Which wool is better and the choice of wool sweaters. Animal fur

In fact, only mammals have fur coats, that is, hair. Hair grows on the body of these animals - some have thick hair, some have very sparse hair. They are of three types - coarse guard, soft and warm down, and also ... feeling. In some animals, such as wild boars and deer, the coat is rough and consists only of guard hair. And in the soft skin of the underground inhabitants - moles, mole rats and zokors - on the contrary, there are almost no guard hairs.

Who has the longest coat?

Longest wool - at the musk ox. They have very long hairs on the chest and on the sides - up to one meter long. The habitat of musk oxen is the Far North, where very severe frosts often occur, the air temperature at the same time drops to minus 50 degrees. Therefore, the wool of these animals is not only long, but also quite warm: 70-80% of it consists of down. It is difficult for a musk ox to get food for itself from under the snow. Therefore, the animal chooses the place where strong winds blow, which do not allow snow to accumulate and form snowdrifts.

Which animal has the tightest fur?

River otter- another record holder. Its fur is one of the thickest, as the otter spends a significant part of its life in water. Due to the fact that the fur hairs are very densely arranged and closely adjoined to each other. The fur is not wetted, so that the otter has enough to get out on land, shake off abruptly - and it is already almost dry. The otter's wool is not only very thick, but also warm, which is especially important in cold weather. She has 60-80 downy hairs per one guard hair. In total, the otter has 120-125 thousand hairs per square centimeter of skin. This means that a total of 800 million hairs grow on her body!

Not all animals have a fur coat.

Not all mammals wear a fur coat like otters and musk oxen. For example, whales have almost no hair. And whales are warmed by a very thick layer of subcutaneous fat. This layer reaches a record thickness in the polar, or Greenlandic.

In armadillos, or Armadilles, which live in South and Central America, the body is covered with a bony shell, on which the horny plates are laid. They are arranged in rows, forming several belts. Coarse hair covers the lower body as well as the inner surface of the legs. And on the back and sides, sparse hairs peep out between the plates. In case of danger, the armadillo can curl up into a ball. The very name Armadillo comes from the Spanish word meaning "dressed in armor."

But, perhaps, the most amazing-looking cover in, or lizards, mammals living in Asia and Africa.

Instead of wool, pangolins are covered with large scales that protect them from the teeth of predators. In case of danger, the pangolin folds into a ball, which can only be deployed by the largest predators - leopards or tigers. But what is most striking is the shape of the scales. They are incredibly similar to the scales ... of an ordinary spruce cone, only, of course, much larger.

Each animal is warmed up as best it can.

Arctic foxes - polar foxes - although they belong to the same species, are divided into two groups depending on color. Some arctic foxes are light, almost white. Others have dark gray, bluish fur. They are called so - "blue foxes". The fur of blue foxes is especially prized - it is more fluffy, with a dense underfur. The fur of light foxes is also very beautiful, but it has more coarse guard hairs, and the underfur is more sparse. And this difference is not accidental. It turns out that Arctic foxes of different colors warm themselves in different ways in the cold. White foxes have white hairs because inside they have air bubbles instead of a dye - pigment. Air does not conduct heat well. The fur coat of such a fox is a kind of air cushion that insulates the body from the cold. But in blue foxes, the hairs do not have such an amazing property, and thick underfur protects them from frost.

Wool ... against pile.

It is known that wool grows in all animals from the middle of the back down. But the sloth is the opposite. His coat grows parted on the abdomen and falls off towards the back. The fact is that sloths almost constantly live in trees. Most of the time, they just stay in limbo, belly up, back down. This posture is so typical for a sloth that even his fur is "accustomed" to grow "against the fur", so rainwater easily flows from it. And her color is not quite usual - greenish. In the rainforest, the humidity is very high. It is between the hairs of the animal that "lodgers" settle - tiny blue-green algae. Apparently, the animal does not often comb its hair - the algae have time to take root, grow and give color to the fur coat of the animal.

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long hair growing on the neck of some animals

Alternative descriptions

... (scruff, scruff) covering of a sleeping or sleigh blanket with embroidery, satin or taffeta, edged with braid, sometimes decorated with pearls and precious stones

... (present Folmanis) Jean (1910-82) Latvian writer, novel "The Road of Life"

... (figurative meaning) coastal alluvial ridge, elongated sandbank

... (figurative meaning) an oblong hill, a small mountain with gentle slopes, overgrown with forest

... (figurative meaning) that which creeps, stretches behind something

A small forest, a grove growing on such a height

Cosmas Savraska

Horse hair

Horse "hairstyle"

The arrangement of clouds in the form of an elongated ridge

A row of low elongated ridges separated by hollows

Long hair on the neck of a long-haired dog

Long hair on the neck of some animals

Sivki-Burka's hair

What does a lion have and a lioness doesn't?

Horse hair

Brutal hair

Lion hair

Ridge, ridge

Hairstyle of the king of beasts

The lion has, the lioness does not

What does a lion have, but a lioness does not?

Lion and horse hairstyle

Horse or lion "hairstyle"

Hair on the stallion's neck

... (colloquial) long, thick human hair

Secondary masculine sign of a lion

Hairstyle of the brutal king

The characteristic sign of a lion

The most prominent sign of a lion

The main visual difference between a lion and a lioness

Horse curls fluttering in the wind

Cowgirl hair

Horse neck hair

A lion would cut her hair if he went to a barber shop

Narrow passage

Lion and horse hair

Horse neck hair

The most conspicuous part of the lion

Lion hair

The lion has, but the lioness does not

Long hair on the neck of some animals

A row of low elongated ridges

Latvian writer (1910-1982, "The Road of Life")

... (present Folmanis) Jean (1910-82) Latvian writer, novel "The Road of Life"

G. long, or distinctive hair or wool along the ridge of the animal's neck, along the nape. If only a black mane for a nighting gelding would have been! I couldn't hold on to the mane, but you can't hold on to the tail. You can't hold on to the tail if you drop your mane. If you find a cow's mane, so a mare will have horns. The wolf took pity on the mare: he left his tail and mane. The mare and the wolf struggled with one tail, but the mane remained. If only the tail, and the mane, the mare would be intact! Ridge, ridge, ridge, ridge; a reel, a somewhat elevated ridge of terrain, along a lowland, in a swamp, spindles; or underwater, as a continuation of the spit; narrow and low, long ridge, especial. on a fixed place, not flooded; forested strip, mansion, protected forest. wet year shoots are healthier (better) on the mane, tamb. that is, along the dump, along the crests of the furrows. Grabbing the mane, riding on horseback and climbing a mountain, or when hitting the enemy with a lance, to strengthen the blow, the mane will belittle. the shoulder of the shirt, a flap inserted along the shoulder. Horse mane. plant. sage, Eupatorium cannabinum. Grivenka, howling, wilting, loose bare skin in wrinkles, under the neck and on the chest of a bull, scaring. Hryvnia, related to the mane. Maned, maned, on whom or with what there is a mane; with a mane. Maned leopard, Felis jubata, use. in Central Asia for hunting. A maned man with a long or thick mane. Maned ku (tu) rukhtan, kurukhtaniy male, cockerel. Maned horse, mane m. Big-maned. Grivun M. grivunya, maned; about a pigeon: with a spot on the neck, back of the head. Hryvnyak m. Sowing thick-layered forest, growing along the manes. Grivier Wed collect. horsehair, manes and tails, for stuffing. Maned, maned, like a mane; in the form of a mane. A mane, about a bird or a helmet, etc. with a feather mane. Mane shook, who shakes his mane, etc. about a lion, about a horse, etc.

Horse or lion "hairstyle"

Cosmas Savraska

What a lion has but a lioness does not

What a lion has, but a lioness does not

That a lion has more than a horse?

Lion and horse hairstyle

Horse or lion "hairstyle"

Dachshund is a breed of small hunting dogs that are not inferior in strength and endurance to their larger counterparts. This also applies to the long-haired variety, whose representatives also have an elongated body, short legs, but also a long, silky coat. Like all hunters, the long-haired dachshund is playful, active and has some peculiarities of behavior and character.

The Dachshund is considered the oldest hunting breed, and researchers still haven't found out exactly when it first appeared. As for the official recognition of this breed, its formation began in the 16th century in the southern German lands. Primary data on these burrowing hunters date back to the end of the 16th century.

The ancestors of these dogs were marriages - hardy, stocky hounds, from which dachshunds received, among other things, the ability to chase game and give voice signals. Short paws were not very helpful for hounds in hunting, but for penetrating burrows they turned out to be the most suitable.

Subsequently, thanks to breeding activities, several breed species were bred. Long-haired dachshund was obtained by crossing smooth-haired representatives of the breed and spaniels.

The nature of the breed

The character of long-haired dogs and their short-haired close relatives does not differ too much. Such a pet is very curious - no event will pass by its long nose. The doggie is happy to be with his owner 24 hours a day and is very upset if he is left alone at home.

The dachshund puppy quickly finds a common language with all family members, but he will consider only one of them the owner and obey him faithfully. With other pets - dogs or cats, the long-haired dachshund almost always builds friendly relations, but this does not apply to other people's animals - their dog can be considered as a subject of hunting. If you keep such a hunter in a private house, then small pest animals will forget their way here.

It is not recommended to have a dachshund, including those with long fur, in a family with small children. These animals do not differ in patience and, even if they accidentally hurt them, they can not only snap, but also bite. But still, long-haired dachshunds have a reduced craving for hunting, they are calmer and more balanced, therefore it is recommended to start them as pets.

Dachshunds - although small dogs, but very brave, they are able to get involved in fights with their relatives, regardless of the size of the enemy. This should be taken into account when walking. Dachshunds are territorial animals, they will defend their site with all the ferocity they have. No wonder, these cute-looking creatures tops the rating of the most biting dogs. But for his pet it will become a loyal and devoted companion and even a member of the family.

Description of the breed long-haired dachshund

There are three types of long-haired dachshunds - standard, dwarf and rabbit. They all vary in size, and they are not measured by weight, but by the girth of the sternum. Standard dogs are larger than the rest, and rabbit dogs are the smallest. In addition to differences in size, the standard describes the breed as follows:

Long-haired dachshund

Representatives of this species of dachshund have a two-layer coat - smooth and shiny above, and short, fluffy below. On almost the entire body, the hair is tightly attached to the body; in the throat and lower part of the body, it is elongated. There is a fringe on the edges of the auricles, and feathering on the back of the limbs. Due to the long coat, the dachshund's tail resembles a flag.

There are several colors of dachshunds with long hair, the most common are the following:

Care for long-haired dachshunds

Naturally, the long coat of these dogs needs more careful grooming than the short-haired brethren. Owners need to comb it regularly, and also need periodic, including hygienic - cutting out the areas between the fingers, inside the auricles, in the groin.

If the pet is not a working dog, then it follows as needed. These little hunters are prone to gaining excess weight, therefore they need regular active walks. You need to constantly play with them, run, not let you get bored.

Raising and training dachshunds

Before you start training, you need to accustom your pet to the nickname and earn its trust. Dachshunds tend to be stubborn, so the owner must become a real leader for them. For the process to be fruitful, you need to be persistent, consistent and not stop in the middle of the path.

As soon as the baby is in the new home, it is necessary to show him his place. You can't let him sleep with you, even if he makes sad eyes and whines piteously. Dachshunds are excellent actors and are capable of "pushing for pity", if at least once such a number passes, then the doggie will manipulate its owners.

It is best to train your baby to the toilet right away on the street, and if only this is not possible, then you can lay a diaper. But in this case, weaning from a diaper can be quite a difficult process. During training, it is worth remembering that dachshunds are prone to obesity, therefore, when encouraging a dog, treats should be used less often - 1 treat for 2-3 teams.

In other cases, you can be content with praise, affection, joint games. Dachshunds are very sensitive to intonation, so even one word of praise can improve the pet's mood and increase its performance.

Long-haired dachshund maintenance

Dachshunds, including long-haired ones, are the most compact hunting dogs. Compared to other similar dogs, they do not tend to destroy everything that surrounds them. Therefore, you can keep such a pet in a small living space. But the doggie will feel best in a country house, however, his love of digging can seriously harm the lawn.

Another nuance - dachshunds are hunters of burrowing animals, so it will not be difficult for them to dig under the fence if something outside arouses their interest. It is not worth taking a dachshund to a house where there is already a pet - a cat or other small animal, especially if the dog will not participate in the hunt and baiting. Otherwise, the dog will direct its hunting instinct to the animals living nearby.

When equipping a place for a future pet, it should be borne in mind that dachshunds love to wrap themselves in blankets and bedspreads. Therefore, in addition to the bed, he needs to select his own bedspread, but such that the fabric has a dense structure and there is no fringe, otherwise the dog will cling to its claws. Dachshunds have a weakness for the master's bed, therefore, if the owner is categorically against such a neighborhood, it is necessary to immediately suppress all inclinations.

Feeding the long-haired dachshund

Dachshunds have a good appetite, but the owner should take into account their peculiarity - the pet should receive food in small portions. You can independently calculate the serving size based on the dog's body weight - 45 grams per 1 kilogram of body weight.

Often, dogs of this breed have digestive problems, so it is better to take care of the feeding regime from the first days. Dachshunds are, in fact, hunters, so most of the diet should consist of protein foods, with the obligatory presence of fats.

Owners need to follow a number of rules, especially if they choose natural feeding:

Dachshund owners have a choice - to feed the pet with natural food or industrial feed. But it should be borne in mind that you need to choose a high-quality product - premium, or holistic class. The latter is preferable if the dog suffers from digestive disorders or food allergies.

Diseases of the breed

Dachshunds have an original body structure, which gives them advantages while hunting, but can cause a number of diseases. In addition, there are a number of ailments that can be inherited. Future owners should be more attentive to their pet, identifying diseases as early as possible:

Dachshunds without timely vaccination can become ill with serious diseases - plague, rabies, piroplasmosis, etc. But, if you carefully monitor the pet and take proper care of it, you can avoid the occurrence of a number of pathologies.

Photo of long-haired dachshund

Longhaired Dachshund Video

Where is the best place to buy a long-haired dachshund puppy and how much does it cost

Despite the fact that long-haired representatives of the breed are much less common than smooth-haired, interest in them has only increased recently. You can buy such a baby both in the poultry market and in a nursery or from a private breeder, of course, in the first case, the guarantees to get a purebred baby are much lower.

In addition, not all cities have nurseries that breed these original dachshunds, so you may have to go after your pet. The price of a puppy without a pedigree starts at 5000 rubles. But a pet with documents is much more expensive - from 20,000 rubles.

The most expensive are long-haired rabbit dachshunds - they are considered a rarer species, and the litter of these babies usually consists of 2-3 babies. Here, on average, you will have to pay 50,000 rubles.

The most famous longhaired dachshund kennels with an excellent reputation:

  1. Moscow "From the Cherry Grove" http://svr-dachshunds.ucoz.ru/ .
  2. Kiev "STRANA LIMONIA" https://stranalimonia.jimdo.com/.

The long-haired dachshund is a small dog with hunting habits that also serves as an excellent family pet. This is an active, cheerful pet, requiring attention and affection, not devoid of its own dignity, which means that the dog should be treated with respect.

Dogs are the oldest and most devoted companions of man. Over the millennia, these amazing animals have turned from defenders and guards into our real companions and friends. And if once dogs were a necessity, today they are turned on just for pleasure. At the same time, the owners do not always imagine exactly how to care for a fluffy lump that has appeared in their house. Sometimes improper care and feeding lead to the death of a pet, so before you start a particular breed of dog, try to learn more about the rules for caring for the animal. Many people like long-haired pets, because they are associated with something gentle and kind. However, dogs with long hair, despite the abundance of breeds and the differences between them, require special care. It consists not only in proper nutrition and walking, but also in other points that are important to know about when purchasing a new family member from the breeder. Today we will list and describe the most with long hair, with an emphasis on caring for them.

Features of long-haired dog care

If it seems to you that a four-legged pet that has appeared in your house requires only adherence to the elementary rules of care, then you are deeply mistaken. The fact is that each breed has its own characteristics, and therefore needs its own approach. In no case should you take care of a long-haired dog in the same way as a short-haired pet. This can lead to sad consequences and even the death of your pet. Therefore, if you have a puppy with a thick and long coat, then be prepared to spend time combing and bathing your pet. Moreover, this will need to be done regularly, otherwise there will be no result from your actions.

The general guidelines for caring for long-haired dogs are pretty simple. Surely you have seen how luxurious Afghan hounds or setters look at exhibitions. Their fur literally streams along the body and pleases the eye with a healthy shine, but a similar effect can be achieved only with regular combing. with long hair should be wooden and have sparse teeth. Thanks to this, when combing, you do not injure the animal's skin and can effectively remove excess hair so that it does not fall off.

It is necessary to repeat the procedure daily, in extreme cases, reduce it to once every two days. However, in addition to this, the owner must take care of the hygienic grooming of his pet. It consists in shearing the hair between the fingers, above the eyes and near the anus. But even in the very heat, you should not completely deprive the animal of its cover. This mistake is sometimes made by inexperienced owners, guided by the desire to alleviate the condition of the pet in the summer heat. Why can't you cut long-haired dogs? The answer to this question is extremely simple. The deprivation of wool leads to the fact that the animal's heat exchange is disturbed and it can become seriously ill.

Do not forget about the rules for washing a dog with long hair. Be aware that the coat is prone to felting. As a result, mats are formed that interfere with the animals. Therefore, they need regular washing, this procedure should take place at least once a week. In the winter season, you can bathe your pet every fourteen days. At the same time, keep in mind that you cannot be limited only to washing the paws; it is necessary to immerse the entire dog in water.

For the rest of the parameters, caring for different breeds of dogs with long hair is no different from the generally accepted ones. Do not forget about walking your pet, visiting a veterinarian and drawing up the correct diet. Subject to all the recommendations, your four-legged pet will delight all family members with its friendship for a long time.

A few words about long-haired dogs

Today, there are about a hundred different breeds of dogs that delight with their long and thick coat. Some of them are for hunting, others for guards, and still others are useful as companions. However, ordinary people conventionally divide them into large dogs with long hair and small ones. The latter are still often called "dwarf" and they belong to the category of expensive. A fashionable long-haired expensive dog, bought in a kennel from a well-known breeder, can cost from several tens to a couple of hundred thousand rubles.

Within the framework of the article, we cannot tell about all such breeds, but we will mention the most interesting and purchased ones. In the following sections, we will definitely pay attention to the long haired and larger breeds. We will start with them.

Dog breed Afghan Hound: description

Judging by the name, it can be understood that this breed was bred in Afghanistan. In general, dog handlers characterize greyhounds as cheerful, active, playful and sociable animals. They get along easily with all family members and even get along well with other pets.

Despite the light temper of the representatives of this breed, buying such dogs is recommended mainly to experienced owners, because they require special care, which, most likely, a beginner cannot cope with.

An adult dog can weigh up to thirty kilograms and reach up to seventy centimeters at the withers. The color of the Afghan Hound is quite varied. You can purchase a silver, black, gray, or black and gray puppy. The breed standard in any of these cases will be followed.

If the family, where such a dog appeared, consists of several people, then the puppy can choose several as an object of love and adoration. The animal approaches them more than anyone else, but will constantly demand attention and care in return.

The Afghan hound gets along well with children, but still it is recommended to have it for people who do not have a small child. The fact is that the dog is very shy and does not react well to harsh sounds. Therefore, children can shatter her fragile psyche.

It should be borne in mind that this breed is very difficult to tolerate hot and humid weather. At home in these seasons, Afghan hounds were in the mountains with their owners. Therefore, they are much more comfortable in cool climates.

Haircuts for long-haired dogs of this breed are not contraindicated. However, they spoil the appearance of the animal. Therefore, experts advise to cut older animals and those that have already finished their show career.

Afghan Hound grooming

This breed is distinguished by its silky, long and thick coat. However, it brings a lot of anxiety to the owners.

When buying an Afghan Hound puppy, keep in mind that its coat is prone to felting. Therefore, you cannot do without regular brushing. To facilitate this process, you can sprinkle water on the coat. Otherwise, manipulating the comb will further confuse the animal's coat.

If the dog has been walking in bad weather and looks dirty, then it must be washed before the procedure. For this, a mild shampoo diluted with water is suitable, after which a balm is applied. It will also be better thinned. Drying the animal's hair with a hairdryer is only after blotting it with a towel. Keep in mind that it is best to comb a wet coat. It is necessary to start the procedure from the hind limbs from the roots to the tips.

It is noteworthy that it is recommended to purchase a metal brush for Afghan hounds, but tangled shreds of wool must be tidied up only with your fingers. Keep in mind that a dog very often dips its long and beautiful ears in a bowl while eating. Also, puppies tend to chew them, which leads to various injuries. Therefore, it is recommended to teach babies to caps, which at certain times will hold their ears.

It is recommended to wash the Afghan Hound once every seven days. It's nice that the dog does not smell like a dog at all and it is not prone to seasonal molting. The coat is being renewed gradually, this process is practically invisible to the owners.

Rough dog: collie

This breed is a favorite of children and is considered one of the most popular in Europe. Collies deserve this love due to their cheerful disposition and beauty.

Collies are great nannies, so parents can absolutely safely leave their child with the dog. It will be under careful supervision, besides, the dog will not let anyone close to the baby. Collie is distinguished by kindness and responsiveness, he lends itself well to training and from a very early age becomes a loyal friend for each member of the family.

Despite the fact that dogs of this breed distinguish only one leader, they are very attached to all household members. Therefore, they do not tolerate swearing and quarrels. In this case, the character of the animal deteriorates, and it turns into a nervous and cowardly dog.

Collies are very patient, adore company and suffer from a lack of attention. They consider the property of the owner not only to family members, but also to all pets. The dog will look after and guard all of them.

This breed is not aggressive towards strangers. However, in case of danger, dogs can perfectly stand up for themselves and those for whom they are responsible.

To date, five types of collies have been bred, among them there are also short-haired specimens. However, most of these dogs have a thick and beautiful coat that requires special care.

How to care for a collie?

In order for your dog to preserve its beauty for a long time, it must be combed out at least once every two days. Be sure to purchase a device such as a collar cutter. With its help, it will be much easier to put the animal in order. After all, even after two walks, his coarse coat can fall into a huge mug.

Keep in mind that you can only brush a collie by sprinkling water on the coat. In addition, it is necessary to apply a special technology to which the dog must be taught from puppyhood.

Since the collie's coat is very thick, it will not work to comb it in the usual way when the animal is standing. It must be put on its side, and starting from the ridge, comb out strand by strand against the growth of the wool.

After bathing, the animal's coat dries for a very long time and even if it looks dry in appearance, you should not go out with the dog. It usually takes at least five hours for the dog to dry out completely.

Imperial dogs

Dwarf long-haired dogs are among the most expensive and popular. They were withdrawn purposefully, and therefore they are very capricious in their care and require very serious investments. Therefore, before starting such a companion, soberly assess your capabilities.

Baby Shih Tzu, who in adulthood barely reach twenty-seven centimeters at the withers, have enjoyed the great love of their owners for a long time. It is believed that the breed was bred in Tibet, but some sources indicate that the lamas took it out of Byzantium. If you trust this version, then we can say that these babies have existed since the eight hundredth year of our era.

The Shih Tzu were very fond of the Chinese emperors and for many centuries could only belong to members of the imperial family. This has left a certain imprint on the character of the animal and its exterior.

This breed is characterized by incredible peacefulness, pride and friendliness. Dogs get along with all family members, while they never single out a leader, sharing their love between all people. Other Shih Tzu pets are often simply ignored, so conflicts between animals are completely ruled out.

Dogs of this breed need constant communication, can do without physical activity and live for about twenty years.

Features of hair care

Shih Tzu are among those long-haired breeds that can be cut. Usually they are cut "like a puppy", which gives the animal incredible charm. In this form, the dog looks like a cute and playful bear cub.

However, with long hair, the Shih Tzu is the embodiment of aristocracy. Long strands on the head are usually collected in a tail so that they do not interfere with the dog while eating and spoil his eyesight.

It is necessary to comb the animal once every few days, but the owners must cut or pluck the hair in the ears regularly. Otherwise, your pet is guaranteed inflammation of the auditory canal.

To make combing easier, the coat can be sprayed with water. But keep in mind that Shih Tzu hate bathing very much. Despite this, water procedures should be regular. If you do not plan to exhibit, then you can wash the animal about once every two weeks or as soon as it gets dirty.

English setter

The long-haired hunting dog, the English Setter, is a noble and thoroughbred dog. The history of the breed is rooted in antiquity and is an accurate reflection of English traditions. And this is not surprising, because Great Britain is officially recognized as the homeland of the dog. And this happened around the middle of the nineteenth century, when the breed was presented at one of the exhibitions.

The setter attracts attention with its unusual color. Its coat has several shades that form into spots. The smaller they are, the more the dog is valued from the point of view of the exterior.

Since the breed was originally bred as a hunting one, it is not surprising that the dog is constantly striving to explore new territories. He is curious, cheerful, energetic and very hardy. This is evidenced by his physique. The setter looks tough, lean, and lean. At the same time, the dog is extremely obedient, friendly and easy to train. He is sincerely devoted to one master and is ready to follow him wherever he goes.

Setters are still used in bird hunting. In this matter, they completely trust their instincts. A game dog is able to hear at great distances and after that it is no longer possible to keep it.

Today, representatives of this breed are often found as companions. This is facilitated by their friendliness, love for young children and people in general. However, when introducing an English Setter, keep in mind that this breed needs long walks, spacious rooms and company. If you can provide him with all of the above, then you will acquire a faithful and cheerful friend for all family members.

A few words about grooming

Cynologists note that setters are extremely unpretentious and their long hair will cause you the most problems. The ears also need regular care. From puppyhood, it is necessary to cut the hair inside them. If you do not do this, then your pet will develop ticks and in the future he will suffer from chronic otitis media.

The animal's coat must be brushed every day. It must be completely cut on the pads, between the toes and along the neck. To facilitate maintenance, experts advise purchasing a rubber brush. It is very convenient to clean the coat of dust and dirt with it, after which it is recommended to wipe the animal against the growth of wool with a damp towel. This will be quite enough for dogs that do not like frequent bathing and are wary of them.

Of course, we have told only about a few representatives of long-haired dogs. In reality, almost everyone will be able to choose a suitable breed for themselves and acquire a fluffy pet that will give you their love and devotion in response to care and attention.

Musk ox wool

The longest wool in the world is in the musk ox, or musk ox (Ovibos moschatus), an artiodactyl of the bovid family. The musk ox is a very large animal. Its body length can reach 2.5 m, its height is 1.5 m, and its weight is 0.4 tons (these are males; females are smaller and lighter by a quarter). Currently, scientists have proven that the musk ox has existed on the planet for at least a million years. The musk ox comes from the arctic belt, now it lives mainly in Greenland, as well as in Canada.

Musk ox physique

The tail and very long hair of the musk ox are reminiscent of a sheep's, hence the first root ("sheep") in the name. The head and large horns are similar to those of a bull, hence the second root ("bull"). The musk ox has a dense constitution and large size: adult males have an average body length of 225 cm, a height at the withers - 127 cm, the mass of a male musk ox carcass averages about 300 kg. Females are smaller in height and weight by about 25-30%.

Life in arctic conditions

Life in the cold and windy conditions of the Arctic belt led to the appearance of the longest wool in the world in this particular representative of the bovine family - and not only the longest, but also the thickest. In terms of the length of the coat, this animal surpassed all mammalian counterparts: The length of the thick wool of the musk ox reaches 16 centimeters on the back.

On the chest and sides, the thick coat of this amazing animal grows up to 90 centimeters! This extra long coat hangs almost to the ground. Up to 80% of an animal's unusually long hair is down. In summer, the hair of a musk ox is brown, in winter it is almost black.

Musk ox population

The total population of musk oxen is not so large: 18 thousand of these bovids now live in Greenland, in Canada, scientists have 1.5 thousand musk oxen, approximately 3.5 thousand musk oxen live on the Arctic islands, 150 musk oxen live on the island of Svalbard. Thus, the total number of these animals in the world does not exceed 25 thousand heads.

Thanks to their thick and long down wool, musk ox easily endure severe frosts. A serious danger for them is not cold and wind, but deep snow. In the winter of 1953-1954. in Greenland, the snow was three meters deep and many musk oxen were killed. Musk oxen cannot get food under deep snow and cannot get out from under deep snowdrifts covered with a hard crust of ice.