Master class on decoupage flower pots with their own hands. Decoupage of flower gorshkov

Decoupage is a very interesting and fascinating occupation, learn how easy it is. Before proceeding with furniture or technology, we advise you to practice on things that are not so sorry to spoil. One of the starting points in the world of the napkin decor can become flower pots. Plastic options do not have a large area and are relatively not expensive, therefore, such houses for plants are an excellent option for beginners. Carefully planted in a pot, decorated with her own hands, the plant will become an excellent gift for relatives and loved ones.

Indoor plants decorate almost every apartment, they complement the interior and saturate the air with oxygen. It happens that the room design has changed, and the flower pots remained old, and no longer fit into the interior. Often replant plants undesirable, and I don't want to spend money on the purchase of new floral tanks, so decorating decoupage comes to the aid, which is an art sticking drawings and ornaments to the items.

What instruments will be required to decoupage pots:

  • Ceramic or plastic flower pot;
  • Glue for decoupage or pva;
  • Acrylic primer or white acrylic paint;
  • Acrylic paints of different colors;
  • Small-grained sandpaper;
  • Thin and wide soft brushes for applying paint and drawing elements;
  • Rigid flat brush for gluing decor elements;
  • Sponge for washing dishes;
  • Stationery scissors;
  • File;
  • Napkins, decoupage cards and beautiful pieces of fabric;
  • Additional decor in the form of beads, rhinestones, twine and tapes.

At the moment, multilayer napkins are used most often for the design of products in the technique of decoupage, they are not expensive and have a very diverse and interesting design. They can be purchased both in a specialized store and in the department of food products for the kitchen. Also on sale there are decoupapable cards, they have one layer and are often printed on the finest rice paper, so they do not need any additional actions with them.

Clay pots: decoupage

Clay pots are more expensive and look noble to their plastic analogues, however, with time, paint can be placed on them, which does not affect their appearance. If you do not want to throw out such a "house" for flowers, it can always be repainted and decorated with nipening pictures.

Master class on decorating clay pots Decoupage:

  1. Wash the pot in the detergent solution with hot water. Leave it to dry out outdoors.
  2. After drying, the workpiece should be thoroughly cleaned with sandpaper. Better produces this dirty outdoor work, protecting the respiratory tract of the medical mask.
  3. Remove the pot and saucer under running water using the tool and leave it until complete drying.
  4. Strong the surface of the pot and saucer with a sponge for washing dishes and acrylic soil.
  5. After drying the primer, apply a layer of colors of milk color or any other shade suitable for it.
  6. Cut from the napkin pattern that you are going to decorate the pot. Separate the top layer with a pattern.
  7. Put the file on the bottom of the deep plate, put it on it the napkin face of the ornament down and pour some warm water.
  8. Lubricate the pot with a small amount of glue in a place where the pattern will be located, and, busting from the picture, excess liquid, press the file to the pot. Remove the file so that the ornament turns out to be glued to the pot.
  9. Using a brush or dry rag, crumple a picture, removing air bubbles accumulated under it, and apply an additional layer of glue.
  10. Reduce the boundaries of the paint pattern of the same color in which the pot was painted.
  11. Apply several layers of acrylic varnish to the surface of the pot.

You can easily give a new life with a loss of a pot using a napkin technique. If all items are met, such a product of clay will serve you for many years.

Decoupage Kashpo Plastic

If you bought a plastic pot, and came to the conclusion that it has a not very attractive appearance, then decorating decoupage will save you.

There are such small pots are not very expensive, which means they can be training before the registration of more voluminous and valuable items.

With a competent decoration, you can make a clay container for flowers like a clay pot.

Decorating plastic kashpo:

  1. We drag the surface of the pot and pallet with coarse sandpaper. It is necessary for better grip with plastic.
  2. We cover the pot of primer white in two layers and leave until complete drying.
  3. From above, we apply a layer of paint, which will look out of cracks formed due to the crockel lacquer.
  4. Now you can pinch the paint layer of another color.
  5. We are covered not to the end of a dried paint with a crockel lacquer.
  6. We dry the pot with a hairdryer and observe how paint cracks.
  7. Separate from the napkin top layer with the desired ornament.
  8. Machine a napkin in a deep plate, pedsally putting it on the face face down. We carry the motif on the product and cover it with a layer of glue, straightening with a rigid brush.
  9. Cove the pot in several layers of decoupage varnish.

Gently by performing all the stages described, you will get a beautiful flower pot with ancient effect.

Interesting options for decoupage flower pots

Decpaced by decoupage pots can be used for absolutely any interior. There is a huge number of options for decorating these products.

Using the lescing effect in the decoupage of the clay pot, you can get an interesting product with a delicate color transition.

With the decoration of the pot in the napkin technique, even a child will cope, and the resulting product will delight your eyes for many years.

Several interesting options for decoupage flower pots:

  1. The use of crustaceous and yacht varnish will help give the product a retro view. If you apply these compositions on brown paint, then the plastic pot is "magical way" will turn into clay.
  2. For the interior in the style of Provence, some small pots painted into one pastel shade and decorated with gentle floral motifs are suitable.

African-style room will complement flower pots with animal print

Decoupage flower pot (video)

Listing possible options for decorating flower pots can be infinitely, it all depends on your preferences and fantasies. Create and enjoy the result obtained!

Sometimes I want to change your urban interior under a certain style, for example Provence. Although, probably, only light hints are enough for the direction only guessed. For example, decorate a corner in the kitchen dried lavender bouquet or painted porcelain plate. Or maybe a porridge with a delicate pattern of spicy herbs?

Here is such a kashpo, I made today. And before you decoupage pots for flowers photo with a step-by-step description with pleasure I present to your attention.

Materials and tools.

And what can be useful for us?

  • Flower pots (in the master class, metal caspo from Ikea is used)
  • Art Smart Sonnet (White, Black)
  • Napkins for decoupage with olive herbs
  • Acrylic paints
  • Acrylic lacquer
  • Bituminous lacquer
  • Dryer Dryer

Preparation of kashpo to decoupage.

To begin with, prepare porridge for decorating. It is necessary to get rid of the stickers, we remove it.

I will share a little secret that girls opened me on one of the master classes. With a hair dryer, the sticker is heated and it is very easily departed from the porridge. And if the glue remains, the residues can be removed by the White Spirit.

Okrew the entire surface and coated with one layer of white soil.

On the top and bottom edging, I want to make scratching with peeling black paint and therefore I cover these parts with black soil.

Let everything dry well.


For decoupage, I applied this napkin with a drawing of Provence.

I am a fan of napkins and therefore basically printing pictures on napkins. And a master class will be released very soon, about how to print an image on napkins, follow the output of articles.

If you do not have the ability to print, conventional napkins with the drawing like you are fully fit. Just do not forget that they are three-layer and it is necessary to separate the third colorful layer, which we will glue.

We break the borders to make it easier to hide them when using the condition and put the face down to the usual file.

We pour the pool of water to the napkin, from which it is soaked with water and stretches.

We need to tent a little to your fingers so that the napkin is aligned on the file. We wash the surface of the PVA surface and impose a file and now napkin on the surface of the porridge.

A cloth neatly smoothed the file so that the cloth fixed and then slowly pull the file. Caution, the napkin can reach the file.

Tassel and pva glue take place over a napkin.

Perhaps you have formed folds, like me in this case. This is all fixable, after drying the napkins.

We dry the napkin with a cloth and repeat the same with the other side.

Now that the napkin has already been dried completely, we pass №500-600 in the folds, they will disappear and the surface will become even, ready for further stages of the decor.

I wanted to add more pulls on the sides and I was punished small sections of black paint.


We proceed to the most interesting thing - this is a condition. I turned out to be the color that is very suitable in the tone of the napkins. I only added a little black paint. So it will become less bright.

Tinet our gaps, in this case it turned out to cut into three layers with a drying.

Cutting the boundaries can be sponth or humid brush.

The upper and lower edging was cracked here in such a gentle blossom color, like a watering can in the picture.


Technique performing imitation of scuffs is very simple. As you notice, we do not use a candle, but we create scuffs with a cloth moistened in a dried retarder.

A little pushing the top layer of paint, through which is manifested by black.

Similarly, we do with a blue edging. It turns out very neat and gently.

It seems everything is ready, but not! We still need to make spray and get a little.

For spray, you can apply that paint that was painted with a napkin. We drip in her water, soak the toothbrush with this liquid paint and with the help of a masticine, spending on the bristle from the bottom up sprinkle to the sections where we want to make spray. On the bright part of the dark paint, and on the dark bright. Oh, how I like!

Before patting, it is necessary to cover with varnish and better in two thin layers with drying and squeaking. It is important. For beginner decopaments, I will explain why. Paint or bitumen varnish, depending on what you will be patched, very much exhibits all irregularities, surface roughness. And accordingly, when patting our Kashpo will become very dirty, and when you try to remove the extra mud, there is a possibility that we will move and layer paint and our splashes. Therefore, before patting, the surface should be smooth, so that the patina slid along it.

First, for patination we use paints. By mixing the paints, we get dark brown, with the addition of black, it will become more like the color of the dirt. Dripping a dried retarder into it. It is possible to replace it with water or how-with a different retarder. I like the PLAID moderator, I will apply it in this work.

Brush is applied to the site and fingers begin to rub into the surface.

Due to the retarder, the paint does not dry out so quickly and there is a possibility of paint to grow in your fingers.

A little more paint entered into the groove, it should be so. Excess patina remove a dry cloth or wet if the dirt turned out more than expected.

Finally, after drying, cover the last layer of acrylic matte varnish.

The work in principle is ready, but I still wanted to add not many dirt. A sponge, slightly dipping it into a bitumen varnish and beatibing on paper, I'm going up for rubbing.

Everything, I think you can stay.


You like?

I tried to make the original pot for flowers with my own hands, which will look in summer fresh and transmit a feeling of comfort emanating from the depths of centuries. It turned out for me or not, judge you.

Thank you for looking. Rada will be any criticism. If you have any questions with pleasure I will answer in the comments. See you soon.

Flower pots are almost in every home and very often the hostess would like that they would serve not only to the place where the favorite plant grows, as much as I would like to see the unusual and harmonious part of the interior. But it is often very difficult to choose suitable colors pots in the desired range of shades, and even more difficult to choose a pot with a pattern suitable for your interior. The author of this idea is offered to familiarize yourself with the simple, but very beautiful and spectacular method of decorating flower pots - this is with the help of napkins. Napkins are now presented in a huge assortment and choose suitable for your interior will not be much difficult. Let's listen to the author's advice and give a new life to the old flower pot, which will fit perfectly in the interior and will delight your gaze daily.

To work, you will need:
1. Old flower pot.
2. Paper emery. The author uses K-120 size 20 * 20 cm.
3. PVA glue.
4. Napkins with a suitable pattern.
5. Acrylic soil.
6. Acrylic paints.
7. Brushes for applying varnish and glue.
8. Scissors.
9. Sponge foam.
10. Tray.
11. Tight file.

1 step.
To begin with, we wonder the pot of a brush with a detergent and well-spirited. To speed up this procedure, you can use a hairdryer, as the author did, and you can just leave the pot to dry in the air.

Then, with the help of sandpaper, carefully squeak the pot.

In the same way, we are squeaking a plate that comes complete with a pot (pallet for water accumulation). This procedure is very dusty, so the author advises her to spend on the street or on the balcony. After this procedure, the surface of the pot and the pallet should be smooth, the old paint should not be strained anywhere or turn.

Now you need to rinse the pot from dust and again dry it well.

2 step.
Then take acrylic soil and applied by tangent movements, pressing a piece of foam sponge to the pot surface. The soil layer should not be thick, otherwise after drying it can go cracks. Now we give the soil very good.

Now you can apply the main background color. In this case, the author used three spoons of white paint and a few drops of yellow. You are focusing on the color gamut that prevails in your interior and take into account the size of the decorative pot.

It is also necessary to remember that the background color is simply obliged to harmonize with the napkin chosen.

Uniformly applied background color to the pot with a sponge.

If you have a small roller in the farm, then the author strongly recommends paint to the paint at his help. In this case, the paint layer is fine and applied evenly.

We apply the same paint to the pallet for water accumulation. Since the form does not allow the roller to use for high-quality paint, we apply to the paint with a sponge. In order not to stain your hands and squeak out the high-quality all hard-to-reach places, the author recommends using a clothespin as an applicator. Well asked painted blanks.

If you have a small amount of paint, collect her into a small jar.

The jar be sure to close a tightly adjacent lid. The paint can still be needed, but to achieve exactly the same shade with a new mixing of the paints is very difficult.

3 step.
Getting to work with napkins. To start carefully consider the napkin and we will definitely want to see what elements would you like to see on an updated flower pot.

Cut out the fragments you like and separated from this piece of the upper layer, to which the drawing itself is directly and applied.

Take a dense file and tray, put the carved fragment of the napkin with color side down and pour some water.

Very cautious tassel distribution water in a fragment of the napkin. Thus, you stretch the fragment of the napkin on the file surface and it will help you avoid the chances and folds in the picture when you transfer it to the flower pot.

Then very carefully raise the file and gently salt from it water, watching the napkin fragment to remain on the surface of the file.

We carry a picture from the file to the surface of the pot. To do this, apply the file and a fragment of napkins to the pot and carefully smoothed.

Carefully remove the file so that the motive is cut out from the napkin, the pot remains on the surface. If necessary, use the brush or hold the motif of your fingers.

Fill the motive of PVA glue, we apply glue with a soft brush on top of the motive. If folded folder carefully smooth their fingers in the direction from the center to the edge of the picture. Well asked the workpiece.

If the folds still turned out, neatly, without push, sanding their sandpaper.

If the borders of the napkins turned out very noticeable, take the sponge and the remaining background of the background paint and light tangent movements to turn the resulting transition.

4 step.
Then we mix the paint for the conversion of the future product.

Sponge put paint on the edges of the flower pot.

The same paint will paint the edge of the pallet for collecting water. Thoroughly asked the workpiece.

5 step.
Now cover the pot acrylic varnish in several layers. It is necessary to thoroughly dry each applied layer of varnish. And do not forget: the amount of varnish affects the service life, the more layers, the longer the product is as a result. The author in this case is 10 layers of varnish.

And here is a chic floral pot to which you presented a new bright and colorful life

Fans of home vegetation will understand me. So I want a favorite flower to have worthy "clothes". Sometimes it is very difficult to find pots that perfectly fit into the interior, and in which our homely flower was comfortable and cozy. There is a way out - create a pot that perfectly suit your favorite plant and will become an integral decorating element of your home interior. - Technique that will help us in this.

To decorate the flower pot we need:

  • ceramic, clay or plastic pot
  • napkin with a picture like
  • pVA glue
  • acrylic Paints - White, Salad, Green

We start decoking our pot.

1. Pray our pot acrylic paint - completely outside and 3 cm from the edge from the inside.

So that acrylic paint should be better and kept holding longer, you need to lose our pot emery paper.

Master class decoupage pot

2. After its complete drying, we glue the drawing figures from the napkin. To do this, use glue diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 2.

Claper is very careful, moving from the center to the edges all the foldings of the napkin pattern.

Decorating the pot

3. After a complete drying of the place on the pot, where there are no napkins, you need to draw a salad and green paint, in order to get a single one-piece picture. When the paint is completely dry, it is necessary to cover the flower pot of varnish.

decorating a pot

Our flower pot ready!

Decoupage do it yourself

Thanks to Lyudmila Bolotovoy for MK

Transformation of plastic pot

Transformation of a plastic pot. Master class in the technique of cracker and decoupage

I decided to show how you can change the appearance of a conventional plastic pot for plants. In this Temka, we will consider immediately two techniques - cracker and decoupage.

1. We have an ordinary plastic pot.

I first did not plan to change its appearance, therefore I bought a glossy, but it is better to use pots with a rough surface for processing in the style of cracker.

2. I agree to make drainchief.
You can use any preheated metal object, but then we will have to breathe melted plastic couples, and this is very harmful to our health. For these purposes, I specifically acquired a set where there are drills of different sizes, they easily change and very convenient to use. In the collected form, the manual drill looks like this.

The main thing is not to hurt much so that the plastic does not burst.

3. If you still turned out to be a glossy pot of it. Before painting, you need to treat emery paper before painting. We take no one 120 or 125. Carefully rub the entire outer side and the inner from the edge of 1.5 - 2 cm and do not forget about the saucer.

4. We wipe on dust and degrease the alcohol.
Alcohol can be bought in any pharmacy and pour into a container with a sprayer. I used a bottle of fluid for disinfection of hands, very convenient

5. Experience to painting.
My pots in the summer will be exposed to direct sunlight, because the roots did not overheat in the plants, I used light tones (gold and white).
And so, in the usual construction super market we buy acrylic paints of gold and white colors, intermediate lacquer antique, waterproof varnish and of course tastes.

6.Crasim, the entire surface of the pot is gold color, do not forget about the inner upper edge.
Trying to paint the pot in one layer is not necessary, the paint dries quickly and after 20-30 minutes we apply the second layer. Despite the fact that I had a dark pot pot to paint into two layers, but if this is not enough to apply another layer.

7. After a complete drying, we carry a varnish antique. Varnish is applied in one layer and only in one direction, in this case we apply vertical strokes.
After 15-20min. Gently try your finger to the touch. Varnish should not completely dry otherwise the cracks will be quite small, the varnish must be slightly cling.
Now we take the white paint and put the brush smear perpendicular to the lacquer, in this case horizontally. Do not forget to consider that white paint falls into one layer.
For half an hour, we can observe how cracks appear.

We can apply white paint not a tassel, but a one-time package. We take a cellophane package, ferment, macaj in paint and slamming movements to a pot. Then the cracks have a little different drawing.

I seemed to make a pot in the technique of cracker, I seemed little because I used to make a decoupage technique.
8. Now take any napkins and cut out that item that I like more. Typically, the napkin consists of three layers, we also need only the color layer the highest, therefore we relax the napkin. Figure glue to the surface of PVA liner or any other and neatly smoothed.
To protect our pots from exposure to water and moisture necessarily apply a waterproof varnish and will be better if we appline in two layers.
And here is our pot ready.

It all depends on your imagination.