Beauty to the tips of your nails: healing and strengthening treatments. Strengthening natural nails

Well-groomed beautiful hands and neat manicure are every woman's dream. Competent and regular care will help make them so. However, it is not always enough to protect nails from harmful effects and file them in time, remove cuticles and lubricate them with nourishing cream. They often need treatment and additional protection, without which they simply cannot be beautiful and healthy. How to understand that nails need treatment and how to strengthen them correctly?

When is it time to sound the alarm?

You can determine the condition of your nails by their appearance, and even a non-specialist can do this. Healthy nails are characterized by a characteristic pinkish tint, without any white or yellow blotches, the structure of the plate is elastic and resilient, and the surface is smooth, without transverse or longitudinal stripes.

You can understand that something is wrong with your nails and that they do not “feel” very well by the following signs:

  • fragility and delamination - manifested by the appearance of chips and cracks on the nails, as well as the flaking of large layers of the plate. In most cases, these phenomena are the result of a lack of vitamins and poor nutrition;
  • yellowness - often provoked by smoking and frequent use of dark varnishes, they often turn yellow due to very long (more than a year without a break) wearing gel or acrylic plates. Also, yellowness can be caused by diseases of the liver and gallbladder;
  • white dots, which are often popularly called "flowering", indicates a lack of vitamins, iron and iodine in the body;
  • slow growth - most often observed with metabolic disorders and strong vitamin deficiency;
  • roughness and curvature - may be evidence of fungal infection of the plates.

If at least one of the above signs is present, you should immediately consult a doctor to establish the true reasons for their appearance and prescribe adequate treatment.

Changing eating habits and protecting your nails

If you are having problems with your nails, the first thing to do is change your eating habits. It is best to revise your menu with your doctor, however, if you cannot visit it, you can correct it yourself. It is important that the menu contains a sufficient amount of foods that are a natural source of calcium. These include milk, sour milk and hard cheese, beans and nuts. Also, along with calcium-containing foods, vitamin D entered the body, without which this mineral is very poorly absorbed. Strengthening nails will be inadequate if the diet does not contain fresh vegetables, fruits, fish and seafood, spinach and greens, red meat, almonds and carrot juice.

Another common reason for the deterioration of the condition of nails is the negative effect of household chemicals on them. Washing dishes with detergent, cleaning plumbing fixtures and wet cleaning of the apartment - all this negatively affects their condition. The plates become brittle and fragile, the cuticle dries up, burrs appear that can become inflamed. Also, the skin rolls often dry out, which leads to the formation of deep painful cracks.

To prevent the occurrence of such unpleasant consequences and to make the strengthening of nails more effective, it is necessary to carry out all household work in protective rubber gloves. After using gloves, wash your hands with soap and grease with cream.

If you have to do work that is not very comfortable with rubber gloves, for example, planting plants in a flower garden on the street or transplanting indoor plants into larger pots, regular soap will help prevent the growth of the overgrown nails and break them off. You just need to scratch the bar of wet soap with your nails so that it gets under the plates. After working with the ground, you just need to wash your hands with warm water and grease them with a nourishing cream.

Strengthening nails at home

Strengthening nails at home can be performed using procedures such as nutritional baths. Salt baths are one of the most popular and effective procedures. Sea salt is best for making them, although you can use regular kitchen salt. For one nail strengthening procedure, you will need a liter of warm water and two tablespoons of sea or kitchen salt. The fingers are dipped into the solution for 20 minutes, then rinsed with warm water and smeared with iodine.

Homemade nail strengthening recipes also use a variety of nutritious oils, such as wheat germ or grape seed oil. This effective tool allows you to keep your nails in excellent condition at any time of the year. It can be applied as a stand-alone product, or nourishing clay-oil masks using them.

If you need not only to strengthen nails, but also to lighten them, you can make a mask of olive oil and lemon juice, taken in equal parts. In addition to lemon juice, you can use berry and fruit juices.

In addition to regularly performing the procedures described above, you need to regularly lubricate the nails and periungual rollers with a nourishing cream, wash your hands with moisturizing soap.

Strengthening nails in a beauty salon

Currently, modern beauty salons offer many procedures to strengthen nails and wear a beautiful manicure. One of these procedures is acrylic nail strengthening or strengthening with acrylic powder. It is important to understand that this procedure alone does not heal the nails. Thanks to its implementation, it is possible to strengthen the nail plates, prevent breakage and delamination, and also improve the adhesion of the varnish and the nail. Most often, after it is carried out, the nails are covered with gel varnish. Processing the plates with acrylic powder allows you to fill in microcracks, restore the surface stratified due to damage and even out the relief of the plates, which makes the manicure stronger and more accurate.

Also, in the salon, wax therapy is used, which helps to strengthen the nails, enrich it with vitamins and preserve natural moisture in the nails. For the procedure, natural beeswax is used, which nourishes the nails, gives them shine, softens the cuticles and prevents the appearance of burrs and rough skin around the nails, protects from external adverse factors. The wax is applied to the nails in a molten state and removed after hardening.

The strengthening of nails with biogel is now very popular among women, which allows them to be protected from chips and cracks. The advantages of this composition include its naturalness, safety of use, long-term operation and easy removal. The procedure is very easy to perform and does not take much time:

  • first, the nails will have the desired shape and a manicure is done;
  • then a special liquid is applied - a dehydrator, enriched with nutrients and components that strengthen the nails;
  • after this layer has dried, the plates are covered with a layer of colorless biogel and dried in a lamp;
  • the end of the procedure is covering the nails with a colored gel and re-drying in a lamp.

After 1.5-2.0 weeks, it is necessary to make a correction as the nails are constantly growing. In this case, the old coating is removed using a special tool. The removal process is similar to removing acrylic or gel sheets, i.e. nails with a cotton swab dipped in the product are wrapped in foil for 15-20 minutes, and then the coating is scraped off with a wooden stick.

You can also apply a nail-strengthening coating at home. Nowadays, you can find many different nail strengthening products containing vitamins and minerals on store shelves. Cosmetologists and manicurists call such products "smart enamel", the reviews on the application are the most positive. It looks like an ordinary varnish, only transparent, it is applied, as a rule, in 2-3 layers daily, i.e. every day the nails will have to be repainted. Use acetone-free products to remove old coatings.

As you can see, there are many ways to strengthen nails and preserve their natural beauty. Therefore, you should not despair if your manicure has lost its former accuracy and beauty, you need to act! It is important to remember that only high-quality and regular care and a healthy lifestyle will help you have beautiful hands and healthy nails.

Well-groomed hands with soft, delicate skin, beautiful manicure are a woman's calling card. This can be achieved only when the nails are healthy. Improper care, the use of various household detergents, and inadequate nutrition lead to the fact that the plates become thin, fragile, peeling, dull. Get stronger nails - this can be done at home using folk remedies or modern technology using gel coating. Your manicure will be flawless, as in the photo in glossy magazines.

What is nail strengthening

The body is sensitive to the presence of "chemistry" in everyday life. This often affects the condition of the nail plates. It is important to pay attention to them so that they delight you with their healthy appearance and shine. In addition to various home recipes and procedures for strengthening, it is worth paying attention to the simple rules of care, to nutrition - often the lack of vitamins and microelements in the body is "to blame" for the problems.

How to strengthen your nails

There are several effective ways. You can use modern materials to restore the structure of the nail plate, such as gels (biogels or ecogels) - with their help, a beautiful manicure is quickly obtained, almost indistinguishable from natural nails. Or use folk recipes. The result will not be obtained immediately, it will take time and patience, but the effect is guaranteed.

Strengthening nails with gel

This technology has appeared relatively recently. Many people believe that the gel, like acrylic, is used only for building, but this tool is able to quickly and efficiently strengthen the nail plate, therefore it is at the peak of popularity. The single-phase gel is applied in two thin layers, each drying in a UV lamp. The procedure is ideal for healing short and long nails, after which they:

  • gain strength;
  • stop exfoliating, breaking;
  • get an even, shiny coating;
  • are restored when the plate grows back;
  • less responsive to the aggressive effects of household chemicals.

The biogel coating lasts a long time, allowing you to make a variety of manicure designs. You can also improve your toenails. The composition of biogel is natural and harmless, there are no contraindications to its use. The disadvantages of such a coating include the fact that it can quickly deteriorate when interacting with certain chemicals. It is necessary to use gloves when cleaning or washing dishes in order to avoid this, and also do not use liquids containing acetone when removing varnish.

How to strengthen nails with gel

The procedure can be performed in the salon or at home. Biogel is plastic, working with it is not difficult, it helps to strengthen the brittle nail plate. In time, the procedure takes 30-35 minutes. If done continuously, it is worth investing in the purchase of tools and components for home use. The first time you need to visit a beauty salon to watch the work of the master... Before you get strong nails with gel, buy:

  • ultraviolet lamp;
  • liquid primer (improves the adhesion of the gel to the nail plate);
  • artificial bristle brushes of different sizes;
  • nail files (for shaping and polishing - buff);
  • Cuticle tools (such as an orange stick)
  • biogel (can be of different colors);
  • degreasing liquid.

When all the tools and materials are purchased, you should carefully read the step-by-step instructions for applying the gel:

  1. Treat the cuticle in the usual way.
  2. Give the desired shape and sand the nail plate with a buff file.
  3. Degrease the surface with a primer.
  4. Apply biogel (thin layer). Then cure in a UV lamp for 2 minutes. Repeat the application of the product 2 or 3 times. It is important not to forget to "seal" the free edge of the nail plate with gel.

Nail hardener

In addition to biogel, it is possible to use other methods. Many medicated hand creams contain vegetable oils and minerals, which have a positive effect on the strength of the plate. Popular are special medicinal varnishes, which are convenient to use for health improvement and as a prophylaxis. If you are looking for how to strengthen your nails, then you should pay attention to these funds. It will be useful to drink calcium supplements.

Nutritious cream

In pharmacies, cosmetic stores, a wide range of special nutritional products is presented. Such creams, in addition to affecting the skin of the hands, saturate the weak plate of the nail with the necessary vitamins and minerals. A small amount of the product is rubbed into the cuticle. Here are some popular brands that you can use:

  • SnowAlgae - smoothing cream containing snow algae, sea chamomile. It nourishes the skin, softens, restores, starts the functions of regeneration.
  • Health & Beauty is an intensive cream from a series of Israeli cosmetics from the Dead Sea. Treats, removes brittle nails, exfoliation.

Healing varnishes

These products are popular because they are easy to use, quickly strengthen and protect nails. They are used as a base for varnish or on their own. Trade marks that produce varnishes are developing a whole series of products for the health of the plates. Their scientists know very well how to strengthen nails - after all, this is their specialization for several decades:

  • SallyHansen - one of the most popular brands in the world, produces a variety of varnishes, gels for strengthening and restoration, means for growth, intensive nutrition, protection, moisturizing;
  • FrenchiProducts - produces a line of "Smart Enamel", which includes: hardener, restorer, base-corrector, diamond base, oil to reduce the rate of cuticle growth.

How to strengthen your nails at home

There are simple recipes that you can use at home. To heal nails, massage, masks, baths are used using such natural remedies as fish oil, glycerin, lemon juice or natural wax, iodine drops, vitamin solutions. They are affordable, inexpensive, and have no less effect than salon procedures, although they take more time to get the result.


The main result of this cosmetic procedure is restoration, increased blood circulation for the distribution of nutrients. It is necessary to systematically massage twice a day. The greatest effect will be obtained when this procedure is combined with others, for example, with oil baths. When massaging the cuticles and hands, it is better to apply a cream from the treatment series. Stages of the procedure:

  1. Put your hands on the table or on your stomach.
  2. Iron vigorously in three sets from the fingertips to the wrist, then knead in the same direction with the edge of the palm. Repeat at least 5 times on each hand.
  3. Clench your fists, rub each other's middle phalanges from top to bottom. Next, slightly unclench your hands and do the same with the end parts of the phalanges.
  4. Press with the pad of your finger for 5 minutes on each of the nails.
  5. Grab the plate, pull slightly in the direction of growth (for 5 minutes).
  6. Drum with your fingers along the edge of the table.
  7. Finish the procedure by stroking your hands.

Masks for strengthening nails at home

There are many recipes for such folk remedies. The components used for such masks contribute to the nutrition of the plate, increase blood circulation. For example, a mask for strengthening nails at home using natural olive oil and lemon. To prepare it, heat the oil in a water bath, add a little lemon juice. Apply the mixture and put on cotton gloves, leave overnight, wash off the mask in the morning... The procedure is carried out 1-2 times a week, it helps to strengthen, whiten, and prevents delamination of the nail plate.

Fish fat

This unique remedy, due to its beneficial properties, is one of the most effective in making nails stronger. To prepare the mask, you need to take a few drops of fish oil and egg yolk, which should be thoroughly mixed, add a little olive oil. Apply a thick layer to the plate, leave for 15 minutes. Wash off with warm water.


The substance, which is a component of many cosmetics, is used to treat nails. You can prepare such a bath: take equal parts of glycerin and milk, warm it up in a water bath, add 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil. Immerse your fingers for 10 minutes, then spread with sour cream, put on gloves. Mask: mix a teaspoon of glycerin with a tablespoon of lemon juice. This mixture is applied daily, the effect will be noticeable in a week.

Natural wax

This wonderful natural remedy can be used to make an ointment for strong nails. Melt a little beeswax in a water bath, mix with boiled yolk, add peach oil. This ointment is recommended for daily use. You can "seal" your nails with wax. For this, grape seed oil is added to the melted product. After cooling, a drop of vitamin E is introduced. The plate is polished using a cloth. After the sealing procedure, it is worth refraining from applying varnish for several days.

Lemon juice

One of the favorite home cosmetology products. To make nails strong, use baths, masks, wraps, scrubs with lemon juice. Even beauty salon masters use this remedy. You can use this mask: mix 2 tablespoons of juice with 2 pinches of sea salt, apply the mixture, stand for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water. This effective treatment helps to strengthen brittle nails. Masks add shine, enhance growth.

The best remedies for strengthening nails

Nail problems are common. Depending on the nature and extent of the damage, you can choose different ways of strengthening that will help make them healthy. Salon nail treatment with biogel is suitable for those who do not have a lot of time for regular home procedures. The systematic use of baths, nourishing masks will be appreciated by those who love careful personal care. If you pay attention to your nails at home or in the salon, eat right, they will surely thank you with shine and get a healthy look.


Taking care of your nails today is by no means only the privilege of carefree young ladies. A prosperous person should have everything in order - from the tips of the hair to the tips of the fingers. Therefore, healthy and neat nails are no less important part of the image than branded clothing or a car corresponding to the status. In addition, it is also an indicator of health. Taking good care and taking care of your hands and feet will help you avoid many problems and always feel comfortable.

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The possibilities of "CM-Cosmetology" allow you to pay attention not only to aesthetics, but also to the treatment and improvement of nails. A mycologist will help to establish the cause of toenail and toenail fungus, as well as any discomfort (burning, itching, redness, brittleness, discoloration or deformation of the nail plate). The program of nail treatment in our clinic provides for a full diagnostic examination, according to the results of which the doctor will prescribe the appropriate therapy. At your service - treatment of nails with hardware and medication, treatment of nail fungus, ingrown nails, restoration of nails after extension. In our beauty salon, in addition to hardware and classical, you can also be offered medical manicure and pedicure, as well as professional treatments that help improve the condition of the skin of the hands and feet, remove calluses and keratinized areas, and strengthen the nails from the inside.

The program of nail treatment in our clinic provides for a full diagnostic examination, according to the results of which the doctor will prescribe the appropriate therapy. At your service - treatment of nails with hardware and medication, treatment of nail fungus, ingrown nails, restoration of nails after extension. In our beauty salon, in addition to hardware and classical, you can also be offered medical manicure and pedicure, as well as professional treatments that help improve the condition of the skin of the hands and feet, remove calluses and keratinized areas, and strengthen the nails from the inside.

At your service - treatment of nails with hardware and medication, treatment of nail fungus, ingrown nails, restoration of nails after extension. In our beauty salon, in addition to hardware and classical, you can also be offered medical manicure and pedicure, as well as professional treatments that help improve the condition of the skin of the hands and feet, remove calluses and keratinized areas, and strengthen the nails from the inside.

Make an appointment

Weak and brittle nails have not been a reason for rejecting a beautiful manicure for a long time. Modern cosmetic technologies offer many effective options for solving this problem, but the most relevant method today is strengthening nails with gel.

In order to carry out this procedure in accordance with hygienic and technological standards, it is best to entrust its implementation to professional cosmetologists. The specialists of the Epil Salon beauty salon in Moscow offer their clients a wide range of services at the best prices.

Benefits of the procedure

There are dozens of recommendations and techniques aimed at strengthening the nail plates. Among them, the most popular are nourishing masks and salt baths that can be taken at home. But the solution to the issue of strengthening nails requires a more professional approach. Most experts recommend using a special strengthening gel, the effectiveness of which is confirmed by the following facts:

  • nails become more durable;
  • there is no fragility and delamination;
  • the nail plate is reliably protected from the destructive effects of aggressive chemicals;
  • strength and durability of the coating;
  • ample opportunities for manicure design.

In some cases, cosmetologists use this method to treat an ingrown toenail. Biogel fixes the shape of the nail plate as tightly as possible, preventing the growth and unwanted deformation of its free edge.

Service cost

The price for strengthening nails with gel can be different. As a rule, it depends on the set of cosmetics and other consumables used during the procedure.

Tools and materials

To strengthen nails with gel in the salon, our masters use a wide range of professional tools:

  • scissors to give the desired shape to the nail plate;
  • nail scissors for cuticle removal;
  • gel brushes (with artificial bristles);
  • cosmetic nail file (180 grit);
  • grinding buff;
  • LED lamp for drying gel.

The set of necessary cosmetics includes:

  1. primer (for degreasing nails);
  2. biogel (of a certain color);
  3. top gel (to give a glossy shine to the nails);
  4. a means for removing the sticky layer;
  5. antiseptic (for treating the cuticle).

Strengthening technology

The classic cosmetic procedure involves several successive stages:

  • Step 1. Before you start covering your nails with gel, you need to process the cuticles, clean them and give the nails the desired shape. Due to injury, this operation is performed 1-2 days before the strengthening procedure.
  • Step 2. At this stage, the nail plate is polished. In order not to injure her, cosmetologists use a buff, which removes the shiny layer as carefully as possible.
  • Step 3: applying biogel. Using a special brush, the nails are covered with a thin layer of gel. For a stronger fixation, they are dried under an LED lamp. On average, this process takes 2-3 minutes. Then the procedure for applying the gel is repeated several more times.
  • Step 4: finishing coat. To increase the strength of the biogel, the nails are coated with a special chemical composition. After the nails have been treated with top gel, they are dried in a lamp for up to 3 minutes and the residues of the sticky layer are removed with the help of a special liquid.

Our work

- prevention and treatment of dozens of foot and nail diseases. Does a pedicure really treat mycoses, and in what cases is it worth resorting to the procedure?

People with nail fungus should try a medical pedicure

Can a pedicure be done for nail fungus?

Nails with mycosis require special care and attention, therefore they need a pedicure more often than healthy feet. On the pedestal of such a client is health and beauty, which not every salon guarantees. In addition, a conscientious master of an ordinary nail salon will refuse services at the sight of diseased nails. How to be?

A special type of pedicure is medical hardware. Popular with clients with high sterility requirements. It was originally intended for patients with problem nails or feet. Now it is widespread in podological, cosmetology centers, as a generally available procedure.

Hardware pedicure can be done both in clinics and in beauty salons

The cost of a medical pedicure is slightly higher. But the costs are justified by the enhanced safety conditions of the procedure.

Medical pedicure indications

Hardware treatment is recommended for onychomycosis (nail fungus). Cleaning the nail from the affected layer accelerates healing and makes the foot attractive. A good way to eradicate nail fungus early. In the initial period of yellowing, delamination and brittleness, the fungus eats up the top layer. Removing the affected layer means getting rid of mycosis in one go. Dermatologists claim that they can heal with hardware cleaning if no more than 60% of the nail area is affected.

You need to make an appointment with a podiatrist for the procedure when symptoms appear:

  • the skin on the foot reddens, itches, flakes or dries;
  • the nail changes shape, color, structure.

Medical pedicure is shown:

  • with an ingrown toenail;
  • cracks and calluses;
  • corns;
  • warts on the foot;
  • weak, thin, brittle nails;
  • hyperhidrosis;
  • nails with injuries;
  • varicose veins;
  • "Cold foot";
  • tired legs;
  • heel spur;
  • diabetic foot.

An ingrown toenail is one of the problems that a medical pedicure can help solve

For healthy feet, hardware pedicure is the prevention of health problems. The treatment includes a powerful healing effect from a foot massage.


There are no special contraindications for pedicure. Anyone can sign up for the procedure.

It is not advisable to go to a medical pedicure:

  • with kidney or liver diseases;
  • people with sensitive skin;
  • allergy sufferers and persons with intolerance to certain chemical components of the treatment.

Do not perform the procedure if you have kidney disease

In the controversial category, pregnant women and women during lactation. Too many drugs are included in the procedure. Chemical elements are absorbed into the skin and affect the body of the mother and child in different ways. For example, antifungal nail varnishes are full of toxins that partially enter the body. Therefore, either stop at the wellness stage - cleaning and procedures, or refrain from pedicure altogether.

Where to get a medical pedicure?

Medical and podiatric centers provide medical manicure and pedicure. What is the reason and why your favorite salon cannot cope? In fact, such a pedicure is a full-fledged physiotherapeutic procedure performed by the attending podiatrist. A separate sterile room, overalls, equipment, a set of chemicals, dry heat sterilization of metal instruments - this is not a complete list of conditions for a high-quality procedure.

For the treatment and prevention of diseases caused by Candida fungi (including nail fungus), our readers successfully use an antifungal agent - an effective remedy for foot fungus, unpleasant odor and itching. Peppermint essential oil will cool and eliminate unpleasant odors after a busy day. And: Get rid of the fungus ... "

For the procedure, it is better to consult a podiatrist

Contact clinics, centers with a license for medical services. An improperly performed procedure in an artisanal way without a specialist is hazardous to health. For example, the removal of a thick layer of the epidermis by resurfacing leads, at a minimum, to painful walking, irritation and hypersensitivity.

The average price for a medical pedicure is from 1,500 to 3,500 rubles per session. The run-up in cost depends on the specialist and the specific clinic.

Procedure for

Takes 1-1.5 hours. Water is not used as in a standard bath pedicure.

The procedure is carried out in 7-8 stages:

  1. The feet are treated with disinfectants so that the patient does not become infected or become a carrier of bacteria.
  2. Emollients are applied to the foot to elasticize the calloused, rough skin. The kerastolic properties of the preparations guarantee softening only of dead skin areas. The healthy one does not suffer at the same time.
  3. The pliable skin is polished with hardware diamond cutters: different shapes and diameters of the nozzles guarantee the removal of the stratum corneum on certain parts of the legs and in hard-to-reach places.
  4. Cuticle cream, skin oil nourish, soften and rejuvenate the legs.
  5. A cream with a therapeutic effect against mycosis, dryness, sweating and other individual problems.
  6. Relaxing massage of the legs up to the knees to increase blood flow.
  7. The coating with calcium and trace elements strengthens nails and serves as a base for decorative varnish.
  8. Painting with varnish at the request of the client.

Before and after the patient visit, the workstation and chair are sterilized. The doctor works in a disposable sterilized gown, mask, closed shoes and rubber gloves.

Disposable slippers, towels and napkins, cotton pads and a chair cover are used. It is advisable to use an individual set of files, spatulas, cuticle sticks and grinders for fungal nails. Sometimes the doctor recommends taking your own or getting a new one.

Clinics use grinding machines with a built-in vacuum cleaner. It instantly collects nail dust with mycosis. This several times reduces the risk of getting infected to the doctor or subsequent visitors.

Therapeutic pedicure at home

Much inferior to the salon in terms of sterility. But calling a doctor at home is practiced if the client is elderly, disabled, or has problems with movement. Then the pedicure is done unedged - the cuticle remains intact, but moves to the base of the nail. Removing dead skin is done with acidic products, not resurfacing. Most often, clients at home are patients with diabetes mellitus.

A pedicure at home is a high risk of infecting households with fungus. It is advisable to do the procedure less often, but in a clinic.

If it is not possible to eliminate onychomycosis with a medical pedicure, you can use folk remedies.

Treatment of nail fungus with honey

Use pure homemade honey for nails... At night, it is applied in the form of a compress to the affected nails. Wrap up with cloth and polyethylene.

Honey compress effectively relieves nail fungus

Garlic with honey against onychomycosis

Garlic will give a pronounced antifungal effect. A clove of garlic chopped into porridge is mixed with a tablespoon of honey. Can be alternated with honey and onion compress in a 1: 1 ratio. It is advisable to change the dressing in the morning to a new one.

Before night lotion, it is advised to wash and steam your feet well in a bath with antifungal agents.

Garlic has antifungal properties

Advantages and Disadvantages of Medical Pedicure

Regular therapeutic pedicure accelerates the healing of nails and feet. One or two treatments per month reduces the risk of spreading infection to healthy toenails and hands.

The main 10 benefits:

  1. The lack of water in the procedure prevents mycosis from spreading to the nails. On the contrary, special skin softeners prevent infection.
  2. Deep cleansing of the skin and nails cannot be guaranteed by any other procedure like a medical pedicure.
  3. Fights common age-related problems: corns and calluses.
  4. Medical cosmetics destroy bacteria and fungi.
  5. The procedure by a doctor is completely safe.
  6. Peeling slows down the process of roughness and growth of the skin.
  7. Strengthening the nail.
  8. Painlessness. Moreover, complete relaxation and comfort during therapy.
  9. Aesthetic appeal.
  10. Effectiveness after one session.

Nails before and after a medical pedicure


  1. Price. The price for one session is quite high (1500-3500 rubles). Expensive drugs, equipment and sterilization form a serious price tag for the service.
  2. The number of sessions. The neglected cases of mycosis will not be solved by one trip to the podiatrist, which again depends on the cost.
  3. An experienced craftsman. An experienced doctor will prescribe the necessary cosmetics and provide quality care. It is common for beginners to learn during the work period. Let it not be with you. Give preference to masters with medical education. Training in courses is a weak foundation of knowledge about health.
  4. Thin nails. A very fragile and thin plate will not withstand grinding.

Medical pedicure is an opportunity to get rid of nail fungus. A regular procedure for those who advocate sterile salon services will not hurt. A pedicure significantly improves the health of feet with mycosis, which can be seen from the first session.