What hand cream to use in the cold season. Essential in winter: my hand creams What kind of hand cream to use in winter

It is necessary to carry out, then today the site Trick will tell you, how to choose the right winter hand cream.

What is the reason for this need? Of course, the fact that in frosty weather the vessels narrow, which becomes the cause of disorders occurring in the water-lipid skin, and this, in turn, leads to the impossibility of the skin performing its protective functions.

Remember: unprotected hand skin in winter very sensitive to various infections, and constant temperature drops, which are the result of alternating intermediate points from home to work office (and vice versa), cause irreparable harm to your skin and turn it from tender to rough peeling and covered with a mesh of small cracks.

Winter hand cream - a remedy that must not be forgotten

So that your hands do not acquire an unaesthetic appearance after being on the street, first take care of their nutrition, and apply half an hour before leaving the house Protective winter nourishing hand cream specially designed for this purpose. Try to rub the cream thoroughly into the skin so that not even a fraction of the oily sheen remains on it. If desired (before leaving the house), you can apply a second over the first layer of the cream, which will protect your skin from the cold outside.

Do you want your loved one to kiss the hands? Then do not neglect the recommendations, which will be discussed below, and follow them regularly, and not from time to time, while not only use a nourishing winter hand cream, but also wear warm winter gloves.

Do not think that you need to take care of your hands only before going out: you need to pay attention to them even when you do not need to go anywhere. Because from household chores you can also appear.

The most popular hand creams for frost

The most popular and demanded by the female audience of hand care products are winter protective hand creams, the composition of which is rich beeswax, glycerin, badger fat, cocoa, cedar and olive oils as well as other skin softeners.

Also incredibly popular are the so-called cryoprotectant creams, enveloping hands, like transparent gloves, with a thin protective layer, so that the pores in the skin do not clog and do not lose moisture.

You do not need to think that the ability to choose the right winter protective hand cream is the lot of the elite, you can do it too, most importantly, pay attention to the markings, which indicate the level of protection from the cold, and the site presents your choice several universal protective equipment which must be used in winter.

  • "Winter-winter"- winter cream, the composition of which is rich in vitamins A, E and F, chamomile extract and allatoin, soothing, moisturizing, regenerating and healing the skin.
  • "Mittens"- children's winter cream, after application of which a protective film is formed on the skin. "Mittens" can be recommended to you if you do not want your hands to peel off or become chapped.
  • Neutrogena Norwegian Formula- winter concentrated hand cream, which, thanks to its unique formula, cares and protects hands even with very dry and cracked skin as a result of exposure to frost. The abundance of glycerin present in the cream will make the skin of your hands smooth and elastic, and this is a great advantage in halting the aging process taking place in them. Despite the fact that there is an opinion that glycerin is a substance capable of dehydrating the deep layers of the skin, this is not true from the first to the last word, because this substance, due to its molecular structure, is able to combine about ten water molecules into one large molecule, and, penetrating deep into the epidermis, perfectly moisturize the skin. Glycerin is harmful only in one case: if it is applied in its pure form without water.

Creams for flaky and red skin

If you forgot to take care of the protection of your hands in a timely manner, then you can not expect that nourishing and moisturizing creams will help to cope with the negative consequences represented by severe cracks on the hands, redness, spots and peeling, so use it immediately. medicinal ointments, which include an emulsion base and the following vitamins (in pure form): A - contributing to the normalization of metabolic processes in the skin, and ensuring rapid healing of cracks that have appeared, D - regulating the exchange of phosphorus and calcium, E - preventing the aging process in the skin ...

If your skin is not severely affected by frost - try ointments "Redetsil", "Radevit" and "Videstim", and if it is strong - ointment F 99... Just keep in mind: F 99 ointment is not recommended for use without the permission of a dermatologist.

And even if you are absolutely not worried about how your hands will look in the mythical ten years, think about how you want to see the skin on your hands tomorrow- perfectly smooth and pleasant to the touch, or rough and rough, which is not very pleasant to look at, not just to touch? If you like the first option better - apply winter hand cream in the cold season.

Prahova Arina - specially for the site Shtuchka

Modern cosmetic products are quickly absorbed, perform several functions and are used at any time of the year. Not so long ago, a moisturizer for the winter took a leading position among the sales of preparations in this category for the skin of the face and hands. The well-known axiom that in the warm season we moisturize the skin and nourish it in winter has ceased to be relevant.

Hydration and nutrition of the epidermis are two important tasks that can be solved both separately and together. Also, do not forget that over the past decade, the composition of publicly available and fairly inexpensive funds has seriously changed.

Therefore, it is better to contact cosmetologists for the answer, they know exactly which cream to use in winter for you - nourishing or moisturizing. The decision of a specialist is influenced by the analysis of the following factors:

  1. Visual and hardware examination of the epidermis.
  2. The amount of time a person spends on the street every day.
  3. The level of dry air in the room at work, at home.
  4. The age of the patient.
  5. The presence of chronic diseases that can have a direct impact on the condition of the skin.

Based on this, a decision is made on which cream to use in winter for dry skin, oily or combination.

Important: an excess of nutrients, as well as waterlogging of the skin, leads to negative consequences. It loses its healthy appearance, foci of peeling and redness appear.

Variety of cream textures.

What is the difference between moisturizing and nourishing cream?

When using a moisturizer in winter, additional moisture is delivered to the upper and deep layers of the epidermis. It is undesirable to refuse these funds for women over 35 years old.

Aging skin does not perform well its natural functions. It produces less hyaluronic acid, so it needs its artificial delivery to the deep layers of the epidermis or a push for its additional production.

Also in winter it is necessary to provide additional receipt of nutrients and protection. Therefore, a nourishing cream for the winter usually contains fatty acids, vitamins D and E, palmitic acid.

The skin receives additional protection from sudden changes in temperature, frost, and gusts of wind. In the absence of it, the hands, the face are peeling, redness appears. It's hard to get rid of this. The application of nutritional products will help prevent the appearance of cosmetic defects.

What is the difference between a winter cream and a summer analogue?

For a long time, manufacturers of cosmetics have divided their products into categories of various types. The proposed substances differ:

  1. The type of effect on the skin is moisturizing, nourishing, eliminating defects, preventing aging.
  2. For what period of the year they are intended - off-season, winter, summer.
  3. The presence of additional protective functions. A moisturizer for the winter, as well as a nourishing one, may contain substances that prevent the effects of sunlight. Such products are intended for use in winter resorts.

You need to know what is included in the product by the manufacturer. The name often hides a multifunctional effect on the skin.

The main differences between the winter version of creams and those intended for use in the summer are the presence of a function of protection against frost and bad weather, wind. They also have a denser texture. There are other differences as well:

  • A moisturizing cream for the winter, its nourishing analogue, after being applied to the skin, creates an invisible protective film.
  • Exposure to frost reduces the secretion of the sebaceous glands. This leads to a decrease in elasticity. Means for the cold season compensate for this disadvantage.
  • Frost reduces the rate of regeneration of the epidermis at the cellular level. Therefore, all means are developed taking into account this minus. They contain an increased amount of hyaluronic acid, in comparison with the "summer" counterparts.

It turns out that it is impossible to give preference to the same product in the warm and cold seasons of the year? Experts do not consider this statement to be completely true.

We protect the skin of the face and hands correctly

Not so long ago, it was believed that moisturizers should not be used in winter. This will negatively affect the appearance. Now such consequences are likely only with the use of low-quality cosmetics.

Cosmetologists advise using a moisturizer in the winter in the morning, before applying the tone. If the makeup base does not have a dense texture, a nourishing analogue should be applied at least 15-20 minutes before going outdoors.

Well-known manufacturers have long divided their product lines into summer, winter and anti-aging effects. Cosmetologists are often asked about which cream to use in winter for dry skin. In fact, only the first part of the question is relevant here.

Walking in nature, on the street during the cold season leads to a change in the type of skin in open areas of the body.

In fact, dryness appears in almost everyone who loves walks or whose work is associated with being on the street. What is needed at a particular moment: nutrition or hydration - the cosmetologist will say.

If there is a financial opportunity, it is better to purchase funds of a double type of impact - universal.

The first cold breath of winter is taken by the skin of the face and hands - no matter how much clothes you put on, these parts of the body cannot be completely covered from wind, snow, frost. The most comfortable for all living beings is the warm season of the year. What happens to the skin during the winter months? It turns out that when approaching zero temperature, moisture in the air disappears and the amount of oxygen decreases. Dry air begins to dehydrate the skin, taking away moisture from the cells. The skin tries to protect itself by thickening the stratum corneum. The renewal of the cellular structures of the epidermis slows down, the productivity of the sebaceous glands decreases - at minus temperatures, the body seems to fall asleep. Let's add here the effect of external stimuli in the form of a cold wind, ice crystals of snow pellets. The result is dryness and roughness of the skin, a rougher appearance, red spots. The skin becomes less elastic, easily injured, prone to inflammation. There is a threat of loss of tone and the appearance of unnecessary wrinkles ahead of time.

Preparing the skin for winter from autumn

Since the winter hardships are ahead, we will take care of the skin in advance. Enriched with ultraviolet light and vitamins over the summer, by autumn it should look smooth, elastic and soft. If something is wrong, we take action before the onset of frost and cold weather. If the skin is dehydrated, we intensively moisturize it with lotions and serums. Are the sebaceous glands working at half strength? We use a fat cream. Have you found signs of skin aging - lethargy, unevenness? Remembering vitamin creams and creams with "rejuvenating" ingredients.

Do you need a moisturizer in winter?

For many years, both women and cosmetologists have been debating whether or not it is possible to use a moisturizer in winter. Some categorically say "no" and believe that the water molecules contained in such a cream, crystallizing in the cold, have a detrimental effect on the skin tissue. Others argue the opposite: the basis of moisturizers is not moisture, but substances that prevent it from evaporating from the surface of the skin, and, therefore, there is nothing there to turn into ice crystals. In addition, due to its 36.6 ° C, the human body cannot allow anything applied to the skin to freeze, even in frost.

Which side to believe, let each one decide for himself. One thing is undoubtedly clear: the skin dries up in winter and needs additional moisture, you need to moisturize it. In order not to experiment on yourself, it is best to do this, for example, in the evening, and not just before going out. This remark especially applies to gels that create a cooling effect, as well as scrubs and masks.

Cream No. 1 - nutritious

As soon as the thermometer outside the window begins to show values ​​below zero degrees, the skin needs a nourishing cream and protection. Frost dries the skin, and a rich nourishing cream will protect it from overdrying and frostbite. If you do not have a special cream for winter conditions at hand, any night cream is temporarily suitable - it is more fatty, more nutritious than the day cream. Special "winter" creams have only their own texture. They envelop the skin, as it were, and thereby relieve the feeling of discomfort from the aggressive effects of cold. Acids, Omega 6, magnesium and vitamin C contained in nourishing creams keep the skin's vitality and its radiant beauty.

But what about acne? Perhaps a rich nourishing cream will further block the sebaceous ducts and increase the number of acne? Acne in winter can really worsen, but the reason for this is reduced immunity, thickening of the skin as a reaction to a cold snap. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen measures to cleanse the skin and do the procedures no later than 3-5 hours before going out the door, and the protection from frosty air and wind is still the same - a nourishing cream.

In winter, the delicate skin of the hands needs special care, but not all of the fair sex know how to correctly use cosmetic products. In fact, the most important thing is to choose a good cream and apply it every day. Do you know which product is perfect for winter and how to find it among the huge number of different bottles and jars in a cosmetic store?

In this article you will find information about the ideal cream for the cold season, because it is very important that the skin of the hands remains protected during such a difficult period for the body. You can also familiarize yourself with the rules of application.

With the onset of cold, almost all women are faced with the main signs of hypothermia of the skin of the hands:
- Redness
- Peeling
- Cracks
- Dryness
- Irritation.

Why do you need a winter hand cream?

At first glance it seems that protect hands it is possible only with the help of gloves, but sometimes the skin simply does not have enough moisture. It is enough to choose a good one and apply it regularly, but it is also important to pay attention to the composition of the product. Many women believe that there can be one hand cream for both summer and winter, but this is a common mistake that causes epidermal cells to suffer.

What are the functions of the winter cream?

1. Nutrition... In the winter season, the body lacks useful trace elements, so many advise you to include more nuts, olive oil, and sea fish in your diet. It is also important to apply a nourishing hand cream that fills the cells with beneficial micronutrients.

2. Moisturizing... Due to the constant change in temperature and cold wind, the skin loses a lot of moisture, and it must be constantly actively restored. After applying the winter cream, you should feel maximum comfort and hydration immediately. Do not forget that in the winter season the room is heated, but there is a minus in this, because the air becomes dry. By constantly moisturizing your hands with a cream, you protect the skin from dryness and restore the moisture balance inside the cells.

3. Restoration of damaged cells... Often during the winter, hands crack or develop tiny wounds that need to be healed quickly and safely. With the help of a good winter cream, you will speed up the process of cell renewal and give your hands youth and beauty.

4. Wind and frost protection... The winter cream should provide excellent protection from the icy wind, covering your hands with the thinnest film. If you apply a good winter cream, you will forget about dryness and tightness for a long time.

What to look for in the composition of the product?

- Silicone components... Many people say that this is an undesirable product in cosmetics. However, they perfectly envelop the skin, creating a protective film on the surface. This is a synthetic ingredient that is necessary in winter, because it is not absorbed, but remains on top. You will not be afraid of frost and wind, because the delicate skin of your hands is covered with an invisible layer of silicones.

- Vegetable oils... Creams that contain natural vegetable oils are more expensive, but you can be sure that you are applying the best to your skin. They perfectly nourish and moisturize, absorbing well enough not only into the upper layers of the epidermis.

- Allantoin... A healing ingredient that is ideal for daily use in winter, because many are faced with such a nuisance as cracks and small wounds. Allantoin begins to act immediately after applying the cream to the skin of the hands, and if you use the product before going to bed and put on gloves on top, you can get rid of the damage overnight. Always pay attention to the presence of this ingredient in the winter cream, so as not to infect and not provoke irritation.

- Vitamins... So that in the winter season your skin of your hands is well-groomed and beautiful, you need to use a cream that contains various vitamins, because this is excellent nutrition. So the cells will not age quickly, and elasticity will also be maintained.

- Honey and wax... Ideal ingredients for winter. The wax lays on the skin with an invisible layer and protects it from wind and frost. Moisture does not evaporate too quickly or cracks appear. Honey perfectly nourishes and moisturizes, even dry skin becomes more elastic and soft after using a cream with this ingredient.

How to use hand cream in winter?

First of all take care about having several tubes with the product in different places, so you will not be lazy to apply it. First of all, make it a rule to use the cream every time before going outside. This will prevent drying out, but you need to apply the cream at least 30 minutes before going out, otherwise you may get the opposite effect. Apply the cream with gentle stroking movements, do not pull on the skin or run your nails over it, so as not to make micro-scratches.

Small tube with cream should be in your bag to update the product throughout the day. Do not forget to also apply the cream before bed, so that at night the cells are filled with useful moisture and vitamins.

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Ecology of health and beauty: With the onset of cold weather, you want to protect your skin with a good nourishing cream. What do you expect from winter hand cream? ..

With the onset of cold weather, you want to protect your skin with a good nourishing cream. What can you expect from a winter hand cream? As a rule, a denser, perhaps even greasy texture, a long-lasting moisturizing effect, nutrition ... and, of course, a pleasant aroma.

We have placed 8 different hand creams on a shelf in our cozy office and have been actively using them. Indeed, during the working day, especially with the beginning of the heating season, you constantly want to moisten the handles.

And after two weeks of such testing, all our impressions were collected.

Anariti Hand Cream

The texture is light - absorbed quite well. The result is like a good nourishing cream.

It would be advised to use it at night. But! There is one significant disadvantage that we all noted - a bright perfumery aroma. With this it will be quite difficult to fall asleep. Immediately you get the feeling that this cream is intended for those who are "for".

The aroma is persistent - can be washed off only with soap. Of course, there are no complaints about the composition - everything is fine.

NoniCare Hand and Nail Cream

This cream smells of citrus, tender and pleasant. It moisturizes the hands very well, and this feeling of hydration does not leave throughout the day. Slightly sticky, but absorbs quickly. This is not to say that it is super nutritious, it is comfortable to use it until the severe cold sets in and when the skin of the hands is rather normal than too dry. As a bonus, the cream also strengthens the nails, but to notice the effect, you need to use it longer.

Biokosma hand creams

Two wonderful creams - with calendula and citrus. The aroma is unusual, but light and not felt after application. Both nourish well, calendula also soothes the skin if the handles have already become chapped. Pleasant natural composition, dense texture, long-lasting feeling of protection for the skin of the hands.

Speick Hand Creams

Here we also have a sweet couple - one of the creams, by the way, is marked with the Eye-test icon with a sehr gut rating! You want to use a moisturizer during the day, but a soft cream from the Active series feels like a healing one. He even has such a scent - medicinal herbal.

Of course, this may seem unusual for those who are used to more perfumery smells, but the effect is beyond praise. For those who suffer from chapped, flaky and very dry skin, this cream will be a real lifesaver.

Hand and nail cream Dr. Nona

The cream has a very specific aroma, but you quickly get used to it. Moisturizes instantly, I especially want to use it after washing hands - it removes this feeling of tightness and dryness of the skin. The cream softens the skin very well, it can even lubricate rough areas, for example, where the elbow bend. Definitely, I want to have one in the arsenal.

Dr Konopka's hand cream

This cream immediately found its fans. Delicate creamy aroma, pleasant texture, absorbed quickly and very well nourished. One of those creams that do not need to be used too often, because one or two times is enough to nourish the skin.

You can definitely use it fearlessly in winter! By the way, we got acquainted with this brand for the first time thanks to this cream, and we are very glad that the first acquaintance went so well!

Pretty Garden Hand Oil

But these two hard butters are for those who like bold and super-nutritious textures! Both smell sweet-flower-sweet, and "I Love" and "An Unforgettable Night." They, of course, take longer to be absorbed than the usual hand cream, but such nutrition and hydration can only be obtained from oil!

They are not very convenient to use during the working day - you can leave specks somewhere on the paper while the oil is absorbed. But for the night or as a hand mask, they are ideal. The skin is soft, inflammation is relieved, everything heals well. For the winter they are needed more than ever, especially for very dry skin!

So, which cream to choose for the winter? It's up to you, but we enjoyed using all these brands, and each cream found its own fan. Moisturize, nourish and protect your skin, and of course, keep warm mittens in winter.