When the day of the worker of light industry is celebrated in russia. Day of Textile and Light Industry Workers

Not every specialty has a professional holiday. However, the category of specialists, which will be discussed in this article, has been celebrating their day for more than thirty years. Weavers, knitters, fashion designers, tailors, furriers and even furniture assemblers ... All these professionals celebrate Light Industry Day, which falls on the second Sunday of June every year.

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What date is the day of light industry: in 2017 it is celebrated on Sunday 11 June

In which countries it is noted: compulsory in Ukraine, Russia and Belarus. Also, this professional holiday is celebrated in some other countries of the former USSR, but not on such a scale.

Who established the Day of Light Industry Workers: in Ukraine it was approved by the President by Decree of June 9, 1994 (No. 285/94)

Celebration traditions: most often on this day, outstanding specialists are awarded, as well as fashion shows are held.

The Ukrainian climate implies an impressive wardrobe: every average citizen of the country has at least three seasonal sets of shoes and clothes, in which you can feel comfortable on the street in any weather. Ukrainians with an income above the average often prefer branded items, although many Ukrainian designers are in trend today. As for the majority of consumers, they are happy to buy clothes from domestic factories and companies. It is to all employees of this industry that the Day of Light Industry 2017 is dedicated. Today, these are the following areas:

  • Clothing industry (fur, haberdashery, footwear);
  • Textile industry (silk, cotton, knitwear, linen).

The main task of such enterprises in Ukraine is to recoup the day invested in them as quickly as possible, to be distinguished by high mobility of production and prompt change of assortment depending on fashion trends.

history of the holiday

The factory industry appeared quite a long time ago: in the eighteenth century. This was facilitated by technical progress: special weaving machines and spinning machines appeared. So labor passed from manual to machine. And it is not surprising that the nineteenth is a time when many businesses developed at an incredibly rapid pace. The development was also facilitated by the fact that the factories now worked not by driven serfs, but by hired workers interested in the result and earnings. Then a rather protracted economic crisis set in in this area, but after the war the enterprises started working with renewed vigor. In 1980, the Day of Textile and Light Industry Workers was solemnly approved. After the USSR collapsed, a huge flow of foreign products poured into the Ukrainian market, which practically ousted domestic producers. However, active restoration and rebranding of many manufacturers is currently underway.

How is the Day of Light Industry in Ukraine celebrated?

Despite the fact that there are certain difficulties in the industry, this holiday is necessarily celebrated at every enterprise. Just imagine: in the country more than four hundred thousand people are involved in this area, and about eighty percent of them are women. It is not surprising that on the second Sunday of June, the Day of the Seamstress in Ukraine, you can meet large women's companies in cafes and restaurants. There are no special traditions of celebration: rallies and festivals have not been held since Soviet times. At the official level, only the best employees are awarded today (both in the country and in an individual factory). Also on this day, employees, as a rule, receive well-deserved bonuses, after which they go to corporate events.

Some interesting facts

  • the largest jute factory in the country, which produces nets, sacks, twine and rope, is located in Odessa;
  • the main centers of the knitwear industry in the country are Lvov, Kiev, Lugansk, Kharkov, Donetsk and Zhitomir. Here Tailor's Day is celebrated without fail;
  • the best footwear and leather are produced in Kiev, Lvov, Zaporozhye and Nikolaev;
  • there are more than 200 professional educational institutions in Ukraine, which graduate specialists for the light industry.
  • imports of things from developed European countries to the country are not so high, the main supplies of fabrics, clothing and equipment come from Asian countries.

Congratulations on the Day of Light Industry


Both the tailor and the seamstress
And I'm in a hurry to cutter
I congratulate you on this day.
We call you the best!

So that the needle does not break
Pattern so as not to get lost
Muse to visit
And I did not know fatigue!

Everything so that it works out in life,
Life with whom you need to get in touch.
So that there are no frustrations
So that you succeed in everything.


Light industry celebrates its day.
Your work is very important, necessary and appreciated.
Happy this day, I congratulate you with excitement
And I wish you happiness, joy, love.

Let the work be easy and loved.
Let it often bring you a lot of income.
Let life become a kind and beautiful fairy tale.
And success with luck will lead you forward.

Rejoice more often, laugh, smile.
May your health be age-old.
Be you loved and do not be discouraged.
Let all your troubles melt away like smoke.


Today we celebrate the day of our workers,
In light industry: from bosses to privates.
May skill and luck not leave you,
Well, the quality with design is like that of world brands.
We wish you technologies, advanced production,
And reliable stability, prosperity of the centers.


Escorted through the mind
But they are greeted by their clothes!
We would like a little
To be in tune with fashion too.
Fabrics for fun
And cover so as not with a "bag"
Shoes with durable heels,
And good perfume trail ...
Congratulations to those people
From under whose magic hands
A miracle suddenly occurs
Lots of things we need.
We hope for you -
Fashion designers and weavers,
Perfumers and tailors.
Congratulations good hour
Happy Labor Day!
We always need your work!


Our light industry -
This is the most, the highest class,
You are offering goods to the people,
And, in fact, you dress it!

For this from the people - honor, praise!
We wish the factory to bloom
To improve the quality all the time,
Your money did not fit in the wallet!

To always accompany you with success,
And the director often gave a prize,
So that families have joy and peace,
So that happiness covers you headlong!

Do you know anything interesting about how the day of the textile worker is celebrated in Ukraine? If so, share with our users in the comments below the article.

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Light Industry Workers Day is celebrated every second Sunday in June in Russia. National fanfare does not sound to the workers of the industry, rallies and festivals are not held in their honor everywhere, however, light industry is one of the main industries of the country, and people working in it are engaged in the most important thing - to shoe and dress their compatriots, while remaining modest hard workers.

From the history of light industry in Russia

When Europeans were already accustomed to buying clothes, shoes, home textiles in stores, Russian residents did all this in artisanal conditions. Only in the 19th century, machine production appeared in our country, first of all, where there used to be textile factories and raw materials: flax, wool.

The light industry in the country developed rapidly, but had its drawbacks: poor mechanization, expensive equipment imports, and low wages for workers. The dissatisfaction of the latter at the beginning of the 20th century led to numerous unrest, and in Ivanovo-Voznesensk, the main center of light industry in Russia, to the creation of the country's first Soviet of Workers' Deputies.

After the revolution, in the war, post-war years, the light industry develops at a good pace, albeit with its own problems and shortcomings, but the workers of the textile, clothing, leather, fur, shoe industries were able to dress and shoe people, despite all the obstacles. And this was a very important achievement in the development of the entire country.

The industry holiday was established back in the Soviet Union in 1980 by the Decree "On Holidays and Memorable Dates". In 2000, this day was approved by the Decree of the President of Russia "On the Day of Textile and Light Industry Workers".

Now the light industry is changing. We have to withstand competition with the import of clothing, and therefore the quality of materials, product design, and sales are important, for this annual textile fairs are reviving in Nizhny Novgorod, Moscow, Ivanovo and other large cities of the country.

Holiday geography and people

Light Industry Workers' Day is still a holiday for residents of Moscow, Leningrad, Tver, Vladimir and, of course, Ivanovo regions. It was here that industry began, factories were built and, for the most part, survived. We all remember the song about the fact that "Ivanovo is a city of brides", and why? There is the center of Russian textiles! Even the famous fashion designer Vyacheslav Zaitsev hails from this city. This is probably why the holiday is felt here more than in other parts of Russia.

Fashion shows are held, people are honored at the enterprises of conscientious and hardworking people. Many families celebrate a holiday, and since it is summertime, outdoor festivities, picnics, and boating are popular.

Day of light industry workers in other countries

Once upon a time, our neighbors were a large single state, and light industry united different republics. So, cotton was brought to the center from the south, flax was grown in the central regions, large factories of large cities made machines for provincial enterprises. Therefore, this holiday is still celebrated not only in Russia, but also in Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan.

Day of Light Industry Workers is one of the most important, albeit not at all pompous, holidays of the country.

Shots from Valery Todorovsky's film "Hipsters" very clearly demonstrated the state of light industry in the 50s of the last century. Dim identical fabrics, the same shoes, and only rare attempts to somehow decorate your life with the help of beautiful clothes. Now the situation has changed dramatically. Anyone can dress in accordance with their taste and financial capabilities, and the merit for this is not only foreign manufacturers, but the workers of our domestic light industry. Not only large, but also many small businesses are working to create beautiful, competitive products that customers would love to wear. In recognition of the importance of their work in the life of society, by order of the President in 2000, the Day of Light Industry Workers was established, which is celebrated on the second Sunday of June.

Both the tailor and the seamstress
And I'm in a hurry to cutter
I congratulate you on this day.
We call you the best!

So that the needle does not break
Pattern so as not to get lost
Muse to visit
And I did not know fatigue!

Everything so that it works out in life,
Life with whom you need to get in touch.
So that there are no frustrations
So that you succeed in everything.

Light industry celebrates its day.
Your work is very important, necessary and appreciated.
Happy this day, I congratulate you with excitement
And I wish you happiness, joy, love.

Let the work be easy and loved.
Let it often bring you a lot of income.
Let life become a kind and beautiful fairy tale.
And success with luck will lead you forward.

Rejoice more often, laugh, smile.
May your health be age-old.
Be you loved and do not be discouraged.
Let all your troubles melt away like smoke.

In the light industry
The work is not easy
Sometimes it's so hard to stand
Long at the machine.

But, as in any job,
You, for sure,
Here creativity is held in high esteem
And a light hand.

Let me congratulate you,
Having drunk what is stronger than tea.
We wish you to compose
Competition to China.

Light industry workers!
All of you with a significant day!
May all your thoughts be clear
The innovations will spill out in a stream.

Successful, successful decisions,
Finds, flights, dreams.
So that there are no frequent doubts -
Ideas of love, beauty.

So that in life - health and joy,
Don't know what fatigue is.
You should always be able to rest,
It's easy to fly over a problem.

Good worker of the light industry,
Congratulations, accept.
Your hands are golden
There is no price for them in the world.

And be sick, don't you dare
After all, where is without you.
Be happy and positive
May life make you happy.

Let the bosses appreciate you
Respectfully cherish.
Know that your labor is not in vain,
And the people honor him.

Today we celebrate the day of our workers,
In light industry: from bosses to privates.
May skill and luck not leave you,
Well, the quality with design is like that of world brands.
We wish you technologies, advanced production,
And reliable stability, prosperity of the centers.

Light industry workers
Congratulations today.
I wish everyone good luck
Success in work, fidelity in love.

I wish your salary to grow,
And to work so that you hurry with joy,
I wish you were rich
So that you live happily and cheerfully.

Light industry workers,
You are all masters of needles,
On your holiday, I sincerely wish you
Great success and kindness.

Work always go well
Things are only going uphill,
Let there be a place for joy
Let your work be appreciated.

Our light industry -
This is the most, the highest class,
You are offering goods to the people,
And, in fact, you dress it!

For this from the people - honor, praise!
We wish the factory to bloom
To improve the quality all the time,
Your money did not fit in the wallet!

To always accompany you with success,
And the director often gave a prize,
So that families have joy and peace,
So that happiness covers you headlong!

All workers in the light industry
Please accept congratulations from the bottom of my heart!
We wish you so many wonderful blessings,
So that you all have good days.

We wish you health,
To keep happiness from any misfortune.
And, of course, joy with love,
And, of course, dreams come true.

Congratulations: 36 in verse.

Knitters, weavers, tailors, fashion designers, furriers have their own solemn date - Light Industry Day. It has existed for over 30 years and is celebrated annually on the second Sunday of the first summer month.

What is light industry

The industry is engaged in the manufacture of consumer goods from various types of raw materials. It includes several subsectors:

  • Sewing: fur, haberdashery, shoe.
  • Textile: silk, cotton, knitted, linen.

The enterprises also manufacture products for industrial and technical purposes for the food, chemical, aviation, furniture, and automotive industries. The peculiarity lies in the quick return on investment, high mobility of production and the ability to quickly change the assortment of manufactured goods.

Light Industry Day: the story of its emergence

The factory industry originated in the 18th century. The impetus for technical progress was provided by complex machines and apparatus: a spinning machine, a weaving machine. It was a transitional stage from manual to machine labor.

In the 19th century, there was an intensive growth of many businesses. This was due to the fact that capitalist factories appeared, using the labor of hired workers, and not By the end of the century, they determined the industrial development of Russia.

Light Industry Day was not celebrated at that time. The main enterprises were located in the centers (tailor, weaving, lace). the number of employees was very low, as there was a lack of mechanisms and a poor raw material base in production. The situation was aggravated by the economic crisis.

Only in the 20s of the 20th century began the establishment of the knitwear, clothing, footwear industry. The construction of new cotton, silk-weaving, silk-winding factories began. After the war, the enterprises quickly recovered and started working with renewed vigor. And in 1980, the Day of Light Industry was announced. It is like a reward for people for their continuous work, like a memory of our history.

Industry today

Nowadays, the industry is of great importance - to dress and shoe all the inhabitants of the country. There are also problems:

  • low wages for employees;
  • operation of obsolete equipment;
  • the appearance of goods illegally imported into the territory of the country;
  • lack of own funds from enterprises.

Despite the difficulties, the light industry is celebrated in June, the second Sunday of the month. National fanfare does not sound to the employees, festivals and rallies are not organized everywhere, but each enterprise organizes the presentation of awards and a solemn performance with words of gratitude. In the family circle, it is customary to congratulate relatives and friends who work in this industry. They are always pleased to receive congratulations on the Day of Light Industry, for example:

Now it's time to congratulate

Dear person,

No, I will not dissemble -

You have already plowed a third of a century.

The master's work is afraid

And the industry is growing

I wish that work

Brought income to the house!

Day of Textile and Light Industry Workers

Almost everything we wear and use is the products of enterprises of the light and textile industries. Significant, isn't it? But it is even more significant, even surprising, that hundreds of thousands of workers of this group of producers received their professional holiday only in 1980. From that memorable Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the annual celebration of textile workers and light industrialists began on the second Sunday of June. 20 years later, a similar Decree was signed by the President of the now sovereign Russia.

Manufacturing, which actually began the biography of the enterprises of this plan, flourished even before Ivan the Terrible and Peter I. However, individual artisans and handicraft workshops could hardly provide even their own state. Well, there was no need to talk about the quality, especially of textile materials. Ladies and gentlemen tried to import everything from abroad.

Now everything is different. Almost fifteen thousand enterprises of light and textile industries work in Russia. And they employ about half a million professional workers, experienced engineers and designers, mostly women. The title "Honorary Worker of the Textile and Light Industry of the Russian Federation" was established. The interests of all labor collectives are defended and defended by the Russian Union of Entrepreneurs of Textile and Light Industry.

This focus on the industry is understandable. After all, since ancient times, everywhere on earth, people were greeted "by their clothes ..." Textile workers provide us with it. So that a citizen of Russia looks no worse than any foreigner.

The combination of "Women" and "light industry" does not at all characterize the specifics of production. There is a lot of hard, monotonous physical labor, because the industry includes not only textile enterprises, but also the clothing, leather, fur, shoe industries. Artificial furs and leathers, polymer-film materials are also produced here. This means that the chemical industry is closely related to production. Uniting everything, grouping, debugging interdepartmental relations, establishing mutual deliveries is also hard work, and only leaders from the beautiful half of humanity can handle it, who understand how important it is that the rhythm of production is clear and the delivery of products is not disrupted. And in the end, so that neither trade enterprises, nor subcontractors, nor, most importantly, society suffer. Which, of course, is interested in a domestic product, supports its own manufacturer. And after the war, it continues to perform the difficult functions of the home front.