Treatment for post-stroke medications. Elimination of pain syndrome in acute cerebrovascular accident. Material and methods

Stroke is a very dangerous disease that is accompanied by disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system. It is very important to recognize its onset in time so that you can provide first aid.

The further state of a person directly depends on this. Today there are many treatments for this pathology. Often people wonder what kind of stroke medicine to drink, is drug treatment effective for stroke, which doctor is better to go to?

These and other issues will be discussed in this article.

So, a stroke is a serious illness that is caused by impaired blood flow in the brain (blood clots, hemorrhage, blockage of small capillaries, etc.). Several types of this pathology are known:

  • hemorrhagic (cerebral hemorrhage);
  • ischemic (cerebral infarction).

According to statistics, the first form of stroke occurs more often in elderly patients.

The reasons for its occurrence are varied:

  • increased cholesterol levels;
  • fragility of blood vessels;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system.

You can distinguish symptoms caused by ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke at home. It is important to remember that therapy is different in both cases. Therefore, it is very important to correctly recognize what kind of pathology the patient has in order to choose an effective treatment. This will be discussed further.

A separate point worth noting is a separate type of pathology - a microstroke, as it can be similar to a classic disease.

First aid

The main signs of a stroke are:

  • high blood pressure (with hemorrhagic stroke);
  • Strong headache;
  • dizziness and loss of consciousness;
  • weakness;
  • vision problems;
  • feeling of numbness in your limbs or face;
  • violation of coordination of movements (the patient cannot simultaneously raise his hands, etc.);
  • asymmetry of the face.

If alarming signs appear, you must immediately call an ambulance, otherwise the patient's brain cells will begin to die, and after treatment, negative consequences await him (impaired speech, coordination, etc.). High-quality first aid can only be provided by an ambulance brigade specialist.

Essential drugs for a stroke are those that normalize blood pressure and support vital body functions.

In the case of acute cerebral infarction, drugs are used to improve blood supply. For a stroke caused by a hemorrhage, medications are used to stop the bleeding. All these manipulations significantly reduce the risk of developing complications in the future.

Diuretics are used to lower blood pressure. It is very important to remember that only a doctor is involved in prescribing drugs, in no case should you do it yourself.

Undifferentiated care

In this case, it does not matter what kind of stroke the patient has. Emergency care is provided by ambulance doctors. The prognosis of the patient's recovery directly depends on the effectiveness of its implementation. Undifferentiated therapy aims to stabilize the condition before the patient is brought to the hospital.

In case of violation of the patient's respiratory functions, resuscitation measures are carried out. Difficulty breathing can be caused by the sinking of the tongue, delayed vomit, etc. If the patient's heart rhythm is disturbed, drugs from the glycoside group are used to stabilize it.

Blood pressure must be stabilized if it falls below 60 mm Hg. Art. or reaches a value of 180 mm Hg. Art. and higher. In hypertensive crisis, ganglion blockers and antipsychotics are used for intravenous administration. They are bred in saline.

Diuretics are prescribed in parallel. If the patient has hypotension, then cardiotonic and vasoactive drugs are used to stabilize it. It will not hurt to give intravenous glucocorticosteroids.

A prerequisite for a cerebral stroke is the stabilization of brain activity. This helps to avoid necrosis of the nervous tissue and reduces the negative consequences. Prescribed drugs of the following groups:

  • anticonvulsants;
  • diuretics and decongestants help to normalize blood circulation in the brain.

In order to relieve nausea and vomiting at the stage of emergency, antiemetic drugs are used. For intramuscular or intravenous administration, dopamine receptor blockers are often used, and phenothiazine derivatives are used to stop hiccups.

Droppers after a stroke are used in a hospital setting after the doctor has established what kind of stroke the patient has.

Differentiated assistance

First, it is necessary to establish what caused the stroke: hemorrhage or ischemia. Such therapy is carried out exclusively in a hospital setting. After diagnosing the disease and the cause of its occurrence, the doctor prescribes certain drugs. It is important to note that therapy for hemorrhagic and ischemic stroke differs significantly.

In both cases, medicines are used to stabilize blood pressure, nootropic drugs that help protect nerve cells from destruction. The duration of their admission is determined by a specialist, it depends on the severity of the patient's condition.

In some cases, a complex of vitamins and microelements is prescribed to increase immunity. Sedatives are often used to help the patient rest more and restore body functions faster.

It is very important to stop dangerous manifestations in the first few hours after the onset of a stroke. This will help avoid complications in the future.

Injections after a stroke help restore brain function. A prerequisite for ischemic stroke is the use of drugs that reduce blood clotting. Patients are interested in what pills to take for severe pain. These can be antispasmodics, but they are prescribed exclusively by the attending physician.

To restore brain tissue and normalize its activity, nootropics and drugs are often used to thin the blood and prevent the formation of a blood clot again.

It should be noted that such medications are prescribed to the patient for the rest of his life. This helps to avoid relapses.


Hemorrhagic stroke is accompanied by cerebral hemorrhage. At the stage before hospital care, the patient is stabilized blood pressure, cold compresses are used and cardioprotectors are injected.

The following groups of drugs belong to the main therapy in a hospital setting:

  • intravenous calcium preparations;
  • hemostatics that help stop bleeding. The doctor selects the dosage and course of treatment individually;
  • antispasmodics;
  • drugs - calcium antagonists;
  • neuroprotective agents;
  • antibiotics of the cephalosporin group.

To relieve edema, diuretics, corticosteroids are used. As additional therapy, the following groups of medicines are used:

  • sedatives;
  • antiprotease;
  • complex of multivitamins and minerals;
  • antifibrinolytic;
  • laxatives.

It is important to note that almost all medications are administered intravenously. The course and dosage are selected by the doctor based on the picture of the disease. It is necessary to start treating a stroke on time to avoid complications in the future.


This form of stroke is caused by a blood clot in the blood vessels or by insufficient blood supply to the brain for another reason.

Consider what medications to take as an emergency. At the very first stage, hemodynamic therapy is used, which restores normal blood circulation in the brain area.

Thrombolytics are necessarily used, but in this case there are contraindications in the form of blood diseases. The use of this group of drugs leads to blood thinning and can cause severe bleeding.

Anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents are widely used, which reduce clotting and improve the rheological properties of blood in the vessels of the brain. Necessarily in the first hours after the onset of the attack, neuroprotective drug therapy is prescribed. This helps to protect the medulla.

The basis for the action of drugs in ischemic stroke is the restoration of the functioning of the patient's vascular system.

It is very important to remember that time plays a big role in this case. Delaying the treatment process can lead to serious consequences such as speech disorders or paralysis. It is necessary to provide urgent first aid to a patient with a cerebral infarction and to deliver him to the hospital as soon as possible.

Recovery period

During the recovery period, the patient is manipulated to eliminate the consequences of a stroke. The further usefulness of a person's life directly depends on the quality of the therapy at this time.

After inpatient treatment, the patient is prescribed the following complex of drugs:

  • muscle relaxants, which help relieve muscle spasms and relieve limb paresis;
  • antidepressants;
  • when taking drugs of the nootropic group, brain activity improves;
  • to improve metabolism, special metabolic drugs are used. They help to improve the processes of blood circulation, supply of the brain with oxygen.

Vitamins after a stroke are used as additional therapy. They help restore brain function as well as strengthen the patient's general immunity.

A prerequisite is the maintenance of normal blood pressure; for this, the patient is prescribed special drugs that stabilize him. They are selected individually, you should not deal with this issue on your own. As a rule, these medicines are prescribed to a person for life.

Rehabilitation of a patient is aimed at eliminating brain pathologies that are complications after a stroke. If the medication for the treatment of stroke is interrupted, the risk of relapse increases several times.

Relapse prevention

If a patient has been diagnosed with a hemorrhagic form of a stroke, then in order to prevent a relapse of the disease, certain medications must be taken.

As described above, the development of hemorrhage is promoted by high blood pressure, therefore, after the end of treatment and for the purpose of prophylaxis, drugs are prescribed to stabilize blood pressure, the course of their intake lasts until the end of life.

Another risk group includes people with high blood cholesterol levels. In this case, you need to regularly take tests and eat right.

Fried and fatty foods are excluded from the diet, fresh vegetables and fruits are preferred. Pancreatic diseases (for example, diabetes mellitus) require special attention. It is forbidden to drink alcohol and smoke, as this increases the risk of stroke several times.

It is imperative to take medications after a stroke, which are prescribed by a doctor. They help maintain normal blood circulation and repair damaged areas in the brain.

Diet meals for stroke prevention include:

  • limiting salt intake (no more than 5 g per day);
  • elimination of animal fats from the diet.

Do not lean on sausages and smoked meats, pickled vegetables, eggs and dairy products. According to statistics, overweight elderly people are more susceptible to stroke. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor this indicator.

Moderate exercise is very important. They help to activate the blood circulation processes and improve the supply of oxygen to the brain. However, in this case, you should not overdo it, as this will lead to the development of concomitant diseases.

The effect of medications is not excluded. During the rehabilitation period, drugs with antianginal properties are prescribed.

They are taken under strict medical supervision. In the case of ischemic stroke, to prevent relapse, drugs are used that have a direct effect on blood rheology (anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents). It must be remembered that not in all cases during the recovery period it is possible to return all body functions to their normal state.

This is due to the stage at which the patient went to the hospital. Therefore, it is very important at the first dangerous symptoms to immediately call an ambulance.

If the patient has problems with the cardiovascular system, then it is necessary to carry out treatment on time, this will help to significantly reduce the risk of developing a stroke. In addition to all these activities, a prerequisite is a regular examination by a doctor and the delivery of all necessary tests.


Stroke is more common today. Elderly people, hypertensive patients and patients with circulatory disorders suffer from this disease.

After discharge from the hospital, the patient is prescribed drugs to stabilize blood pressure and normalize blood circulation, which he takes for the rest of his life. For prevention purposes, it is recommended to monitor your diet and lifestyle, take all the necessary tests on time and treat diseases associated with the cardiovascular system.

Timely injections after a fixed stroke significantly increase the chances of a favorable outcome of the disease. With an injection, an individual is injected with any drug that improves cerebral blood flow or activates metabolic reactions in the nervous tissue. Also, specialists can use means to help equalize blood pressure (BP).

The need for drug therapy

Pathogenic impairment of blood circulation in the brain leads to the loss of the functional abilities of some of its zones. This negatively affects the work of organs that are under the control of such damaged areas.

The resulting anomaly turns around:

  • loss muscle tone of the limbs or their complete paralysis;
  • disorder memory;
  • unsteadiness gait;
  • inconsistency movements;
  • disorientation in space;
  • discord speech apparatus;
  • deterioration sensitivity of certain parts of the body.

Provision of non-differential care

In the prehospital period, therapeutic measures are taken to stabilize the patient's condition.

They basically boil down to:

  • to monitoring and ensuring the circulation of blood flow;
  • antiarrhythmic therapy;
  • improving the pumping function of the myocardium;
  • control and maintenance of metabolism in the body;
  • the use of symptomatic therapy, including anticonvulsant, sedative therapy, the introduction of anesthetic drugs;
  • implementation of measures to prevent complications.

What pharmaceuticals are used in the first stage?

Widely used:

  1. Magnesia(Magnesia). It has hypotensive, sedative, anticonvulsant characteristics. Maintains blood pressure within optimal limits. To restore blood flow and normalize the myocardial rhythm, 25% magnesium is slowly injected intravenously. For convulsions and blood pressure exceeding 180/120 mm Hg, it is administered together with Diazepam.
  2. Emoxipin(Emoxipine). The injectable form of the drug corrects blood pressure, accelerates metabolic processes, promotes brain resistance to hypoxia, and reduces blood viscosity. Emoxipine is an antioxidant: it protects the brain structures from destruction, supports the normal functioning of cells.
  3. Clonidine(Clophelin). It is an antihypertensive medication with a powerful and rapid hypotensive effect. It also has a sedative and analgesic effect.
  4. Dibazol(Dibazol). An antispasmodic that helps to relax muscle fibers in the walls of blood vessels. Its action is short-lived, and the hypotensive effect is mild, moderate. It is important that when the drug is injected, the pressure drops smoothly - the difference should not exceed 15%.

Please note that only experts determine which medications to use during stroke, taking into account the condition and age of the victim.

Medicines for ischemic stroke (cerebral infarction)

Injection treatment helps to restore blood flow in the lesion, maintain the brain's performance, and protect it from structural disorders.


  • Euphyllin(Euphyllinum). Shown in the first hours of impact. It has a vasodilating effect, lowers intracranial pressure, relieves cerebral edema.
  • Funds under the general name saluretics... In the form of injections used: Euphyllinum, Lasix, Uregitum. They have a pronounced anti-edema effect. Reduce intracranial hypertension, help to clarify consciousness.
  • Curantil(Curantyl). It is used as an anti-thrombotic and vascular-protecting agent. Promotes the enhancement of vascular microcirculation.
  • Trental(Trental). Increases blood flow. Also, the medication suppresses blood clots, regulates impaired blood circulation.

For you: Medication for cervical osteochondrosis

At the initial stage, pharmaceuticals are used that lower the blood clotting characteristics, for example, the fibrinolytic agent Ancord. The main active ingredient is the poison of the Malay viper. Its replacement is possible with other thrombolytic drugs - "Urokinase", Alteplase ".

Antioxidants - Mildronate, Vitamin E help to maintain normal brain function. Improve tissue energy metabolism: Actovegin, Riboxin, Cytochrome C, Aplegin. They adapt brain structures to adverse effects in stroke, reduce neuronal damage - Semax, Piracetam, Picamilon, Cerebrolysin.

Medicines for hemorrhagic stroke

The task of injectable drugs for cerebral hemorrhage is to stabilize vital functions, reduce the permeability of the vascular walls, protect the formed thrombus from destruction, and prevent possible complications.

What medications are effective?

  • Angioprotectors: Etamsylate, Parmidinum, Troxevasin. The drugs improve microcirculation, reduce the permeability of the vascular wall.
  • Vasoselective blockers slow calcium channels - Nimodipine. Contribute to the elimination of cerebral circulation disorders, neurological disorders provoked by vasospasm in case of subarachnoid hemorrhage.
  • Vasoactive agents: Nicergoline, Vinpocetine, Cinnarizine, Instenon, Eufillin. Strengthen the nutrition of nerve cells, improve metabolic processes.

In the early stages, the use of epsilon-aminocaproic acid is shown - intravenously 100 ml of a 5% solution. Decrease in intracranial pressure is carried out by active dehydration therapy. Intravenous drip is applied Lasix - 40-60 mg (4-6 ml of 1% solution), Mannitol or Mannitol - 200-400 ml of 15% solution. Also in the early period proteolytic enzymes, inhibitors of fibrinolysis - Trasilol (Contrikal) are administered intravenously 10,000-20,000 units.

DlyaSerdca → Brain hemorrhage → What drugs can be used to treat a stroke?

Stroke is an acute circulatory disorder caused by thrombosis, blockage or bleeding and is accompanied by the development of persistent symptoms of CNS damage. There is no specific stroke treatment regimen that is right for every patient.

The doctor prescribes the choice of drugs, their dosage depending on the specific situation, taking into account how disrupted the work of the internal organs, how the patient feels.

For a correct and correct decision, the patient's relatives must inform the doctor what chronic diseases the patient suffers from, what medications he is taking.

First aid

First aid is carried out at the prehospital stage by ambulance workers. It consists in the basic treatment of stroke, aimed at maintaining the most important functions of the body of respiration and blood circulation, eliminating and preventing cerebral edema, intracranial hypertension, and combating complications. That is, before the patient is admitted to the hospital, it is necessary to stabilize the violation of vital functions.

Undifferentiated care

This is a treatment that is carried out regardless of the type of stroke.

Preparations for stroke in the first stage:

Differentiated assistance

It turns out in the event that it is known what type of stroke occurred in the patient. As you know, there are 2 types of stroke - ischemic and hemorrhagic. Ischemic is caused by thrombosis or embolism, hemorrhagic is caused by bleeding, which means that the principles of treatment are significantly different.

Treatment of ischemic stroke involves the use of:

In the treatment of ischemic stroke, the main goal is to thin the blood and restore blood flow. Anticoagulants and antihypertensive drugs should only be used after being transported to a hospital.

In the treatment of hemorrhagic stroke, the following are used:

After prehospital care, a sick person in the supine position is admitted to the intensive care unit or the neurological department.

What medications should not be used?

If the patient is unconscious, has stopped breathing, cardiopulmonary resuscitation measures are taken.

Treatment in the intensive care unit

Stroke treatment for each patient is carried out individually, includes medications, which are determined according to the results of laboratory tests, changes in the functions of organs and systems. Inpatient therapy includes the following components:

        Restoration of blood pressure. The goal is to make the systolic 10 digits more working for a given patient, and the diastolic not higher than 120 mm. rt. Art. To do this, apply:

      • Restoration of heart rhythm. Patients often have a fast / slow heartbeat, extrasystoles and arrhythmias. They can significantly disrupt the patient's condition and worsen the prognosis of the disease. To stop various types of rhythm disturbances, the following can be used:

      • Prevention of cerebral edema. For this purpose, Dexamethasone is prescribed - a glucocorticoid, which also eliminates the risk of increased intracranial pressure. The drug is prescribed in the event that the patient does not suffer from diabetes mellitus, there is no bleeding, severe hypertension. You can replace Dexamethasone with diuretics - Mannitol, Reogluman.
      • Antithrombotic treatment. This is the foundation of ischemic stroke therapy. It is performed with anticoagulants in the event that it is possible to control blood clotting, if the patient does not suffer from hemorrhagic diseases, there are no exacerbated ulcers. Anticoagulants prevent blood clots and prevent existing blood clots from growing. Among the drugs used are:

        • Heparin. In case of an overdose, Protamine can be administered, but not earlier than 4 hours after Heparin;
        • after 24 hours from the onset of the disease, you can use Warfarin, Dikumarin.
          It has been proven that the most effective and safe treatment of ischemic stroke with alteplase (recombinant tissue plasminogen activator). You can use it within 4.5 hours from the onset of the first symptoms.
      • Antiaggregatory therapy. It is carried out from 3-5 days of ischemic stroke with antiplatelet agents:

          • Aspirin;
          • Dipyridamole;
          • Tiklid.

        Antiplatelet agents prevent platelets from sticking together, thus reducing thrombus formation in ischemic stroke. If signs of circulatory disorders of the brain appear, medications containing niacin are prescribed: Trental, Stugeron, Cavinton, Euphyllin. In the acute period of ischemic stroke, you can use Gordox and Kontrikal.

      • Vasodilator therapy. Isoxsuprine, Papaverine are used. They slightly increase the blood flow to the brain, but they are not particularly effective. In addition, vasodilatation can impair blood supply precisely in the ischemic zone. Therefore, their appointment is not always justified.

      • Antiemetic prophylaxis. The most commonly used drug is metoclopramide. If it is ineffective, Dexamethasone or Droperidol is administered.
      • Neuroprotective treatment. Nootropic drugs increase the brain's resistance to oxygen starvation, improve metabolism and blood circulation in it, and facilitate the transmission of impulses between neurons. Applicable:

      • Prevention of seizures. Diazepam is prescribed for seizures. For prophylactic purposes, anticonvulsant treatment is not carried out.
      • Hypothermal therapy. Analgin, Paracetamol are used. The drugs are prescribed at a body temperature of 37.5 and above. High body temperature worsens the prognosis of the outcome of the disease, it is especially important to avoid a rise in temperature in the first three days from the onset of the disease.

Recovery period

During the recovery period, the patient undergoes many different activities that help eliminate the negative consequences of a stroke, return to a normal lifestyle.

Stroke medications after hospital discharge:

Additional drugs

To restore the brain and the whole body as a whole, in addition to drugs, the patient is prescribed vitamins and dietary supplements. It is better to choose complex preparations, including vitamins A, E, C and group B.

After completing the drug rehabilitation, you can start taking bioactive supplements.

You can try Tyansha's sedative tablets. Papaya Attiva affects the immune system, normalizes metabolism and blood supply in the brain. To combat atherosclerotic plaques, you can use ASD (second fraction).

Prevention of strokes

Rehabilitation necessarily includes the prevention of recurrent strokes, taking into account the mechanism of development of the first case:

Medicine alone cannot defeat the disease. Basic and restorative treatment should be combined with a regimen, diet, feasible physical activity, massage, smoking and alcohol cessation.

The effectiveness of drug therapy

Before you figure out what drugs are needed, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the features that accompany the violation of cerebral circulation. Regardless of whether a person has suffered a hemorrhagic or ischemic stroke, his brain is faced with irreversible changes that include cerebrovascular accidents and affect social adaptation and quality of life.

Any combination of drugs is formulated to recover from a stroke, as well as to prevent the recurrence of a cerebral accident.
The drug therapy prescribed for stroke is aimed at achieving the following goals:

  • Creation of a local pathological focus, which does not tend to spread to healthy brain tissue;
  • Prevention of the formation of a brain catastrophe;
  • Functional restoration of the damaged area of ​​the brain tissue, with its maximum adaptation to new conditions.

Important! If we talk about the development of a hemorrhagic form, then it is advisable to use drugs used in violation of cerebral circulation only after elimination of the focus of hemorrhage.

In ischemic stroke, under the action of a combination of drugs, the process of functional recovery of damaged brain tissue is accelerated, which significantly affects the rate of adaptation of a person in social conditions.

What medications are prescribed

Important! There are contraindications, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

The name of the additives for stroke and pills directly depends on the degree and nature of the damage to the brain tissue, the stage of the brain catastrophe, as well as on the goals pursued by the medical specialist.

Prescription of drugs for stroke in the brain area is carried out by medical specialists, neurologists on an individual basis. In the process of prescribing, the doctor takes into account the extent of the spread of necrotic changes. During the rehabilitation period after a brain accident, it is strongly not recommended to resort to self-medication.

Attempts to prescribe drugs and their dosages on their own can lead to a deterioration in the general condition and recurrence of a stroke. The attending physician will tell you which pills, the name and how to take them.

Taking into account the stage of cerebral catastrophe, treatment of a stroke in a hospital provides for the following drug treatment options:

  1. The onset of the disease. When the first signs of a brain catastrophe appear, the goal of drug therapy is to prevent further progression of pathological changes in the brain. If the patient has an increase in blood pressure, then he is prescribed antihypertensive drugs. To protect the cells of the nervous system from damage, the patient is recommended to take nootropic and neuroprotective medications. These effective prescription drugs keep the blood flow in the brain at a stable level, preventing it from swings and related complications. The duration of taking neuroprotective drugs depends on the intensity of the progression of the disease. In addition, in the initial period of the disease, a person is prescribed sedatives and multivitamin complexes, the reception of which will help relieve excessive emotional excitement and eliminate the stress factor in the development of a cerebral catastrophe;
  2. The peak period. After a catastrophe has occurred in the human brain in the form of an ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke, the patient's body is in critical condition for the first 3 hours. This period is called acute. During this time, a person is recommended to prescribe drugs for a stroke of the brain, the action of which is aimed at restoring the normal blood supply to the brain. To improve the rheological properties of blood, stroke patients are prescribed anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents. The appointment of a drug such as Actovegin is carried out in order to reduce the risk of post-stroke paralysis. In addition, in the acute period, pain relievers and decongestants are prescribed;
  3. Period of relative stability. After the general condition of the patient has reached stable indicators, the person is referred for outpatient treatment. Drug therapy at this stage plays no less role than in the acute phase of the disease. For many patients, lifelong maintenance medications are recommended. These patients are prescribed antidepressants, sedatives, sleeping pills, and antiplatelet drugs. In some cases, pain relievers and anticonvulsants are prescribed. Of particular value in the treatment of stroke at home and in a hospital is the drug Ceraxon, whose action is aimed at restoring the functional activity of the brain. In addition, muscle relaxants (mydocalm) are used.

Drugs of choice

This list includes the following drugs for treatment:

  • Gliatilin. The appointment of this medication is carried out during the height and rehabilitation after a stroke. This stroke medicine is especially effective against ischemic damage to the brain stem. This drug is prescribed to patients who are in a coma. Under the action of the active components of the agent, the risk of the formation of involutional and degenerative changes in the brain is reduced. The mechanism of action of Gliatilin is based on the improvement of cerebral circulation. The duration of the course of treatment with this medication is from 3 months to six months. If necessary, repeat the course of treatment;
  • Ceraxon. The active component of the drug Ceraxon is citicoline. The principle of action of the drug Ceraxon is based on the normalization of metabolic processes in the cells of the nervous system. Taking the medication Ceraxon provides a decrease in cerebral edema, which is the prevention of the formation of dysfunction of brain structures and cognitive impairment. Drinking Ceraxon is recommended at any stage. Taking into account the reviews of patients taking and taking this remedy, you can make sure of its absolute effectiveness;
  • Mexidol. The key advantage of Mexidol in stroke is the ability to increase the resistance of the nervous system tissue to oxygen deficiency. The combination of Mexidol and Actovegin allows you to achieve a favorable environment for the rapid restoration of the functional state of the brain structures;
  • Actovegin. This drug is widely used in the treatment of diabetes mellitus. In addition, Actovegin in stroke has established itself as an effective tool in the prevention and treatment of the consequences of the disease. The appointment of a combination of Cortexin and Actovegin leads to an increase in the protective effect on the brain;
  • Midocalm. The drug midocalm is a muscle relaxant. In neurological practice, midocalm is used to relieve muscle hypertonia, which often occurs in stroke.

Important! Drink midocalm according to the prescribed dosage. If you take the wrong dosage, then serious complications are likely to develop.

Thanks to the joint efforts of scientists, medical specialists and pharmacists, the so-called stroke was created. This agent is a specific enzyme MASP 2. Under the action of this enzyme, the risk of post-stroke complications is reduced to minimal levels and blood circulation is improved. In addition, the drug has a regenerating effect.

This miraculous injection must be performed by a qualified healthcare professional in a healthcare facility. The injection should be carried out in the area of ​​the anterior abdominal wall.

Injection of the MASP 2 enzyme is effective only if it is carried out within the first 3 hours after the onset of a cerebral accident.

Infusion therapy

Another important stage of rehabilitation is infusion therapy. If we talk about what kind of droppers are put in for a stroke, then for this purpose, drip administration of drugs such as Actovegin, Piracetam, Pentoxifylline and Vinpocetine is recommended.

The introduction of injections of saline is recommended for hemorrhagic stroke. The saline dropper ensures the harmonization of the metabolic functions of the body and the reduction of cerebral edema.

Medical injections after stroke are prescribed as part of the complex therapy of complications. Another important property of infusion therapy is the improvement in the delivery of many drugs to the brain tissues.

Vitamin therapy

Along with the use of antiplatelet agents and neuroprotectors, each patient is prescribed a course of treatment with multivitamin complexes. The action of these drugs is aimed at accelerating the functional adaptation of the brain and maintaining the work of its structures.

Patients who have had a brain catastrophe are prescribed vitamins after a stroke, which include vitamins A, B, C and E. In addition, medical experts note the high value of beekeeping products. Perga is considered to be a particularly valuable product from this series. This valuable beekeeping product is the so-called pressed plant pollen, which has been compacted and covered with honey.

Chemical components of bee bread have a positive effect on the walls of blood vessels, preventing thrombus formation. People who have had a hemorrhagic or ischemic cerebral accident are advised to take 5 g of fingers per day.

Nutritional supplements

The use of biologically active food additives and homeopathic remedies is permissible only as part of complex therapy and subject to the consent of a medical specialist. The action of these funds is aimed at maintaining the general condition of the body and preventing the recurrence of cerebral catastrophe.

After a preliminary consultation with a neurologist, during the rehabilitation period, it is permissible to use such medications to prevent stroke and its consequences:

  • Monastic tea. It improves the recovery of damaged cells in the brain, helps to restore the functions of speech and hearing in the victim, and prevents the occurrence of a hypertensive crisis.
  • ASD 2 fraction. This biologically active agent is a natural enterosorbent. Its action is aimed at cleansing the body of toxic components and toxins. In addition, under the action of this sorbent, accelerated elimination of the components that make up atheromatous plaques and blood clots is carried out. The only drawback of this product is the unpleasant taste and smell;
  • Dietary supplements from the Tien Shi series. These nutritional supplements help to relax the nervous system and restore the body's natural biological reserves;
  • Dietary supplement Papaya Attiva. In the course of clinical studies, it was noted that the active ingredients of the food additive have a beneficial effect on the defenses of the human body. Taking these drugs after a stroke stimulates the body's fight against the consequences of a brain catastrophe, normalizes metabolism and blood circulation in the brain tissues.
  • Biological additive Normalife. Normalizes blood pressure in the first 6 hours thanks to the bioflavonoid. Restores vascular tone and flexibility.
  • Also, glycine is widely used for stroke, which normalizes the processes of excitation and inhibition in the cerebral cortex.

The listed drugs are prescribed because of their ability to restore metabolism in the medulla.

Stroke types

Stroke is a disease in which there is a violation of blood flow in the medulla. Both partial and absolute cessation of blood flow in the brain is possible.

Stroke is dangerous because the development of this disease occurs very quickly. Doctors say that if in the first 3 hours to provide medical care to the patient, then terrible consequences can be avoided. This disease ranks second in mortality. Disappointing statistics say that 80% of people who have suffered a stroke remain disabled.

Depending on the causes and nature of the course, there are two main types of stroke: ischemic and hemorrhagic. Let's talk about each in more detail.


Ischemic stroke is an impaired permeability of blood through the arteries due to blockage of blood vessels by a thrombus or atherosclerotic plaque. This leads to poor oxygen permeability to the brain cells. The part of the brain that is damaged, in addition to oxygen, does not receive enough nutrients for the brain. This can lead to such irreversible consequences as tissue necrosis.

Doctors identify the following causes of ischemic stroke: high blood pressure, pathologies of the blood, kidneys, blood vessels, atherosclerosis, migraine, heart rhythm disturbances.


With a hemorrhagic stroke, the vessel is damaged, including its rupture. Due to the rupture of the vessel, a hemorrhage occurs in the brain and a cavity filled with blood is formed.

People with hypertension and atherosclerosis are most susceptible to hemorrhagic stroke. The main causes of this type of stroke are blood pathologies, increased intoxication, rupture of an aneurysm.

Why is medical therapy important after a stroke?

One of the main directions in the treatment of the consequences of a stroke is drug therapy. It includes 3 main vectors:

  1. preventive methods of treating stroke, the main function of which is to prevent another stroke, to activate vascular defects in the brain
  2. pathogenetic methods of treatment of the consequences of stroke, the main function of which is to reduce pathogenic processes occurring in the brain after a stroke and in vascular cerebral defects leading to stroke
  3. syndromological methods of treatment, the main function of which is the restoration of speech, emotional state, muscle tone, pain relief

What medications are prescribed after an attack

It must be remembered that any medicine that the patient takes should be prescribed only by a doctor. And it doesn't matter that this or that medicine helped your friend, because something that suits and helps one person can be categorically contraindicated for another.

Medications used after a stroke are prescribed depending on the stage of the disease.

  1. At the very first stage of the development of the disease, when the first signs of a developing stroke only appear, medications are prescribed depending on which signs are observed. For example, with hypertension, medications are prescribed to lower blood pressure. In order for blood circulation in the brain to be within normal limits, doctors often prescribe nootropic drugs. The period of their reception depends on the severity of the patient's condition. If the first signs of a stroke appeared in a person as a result of stress or overwork, then sedatives are shown to him.
  2. In the critical period of the development of the disease (the first 2-3 hours), it is necessary to prescribe such anti-stroke medications that will help stabilize the normal blood circulation in the brain. Drugs to reduce blood clotting are very effective, since they significantly help to avoid paralysis, if, of course, they are used on time. Drugs to improve blood circulation in the brain will help prevent the development of this disease again. Analgesics should be used to reduce pain.
  3. With an already stabilized state, the patient's treatment continues at home. In most cases, post-stroke medications are prescribed for life by a doctor. If the stroke survivor has a fear of a second attack, the doctor prescribes sedatives, sleep-enhancing drugs, and sometimes mild antidepressants. For quite a long time, the administration of drugs that thin the blood is shown, since the likelihood of blood clots is quite high. If the patient continues to have convulsions, drugs are prescribed to prevent them. If necessary, the patient takes analgesics if the pain is quite pronounced.

Let's take a closer look at the groups of drugs used after a stroke:

Muscle relaxants

Muscle relaxants are designed to make motor rehabilitation more successful. Usually, the increased muscle tone in the patient does not appear immediately, but increases by the third month after the stroke. Muscular hypertonicity is one of the most serious consequences of impaired cerebral circulation. It is difficult for a person to move. The painful sensations in the limbs are often very strong. The main task of muscle relaxants is, at best, to get rid of increased muscle tone completely, at worst, to make it less pronounced by relaxing the muscles to the maximum necessary limit.

Unfortunately, having achieved a positive effect in reducing muscle hypertonicity, the patient, having stopped taking drugs from the muscle relaxant group, may feel it again. This should not scare the patient and his relatives, since the intake of these drugs contributes to the preparation for rehabilitation measures to restore the motor activity of the limbs. Over time, muscle tone decreases, and the need for taking muscle relaxants is canceled.


Antidepressants are necessary for those people who are depressed during the post-stroke period. As statistics show, there are more than 80% of them. And it is quite natural that a person who is unable to move independently, to do elementary things, falls into depression. The drugs in this group should be taken by the patient strictly as prescribed by the doctor.

Not all stroke survivors need antidepressants. Some patients maintain a stable emotional state, are quite cheerful and filled with enthusiasm.


Anticonvulsants are a group of drugs designed to reduce the severity of seizure symptoms. When taking anticonvulsants, you need to be very careful, as they cause increased drowsiness, impair memory, cause weakness in the body, and frequent dizziness. Most often, doctors prescribe carbamazepine, a little less often - phenytoin.

Antiplatelet and anticoagulants

Antiplatelet agents and anticoagulants are drugs that prevent blood clots from forming. Medicines from the group of antiagents are prescribed to patients whose blood has changed its consistency, namely, its viscosity has increased. With increased blood viscosity, there is a high probability of blood clots, so the blood needs to be thinned. Doctors often prescribe Aspirin, Thrombo ASS, Ticlopidine.

Preparations from the group of anticoagulants should be taken by patients who have a predisposition to excessive blood clotting. This is dangerous because the blood circulation in the vessels is disturbed, and this can lead to the formation of blood clots.

It is very important to know and remember that when taking drugs of the group of anticonvulsants and antiplatelet agents, it is necessary to regularly do a biochemical blood test, since their intake is fraught with bleeding. Symptoms of complications of taking these drugs are dizziness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, unreasonable occurrence of hematomas in different places. If such symptoms appear, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance.

Neurometabolic cerebroprotectors

Neurometabolic cerebroprotectors are aimed at activating metabolic processes in the tissues of the nervous system. Their action helps to eliminate such disorders of the body as ischemia, anoxia, intoxication. The drugs of this group stimulate the utilization of glucose, activate the metabolic processes of nucleic acids.

What medications are most effective

There are a huge number of medications prescribed for patients in the treatment of the consequences of a stroke. Which drugs are suitable for a particular person should be determined only by a doctor. In no case should you self-medicate if your life and health are dear to you. Let's take a look at the most effective post-stroke medications.

  • Actovegin is prescribed to the patient to improve cellular metabolism. The drug stimulates intracellular glucose utilization and ATP metabolism. The energetic properties of cells increase. Actovegin activates blood supply.
  • Cerebrolysin Is a drug that activates neurotrophic stimulation of nerve cells in the central and peripheral nervous system. Cerebrolysin helps to activate protein synthesis in cells. Protects neurons from damage due to insufficient oxygen saturation. Improves memory.
  • Piracetam well accelerates metabolism in the cerebral cortex and well increases brain interactive activity, improves memory.
  • Pantogam helps control the amount of oxygen that enters the brain. This drug protects the brain from intoxication, has a mild sedative effect, and also has a moderate stimulating effect. Prevents seizures, reduces motor activity. Stimulates performance. It has an analgesic effect.
  • Vinpocentine- a drug that activates blood circulation in the brain. It promotes vasodilation, tissue oxygenation, blood thinning, and neuroprotective properties.

Droppers for stroke

Many doctors agree that IVs are the best way to administer medicines for stroke. However, there are both supporters and opponents of intravenous drug administration in this way.

The advantages of this procedure:

  • with the introduction of drugs with the help of droppers, a rapid onset of the desired effect occurs, with oral administration of drugs for the effect, you need to wait much longer
  • the very procedure for administering a medicine using a dropper assumes a smooth flow of medicines into the body, because very often with a stroke it is categorically not recommended to inject drugs abruptly
  • quite often, after suffering a stroke, patients are not able to swallow, therefore this method of administering drugs is very relevant
  • with oral medication, the effect will be lower than with the use of a dropper. Medicines from the intestines also pass the so-called hepatic barrier, respectively, there they also undergo metabolic processes. This lowers the level in the blood of the substance that has been taken. If drugs are administered with a dropper, this does not happen, the level of the active substance in the blood does not decrease.
  • the use of droppers is advisable when the volume of drugs required for therapy is large enough

Cons of using a dropper:

  • if an allergic reaction is manifested in the patient with the introduction of the drug, then it is impossible to level the content of this medication in the blood. For example, when taking the medication orally, you can promptly perform a gastric lavage.
  • if the rules of sterility are not followed during the installation of a dropper, there is a high probability that an infection will enter the body through the puncture sites, and the veins may become inflamed
  • there is a possibility of incorrect installation of the catheter, in which the drug does not enter the vein, but into the human tissue, which is fraught with inflammatory processes
  • one of the complications of this type of drug administration into the body is the ingress of a large amount of air into a vein (air embolism)

Vitamins after a stroke

A number of studies show that vitamins are very effective in the recovery of brain functions after a stroke. But in no case should you overdo the dosage.

The most effective vitamins after a stroke:

  • vitamin A normalizes the active growth of cells and tissues
  • vitamins B and B1 stabilizes blood pressure, normalizes the functioning of neurons and improves cerebral circulation
  • vitamin C promotes the regeneration of blood vessels, which improves blood circulation
  • Vitamin D is essential to maintain a safe blood consistency. This vitamin has a positive effect on the nervous system and blood circulation.
  • vitamin E prevents the appearance of free radicals. The doctor should draw up a vitamin regimen with clearly defined proportions. It is dangerous to prescribe vitamins on your own.

Supplements after a stroke

The main advantage of dietary supplements is that it is a natural product. At different stages of therapy, doctors recommend taking different types of dietary supplements. For example, in the first 1-2 months after the illness, some types are prescribed, and throughout the next year, completely different ones. In the first few months of the post-hospital period, the main task for the patient is to restore the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and the immune system. Dietary supplements do an excellent job with this.

Both medicines and vitamins, and dietary supplements must be taken under the strict supervision of the attending physician.

Rehabilitation after a stroke

The sooner they started, the higher the effectiveness of rehabilitation measures after suffering a stroke. Rehabilitation is necessary for people who have suffered a stroke in order to prevent recurrence of the disease, to stabilize the psychological state of the patient, to restore speech, vision, and motor function.

Rehabilitation is carried out using the following methods: therapy with medications, laser irradiation, physiotherapy exercises, psychotherapeutic measures, therapeutic massage, adherence to a special diet, the use of herbal infusions and essential oils, classes with a speech therapist.

Rehabilitation centers and hospitals after stroke

Institutions are created for the fastest possible care for patients. Kinesiotherapy or physiotherapy exercises involves procedures that will help restore lost self-care skills. At the beginning of the recovery procedures, the patient is very hard, but after a while he begins to sit, and subsequently, walk. Walking training takes place on the "Lokomat" apparatus.

Gymnastics and massage after ischemic stroke

There are exercises for recovery: fingers, toes, trunk. If one hand works, then you need to massage the patient with a healthy hand. It won't work right away, but over time everything will work out. At the end of the light massage, you can make circular movements with your fingers. Movement stimulates the brain. If fine motor skills are in order, then recovery will be faster. Feet can be performed exercises - wiggling fingers (push apart, bring, make a circle). All exercises are performed 7-10 times. Any movement the person can make will be helpful.

Rehabilitation simulators

Available for the upper, lower extremities or the whole body. A special ball (ball) with pimples is referred to as a hand trainer, an exercise bike to a foot trainer. If the patient can sit and move the limbs, then he will be able to use the simulator. You won't be able to buy them in a regular sports store, for this there are special ones that offer medical equipment. The use of a stationary bike at the initial stage of training is a maximum of 10-15 minutes per workout. One workout a day is more than enough for rehabilitation. Serotonin, which is released during training, has a beneficial effect on the healing process.

The Manuped exercise machine is designed for walking. It will be needed at the next stage, when the person can stand well. All simulators have tachometers showing the state of a person. The simulators activate motor functions, restore blood circulation, normalize blood flow throughout the body, eliminate excess weight and muscle atrophy, and restore coordination of movements, which helps in rehabilitation after a stroke. The simulator is also suitable for healthy family members to stay in shape, as it has different settings.

Of the simpler ones: stretching machines, hand resistance bands, leg massagers.

Medications and drugs for stroke recovery

  • Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) is prescribed to the patient at 300 mg. in a day.
  • Tiklid is prescribed at 200-250 mg.
  • Plavik is taken at 50-75 mg. per day.
  • Apreiox is prescribed for 1t. twice a day (not more often).
  • Heparin is prescribed to thin the blood and prevent blood clots. The rate of administration of the drug and the dose should be selected individually. Warfarin is used to thin the blood and remove clots. Warfarin should not be used during pregnancy, as it provokes serious abnormalities in the fetus. And heparin is a legal drug.
  • Neuroprotective agents are often used for stroke, despite their low effectiveness. The drug - an NMDA antagonist with a blockade of receptors "Cerestat" was no longer used, since it showed a pronounced effect on the central nervous system in patients. "Kerven", "Simple", "Citicoline" are used for blockade, but purely individually and under the supervision of a doctor.

Pressure and disability group

An increase in blood pressure is a fairly frequent phenomenon. It is required to ensure that it does not rise above 140-160 systolic units and 90-100 diastolic units. If a person becomes incapacitated, a disability group is issued for him.

Swelling after a stroke

It is rational to use an elastic bandage. If your legs are swollen, you need to raise them higher at night. And in the case of a temperature difference between a healthy and a sick limb to the touch, a consultation with a surgeon is simply necessary.

The brain and body after a stroke

With a prolonged stroke state, the vessels of the brain are affected, sclerosis develops, blood circulation, memory, attention and speech are impaired. If speech is impaired, the person may need a speech therapist. The process of restoring speech can take more than one month, or even a year. Speech may never come back. Hands with a stroke stop moving. To do this, you need to use resistance bands, simulators. First, the exercises are helped by relatives or medical staff, and then by the patient himself, which helps in rehabilitation after a stroke. It is easier to restore physical activity than speech abilities.

With extensive damage to brain cells, Parkinson's disease occurs. This is a terrible disease. Professor from Switzerland Luc Montagnier invented the drug "Papaya-Itali". The drug was first tested on John Paul II. The miraculous drug gave him back many years of normal life. This drug restores the process of functioning of the brain and regenerates and starts brain cells. Speech, the level of intelligence, motor functions, emotional state, the work of organs will be restored. Treatment with Papaya Italy should be started as soon as the disease is noticed, and then precious time will not be wasted.


As soon as the patient is diagnosed with a stroke, the first step is to measure the body temperature. A slight increase is normal, but if the thermometer goes off scale, it means that serious changes are taking place in the brain. The border of the norm is 37.5-37.8 degrees. If the rate is too high, there is a risk of repeated cerebral hemorrhages.


The cerebral hemispheres are responsible for speech, reading, writing, memory for numbers, events, symbols, names, for fantasy, logic, and they process the information received. If the work of one of them is disrupted, then the functions for which this hemisphere is responsible are also disrupted. There is a paralysis of one of the sides of a person. Seizures may occur during a stroke. Dizziness after a stroke is a constant phenomenon, memory impairment after a stroke occurs without fail.

Life after a stroke

How long people who have survived an attack live depends on the person himself. An organism is a unique creation that can behave in a completely unpredictable manner. One person lives for a month, and another for more than 20 years. With proper nutrition and rejection of bad habits, taking medications and preventing disease, a person will live longer.

Not everyone can walk after a stroke. But daily hard training will help you gradually recover. The disease is serious, which means that recovery will not be easy.

Vision is impaired. Reception of an ophthalmologist is necessary at all stages of treatment from the onset of the disease and in the process of rehabilitation. A bedridden patient after a stroke may be capricious and behave inappropriately. The disease causes him suffering and makes him nervous that he is so helpless. Close ones should show maximum attention and patience.

Nutrition and diet after stroke

Eliminating fatty fried foods is the most important thing.

Eating green vegetables, lettuce leaves, herbs helps dissolve plaques in the blood. You need to eat cabbage, celery, spinach. If a person does not swallow well, then you can drink juices. Juice is even healthier. Alcohol, carbonated sweet drinks, coffee, strong black tea are contraindicated. You need to eat compotes from dried fruits, freshly squeezed juices from apples, cucumbers, carrots, pumpkins.

Folk remedies for hypertension are effective

A stroke is characterized by an acute disturbance of blood circulation in certain parts of the brain, leading to serious consequences. Most of the cases are fatal, a considerable number of patients who survived an attack receive disability. And only a small percentage of people return to a fulfilling life after undergoing rehabilitation procedures. Timely assistance plays an important role in a speedy recovery. For treatment, special drugs are used for stroke, which help to minimize the risks of subsequent complications.

Treatment features

Depending on the mechanism of development of pathology, two types of stroke are distinguished - ischemic and hemorrhagic. The first is manifested as a result of vascular blockage by a thrombus or narrowing of the lumen, the second - due to rupture of the arterial walls. Both conditions are extremely dangerous for human life.

Note! Effective tools for the prevention of stroke are under development and are not available to the general public. Preventive measures include maintaining a healthy lifestyle and diet.

There is no magic pill that can cure a stroke at once. Standard treatment is aimed at eliminating the consequences of blockage of blood vessels or rupture of their walls and restoring normal blood circulation.

After a stroke, various complications develop - loss of working capacity, speech and movement disorders, mental disorders, the appearance of pneumonia and pressure sores. Carrying out appropriate treatment and adherence to medical recommendations helps to restore the lost functions in part or in full.

Initial treatment

Sudden blockage of blood vessels in women and men manifests itself as dizziness, severe headache, nausea accompanied by vomiting, immobilization of body parts (often on the left side). Hemorrhagic stroke is characterized by the same symptoms, but sudden loss of consciousness and coma are often added to them.

If any signs are found, especially in elderly patients, an ambulance should be called. While she is driving, the patient should measure blood pressure. If the readings are significantly higher than the norm, you can give an antihypertensive medication previously prescribed by your doctor. Otherwise, it is recommended to lay the victim on a bed with a raised headboard and carefully monitor his health.

As a first aid, intramuscular injections of neuroprotective agents are given, which can reduce the spread of dying sites and normalize blood circulation in the brain. Their names are Encephabol, Cerebrolysin and Glycine.

Important! At an early stage of a stroke, it is forbidden to take vasodilators (No-shpa, Papaverine). On damaged tissues, they show the opposite effect, reducing blood circulation, which leads to an aggravation of the situation.

Inpatient treatment

After the patient is admitted to a medical institution and measures are taken to stabilize his condition, a number of tests are carried out aimed at making an accurate diagnosis. Subsequent therapy is carried out depending on this.

Ischemic stroke

If ischemic stroke is diagnosed, the patient is given droppers with thrombolytics (Ancord, Mannitol). Their action is aimed at resorption of the blood clot that clogged the vessel. With timely administration within the first three hours, cerebral circulation can be restored without significant complications. After a specified time, it is not advisable to drip such drugs, since the tissues begin to irreversibly deteriorate.

Contraindications to the administration of thrombolytics are pressure over 185 to 110, brain abscesses, hemorrhage into the intracranial cavity, recurrent stroke, epileptic seizure, mechanical head trauma, as well as any operations 2 weeks before stroke.

Further drug treatment in the hospital is carried out with the help of drugs:

  • to reduce and stabilize blood pressure;
  • to prevent new manifestations of thrombus formation;
  • to restore blood circulation;
  • to relieve vascular spasms;
  • to eliminate tissue swelling.

With the rapidly developing hypoxia of the brain, special drugs (Mexidol, Actovegin), inhalations and oxygen cocktails, hyperbaric oxygenation are prescribed.

Important! A recent development by scientists - a drug based on the MASP-2 protein - is able to restore blood supply and stop inflammatory processes immediately after an ischemic stroke. Injections are injected into the abdomen, in the area of ​​the anterior abdominal wall.

Hemorrhagic stroke

A cerebral hemorrhage is a great danger to human life - according to statistics, death occurs in the first hours after an attack. To stabilize the patient's condition, a list of drugs from different drug groups is used:

  • hypotensive to lower blood pressure;
  • sedatives to relieve psychomotor agitation;
  • antiemetics to eliminate nausea and vomiting.

If the hematoma formed after the hemorrhage does not resolve on its own, a surgical operation is prescribed. During surgery, mechanical removal of a blood clot and restoration of local blood circulation is carried out.

Further treatment is carried out in the neurosurgical department. The patient is prescribed a list of anti-stroke drugs to stabilize blood pressure and heart rate, improve the functions of the heart and brain, remove edema from tissues and prevent complications.

To stop severe bleeding and strengthen the walls of blood vessels, hot injections with magnesia are used. The injection got its name from the sensation of pleasant warmth poured over the body after injection, which begins with a strong burning sensation in the mouth. This feature is due to the vasodilating properties of the drug, which is injected intravenously.

How to treat at home

After carrying out medical procedures in the hospital and improving the patient's condition, the patient is discharged for further recovery. In the first 6 months after discharge, there is a high risk of a second seizure. During home treatment, aimed not only at rehabilitation, but also at preventing complications and relapse, the most effective drugs are used:

  1. Antidepressants. A patient who has suffered a stroke is prone to frequent attacks of fear, anxiety, and nervous excitement. To eliminate the negative symptoms associated with brain disorders, hypnotics and antidepressants (Paxil, Mianserin, Mirtazapine) are prescribed.
  2. Antiplatelet agents. To prevent the development of thrombus formation, patients after a stroke need to constantly drink medicines to thin the blood (Aspirin, Curantil, Clopidogrel). They mildly, unlike anticoagulants, prevent platelets from sticking together.
  3. Pain relievers. In the post-stroke period, pain occurs quite often. The best solution for stopping them is taking painkillers (Aspirin, Analgin, Ketanov).
  4. Anticonvulsants. Against muscle spasms that can develop against the background of cerebral disturbances, agents of different directions are prescribed: normalizing the work of the central nervous system, reducing the activity of nerve cells and arresting muscle contractions.
  5. Nootropics. To eliminate cognitive impairments, as well as restore memory and attention, drugs are used that activate the functioning of nerve cell membranes through the formation of new phospholipids (Ceraxon, Piracetam).
  6. Vitamins. To improve brain and physical activity, as well as prevent complications, vitamin complexes are prescribed. They should include vitamins of group B, C, A, E.
  7. Dietary supplements. Dietary supplements are indicated for the treatment of the consequences of stroke after a course of conservative therapy. These include Papaya Attiva, SDA second faction, Tianshi. A contraindication to their use is a period of exacerbation of the condition.

Note! For post-stroke rehabilitation, physiotherapy procedures are prescribed using special devices. Their action is aimed at restoring brain and motor activity and preventing relapses.

During the recovery period, the patient must follow a special regimen. The diet after ischemic stroke excludes from the menu fried, fatty and seasoned dishes, a large number of sweets and bakery products made from premium flour. Instead, you need to consume a sufficient amount of seasonal vegetables and fruits, lean meats and poultry, and drink plenty of clean water.

In order for the recovery of the body to take place most fruitfully, the patient must be surrounded by care and ensure the timely administration of drugs for stroke. In the absence of physical and psychological discomfort, he will be able to tune in to receive positive results.

Stroke is the most common cause of patient disability and death among the population after cardiovascular disease.

Salvation depends on the risk group to which the person belongs and timely medical assistance.

It is customary to divide strokes into two main and wired types:

The tactics for treating these two strokes are completely different. (hemo - blood, rragia - pour out) a stroke is a hemorrhage from the vessels of the brain into the free space with the formation of a hematoma. The entire brain is permeated with blood vessels and hemorrhage can occur absolutely in any of its areas and the chance of survival will usually depend on the place where the hematoma is formed, for example, if it is impossible to save a person.

Ischemic stroke occurs due to the death of nerve fibers due to a lack of blood supply. This can lead to a blood clot stuck and blocking the lumen of the artery, thereby interfering with the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the neurons. Therefore, these two types are treated and prevented in completely different ways.

Preparations for prophylaxis

The cause of hemorrhagic stroke in most cases is high blood pressure and malformation of the wall of the arteries of the brain. To reduce pressure, antianginal drugs are used under the supervision of a cardiologist, these include:

  • Clonidine;
  • Papaverine.

They must be taken according to a special scheme, which is individually thought out by the doctor, since long-term and improper use of this group of drugs has strong side effects.

Vascular malformation is a change and deformation of their walls, as a result of atherosclerosis. Over time, it thinns the vessel and with a slight increase in pressure, its wall bursts and hemorrhage occurs.

The drugs used to fight atherosclerosis are in clinical trials because they cause premature death and cardiac arrest due to the rearrangement and destruction of lipid molecules in the brain. In fact, the remedy has long been known - exercise and moderate intake of cholesterol.

When an ambulance team arrives or medical assistance is provided already in the intensive care unit in a hospital, the drugs will be administered depending on the stroke.

In the case of a hemorrhagic stroke during an attack and immediately after it, resuscitators use drugs of the following groups:

In the acute period of ischemic stroke, a group of diuretics, blood substitutes, nootropic drugs is also used for treatment, but they also add here:

  1. Thrombolytics allow to dissolve the formed blood clot, to normalize blood circulation. This group of drugs is the leading one in the treatment of ischemic stroke. They are not in any way introduced in cases of hemorrhagic, since they reduce the clotting functions of the blood, thereby increasing bleeding.
  2. After the "elimination" of the thrombus, it is necessary to restore the functioning of the neurons. This will help drugs affecting tissue metabolism... They are able to enhance the work of neurons and retain a significant part of them after.

Medications Used to Treat Stroke

Specific drugs used to treat stroke by modern doctors:

Drug rehabilitation

Recovering from a stroke usually involves taking medications that are taken for treatment and that have been prescribed early.

Often, doctors include only the use of nootropic drugs in the basis of rehabilitation. Because they are ideal for restoring a person's intellectual abilities.

In addition to nootropic drugs, scientists have recently discovered a substance that has been compared to an atomic bomb, but it also acts on the brain. It was named Omega-3. It is extracted from fish oil in its pure form.

Scientists from the United States of America conducted an experiment on children who were lagging behind in development, as a rule, they were fat twins who did not want to teach, but only watch TV all day long. After a week of admission, the child began to read books, and he did not want to watch TV at all.

After two months of admission, the children became an order of magnitude higher in intellectual abilities than their peers. In addition, they began to monitor their physical health, and those who had heart problems - they did not make themselves felt.

Recently, Omega-3 has been used for the rehabilitation of patients after a stroke, thanks to the combination therapy, the effect is enhanced and the person recovers completely!

So, for rehabilitation after a stroke, nootropic drugs are used, they are of the following groups:

  • racetams- Oxiracetam, Piracetam, Pyramem;
  • precursors of acetylcholine- Gammalon, Apogamma, Gammar.

These funds are actively used to recover patients with stroke.

Any medication must be used under the supervision of a doctor, since these groups of drugs are very serious and can lead to serious complications if taken on their own.

Our choice

For prophylactic purposes, antihypertensive drugs of the following groups are used:

  • affecting the vasomotor centers of the brain- Clonidine, Methyldopa, Urapidil, Guanfatsin;
  • sympatholytic agents- Octadin, Roserpine, Raunatin;
  • drugs that affect the angiotensin system- Captopril, Ramipril, Metiapril.

For rehabilitation purposes, nootropic drugs are used, which are provided in the section above.

The success of therapy and rehabilitation after a stroke depends not only on medications, but also on the patient's mood and attitude towards his health. Remember that your loved one needs support and faith in recovery, and any drugs will come in second place!