Whether the pregnancy goes without toxicosis. Causes of nausea. Including

Most women believe that pregnancy and toxicosis are inseparable concepts. Many expectant mothers generally believe that the appearance of nausea in the morning is the main sign of the conception that has occurred. For this reason, the opinion appeared that if there is no toxicosis during pregnancy, this is very bad and an urgent need to go to the doctor. However, this opinion is fundamentally wrong: on the contrary, the well-being of a pregnant woman and the absence of nausea are a sign of the normal course of the period of bearing a child.

Pros of the absence of toxicosis

Of course, the main plus of the fact that the expectant mother does not feel sick during pregnancy is her good health. It should be understood that this condition can manifest itself not only with mild nausea, but also with quite frequent, and sometimes indomitable vomiting, which is extremely dangerous for the pregnant woman herself. In severe forms of toxicosis, doctors will often insist on terminating the pregnancy, because this condition threatens the patient's health and can even lead to death. So if you do not have toxicosis during pregnancy, this should be regarded only as a positive moment.

information In addition, if a woman does not have toxicosis in the early stages after conception, this does not mean that it will not appear later, for example, at 8 weeks or 9 weeks. The time of occurrence of this condition is very individual, although according to average data, it most often occurs at 6 weeks.

Additional advantages of the absence of toxicosis:

  • Less loss of nutrients... During the period of carrying a child, a woman's need for vitamins and minerals, which are necessary for the normal development of a child, significantly increases. If the expectant mother eats poorly due to severe nausea, does not absorb food, then the nutritional deficiency will be more pronounced;
  • Reduced risk(severe forms with severe vomiting, fasting often leads to the loss of the child);
  • Reduced risk of later development.

When the absence of toxicosis is dangerous

Sometimes the absence of nausea can be an unfavorable symptom, in particular, talking about the freezing (death) of the fetus. At the same time, toxicosis disappears very abruptly and early enough, for example, at 7 weeks. In addition, other symptoms of pregnancy disappear in the patient: swelling of the mammary glands, drowsiness, fatigue. Pulling may also appear in the lumbar region, smearing spotting from the genital tract.

important With the development of such signs of a pregnant woman, you should immediately contact the attending obstetrician-gynecologist.

When the conversation comes about pregnancy, many involuntarily recall their suffering associated with toxicosis. But not all women experience such torment; the absence of toxicosis during pregnancy is considered common. It is wrong to think that the presence of characteristic ailments indicates a normal gestation process. In general, let's figure it out.

Toxicosis is an exclusively physiological feature of the pregnant body. For such a condition, the presence of morning nausea is typical, and if the lady is unlucky and the toxicosis syndrome is severe, then its symptoms are complemented by vomiting. Unfortunately, this is how the body responds to the processes of the birth of a new person, which are unusual for it. Women's systems gradually adapt to an unusual state, because after fertilization, the body is subjected to severe stress. A woman is going through a powerful hormonal reform, and her internal structures are learning to exist in a new way, are tuned in to the forthcoming double loads.

Therefore, the appearance during the first three months of mild ailments and drowsiness, weakness and nausea-vomiting reactions is quite natural. Each organism experiences the process of adaptation in a special way. Some people do not have toxicosis in early pregnancy, however, it appears after 20 weeks. The ailments themselves are also manifested differently - one pregnant woman may suffer from nausea in the early morning, another becomes hypersensitive to various odors, and the third even nourishes an irresistible desire to feast on strawberries with the taste of salted herring. It is impossible to predict a pregnant organism, its desires and behavior.

Experts call the physiological causes of toxicity the presence of protein compounds in urine and hormonal surges, stressful conditions or tobacco smoking, unhealthy eating habits and placental underdevelopment. Also, vitamin deficiency, the consumption of intoxicating drinks and the presence of genetic or chronic pathologies in the anamnesis, the wrong psychological attitude of the pregnant woman can also provoke malaise.

Toxic seizures can occur unexpectedly, it happens that mommy has just woken up, and she is already sick from the smell of scrambled eggs, which she always preferred for breakfast. The body in such a state is unpredictable, vomiting may appear from the smell, previously favorite coffee, liquid soap or perfume. There are many reasons for a toxic condition, but if there is no toxicosis during pregnancy, this is normal, so there is no need to look for any deviations when the pregnant woman feels great. To avoid toxic ailments, you need to start taking vitamin preparations in a timely manner so that the baby does not need anything during the growth process.

The provoking factors of toxicosis

Doctors identify a number of specific reasons that contribute to the onset of toxicosis:

  1. Hormones. After conception, the hormonal status of a woman changes dramatically, during this period the body adapts to new circumstances. An increased concentration of at least one of the hormones leads to a change in the functioning of internal organs, which can manifest itself as nausea, dizziness and vomiting. Toxicosis can be compared with PMS, because it also occurs against the background of hormonal changes, although not so large-scale.
  2. Foreign object. If there is no toxicosis during pregnancy, a woman can only be envied. But most often this condition is still found in obstetric practice. The fetus itself can cause toxic attacks. The body reacts to it as an extraneous, foreign body or a pathological process that must be eliminated. The immune system is activated, temperature indicators rise, fatigue and drowsiness worries, which is due to the body's struggle with a foreign object. Severe toxicosis indicates the rejection of the fetus by the body, which can be very dangerous for the baby and requires urgent medical attention.
  3. Fetal waste products. The fetus has its own material exchange processes, which function continuously. Waste products must leave the child, which they do, being thrown into the mother's body. Until the final formation of the placenta has taken place, all products of fetal activity penetrate the bloodstream, leave the uterine body, which becomes a provoking factor for ailments.
  4. Unhealthy habits. The onset of toxicosis during pregnancy can be explained by bad habits. Many mothers, upon learning about conception, abruptly give up cigarettes and alcohol, which affects their condition. Of course, giving up unhealthy addictions is good. It's just that the nicotine that was previously regularly ingested into the body is now not taken from anywhere, so the body experiences a certain stress, which is partially manifested in irritability, nausea and other hard-hitting symptoms.

The absence of toxicosis during pregnancy can be observed even in the presence of provoking factors, it is just that the organisms in pregnant women are different, therefore, they react to the fetus differently.

Main manifestations

A condition when there is no toxicosis during pregnancy can go unnoticed, which cannot be said about toxicosis, because the symptoms of ailments are very pronounced. At first, a pregnant woman notices a lack of appetite, which can manifest itself in a reluctance to eat or a sharp aversion to certain foods or their smell. Also, the pregnant woman is worried about bouts of profuse drooling, which are usually combined with nausea.

A noticeable discomfort to a woman is brought about by an inadequate reaction of the body to a variety of smells that were previously loved, and now have become the cause of vomiting, which, by the way, is also the main symptom of toxicosis. Vomiting attacks can bother at certain hours, or exhaust the pregnant woman throughout the day. Complementing the list of symptoms and gustatory perversions, when a pregnant woman suddenly jumps up in the middle of the night and declares that she urgently needs to eat something unusual and terribly incongruous. Sometimes there is a keen desire to gnaw chalk or sniff exhaust gases, eat radishes directly from a garden bed with earth and sand, which indicates the development of anemia.

Toxicosis and gender of the baby

There is an opinion that along the course of toxicosis it is realistic to determine who will be born, a daughter or a boy. More precisely, not by toxicosis itself, but by its individual manifestations. For example, mommy's taste changes. If a pregnant woman is irresistibly drawn to chocolates, ice cream and condensed milk, then she will most likely give birth to a daughter. If mommy regularly overeats on meat, herring, pickles and other heavy foods, then parents need to prepare for their son.

Guess the gender and the appearance of the pregnant woman. If mom's face is smooth and clean, she is noticeably prettier during pregnancy, then a boy will be born. It is worth preparing for the appearance of a girl if age spots form on a woman's skin, acne and various rashes appear. In such cases, they say that the daughter takes the beauty away from her mother. There is also a sign that with an increase in the hairline, abundant growth of hairs above the lip, on the legs or stomach, you need to wait for the boy. In practice, these signs often do not work, children of any gender can be born, regardless of taste and appearance.

A lot of research has been carried out regarding such signs, but there was no evidence of their profitability, therefore they have no scientific justification.

Reasons for the absence of toxicosis

Pregnancy without toxicosis is by no means an exception to the rule, such cases are quite common. But women are so arranged, at the slightest discrepancy they begin to be overcome with doubts whether this is normal. I should be nauseous, but no nausea. According to statistics, half of pregnant women are in such doubts. Moreover, such questions literally deprive them of sleep, make them nervous and fear for the baby's health. After all, usually pregnancy is necessarily associated with characteristic ailments and a desire for salty. If there are no such desires, then mom starts to panic, inventing various deviations for herself.

If there is no nausea and vomiting, in the morning you feel great and eat everything, then everything is fine. This proves that the body has accepted the baby perfectly and is already functioning perfectly in parallel with its development. The absence of toxicosis says that:

  • The pregnant woman has the correct diet;
  • She is distinguished by strong immunity;
  • There are no chronic pathologies;
  • The kid and the body have enough vitamins;
  • There are no genetic deviations;
  • The regime of rest and sleep is fully observed.

Therefore, it is good or bad that a pregnant woman does not feel sick in the morning, judge for yourself. Such mothers should only envy that they can calmly prepare for the birth of a baby, and their pregnancy is not overshadowed by toxic ailments.

There is no definitive answer why some pregnant women are constantly tormented by vomiting arising from any pungent smell, while others calmly rejoice at the new status of the expectant mother, without experiencing any ailments. Scientists believe that a lot here depends on the psychological component. If a woman was planning a pregnancy, waiting for conception and preparing for it with a positive attitude, then toxicosis, even if it manifests itself, will proceed almost imperceptibly, without darkening expectations.

If conception occurred by accident, the woman psychologically did not have time to prepare, therefore, she will most likely develop toxicosis in full. A theory like this makes sense. After all, psychologically, a woman was not tuned in to conception, so the surge in hormones will be more pronounced.

No toxicosis - is there something wrong with me?

It's good if mommy feels great in the first trimester of gestation, it's not worth worrying about. The absence of nausea means that the body will not waste nutrients that are so necessary for fetal development. If a pregnant woman suffers from uncontrolled vomiting, then soon her body will be depleted, which can provoke a spontaneous abortion. You should not look for pathological explanations for why there is no toxicosis, just enjoy the pregnancy.

There are exceptions when the absence of ailment can indicate a dangerous condition. It is worth immediately contacting a gynecologist if you have been bothered by toxicosis for a long time, and then all its manifestations suddenly stopped. Such a symptom can signal fetal death. If, along with the sudden cessation of toxicosis, mom noticed the appearance of pain in the lumbar and uterine region, and red-brown smears appeared from the vagina, then you need to immediately run to the GI, since such symptoms often indicate an impending miscarriage or a frozen pregnancy.

By the way, the absence of early toxicosis does not guarantee that there will be no gestosis. Therefore, rejoice in the absence of toxic ailments and comfortable conditions for the development of the baby. And always tune in for the best.

Why is there no toxicosis during pregnancy and is this a sign of a possible miscarriage or embryo death? Many women experience nausea and vomiting while carrying a baby. It's kind of like a side effect of pregnancy. The condition can be quite severe. But women are no less worried about the absence of toxicosis in the early stages of pregnancy, especially if the girlfriends begin to get sick with the onset of delayed menstruation. How can you calm yourself down in this situation?

And you can calm down by the fact that nausea and vomiting are, rather, a punishment. While you are calmly engaged in everyday activities, someone cannot get out of bed, leave the house and eat normally. Early toxicosis occurs in almost everyone, but the severity of its course is different for everyone. Someone will just sometimes suffer from heartburn, someone will get tired during normal physical exertion, and someone's taste preferences will change. All this is absolutely safe and temporary.

That is, the absence of toxicosis during pregnancy should not bother you. It's another matter if its manifestations were quite bright and suddenly, long before the beginning of the second trimester, stopped. Along with this, smearing discharge from the vagina appeared, and the breasts became softer. These are the signs that can directly indicate an imminent miscarriage or pregnancy fading.

What to do in such a situation? It is necessary to visit a doctor as soon as possible, and it is better to do an ultrasound examination. And if the fetal heartbeat is determined on it, everything is in order. This can be regarded as a happy deliverance from toxicosis. And small spotting discharge (if they are really not abundant and quickly ended) is a symptom of cervical pathology. It may have slight erosion on it caused by intercourse or pelvic exam.

There is another interesting opinion that if there is no toxicosis, and the woman feels great, she will have a boy. If a woman suffers from nausea and vomiting, the skin loses its elasticity, pimples and other troubles appear - this means that she will give birth to a girl, because it is the daughter who “takes” the beauty and health from the mother. Of course, these are all superstitions.

Today there is a lot of talk about toxicosis during pregnancy. Early morning sickness has already become an integral part of the "interesting situation." Now, if the expectant mother is not worried about nausea and vomiting in the first trimester, she is already worried: is everything all right with the baby? Let's see if there is a pregnancy without toxicosis and if this is normal.

Is there always toxicosis?

Early toxicosis can begin from the first days of delayed menstruation, and maybe even after a month. The duration of toxicosis is also different: it bothers someone for only a couple of weeks, and someone suffers for several months. He generally bypasses some lucky women. This is where doubts and worries begin: is everything good with me, is the baby healthy, etc.

Lack of toxicosis

We want to reassure expectant mothers right away: the absence of toxicosis during pregnancy is the norm. First, it is possible that your time has not come yet. If you are only 6 weeks pregnant and there is no toxicosis, then this is not a reason to worry - morning sickness can "please" you for a period of 10 weeks.

If the first trimester is nearing the end, and there are still no manifestations of toxicosis during pregnancy, perhaps you are just a happy mother and your body has quickly adapted to new tasks. The fact is that scientific medicine considers toxicosis to be a kind of immune response of the mother's body to the appearance in it of a foreign body - an embryo. In addition, the fetus produces hCG, or chorionic gonadotropin, a hormone that helps it take root in the uterus and "inform" the woman about its existence. An increased level of hCG can provoke manifestations of toxicosis.

When is it time to worry?

Toxicosis always begins and ends abruptly. However, there are situations when the sudden disappearance of morning sickness can mean serious disturbances in the body of the expectant mother or pathology of fetal development. True, in this case, the manifestations of toxicosis disappear along with other signs of pregnancy: engorgement of the mammary glands, drowsiness, and rapid fatigue. In addition, pulling pains in the lower back and lower abdomen may appear. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor.

If your toxicosis has disappeared, but there are no more alarm signals, do not worry - your pregnancy is proceeding normally. As a last resort, you can ask your supervising doctor to prescribe you an ultrasound scan in order to determine the fetal heartbeat.

The joint preparation for conception is behind, you hold the test in your hands and admire the two long-awaited stripes. What your pregnancy will be like, you still do not know, but in advance you tune in to mood changes, increased or lack of appetite, strange food preferences and to the upcoming toxicosis. Time passes, the state of health is excellent, the appetite is good and no morning sickness is expected. Is the absence of toxicosis so bad for the expectant mother? Let's try to understand this issue.

There are women who have already experienced the joy of motherhood. They are sure that morning sickness is a constant companion of expectant mothers in the 1st trimester of pregnancy. Many girls, by their well-being, guess that they are pregnant. If in the morning you “feel sick” and you want to get rid of what you have eaten for dinner, it's time to go to the pharmacy for the test. But toxicosis is not always a faithful companion of all pregnant women. Sometimes, and even in most cases, women do not have nausea in the first trimester of pregnancy.

What is "toxicosis" and its causes

Toxicosis is a physiological feature of a pregnant woman. It manifests itself in the form of nausea in the morning in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, in severe cases, vomiting also joins this condition. Thus, the female body reacts to the emergence of a new life. There is a gradual adaptation to a new state, because with the onset of conception, the body experiences severe stress, hormonal changes occur, the organs adapt to the doubled load. It is possible that in the 1st trimester a woman may feel weakness, nausea, drowsiness, dizziness, vomiting is also no exception. Each organism reacts to the "acquaintance" with a new person in a different way. Someone suffers from an increased sense of smell, someone is frightened by the attraction to incompatible products, and someone has to spend all morning in the restroom.

Toxicosis can appear suddenly, for example, you have just woken up and are still basking in the bed, when suddenly you feel that you no longer like the scent of your favorite geranium, but, on the contrary, causes nausea. This phenomenon can appear abruptly during washing. The body's reaction is unpredictable - the urge to vomit appears due to the strong smell of toothpaste, shower gel or coffee aroma.

Another reason for the morning sickness of pregnant women may be a lack of micro- and macronutrients, as well as vitamins in the body. It is very important to start taking vitamins for pregnant women as early as possible in order to quickly get rid of toxicosis.

The psychological attitude is no less important for the expectant mother. If she initially tunes in to the positive, then it will be so, and if you expect that toxicosis is about to begin, then you can feel nausea and malaise. You can save yourself from this on your own or seek help from a specialist. A psychotherapist will help solve the problem.

Physiological toxicosis can be called the following reasons:

  • protein in the urine;
  • surge in hormones;
  • underdevelopment of the placenta;
  • stress;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • smoking;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • chronic or genetic diseases.

We conclude: if you are not tormented by nausea in the morning, there is no vomiting, then there is nothing to worry about. The body met the beginning of a new life positively and pregnancy continues to develop, without interfering with the woman's normal life.

If you do not have toxicosis, this means that:

  • you have enough vitamins;
  • you have strong immunity;
  • you eat right;
  • observe the regime (good rest and sleep);
  • you do not have chronic diseases;
  • there are no genetic diseases and predisposition.

Nausea and vomiting in the expectant mother may indicate that in this way the body is adapting to changes and trying to cope with the load. Those women who do not know what toxicosis during pregnancy is can only be envied, because if the mother feels good and is in a great mood, then the baby is developing correctly. Therefore, it remains only to wish future mothers not to worry that they do not have toxicosis in the early stages and continue to enjoy life.

Toxicosis. What is it like?

In gynecology, there are concepts like severe and mild toxicosis. Let's consider this phenomenon during pregnancy in more detail:

  1. Mild toxicosis. A woman may feel several urges to vomit (3-4 times a day) in the morning, most often after a meal. The woman is in a bad mood, she has no appetite, there is a slight loss of weight (up to 3 kg).
  2. Average toxicosis - per day, vomiting can disturb a woman up to 10 times. Weight loss can be serious - up to 5 kg. With this degree of toxicosis, the temperature may rise, the pressure may decrease. The general state of health is unhappy - apathy, weakness, dizziness, plus nausea and vomiting. Because of this, food intake may be limited, therefore, hospital treatment is recommended for a woman.
  3. Severe toxicosis - frequent vomiting, more than 20 times a day. Weight loss is up to 10 kg in half a month. The woman feels very bad, the temperature rises, the pulse quickens, urgent hospitalization is required. In this state, the expectant mother cannot do anything else, even drinking a glass of water becomes impossible due to a strong gag reflex. Urgent care is needed to stay hydrated.

Reasons for the absence of toxicosis during pregnancy

“It’s probably not normal if I’m not sick,” thinks every second pregnant woman. Just a few weeks of pregnancy, and already so many doubts and fears are plaguing the expectant mother. Such questions often do not allow you to sleep well, because according to the centuries-old history, a mandatory sign of pregnancy is vomiting and nausea in the first few weeks after conception. And if toxicosis did not occur, according to the majority of pregnant women, it is even considered a deviation from the norm. Gynecologists only smile when they hear such statements from pregnant women. There is no pathology if you are not tormented by vomiting and you are not sick.

Scientists have not yet been able to fully figure out why some women cannot eat normally for weeks and are constantly nauseous, while others calmly endure the first weeks of pregnancy. There are different opinions on this matter. Some experts believe that the reason lies in the emotional state of the expectant mother, her psychological state. If we are in the mood for the bad, then so be it. There is another version, toxicosis often "visits" those girls who become pregnant by accident, that is, did not plan pregnancy in advance. This can be confirmed, since a person was not psychologically tuned in to the upcoming load, and the body itself "met" an unexpected pregnancy with a burst of hormones. Hence the nausea and even vomiting.

Our grandmothers still believe that, due to the state of health of a pregnant woman, one can even find out who will be born - a boy or a girl. If a woman does not feel well from the first weeks of pregnancy (mood swings, refusal to eat, nausea and vomiting), then, most likely, a daughter will be born. If, on the contrary, everything is in order and there are no hints of toxicosis, expect the birth of an heir. It is impossible to scientifically prove these assumptions, as well as to order the sex of the child 100% (the exception is IVF). Therefore, the presence of toxicosis can be considered as a common occurrence during pregnancy. Whether there is nausea and vomiting or not, this does not affect the development of the child. The only exceptions are especially severe cases, when toxicosis leads to depletion of the body.

Therefore, if you do not have morning sickness and vomiting, rejoice and do not look for answers to your questions, because the main thing is good health, and therefore a successful pregnancy. All that remains is to wish you good health and successful childbirth.

Lack of toxicosis. Is this good or bad?

A big plus when, with the onset of pregnancy, a woman continues to feel good. Toxicosis in the 1st trimester of pregnancy can manifest itself in different ways, slight nausea in the morning is possible - this is the above-described condition, and this is even very good. Indeed, sometimes women are so exhausted by indomitable vomiting that such a condition can be dangerous for the normal development of a child. In extreme cases (severe toxicosis), doctors may even recommend terminating the pregnancy if toxicosis threatens the life of the mother and fetus. So there is no need to worry that you do not have nausea and vomiting like other pregnant women.

At very early stages, toxicosis may not "come", usually this phenomenon occurs closer to 6 weeks of pregnancy, and in some women even later, at about 8-9 weeks (peak) and ends at about 12 weeks.

Positive points:

  • when there is no nausea, it means that the body will not lose nutrients during gestation. After all, if a woman has vomiting, then there can be no question of normal nutrition, since food is absorbed poorly and the baby is first of all experiencing a deficiency of nutrients in the body;
  • with a severe form of toxicosis, when a woman suffers from severe vomiting, a spontaneous miscarriage may occur due to depletion of the body. For those who do not know what toxicosis is, this is not a threat.

When can the absence of nausea be dangerous?

In rare cases, the absence of toxicosis can be unfavorable. This applies to serious moments when it comes to life and death. If a woman suffered from nausea and vomiting during pregnancy and all of a sudden all the "charms" of toxicosis disappeared (and in terms of toxicosis it is too early to "leave"), this may indicate a sudden death of the fetus. You should not panic, you just need to listen to your feelings. The body itself signals its condition. If at the moment when vomiting has stopped, other symptoms characteristic of pregnant women (fatigue, drowsiness and swelling of the mammary glands) have also disappeared, you should see a doctor. Simultaneously with the cessation of toxicosis, a woman may be disturbed by pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, discharge from the genital tract of brown and red color - then an urgent need to contact a antenatal clinic. The symptoms described may indicate a missed pregnancy or an imminent miscarriage. It is best to immediately do an ultrasound, if the fetal heartbeat is heard, then one can only be glad that the toxicosis has receded. A minor discharge from the genital tract can be considered as erosion of the cervix, which was disturbed during a gynecological examination. Regardless of the above, you need to consult with your gynecologist and undergo an appropriate examination.

If there is no nausea and vomiting in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, then this does not mean that everything will end there, no one is immune from gestosis (toxicosis in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy). This condition is much more dangerous than early toxicosis and manifests itself for various reasons. The consequences can be sad: protein is present in the urine, vision decreases, blood pressure rises, and even seizures may begin. A severe form of preeclampsia requires emergency intervention - a cesarean section is recommended for a woman, regardless of the gestational age. Such situations do not arise often, which is very encouraging.

The absence of toxicosis during pregnancy is not a cause for concern. Rejoice, strong immunity and a healthy body, you have the necessary supply of nutrients, which is enough for two. May your pregnancy be easy and your baby will be born healthy. Good luck!