Horses from threads with their own hands. Master class "Blue horse from threads. Horse from threads made with your own hands

"Horce" from the threads do it yourself

Necessary materials:

Half-wing or acrylic threads;
- Threads "Iris Metalik";
- scissors;
- Frame for photos of A4 format;
- glue "Moment Crystal";
- pieces of skin, fabric, felt;
- decorative eyes;
- Beads, braid for decoration;
- Copper wire.
Step-by-step job description:
1. Let's start with the fact that we will make blanks for a future horse.
For this, we wake threads on the photo frame
(The number of turns depends on the thickness of the thread, I have about 80).

Here is such a billet from the segments of the threads.
3. We fold the billet from the threads exactly in half and tie the thread
The same color.

4. We form the face of the horses. For this, the segment of the thread,
retreating from the billet bend line, one centimeter,
We make several turns and tie to the knot.

5. We make one more tightening just below the first, form the head of the horse.

6. Insert to the thread bent in half the wire.

We distribute threads around the wire.

7. The second beam of threads turn the "chest" of the horses and bandage.

8. Insert into the middle of the wire and make another draw game,
Creating the body of the horses.

9. We start forming the rear legs. To do this divide the beam of threads
into two equal parts. Distribute threads around the wire and do
Three blunders. After that, you can cut extra threads and wire.

10. We form the front legs and make a tug in two places.
11. From the "Iris Metallic" threads make the mane and tail.
Maja is krepyym with glue.

12. The tail is brapping with a thread in the tone of the body of the horse.

13. From pieces of leather or beautiful cloth, cut out and glue the saddle.
We decorate the saddle with tape or beads.

Horse can be made it from paper And she can decorate a Christmas tree, you can sew from ordinary socks, but we suggest you make a horse from ordinary threads.

Such a horse will become a favorite toy, talisman or gift.

For the manufacture of such a horse you need:

Yarn light brown;

Dark brown yarn (for mane, tail and eye);

Red cloth for saddles and rhinestone decorations, beads.

Production of a toy horse

1. First, take 88 turns of the thread around the cardboard with a length of 11.5 cm.

2. Remove the threads from the cardboard. Till in one place.

3. Cut the thread motility from the opposite side.

4. Fold the Motok twice, tie it near the place of the previous bandy.

5. Pack the beam again, forming the head of the horse.

6. Insert to the thread bent in half the wire.

7. Using a dressing, shape the neck of the horses.

8. Form the legs of the horses.

9. Cut an excess wire and threads.

10. Make another beam of the threads of the same size (see paragraph 1).

11. Wrap your "breasts" of the horses and tie up.

12. Insert the wire to the beam, bent in half.

13. Make another dressing, creating the body of the horses.

14. Make legs, towering the beams of thread around the wire. Cover the tips of the thread.

15. From the brown thread beams make the mane and the tail of our horse.

16. Lift the tail on both sides, wrap the beige threads under it; Secure them.

17. Making a saddle of red cloth. With the help of a needle on the edge of the saddle, make a fringe. Measure the desired length of jewelry. You can decorate rhinestones, beads or other decorations.

18. Sewage decorations on the saddle, forming the desired bending. Stick the saddle saddle. Make eyes from two nodules thick brown threads.

Thanks for the master class Shkvare Zhanna

Cute dolls-Motanka, which are happy to use for interior designs in a folk style, and just to decorate the children's room, living room, kitchen. It is nice to make them and not very difficult, so the idea of \u200b\u200bmanufacturing such a doll can be used, including for children's lessons.
The words of a beautiful song crowd romantic, lyrical notes, a song, executed by the "Earthlings" by the group, still listens with pleasure.
"... hates on windy
Red horse proudly.
On the ground hoof beats,
Tishine from river drinks
My childhood, red horse. "

How does it look, what is it, this fantastic red horse?
Imagine it in one of the images.
It will take yarn for work, about 50 gr, red, white yarn, about 25 gr, high plastic bottle, scissors, frame for winding thread, you can use the book together.
The red horse is completely performed using the winding of the thread. This simple technology allows you to perform different funny toys.
But before to get a steady conic, which will confidently rely on all four legs, make it stops for the limbs from a plastic bottle.

To do this, cut out two strips of 1 cm wide for the entire length of the semi-liter plastic bottle. Bend them in half, in this form they will become the strengtheing base for the legs of the horse.

We use as a frame to wind the book. Red threads are wound in two identical dense cheating parallel to each other. The more yarn is wound, the volume will get a toy.

Tearing hard with an additional thread winding on one side. On the other hand cut. We get two intercepted in the center the same strands from yarn.

We form a horse head from one strand. To do this, we tie the next additional thread folded in half a strand, retreating from the central strings to the width of the thumb. The strand slightly wound up in order to further turn out the neck.
We use the second strand to do the body. We supply it around the workpiece from the first straight, so that the tied part is in the center, forming the chest of the horse. We tie the second strand additional thread. Now two strands are connected at right angles.

It's time to use plastic leg inserts. To do this, share the first strand in half, we are taking the plastic insert in the place of folding the same thread from which we perform a toy, and fix the double knot to the place of connection of the strands in the chest, inside, under threads. Front legs get twice intercepting thread a split strand with a plastic insert inside.

Similarly, perform the hind legs, fixing the thread around the plastic insert. Bottom strings will be touched to evenness. As a result, both strands should be 8 tits-interceptions.
It remains to perform the mane and tail. We also make them in the way of winding from white yarn. We screw the yarn on the same frame or book, only for the short side.

Just as last time we get two dense cheats. Tied fucked by intercepting each cheating on one side. One cut on the opposite spin, this is the tail. It is tested to the back of the horse. We tie the second cheating with the second additional thread and cut in half, receiving two halfrs.

Nadezhda Samorav

Good time of day, dear colleagues! Walking through the expanses of the website Maam I admire how many beautiful crafts here can be seen! What talented creative people represent us their interesting work! Now in full swing in all gardens work works on the decoration of groups. Everyone is trying to do something interesting, please the guys. Everywhere there are contests of crafts, christmas decorations. Our garden is not an exception. So I also had something with my grandson make. 2014, as we already know, year blue horses. Many different crafts horses I met on your pages. All of them are beautiful and interesting. We thought with the grandson, thought and decided too make a horse. Only not paper, but from thread. Svyatoslav helped me a thread shake, cut them. Well, and I did the rest myself. Today I imagine for you, good friends, master- Class of its manufacture. Threads used acrylic blue colors.

1. Take some kind of rectangular form (We took a book).

2. Hound up the threads on the book along it. When the threads are a significant thickness, then to bandage them on one side of the book.

3. On the other hand, the thread is cut. Compose from both sides to be the same.

4. Insert some kind of basis in both halves (I took the pipe from juice) And at the bottom of both halves to tie, leaving a little, as if it was hoofs.

5. Where the threads are associated folding the halves together and squeeze the tip, it seems to be a fruit and wrap over threads.

6. Recovering a little, leaving the place on the head, also wrap over threads.

7. To postpone the half aside. We take the book again and also wrap the threads on the second half.

8. At this half, the threads are not associated. Only on the other side of the book again cut down.

9. Paste again the basis (it is needed in order to the horse could stand, so tie both cut halves to tie down below.

10. Travel threads in the middle, to connect so that both halves were the same

11. Take the first half horses and second too. We find the middle of the second half, seek her the first part, separating the legs and the neck, wrapped with threads near the neck.

12. Pull the torso (second half horses, bend, lowering the legs, where the torso and legs are separated, tied with threads.

13. To the horse did not fall, it is necessary to wind up the middle of the torso

14. Here is ours horse is almost ready. It remains to add details to it.

15. Take a thread of another color (I took yellow threads) And now we wake the book. To repeat everything as the first time. Tie in the middle. Only on the tips does not need to bind (this is a mane).

16. Repeat the same thing is the tail.

17. Behind tapping the tail.

18. A slice of a tubule from under the juice is winding in blue, we are twisted on the tips, bend on 3 particles, we wake the tube under threads on the top of the head - this is the ears.

19. Between the ears weiss the mane. That's all. Horse ready. Put it and let it decorate your festive table as the incoming talisman.

Happy New Year to you, cute friends! I wish you happiness, health and creative success!

This is not just a horse, it is a horse with movable details, a horse-drochchik. Hang for a string, but she is running, highly raises the legs and lifestifies his fluffy tail. Manufacturing such a craft is included in the program of the prospect, a notebook on technology for grade 2. But not every student of the second class will figure out without detailed instructions, how to make such a crawl where to run threads so that the horse run. Now we'll figure it out in all: from what and how to cut, how to fasten, how to give a horse movement. At the end of the instructions - a detailed video on how to properly connect the moving parts of the figure.

What will be needed for making a horse to technology lesson

Horse pattern (from the working notebook on technology for grade 2), color cardboard, colored paper, pencil, scissors, glue, thread, needle.

How to make a horsepie from cardboard

Cut the template from the notebook on technology. If you do a horse not on the lesson, you can print and cut this template:

When the details of the template were cut, we translate them into color cardboard. To get more careful, we will circle off the inside. From brown cardboard, we make a torso and legs of the horses, from a yellow tail.

Details cut on the contour. On color paper, we supply a separate pattern of the mane and hoofs of the horses, we also cut out.

We glue the mane to the head, and the coolest to the legs using the glue.

Now it is necessary to attach moving parts - legs and tail - to the body. Please note that crossings and points are marked on the template. We celebrate them on the wrong detail. We make a seer or needle hole in the center of the cross and dots. Crossings and to the torso, and on moving details. We will need to connect them so that the crossings on the torso and detail coincide, and this will be as follows:

We take a needle with a thread, tie a large nodule on the end of the thread. We see a cross from a horse under the breast (the horse is turned to us with color side). We stick into it a needle with a thread. On the same needle put on the front legs, also hitting the middle of the cross. Pull the thread while the nodule does not strengthen into the cross.

I turn around the horse in withdrawal to yourself and stick the needle to the point on the leg. In the body in this place, the needle does not need to start, the point is only on the details of the legs. We produce a needle with a thread at this point completely, then we remove the needle from the thread, and leave the thread hanging. Do not cut it off, we need her, for her we will pull the horse to move.

Similarly, we attach the second pair of legs and the tail. Rutchs omit down, connect each other and tie up the bottom of the nodule. With an inside, the bonded handicap will look like this:

We pull for the thread, and the horse is as if running, highly lifting the legs and keeping her wonderful tail :)

Video how to make a horse-drochchik

If there is a desire, the horse can be decorated with glittering and sprockets on it. Horse-Dercian ready. We go to receive the top five!

Such a pretty horse can be made not only on technology lesson, but just so that it is interesting and with benefit to spend time and please with your craft of parents or younger brothers and sisters. And if you finish, come up with a whole sea of \u200b\u200bdifferent yastrushki, drawing instead of a horse head, for example, a dog or a cat face and changing the tail.