Dead embryo. Measuring pregnancy. What will show blood test on hgch

Measuring pregnancy - This is an abnormal stop in the development of the fetus, completing his death. The undeveloped pregnancy proceeds with the symptom characteristic of healthy tooling: the mammary glands become sensitive, menstruation stops, the uterus increases, hormones are distinguished. However, sometimes by unclear reasons, the fetus dies.

It should be known that according to statistics, after premature interruption of pregnancy due to frozen pregnancy, up to 90% of women safely give birth to a healthy child.

The termination of the development of the fetus can occur at any age and on any period of prenatal development, but most often diagnosed in the early time - in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Currently, statistical data allow to determine the periods to the greatest extent at risk of development of pathology. Most cases Measuring pregnancy was recorded at 8 obstetrics, less dangerous 3-4, 9-11, 16-18 weeks. In the second and third trimester of pregnancy, the risk of treatment of pathology is significantly lower.

What is the danger of frozen pregnancy

In the early periods of pregnancy, due to implicit signs of anomaly, the future mammy may not immediately pay attention to the termination of the development of the fetus. The rejection of the fetal egg stems, as a rule, within 14-17 days, so a woman can walk with the dead embryo in the uterus to 2.5 weeks. And if it does not happen spontaneous, and longer. In this case, the appeal to the gynecologist is occurring at the stage strongest inflammation and poisoning of the body Pregnant frent shells.

At any stage of prenatal development, the pathology of the fetus can lead to a change in blood coagulation and further bleedingwhich represents a threat to the life of a woman.

Possible changes in the body of a woman can lead to violation of a childbody functionTherefore, it should be paid to even the most minor deviations in well-being.

Why does pregnancy freeze? Unfortunately, it is not possible to accurately determine the etiology of the emergence of frozen pregnancy. Nevertheless, experts allocate the most common causes of pathology:

Genetic disorders of the fruit

The most common reason affecting the emergence of frozen pregnancy in the early periods (in the first trimester), specialists call chromosomal violations Embryo itself. Pathology can be inherited from father or mother. As a rule, the consequence of the genetic failure is manifested in the early periods of pregnancy.

Obstetrician gynecologists argue that the likely cause second or third stop Embryonic development is an unsuccessful combination of parent's genetic material.

Hormonal violations

The entire period of toaling the child proceeds under the influence of a woman produced by the body, hormones. Therefore, any violation of the debugged production of biologically active substances can lead to fetal death. The most common root cause of the pathological process is the deficiency of the blood of mother and estrogen or the overabundance of the male hormone of Testosterone.

Rezew conflict

The difference between the positive rees-factor of the child and the negative mother doctors call the rezv conflict. Rhow conflict manifests itself in the production of antibodies by the mother by the body, as a result of which the fetus death can develop. As a rule, experts diagnose such a state on time and take preventive measures to prevent it.


During the prenatal period, due to the general weakening of immunity, all chronic infectious processes are exacerbated. Those "harmless" infections (ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis), who previously did not show themselves and did not give any problems, during this period they can provoke the death of the embryo.

Serious venereal diseases, such as syphilis and gonorrhea, carry a threat not only for the fetus, but also for the mother's body. Infection and rubella during pregnancy, in addition to the emergence of various defects, it also leads to fetal fetal. The flu virus is dangerous not so much as the pathogen itself, how much is the manifestation of the symptoms of the disease, especially the increase in body temperature.

Blood coagulation disorders

Sometimes, due to genetic predisposition, antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) arises in the mother's body. The syndrome is manifested by the formation of blood clots in the vessels and capillaries of the placenta. The violation of blood movement prevents the normal nutrition of the fetus, which leads to its death.


Reception of certain drugs can lead to irreversible effects for the embryo. Therefore, medications should be taken only after agreeing with the attending physician.


Adverse emotional overloads have a destructive effect on mother and fetus health. Pregnant woman should try to exclude any stress loads and overwork from his life.

Physical impact

Lifting weights, heavy physical activity at work or abdominal injury can provoke a hypertonus of the uterus and lead to stopping the development of the fetus. Therefore, it is necessary to adhere to the recommendations of the doctor, do not overload yourself not to wear high heels to avoid falls.

Wrong lifestyle

Abuse of alcoholic beverages, narcotic substances or smoking is harmful to any person. However, a particularly sensitive child in the womb. For its further prosperous development should be abandoned by bad habits.

In most cases, the unbearable of the fetus is the result of an unfavorable coating of various conditions and factors that are completely overcome for any woman.

How the frozen pregnancy is manifested: signs and symptoms

What are the first signs and symptoms when measuring pregnancy in the early stages, how to determine it? In the first trimester of pregnancy, the embryo development stop can be invisible for a woman.

Initially, a characteristic feature and symptom when measuring pregnancy in the first trimester can serve the disappearance and sensitivity of the mammary glands.

After detachment of the fruit eggs from the uterus in the abdomen and the waist appear Catching pains, at the same time, sucrovic or genitals are distinguished from the genitals. There may be signs of intoxication with products of the decay of the fetal shells: sharp pain, heat, chills, weakness.

Does the test pregnancy show? The concentration in the blood of the hormone of the chorionic gonadotropin and progesterone is rapidly reduced. This allows you to use the usual pregnancy test to diagnose, with a frozen embryo Test result is negative.

In all the timing of the child, a sign of the pathology of the fetus is a decrease. It should be noted that the reduced basal temperature is not found in all women when measuring pregnancy.

The main symptom of frozen pregnancy in the late periods of prenatal development is lack of motor activity Child. After any above-mentioned features or symptoms, you should contact the doctor to form an accurate diagnosis.

Diagnose stopping the development of the fetus using, gynecological inspection and ultrasound research.

Blood analysis or urine on hgch It is applied in early pregnancy or as an auxiliary marker at later stages to eliminate measurement pregnancy. The hormone of human chorionic gonadotropin is produced by chorion, which will later turn into a fenal placenta. When measuring pregnancy, hormone hCG ceases to be produced and within 5-7 days shows significantly reduced indicators. When measuring pregnancy, the test shows the absence of pregnancy. If an anomaly occurs in the second and third pregnancy, high levels of the level of gonadotropin can hold over the month.

With gynecological inspection The pathology of the fruit is diagnosed on the inconsistency of the size of the uterus. The doctor also draws attention to the disclosure of the cervical canal, the nature of the selection and the absence of cyanosis (sinushes) of the cervix.

The most reliable results in the diagnosis of fetal fetal shows ultrasound procedure. With the help of the doctor determines the presence or absence of heartbeat at the embryo. However, it is possible to do this only with 5 obstetric development week, it is at this time the device will be able to fix the beat of the child's heart. Although there are cases of error of diagnostic-chamber pregnancy using ultrasound. Therefore, with the slightest suspicions in the incompetence of the doctor, we recommend that you are upgraded with another specialist.

If a specialist doubts a diagnosis, as a rule, repeated studies are assigned after a short period of time.

The tactics of treatment of fruit pathology will depend on the period of prenatal development and the state of mother health.

After the diagnosis and testing of analyzes, after measuring pregnancy, the doctor occupies an expectant position, because in most cases occurs natural miscarriage - The most gentle way to remove the fetus for the health of a woman. If the natural process has not happened, special is prescribed Medication drugscausing artificial contraction of the uterus. It should be noted that drug treatment is possible up to 8 weeks of pregnancy.

Another way to extract the fruit egg is called Vacuum Aspiration. Currently, this treatment method is the most popular among specialists. The advantages of the vacuum can be called: minimal damage to the mucous membrane of the uterus and cervix, the rapid restoration of the uterine cavity after the procedure, the minimum time of the operation.

In later deadlines, cleaning the uterus after measuring pregnancy occurs when surgical intervention (scraping). After the gynecological procedure, the manifestation of various inflammatory processes, adhesions (synechs) and even uterine perforations are likely.

If you do not spend the treatment of frozen pregnancy, consequences for health Women can be very serious: from inflammation of the organs of a small pelvis and intoxication of the body to infertility.

Prevention of frozen pregnancy

Before planning the next pregnancy, go through preventive treatment To prevent the repetition of pathology. For this purpose, you must pass the tests to identify the possible reasons for stopping the development of the fetus.

What surveys and analyzes Did you rent after frozen pregnancy?

  • Uzi small pelvis organs;
  • analysis of blood hormones;
  • blood test to the level of antibodies to viral diseases;
  • study of smear on the STD;
  • genetic study of partner compatibility;
  • the results are also important

If all tests show no disorders, treatment is likely to be required. In the event of detection of deviations in the health of the woman, it is obligatory to pass a preventive treatment prescribed by the doctor.

Is it possible, how and when? To the question of pregnancy planning, experts look different. So, in European countries a pregnancy is already allowed 2-3 months after the pathologyWherees in the countries of the former USSR doctors recommend to refrain from conception within 6 months.

For example, if the cause of the termination of the fetus development was a viral infection, specialists advise waiting until the body generates an immune response against infection.

Many ask a question about planning!? After scraping, the gynecologist appoints a mandatory three-month reception of contraceptives to restore the mucous membrane. In the case of chromosomal anomaly of the embryo, it is necessary to wait only before the restoration of the pelvis organs after removing the measurement pregnancy. Then you can safely repeat attempt. As we wrote above, you have a probability of 90% that the next pregnancy will be successfully.

Propoliate prenatal development The child will help adhere to simple recommendations:

  • take even before conception folic acid;
  • go through the secrets;
  • bring a healthy lifestyle;
  • follow the microflora genital organs;
  • do not self-medicate;
  • observe the recommendations of the doctor.

Statistical data show that in most cases re-pregnancy ends with the birth of a healthy baby, so you should not despair and blame yourself or partner.

Video about frozen pregnancy

We suggest you watch a video about frozen pregnancy, in which the doctor will talk about the possible causes of such a process. It will help to look at this circumstance at a different angle.

Measuring pregnancy is a difficult period in the life of every woman. It is especially difficult to survive in the late periods of pregnancy, when the future mother has already heard the heartbeat of the baby or felt his movement. How did you cope with this period? Through how much does your doctor say, what can be pregnant after frozen pregnancy? Share your experiencemaybe it will come in handy for another woman.

In addition, an absolutely every woman who plans to become a mother, you need to know signs of fetal fetal. But it is not necessary to constantly think about fading pregnancy and try to find signs of this problem.

What is probability froker pregnancy? In fact, the fading of pregnancy is quite rare.

According to statistics Measuring pregnancies, one hundred seventy-six cases of perfectly normally flowing pregnancies accounts for only one case of fetal fetal.

But still, if you familiarize yourself with the symptoms of fading, you will completely be able to keep your condition under control.

What is a frozen pregnancy?

Measuring pregnancy - This is the pathology of the development of the fetus, about which most mothers do not even have permission. Family pregnancy is the cessation of growth and development of the fetus. In other words - his death.

What time does the dead -coming pregnancy occur? Such pathology may arise at all pregnancy terms.But most often, fetal fret occurs in.

The subsequent development of events may well provoke any inflammatory processes in the body and other indvoice effects.

How to determine this state on time?

The right growth and development of the fetus at each stage of pregnancy depends on the large number of explicit and implicit factors.

It happens that such that some random circumstances It can lead to a stop of the growth and development of the embryo. Such a phenomenon is called a frozen pregnancy.


The symptoms of this pathology are fairly accurate and its diagnosis does not cause difficulties from doctors.

One of the main symptoms, of course, is that completely the signs of the development of pregnancy disappear.

But it is not necessary to diagnose yourself. If you have any suspicions, you need urgently consult a doctor. The specialist will conduct a survey and will do an ultrasound.

After that, the picture of the course of pregnancy will be completely clear: do you have the symptoms of the frozen fetus or it's just nerves.


Often the first signs of frozen pregnancy In early terms, it is possible to find out only on the next planned visit of the gynecologist. This may happen a couple of weeks after the occurrence of this problem, since the fetal fetal is manifested almost imperceptibly, without any obvious signs.

First signalwhich may mean the occurrence of problems may be a sudden cessation when measuring pregnancy.

In addition, all obvious symptoms, speaking pregnancy, disappear :.

The plan of such an examination after measuring pregnancy is compiled on the basis of the individual characteristics of the body and the history of the disease.

To standard surveyswhich are represented by absolutely everyone during the recovery period after freting the fetus and re-conception planning include:

  • Ultrasound of all the organs of the small pelvis;
  • blood test, which will show the level and autoantile age;
  • smears to identify possible urogenital diseases;
  • study of the thyroid gland;
  • Torhc complex, which will show whether in the body of infection, which carry the share of danger to pregnant women.

All of the above measures are essential. Prevention of frozen pregnancy reduces the risk of repeating pathology and increases the chances of becoming a happy mother.

In conclusion, I would like to say that spouses who plan to start a childMust be necessary to have an idea of \u200b\u200bhow frozen pregnancy is manifested and how it can be avoided.

This will give the opportunity to eliminate all the reasons.unfavorable for pregnancy, detect symptoms and take the necessary measures that will significantly reduce the likelihood of adverse effects of fetal fetal.

During pregnancy, a woman of any age can occur. This situation is a big stress for a woman who was waiting for a child. She begins to seek the causes of the fetal death in order to avoid such a loss in the future. In this article, we will look at what a frozen pregnancy is and how this danger is manifested. It carries for a woman.

About pathology

Usually this condition arises in the first half most often in the initial time. In many cases, so female organism gets rid of embryos with pathologies. The death of the embryo happens both in the third trimester of pregnancy. Usually at the same time the fruit begins to reject. This state ends.

Important! About many frozen pregnancies and followed by female female do not guess at all. When this happens on the earliest days of pregnancy, before the start of the cycle, then the woman does not suspect that the conception was. Experts believe that almost every second pregnancy ends.

Strong intoxication with high temperature and severe weakness should alert a woman, with such signs she simply needs medical care. If 6-7 weeks have passed after fret, and it is still in the body, it may occur in the KBS syndrome (disseminated intravascular coagulation), the blood ceases to turn around as it should, and bleeding leads to a death.

Sometimes the reason for the fading is not possible to find. But the usual causes of this state are as follows:

  • genetic.The most common causes of frozen. It happens from any women, even among absolutely healthy. It is usually detected on (from up to eight weeks), when the main organs are laid, and genetic anomalies with these processes cause embryo death. But sometimes he can keep signs of vitality to
  • or "empty fruit egg." It happens when it happened, but for a number of reasons, the embryo does not develop. Then she will show a fruit egg without empty.
  • hormonal disorders. In women having diabetes, problems with thyroid gland, the likelihood of fetal fetal;
  • autoimmune diseases. Women who are ill-having a systemic red lupus have a greater probability of miscarriage;
  • infectious diseases. The most dangerous rubella, some species and. It is especially dangerous when these diseases pass unnoticed, without clearly pronounced symptoms. Then the woman does not recognize at all, which was the cause of the pregnancy that interrupted. A hazardous factor can be a serious influenza disease. A wide danger can also be a variety of sexually transmitted diseases (gonorrhea, and others);
  • bad habits.In fracturing women's alcohol, fetal fetal is more common than leading healthy excessive consumption can also cause it;

  • deviation Body from the norm. Significant excess (flaw) body weight increases the likelihood of the embryo;
  • pathology of the uterus. The underdevelopment of the uterus, and other deviations in this kinderbudge authority can cause fetal fetus at later launches;
  • poisoning substances. Women who during the waiting of the child inhaled air with chemical impurities (gasoline, formaldehyde, acetone and others) also fall into a risk group for this pathology. The work of the refueling, malaria during this period - not the best works for a woman waiting for a child;
  • reception of drugs prohibited during pregnancy. At first weeks, when a woman still does not suspect the reception of some means (acetylsalicylic acid, some and other) negatively affects the embryo and, it happens, causes his death;
  • chronic diseases. Heavy forms of chronic heart diseases, kidneys and liver can provoke fetal fetal or;
  • pregnancy. In a woman waiting for more than one child, the risk of fetal fetus is slightly higher than while waiting for one child;
  • conception with. If the conception turned out to be an extracorporeal fertilization, it increases the likelihood of fetal death during pregnancy;
  • strong nervous and physical stress. Stresses, lifting heavy loads and others can be very negatively affected by pregnancy;

    • lack of oxygen. If for any reason the fruit is experiencing "oxygen starvation", then this can cause his death or pathology;
    • When the embryo does not affect the substances necessary for its development.

    Important! According to the current legislation, a pregnant woman has the right to demand a translation from the employer to light labor without harmful conditions during pregnancy and during the care of the pectoral and young children.

    The risk of fetal fetal is high in the following groups of women:

    • Since this age, the likelihood of genetic deviations in the embryo is beginning to grow, and chronic diseases acquired to this age bring little joy;
    • multiple.

    How to Recognize Deviation: First Symptoms

    In the early stages it is difficult to determine the frasonal pregnancy, since the woman does not have any suspicious weeks. Of course, when examination, the gynecologist will see that they do not meet the timing, but still it is worth knowing what to pay for their attention.

    The following signs can be said about fetal fetal fetal:

    • unexpected termination of toxicosis;
    • disappearance of painful sensations in lactic glands;
    • scarce;
    • body increase;
    • reduced (if you recorded it).
    All these symptoms are very conditional and ambiguous and different women can manifest themselves in different ways. In the first weeks to determine the death of the fetus, it is not recommended.

    At later deadlines, fetal fetal is determined by the absence of heartbeat and

    Did you know? Future mommy can hear the heart heartbeat approximately on the sixth seventh week of pregnancy.

    Disappearance of nausea

    In the period, many women, especially in the morning, are nauseous (starting with -). One of the alarming signs of frozen pregnancy is a sudden loss of nausea in if after a few weeks the nausea returned, then this is an alarming symptom of the organism poisoning during the decay of the destructive fetus, especially if this state is accompanied by an increase in temperature.

    However, since not all pregnant women can have toxicosis, it should be paid to its appearance not since the beginning of pregnancy accompanied with other signs.

    Change selection

    Sometimes fetal fetal is accompanied by miscarriage, and then observed. With any dubious masculine, a woman should contact a gynecologist during the nursing of the child.

    If the body dropped the child in the very first weeks after conception, they can go on time or with a small delay. But their flow will not be, as always, they will be more and longer.

    Chest painlessness

    When disappears soreness and feeling of cutting in the chest in the first trimester, it should also be alert, especially in combination with other signs. Not all pregnant women feel discomfort or nausea, all this is individually. Then you should look at other signs.

    Lowering basal temperature

    Observations of doctors say that with basal temperature increases and does not fall after conception, and when dried up, it decreases at about a degree. But it does not always happen, moreover, the measuring instruments can bring. And not all women lead a graph of basal temperature.

    It is believed if the basal temperature is below 37 o C, it indirectly talks about the death of the fetus.

    Change HCG

    Among the symptoms of frozen pregnancy in the early deadlines, the cessation of growth and the subsequent decrease in human chorionic gonadotropin () is the most accurate. Its raising speaks of the coming pregnancy, and the decline points to its ending. A certain stage of fetal tool corresponds to a certain level. When pregnant with pregnancy, the amount of this hormone is less, repeated blood fix its reduction or no increase in the dynamics.

    What to do?

    At the moment of confirmation of the diagnosis, the doctor's fetal fret is very important not to fall into despair. The loss of a not born baby is a big stress, and at this moment I really need support from loved ones.

    Important! If a woman cannot survive the child's loss in a psychological plan, it is obligatory to consult a psychologist.

    If the frozen fruit could not get out of the uterine cavity, the doctor should make an appropriate operation to remove it.

    On the eve of the operation, in order to completely eliminate the negative factors and reveal contraindications, the doctor sends a woman to surrender analyzes (blood tests, smear, HFG, analysis for the presence of infection, urine analysis, bacterial sowing) and the passage of ultrasound, and can be sent to Additional consultation to the relevant specialist (for example, cardiologist).

    From the period of pregnancy, on which the fetus fetus appeared, the method of extracting it depends:

    • - Made in small terms (no later than eight weeks) with the use of necessary medical preparations;
    • vacuum Aspiration - the most sparing way to remove the fetus. It is produced in the early stages of pregnancy under anesthesia using a special vacuum apparatus that creates a negative pressure, which contributes to sucking the fetus from the walls of the uterus. The risk of damage to female organs as with a simple cleaning of the curette is absent. This procedure takes about fifteen minutes, and the restoration of the body of the woman after it occurs very quickly. Extract is carried out literally in the evening or the next day;
    • scraping - occurs under anesthesia using a special surgical instrument;
    • artificial kinds - Assign at later deadlines. For this, premature labor provoke artificial way, and then make the uterus.

    The extracted fruit is sent to histological analysis to identify the circumstances that failed fetus. The doctor can also take to analyze the uterine language or uterine pipe.

    After receiving the results of histology, the doctor appoints a woman the necessary treatment, which very often affects her sexual partner.

    Are there any chances for the second conception

    On the second conception of the pair, the wonderful chances of binding specialized doctors, the passage of the prescribed course of treatment. But for six months after fret of the fetus and cleaning, it is not recommended to be pregnant. The woman's body after stress suffered must relax, and also prepare for the next conception and tooling the child. You need to go through a detailed examination for the complete exception of factors that can have a negative effect on pregnancy and cause fetal fetal.

    Did you know? Every three seconds, a child is born on Earth. During the day, our planet occurs in fertilization of 910 eggs.

    With the next conception, it is necessary to refuse smoking, drinking alcohol, coffee and other bad habits. It is necessary to carefully monitor your health: to accept the recommended doctor for planning conception, in the diet, to include more fruits and vegetables, to take walks in the fresh air, to make a swimming, yoga, belly dancing, etc. When making drugs recommended for women should be taken "pregnant".

    An important factor for preparing for a re-attempt to make a child is the mental state of a woman. It is advisable to try to treat this event as the difficulty you need to overcome, and not as something inevitable. To distract heavy thoughts at this time, it is better to switch to work, change the situation and go somewhere on vacation, sign up for fitness.

    Upon the occurrence of the desired re-pregnancy, it is very important not to succumb to a panic associated with the fear of losing a child, and try to test only positive emotions.

    At such a period, the support of loved ones for which the loss of the baby is also a big loss. In this case, it is not necessary to despair - you need to think about future children who will definitely appear on the light.

    The fetal death is a big nervous shock for a woman, but not a sentence. It is a dangerous to his mother's state, it is difficult to notice in the early deadlines, so signs of frozen pregnancy need to know and undergo planned inspections from the gynecologist. Upon the occurrence of this state, medical assistance needs and compulsory surveys to identify reasons in order to prevent his repetition in the future.

    Sometimes a frasonal pregnancy is called undivided, or regressing pregnancy (regress of pregnancy). Most often (in 70-80?% Of cases) Failure to pregnancy occurs in the first trimester (up to 12 weeks). Most likely, the fading may occur at 7-8 weeks - during the laying of most vital organs in the body of the future child.

    Symptoms of frozen pregnancy

    A frozen pregnancy can no longer manifest itself and determined only by ultrasound, conducted in a planned manner.

    A sign of frozen pregnancy can be the disappearance of such subjective signs of pregnancy, as nausea, drowsiness, etc., if the future mother march them. And some they are missing at all. Often the moment of the death of the fetus is no longer. There may be symptoms of threatening miscarriage (bleeding, pulling pain in the lower parts of the abdomen or in the zone area), but the appearance of these symptoms does not always indicate the death of the embryo, so there is a possibility that pregnancy will be able to save.

    In the second trimester, a sign of the pregnancy of pregnancy can be the cessation of the movement of the fetus (during the first pregnancy, the movement of the fetus is felt from 18-20 weeks, with a repeated - from 16 weeks).

    Measuring Pregnancy: Diagnostics

    With a vaginal study, which conducts a gynecologist, there is a non-compliance of the size of the uterus. The term of pregnancy is observed, that is, it is smaller than it should be on the period that is inspected. However, in some cases, if the fading occurred a few days ago, the uterus can be of normal sizes for this period of pregnancy.

    More valuable for the diagnosis of frozen pregnancy Objective indicators:

    Contents in blood hormone hgch (human chorionic gonadotropin - pregnancy hormone, which is produced by chorion, future placenta) - when measuring pregnancy, its level is dramatically reduced relative to normal values \u200b\u200bat a given period of pregnancy. Pregnancy tests After the "Ferrence" may remain positive for several days, and then begin to show a negative result (this is due to a gradual decrease in the level of hCG in the blood and urine).

    Ultrasounds are not determined by heartbeat and moving fetus.Embryo size is less than it should be. An empty fetal egg (anembonium) can be revealed. On the ultrasound, a woman can be directed when a frasonal pregnancy can be suspected, or it can be revealed with a scheduled conduct of an ultrasound (the term of the first planned ultrasound - 10-14 weeks).

    Measuring Pregnancy: Causes

    Genetic pathologies.This is the most common cause of the pregnancy of early last periods. In 70?% Of cases during pregnancy, chromosomal anomalies are recorded in the fetus (change in the amount or structure of chromosomes). Most chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus are incompatible with livingborn, as it leads to multiple defects for the development of various organs and fetal systems, so the fruit with a changed set of chromosomes most often dies intrauterine, that is, a pregnancy is fading. Thus, it can be said, "Natural selection" is carried out.

    The genetic pathology of the fetus may be "random", that is, which occurred only in this pregnancy because of some harmful effect, without which everything would be fine. Usually, any harmful factor impassing in an early term causes damage to the fetus by the type "All or nothing", that is, either the factor does not affect the development of the fetus, or causes pathology incompatible with life, and a pregnancy is fading. Unfortunately, the number of harmful factors surrounding us is quite large, and the likelihood of a collision with them is quite large. It can include environmental factors, radiation, improper nutrition, harmful habits (smoking, drinking alcohol, narcotic substances), contacts with household chemicals, the influence of drugs, the deficit of the necessary vitamins and mineral substances.

    In the overwhelming majority of cases, nature protects the future baby, but sometimes this protection does not work. Most often doctors fail to determine what specifically hurt this pregnancy. But the risk of repeating failures in this case is minimal, since the newly emerged genetic breakdowns (not received from the parents) are quite rare, and the likelihood that this "chance" will repeat, is small. However, sometimes a child can get a genetic "breakdown" from parents. For example, at one of the parents, a plot of one chromosome can "clutch" to another, the total number of genetic material (chromosomes) is not changed and the person is well. But only one of these chromosomes can be transferred to the fetus, with the result that it will have either an excess, or a lack of genetic material, which can lead to his death.

    In addition, the "breakdown" may arise in the "predisposition genes" to unbearab pregnancy. This group includes, for example, thrombophilia genes (increased blood clotting): Their carriage can lead to the formation of microtrombov at the site of attaching the fetal egg to the wall of the uterus, the nutrition of the nutrition and its death. Also increase the risk of non-pregnancy of mutation in the "Environment genes" (this is a group of genes responsible for the production of enzymes, which are removed from the body toxic substances that have fallen into the body from the environment), since the resistance of the body is reduced to the effects of harmful factors. Mutations in these and other "predisposition genes" are not a sentence and are not considered pathology, but increase the risk of pregnancy. A large role is whether the genetic predisposition is being implemented, environmental factors and women's lifestyle play. For example, the risk that adverse mutation ("breakdown") is being implemented in thrombophilia genes, significantly rises during smoking.

    Infections. The greatest danger to the fetus are infections, mostly viral, especially if the mother met with this disease during pregnancy for the first time. We list infections, the most dangerous to the fetus and often leading to its death or developmental deposits:

    • toxoplasmosis;
    • rubella;
    • cytomegalovirus;
    • herpes.

    Some viruses (for example, herpes, cytomegalovirus) after infection are in the body for life. Chronic infection is significantly less dangerous for the fetus than primary infection during pregnancy, but its exacerbation during the expectation of the baby may in some cases lead to an unfavorable outcome.

    Increase the risk of pregnancy for pregnancy infection transmitted by sexual means (urealpasm, mycoplasma, chlamydia), other infections that cause inflammatory processes in the genital paths, as well as the presence of foci of chronic infection in the body (chronic diseases of the digestive, respiratory, urinary system, carious teeth, etc. d.). Frequent diseases and flu in early terms in some cases may also be the cause of pregnancy.

    The infection leads to the death of the fetus as a result of several mechanisms. First, the microorganism can have a direct impact on the fruit, penetrating into its body through the placenta. Secondly, in the presence of infection in the body of pregnant women, biologically active substances are produced, which can have a toxic effect on the fruit or disrupt the blood flow in the field of the fruit egg and lead to a violation of nutrients and oxygen to the fetus. Thirdly, due to the chronic inflammatory process in the uterus, the normal attachment of the fetal egg and its nutrition may violate.

    Hormonal disorders. Most often, during pregnancy, women's and men's sex hormones play a big role, as well as thyroid hormones.

    The most important during pregnancy is the normal level of hormone progesterone. It is called "a hormone of pregnancy", as it is necessary for its normal flow. The low level of progesterone is one of the frequent causes of non-pending pregnancy.

    The hormones of the thyroid gland play an important role. The cause of the death of the fetus can be both an excess and disadvantage of these hormones.

    The increase in male genital hormones is also the reason for the pregnancy of pregnancy.

    Autoimmune violations.The autoimmunes are called processes when antibodies are formed by the immune system not to alien agents (bacteria and viruses), but to their own cells of the body. These antibodies during pregnancy can affect both the fruit, half a similar to the mother's organism, which leads to his death.

    Quite often the cause of re-serve pregnancies is antiphospholipid syndrome (AFS). At the same time, the state of the antibodies are formed to their own phospholipids - substances that are involved in the formation of cell walls. Before pregnancy, this syndrome may not manifest itself. Substitute AFS can be used in re-serve pregnancies. The examination includes both the analysis specifically on APS markers and blood clotting (at APS, blood coagulation increases, which leads to the formation of microtrombov, including in the placenta vessels, which leads to a violation of the oxygen and nutrient proceeds, and In the absence of treatment - to his death).

    Another rather common autoimmune disease is autoimmune thyroiditis.

    This disease in which antibodies are formed to cells of their own thyroid gland, resulting in its function and the level of hormones that it produces is disturbed. And with a lack of hormones of the thyroid gland, the fetus death is possible.

    Wrong lifestyle. Harmful habits during pregnancy are not harmless. Toxic substances contained in tobacco smoke, and alcohol can lead to fetal death.

    In some cases, the cause of pregnancy is the harmful working conditions (for example, radiation, vibration, etc.).

    What a doctor will do

    If the fetal death is detected, the woman is hospitalized into the hospital gynecology separation.

    It is removed from the fetal egg from the uterus by scraping or vacuum aspiration (removing the contents of the uterine cavity using vacuum suction). This procedure is performed under general anesthesia (intravenous anesthesia). The spontaneous miscarriage does not expect, since the toxic foods of the decay of the deceased fruit egg "poison" the maternal organism cause a violation of blood coagulation processes, can lead to infectious complications (destroyable fetal tissue - a good medium for breeding pathogenic microbes).

    The fetus fabrics obtained during scanning or aspiration are always sent to histological examination (testing of the material under the microscope), and this is not additionally paid by the patient. In some cases, this study helps to identify the cause of pregnancy. For example, with histological examination, changes that are characteristic of the infectious process in the uterine cavity can be revealed. The result of histological research is usually ready after 1-2 weeks.

    In some cases, the material is sent to a genetic study - karyotype (quantity and structure of chromosomes). This determines the chromosomal set of the fetus.

    Sending a material on a genetic study is most often done with repeated cases of pregnancy; Most often this study is paid. The possibility of sending material to a genetic study doctor and the patient are discussed in advance before the operation. The result of a genetic study is ready on average after 2 weeks.

    However, the miscarriage can occur independently, even before it was found that the pregnancy froze. In this case, it is necessary to do an ultrasound to eliminate the delay in the parts of the fetal egg in the uterus, and when they are detected, it is discovered to pass an operation on the scattering of the uterine cavity.

    When making pregnancy in the second trimester, an artificial late miscarriage is produced. With the help of medicines, the contractile activity of the uterus is caused and fruiting.

    How to recognize this dangerous condition and can it be avoided?

    Measuring Pregnancy: Prevention and Forecast

    In 80-90?% Of cases after one frozen pregnancy, women normally hatch the subsequent pregnancy and give birth to a healthy child. However, if there were two fools in a row, then the next pregnancy risk of its fading will be 40?%, And if three, then 60?%.

    Plan the next pregnancy is recommended no earlier than six months after frozen. This time is necessary that the mucous membrane of the uterus (endometrium) and hormonal background in the body after failed pregnancy are fully recovered. During this period, hormonal contraceptives are recommended, as they not only have a contraceptive effect, but also help the body recover after hormonal stress, regulate the work of the ovaries and restore the menstrual cycle.

    When planning the next pregnancy, it is necessary to contact the Akuster-Gynecologist so that he appoints a survey to establish the cause of the pregnancy and the health of the woman and, if necessary, therapeutic and preventive drugs. Before pregnancy, it is necessary to identify and treat infectious diseases. In a chronic infection, it is worth taking care of the state of immunity so that during pregnancy does not exacerbate.

    In the period of planning the next pregnancy, it is important to eat properly, to obtain the required amount of vitamins (with food or in the form of multivitamine complexes), lead a healthy lifestyle. This will help the body during pregnancy to protect the baby from negative environmental impacts. It is also strongly recommended to abandon bad habits.

    Without a doubt, a frozen pregnancy is psychological trauma, so if a woman is tormented by obsessive thoughts that she will not be able to have children at all, if she sets himself to fail - she should turn to a psychotherapist or a perinatal psychologist.

    The conception that goes into pregnancy and ends with childbirth is a normal physiological process. However, some of the future mothers faces a very unpleasant phenomenon when the fruit ceases to develop. This article will discuss what signs of frozen pregnancy in the early deadlines. You find out how this pathology is diagnosed. We also tell me, on what time the pregnancy is freezing most often and what is the reason for this.


    With the right functioning of organs and a normal hormonal background, a woman occurs once a month. If during this period, sexual contact will be performed, that is, the high probability of the occurrence of pregnancy. After fertilization, the resulting set of cells goes down to the uterus and begins to actively share it.

    If everything goes smoothly, the pregnancy is developing for nine months. At the same time, a man grows from a small cell completely ready for life in the outdoor world. However, not always everything goes as it should. Some women faced the fact that pregnancy is interrupted. Measuring fruit can be rejected by the body alone. In this case, ordinary menstruation begins with abundant bleeding.

    If the stop in the development of the embryo did not lead to its rejection, the woman could not suspect a long time about this pathology. Very often the diagnosis is made during the next ultrasound research.

    Signs of frozen pregnancy in early time

    It is almost impossible to detect this pathology. However, the future mother may feel that in her body something went wrong. It is better to turn to the gynecologist or visit the Cabinet Ultrasound.

    Signs of frozen pregnancy in early periods can manifest themselves to a greater or lesser extent. It all depends on what caused the development of the pathological process. Also, the individual feature of the female organism is also played. Quite often, it happens that the signs of frozen pregnancy in the early lastings are actively manifested, and the fruit still continues to develop. In this case, there is a chance to save the life of the embryo. However, this requires timely medical intervention. Consider what the first symptoms of frozen pregnancy.

    Abundant discharge

    The main symptom of the pathological process during pregnancy is the discharge from the vagina. It is worth noting that not only blood, but also the mucus of unusual color should be alert. Normal are transparent, whitish or slightly yellowish allocations. At the same time, they should not have an extraneous or unpleasant odor.

    Blood can appear with partial or complete detachment of the fetal egg from the wall of the uterus. However, in some cases, the hematoma is not breaking and remains between shells and endometrial. At the same time there is a pathology, but a woman does not notice any unusual sensations.

    Green or purulent mucus can say that the pregnancy has stopped for a long time and is a process of decomposition of the fetal shells. It can be dangerous for the life of a woman. Also, such discharges are in inflammation or infection.

    Pain in the bottom of the peritone

    Signs of frozen pregnancy in early periods can be expressed by strong spastic pains. In this case, we are talking about the active reduction of the critical organ. A woman can also celebrate the unpleasant feeling in the lower back, which are more similar to menstrual pain.

    The cutting of the uterus is caused by the fact that the body is trying to get rid of pathological education on their own. It is worth noting that this symptom may occur in the threat of abortion abortion.

    Detergence of health

    Often, when stopping the development of the fetus, a woman can feel weakness, chills, temperatures and other symptoms. It is worth noting that this is happening when the embryo begins to decompose. All this leads to an inflammatory process, which needs to be eliminated as soon as possible.

    Similar symptoms may occur in conventional inflammation or infection. Even a banal colder disease can lead to the development of these signs. That is why it is so important in the near future to visit the doctor and pass the survey.

    Diagnosis of pathology

    What if there was a suspicion of a frasonal pregnancy? To begin with, it is worth contacting the gynecologist. The doctor will examine you on the gynecological chair and determines whether the uterus corresponds to the desired size. Next, it will be necessary to pass blood on determining the level of chorionic gonadotropin. In the earliest period, its level is not high enough, and it may be incorrectly diagnosed with "Measuring Pregnancy". Error ultrasound is less likely. That is why gynecologists most often appoint this examination. In the absence of heartbeat in the embryo and the inconsistency of its size, the term "frozen pregnancy" is submitted.

    Ultrasound error sometimes still happens. However, this happens in the earliest times when the embryo does not yet determine the heartbeat (up to 5-6 weeks).

    Measuring Pregnancy: Causes

    Stopping the development of the embryo most often occurs in the early deadlines. If the first pregnancy is frozen, then it is necessary to find out the causes of pathology. Such a coincidence may arise due to improper work of the pituitary gland, with bad habits, due to the use of some medicines and so on. All this can lead to a "frozen pregnancy" diagnosis. Causes, however, are not limited to. Next, find out what else can cause this pathology.

    Genetic deviations

    The most common cause of pathology is a chromosomal violation. This may happen by the fault of both partners. Also, if something went wrong at the most initial stages of development, then the embryo ceases to be viable.

    It is worth noting that in some cases children with chromosomal disorders are still born. However, in most cases, pregnancy ceases to develop even 12 weeks.

    Hormonal violations

    Stopping the development of pregnancy can occur during the wrong work of the pituitary and ovarian. This reason is the second most popular. With insufficient working of progesterone, the uterus is reduced, which leads to the detachment of the fetal shells. As a result, blood circulation is stopped between the embryo and mother. You can adjust such pathology. However, it is necessary to do this in a timely manner.

    Also, at an elevated level of androgen, a frozen pregnancy may occur. In this case, a large number of men's hormones are present in the body of a woman. In such a state, it is quite difficult to develop the fetus, and it just dies. Treat pathology is needed before conception. Only in this case there is a chance to endure and give birth to a healthy baby.

    Harmful habits and medications

    Embryo may terminate due to improper lifestyle. If the future mother uses alcohol in large quantities, smokes tobacco and takes narcotic substances, then the fruit simply cannot survive under these conditions. For a long time, the embryo is experiencing oxygen fasting, which certainly affects the state of the brain and heart. Ultimately, the fruit egg dies and rejection occurs.

    If the future mother takes prohibited medicines, they can affect the formation of organs and fetal systems. Some changes arising are simply incompatible with life. That is why the death of the embryo occurs.

    Impact of viruses and infections

    A frequent cause of frozen pregnancy are viruses and bacteria. In the first trimester, the fruit is very vulnerable. It does not have reliable protection - the placenta, which is formed only by the second period of pregnancy. If the future mother becomes infection, the development of the embryo can simply stop.

    The most frequent infections, due to which pregnancy is interrupted, are the following: rubella, toxoplasmosis, adenovirus, influenza, windmill, as well as sexually transmitted diseases.

    In some cases, a banal cold may be the cause. However, most of the future mothers suffer a viral disease safely and without any consequences. The immune status of a woman plays a latter role in this.


    Now you know the main reasons for which the development of the fetus is interrupted. It is worth saying that cleaning after frozen pregnancy is not shown to everyone. In some cases (more often on the first weeks), the fetal shells overlook themselves. Also to get rid of the deceased embryo, you can use a drug abortion. When pathology arose after 7-8 weeks, cleaning after frozen pregnancy is inevitable.

    If you have symptoms and signs of this pathology, it is worth contacting physicians as soon as possible. In some cases, it will be possible to fix the situation. Be healthy!