this sign are very passive and timid in relationships. They can’t figure out their life in any way, because they constantly doubt for various reasons. They do not have enough strength to make important decisions, and they try to go with the flow. Pisces live in their own invented world, and only there they are comfortable and calm. To convince or pity such a man is not difficult.

Modest, calm girls who are tuned in to a quiet family life have every chance to win the heart of a Pisces constellation guy. It is desirable that the interests of partners coincide, especially in creativity. It is important for a man that his companion is on good terms with his relatives. This will give him the opportunity to feel protected from all sides.

And some secrets...

The story of one of our readers Irina Volodina:

I was especially depressed by the eyes, surrounded by large wrinkles, plus dark circles and swelling. How to remove wrinkles and bags under the eyes completely? How to deal with swelling and redness?But nothing ages or rejuvenates a person like his eyes.

But how do you rejuvenate them? Plastic surgery? Learned - not less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - photorejuvenation, gas-liquid peeling, radiolifting, laser facelift? A little more affordable - the course costs 1.5-2 thousand dollars. And when to find the time for all this? Yes, it's still expensive. Especially now. So for myself I chose a different way ...

“How to keep a beloved man nearby?”, “3 ways to control a man’s mind?” Millions of women are looking for answers to such queries on the Internet.

And I'm also delighted with - "conspiracy - how to keep your beloved man nearby." Dear women, come to your senses!.. This is the way to nowhere! What are you doing? .. It seems that the other side of this question does not scare you at all. I won’t reveal a secret that any, even a poorly educated, “conspirator” will take not only money from you for a service: you won’t even notice how after the visit you will be left, to put it simply, without a piece of your own energy, or, conversely, with someone else’s energy negative, which unethical esotericists constantly dump on gullible clients. Think ... It was a lyrical digression ... Back to the topic

How to keep a partner around? I will answer with a few famous quotes:

  • If you are trying to stop a man, then this is not your man.
  • If he chooses between me and someone else, let him go to another. My man won't choose.

There is something to think about, isn't it?

What really happens when you try to keep a man?

  • you are investing your strength, time, health, money into tying to yourself a person who, in fact, has already become a stranger to you in some way!
  • only you need this idea, he doesn’t. Any one-sided desire in a relationship is doomed to failure. Sooner or later, even if the relationship improves, at the slightest quarrel you will hear the phrase in response: “Do not arise! After all, you yourself wanted me to stay!

In addition, you expose yourself in an inferior light ... The desire to keep your loved one betrays your fears:

  • stay alone forever
  • fear of solving problems alone
  • fear of condemnation of friends, relatives, colleagues,
  • the departure of your husband / partner will be proof that you are allegedly “flawed”, “frigid”, “something is wrong with me”, in a word, you are riveting yourself with low self-esteem from scratch.

The stronger sex is sure that women themselves do not know what they want. As a representative of this same sex, I declare - the same story with men! Beautiful, caring, bakes pies - over time, he will seek adventure on the side to his "sixth point". The bitch wife, lives like a cat on her own, had him in mind - a man will dream of a quiet home and a family dinner. Often the actions of men are not explained by either the well-known male logic or a rational approach to life.

But the inquisitive female mind will not rest until she finds out

How do you keep the man you love close by?

If you are aiming to leave him next to you at all costs, the question arises: “Are you beloved ??” “Holding and “love” are incompatible concepts. You keep repeating that “yes, I love you!” There is one good and effective way - let the man go free. Believe me, no other way will help: neither provide him financially, nor bind him with children, nor threats to defame him, or, even worse, “if you leave me, I will lay hands on myself!” Wait, who needs it? Well, find yourself in the next world on your own initiative - you yourself will suffer, and only you! Life is fleeting, full of new events and people - therefore, no matter how sad it sounds, they will quickly forget about you and your stupidity.

I suggest you another, better way:

  • find 5-10 minutes for yourself, retire at home in a room, or in the office on a lunch break,
  • close your eyes and imagine the chosen one you want to keep next to you. Not at a distance of a kilometer from you - come closer,
  • mentally tell him everything that was silent about, that boiled up, until you feel relieved,
  • say "THANK YOU!" for what he did for you, what he did not do for you, what he taught, and what you understood through your relationship with him.
  • one more thing. Give him a gift, such as he dreams of. The more gifts the better
  • let the man go. Imagine that he leaves, turns out to be outside the boundaries of your Universe.

If, while reading these tips, you feel an inner protest, resistance, it means that you have not yet played enough in the psychology of strange relationships. Well, everything has its time. Just remember what are

The consequences of the desire "how to keep a man around?":

  • men are free-spirited hunters by nature. When they suspect that their freedom is being encroached upon, they can rear up, which will involuntarily bring a lot of harm, moral or, God forbid, physical,
  • you will become addicted “she wanted to, now be patient!”
  • he receives an irrefutable trump card called "she persuaded me to stay - now I will twist ropes from her!"
  • a breakdown in a woman, depression, a decrease in self-esteem.

These effects seem to be enough. If not, then I pass! Just “keep the “titmouse” in a stranglehold, otherwise it will fly away from you. The tit will fly out the window as soon as you forget to close the window. your fear will lead you to what you fear!” This is a quote from the author.

Something generous I today on quotes. I will not back down, and I will give one more piece of advice on how to keep the man you love close by - poems by the author Scully.

What actions should a woman take so that a man does not get away from her and does not run away? How to keep a worthy man next to you so that he truly appreciates your good qualities, falls in love and is with you always, forever and ever?

And the next question - is it necessary to do this at all? Even if you really “get into trouble” and fall in love, and the man seeks to leave, then what do psychologists advise in this case - how to behave in such a way that the chances of you being together remain maximum?

Do not hold a man - by doing so, you will push him away

A woman trying with all her might to bind a representative of the stronger sex, whom she really liked, is a sad sight. Why a woman does this is understandable. Because she herself has already become attached, she, on the basis of some circumstances invented by herself, appointed the hero of the occasion "her own man."

And so, having dreamed, and having come up with wonderful qualities for a man that he actually did not have, she longs to entangle him from head to toe and drag him to her lair.

Even the word "hold" sounds somewhat humiliating and suspicious for a woman - instead of a man fighting for a woman, it turns out that a woman is tying a man.

There are only two types of men, there is no other. Those who really like a woman, so that they will be ready for anything to get her next to them (and you won’t fight off such people, you don’t need to keep anyone here, and take the initiative too), and those who don’t really need you and not interesting. Chasing the second ones is more expensive for yourself.

After all, even if you achieve a result (which is quite possible, because women are smart and insidious :) - then instead of strong and real male love, and showing care and attention in your address, you will find yourself in a relationship that will soon want to vomit.

Because you will all drag, you will show feelings, you will do everything - and the man will receive all this quite calmly and selflessly, while believing that everything is fine, he undoubtedly deserves it, because he is so good, and you still obviously “not finalizing” - you could try more!

Do you know what your compatibility with a man is?

To find out, click on the button below.

In 100% of cases, such relationships end very sadly. The woman is eventually disappointed, exhausted, and just almost falls on her face.

Women's initiative and an attempt to get closer

What happens when a woman begins to violently take the initiative, show her love and affection? A man with every second of such behavior of a woman, instead of saying - oh, now I understand how wonderful she is, on the contrary, he is repulsed and disgusted more and more.

Such is male nature - a man is interested in new horizons and peaks, and if a woman does not give him the opportunity to conquer herself, but gives herself completely, the man very quickly loses all interest in such relationships, and his taste for such a woman simply disappears.

There is more irritation and disgust. The man leaves. And the woman in dope is behind him. He tries to find out the relationship, talk, figure it out - all this in order to keep the man next to him. And it gets worse and worse, until the man finally breaks all ties.

No point in holding on to your man

The funny thing is that holding on to a person who is actually “yours” doesn’t make the slightest sense. Because if he is yours, then he will never leave you. And no matter what you do, life will push your foreheads against you again and again, until you begin to be together, live together, and exist together. Because life itself and higher powers will show you that you simply won’t succeed in a different way.

But what do most women do instead of “relaxing” and letting go?

Having become attached, they cling to the person they like with their claws, believing that in this way they will be able to preserve his affection, love and feelings. A kind of death grip, a suffocating technique, which, it seems, should keep a man in good shape, and not allow him to move to the right or to the left.

What if she is already attached and in love?

Of course, the easiest option is for a woman to stay sane at the beginning of a relationship, and not get close to those who have not yet shown themselves and their desire to be with her. A man must prove by his actions and long courtship his right to be with you! Not with beautiful speeches and conversations, but with actions.

At the same time, again, it is very important that these actions are performed over a fairly long period of time - after all, it is quite easy to put oneself in the best light at a short distance, but at a long distance, details, true character, shortcomings, etc. are revealed. Not only men, but also women - and here a man must already pass his exam: either he sees your shortcomings, and is ready to endure them, and continue his courtship (and he even likes to endure, and just be there for you in difficult moments, when you have no mood, you are able to strangle anyone, including him - this is a manifestation of what can be called the behavior of a worthy man), or he will quietly dump you when he realizes what he really messed with. And then you can’t keep a man in any way.

But here's another option - when a woman fell in love and became attached, of course sad. First of all, for a woman - because it is obvious that the relationship has already gone not according to her scenario, not according to the female, but according to the male. They put a leash on you, and they will manipulate you. And tearing off the leash is painful and humiliating.

But only by breaking these fetters - you can become happy with a man. Only a woman who is able to say no to a man, and in case of his unworthy behavior, simply reject him, is able to feel in a relationship in harmony and harmony with herself.

Remember the main thing - your behavior means a lot to a man, but if there is no harmony at the level of signs, then the relationship will be very tense. It is very desirable to find out the exact compatibility of your zodiac sign with the sign of a man. This can be done by clicking on the button below:


Trying to keep a decent man will only lead to an even greater collapse of the relationship. Love - let go. Old truth, but still relevant.

When a person feels good with you, then why tie him up and put shackles on him. Only a fool and an idiot will leave someone with whom he feels good. If he leaves, despite the fact that he is happy and healthy with you, then let him go, live his stupid life.

And if he doesn't like you, then why keep? In a selfish attempt to enjoy the person you love? But it's you who love him, which means you should think about how good he will be. Or do you think you know better for him? This is an illusion.

The best thing for a woman is to let go and let a man feel his freedom, freedom of choice above all. When he realizes that there is no coercion and insane female affection, then he will be drawn to you. You will only keep your man - and only by freeing him and giving him a choice.

If you want to be with your beloved man, you need to figure out if you are compatible according to your zodiac sign?

Find out the exact compatibility with a man by clicking on the button below.

It does not matter why the guy wants to leave you: another girl has appeared, feelings have cooled down, she longs for freedom. We have a plan in place to keep him and not humiliate ourselves. You can adequately get out of the situation by following our advice. We will tell you what exactly needs to be changed in yourself, what should be the appearance, what mistakes should be avoided and how to convince a young man not to cut off his shoulder.

Start with changes in appearance, they will help convince the guy to put off the decision to break up. Do not think that after 1-2 years of relationship you can relax and get hooked on buns. Fat girls like very few guys. Therefore, watch your weight, follow diets, do fasting days.

If you need to lose weight, sign up for. Here we discussed how it is useful, what results it gives and how to get them. Try . In order for you to do this without nerves, we told you how harmful it is and how to cope with addiction.

If you don’t want the guy to find a mistress, don’t forget that you need to not only undernourish, but also. Here you can find a selection and description of effective video tutorials, tips on how to perform various exercises. In order not to harm health, you need. What should be the drinking regimen, how to eat, what about training - we wrote about all this in our other article.

Here's what else to take care of when a guy wants to break up:

  • beautiful hairstyle, clean, styled hair;
  • neat manicure (bitten nails do not impress anyone);
  • smooth, clean skin without acne and other defects;
  • pleasant smell of hair and body;
  • neat, fashionable and always feminine clothes, by the way, we already wrote about;
  • light, unobtrusive makeup (some light shadows, soft lipstick, just a little bit of powder);
  • stylish accessories (watch, scarf, glasses, chain - all this creates a feminine look).

Try to ensure that everything is harmonious in the created image, nothing stands out from the overall picture.

One bright appearance is not enough to keep the guy. You should have something to talk about.

Self-develop and learn

It trains the brain well to study foreign languages, which, moreover, may be needed in life. The horizon expands communication with intelligent people, watching documentaries (with the help of Discovery Channel and National Geographic). Follow the news from the world of politics, science, economics.

Less stupid series with movies and more books is the key to success!

Be interested in fiction, the classics are especially helpful - the Bronte sisters, W. Thackeray, T. Dreiser, W. Faulkner, M. Mitchell, D. Steinbeck, D. Orwell. Don't forget about Russian authors (Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky). All this develops imagination and aesthetic taste.

Instead of going to nightclubs and bars, go to the theater (ballet, opera, performances). Do not ignore various courses - acting, drawing, photography, sewing, etc. The more versatile you are, the less you will have to deal with competitors.

Be sure to read the related books:

  • Gary Chapman The Five Love Languages: How to Express Love to Your Partner.
  • Alan and Barbara Pease, The Language of Man-Woman Relationships.
  • Harvey Steve "Act like a woman, think like a man."
  • Belle de Jour "Guide for men" - "excursion" is conducted by the most famous call girl in the world.
  • Robert A. Johnson - “He. Deep aspects of male psychology.
  • John Gray - "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus"

This is only the second component of the formula for success!

Become a real hostess

It doesn't matter whether you live together or not, show that you can give a guy family comfort, home warmth and care. Whenever you meet him, each time bring with you something prepared by yourself (pies, cakes, sweets). While at his home, offer to help with cleaning and cooking. Believe me, such attention will definitely be appreciated! When inviting a boyfriend to visit, clean the house every time. It is also very important to show that you know how to handle money and do not litter it.

Enter the role of a lover

Forget about pressure and manipulation, the main task is to make the guy feel calm, comfortable, good in your company.

Become a guy's best friend

If you do not want the guy to leave, you must understand him and support him in all endeavors. It is necessary to be interested in his life and share hobbies. It is important that you have something to talk about on walks.

Trust him with some of your secrets, ask for help and advice. Let him know that he can tell you everything, and you will always understand him. Be sure to give MCH nice gifts for the holidays, albeit small ones.

Don't invade his personal space

Meet, chat, have fun together, but don't cross the line! Guys don’t like it when they get asked questions: where and with whom you were, what you will do tomorrow, why you didn’t call and come. As soon as someone claims their freedom, you can immediately say "bye."

Keep your distance, do not pounce on your soul mate with a request to introduce you to friends and relatives. If he wants to, he will do it himself. It is especially important not to get the husband, who can always find solace in his mistress.

Don't forget yourself

Love yourself more than the guy. If the feelings for him are stronger, he may think that you cannot do without him in life. It shouldn't be like that, don't flatter yourself! Treat him with respect and demand the same attitude towards your person. Do not let him raise his voice and if he is at fault for the quarrel, do not apologize first.

If the guy is married, then you should not keep him, you will only lose time.

Confident men like the same women who know their worth. At the same time, you should not openly show your claws, everything should be indirect. Here is an example: he invites you to the cinema for an action movie, do not say directly: “I don’t want to go to him, let me choose a movie.” It's better to present the proposal like this: "Great choice, thanks for inviting me, but I've already seen this movie, would you mind going to ...". So he will feel like a man, and you will get yours.

act like a woman

Do not allow yourself the following:

  • shout at him, especially in front of strangers;
  • interrupt;
  • try to insist on your own, if the first time it didn’t work out, you must admit, it’s better later, if you really want to, quietly do it your way;
  • throw tantrums, constantly cry, on business and without it, at first the guy will calm down, but very soon he will get tired of it;
  • blame him, trying to shift the blame;
  • reproach that he is not a man;
  • compare it with others;
  • endure the brain, be forever dissatisfied with everything.

So that the guy does not have to be kept nearby, and he himself wants to be with you, you need to behave calmly. If you don't like something, don't immediately panic and yell. Without nerves, report it and solve the problem together. You must show that in the relationship he is the main one. And the last piece of the puzzle is obedience. Don't make your boyfriend ask you to do something 300 times.

How to Convince a Guy Not to Chop Off Your Shoulder

In no case do not fall on your knees and beg for a chance to change and correct your mistakes. It will humiliate you in his eyes. Instead, politely ask what led him to want to break up. If he says that the lack of love - carefully change the subject and try on, you won’t be forced to be nice.

In the case when a young man says that he is just tired, you do not suit him in some way, tell him about your readiness to correct the situation. Hint that together you can improve relationships, that you are ready to work on yourself. At the same time, be sure to focus on the fact that, if necessary, you can let him go and not suffer. After a while, if there are feelings, he will return.

What can get in the way of reaching your goal?

The plan can be ruined by:

  • excessive obsession;
  • restriction of freedom of a guy;
  • desire to lead;
  • busting with flirting on the side in order to cause jealousy;
  • masculine behavior (attempts to control the situation, make decisions);
  • a demand to give something.

In this video, the girl deals with the peculiarities of the male psyche, the knowledge of which will help keep the guy:

We got the image of a kind of ideal girl, and it may seem that it is unrealistic to match it. But this is far from the case, you just try and see how the attitude of your loved one towards you changes. And this is what you need if you wondered how to keep a guy.