Beautiful big bow of ribbon do it yourself. How to make a bow of tape for ordinary hairpin? How to make a beautiful satin ribbon bow

Good mood to all readers of the site. Summer is in full swing and it's time to think about suitable accessories and decorations. Today we will create beautiful lush, I would even say fluffy, bows from ribbons with their own hands. So, this article will be particularly interesting to moms of girls.

But even if you have a son, then know: if suddenly ... someday ... you will need to surprise something and please a neighbor girl or a tribe, then why not try to sew such little bows from the headband ribbons?

Especially since they are sewing very quickly and simple. And look very cute and trustly. Here we, for example, have already managed to conquer our bows not only neighbor boys, but also girls!

In order to get such fluffy bows, you need to prepare:

kapron ribbon of the desired shade 8-10 cm wide - 3 meters
Small pieces of felt or any other non-woven material sufficient density.

The main thing - the material should not be poured and it should not be stretching. From this point of view, the fleece will be not very convenient in the work. It does not run, but it stretches, and this is not good. But if nothing on hand does not turn out to be, then you can use it. You can also try using fine soft skin. Or a piece of filter. Or, at worst, sneaking the PVA glue ordinary cotton fabric in general mass options, - Choose.

Why I will explain thinner later. But if you do not read to the end, you can find it yourself. Especially if without obeying the council, take the wrong needle that I recommend, and the one that has long passed on your casket for sewing supplies.

We will also need a thermoclay, a lighter, a pair of beads in tape tone (preferably with a screwdriver, so that there is an elastic band and the haired rubber band itself is approximately 30-40 cm. Also in tape tone. Everything. We start our master class.

Fluffy bows from ribbons with their own hands. Master Class

The first thing to be done is to prepare a drop-down ribbon to further work. Find it on a very, very weak temperature mode heated iron to eliminate possible failures, folds and other intraceptions. The ribbon must be perfectly affected. I do not advise steam to use, as some ribbons as a result of an evaporation can acquire a strong waviness or even be covered with moisture stains. Therefore, only dry ironing. Fans of excipation, I advise you to try at the bottom of a small area with the edge of the tape.

Next, we fall off the cuts of ribbons attached between the pages of the thick book, lighter. If there is a special soldering iron or the dear, then you can process the sections them. And the way with a book is good because there is no special tools and tools in stock, you can easily melt the cuts without fear and reproach, or not be afraid that the edge will be even worse than before processing. Dense sheets of the book will not allow the flame to be spread further, and the cut line will be smooth and neat.

Now proceed to the sewing process. Flexing the tape in half and we flash with small stitches with a length of approximately 0.3-0.5 cm along the fold line at a distance of 0.3 cm from it. You can and less, but not very convenient. But it is very beautiful.

I tried to sew 0.1 cm at a distance. The truth was to collect it was a little inconvenient later. In general, okay. Plot behind the site, folding the ribbon in half laying the stitching of the "forward needle".

Secret number 1 ribbon is better and easier to collect initially for double thread. So, carrying it in the needle, connect both ends and tie a nodule

Well, not leaving far away, Secret number 2. Tighten the thread by collecting the tape whenever I flashing a small area with straight stitches. Do not wait until you reach the end of the tape. By this, you will avoid the possibility of breaking the thread when tagging a long strip of ribbons, as well as the length of the thread do not have to take too big. All these little tricks will help make your bows from ribbons smooth and neat.

Now the most responsible moment. And laborious. In principle, nothing complicated, but effort will be required. And ... tacty. You need to hardly pull the thread, but at the same time to show the tactfulness to not break it. Otherwise ... Ouuuu ... even speak scary.

Your thread is bullied, and not only you will have to start again, including the ribbon ribbon, by the way. So more, in additions to everything, you will get a lot of tightenings, hooks and holes that are no longer removed anywhere, but to sew and turn on them again ... Well, in general, of course, you will not have anything else, but the qualities of bantas are Of course not add. In general, we work extremely neat. Without too much enthusiasm.

So here. I was distracted. After the entire tape is assembled, fix the thread with several stitches and begin to be beautiful and slowly, twisting the collected tape along the spiral (starting from the end, over which we have just finished work), to flash the edge collected in the accordion. In the photo it is a little problematic, but it seems you can see something.

At the same time ... Attention !!! ... We help with your fingers, pulling down the free edge of the tape so that only the stitched edge fall into the spiral. Nuuuu ... in charge of course.

So, we flash. By spiral spirals for goodbye. Try so that you do not form a slide at the tagging or something in appearance resembling a cone, and a flat base was obtained. If it does not get, then in principle is not scary. But it is better, if it turns out. Therefore, connect the coils as it were "superficially". In the sense that stitches should be high quality, but lie on the surface, and not turn when tightening to the point. In other words, they should be seen.

If you are doing everything right, then as a result you have to get not very magnificent and not quite round, and also completely not fluffy, but an absolutely crumpled bow of the tape. And so, that's what should happen at the exit.

It certainly is not as ideal as I painted you here and advised for a half hour, but something so. Fix the thread. Cut off. We ride (in my case - somehow we screw in) beads on the rubber cord.

Why do you need beads? The fact is that their presence on the gum significantly simplifies the task of fastening this gum on the tails and pigtails. This is a wonderful and that much more important, useful know-how has long been used with great success in the manufacture of all sorts of hair rubber. Well ... actually, what am I worse? I, too, now on all rubberry hanging beads. Pot! And by the way, I advise you!

In general, we ride beads, then tie to the cord assembly, we obtain a closed ring with a diameter of approximately 5-6 cm and cut an excess rubber band, leaving free ends with a length of no more than 0.5 cm. We melt the threads of the braid threads with a lighter.

Send a rubber band to the collected ribbon. At the same time, make sure that the stitches are located over the rubber cord, otherwise you will pose oh, we will lead its disrepair. Sefers, naturally, from the node. Bead at this moment freely hangs at the bottom.

We work, again, double thread. 4-6 stitches. 2-3 stitches on each side from the node. Try not to capture the ribbon itself, but only work with the assembly site. Thanks to this, the lower roller tier will not be shorter and the ready-made kapron ball, or rather the bow, will be evenly lush.

Ready! At last. It remains to put on an elastic band prepared in advance from the felt with a diameter of approximately 2.5 cm with a longitudinal incision for beads in the center of this circle. The length of the cut is equal to the diameter of the bead or a little less (by 1 mm) from the technological point of view the second option is even more correct than the first. I'm telling you how my favorite readers say.

After you have done a bead and put the circle to the junction of the rubber cord with a bow, it can be removed. You can make it a conventional transparent glue the moment of the crystal, but I'm more like a silicone glue gun. A pair of small droplets at the base of the gum and a thin line throughout the perimeter of the felt circle.

Flour (or blossom? Who will answer, that well done!) Our kapron ball and get a wonderful fluffy, bright bow of tape !!! Beauty! You like? Yes, for me.

As you can see, sew bows of the tape with their own hands is not at all difficult and most importantly - not at all for a long time. 30-40 minutes and two handsome gantaude are ready for fitting and to new hairstyles on your crumbs!

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Creative success and excellent mood!


Bates from ribbons can be used anywhere. Their use will add originality in everyday life, decorate gifts for the holidays, will help create a unique hairstyle. Booth Testing options are set from the simplest to the most difficult and incredibly beautiful.

Bows are made from specially intended tapes.

Materials for tapes:

  • atlas;
  • organza;
  • fatin;
  • reps;
  • capron;
  • paper;
  • lace;
  • cotton material.

Table of features of materials for tapes:

Title material Positive sides disadvantages
  • strength;
  • durability;
  • with proper care, the material does not lose form;
  • fully safe;
  • absorbs moisture;
  • not electrified.
The fabric is heavy, when washing in hot water sits down, the raw edge rapidly crumbles
  • strength;
  • fool resistance;
  • fabric deformation is completely excluded;
  • rich appearance;
  • does not require special care.
  • it's expensive;
  • unpleasant body;
  • badly passes air;
  • working with such a cloth is quite difficult.
  • elastic fabric;
  • light and durable;
  • not one thing;
  • it keeps well and passes air;
  • dries quickly;
  • available at a price.
The material does not tolerate high temperatures, electrified
  • strength;
  • density;
  • it holds well;
  • passes air and absorbs moisture;
  • not things.
Cotton variety of fabric sits down when washing in hot water, silk and woolen fabric erase only with hands and dried in a horizontal position
  • strength;
  • ease;
  • smoothness;
  • material repels pollution;
  • not deformed;
  • not crushed.
  • fully synthetic material;
  • burns out in the sun;
  • does not absorb moisture;
  • does not heales.
Paper A wide variety of color schemes, glossy glitter, with material easy to work Motion and not smoothed, it is easily damaged
Lace Elegant appearance, elasticity, tissue fluctuates well Requires special care: do not squeeze, do not over
Cotton Material Natural, warm, durable, pleasant to the touch fabric. Easy fries, it is difficult to smooth, sits down, fades after washing


To make a bow of ribbons with your own hands, you will need:

  • ribbons as the main material;
  • ruler for measurements;
  • well sharpened scissors;
  • tweezers for fixing the ends of the tape;
  • fire source for eopling ends;
  • glue.

for decor used beads and rhinestones

The following nuances should be taken into account in the manufacture of bows from the ribbons:

  • in a properly made product, the facial side of the tape should be visible, the wrong - hidden;
  • sections need to be defiating;
  • in order not to spoil the form of the material, it is not recommended to leave the tape for a long time tied;
  • if the bow will be used as an element of decor for clothing, it is necessary that the material of the bow in its texture is compatible with the material of the clothes;
  • to determine the correct length of the tape for wrapping the box, you need to make 2 ribbons around the box and add at least 60 cm for a bow;
  • when tieding a bow, it is important to leave the free ends of the tape as long as possible, and then rooted with scissors;
  • to shorterate the ends can be one of the 2 options: Cut with diagonal or v-generated method.

for gift boxes and biscuit compositions, it is more convenient to use a wire tape inside, the product will retain its original appearance.

How beautiful to tie a bow from satin ribbon

How to tie a bow from an atlas ribbon in classic variation:

  • determine the middle of the tape;
  • throw the ribbon to the index fingers, the loops should be equal, the bottom of each loop is clamped with a thumb;
  • crush loops;
  • turn one loop to another;
  • tighten the knot.

To make a strict bow from the satin tape, you need:

  • decompose the material strip on the table and determine the middle;
  • each edge of the tape is fixed with glue in the middle of the ribbon (with proper addition, the side view resembles infinity sign), smooth;
  • a small piece of ribbon (one can color) turn the joint;
  • the ends are glued on the reverse side of the bow.

To tie a double bow, 2 tapes are required than the same length.

  1. Ribbons fold together.
  2. At the index fingers throw 1 loop.
  3. Loops crossbow.
  4. In the bottom of the bottom, the ring to turn one of the loops, tighten.
  5. The finished bow to smooth out, the ends of the tape straighten, you can hide them inside the loop of the bow.

Double bow can be done differently, and it will look a little different:

  • take a wide and narrow tape of the same length;
  • place a narrow tape on a wide, make ends to glue;
  • folding the ribbon around the ends copper;
  • the joint of the glued opposite ends is located in the middle of the bow, the place of the joint is bonded with a parallel part of the future bow;
  • wrap the place of contact with a thin ribbon.

On the neck

Tie a bow in the shape of a butterfly on the neck from the ribbon can be one of 2 ways:

  1. Put the ribbon through the neck, the ends to cut.
  2. Skip up the right end of the ribbon, omit down. The right side of the tape should grab the left side before crossing.
  3. Now the left half of the tape claps the right, in the horizontal position, and is skipped into the loop. At the end, the knot is delayed.
  4. Place the ribbon on the neck so that its ends are different in length. Crightening (and a longer part should be on top).
  5. Crying this part of the tape short part and lower down.
  6. Short end to fold the semicircle.
  7. The long part at the same time is located in front and also folds with a semicircle.
  8. Turn to the loop, which is located for the 1st half-breed.
  9. Tighten, straighten.

The volume bow on the neck is typing like this:

  • ribbon wrapping the neck;
  • form loops;
  • intertwined and tie;
  • place a bow.

On the dress

How to tie a bow from a ribbon on a dress:

  • the ends of the decorative strip are folded with loops, cross;
  • the location of the crossing is fixed with glue (in this case, in the top glue rhinestones) or a decorative pin;
  • attach accessory to the dress.

At the belt

To beautifully tie a bow on the waist, it is necessary to observe such an order of action:

  • college with a tape waist;
  • ends fold 2 loops, cross;
  • in the formed loop skip 1 element;
  • tighten.

The original solution for decorating the waist will be a bow from one loop.


  • the tape wraps his waist, its ends should be different in length;
  • from a long segment of the ribbon, a loop is formed and crossed off with a short end;
  • the loop is popping down by wrapping the short end of the tape;
  • delayed;
  • the length of the end of the tape is regulated.

How to tie a beautiful bow of tape on chairs

Recently, it became fashionable to decorate the backs of chairs with bows. The decoration of the chairs needs to be very careful: the color of the bow must comply with the nature of the event. In order for the bow for a long time to retain the form, it is better to choose hard materials (organza), the edges of which should be well processed.

Most often, the backs of the chairs are decorated with classic bows.

It is tied up:

  • wrap the ribbon chair's back;
  • at the free ends, make 2 loops, cross;
  • one loop wrap another movement towards myself;
  • tighten, straighten.

Another embodiment of tape on the back of the chair provides for the placement of decoration under the top crossbar.


  • the tape is folded twice;
  • hanging tape on the upper crossbar, the loop at the same time is located on the inside;
  • tails are in the loop, tighten.

How beautiful to tie bows on September 1

It can be tied up with one of the 3 ways:

  • collection bow;
  • 4 petals;
  • luxurious flower.

For the 1st option, you will need a wide ribbon and gum.

  1. Hair is collected together and tie a rubber band.
  2. Then the ribbon turn the hair, one edge of the ribbon is left long, the other short.
  3. Long end folds several times and tied up short. Bow ready.

Bow "4 petal" is done like this:

  • the collected hair is wrapped with a ribbon and tie into a single knot, the ends of the ribbon should be the same;
  • from the tails fold the loops and tie a classic bow;
  • the remaining ends also fold and tie.

Before creating the next hairstyle, you must prepare the tape:

  • flash ribbon along the center;
  • collect accordion;
  • give a ribbon shape of a bow or flower and sew.

Attach the bow to the gum, collect the hair together, pull the rubber band.

Bow on a gift box

Volumetric bows will always be appropriate on gift boxes.

Bow-ball making:

  • tape folded in several layers;
  • the resulting rectangle cut corners;
  • move cuts to the center, carefully moving the tape;
  • the most narrow part of the tape is well tightened;
  • in turn, pull out all the loops, forming a ball.

To create a lush bow, you will need 3 ribbons different in width.

  1. The lane is medium width to lay in 4 layers, layers should be located over the other.
  2. Also folded a wide band and place the Cross-cross-tier tiers.
  3. Place the 1st bow from above on the 2nd.
  4. Center to pull the thin ribbon.

Big ribbon bow

To create a large bow, you will need a very wide tape from which the square is first cut.

  1. You need to put the base in the center of the square (a small strong box).
  2. From above and bottom to cover the base of the edges of the tape.
  3. On the short sides of the obtained rectangle make several folds.
  4. In the middle, where the basis is located, collect the tape and tie.
  5. Place the loop bow.

Booth of a wide ribbon

It will look very beautiful and originally a bow from a wide monophonic tape, if a narrow strip with an ornament will pass along the entire length along the entire length.

Bath creation scheme:

  • decompose a wide strip of tape on the table;
  • along the middle line and at the edges, attach a narrow bright strip of hidden stitches with a drawing;
  • finished tissue strip roll into hand;
  • tie;
  • remove with your arms and straighten.

From a thin ribbon

For lush bows, the decorative strip of fine matter is suitable.

How to tie a bow from the ribbon clearly shown in the photo

For crafts need:

  • to lay a strip of fabric for the whole length with turns, the turns must be located one over the other. The more turns, the more magnificent bow;
  • firmly tied in the center;
  • straighten
  • place the rings in a circle.

From a narrow tape

How to tie a bow from a small ribbon in the form of a flower:

  • cut off the ribbon of the desired length (at least 100 cm);
  • from one of the ends, measure 20 cm and form the 1st loop with a length of about 3 cm;
  • The 2nd loop is made in the same way from the opposite end;
  • The 3rd loop to do with an opposite side near the 1st, continue the action until the entire band of the fabric is involved;
  • gently tie into the center of the folded band of the tissue with a special wire;
  • wrap the wire with ribbon;
  • place the loop in a circle.

From the Kapron Tape

For the manufacture of a lush bow from Capron tape, you first need to smooth out well and process sections with fire.

  1. Now the tape is bent along the central line and is stitching with small stitches in the collar. At the same time, the thread should be greatly delayed.
  2. Spiral spiral tape.
  3. Flash the edge collected by the harmonica.
  4. Attach the finished bow to the gum.

The volumetric kapron bow can be simply tied on her hair.

For this you need:

  • collect hair in the tail and wrap their ribbon;
  • tie a single knot (the ends of the ribbon are crushed, the lower end of the tape wrap the top);
  • make at both ends of the capron of the loop, both free ribbons leave long, tie;
  • from the remaining long ends to form more on one loop, tie.

From paper tape

For the manufacture of a ban "Star" from paper tape, you need to do the following:

  • cut the ribbon with such stripes: 1st 3 will be the longest, 2nd bands are slightly shorter, 3 is as shorter than 2nd strips;
  • each string is eight, the ends are fixed;
  • the first three largest elements are stacked in a circle, making up the lower tier;
  • it is also stacked by a tier of medium-sized elements, the petals should be placed in a checker order, in the center of the tiers are fastened;
  • little petals are attached in a similar location.

a small piece of ribbon to wrap in the ring and attach in the center of the crafts.

How to make a bow from the ribbon to extract

In order for the bow from the ribbons to the statement looks elegant, it is better to apply the tapes of several combined colors and decor elements. Such a bow will be multi-tiered.

Manufacturing instructions:

  • work begins with a lower tier, the tape is cut into pieces of 20 cm long, the ends of each piece are swayed and stitched;
  • the petals are laid out in a circle and combine each other;
  • for the length of the next tier, cut off the strips of 15 cm long, also make the petals and brazen in a circle;
  • top Circle from Petals Place on the bottom, sew in the center point;
  • the middle of the flower bow decorate beads and rhinestones.

The plot of the creation of a bow for a newborn boy:

You can make a bow of 3-4 tiers. It is important to remember: the higher the petals, the more fewer.


For the manufacture of a two-color bow, 2 multi-colored different ribbon widths are needed. The larger tape will be the basis and background, it must be monophonic. A narrow tape can take a bright with an ornament.

Work process:

  • cut off 2 pieces of the same length with a wide and narrow tape;
  • narrow tape placed on a wide line along the central line, the ends fasten;
  • collapse in the ring;
  • shake;
  • smooth;
  • pull the bow in the middle of a narrow ribbon, hiding under her junction, tie;
  • correct ends.

Openwork "Dior"

Bow "Dior" is somewhat different from other crafts from ribbons with loops and nodes. It is a semicircular half of a bow, lying in the same plane. For its manufacture, you can choose any ribbon, including lace.


  • rings are made from ribbons of different lengths;
  • the rings are superimposed by one another from more to a smaller;
  • in the middle, the stapler is fixed, so each ring acquires the form of the eight;
  • the most small ring is superimposed on top;
  • point of fixation to hide under the ribbon, which passes through a small ring.

With fork

To make a bow on a fork with your own hands, you will need a tape from a 15 cm long and a dining force with 4 teeth.


  • ribbon wrap the progls of the fork, from the inside to crush;
  • determine the length of the ends of the tape, one of them should be much longer than the other;
  • long end to stretch through the average gap between the teeth;
  • the same end is removed upstairs between the 2nd and 3rd teeth;
  • the resulting small loop is not yet tightened;
  • the ribbon is in a loop inside;
  • pull out the end of the workpiece from the loop, tighten the node;
  • remove the finished bow from the table appliance;
  • correct ends.

Technique Kanzashi

How to make a ribbon bow using Kanzashi technique:

  • first you need to cut the tape into small rectangles, the more rectangles (for example, 15), the more comprehensive the bow, the petal will be made from each rectangle;
  • put the ribbon on the front side of the face down;
  • top corner bend to the bottom line and fix the english pin;
  • flip rectangle;
  • on the front side to heat the sharp angle to the bottom;
  • end hide;
  • fix the pin;
  • the same to do with the opposite side;
  • the workpiece to be folded so that the benges of the corners are inside;
  • lower edge to flash, tighten the thread;
  • flip, straighten;
  • all petals do in a similar way;
  • for the lower tier, put on the thread and close in the circle of 7 petals, for the average - 5, for the top - 3;
  • by the middle of the lower tier from the wrong side, glue the basis;
  • on the front side, glue the middle tier, then the top.

mid decorate a large bead.

From the reps tapes

How to tie a bow from reps ribbon:

  1. Fold the tape eight, the ends fasten the pins.
  2. To adjust the middle of each loop to the middle of the bow, fix it, it turned out 4 small loops.
  3. Both bows are firmware, the thread is delayed, the stitch is wrapped with a thread, fix the thread.

From the ribbons of different materials you can create a variety of bows to decorate their clothes, gifts and interior items. The technique of tapeding bows is extremely simple, any person will cope with it.

Article clearance: E. Chaykin

Useful video roller about how to make a beautiful bow on yourself

How to make an elegant two-color bow can be found from this video:

Posted on 02.11.2017

Not always at hand turns out to be ready-made decorations for a gift or beautiful packaging tapes. How if you want to make a gift packaging beautiful? Make a bow alone from undergraduated materials, namely from paper. How to make a bow of paperwhich you can decorate a gift? It is only a bit of patience and effort.

Curly can be not only on top of crest

To do original Cascade of Curry You can, to acquire ordinary paper, preferably very thin. Cut the sheet of paper with thin stripes, up to 1-1.5 cm, and then a stupid side of scissors, we give them the shape of curls, spending one of the sides of the paper. The curls are formed instantly. For this purpose, you can use the usual packaging paper. Having made the right amount of curls, fasten them with a stapler and attach to a gift, sticking or simply fixing. Curls can be arranged both around the perimeter of the box and fall from the central part.

How to make a paper butterfly?

To make a bow-butterfly, you will need two types of paper. One is more dense and bright (it can be a photo from the magazine), the second must be one and a half - two times less and depicting the body of the butterfly. We make the most ordinary fan of a larger leaf. From the small one, we make fan, trying to the folds are the same. Fan divide into three parts and slightly cut from the right and left side, retreating from the edge by 2-5 cm (depending on the magnitude of the sheet). On a larger sheet, we impose a smaller: in such a way that the folds coincide and press and tie two parts in the central part together. Gently straighten, giving a magnificent shape - and the butterfly is ready. For the product to be more catchy, it makes sense to use old magazines with pictures, mod catalogs and other, having a bright coloring paper.

Bantian Dior

An unusual bow can be done by preparing four rings of a decreasing diameter. The smallest should be such that it occupied no more than 50% of the width of the last ring. Rings must be slightly glued together, the upper and lower central parts are similar to glue. Rings also need to be glueding, laying out one in the middle of the second, and a narrow paper ribbon to connect across perpendicular to, thus obtaining the original decoration. The tape takes one color, but to give some contrast there is a transverse paper cut to take another shade.

As for the Book "Dior", then you can connect two of its halves, getting, more magnificent and volumetric inflorescence. It will look very nice and unusual.

Original paper chrysanthemum

To get the original and lush chrysanthem, you need to take a bright paper or light color (for example, pink or bright red) and cut ten-fifteen polygons. They must have the shape of hexagons or be similar to flags, but so that everyone is fastened with each other. We put the carved figures on each other and we temper the pin or the needle with the tip, the top of which you can give the shape of the pestle, having fallen a cap of white or yellowish color. It turns out chic paper flower.

Combinations with paper ribbons and curls

Can be done quickly and easily original decoration curls. Cut four strips of paper in the form of thin and long ribbons, the ends of which attach an unusual form, for example, like the flag, in the form of the letter "V". We put two ribbons next to the box or packaging with a gift (with a small interval), they are covered on top of them in analogous to the same tapes and glue into the joints of the joint. On top of the glued tapes attach other segments of paper, similar in width, placing them perpendicularly. Total will need four segments. We carry out the stupid edge of the scissors in the last attached segments of paper tapes, giving them the curl form. All: Decoration is ready.

In the same way, you can experiment with the color of the ribbons using, for example, white and scarlet pieces of paper, creating a composition of thin and thick curls. Or inserting such curls into the rings of a larger diameter.

How to make a simple and original bow?

A beautiful multicolor paper bow is obtained if you take on eight pieces of paper for three shades of the same length, but different widths. Colors can be taken, for example: the widest strip is blue, the lure is purple, and from above - gently pink color. We stick paper strips to each other. We begin the edges of the strips in the form of an envelope, connect each other and form two inflorescences in the form of a shader. Connect them with each other. In the central part of the decoration we attach thin bows. It should be done like this: Cut the very thin strips thick with the straw, which should be glued into the ring and then additionally connect in the center, having received a tonya bow.

You can glue the thread ring on top of thin bows to the obtained decoration, which will be wary of the central part. From the bottom you can attach two tapes, from the wrong side.

Most importantly: when creating decorations from paper, do not be afraid to experiment. After all, you can create compositions, unusually combining curls, ribbons, rhombic and irregular polygons, bows and fuel. The main task of such jewelry is to add a certain highlight to the hand of a gift, the interior, or even a masquerade suit. A little bit of strength and patience - and everything will work out!

How to make (tie) gift bow (bows) from ribbons

Bow from satin ribbon do it yourself for decoration

Bow of satin ribbon do it yourself for a gift

How to make a beautiful bow gift with your own hands

How beautiful to tie a bow. Classic Bow

How to tie a bowl master class, schemes with photos

Two-color bow from ribbons with your own hands. Simple, strict and

Home Hobby

Is it difficult to present a solemn moment without designing or decorating with elegant bows? Lush and strict, elegant and frivolous - they create a special mood at the festival. Make a hairpin or butterfly for an evening costume from satin ribbons will not be difficult if you follow the instructions.

How do bows of satin ribbons

Decoration assembly technology requires ribbons of different colors, a special width according to your idea. A minimum set of tools and materials for manufacture will be required. In case of passage of the master class, you will not have a question how to make a bow from the satin ribbon. The proposed step-by-step instructions will turn the work process into a pleasant and understandable.

How to tie a bow of ribbon

You will need:

  • lighter;
  • scissors;
  • threads;
  • needle;
  • line;
  • glue or thermopystole.

Depending on the purpose of the bow, there are a variety of manufacturer technologies. He can be:

  • small, made using a fork - suitable for decorating a postcard;
  • lush, elegant - in the style of Kanzashi - for the holiday in kindergarten;
  • strict butterfly tie - an important banquet;
  • double - for hair decoration, fixed on the rim or hairpin,
  • solemn - on a gift box.

Atlas bows can be performed as an original flower. If you correctly pick up color and shape, they will become unique decorations:

  • elegant evening dress;
  • frivolous sundress;
  • laid hair;
  • in the form of a bracelet on hand;
  • stylish handbag;
  • bride dresses;
  • elegant blouse;
  • as suspension on the neck;
  • furniture in the interior;
  • stylish dress for graduation evening;
  • curtain in the apartment.

How to make a bow from satin ribbon in classic style

The most popular and simple, this bow is used for decoration of clothing and interior. Even a modest gift, decorated in this way, becomes elegant, solemn and attractive. To tie a bow to:

  • take a billet with a length of 20 cm;
  • burn edges;
  • fold in half the smooth side inside;
  • edges to get out again;
  • take into your hands so that every loop is at the top, and the bend between them below;
  • cross-fold folded parts in front, forming a ring under them;
  • skip one loop through it, tie.

Strict beautiful bow from satin ribbon do it yourself

You can tie for a solemn case a strict stylish bow. It will decorate the lady's bag, dresses or gift. It is important to choose the right color to craft correctly, so that it looks elegant. How to make a bow from satin ribbon, for example, such as in the photo. Prepare for the scissors, glue, the material of three colors. You should:

  • take a blank with a width of 30 mm with a length of 18 cm;
  • roll ring;
  • the edges are combined with glue.

Subsequent actions to collect the decoration, such:

  • fold the ring so that the seam remains in the middle;
  • try
  • take the ribbon of another color of the same width, with a length of 7 cm;
  • wrap a ring around the workpiece across;
  • fix glue;
  • prepare the tape of the contrasting color of the same length, but thin;
  • wrap around, in the middle of the previous ring;
  • stuck
  • throw.

Two-color handsome bow from satin ribbon do it yourself

Stylish and very elegant decoration can be collected from billets of two colors. Easy to manufacture does not mean that it will look humble. Elegant and spectacular, he will decorate the hairstyle and the original dress. You will need a wide and narrow billet. For making decorations:

  • squeeze 2 pieces of 15 cm long - one narrow, other wide, cut off;
  • impose one on top of another;
  • roll;
  • bog fix glue;
  • follow;
  • tale tie the bow in the middle by a narrow ribbon, closing the place of the junction, forming a node;
  • ends cut off;
  • sweep.

Gift bows of satin ribbons do it yourself

Box with a gift on the occasion of an anniversary or birthday will look much more spectacular if you decorate her bow. It may depend on the situation with small, elegant or volumetric and lush, for example, such. It is very easy to tie it - you can quickly learn to learn, even without a master class, following the instructions:

  • take two meters long blank;
  • mix on the revealed palm of the left hand;
  • carefully remove;
  • leave the end free.
  • on a folded in several layers, the workpiece cut on one side both corners, about 5 mm;
  • burn up so that they do not bloom;
  • repeat operations on the other side;
  • fold the workpiece so that the cut parts are compatible in the middle;
  • tie the free end of the ribbon;
  • pour each petal, giving it volume.

The magnificent bow, made by independently, can please the young beauty if it is woven into the hairstyle or decorate the gift box. For its manufacture, you will need 6 blanks with a length of 12 cm, a width of 5 cm, as much as a length of 11 cm with a width of 30 mm. Previously need to burn around the edges. It still takes an elegant thin braid, small beads and a piece of felt. Next, you need to do this:

  • take wide blanks;
  • fold in half;
  • consistently assemble for one thread;
  • pull, secure;
  • repeat the process for narrow ribbons;
  • fetra cut a circle with a diameter of 40 mm;
  • stick to it a large billet;
  • take pieces of thin braid with a length of 12 cm - 6 pieces;
  • fold each into the ring;
  • glue from the front side by imposing on the petals;
  • over to fix the billet from a narrow ribbon;
  • pour glue, with a diameter of about 10 mm, on a piece of fabric;
  • put on him beads tightly in a circle;
  • cut in a circle;
  • glue the decor in the middle of the decoration.

If you want to decorate a festive postcard with a tiny bow, try to do it with a fork. The process will happen like this:

  • take the plug into the left hand;
  • take a loop ribbon on her so that the edges remain right;
  • far end behind the fork rinse through the bottom front;
  • enter it in the middle between the teeth and output back;
  • the remaining right tip of the ribbon enter in the same gap, but on top;
  • turn over the plug and bind both ends with two nodes;
  • remove the bow;
  • ends Cut, Outfall.

Openwork satin bow do it yourself

Want to learn the packaging gifts, as in the company "Dior"? The technology will not cause difficulties, and the view will be unusual and original. For the manufacture need satin blanks 25, 20, 16 and 10 cm long. To make such a decoration:

  • burn the edges of ribbons;
  • roll the longest to the ring;
  • glue ends;
  • repeat operations with other billets;
  • fold on each other all the rings, starting with a larger, glued areas located below;
  • skip an additional ribbon from above the rings (as an option, it can pass inside a small element);
  • fix from the reverse side.

If the process of making decorations by attached instructions will seem complex to you, look at the video master classes.

You will understand how do it yourself without special devices to make a bowl flower, learn how to collect decorations for gift boxes, learn how to tie a bulk two-color accessory for a holiday for a holiday, you will understand that the independent manufacture of the bows is a simple and fascinating process. Needlework helps you look original and unique, make your image attractive and stylish.

How to make a beautiful bow of satin ribbon in the form of a flower

Gift bow from tape

How to tie a beautiful bow of satin ribbon

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How to make a beautiful bow of satin ribbon do it yourself

How to make a big, lush and beautiful bow of ribbon on

How to make a bow of satin ribbon with your own hands with a photo

Bow - Masters Needlework

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    1. How to process edges
    2. Classical
    3. Two-color
    4. Extravagant
    5. Openwork
    6. Lush

    The lush festive bow is traditionally used to decorate gifts, hairstyles, envelopes, as well as elegant accessories for any outfits. A lovely bow of ribbon, made with your own hands, will become a beautiful decoration for gift packaging or postcards, the main thing is to choose the form and material.

    How to process edges

    So that the ends looked carefully and not trembled, they should be processed. First of all, cut them with sharp scissors at an angle of 45 degrees. On openwork structures, the V-shape in the form of a swallow tail is perfect.

    Then take a lighter or match and fall the edge, holding the fire at a distance of a centimeter from the fabric.

    How to make a bow from satin ribbon do it yourself

    This method is ideal for any synthetic materials.

    The simplest way is to cover the ends of PVA glue. This method does not look very aesthetically, so it is suitable only for the designs in which the tips will be hidden under the folds.


    Gift packaging will decorate a classic bow from the ribbon with your own hands, a simple step-by-step master class will help make it in just 5 minutes:

    1. Put the tape on the table face down and cross it ends in the middle so that on each side formed on the loop.
    2. Enter the hinge formed on each other crosswise.
    3. Wrap the left loop around the right, then skip it through the generated central looping and tighten the bow.

    From thin and air fabrics, the product will be lifeless and sluggish in appearance, so use for its manufacture a dense atlas, reps or crepe-satin.


    An unusual two- or three-color bow will be a great decoration of a hairpin or hair hoop. You will need stripes of different colors, and each new must be previously previously.

    1. Spread the two strips of contrasting colors on the working surface so that the narrow is above.
    2. Roll into the ring and secure it with glue.
    3. Find the workpiece with an iron through a tight paper sheet.
    4. Tie the middle and stripter the edges.

    It is possible to combine among themselves more colors, most importantly, pick up the bands of different widths to demonstrate all the colored layers of the product.


    A large lush bow of satin ribbons, made with your own hands, will decorate the hoop, hairpins or headdress. For this master class you will need 115 centimeters with a wide ribbon and a piece of thin wire.

    1. Measure 20 centimeters from the edge and make the first loop by holding it with the base between your fingers.
    2. Fluor with a long end, make up a similar loop next to the first.
    3. Then make another loop, but from the opposite side.
    4. Continue to form a design, alternating loop from different sides. As a result, you should have a blank in the form of a butterfly.
    5. A piece of wire should be wrapped around the center of the workpiece and crop over with scissors.
    6. Take the short strip of the tissue of the contrasting color and wrap it with the central part of the product to disguise the wire.
    7. Pour the loop and give the product rounded shape so that it becomes like a lush flower.

    Organza, satin or silk is suitable for this master class. Air construction You can additionally decorate with a decorative cord or glue a beautiful plastic brooch into the center.


    How to make an elegant openwork bow from the tape with your own hands? Very simple, just enough to prepare two meters of satin, adhesive gun and transparent tape.

    1. Take the box, decorated with packaging paper, and wrap around it with a tape, having spoiled it with glue.
    2. On the lid of the box should remain two long end, take one of them and twist a large loop by sticking it to the center to the center of the lid.
    3. Then the loop must be assigned by making several loops with a smaller loop and fix their bases with glue.
    4. Then repeat the same thing with another end.

    Remember that the volume of the future product depends on the number of small looping. So that the design came out more voluminous, make the loops as much as possible.


    For lush forms, it is better to use hard materials that hold the form well, for example, velvet. To visually see how to make an elegant bow of the ribbon properly, use the educational video with a visual master class.

    1. Take a long tape and wrap it several times around the palm.
    2. Cut the corners of the workpiece from each edge.
    3. Disable the workpiece and twist the same number of turns, but so that the cut corners are in the middle.
    4. Pack the middle and start carefully pulling out each turn and straighten the petals by spinning them along the axis.

    Now the decoration remains only to shake and attach a gift with the help of bilateral scotch.

    Based on classic technician, you can make copyright bows, adding them as beads, sequins or perforation, and use handmade candles or hairstyles on September 1 - the fantasy is unreasonable. Do not be afraid to experiment with materials and colors, the original color solution or unusual tissue will only decorate the product by making it unique and exclusive.

    Small tricks in the arsenal of each mistress are designed to greatly relieve and decorate our lives. This article we will talk about an important accessory for a festive mood. How to make a bow out of the ribbon and beautifully decorate them a gift or the interior of your home - all information is given later.

    How to make a bow of paper or tape

    You can make beautiful bows from different materials, but paper and various ribbons are considered the most popular. Let's analyze the most popular ways of making from these materials below.

    Technology implementation of paper

    Elegant and unusual "gear" decorations will love anyone, and if you master the execution technique, you can make such a miracle yourself.

    For manufacture you need to cook:

    • paper sufficient density (old posters are perfect);
    • scissors;
    • glue or stationery stapler;
    • line.

    How to make a paper bow:

    • Cut paper strips of the same thickness.
    • Using the line, measure pieces of different lengths.
    • Collapse every piece at an angle, not deforming paper.
    • Creamen two pieces among themselves so that it turned out a peculiar "eight".
    • You need three large and medium-sized "eights", as well as two small ones.
    • The last figure is simple in the form of a circle.
    • Starting from the longest "eights" decompose three pieces in the form of a circle, then bore them in the middle.
    • The average length of the "eight" also fix in the form of a circle.
    • To lay out the average "circle" to the big figure so that the teeth fall into a checker order.
    • The remaining two "eights" of a small size to fasten the cross will increase and install the figures from above.
    • The "top" of our bantas will be a paper circle, a label.

    For clarity of the paper bantas assembly process, there is a photo, an illustrating process available.

    The original and very gentle the bow is obtained on another option. To do this, it is enough to cut out the colored paper curly details (it is better to do this by the template) and copp them between themselves, as shown in the photo. For a variety you can use several colors, as well as paper with drawings. Showing the proper smelling, you can independently come up with new figures for an exclusive model.

    Technology manufacturer of ribbons

    The most suitable material for creating such a decor is ready-made ribbons, the range of which is constantly increasing.

    There are many species, the most common of them: satin, guipure, silk and translucent of organza.

    It should also take into account the huge selection of colors, brilliant varieties and the ability to pick up strips with a pattern. In general, the fantasy is where to raise, the choice of suitable products will depend solely on your aesthetic taste, well, how to make a bow from the tape with your own hands, we will tell you.

    Manufacturing technology can be divided into difficulty stages. Having mastered one option safely, you can complicate a little problem and start up.

    Simple bow of satin ribbon do it yourself

    For this, a strip of sufficient length is taken, and the principle of the node is shown in the photo.

    To make a nodule inactive, you can use the master class below how to tie a bow from the satin tape. At first, this method will seem too difficult, but with due diligence and training, everything will be obtained purely machine.

    Several options for bows from ribbons

    To create such a decor, it will be enough to choose a strip of different thickness and colors. The monophonic bow will be significantly played in aesthetical plan, so it is better to choose the option of more interesting.

    For the manufacture of such a bow, cut three stripes of different lengths, combine them between themselves and pull the segment smaller. The edges can be made to the toothed, as well as simply to turn it - it will give the product volume.

    The second option will be no less pretty, as well as easy to perform.

    Gift Bow - Simple Recipes

    For this, circles are formed from suitable strips of different widths, but one diameter. Having attached ribbons to each other, the middle is fixed with another segment. The decor obtained can be applied not only to create hair jewelry, but also all sorts of ideas, the list of which you will find below.

    How to tie a bow on a fork

    You can try to use and sweater. A simple and very attractive way to beautifully tie a bow from the tape is presented with the original method using a conventional dining room.

    Step-by-step instructions will help to master this technique in the picture, for the convenience, the tape ends are signed by the letter notation.

    Such decorations are extremely attractive and suitable, for example, for decoration of clothing. With their help, it is even possible to bloom with new paints.

    You can make a little complicate the process and make bunk bows from ribbons with your own hands. The central part is to decorate a bead, and the bottom is further complimentary from the organza. An example of such creativity is represented in the photo as a sample, so inspire for your own projects.

    Step-by-step instruction management

    A simple technique for the manufacture of bows on a fork can be slightly modified. This presents a step-by-step instruction of a bow of ribbons with their own hands and corresponding illustrations.

    How to tie a bow from the ribbon on the fork:

    • Ribbon - fasteners to cover between medium teeth fork.
    • The main tape is alternately skipped between teeth in a checker order.
    • The beginning of the band is fixed in the hand, the rows alternate until the top. The more they are, the more magnificent product works.
    • Ribbon fastener tie the shells obtained, the ends of cropping and cut a little fire, so as not to bloom.
    • Alternation of strips of different colors, sizes and surface textures.
    • Use tapes with a pattern.
    • Molding thread will make a figure more voluminous.

    Various variations:

    The main improvement may touch the size of the product.

    Large bows of satin ribbons can be made using a cardboard pattern of suitable size or its own fingers.

    Variants of decorations of flower bouquets

    Bouquets bonded like decorations, and you can make bows of tape paper and tissue. Both options are quite cute, and brief schemes will show how you can perform such a decor as quickly as possible.

    Want something interesting?

    Option number 1:

    • Ribbon to wind around the palm or any suitable item.
    • Crop the tips of the edges for more convenient fixation.
    • Combine the cropped parts to each other (now they will be in the middle of the tape).
    • Secure and fix "petals".
    • The more turns will be, the magnificent it will turn out a bow.
    • Fix in the middle.
    • "Flush" the turns of the tape.

    Option 2:

    • Tape several times to add "eight".
    • Fix in the middle.
    • "Flush" the turns of the tape.
    • Ends gently cut and a bow ready.

    Option 3:

    • Fold a bow on the principle of the first option.
    • Make cuts around the edges of the fixed tape.
    • The bluish bow will have a more voluminous and interesting view.

    Option number 4:

    • The ribbon is twisted in the mounting places.
    • "Petals" are formed right in hand. Thus, you can control the volume of the bow, which is very convenient for the decor. You can make ends of different sizes.
    • After the desired size and type of product have been achieved, secured in the middle of the ribbon.

    Original bows from satin ribbons with their own hands can be made by the following technology:

    • Between two fixed knitting needles, wind the satin ribbon.
    • In the middle put a line.
    • Remove ribbons and learn thread.
    • Fix the thread, crop ends - a bow is ready.

    American articians design

    American bows got their name is not entirely deserved, because such samples can be found in different countries. The main requirement when making a similar decor is to show fantasy. Creating such a decor is based on using several varieties of products at once, so there will be weight options. The traditional option can be called this kind, it will create its master class in detail in detail.

    How to make a bow of an American satin ribbon:

    • Eights are formed from a thin ribbon.
    • Separate parts two or three pieces are fastened with each other.
    • From the bottom you can make the basis of several straight, bonded in the middle of the ribbons.
    • For additional decoration, you can make edges to the edges.
    • Two parts secure each other, you can stick a bead or a simple bowl of smaller gang.

    Separate elements can be seen in the photo.

    As a result, it should be approximately such a product.

    For children's hairpins, it is better to take a stronger ribbon from reps. Now selling interesting design products, such as your favorite cartoon characters.

    What can be decorated with homemade bows:

    • Decoration of clothes, belts and shoes.
    • Sofa pillows.
    • Cutlery before serving guests.
    • Napkins, towels and kitchen curtains.
    • Envelope of a newborn.
    • Covers for champagne bottles.
    • Wedding glasses, cars, tapes witnesses and other festive attributes.
    • Hair ornaments.

    The decoration of the New Year tree with the help of banses is becoming increasingly popular. You can buy ready-made without problems in any suitable store, but much more interesting will make such a decoration yourself, especially if children help you. It will also be an excellent idea for a gift close to New Year holidays.

    Christmas bows on the Christmas tree

    A simple and incredibly attractive decor will be able to refer to the tips below. To make bows on the Christmas tree, you will need a wide variety of materials: paper, felt, organza and even lace. Several successful examples are given in our article, they can be used as a sample for independent inventions.

    Bows on the Christmas tree do it yourself from felt

    This unique material is very in demand in needlework. The main advantage of its advantage is a dense "plush" structure, the edges of which will not be painted, and therefore do not need additional processing.

    A simple bay for the Christmas tree is performed approximately as shown in the photo. In this case, the upper part can be additionally decorated with beads, beads and just a bright tape of a contrasting shade.

    You can make rounded edges, it turns out a completely different model.

    A more complex model of such a decor needs a detailed description, the whole process is clearly represented in the photo.

    New Year's decor do it yourself:

    • Felt cut into strips of arbitrary thickness.
    • Striped to fold twice and flash the edge of the fabric.
    • Separate seats to cut through equal gaps, not reaching the edge.
    • Thread neatly learn to get a circle.
    • Crop and fix the edge.
    • Top to decorate at your request.

    How to make a bow of tape on the Christmas tree

    The above options are perfectly suitable for the New Year decor, especially since you can pick up ribbons with the corresponding pattern. The traditionally used red, but if you do not have certain color preferences, you can choose multi-colored options.

    In order to understand how to tie a bow from the tape, just look at the photo above. With a certain skill, such jewelry can be done quite quickly.

    With beautiful spirals, you can not only decorate a bow on a Christmas tree out of the tape, but also use the idea to create hair jewelry.

    Technology of performing spiral elements:

    • On the wooden spat to wind the satin ribbon.
    • Secure edges with pins.
    • Put in the oven by about 180º from five minutes.
    • After cooling, the tape will acquire beautiful and uniform bends.

    Original Operation from Fatin

    The unusual look of this fatenowled bay can also be used to create a New Year's decor. To do this, it is necessary to take an organza or cut off a small strip of the fate. The actions algorithm is shown in the photo and reminds the process of creating pomponov.

    Examples of use can be caused enough, ranging from packing of gifts and ending with the design of the curtains. We looked at our most successful options for creating a bentist in our article, but the final result and possible variations will depend solely on your imagination.

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  • The range of satin ribbons is striking by its diversity. Ribbons have different widths, color, drawing, finishing. This material is available for the price and easy to use, while from satin ribbons you can make very beautiful products. In this article we offer several master classes to create both simple bows for every day and elegant, festive bows.

    Consider, first the most simple ways of tapeding a bow. Although, at first glance, it seems that it is very easy to establish a regular bow, yet in this process there are tricks. We will look at a way that will allow you to get a smooth symmetrical bow with a beautiful middle. To do this, you will need only satin tape and scissors.

    1. We take a piece of ribbon of the desired length.

    2. We fold the tape indicated in the figure way.

    3. In the resulting loop, we skip one of the ears and tighten the nodules.

    4. That's what should happen.

    This simple bow is suitable for hair decoration for every day.

    How to make a beautiful bow of satin ribbon?

    For example, diversify a bright ribbon a regular horse tail or spikelet.

    Flower bow from satin ribbon. How to make your own hands?

    And now consider the festive options for satin bows. The manufacture of them will be a bit more complicated, but the result is noticeably more effectively. Lush bows for hairstyles from satin ribbons can be easily made independently. At the same time, the cost of the product is several times less than the price of a shopping bow. The diameter of the finished product will be equal to 14 cm, if you want to get more or smaller products, then change the size of the tape segments proportionally.

    So, to make such a satin bow with your own hands, you need:

    Six sections:

    Satin ribbon 5 cm wide, 14 cm long;

    2.5 cm wide ribbons, 10.5 cm long;

    Silver tape with a width of 0.3 cm, 15 cm long;

    Silver tape 0.3 cm wide, 8 cm long;

    Circle of felt with a diameter of 5.5-6 cm;

    Decoration for middle of a bow;

    Threads in tone, needle, scissors;

    Lighter or soldering iron, adhesive gun or momenta-crystal glue;

    Rubber, hairpin or clip for the base.

    Before assembling a bow, be sure to treat the edges of the chopped slices to the lighter so that in the process of work they do not pour. Fold the 6th five-point meters in half and collect them on double thread, pull the thread so that it turns out the flower and fasten.

    Similarly, make a second flower from a 2,5-cm width ribbon segments. Then perform ears from the pieces of silver tape, as shown in the figure. Slit tips with glue or adhesive gun.

    Attach large silver ears on the big flower, one on the petal, so that they look beautifully from under the top flower.

    Top to cover the second flower and, the ears of smaller size is the same principle. Core close the cooked decoration. Suitable bead, button, medallion.

    From the opposite side to the bentice, glue a felt circle, and the mount is an elastic, for example. If you use a clamp or hairpin, then you will take them in the pre-reproducing ribbon to the tone.

    Your bow is ready. It took less hours to make an elegant satin bow with their own hands.

    Decorated with rhinestone lush bow from satin ribbons

    How to make it yourself this wonderful jewelry will teach them in the master class. This version of the elegant bow, which you can do yourself will please any first grader. An elegant unusual bow is done very simply, but its execution will require more time, as it consists of a large number of parts. Please note that it is necessary to accurately accomplish each workpiece, since the general type of bow depends on how well each element is performed. If you do not have skill work with satin ribbons, prepare materials for 5-7 extra blanks.

    Materials for work:

    2.5 cm width tape and 6 meters long;

    Rhinestones or beads with a diameter of Palsamera;

    Lighter or soldering iron, scissors, momentum-crystal glue, line, pencil;

    Circle of felt with a diameter of 5 cm, fastening - gum or hairpin.

    Cut about 50 segments of the tape length eleven centimeters, process the edges of pieces lighter.

    We fold each piece in half, the satin side inside, drip a small drop of glue on the satin side at a distance of 2-3 centimeters from the bend in the middle and press the fingers. When the tape glues well, turn it out to the satin side. It turns out this item.

    Then this part is folded in the form of a bow, so that the glued zone is in the center, and the edges of the tape were adjusted to it from the reverse side.

    Decorating the workpiece by rhinestone or bead. We make at least fifty such details. This is the most important stage of work, if a neat workpiece immediately did not get, we advise you to practice a little, before performing "finishing" parts.

    When the details are ready, we collect a bow. On the felt circle, we begin to glue the blank with a small overlay. 11-14 pieces should fit in the first circle.

    The second and subsequent circles with adhesive in the same way, slowly moving to the center of the felt circle, the number of elements in the row will be reduced as the center approaches the center. So you should have several circles gradually decreasing in diameter.

    The more elements, the more magnificent there will be a bow. After all the blanks are glued, we attach an elastic band or a hairpin with glue or adhesive gun, you can add tapes for tying. Bright lush bow ready.

    These bows will definitely come to your little princesses. They can be decorated with hairstyle and on weekdays and on a holiday, with these accessories, novice fashionists will look elegantly and neat. And you will save on the purchase of hair accessories. You can, for example, please be a first grader with such a right and beautiful gift for the first September, or make a birthday present.

    How to make a bow of ribbon? Several ways of making decorative bows

    Home / Lifehaki

    Hello everyone expensive needlewomen! Sometimes, for the design of a gift or the formation of your needlework, you may need to make a beautiful bow and decorate their creation.

    There are two proven ways to make such a bow from satin ribbon or in general from any other tape.

    Immediately warn that from the first, and possibly from the second and with the third time it may not be possible to fulfill such a bow as shown in the video. Do not be discouraged, it is just a skill that is purchased by training.

    But when your hands create the first pretty bow, you will forget about your early failures :) It will be interesting to see who happened, for this feel free to and send photos of your work.

    You can make beautiful bows from different materials, but paper and various ribbons are considered the most popular. Let's analyze the most popular ways of making from these materials below.

    Paper Performing Technology

    Elegant and unusual "gear" decorations will love anyone, and if you master the execution technique, you can make such a miracle yourself.

    For manufacture you need to cook:

    • paper sufficient density (old posters are perfect);
    • scissors;
    • glue or stationery stapler;
    • line.

    How to make a paper bow:

    • Cut paper strips of the same thickness.
    • Using the line, measure pieces of different lengths.
    • Collapse every piece at an angle, not deforming paper.
    • Creamen two pieces among themselves so that it turned out a peculiar "eight".
    • You need three large and medium-sized "eights", as well as two small ones.
    • The last figure is simple in the form of a circle.
    • Starting from the longest "eights" decompose three pieces in the form of a circle, then bore them in the middle.
    • The average length of the "eight" also fix in the form of a circle.
    • To lay out the average "circle" to the big figure so that the teeth fall into a checker order.
    • The remaining two "eights" of a small size to fasten the cross will increase and install the figures from above.
    • The "top" of our bantas will be a paper circle, a label.

    For clarity of the paper bantas assembly process, there is a photo, an illustrating process available.

    The original and very gentle the bow is obtained on another option. To do this, it is enough to cut out the colored paper curly details (it is better to do this by the template) and copp them between themselves, as shown in the photo. For a variety you can use several colors, as well as paper with drawings. Showing the proper smelling, you can independently come up with new figures for an exclusive model.

    Production technology from ribbon

    The most suitable material for creating such a decor is ready-made ribbons, the range of which is constantly increasing.

    There are many species, the most common of them: satin, guipure, silk and translucent of organza.

    It should also take into account the huge selection of colors, brilliant varieties and the ability to pick up strips with a pattern. In general, the fantasy is where to raise, the choice of suitable products will depend solely on your aesthetic taste, well, how to make a bow from the tape with your own hands, we will tell you.

    Manufacturing technology can be divided into difficulty stages. Having mastered one option safely, you can complicate a little problem and start up.

    Simple bow of satin ribbon do it yourself

    For this, a strip of sufficient length is taken, and the principle of the node is shown in the photo.

    To make a nodule inactive, you can use the master class below how to tie a bow from the satin tape. At first, this method will seem too difficult, but with due diligence and training, everything will be obtained purely machine.

    Several options for bows from ribbons

    To create such a decor, it will be enough to choose a strip of different thickness and colors. The monophonic bow will be significantly played in aesthetical plan, so it is better to choose the option of more interesting.

    For the manufacture of such a bow, cut three stripes of different lengths, combine them between themselves and pull the segment smaller. The edges can be made to the toothed, as well as simply to turn it - it will give the product volume.

    The second option will be no less pretty, as well as easy to perform. For this, circles are formed from suitable strips of different widths, but one diameter. Having attached ribbons to each other, the middle is fixed with another segment. The decor obtained can be applied not only to create hair jewelry, but also all sorts of ideas, the list of which you will find below.

    How to tie a bow on a fork

    You can try to use and sweater. A simple and very attractive way to beautifully tie a bow from the tape is presented with the original method using a conventional dining room.

    Step-by-step instructions will help to master this technique in the picture, for the convenience, the tape ends are signed by the letter notation.

    Such decorations are extremely attractive and suitable, for example, for decoration of clothing. With their help, it is even possible to bloom with new paints.

    You can make a little complicate the process and make bunk bows from ribbons with your own hands. The central part is to decorate a bead, and the bottom is further complimentary from the organza. An example of such creativity is represented in the photo as a sample, so inspire for your own projects.

    Step-by-step manual instructions

    A simple technique for the manufacture of bows on a fork can be slightly modified. This presents a step-by-step instruction of a bow of ribbons with their own hands and corresponding illustrations.

    How to tie a bow from the ribbon on the fork:

    • Ribbon - fasteners to cover between medium teeth fork.
    • The main tape is alternately skipped between teeth in a checker order.
    • The beginning of the band is fixed in the hand, the rows alternate until the top. The more they are, the more magnificent product works.
    • Ribbon fastener tie the shells obtained, the ends of cropping and cut a little fire, so as not to bloom.
    • Alternation of strips of different colors, sizes and surface textures.
    • Use tapes with a pattern.
    • Molding thread will make a figure more voluminous.

    Various variations:

    The main improvement may touch the size of the product. Large bows of satin ribbons can be made using a cardboard pattern of suitable size or its own fingers.

    Variants of decorations of flower bouquets

    Bouquets bonded like decorations, and you can make bows of tape paper and tissue. Both options are quite cute, and brief schemes will show how you can perform such a decor as quickly as possible.

    Want something interesting?

    Option number 1:

    • Ribbon to wind around the palm or any suitable item.
    • Crop the tips of the edges for more convenient fixation.
    • Combine the cropped parts to each other (now they will be in the middle of the tape).
    • Secure and fix "petals".
    • The more turns will be, the magnificent it will turn out a bow.
    • Fix in the middle.
    • "Flush" the turns of the tape.

    Option 2:

    • Tape several times to add "eight".
    • Fix in the middle.
    • "Flush" the turns of the tape.
    • Ends gently cut and a bow ready.

    Option 3:

    • Fold a bow on the principle of the first option.
    • Make cuts around the edges of the fixed tape.
    • The bluish bow will have a more voluminous and interesting view.

    Option number 4:

    • The ribbon is twisted in the mounting places.
    • "Petals" are formed right in hand. Thus, you can control the volume of the bow, which is very convenient for the decor. You can make ends of different sizes.
    • After the desired size and type of product have been achieved, secured in the middle of the ribbon.

    Original bows from satin ribbons with their own hands can be made by the following technology:

    • Between two fixed knitting needles, wind the satin ribbon.
    • In the middle put a line.
    • Remove ribbons and learn thread.
    • Fix the thread, crop ends - a bow is ready.

    American design options

    American bows got their name is not entirely deserved, because such samples can be found in different countries. The main requirement when making a similar decor is to show fantasy. Creating such a decor is based on using several varieties of products at once, so there will be weight options. The traditional option can be called this kind, it will create its master class in detail in detail.

    How to make a bow of an American satin ribbon:

    • Eights are formed from a thin ribbon.
    • Separate parts two or three pieces are fastened with each other.
    • From the bottom you can make the basis of several straight, bonded in the middle of the ribbons.
    • For additional decoration, you can make edges to the edges.
    • Two parts secure each other, you can stick a bead or a simple bowl of smaller gang.

    Separate elements can be seen in the photo.

    As a result, it should be approximately such a product.

    For children's hairpins, it is better to take a stronger ribbon from reps. Now selling interesting design products, such as your favorite cartoon characters.

    What can be decorated with homemade bows:

    • Decoration of clothes, belts and shoes.
    • Sofa pillows.
    • Cutlery before serving guests.
    • Napkins, towels and kitchen curtains.
    • Envelope of a newborn.
    • Covers for champagne bottles.
    • Wedding glasses, cars, tapes witnesses and other festive attributes.
    • Hair ornaments.

    The decoration of the New Year tree with the help of banses is becoming increasingly popular. You can buy ready-made without problems in any suitable store, but much more interesting will make such a decoration yourself, especially if children help you. It will also be an excellent idea for a gift close to New Year holidays.

    Christmas bows on the Christmas tree

    A simple and incredibly attractive decor will be able to refer to the tips below. To make bows on the Christmas tree, you will need a wide variety of materials: paper, felt, organza and even lace. Several successful examples are given in our article, they can be used as a sample for independent inventions.

    Bows on the Christmas tree do it yourself from felt

    This unique material is very in demand in needlework. The main advantage of its advantage is a dense "plush" structure, the edges of which will not be painted, and therefore do not need additional processing.

    A simple bay for the Christmas tree is performed approximately as shown in the photo. In this case, the upper part can be additionally decorated with beads, beads and just a bright tape of a contrasting shade.

    You can make rounded edges, it turns out a completely different model.

    A more complex model of such a decor needs a detailed description, the whole process is clearly represented in the photo.

    New Year's decor do it yourself:

    • Felt cut into strips of arbitrary thickness.
    • Striped to fold twice and flash the edge of the fabric.
    • Separate seats to cut through equal gaps, not reaching the edge.
    • Thread neatly learn to get a circle.
    • Crop and fix the edge.
    • Top to decorate at your request.

    How to make a bow of tape on the Christmas tree

    The above options are perfectly suitable for the New Year decor, especially since you can pick up ribbons with the corresponding pattern. The traditionally used red, but if you do not have certain color preferences, you can choose multi-colored options.

    In order to understand how to tie a bow from the tape, just look at the photo above. With a certain skill, such jewelry can be done quite quickly.

    With beautiful spirals, you can not only decorate a bow on a Christmas tree out of the tape, but also use the idea to create hair jewelry.

    Technology of performing spiral elements:

    • On the wooden spat to wind the satin ribbon.
    • Secure edges with pins.
    • Put in the oven by about 180º from five minutes.
    • After cooling, the tape will acquire beautiful and uniform bends.

    Original fireplace

    The unusual look of this fatenowled bay can also be used to create a New Year's decor. To do this, it is necessary to take an organza or cut off a small strip of the fate. The actions algorithm is shown in the photo and reminds the process of creating pomponov.

    Homemade bows are an excellent version of the memorable decor, the use of which is extremely wide.

    Examples of use can be caused enough, ranging from packing of gifts and ending with the design of the curtains. We looked at our most successful options for creating a bentist in our article, but the final result and possible variations will depend solely on your imagination.

    Here is a photo where a variety of methods for creating manually simple bows from tapes are presented.

    How to make an imperious bow?

    The most imperious bow can be performed independently as follows:

    • Before starting work, prepare two ribbons (wide and narrow) different colors. Length and width of light ribbon - 20x5cm, dark - 40x5cm, respectively.
    • Next, fold the wide ribbon in the form of a loop and grind the edges with glue.
    • The same is repeated with a narrow ribbon. To do this, it is necessary to put it up to the top, and the ends of the same and the other can be copper with each other.
    • Take the remaining segment of a narrow tape and fasten to tie in the middle of the product obtained.
    • Free edges will allow a consolidation of a bow for a gift or clothes.

    How to make a lush bow of tape

    There are many variations on this topic. Here is one simple way to satin bow at home:

    • Get the desired length and width in the ribbon store. The longer it will be, the magnitude will turn out the product.
    • Fold the ribbon "accordion", tie the part in the middle of the thread.
    • To make a large satin ribbon bow, use several such elements connected to each other.

    Beautiful bow in kindergarten or on September 1, first-graders are easy to create with a two-meter tape white.

    For this, the following steps are performed:

    • Prepare several segments of equal length (15cm).
    • Fold them face inside.
    • At a distance of 2 cm, glue is applied from the seed.
    • The gluing place is pressed with tweezers for strength.
    • After the glue dries, the bows can be turned out.
    • The edges fasten with a thread and sewn to the base (felt, cloth).
    • Rhinestones and beads are suitable as an additional decoration.

    Bands of wide ribbons

    Often when choosing a "Butterfly" tie arise difficulties, since the store does not always have a model of the desired color.

    A decent solution to this problem will be the manufacture of such a tie from the girlfriend. Here is a brief instruction:

    • Prepare 2 segments of ribbons of different lengths and widths: first - 20x5, second -18x3
    • Folded each of them in half, fixing the ends with glue
    • For durable gluing recommended to use needle
    • Connect both details using stitches
    • Pull the thread and secure

    Roses are considered the original decoration - beautiful bows with their own hands.

    Creation takes place according to the following scheme:

    • Make a ribbon to make a knot
    • Place "petals", bending them inside
    • Repeat action with each "petal"

    Bantian from a narrow satin ribbon

    The sophistication and charm of your clothes will add an element of Dior's decor. Perform a kind of bowl will not work:

    • Cut from ribbon elements of different lengths
    • Prepare the coils in the form of eight
    • Put them on each other from more to a smaller
    • Create a bow - for this you need to go to the last round a small piece of tape of the same shade

    The finished product will suit any packaging box, especially stylish will be combined with a round and oval shape.

    The next video will clearly present a master class, how to make a variety of small tape bows, applying a dining room fork.

    Hair ornaments

    An excellent way to distinguish between bows for hairstyle, made manually. To do this, follow these items:

    • Take 2 tape segments (5x25) and thin ribbon
    • Brellow corner from one edge wide ribbon
    • The end of the second corner is combined with the first
    • Combine the resulting corners needle to form a coil
    • Then to do the same next to the corners. Inverting the product, make another corner (perform these steps until the triangle of the tape remains)
    • The resulting "Rhombik" bend twice in half
    • Frequently folded so that a triangle formed
    • Neatly hold it in the center so that the design does not break
    • Remove the needles and bend the inner triangle to create a petal
    • Flash element in the middle

    After that, you should prepare another part of the part and connect both using a narrow tape. To make items to attach to the hair, you will need a clamp or gum.

    How to make a chic bow from the kapron tape

    So that the process of home needlework is not too time consuming, it suffices to observe step-by-step actions:

    • You will need 2 tapes of the same size (150x8)
    • Bend each twice and try to drive it on a needle with a thread.
    • After the end of the work, turn the thread so that the remaining tape segment is 30-40cm
    • Make a node and straighten the resulting product.
    • Take a tight felt and prepare a circle (diameter 8cm)
    • Do in it two holes and thread in them thin ribbon
    • Start a first tape on the spiral, then the second.
    • Refresh the remainder, and the ends are treated

    Stock Foto Bows from ribbons do it yourself

