Summary of classes on the development of speech. Synopsis of an introductory lesson on theatrical activity “So the summer has passed! Planning a story

Program content:

1. To form in children love and interest in nature, giving elementary knowledge about it.

2. To form in children generalized ideas about summer as a season.

3. Expand and concretize children's ideas about colors.

4. Give an idea of ​​the simplest medicinal plants.

5. Learn to write a short descriptive story about the summer.

6. Encourage children to their own speech activity.

Previous work:

Floral exhibition;
- drawing "My favorite flowers", "Medicinal herbs";
- memorizing poems about flowers; games: “I was born a gardener”, “What color is summer?”;
- transplantation of marigolds, asters, calendula from flower beds to pots;
- targeted walk to the meadow;
- looking at photos of "How I spent my summer" and compiling short stories about the summer from personal experience.

Equipment for the lesson:

Wreaths of artificial flowers: chamomile, cornflower, dandelion, carnation, forget-me-not; photo exhibition "So that the summer does not end"; exhibition of natural flowers; "Green" pharmacy: medicinal plants - plantain, mint, chamomile, cranberries, blueberries; cafe "Semitsvetik" with still lifes of vegetables and fruits; the song “So that the summer does not end” performed by A.B. Pugacheva; "Waltz of the Flowers" P.I. Tchaikovsky.

Lesson progress

The song of A.B. Pugacheva "So that the summer does not end."

Educator: So September has come. The sun is not as hot as in summer. Summer sundresses and sandals are being replaced by warm sweaters and moccasins. Do not be sad! Today we will talk about how to keep the summer mood for the whole year!

1 way

Educator: Rather than be sad that the summer has passed, have fun from the heart: dress up in summer dresses, decorate your head with wreaths and start a round dance.

Children start a round dance "We weave, weave a wreath, weave a field wreath."

"Flowers" run out and read poems about chamomile, forget-me-not, carnation, dandelion, cornflower.

The "Waltz of the Flowers" by P.I. Tchaikovsky sounds. Children - "Flowers" dance.


We have bouquets of flowers
Honey, like the sun, golden ...
Let's not forget about summer
Even in snowy winter.

2 way


Do you want summer to never end?
Set up a summer garden in your home.
We made it, how about you?

We transplanted from the flower bed
Marigolds, asters, marigolds.
Because it's already cold outside.
And in the group we will have them
Rejoice for a long time.

3 way

Educator: Do you want the summer to never end? Take photos to remember. How many wonderful minutes you will capture on film. Looking at the photos, you will mentally return to warm, fun days.

The teacher invites everyone to the photo exhibition "So that the summer does not end." Children share their impressions of the summer through photographs.

4 way

Educator: Do you want the summer to never end? Then pick flowers. After all, the smell of summer can be dried. Collect leaves of currant and mint, lemongrass and nettle. In late fall and winter, these supplies will help you remember summer. We invite you to our "Green" pharmacy.

Children represent medicinal plants.

5 way

Educator: Do you want the summer to never end? Then pick up ropes, balls and start playing.

Ball game "What grows in the garden, in the garden, in the forest, in the meadow, in the flower garden, in the field?".

6 way

caregiver : Do you want summer to never end? Invite your friends and arrange a day of memories of summer holidays. Everyone must have a lot of funny stories!

Children's stories about summer.

7 way

Educator: Do you want the summer to never end? Why don't you spend an evening in a summer cafe. We invite you to the Multicolored cafe "Semitsvetik".

The song "So that the summer does not end" sounds. Children are treated to the cafe "Semitsvetik".


Thank you, Summer, we want to say!
It's time for us to meet the golden autumn.
We will not forget about the summer, we will often remember!

About myself: Teaching experience - 28 years. I teach children to doubt, to be surprised, to think in an original way.

Sub-group lesson for pupils of the compensatory group aged 5-7 years

Correction-developing tasks:
-formation of ideas about summer and its features;
-development of visual and auditory attention and perception,
- activation of the color and thematic dictionary,
- development of creative imagination,
- learn to answer questions, develop coherent oral speech.

Educational tasks:
- the formation of interest in classes;
-expanding awareness of the environment and developing curiosity,
- learn how to behave appropriately in different situations.

Dictionary: Yellow, red, green; summer, heat, rain, puddles; scooter, bicycle, roller skates; June July August

Materials and equipment:
Materials on magnets multi-colored circles, demonstration material “Stories from pictures: Seasons. Mosaic-Synthesis”, leaflets with circles.

1) I will name the topic of the lesson later, you will help me. Let's play first.

2) The game “Claps”
I will say different words. If you hear the word "summer", then you need to clap. Let's check: winter, summer.
Snow, heat, sun, summer, summer, June, July, August.
Well done, you listened carefully and completed the task.
How many times have I said the word "summer"?
What word was "extra"?
What did the last 3 words have in common?

3) Post topic.
Guess what the topic of our lesson is? What we're going to talk? That's right, summer. The topic of our lesson is "Summer and summer activities".

1) Story by picture
Who is in the picture? What are the guys doing? What season?
What else can you do in the summer?

2) Letter from Dunno.
Now I will read you a letter from Dunno about summer:
Hello guys. Summer has come. The sun is shining hot, there is snow all around.
Donut and I go swimming, but Znayka does not like to swim, she sleds down the mountain. A berry ripened in the forest - strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, cucumbers.
Summer January is my favorite time of the year!
Did you like Dunno's letter? Why were you laughing?
What did the Dunno mix up?

2) A story about summer, drawing up a "palette".
What color is summer? Name your color and explain.
For example, I think summer is white because there are white clouds in the sky in summer. (A white circle is displayed.)
Summer is green (A green circle is displayed.), Because there are green leaves on trees and shrubs around, etc.
What colors have we chosen to tell about summer? - red, white, blue, green, yellow.
What can you say about summer, what is it like?
Summer is colorful.

3) Guess riddles about summer activities.
I. Brushevsky
Two pedals, one wheel
We are sitting in the middle.
Frame, chain, leather saddle.
We can ride it!
We eat how we want
But let's see where we're going.
Not with a moped motor,
A simple one is (... a bicycle).

For a ride on my horse
Gotta take it today.
I'll go fast
With a breeze to the garden.
(Kick scooter)
I can jump and roll
And if they quit, I'll fly.
Laughing faces all around
Everyone is happy about the round ... (ball).

What can you do in summer? That's right, in the summer you can ride a bike and scooter, play ball.
What do a bicycle, a scooter, a ball have in common? What figure unites them?
A circle.
The wheels are round and the ball is also round.

4) Fizminutka (with a massage ball)
We take the ball in our hands, squeeze it with our fingers.
Roll between the palms, throw up and catch.

5) I gave you leaflets with circles. (Children are given leaflets, 3 circles are drawn on each.) Think about what summer items you can finish drawing.

6) Exhibiting drawings, the teacher comments on the work of children.

III Outcome
What season are we talking about? How long is summer?
What are the summer months? What color is summer, why?
What task did you like?

Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 24" of the city of Podolsk, Moscow region

Public lesson

around the world

in 1st grade

UMK Planet of Knowledge

Prepared by an elementary school teacher

____________/ Vatsura Vladislava Evgenievna

Subject: Summer is over. Autumn."

Lesson objectives: to form ideas about the annual cycle - the seasons, months, their sequence, to learn to highlight the characteristic features of the seasons.
Planned achievements of students: to learn in what sequence the seasons, months change; learn to recognize the time of year by characteristic features.
Equipment: Students have pictures with images of the seasons, glue, a circle blank
Preliminary work:
    During a walk, observe with children the autumn changes in nature. With parents, prepare pictures of the seasons and a circle (but do not glue). Draw together with your parents a drawing of the season on a landscape sheet. Compose a mini-story according to the drawing of the season according to the plan:
    What season do you like? What do you like about this time of year? What do you like to do at this time of the year?
    Learn poems about the seasons?

During the classes:

    Org. moment.
Arrange desks on four large tables for each season. Prepare slides for presentation. Prepare gifts.
    Presentation of the topic and objectives of the lesson.
Teacher: Hello guys. Sit down. Today we have an unusual lesson. It is unusual in that there are guests at our lesson - teachers, head teacher, school principal and parent committee. Today in the lesson of the world around us we will talk about the seasons: What are the seasons and months - what is the name of,- how many of them How do they change one after the other? - We will learn to distinguish them by characteristic features.By the end of the lesson we should:
    learn the sequence in which the seasons change; learn to recognize the time of year by characteristic features.
    Checking homework:
Teacher: But first, let's remember what we talked about in the last lesson, that we learned something new. To do this, let's answer the following questions:
    What day is today? What day was yesterday? What day will tomorrow be? How many days per week? Can you name all the days in order? What is the first day of the week? What is the seventh day of the week? What are the days when we rest, do not study? What time of year is it now?
Teacher: as in the last lesson, we divided into 4 groups, 4 teams, each of which represents a certain time of the year. SPRING, SUMMER, AUTUMN AND WINTER Teacher: The mother came up with names for her daughters,
Here is Summer and Autumn, Winter and Spring.
Spring is coming, forests are turning green
And bird voices are ringing everywhere.
And Summer has come - everything blooms under the sun,
And ripe berries ask in the mouth.
Generous Autumn brings us fruit,
Fields and orchards give crops.
Winter covers the fields with snow.
In winter, the earth rests and slumbers.

Teacher: Guys! How many seasons do you know? That's right, 4, so we will first listen to a poem called Sparrow's Diary, which will be read to us in spring, summer, winter and autumn.

sparrow diary M. Plyatskovsky(BADAKINA VIKA) Spring
And at random, and at random, and straight
Streams run. Chirp-chirp!
Starlings, thrushes, rooks cry -
Try to outshout everyone! (DAVYDOVA MAFTUNA) Summer
Chirik-chik-chik. Light. Warm.
And so summer is here again.
I sing along with everyone:
"Let it never end!" (KLANOVETS SOFIA) Autumn
Clouds covered the blue.
Raindrops fall into the grass.
Chick-chick-chirp! To the ends of the earth
Cranes are flying somewhere. (CHEREMUHINA LISA) Winter
Snow everywhere. And someone to me
He puts the feeders on the window.
I'm used to being grateful.
Thanks people!
Cheer-cheep! Teacher: M good guys! Now we know 4 seasons. And who knows that each season has its own color. Four colors of the year I. Surikov(BOIDINOV ZHENIA) White
White hats on white birches.
White hare on white snow.
White pattern on the branches from frost.
I run skiing through the white forest. (EVLANOV DANIL) Blue
Blue skies, blue shadows.
The blue rivers have shed their ice.
Blue snowdrop - a resident of spring,
It boldly grows on a blue thawed patch.

In a green forest on a green blade of grass,
Leads a green beetle with a mustache.
Green butterfly on the path
He covered my net, a thread cap. (SINYUKOV STEPAN) Yellow
The yellow sun heats weaker.
Yellow melons on yellow ground.
Yellow leaves rustle down the alley.
Yellow drop of resin on the trunk. Teacher: Guys, every season we change shoes and clothes. And rightly so, because it is cold in winter and hot in summer. After all, it would be stupid and ridiculous to see a person in shorts and a T-shirt in winter, and in a fur coat and hat in summer. Truth? Let's listen to the poem...

Who is in what V. Orlov(BORMOTOVA KRISTINA) Puddles sparkle
On the paths -
Autumn stomps
In boots. (MAMEDOVA NEIL) A cloud of rain
Carried away -
Walks in shoes
Spring. (KUSTOVA NASTYA) Summer is coming
Or in sandals, (LAKUTINA VIKA) And winter,
Creaking snow -
In lukewarm
Boots. Teacher: we looked at 4 seasons, remembered what goes for what, learned that each season has its own color, its own clothes, shoes. And now guys, let's look at each season in more detail, because each season consists of 3 months, and there are exactly 12 of them in a year and each month has its own characteristics. ABC of the seasons V. Stepanov We invite the winter team WINTER (FRANZ SABRINA) White road, white.
Winter has come. Winter has come.
I wear a white hat
I breathe white air
My eyelashes are white
Coat and mittens, -
Do not distinguish me in the cold
Among the whitening birches.
Freeze. And a squirrel in silence
Suddenly he jumps into my arms. (BORISOV DENIS) December
The branches of the birches freeze,
Frost crackles in the morning.
Well, the bear doesn't care -
He has been sleeping in the den for a long time. (LAKUTINA VIKA) January
Snow covered hillocks in the forest
And the ravines are covered.
Bunny jumped out of the mink -
Quiet. Cold. White ... (LEPNOV SERGEY) February
The formidable Vyugovey walks
In a snow cap to the eyebrows.
Even a wolf, a robber wolf,
Frightened and silent. (GODIA ARTEM) SPRING Spring walked along the edge,
She carried buckets of rain.
Stumbled on a hillock -
The buckets overturned. Drops rang -
The herons roared.
Ants scared
The doors were locked. Rain buckets Spring
Didn't make it to the village.
A colored rocker
Fled to heaven
And hung over the lake -
Miracles! (KOLTSOVA NADIA) March
The forest froze in a transparent haze,
Ice is melting on the trees.
Drops fall from the branches
And the tit trill is heard. (KIRILL HOTNICHUK) April
The snow has come down. It smelled of prejudice.
Thunder rolled in the sky.
Ants under an old spruce
The whole family is building a house. (BODAKINA VIKA) May
Kidneys burst together
Leaves unfurl.
Dew trembles on the grass
An elk runs after a rainbow. (TOPILSKY MISH) SUMMER Straw summer,
Straw sand.
straw hat
Sliding to the temple. straw gave,
Straw days.
straw horses
Visible in the sun. straw sky,
Straw hut.
I draw with a straw
Forget about the pencil. (BONDARCHUK POLINA) June
The sun shines brightly in the sky
But in dense shade it is not hot.
Here and there chicks sing -
Forests new tenants. (KUSTOVA NASTYA) July
In golden flowers edge,
The bees dance.
A frog screams in the reeds:
It's raining because of the river. (KOMISAROV MAXIM) August
Warm in the forest until morning
From resinous pines.
A squirrel carries a mushroom in a hollow ...
Autumn is coming. (MADIUKOV ARTEM) AUTUMN Autumn looked into the garden -
The birds have flown away.
Outside the window rustling in the morning
Yellow blizzards.
Under the feet of the first ice
Crumbles, breaks.
The sparrow in the garden will sigh
And sing -
He is shy. (KLANOVETS SOFIA) September
Empty in the swift's house -
The poor one flew away
And like a hedgehog's umbrella
Yellow maple leaf. (KOPICHEV VLADISLAV) October
Knits a spider net,
The wind drives the clouds.
Chipmunk sad
About last summer. (BORMOTOVA KRISTINA) November
There is a hollow in the hoarfrost,
Rowan in the lights.
The woodpecker beats with its beak -
Winter is waiting for you.

Teacher: Well done guys. We learned a lot about the seasons. And now the riddles.

I bring the harvest
I sow the fields again
Sending birds to the south
I undress the trees
But I do not touch the fir trees and pines.
I am a beautiful yellow...

Snow on the fields, ice on the waters,
The blizzard is walking. When does it happen?in winter
The snow is melting
The meadow came to life.
The day is coming.
When does it happen?
green meadows,
There is a rainbow in the sky.
The lake is warmed by the sun:
Everyone is invited to swim ...

      Consolidation of what has been learned.

Teacher: Well, guys, we have mastered a lot of material. Let's repeat what we learned today.

    how many months in a season

    how many months in a year

    What months does autumn consist of?

    …. Winter

    …. Spring

    … Summer

And so from year to year the days, weeks, months and seasons fly by. And every year you grow, get older, mature, smarter. But the months and seasons remain the same.

We prepared a circle in advance, which means the cycle of the seasons and pictures depicting the seasons. Let's paste the pictures with the seasons into a circle - a cycle in the sequence in which they go one after another.

      Creative work and homework.


1. Guys, I know that you were still drawing drawings at home - drawings of your season and made up a short story based on them. Tell us and your classmates about it.

(Children show pictures and tell

short stories based on pictures).

      Summarizing. Generalization of the studied.


Guys, can we now answer the question -

What time of the year does summer come after? (After spring).

What time of year is it now? (Autumn).

And what time of year will be after autumn? (Winter).

And after winter? ( Spring)

And after spring? (Summer). And there will be summer holidays.

And after the summer? (Autumn). And we will come back to school in the 2nd grade.

Who remembers the names of the months? How many months in a year? (12 months).

Guess the riddle: Twelve brothers

Differently called

And different things

Are engaged.

(Months of the year).

Let's call all the months of the year with the help of a circle. Let's start with the month that starts each year. (Children name the names of the months from January to December in chorus). They can be seen in calendars (small and large), calendars. (Display of calendars, calendar).

Thanks guys. You have tried very hard! Everyone is great today! And they deserve gifts!

This concludes our lesson.

Open Lesson Page 11

Material Description: I offer you a summary of direct educational activities for children of the middle group on the topic "Here the summer is over"

Synopsis of the immediate educational area in the middle group on the topic: "So the summer is over"

Integration of educational areas: "Cognition", "Music", "Communication"

Target: formation on the basis of various types of art (poetry and music) of the moral and aesthetic qualities of the individual.

Educational tasks:

Clarify ideas about living and non-living nature in early autumn

(compared to summer).

to improve the ability of children to convey their attitude to nature through different types of art;

continue to consolidate skills in the application;

enrich the impressions received earlier by means of music.

Development tasks:

develop perception, memory, general and fine motor skills of hands, attention, curiosity, creative imagination, ear for music;

develop the ability to convey the color scheme of your mood, feelings;

Develop techniques for working with paper and glue, show creativity and imagination in design.

Educational tasks:

· educate the desire to help, accuracy, interest in fine arts, love for native nature, the ability to understand beauty;

Material: paper, scissors, brushes, glue, audio recording, napkins. Music center, children's musical instruments (triangles, bells)

Preliminary work:

memorizing poems and songs about autumn

(The music “Car” by M. Rauchverger sounds. Children enter the hall and stand in a circle.)

(On the heads of caps of vegetables).

caregiver: Children, look at our garden. And let's remember "Ogorodnaya-round dance".

"Garden-round dance" B. Mozhzhevelov.

caregiver: That's how many vegetables ripened in our garden.

What time of year is harvested?

How do you know it's autumn?

(The melody of the song "Autumn" by I. Kishko sounds)

M.R.: Children, did you find out what this song is?

What mood does the composer convey in this song?

That's right, but what time is it sung about?

Let's sing this song a little with sadness and tenderness.

Song "Autumn" by I. Kishko


It suddenly became twice as bright,

Yard as in the sun

This dress is golden

At the birch on the shoulders ...

In the morning we go to the yard,

Leaves fall like rain

rustling underfoot,

And fly, fly, fly.

Gossamer webs fly

With spiders in the middle

And high from the ground

The cranes flew by.

Everything flies, it must be

Our summer is flying by. E. Trutneva.

Educator: Children, do any of you know the poem about autumn? (reading poems by children)

M.R.: Children, autumn attracted not only poets, but also composers with its beauty. Here, listen to how the composer A. Vivaldi in the concert “The Seasons” depicts autumn.

A. Vivaldi "The Seasons". Part 3 "Autumn"

M.R.: Hear how raindrops drip and ring. How sad. Mournful rain. Let's try to become musicians and portray this music on the instruments.

Improvisation on children's musical instruments.

Children, is it fun in autumn? And when?

Music sounds, "Autumn" enters.

Autumn: Hello. Did you recognize me? Who am I?

Well done. And I came to you with a request. I made a picture for you, but I ran out of colored paper, and I want to ask you to help me stick autumn leaves in this park (shows).

Application collective "Autumn Park".

(children cut out the leaves to the music and stick them on paper)

Autumn: How many leaves in our park. Flying in the wind, spinning. Now the music will sound, and we will all turn into leaves.

The music of A. Petrov for the film "Beware of the car" sounds.

Improvisation "dance of the leaves"

Autumn: Children, I give this picture to you so that your parents also admire this beauty. Goodbye. See you again. (Autumn is leaving)

caregiver: Well, it's time for us, children, to go for a walk. We will once again admire the autumn beauty.

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 38" Balashikha.

Project "So the summer has passed ..."

Project type: short-term (2 weeks), cognitive and creative.

Members: speech therapist, educators, pupils, parents, music director, physical education instructor.

Integration of educational areas: social and communicative, cognitive, speech, artistic and aesthetic.


Summer is a special period in the life of every child. It depends on the adults around him how he will spend this time with health benefits, the development of emotional and cognitive processes. That is why it is so important to draw the attention of parents to the quality of children's recreation in the summer.

It will be useful for children to remember how they spent the summer. Learn to express your thoughts verbally, speak to a team of children.

Target: Enrichment of children's ideas and impressions about summer, the formation of speech activity.


Develop cognitive, communicative and social skills;
develop the monologue, dialogic and coherent speech of children, enrich it with new words and expressions;
develop memory, thinking, imagination;
to promote the creativity of children (to develop the ability to compose a story from memories);
teach to speak in front of a group of children;
to expand the ideas and knowledge of children about seasonal changes in nature in the summer;
develop cognitive interest, form experimentation skills;
enrich and expand children's ideas about the effect of heat, sunlight on the lives of people, animals and plants;
to activate parents for joint productive activities, the development of child-parent relationships.

Expected results:

1. As a result of the project, children's cognitive and speech activity is activated.

2. Children have learned to perform in front of a team of other children.

3. Children strive to develop their creative abilities, the ability to observe and listen, to develop the skills of generalization and analysis.

4. Children created creative works based on memories of summer.

5. The children learned the poems of Russian poets about summer.

6. As a result of the project, the children expanded their understanding of seasonal changes in the weather in the summer (natural phenomena - thunderstorm, rainbow, dew, fog; ripening of berries, fruits, vegetables; the appearance of mushrooms; about work, rest of people in the summer)
7. Parents of pupils are involved in the joint creative process.



“What do you remember about this summer?”, “My summer stories”, “Red summer is a great time for health!”, “I love vitamins - I want to be healthy”, about the work of people “Janitor”, “Mower”.


Drawing on asphalt:"Summer Red"

Modeling:"Flower field"


To teach children to sculpt flowers of their choice (cornflower, chamomile, poppy).
Learn to sculpt a flower bud from a ball by flattening, petals - by pulling, pinching.
Give ideas about the appearance of flowers, clarify the color, shape, size.
To develop in children a sense of form, observation.
Cultivate respect for nature.

Materials: plasticine, stacks, lollipop sticks, napkins, boards.

The teacher asks children riddles about flowers:

It grows on a thin stalk
In blue cotton clothes,
You will always find it
Where rye ripens in the field.

Sisters are standing in the field -
yellow eye,
White eyelashes.

I dress the steppes in red silk
And I give the name to the candy.

After each correct answer, the teacher exposes a didactic picture of a flower. Together with the children, he clarifies the structure of the flower.

The teacher demonstrates how to sculpt each flower.

After the teacher invites you to a physical minute "Flower".

A tall flower grew in a clearing,
Opened the petals on a spring morning.
All petals beauty and nutrition,
They give roots together underground.

The teacher clarifies with the children that for chamomile you need to take white plasticine, for poppy - red, cornflower - blue. When the flowers are ready, they must be strengthened on the stems (tubes). Children choose the desired color of plasticine and sculpt flowers. Having finished work, the guys attach their flowers to the common “clearing” with the help of green plasticine. At the end, the teacher and children admire the “flower meadow” and mark each work.

Drawing with paints

"It was summer..."

Program content:

To teach children to reflect their impressions of the past summer in a drawing. To fix the techniques of working with a brush and paints, the ability to compose the desired shades of colors. The ability to fill the entire A-4 sheet with a drawing. Learn to develop speech, talk about what you have drawn.

Preliminary work:

Recall with the children the bright events of the summer. Listen to all the stories about how the children spent this summer. Who went to the sea or to visit, what was interesting there? Remember and read poems and sing songs about summer. Consider illustrations about summer. Watch again the cartoon "Santa Claus and Summer". To conclude.

Materials: watercolor, gouache, sheets of A-4 paper, brushes.

Lesson progress:

Teacher: Guys, let's remember summer with you again (children's stories). And everything that you remembered, your whole story, you will draw on a piece of paper. After all, stories can not only be written, but also drawn. And what colors will you paint summer with?
(children's answers)

Listen to the poem and it will immediately become clear to you what color summer is drawn in.

I draw summer
I draw summer
- What color?
red paint
- Sun,
Roses on the lawns
And green is the field,
Mowing in the meadows.
Blue paint - the sky
And a melodious stream.
And what kind of paint
Will I leave the cloud?
I draw summer
- It's very difficult...
(P. Pranuza)

But before you start drawing, I want to remind you how to place your drawing on a sheet of paper. And for this I want to show you illustrations from books, pictures. (The teacher with the children examines and discusses the illustrations, and then shows on the sample how to correctly paint the sky, earth, grass, forest, horizon, etc.) But how can we get delicate colors - pink, blue? (The teacher listens to the answers of the children and shows the techniques for mixing colors). Well, guys, now we pick up brushes, paints and begin to draw our stories on a piece of paper. And so that you better remember the summer, I will turn on beautiful music. (At the choice of the teacher). And we will analyze what you can do at the end of the lesson and place all the drawings on our exhibition.

Summary of the lesson:

What colors of paint did you need to paint summer? How do you think you managed to portray your stories in the picture? What was the most difficult thing for you in drawing your stories? What did you like the most about our lesson?
Themed Albums"Butterflies", "Wildflowers", "Work of people in the summer."

The teacher, together with the children, select pictures (you can draw) on the topic and compose (write down) a short story about the depicted object. Then they collect all the material on thematic albums, which can be placed in the corner of a speech therapist, as a demonstration and educational material.

For example:

Chocolate Butterfly The second name of this Lepidoptera is urticaria. The butterfly got its first name (chocolate girl) because of its color. Butterfly wings are brown-orange in color, along the edge of which there is a border of pale blue spots in the form of a crescent. They give the insect a particularly elegant look. And the second (urticaria) - because the fodder plant of this butterfly is exclusively nettle. Males differ little in color from females. Eggs are laid by those butterflies that managed to overwinter. To do this, they clog into cracks, often winter in basements, in the attics of houses, as well as in caves. The butterfly lays eggs (pale yellow) in nettle thickets on the underside of the leaf (200-300 pieces each). Caterpillars have a dark, almost black color, yellow stripes run along the body. Until their pupation, they do not spread far from each other and intensively absorb nettle leaves. As soon as the caterpillars gain enough nutrients, the third stage of the butterfly's life begins - the chrysalis. The caterpillar weaves a cocoon around its body and stays in it until the formation of a butterfly. The doll hangs upside down. Cocoons of these butterflies can often be seen on the walls of houses and on fences. The life expectancy of these beauties varies from several weeks to several months. The fact is that several generations of butterflies are formed during the summer. Some of them hibernate in secluded places, and then live all summer, laying eggs.

Presentations:"Medicinal plants", "Where did the bread come from".


Experimental activities with sand and water:


Goals: introduce children to the properties of sand; to teach the skills of conducting laboratory experiments.

Tasks: to consolidate the ability to work with dishes, observe safety measures, develop children's observation skills, the ability to compare, analyze, establish cause-and-effect relationships and draw conclusions; to activate and enrich the vocabulary with nouns, adjectives and verbs on the topic of the lesson; develop social skills - the ability to work in pairs.

Materials and equipment: dry clean sand, a large flat tray, trays, water, cups, sticks, a funnel and an empty plastic container, magnifying glasses, grated colored chalk, plastic containers for mixing sand and chalk, plastic spoons, PVA glue, brushes, cardboard.

Lesson progress:

Teacher: the guys in the garden received a letter from Cheburashka. (Shows the letter) He writes that he was given a Goldfish. Cheburashka poured water from the river into the aquarium. With water got small debris, pieces of paper, sticks. Cheburashka asks to tell him how to clean the water in the aquarium.
Listens to the suggestions of the children.

Experiment 1

Teacher: Guys, there is a method of water purification that is used in treatment facilities - this is sand cleaning. Let's take a funnel, placing sand in it and slowly pour out pre-prepared water, about the same as Cheburashka had. (We will put small sticks of paper in it).
What happens to water?
Where is the garbage left?

Children's answers: (garbage remains on top of the sand, and water passes through it)

Teacher: let's conclude - What does sand do with water?

Children's answers: (sand is permeable, it can pass water and clean it)

Experiment 2

Teacher: take containers with sand and slowly pour them onto a tray, while not forgetting about safety measures (you can’t blow on the sand). Let's take magnifying glasses and consider what sand is made of. What do grains of sand look like? What shape are they? What colour?

How is sand poured out? What does his movement look like? What sound do you hear when sand flows? Where is this sand movement applied?

Children's answers - (hourglass)

Children's answers (sand consists of small grains of sand, it is loose, light, yellow-orange)

The teacher shows an hourglass: a huge hourglass was used by people in antiquity. Now the hourglass is used in medicine to determine the duration of procedures - warming up.

Teacher: take sticks and draw something on the sand, then shake the tray slightly. What do you see in the sand?

Children's answers: (the pattern is not preserved on dry sand, as the grains of sand scatter)

Educator: look at the model of "dry grains of sand". They can stand at any distance from each other.

Teacher: And now let's imagine that we are grains of sand, we will all get up together and perform the movements:

“And the clock goes tick tock, tick tock, who in the house can do that?
This pendulum in the clock beats every beat.
And a cuckoo sits in the clock, she has her own hut,
The bird cuckoos time, hides behind the door again.
The arrows move in a circle, do not touch each other,
We will turn with you counterclockwise.
And the clock goes, goes, sometimes it suddenly lags behind.
And it happens that they are in a hurry, as if they want to run away,
If they are not led, then they completely get up.

Experiment 3

Teacher: In a container with sand, pour water from cups and stir the sand with spoons. What was the sand like? (wet, sticky)
When the sand gets wet, the air between the edges of each grain of sand disappears, the wet edges of the sand grains stick together and hold each other. If cement is added to wet sand, then after drying, the sand will not lose its shape and become hard, like a stone. This is how sand works in building houses. What do you do with sand in summer? (fortresses, kulichki)
Take sticks and draw something on the wet sand. Shake the container with wet sand. Is the drawing gone? Why did he survive on the wet sand?

Children's answers: (wet grains of sand stuck together and hold the drawing)

Experiment 4

Teacher: mix crushed colored chalk in a container with dry sand. What happened?

Children's answers (chalk stained the sand, the sand became the same color as the chalk)

Conclusions: the teacher suggests remembering what properties of sand they met, paying attention to the models.

Final part

The teacher offers to draw a picture with colored sand.

For this, cardboard, brushes and PVA glue are offered, with which a pre-drawn flower stencil is circled and filled with colored sand.

Children exhibit finished work



To acquaint children with the properties of water (transparency, has no taste and smell, color, water is a solvent, water is flowing).

Develop skills in conducting laboratory experiments:
to consolidate the ability to work with transparent dishes: cups, chopsticks;
consolidate the ability to work with unfamiliar solutions, while observing the necessary safety measures.

Awaken interest in experiments, develop observation, a visual-effective type of thinking.

Develop curiosity, the ability to reason and express your opinion.

Experience #1

“Water has no taste”
Do you know the taste of salt, sugar, lemon, onion? You are familiar with the taste of apples, potatoes, tomatoes, bread, cake. Taste the water in a glass. Is it possible to call water salty, bitter, sweet, sour? None of the familiar tastes can be attributed to water.

Conclusion: water has no taste.

Experience #2

“Water has no smell”
When mom bakes pies and buns, you will feel the appetizing smell behind the doors of the apartment. A delicate aroma is emitted by flowers, perfumes. And smell the water, what does it smell like?

Conclusion: the water is odorless.

Experience #3

“Water is liquid, it can flow”
Invite children to pour water from one container to another. Ask a question: “Water pouring? Why?".

Conclusion: liquid water, pouring, flowing

Experience No. 4

"Water has color."
There are two glasses in front of the children: one with water, the other with milk. Lay down the blue stripe. In which glass is the strip visible, and in which not? Why? We have milk and water in front of us, we see a strip in the water, but not in a glass of milk.
Conclusion: water is clear, but milk is not.

Experience No. 5

"What color is the water? ".

There are colored strips of paper on the table. With their help, we determine the color of the water. Attached and compared the color of the water and the color of each strip.

Can we say that the water is blue? Green? Yellow? Red? (No. The color of the water does not match with any of the strips).
As you can see, the water is not colored in any of these colors. What is the color of the water?

Experience No. 6

“Snow is also water. Water modifications.

We bring cups with snow (ice). It's cold outside, warm in the room. The snow melts - it becomes less, and there is more water. The water is initially cold, but after a while it gets warmer. Snow, ice, icicles melt in the room from the heat, turn into water.
Conclusion: when warm the snow melts and turns into water.

Experience No. 7

“Water has no color, but it can be colored.”

Pour water into glasses. What color is the water? (Water has no color, it is transparent). Water can be tinted by adding paint to it. (Children watch the coloring of the water). What color is the water? (Red, blue, yellow, red). The color of the water depends on what color paint was added to the water.

Conclusion: Water can be easily dyed any color.

Experience No. 8

"Water is a solvent."

Pour salt into one glass of water and a couple of tablets of activated charcoal into the other. Stir the water. What can be seen? What does this experience say? (The water dissolved the salt crystals and the charcoal tablets fell to the bottom).

Conclusion: Water is a solvent, but not all substances dissolve in it.

Experience No. 9

"Sinking, not sinking."

For the experiment, you need a bath of water, objects of various weights. Dip items into the water one by one. What happened? Some items sank and some floated. It depends on the weight of the item. Conclusion - Water pushes out lighter objects.
In the process of experimentation, the preschooler gets the opportunity to satisfy his inherent curiosity, to feel like a scientist, researcher, discoverer.


Outdoor games:

“Edible - not edible”, “What do we take in the basket?”

Didactic games:“Find out by description”, “Top-roots”.

Speech games:"Guess - we will guess."

Role-playing games:"Sailors", "In a cafe", "Tour Bureau".

Speech development

Enrichment of vocabulary on the topic.

Nouns summer, heat, sun, sunshine, beach, tan, bathing, rest, thunderstorm, rainbow, lightning, bread, cereals, wheat, rye, ear, sheaf, grower, harvester, miller, flour, baker, dough, bun, muffin, poppy, bell, chamomile, buttercup, porridge, clover, bathing suit, forget-me-not, protection, nature.

Adjectives: hot, cool, cold, warm, rainy, sunny, joyful, golden, mustachioed, heavy, white, fresh, rye, tasty, rich, beautiful, tender, fragrant, scarlet, purple, snow-white, golden, pink, blue, rare.

Verbs: relax, sunbathe, swim, play, ride, walk, ride, fly, raise, care for, clean, grind, knead, bake, tear, destroy, protect, sniff, draw.

Drawing up stories according to the picture, a series of plot paintings, descriptive stories according to the plan.

Drawing up a story (sentences) based on a picture

Drawing up a story based on a series of plot pictures

Planning a story

Examination of illustrations and reading of works of art: "Flower - seven-flower" by V. Kataev; "About mimosa" by S. Mikhalkov; "Where did the sparrow dine?" S. Marshak; "About the hedgehog Vovka", etc.

Reading and memorizing poems about summer.

Making and guessing riddles about summer.

Puppet theater (dramatizations): "Dispute of vegetables", "Kolobok".

Interaction with parents

Wall newspaper:

“This is what our summer is like!”
Message "Wildflower" (optional)
Compilation of a story on the topic "The brightest summer impression."


Photo exhibition:

"Summer is a small life"

Open display of GCD

"Little Experimenters"

Project presentation

Photo app