Piece of the sea: aquamarine. Aquamarine - sea water stone for travel and beauty

The bluish-green variety of beryl is called aquamarine. This mineral is characterized by fading when exposed to the sun for a long time. The gem is sometimes confused with pale sapphires or topazes.

The main feature of aquamarine is the two-color, which appears when you change the angle of view. Aquamarines are mostly stepped cut and, interestingly, have high wear resistance.

Large aquamarine crystals were found in Russia. The first minerals were found in the Urals in 1669. 82 kilograms - this was the weight of the largest gem found in Eastern Transbaikalia in the 18th century.

Aquamarine mines exist on almost all continents: they are mined in Argentina, Ireland, Norway, Ukraine and Sri Lanka. Good quality aquamarines are mined in the USA, India, Burma, Nigeria, Afghanistan.

According to beliefs, the gem is able to maintain the unity of the spouses and give courage. In the Middle Ages, it was believed that aquamarine would ensure victory in naval battles, as well as safety during travel.

« Aquamarine" in Latin means " sea ​​water”, so the gem began to personify the soul and essence of the sea.

What stones can be confused with aquamarine? Blue of a faint shade is very reminiscent of aquamarine, but in terms of jewelry quality they are significantly inferior to the famous mineral. Aquamarine does not have such a defect as spinel, namely gaseous inclusions in stones that look like small bubbles.

aquamarine color

Not every aquamarine stone will have the color of sea water. For example, gems mined in the Urals and Transbaikalia are distinguished by their blue color. Minerals from the Southern Urals have a greenish tint.

South American stones may have . And about a hundred years ago, a deposit of sapphire-blue aquamarines was discovered in Brazil.

Unfortunately, aquamarines have a phenomenal color instability: even a short exposure to bright sun causes the gem to fade. A few days in the sun, and your crystal will change color from pale blue to dirty yellow, earthy or brownish yellow.

Aquamarine stone: the magical properties of the mineral

There is a belief that aquamarine has the ability to change its color depending on the weather, as well as on the well-being and mood of its owner. In inclement weather and the owner's nervous mood, the stone turns green. When sadness and grief take possession of the owner, the crystal becomes cloudy.

Aquamarine will protect the owner from gossip. The stone will give the wearer courage and warn when he is being lied to. According to legend, when an aquamarine hears a lie, it becomes cloudy.

Magicians use aquamarines to find lost things and for divination.

In the Middle Ages, those who were afraid of being poisoned did not part with the aquamarine talisman: belief says that the stone will protect the owner from poisons.

In the old days, aquamarine was considered capable of knowing any secrets. For this reason, it was contraindicated for dishonest people to wear a stone - sooner or later their lies will be revealed.

A talisman with an image of a toad or a lizard carved on it. This product will be able to make even the most lazy person hardworking.

The stone must be regularly washed with sea water or running water - this will enhance the magical properties of the talisman.

Stones with a greenish color are the best defenders from the evil eye and damage. The more transparent and paler the color of aquamarine, the safer it is for the wearer. Moreover, pale and transparent gems are able to protect a person from burdensome and unnecessary relationships and connections.

The healing properties of the stone

It is believed that aquamarine has a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland, as well as on the psycho-emotional sphere. The gem restores the internal dialogue. The stone helps relieve stress and fear. Aquamarine helps overcome seasickness.

Aquamarine is considered an indicator of the state of mind, as well as its stabilizer. It is recommended to carry the stone with you at all times. The gem will play the role of a natural biostimulant that is suitable for all people, regardless of the zodiac sign.

Aquamarine is able to relieve toothache, help with diseases of the lungs and skin, and reduce allergic reactions. The gem will cleanse the body of toxins and strengthen the immune system, harmonize the metabolism.

With prolonged contemplation of aquamarine, the stone will have a beneficial effect on vision.

In Mongolian and Tibetan medicine, the stone is considered a natural sedative, which will help with nervous tension, stress and stabilize peace of mind.

Aquamarine and zodiac signs. The meaning of the stone

Aquamarine is considered a stone and.

It is vital for Libra to be magistrates and advisers to others, so representatives of this sign will appreciate the properties that a gem will give them, namely: a sense of justice, calmness and sobriety of mind, prudence and the ability to communicate with others. Aquamarine is able to calm Libra and relieve negative emotions. The stone will smooth out the frightening mood swings of Libra and will contribute to the establishment of both business and friendships.

Aquamarine stone and Pisces are symbols of the water element, so they are very suitable for each other. The gem will enhance the positive qualities of the representatives of the Pisces sign: immunity to negative emotions, calmness and equanimity, selflessness and a colossal desire to travel and develop spiritually. Aquamarine will give Pisces courage, enhance self-esteem. The mineral will teach representatives of this sign to control their emotions, relieve shocks, useless experiences and stress.

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Among natural stones that are considered valuable, aquamarine stands out. Most often it is a transparent mineral with a bluish-green tint. Its color is similar to the color of sea water, hence the name. It is worth familiarizing yourself with the properties of the stone, its features and varieties.

The history of the origin of aquamarine

This gem has been known since ancient times. He was considered a talisman of sailors. It was a good omen to have an aquamarine jewelry when going on a long journey. The stone was also used to create jewelry and decorative items. Over time, interest in the mineral was not lost. It continued to be used as decoration. Even the crowned persons did not disdain products made of aquamarine. The trend has continued to this day.

Colors and varieties

The color of aquamarine can vary from almost colorless to deep blue. But there are three main varieties. This:

  • colorless;
  • blue (or Maxis aquamarine);
  • green.

The saturation of the color depends on the content of iron in the mineral. At each of the deposits, stones similar to each other are mined.

The most valuable gems are deep blue. They have a higher price. Low-quality stones include pale blue and yellow-green. This is due to the tendency of aquamarine to fade in the sun.

Deposits and production

There are quite a few mineral deposits. This stone is found all over the world. It was found in Russia, Ukraine, India, Madagascar. The largest deposits are in Brazil. Sapphire blue gems are mined there. Also, it was there that the largest specimens were found. The Southern Urals is rich in green stones. Crystals with a blue tint are mined in South America and Transbaikalia.

physical characteristics

To understand what this stone is, you need to know not only its description, but also its properties. Aquamarine is an aluminum beryllosilicate. It consists of crystals in the form of a hexagonal prism. The brightness of the color depends on how much iron is included in its composition. The more it is, the richer the color.

The features of the stone are:

  1. Fragility. The mineral must be protected from mechanical stress, as it breaks easily.
  2. Color change when heated. With prolonged exposure to high temperatures, the crystal becomes dark blue.
  3. Wear resistance. With proper care, aquamarine products last a long time.
  4. Bicolor. The hue of the mineral can change depending on the angle at which it is viewed.
  5. Color change under the influence of sunlight. Direct sunlight will cause fading.
  6. Ease. Products made from it are light in weight.
  7. Hardness. On the Mohs scale, he was assigned an indicator of 7.5 points.

All these properties make the crystal unusual and valuable. That is why it is widely used for the manufacture of decorative and jewelry.

Aquamarine precious or semi-precious stone

According to the characteristics, aquamarine is a semi-precious stone, since it is not among the rare rocks. But for its beauty, it is highly valued by both jewelers and users. This gem was often used to decorate the symbols of power of monarchs, and products made from it have always been popular among noble people. The crystal is often combined with gold and silver. These metals enhance the beauty of the stone. Therefore, whoever calls this aquamarine precious is not too mistaken.

The healing properties of the mineral

The mineral can be used in lithotherapy. And even in ancient times, its beneficial effects on the respiratory system, stomach and liver were known. It has also been used for skin diseases. The main healing properties of the stone include:

  • strengthening immunity;
  • restoration of the nervous system;
  • elimination of skin itching;
  • suppression of allergic reactions;
  • normalization of hormonal levels;
  • help with disorders in the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • decrease in temperature;
  • improvement of vision;
  • fight against lung diseases;
  • relief of sore throat;
  • beneficial effect on the kidneys and liver;
  • suppression of infectious diseases;
  • normalization of water balance;
  • elimination of cough;
  • positive effect on the mental state;
  • suppression of the symptoms of seasickness;
  • getting rid of depressive moods;
  • help in stressful situations.

The listed properties are inherent in all stones with this name, but their severity is different for each product. It depends on the color of the mineral.

The magical properties of aquamarine

In esotericism and magic, this mineral is of great importance. In ancient times, it was a symbol of eternal youth and happiness. With the frequent wearing of jewelry with this gem, the positive qualities of character are enhanced. He protects his master from committing rash acts, helps to avoid conflicts and find compromises. The person who wears it gains clarity of thought. Due to this, such products are very useful during negotiations.

The stone sets its owner to a positive vision of the situation. With such an adornment, a person is less inclined to commit vile deeds, thinks more about the common good and about finding a solution that is beneficial to both warring parties. It also prevents the owner from being involved in unseemly deeds and bad companies.

The mineral has the ability to recognize lies. If they try to deceive its owner, the stone becomes cloudy. If the owner of such jewelry is inclined to lie, he will not be comfortable when wearing the product. The Indians believed that only an honest and open person could wear aquamarine.

The ability of the gem to protect from dangers made it indispensable for people going on a long journey. Previously, aquamarine products were worn by sailors to avoid risky situations. By color changes, you can judge the upcoming changes. The appearance of a greenish tint predicts an approaching adverse event. Clouding of the stone indicates personal problems in the near future. A successful outcome of the enterprise can be expected if the mineral becomes more transparent than usual.

This gem enhances confidence. Its owner becomes more courageous and decisive. He clearly understands his actions and goals. A person with such an ornament understands his purpose better.

Blue aquamarines set in silver are the talisman of the newlyweds. The gem contributes to the preservation of love and sincerity in a couple. It also protects against change.

The meaning of aquamarine in the signs of the zodiac

Since a talisman that is not suitable for a person can harm, you should find out who this stone suits according to the horoscope. The use of aquamarine is recommended for Scorpios. Representatives of this sign are not always able to sensibly assess the situation and are subject to emotional swings. Thanks to the stone, these features are weakened, which avoids unwanted conflicts. But at the same time, such decoration can make a person excessively straightforward, which others do not really like.

Pisces should wear rings or earrings with this crystal to suppress the negative qualities of character. And along with this, the decoration will allow you to notice other people's attempts to take advantage of their kindness. For Gemini, the stone is useful, as it helps to overcome internal contradictions. Aquarians with its help can improve relationships with the opposite sex. representatives of the Libra sign need a mineral as a protection against dangerous situations.

Impulsive Lions aquamarine gives the ability to analyze their actions. For Taurus and Capricorn, this stone helps to reveal the sentimental part of the character. For people born under the sign of Virgo, the crystal allows you to become less critical of yourself and others. Cancers with its help become more confident, get rid of their inherent anxiety. Aries prone to selfishness under the influence of aquamarine become thoughtful and fair. This stone has almost no effect on Sagittarius, so representatives of the sign wear it as a simple decoration.

Talismans and amulets

As a talisman, this crystal is used very often. Pendants and rings with stone allow their owner to make the right decisions and build harmonious relationships with others. Even small talismans have a calming effect on their owners and protect in difficult situations. Until now, the best talisman for sailors is an aquamarine bracelet.

Areas of use

This gem is most often used in jewelry. Stones with different number of carats are used for tiaras, rings, bracelets and earrings. Brooches and pendants with such a crystal look spectacular.

Aquamarine is also used for medicinal purposes. For many centuries, it has been considered a biostimulant, as it helps to strengthen the immune system and fights infections.

Jewelry and stone products

The crystal belongs to the number of aristocratic. It was often used to decorate crowns and diadems, as well as for dishes that were placed on the table for royal people. Modern aquamarine jewelry looks very stylish. They are especially suitable for owners of green and blue eyes. This mineral is used to create both factory and author's works. Rings, bracelets, earrings and pendants are made from it, using gold and silver as a frame. These products are suitable for both men and women.

Storage and care

Despite the sufficient hardness of the stone, it must be properly looked after so as not to damage it. To do this, follow these rules.

Aquamarine, also known as blue beryl, is a gem with unique magical properties. The main color of the mineral is blue, but there are gems with a greenish tint. Such stones resemble the color of the tropical sea. Due to its beauty, the gem is popular with jewelers and is highly valued, and many women love jewelry with it. Many wear earrings, rings and pendants with aquamarine, not suspecting that this crystal can become a good magical assistant in business. Who is aquamarine suitable for and what properties does it have?

The ability of aquamarine to change hue depending on the lighting and the angle of view has long been a secret, quite understandable from a physical point of view. However, this feature of the stone gave rise to many superstitions and beliefs. One of them says that the gem changes its shade along with the mood of the owner. Others believe that the color change occurs when the weather changes. So, in inclement weather and in a bad mood of the owner, the stone turns green. When the sky becomes clear and the person is happy and peaceful, the gem turns blue. If the stone becomes cloudy, this is a sign of sadness and unhappiness.

Video on the topic: Aquamarine and its properties

The main characteristic of aquamarine is its ability to protect the wearer from gossip. The gem also gives courage to those who wear it. The stone can give a signal if the interlocutor is lying - he becomes cloudy when he hears a lie. Those who are serious about magic know that blue beryl is good at finding missing items. In medieval Europe, it was believed that the stone could protect against poisoning, just like amethyst. For this reason, many dignitaries wore aquamarine jewelry.

The blue crystal bestows courage and eloquence on those who wear it. Due to its blue color, the mineral is directly related to the human throat chakra. It is this energy center that is responsible for speech and communication with people. The talisman is good to wear for those whose profession is related to teaching and communicating with a large number of people. Aquamarine allows you to win disputes and not get annoyed with your interlocutor, but calmly and intelligibly convey your point of view to him.

The name given to aquamarine many centuries ago expresses the very essence of the stone in the best possible way, because from the Latin "aqua marina" is translated as "sea water". The name was assigned to the mineral thanks to the ancient Roman writer Pliny the Elder, who lived in the 1st century AD. e. In addition, it was Pliny who noted the similarity between beryls and aquamarines.

Back in the days of the ancient civilization of the Sumerians, which existed until 2000 BC. e., beautiful greenish-blue stones symbolized longevity, happiness and youth. In Rome, aquamarine, being the protector of sailors, also personified sincere love and devotion. And even in the Middle Ages, the stone continued to be used to revive feelings between spouses who had cooled off towards each other.

Physical and chemical properties of aquamarine

Aquamarine is a hard mineral with a vitreous luster and belongs to the beryl family, best known for its precious emeralds. The color palette ranges from deep blue to almost transparent pale turquoise, which is due to iron impurities. Sometimes among aquamarines there are specimens with the effect of asterism or "cat's eye". Such specimens are extremely rare and are of particular value.

When aquamarine is heated above 400 ° C, the saturation and brightness of its color increases significantly. This property is actively used to turn an inexpensive pale stone into a more valuable specimen.

Excellent transparency and good hardness - up to 8 on the Mohs scale - makes aquamarine a favorite of cutters, because the stone allows you to experiment with unusual cut shapes and create real masterpieces. However, the stone is not protected from damage - due to its fragility, it can literally be crushed.

Aquamarine deposits

Aquamarine is mined from granite pegmatites. The stone is not uncommon and is found almost all over the planet. The largest deposits of aquamarine are in Brazil. (including in the state of Minas Gerais), in Madagascar and in Russia - in the Urals and Transbaikalia. By the way, it was in Brazil that the largest gem-quality aquamarine crystal was mined - its weight was 110.5 kg.

Aquamarine is found in small volumes in many countries, for example, in Australia, India, Namibia, Tanzania, the USA and Sri Lanka. Ukraine is also one of the countries where aquamarines are mined. However, few deposits can match the quality of Brazilian stones.

Healing and magical properties of aquamarine

Since ancient times, aquamarine has been considered the lucky stone of sailors. Legends tell of how the Sirens kept aquamarine in their treasuries and offered the gem to sailors who found themselves on the open ocean during a storm.

To this day, aquamarines are considered magical "barometers" - a change in the color of a stone from clear and pure to cloudy and dark speaks of an emotional or physical ailment of its owner.

Although healing properties were attributed to almost all precious stones in antiquity, aquamarine was considered one of the most powerful healers: centuries-old manuscripts call aquamarine a panacea for arthritis, eye inflammation, sore throats and seasickness. In addition, the calm, unique color of the stone helps to restore peace of mind, restore the nervous system and relieve melancholy.

Who is aquamarine for?

Aquamarine is an ideal stone for those born in March, as well as sailors and scientists.

Aquamarine- a mineral, a variety of beryl, beryllium aluminosilicate of a ring structure. In the structure of aquamarine, as in all beryls, there are regular hexagonal (hexagonal) rings located one above the other, forming hollow channels. Aquamarine retained the name given to it by Pliny the Elder, who, describing beryls, noted that the most valuable of them are beryls, whose color resembles the pure green of sea waters (from Latin aqua - water, mare - sea).

See also:


Aquamarine belongs to the hexagonal syngony of the dihexanal-bipyramidal symmetry class. The structure of Aquamarine consists of rings connected through Be and Al atoms. The rings form columns elongated along the sixth order axis. The columns of the rings are connected by beryllium-oxygen tetrahedra and aluminum-oxygen octahedra. The channels can contain water molecules, cesium and sodium ions.
Aquamarine crystals are often characterized by regular shape. Their size varies greatly. The habit of the crystals is usually prismatic. Figures of growth and dissolution are often observed on the faces of crystals. When dissolved, spear-shaped crystals are sometimes formed. Aquamarine is also found in the form of parallel, sheaf-shaped, radially radiant and columnar aggregates.
In addition to the gas-liquid inclusions characteristic of all beryls, often located in thin channels, aquamarines sometimes contain white solid inclusions, called "chrysanthemums" and "snow marks", layers of small crystals, thin needle-shaped inclusions.
The color of aquamarines is due to the isomorphic incorporation of Fe 2 + and Fe 3 + ions into the beryl structure.


Crystals are large, their mass can reach several tens of kg. It also forms continuous granular masses. Mohs hardness 7.5-8. Density 2.6-2.8 g/cm 3 . It owes its color to the presence of an impurity of iron; it turns pale under the action of sunlight. The color intensity increases after heating to 400 °C. Because of the brittleness of the stone, it is easy to crush. It does not melt under the blowpipe, only the edges of the fragments are slightly rounded, and the transparent differences become cloudy (at high temperature).


Despite the uniformity of the color of the crystals, samples are known where the color is distributed zonally. Noteworthy is the Brazilian aquamarine "Marambaya", discovered in 1910, whose weight was 110 kg. The crystal was blue in the center, light green along the edges, and yellow in the intermediate part. The mineral was sawn, one part was sent to New York, and the other was sawn into small pieces, went to the manufacture of faceted stones. Jewelry from them later spread throughout the world.
Other notable examples of aquamarine found in Brazil:
Kachasina, 62 kg.
"Martha Rocha", 34 kg.
"Etrela Dalva", 22 kg.
Large aquamarine crystals were also found on the territory of Russia. The first was discovered at the end of the 18th century in Eastern Transbaikalia. And the largest specimen from this deposit was 82 kg. The very first crystals of Russian stones were found in 1669 in the Urals in the Murzinsky prison.
Nowadays, the aquamarine deposit in Ukraine deserves special attention; crystals weighing up to 15 kg were found here. Among other things, these are aquamarines of unique color purity and transparency. The stones acquired this property due to weathering processes, which dissolved the dirty areas in the cracks of the crystals.


Basically, greisens and pegmatites are considered to be the place of formation of aquamarines - deposits that appeared during the "steaming" of rocks with hot gases and solutions.
Similar deposits are being developed in Siberia and Transbaikalia. Gems that can be found in the Urals are mainly milky turquoise in color. Trans-Baikal, Ural and Volyn mines (Ukraine) are also rich in aquamarines, incomparable in color and transparency. In transparent Ural stones along the edges, one can notice light silvery oblique "streams", similar to rain streams. On the faces of opaque minerals of a milky blue color, there is a mother-of-pearl tint, as if giving silkiness to aquamarine. The main mineral deposits were discovered in Brazil, there are mines in the USA, India, South Africa, Burma, Madagascar, Sri Lanka, Zimbabwe and Namibia.
The largest supplier of aquamarine is Brazil, which accounts for up to half of the world's production of the mineral. On the territory of the state, rare stones of a rich blue color are mined, called "Santa Maria". The second deposit of the highest quality crystals is located in Mozambique. Blue Mozambique aquamarines are called "Santa Maria Africana"


There are glass imitations. Synthetic aquamarine is not produced on an industrial scale (not economically feasible). Synthetic spinel or corundum are often passed off as "artificial aquamarines".

Aquamarine is a valuable gemstone. The relatively large supply of raw materials leads to the fact that, first of all, large stones weighing over 10 carats of dark blue color are in demand. To achieve this effect, most of the stones after cutting are subjected to calcination (up to 400-500 ° C) or irradiation, while as a result of the reduction of ferric iron, a color change occurs - for example, from greenish-blue to blue. The evaluation of the quality of stones for jewelry production takes into account the size of the crystal, the presence of cracks and inclusions. The highest value on the international market are faceted stones over 3 carats of intense blue color. Cracks and inclusions reduce the cost by 60-70%.
Large specimens are in the collections of the British Museum, the American Museum of National History, the Smithsonian Institution. Large collections of aquamarines are also found in Russia, Iran and Turkey. A Ukrainian faceted aquamarine weighing 139 g or 695 carats is in the Colored Stones salon in Moscow (data from 1985).

Aquamarines were decorated with royal crowns, used as lenses for glasses (the first lenses date back to 1300). The largest known faceted stone weighs 2594 carats. One of the largest (184 g or 920 ct) faceted aquamarines is set into the crown of the English queen.
Aquamarines are usually cut in stepped or wedge cuts with rectangular or oval cuts, but the emerald cut is most commonly used.

Aquamarine - (English Aquamarine) - C


Strunz (8th edition) 8/E.12-10
Nickel-Strunz (10th edition)
Dana (8th edition)
Hey's CIM Ref. 16.6.1