Who is more on earth at the moment - men or women? Are there statistics? Scientists told why men are smaller than women

According to UN estimates, in 2015, 100 women in the world account for 101.8 men. The number of men gradually grows every year, starting with 1960. The Pew Research Center analytical center has prepared a new card, which shows that the distribution of floors is uneven. For example, in the countries of the former Soviet Union, the number of women exceeds the number of men. And in Asia, Arab countries and in North Africa men, on the contrary, more, reports.

Latvia, Lithuania, Armenia, Belarus, Russia, Estonia and Ukraine are among the countries with the largest number of female population.

The same countries are leading in the difference between the life expectancy of men and women. In Belarus, for example, men on average live 65.3 years, and women are 77 years old. The difference between these indicators is more than Syria, which is covered by the Civil War.

Differences in the ratio of floors change with age. So, in the Russian Federation, the gender ratio differs in different age groups. Every year more boys are born there than girls. In the group up to 31 years old are also dominated by men. But with 32 years old female population becomes more. And this difference increases every year.

Such a gap is explained by historical reasons. The history of the 20th century seriously affected the demographics in the USSR. According to the first census of the population in Russia in 1897, 100 women accounted for 98.9 men. The same balance today in the United States (98.3 men per 100 women).

The percentage of women in Russia began to grow during the First World War, Civil War, Hunger and Big Terror from the USSR. In 1939, 91.9 men accounted for 100 women. The Second World War had a huge impact on the proportion of the population, because men were mainly involved. In 1959, the ratio was 81.9 men per 100 women. On the territory of Ukraine, this figure was equal to 79.7 against 100, and, for example, in Azerbaijan - 92.3. In 1989, in the whole of the USSR, 100 women accounted for 89.5 men.

The difference increased in the 90s due to male mortality at an early age. It happened because of alcoholism and other dependencies.

So, one thousand men account for 1158 women.

The ratio of the male and female population in our country last 100 years looks disproportionately. According to the 1926 population, men were 47%, women - 53%. In the first decade after the Second World War, this ratio was even more critical: 45% to 55%.

A little increased the number of male representatives by the 1989th, but in fact, the indicators just returned to post-revolutionary (47% to 53%). In 2004, men became 1% less. This indicator has been preserved until 2014. The number of men in Russia is slowly, but confidently decreases. There are several main reasons for it.

Armed conflicts

In the first place among the causes of the small personnel of the male population are all sorts of revolutions, war and other armed conflicts. Urgent and superior service pass, mostly guys. They also serve in the police, Ministry of Emergency Situations, security services and other powerful departments. When some conflict happens, men are thrown on its permission.

Only in the Great Patriotic War died more than 7 million military personnel. And this is not counting those who died of injuries, diseases who were captured and was shot by the fascists. The overwhelming majority are men fighters. Women who survived after the war, acutely felt the shortage of the male population.

The post-war epoch was also not deprived of the reasons for the death of young, able-bodied men. Afghanistan, Chechnya, terrorist attacks in Russia itself - these armed conflicts took place many thousands of lives of the strongest and healthy men. It should be noted that the war is the main reason for the fact that all the world men are 8% less than the ladies.


Stalinist repressions also contributed a lot to ensure that the number of the male population of the country decreased. There were, of course, women dissidents and wives, who were shot for the complicity in "crimes" of their husbands. But the latter was still much more.

The reason for such total death lies in the education of men and the expectations of society from them. They take on the role of discoverers, fighters, defenders. They pick up new trends and readily rushed into battle. Interestingly, boys are born annually on average by 50 more than girls. Already to mature age (30-35 years), the ratio of floors is aligned, and in the older the number of men is strictly reduced.

The girls also teach to caution, to the need to perform the mother's role, to what you need to think first of all about the offspring. Moreover, they are fencing them in every possible way - if that, they say, there is always a man who will take dangerous work. And therefore they are less inclined to risk their lives.

The risk is what men are involved in childhood. The boys are often dying in childhood and young age due to their negligence, inclinations towards adventurism and courage.

Drunkenness and inattention to their health

The old tradition and the main problem of Russia is drunkenness - very strongly contributes to the extinction of the male population of the country. Even in peacetime, its number decreases. Men more often drink and, in general, very little cares for their health. By 40, it is already very undermined by regular use of "hot" and other excesses.

In men, due to their inattention, heart attacks, strokes and other serious diseases occur more often. It does not affect the survival and such a stereotype of behavior: a real man should not complain and run in the doctors, but should suffer pain. It is crying ends. So it turns out that "for 10 girls on statistics 9 guys."

The message why women in Russia are more than men appeared first to smart.

According to UN estimates, in 2015, 100 women in the world accounted for 101.8 men. The gap is insignificant, but only at first glance - the number of men is constantly growing since 1960. In addition, the ratio of men and women in the world is extremely uneven. In the Arab countries, men are much more than women, while in the countries of the former Soviet Union, on the contrary, there is a shortage of the male population. We found out in which countries a beautiful floor prevails.


    84.8 per 100.

    In the Baltic States there is a clear shortage of men - a resident of Latvia cannot find a satellite in their homeland, so they are often leaving for searches to other countries of the European Union.


    Male ratio for women: 85.3 per 100.

    The nearest neighbors of Latvian Lithuanians also occupy the first places in the number of women in the country. The situation with childbirth here is also sad - fewer pairs find each other and fewer children are born, and this is a rather big level of mortality.


    : 84.5 per 100

    A small island in the Caribbean can be bolded to be called the women's archipelago - here is one of the strongest imbalances in the demographics in favor of women.


    Male ratio for women: 85.6 per 100.

    Another Caribbean state in which the demographic matriarchy reigns is the men here to deliver entire ships.


    Male ratio for women: 86 per 100.

    The former French colony, like her like, is very suffering from lack of harmony between local men and women, because of which the population of the archipelago is constantly declining.


    Men's ratio for women: 86.3 per 100

    Slavic women are very beautiful, and in Ukraine they are much more than men. That is why Ukraine is steadily proven supplier of "Wives for Export".


    Men's ratio for women: 86.8 per 100

    Absolutely identical indicators in another Slavic country from the former USSR. In Belarus, there is a real hunt for high-quality men, which is clearly lacking here.


    Male ratio for women: 86.5 per 100.

    Armenian women are beautiful and passionate, which cannot be said about Armenian men. That is why more girls are born in the country, of which there may be a global stars like Kim Kardashian.


    Men's ratio for women: 86.8 per 100

    In Russia, as in other Slavic countries, the last decades have a confident increase in the number of women, while men becomes smaller and less. The reason for this is the lifestyle of Russian men, due to which the average life of their life is almost ten years less than in women.


    Male ratio for women: 88 per 100.

    Estonians are considered the closest relatives of Finns. Local beauties as a selection of blonde and blue-eyed, only to evaluate this for a certainty - there is a clear shortage of men in the country.


    Male ratio for women: 88.4 per 100.

    Since the early 1990s, the Central American State Salvador is in the economic crisis. During this time, he managed to significantly drop the number of able-bodied men of reproductive age - the tendency to increase the number of women here is very acute.


    Men's ratio for women: 90.8 per 100

    In the 1990s, Hungary acquired the unlawful status of the main supplier of beautiful actresses for adults for adults. Such a tendency is not surprising - men are lacking here, and those that are so spoiled by female attention that they lose the hunting skill.

The ratio of floors is a demographic term. It shows the number of men, which comes from every 100 women. The ratio from 105 to 107 men per 100 women is ideal. Such an optimal proportion was first recorded in 1710.

It is proved that if men prevail in society, the risk of murders and violence increases. In the same countries where more women, inconsistency in income between the two floors often poorly affects the economy. After all, a large number of unmarried women leads to a decrease in fertility.

In general, men in the world are more than women. According to the UN, last year the ratio of floors was 101.8: 100. Nevertheless, there are many countries where the number of women exceeds the number of men.

Express info in the country

The land is in third place by the distance from the Sun and on the fifth among all the planets of the solar system in size.

Age - 4.54 billion years

Average radius - 6 378.2 km

Average circle - 40 030.2 km

Area - 510 072 million km² (29.1% sushi and 70.9% water)

Number of mainland - 6: Eurasia, Africa, North America, South America, Australia and Antarctica

Number of oceans - 4: Atlantic, Quiet, Indian, Northern Arctic

Population - 7.3 billion people. (50.4% of men and 49.6% of women)

The most densely populated states: Monaco (18,678 people / km 2), Singapore (7607 people / km 2) and Vatican (1914 people / km 2)

Number of countries: Total 252, independent 195

Number of languages \u200b\u200bin the world - about 6,000

The number of official languages - 95; The most common: English (56 countries), French (29 countries) and Arabic (24 countries)

Number of nationalities - about 2 000

Climatic belts: Equatorial, tropical, moderate and arctic (basic) + subequatorial, subtropical and subarctic (transitional)


Latvia ranks first in the ranking of countries with the largest imbalance in the ratio of floors. In 2015, 84.8 men numbered for every 100 women. Thus, women accounted for 54.1% of the total population. Partly these are the consequences of World War II. In addition, men in Latvia have a high level of mortality due to problems such as alcoholism, smoking and careless driving of the car. About 80% of suicides in Latvia are committed by men. Most often, the reasons are unemployment and a difficult financial situation. Women on average live for 11 years longer than men.


The gender gap in Lithuania is primarily associated with factors that increase the mortality rate of men. First, the number of smoking men is much larger than smoking women, which is at risk their health. Secondly, the life expectancy of the male population reduces mental diseases, depression and suicide. Women in Lithuania live on average 79.3 years, while men are only 68.1. Gender gap is especially noticeable among Lithuanians aged 30-40 years. In 2015, women accounted for 54% of the total population.


Curacao is a self-governing island state in the Caribbean. In 2015, women accounted for 53.9% of the total population. At the same time, the ratio of the floors was 92 to 100. The average life expectancy in women is 80.2 years, and in men - 72.4 years. Most women fall into the age group from 15 to 64 years.


Women in Ukraine account for 53.7% of the total population. As in the case of Latvia, it is still echoing World War II. The average life expectancy for men is 62 years old, and in women - 74. Ukrainians often have serious health problems, and in combination with a high level of emigration, it helps to reduce the male population of the country.

10 countries where women are much larger than men

The causes of gender imbalance may be the most different, but, as studies show, it is extremely undesirable. In such countries, educated women with a high level of income cannot find partners. At the same time, men who are not able to provide a family begin to suffer from mental health problems. Both sex remain in the loss.

In the conditions of modern statistics, it is quite simple to figure out who more men or women. Today it has accumulated enough material on this issue. Experts track the chart of changes in fertility and mortality of sex representatives and on the basis of conclusions form statistics. Of course, research indicators may not be 100% reflected by the real state of affairs, some of the conclusions are approximate, but the total base allows us to draw conclusions about who in the world more men or women.

Let's start with the main question: who is more born - boys or girls? The fact is that in the world, regardless of the location of the country, its climate and race of the population, boys are 5% more born. However, due to permanent wars, stress and large-scale disasters, men die more often.

Scientists have found an interesting dependence: it turned out that the lower the number of the population, the more males are born. Today it is observed in some marine species and plants.

Unfortunately, in most countries the view is formed that the boy is better than a girl, so over 150 million girls embryos die every year in the world. Today in China for 100 girls is born over 120 boys. The men's population began to prevail in such as Australia and the United States.

In 2010, he answered the question of who more, men or women, on the scale of Russia. According to statistics, it turned out that the total number of citizens living in the territory of the Russian Federation is more than 142 million people. Of these, the female population is 53%. Thus, it turns out that men in our country are less. If you compare the percentage ratio according to the age of the population, the picture of high mortality of the male population is perfectly measured. The more age, the most likely men die.

On the scale of Russia, the female population does not just dominate, and already suppresses the male. The reason for this is a high life expectancy of female. On the question of whom more, men or women in the world are responsible scientists. According to their research, seven main reasons for the quantitative superiority of women were revealed. The first is a special genetics. Further it is believed that the woman is more emotional, so it is easier to experience difficulties, while in life it is more careful. As a rule, important decisions of men take on themselves. By virtue of great responsibility, their organism is in constant stress.

For a better understanding of those who are more, men or women should also refer to the statistics of doctors. In their opinion, the action on the body of female and men's hormones is absolutely different. Male hormone seems to be programmed on short functionality. In addition, the woman cares more about his own health and often visits the hospital. And, of course, women are less likely to have bad habits.

Thus, exploring the question: "Who are more - men or women?", It can be concluded that nature sacrifices the male population for the emergent generations. Therefore, it is not necessary to think that a man will take everything on his mighty shoulders. If so, then his life will be short.