Feeding aquarium fish. Correct feeding of aquarium fish

What to feed aquarium fish?

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Answers to this question quite simple, but at the same time they have an individual character - that is, depend on the specific type of aquarium fish, from the volume of aquarium and other nuances!

Answering the question - How to feed fish? It can generally say that feeding the pets is necessary so that after 1-2 minutes the abandoned feed was eaten. Lighting this issue, it should be noted that the fish is better not defocked than to overflow. Do not feed fish a lot and often. Watch that this situation does not work out when - you fed fish, then the spouse, and then children!

Moreover, fasting fish - diet, brings fishes to benefits! Complece fish once a month unloading days - do not feed fish 2 days. Following these recommendations, you get rid of the risk of pet disease with gastrointestinal diseases and just improve their well-being!

The second point is to highlight on the issue - How to feed fish! Food for fish should be balanced and diverse, in addition, it must meet the individual needs of a particular type of fish floating in your "oceanarium". Often, many make a big mistake and feed fish in one kind of feed (for example, dry)! Such a fish content policy and such feeding leads over time to the question - how to treat fish? Feed should be: high-quality, diverse. At the same time, no one says that fish need to feed delicacies. But to combine, for example, dry and frozen food - it is possible, it is not so expensive!

In addition, different fish prefer different feed, some, for example, well, very necessary vegetable food! Taking into account such features, select the appropriate food, balancing it.

When to feed fish? This question is also individual for a specific species of fish. For example, the majority of aquarium soms lead a nightlife, and therefore feed them preferably in the dark stock.

But since most fish lead a daily lifestyle, then feed them better during the day - in the morning or at lunch.

How much you need to feed?

I feed my feed once a day, in the morning. However, many recommend feeding aquarium fish 2 twice a day. Actually I do not see anything bad in it. The main thing is to abide by the rule, the feed must be eaten in 2-3 minutes.

How feed feed fish?

A lot of an important issue of food for aquarium fish is the question of its quality. Certainly? You can "get aquarium food" in the old way - to hunt ponds or suffer with a moth. You can buy feed on the bird markets! However, no one will give you guarantees! Moreover, such food is dangerous to health your pets.

To protect yourself from problems, and an aquarium from infection - it is recommended to buy food only in branded pet stores of your city. It should be viewed on the labeling and date of production.

Now wide popularity in our time purchased Internet pet stores: Resources engaged in the sale of aquariums, aquarium equipment, fish feed and other aquarium drugs. Without leaving home, you can choose and order the necessary products. In addition, prices in online stores are much lower than the retail price of the goods.

What to feed fish?

In our arsenal there are the following varieties of fish feed:

Dry: dried gammarus, artemia, long standing, etc.

Sublimated feed consisting of a mixture of ingredients.

Frozen Feed: Moth, Artemia, Streptcephal, Daphnya, etc.

Live feed: Moth, Artemy, Grindale, etc.

A group of products that can be called "food from our table": seafood (fish fillet, shrimp, low-fat beef - bullish heart ... Salad, spinach, zucchini, zucchini, cucumber, etc.).

Agree, magnificent arsenal! It is important only to use it correctly. All you need is to purchase food and make a subsidiary of the diet for a week, according to the individual preferences of hydrobionts.

How to feed herbivorous fish: Anchistrus, L-Soma, Labidochromis, Pseudotrofuses, Goldfish? The diet of their nutrition should be ~ 70% vegetable food, ~ 30% protein. Take for them sublimated feed with vegetable ingredients, for example:

By purchasing aquarium fish as pets, it is necessary to study many nuances and rules for their content and care. Before the future owner of the underwater kingdom, many questions arise: how to choose a suitable aquarium, whether it is necessary to uphold the water and what is the duration of settling, how to choose a soil and so on. But the most often the question arises about how to feed fish in the aquarium and how many times a day it needs to be done.

A very important question that is worth solving when buying fish, how to feed them

Types of food fish

For pets to please their owners with beauty and health, you need to properly feed fish in the aquarium. All existing types of feed can be divided into the following groups:

  • frozen;
  • branded (dry food);
  • alive;
  • vegetable.

Feed fish follows a variety of food

Many novice aquarists mistakenly believe that it is better to feed fish in aquarium only dry food. But it is incorrect. Home inhabitants, as well as a person, should eat a variety of food.

We should take into account the type of underwater inhabitants, as some fish prefer vegetation food, while others choose extremely live food. For conventional species, it is better to stop at combinations of existing nutrient mixtures.

Rules for use of dry feed

Modern branded feeds contain all the necessary substances for the inhabitants of the aquarium. Consider feeding rules:

  1. If feeding the pets is extremely dry food, then, having grown hard, they pounce on food, swiftly swallowing it. This leads to reinforcement of food in their stomach. In addition, most of such feed remains in water, which further has a negative effect on the composition of the fluid.
  2. The remains of dry feed strongly pollute the underwater kingdom, which leads to an intensive growth of pathological microorganisms. This may be fatal for pets.
  3. Different types of dry feed must be alternating among themselves, since there are many varieties of such food for fish.
  4. It is not recommended to feed the dried daff, as it does not contain practically no nutrients, but it contributes to the diseases of the stomach of fish.

Feeding only in one type of feed is fraught with bad consequences for fish and aquarium water

Fingering alive food

Live feed can be called one of the best options that it is recommended to give fish regularly. Here you should also comply with a variety. The living stern is mainly related to the moth, the coretra and the tube. But this type of food has serious disadvantages:

  1. If the food turned out to be poorly, it is fraught with poisoning of pets.
  2. Live feed can cause some diseases.
  3. It should not be given to meat too often a moth, as it is poorly absorbed.

For disinfection, it is necessary to freeze the feed. This is the most affordable way to save food from harmful microorganisms. You can spread food into the feeder, but it is impossible to leave it there for a long time that the inhabitants of an artificial house do not poisoned.

Best Fish Feed - Live

During the spawning period, living food is extremely necessary. Fishes that have grown on such nutrition have a good immunity and are distinguished by strong health.

Vegetable menu

When buying aquarium fish, the seller should necessarily ask for their food preferences. Fish, not susceptible vegetable food, is a relatively rare phenomenon, and it is desirable to include greens in the diet. The exception is predators.

Most fish need vegetation stern

You can buy corporate vegetable feeds that can be in the form of tablets or flakes. And you can and independently feed fish, adding to the zucchini, cabbage, cucumbers. Cruses are also used as vegetable feeding. Before use, they are recommended to soak boiling water for a while, then, coating, start up to the feed.

Frozen food

Not every hostess will like smoking worms in the refrigerator chamber. This causes some sense of disgust and other unpleasant sensations. In order not to put up with this unpleasant moment, there is an alternative to storing live food for fish - freezing.

This type of food storage has some advantages:

  • light and long storage;
  • the same composition of the beneficial substances is maintained as in living food;
  • you can perform the necessary dosage in advance when freezing.

Frozen food can be purchased in the desired dosage

Frozen foods are practically no difference from living feed, so you can safely use this type of storage.

Frequency and quantity feeding

Most of the owners of the underwater kingdom, not knowing the nutritionals of fish, often they are overproed. It extremely negatively affects pets and can even lead to their death, so it is important to know how many times to feed aquarium fish per day and how much food is given.

The dose is determined on the basis of observations of the inhabitants of the aquarium. It is believed that in one reception, the fish can be given so much food as they can use it within five minutes. If there is still an excess food in the vessel, it is recommended to remove it urgently to avoid posting.

Individual dose is determined by experimental way

Many aquarists feed their pets 2 times a day, the others once a day, being sought to have them at the same time. These options are quite acceptable. Malks should be fed more often, on average 3-4 times a day. It is prohibited for one reception of food to give a large amount of feed. It must be remembered that the inhabitants of the aquarium is extremely undesirable to overpay, sometimes it is better to unoccuping them.

One of the first questions that people ask the sellers of aquarium fish - and how to feed them correctly? You may think that this is a simple question, but it is not so. Of course, if you do not want to bother yourself, you can just throw a few flakes in the aquarium, but if you want your fish to be healthy, played with all the colors of the rainbow and please you, then we will tell you how to feed aquarium fish.

How much fed fish?

I would say that the bulk of aquarists feeds its fish correctly, but too often you have to see how excessive feeding turns the jar into a fettered swamp or so languishing fish that they forget how to swim.

And it's easy to understand why this happens. There is no definite standard, and feeding fish can be a simple task for a beginner. The fact is that with fish, we most interact during feeding. And so I want to feed them a little bit.

And the novice aquarist feeds the fish, every time he sees that they lonely asking feed from the front glass. And most of the fish will ask the feed even when they are about to burst (this applies to cichlids), and it is not easy to understand that enough.

And yet - how often do you need and how many times to feed aquarium fish? Fish needs to be fed 1-2 times a day (for adult fish, fry and teenagers need to be fed much more often), and so much feed that they eat in 2-3 minutes. Ideally - no food fell on the bottom (but do not forget to feed one separately). We agree immediately that we are not talking about herbivores - for example or brocade somas. These feed on almost around the clock, scraping. And do not worry, you shouldn't carefully watch if they, they just look after a week a week.

And why is it so important not to overflow fish? The fact is that overcharging negatively affects the state of the aquarium. Food falls on the bottom, falls into the ground, boils and starts spoiling water, serving the nutrient basis for harmful algae.
At the same time, nitrates and ammonia are accumulated in water, which poison fish and plants.
Dirty, aquariums with sick fish - often the result of overproing and dirty water.

What to feed?

So, how to feed it properly ... and what to feed aquarium fish?
All food for aquarium fish can be divided into four groups - branded, frozen, live food and vegetable feed.

If you want to keep a healthy fish with a beautiful color, it is better to feed all the types of these feeds. Of course, some fish can only eat live food, others are only vegetable. But for ordinary fish, the ideal diet consists of branded feeds, regular feeding of alive feeds, and not regular vegetable.

Branded feed - Provided that you buy real, and not fake, may be the basis of the diet for most fish. Modern branded fish feed, contain all the necessary substances, vitamins and minerals so that the fish is healthy. Buy such food is no longer a problem, and the choice is huge.
Separately, I note the so-called dry food - dried gammarus, cyclops and dafnesia. Extremely bad feeding of any fish. Does not contain nutrients, poorly digested, allergen for people.
But do not use dry food - dried dafnium, there are almost no nutrients in it, the fish suffer from the stomach diseases, they grow poorly!

Branded feed - flakes, granules, pellets

Alive feed - One of the best feed for fish, which you need to feed the fish regularly. It is not necessary to feed one and the same kind of constantly, alternate, because the fish loves a variety. Of the most common living feed - a moth, a pipe, a core. But he has serious disadvantages - it is possible to apply the disease, to poison the fish with poor quality, and the feeding of the moth can not be carried out too often, it is poorly digested by fish. The simplest disinfection of the living food is freezing, which kills a part of the nastiness in it.

- For some, living foods may be unpleasant, and women do not welcome the smoking worms in the refrigerator ... Therefore, there is an excellent alternative - frozen live food for fish. I choose them for feeding, as they just dose, they are easily stored, do not deteriorate, and contain all those substances as alive. And often you can buy a mix of living feed, where several types will be contained - Moth, Artemy and Correstra together.

Vegetable feed - Rarely find the fish, which from time to time does not eat plants in nature. And for most species of fish, vegetable feed is desirable. Of course, in each rule there are exceptions and predators will not eat grass. Be sure to read what kind of food prefers the fish living in your aquarium.
Vegetable feed can be bought as branded, in tablets or in the form of flakes, and add to the aquarium yourself. For example, .


If you follow these tips, you do not overlapping the fish, give her a full-fledged diet rich in nutrients, and as a result, get a beautiful, healthy fish that will live long. Fish feeding is the basis of their content, and you will not regret the spent time, if you do everything right from the very beginning.

Mar 17, 2014 admin.

From the fact that their appearance, health, activity, lifespan and aquarium cleanliness depends on their appearance.

Than feeding aquarium fish

You can feed fish with both ready-made feeds and natural food. Choosing a finished food in a pet store, consider that they differ for different groups of fish in composition and particle size. Therefore, before buying food, find out what group your fish belongs. In such food, all the necessary fishes are contained, vegetable and animal elements.

Also, fish can be fed by living food: whims and tube. Some fish love larvae and worms. They can be purchased in special stores.

If you decide to feed fish products from your table, be careful with the choice of food, do not throw everything in a row to the aquarium! Correct aquarium fish can be grains of corn, pieces of apples, cucumbers, carrots and pumpkins, shrimp meat and squid, sprout leaves of nettle or spinach. Falls can offer a broken egg yolk, and some fish are not even averse to to be enjoyed by pieces of boiled chicken!

How much feed is required

Fish is better not to read than overgrown. Pour food to aquarium follows in small portions so that the fish eat everything in 5 minutes. Fish should eat no more than 3% feed from its total mass. Portions should be equal with each feeding.

How often should fake fish

Ordinary fish can be fed 1-2 times a day in small portions, but it's better to feed goldfish every other day. Once a week it is good to organize the so-called unloading day and not give feed fish at all. It is also important to feed aquarium fish at the same time regularly.

Than feeding goldfish

Goldfish can eat practically any feeds, the main thing is not to overflow. Little fish is better feeding with alive and dry foods, and adults are vegetable. You can feed them boiled without salt with crops, can be moth, pipe and worm. Also for goldfish, seeds of wheat seeds or caress salad are suitable. You can grate carrots and cucumbers on fine grater.

What can not feed fish

It is impossible to feed fish with white bread and food fatty particles, as they spoil the water in the aquarium. Also, in no case should the large pieces of food into the aquarium.

You launched the aquarium, planted plants, chose fish, but now it means a very pressing question to themselves: what and how these fish actually feed? - Let's deal with.

Conditionally, all fish can be classified into three groups:

  • Predators - their favorite feed - alive, but also to artificial substitutes of fish can be accustomed without difficulty. The stomach of such pets is large, and prey they often swallow entirely;
  • POPE - the stomach is miniature, but the intestines are long, they feed mainly by algae and plants, but also from small living feeds will not refuse;
  • Omnivores are the majority of aquarium fish, they can give various types of feed.

You need to choose feed depending on:

  • taste Fish Punches, would not hurt to learn how they eat: whether they choose from the bottom or grab from the surface;
  • what sizes of food will be able to swallow: hardly fish will be glad to a delicacy, which is twice as much as the diameter of their mouth;
  • Your financial opportunities: better buy good live food, the cheap artificial substitute;
  • Fish age, as fry and adult individuals feed on various types of food.

The basic principle of feeding aquarium fish: better less than more. With obesity and diseases of the internal organs, as a result of the surgery, it will be much more difficult to cope, and every day the soil is unlikely to form food residues, it is unlikely that someone wants to someone.

How often feed fish?

It is necessary to feed adult individuals 1-2 times a day at the same time (in the evening - 2-3 hours before sleep). The felts are fed more often - 4-5 times a day, the daily portion should be approximately equal to the weight of the fry. The amount of feed is determined by the "method of samples and errors", let's so much food, how many fish eat in 5-10 minutes, the remains of food will simply settle on the bottom (bottom fish - an exception, they are fed first, and only then fall asleep with other types).

You need to arrange once in 7-10 days unloading day: Since the fish do not spend energy to maintain body temperature, they can easily rummage a couple of days. Patients are fed less often, since many individuals lose appetite. Preparing for the spawning of individuals feed more often and is rich.

What to feed aquarium fish?

If we talk about useful substances, then 50% of the feed should be proteins, fats and carbohydrates need less. Also in food should be present pigments, vitamins, minerals, trace elements. Donate fish need in the sand, snag - rough food improves digestion.

Live food. Largely predatory fish are often feeding smaller individuals - Guppies, goldfish, and so on, but you can also easily teach pets to meat and insect. Aquarium fish give crickets, drosophyl, small crustaceans (cyclops, Dafnia, Artemia, Hamarus), a moth, a pipe, an enshortrea, rainworms. Frozen live food got great popularity: the owners do not need to suffer and breed low-attractive worms or flies. Externally, this feed looks like cubes or briquettes that are easily disintegrating under the jet of water, vitamins and useful substances are better preserved in such a food. Tetra, San Francisco Bloodworms, Wardley and other companies specialize in the release of such feed.

Artificial feed.Often there are several products in them, artificial feed are in the form of flakes, granules, pills, pasta. It is worth remembering that such food needs to be stored in a closed dish in a cool and dry place, it will quickly deteriorate. If you do not have so many fish, you should not buy big packaging - food quickly flies. Try to choose famous manufacturers, the packaging should be hermetic, with a clearly indicated shelf life. Often feed is made on your own: it includes an animal base (fish, meat, insects), oatmeal, vitamins, fish oil, frozen spinach, water, gelatin, and so on. The finished mixture after cooking is stored in the refrigerator.

Vegetable feed. Often the fish calmly "lunch" by algae (lemna, fern of water, ripple, valley, Wolfia, Naiada), in addition to the main diet, give sliced \u200b\u200band covered with boiling water spinach leaves, cabbage, salad, plantain, young nettle, dandelion, also for sale tableted feed .