Methodical development on the topic: Entertainment “Family day or family day. "Our friendly family" entertainment for children of the preparatory group and their parents

Tatiana Busuek
Cognition, communication. Final entertainment on the theme "Me and my family." Abstract.

Theme: "Me and my a family» .


Formation in children of the correct understanding of family, the roles of mother, father, grandfather, grandmother, sister, brother.


1. To reinforce the understanding of the work responsibilities of members families.

2. Exercise children in the ability to ask questions, correctly select adjectives and verbs for words.

3. Foster positive relationships in family, mutual assistance, love for all members families.

Preliminary work:

1. Memorizing the surname, name, patronymic and profession of the parents.

2. Viewing family photographs.

3. Observing and remembering what responsibilities and what work the members do at home families.

4. Making a family tree together with the parents.


Tree families, screen, toy - Teddy bear, basket.

Course of the lesson:

Educator: Guys, let's imagine that we were all invited to a TV studio for a children's show - "My a family» .

You agree to be a participant in this show. (Answers of children) Then let's quietly enter the TV studio and take our seats. (children sit on high chairs) Are the TV show participants ready? (children's answers) Well, then we started.

Good afternoon, dear viewers. We start our transfer - "My a family» and I, its host Tatyana Ivanovna, greet you. Today in our studio guests of the program and participants, children of the kindergarten "Little Red Riding Hood" the village of Bolshaya Glushitsa. The guys came to our studio in order to tell about themselves, about their family, about their dear and close people. Today I will not lead the program alone, our Bear will help me. Come on, guys, we'll put him right here on a chair, he'll be able to see better from here. (Puts Mishka on a crackle.)

bear: Hello guys!

Educator: Who is this? Bear! Some miracle happened, and our Bear came to life. Hello Bear!

bear: Guys, while I live in your kindergarten, I have already been told about grandmothers and mothers, and they told about dads, but who do you want to tell me about today?

Educator: Today, Mishka, the guys and I want to tell you about what it is a family... But at the beginning of our program, I invite the participants to introduce themselves.

Children: My name, my surname….

Educator: Thank you to all the participants. Bear, do you know what they call people living in the same house, apartment?

bear: No, I do not know. Do your children know?

Educator: Yes, they do. Come on, children, tell Mishka what they call people living in the same house, apartment?

Children: A family, family, pets.

Educator: That's right, each of you has a family. Family is dad, mom, their children. These are people who live together and love each other very much, take care of each other.

Today we have a photo exhibition on our TV show, many of you made family trees together with your parents. It will be interesting for our viewers and Mishka to listen to stories about your families.

(Children tell: who is depicted; my mother's name, my father's name, full name of the grandparents who are in the photo.)

Educator: Guys, it's not for nothing that I put a photo exhibition on the house. House, family is that, a place where a person feels protected, needed, loved. All members families are closely related to each other and live in harmony and happiness.

bear: Oh oh oh!

Educator: What's the matter with you, Mishka.

bear: Guys, you talk so interesting about your families and I remembered one game that we loved to play with my mom. Can I play with your kids?

Educator: Well, of course you can.

Physiotherapy is held: (movements are performed according to the text)

We nod our heads

Shake our noses

And knock with our teeth

And let's keep quiet a little.

We will twist our shoulders

And let's not forget about the pens,

Shake your fingers

And we will have a little rest.

We'll swing our feet

And we'll squat a little.

A leg like a leg

And let's start all over again.

bear: Thanks guys. And I want to ask you a question, can I?

Educator: You can, of course, ask, Mishka.

bear: Here you are talking in family all live amicably and happily, and what help even each other?

Educator: Of course, Mishka. Here I have a basket, if you want, the guys and I will now collect in it all the good deeds that we do at home.

(Children stand in a circle around the basket. Music sounds and in turn the children pass the basket in a circle. The child who has the basket in his hands calls the good a business: watering flowers, washing dishes, making his bed, folding his things, clearing the table)

bear: Wow ... Guys, you do so many errands around the house, well done! Thank you guys, you told me so much about your families.

Children: Family is happiness, love and luck.

A family- this is a summer trip to the country.

Family is a holiday, family dates,

Gifts, purchases, pleasant spending,

The birth of children. First step, first babble.

Dreams of good, excitement and awe.

Family is work, care about each other.

A family- that's a lot of homework.

Family is important! Family is difficult!

bear: But it is impossible to live happily alone,

Always be together, take care of love,

I want friends to talk about you,

What good is your a family!

Educator: Children hold each other's hands tightly. I wish you that each of you will have a friendly, happy and strong a family.

This concludes our telecast. Goodbye! Until next time!

Fun with children of middle preschool age: Our friendly family. Scenario

Target: Formation of ideas about family and family relations, about friendly relations of relatives.
- learn to answer questions with a proposal;
- train children in the selection of adjectives and verbs;
- practice the use of diminutive forms of nouns.
- to expand children's ideas about their family, kinship;
- foster positive family relationships, a sense of love and respect for your family members.
Material: family photographs of children and drawings on the theme "My family".
Preliminary work: Learning finger games "My family", "Who lives in the family";
reading and telling fairy tales "Three bears", "Geese-swans", "The wolf and the seven kids";
learning the poem "Family" by M. Schwartz;
role-playing games: "House", "Family";
didactic games "Whose children", "Let's help mom".
Entertainment progress:
- Guys, try to guess riddles, and you will find out what we are going to talk about today.
Who is the sweetest in the world?
Whom do children love very much?
I will answer the question directly: -
All the loveliest is our ... mom.

Who is serious, not joking
Will the nail teach us how to hammer?
Who will teach the courage to be?
Having fallen from a great, do not whine,
And scratching my knee,
Don't cry? Of course ... dad.

Who does not get tired of love,
He bakes pies for us,
Delicious pancakes?
This is our ... grandmother.

He did not work out of boredom,
He has calluses in his hands
And now he is old and gray -
My dear, beloved ... grandfather.

Without what in this world
Can't adults survive and children?
Who will support you friends?
Your friendly ... family.

Right! We're going to talk today about family.
- Guys, what do you think is a family?
Children: Family is dad, mom, brother, sister, grandfather, grandmother.
Educator: Right. Family is the most precious thing a person has. All family members love, respect each other, take care of each other.
Educator: Now (child's name) will tell us a poem about the family.
I love my family
Mom, Dad I love
I love grandfather and grandmother
And the puppy and the cat Musya!
Everyone I love so much
They have a right to a family.

Educator: Guys, tell me, who is the smallest, most beloved in your family? How are you affectionately called in the family?
Children: Children speak up.

Educator: Now listen to the poem that child 1 reads to you
“Mom and I made cutlets,
And outside the window it was raining.
My mother and I thought at the same time,
How good it is for us to be together! "

Who is this poem about?
Children: about mom.
Educator: Tell me, why did the girl feel good with her mother?
Children: They felt good because they were together.
Educator : Guys, tell us, what is your mom? Children speak up.
Educator: How do you help mom?
Children: Children's answers.
Educator : Want to know who the next poem is about?
Child 2 “My dad does not tolerate idleness and boredom.
Dad has skillful, strong hands.
And if anyone needs help,
My dad is always willing to work. "

Educator: What can you say about such a dad?
Children : He is strong, brave, businesslike, brave, always ready to help.
Educator: What kind words would you like to say about your dad?
Children: Children say affectionate words.
Educator: Guys, let's play with our palms.
Reads a poem and accompanies it with gestures and movements. Children imitate.
"Okay, okay,
Where were you? By Grandma!
(Clap their hands)
And grandma has her palms
All are collected in wrinkles.
(Show hands, palms up)
And grandma has her palms
(Stroke palms together)
All worked palms
For long years.
(Tap with the fist of the palm)
Good palms smell
Cabbage soup with pies.
(They bring their palms to their face, as if they are sniffing)
They will stroke your curls
Kind palms.
(Imitate stroking)
And they will cope with any sorrow
Warm palms.
(Fold their palms, bring them to the face, blow on them)
Okay, okay,
Where were you? By Grandma!"
(Clap their hands)
Educator: Tell us, what can your grandmother do?
Children: Bake pies, knit, sew, sing, etc.
Educator: What do you love to do with your grandmother?
Children: Children's answers.
Educator: Let's praise your grandmother: "My grandmother is the most! .."
Children: Children say words about their grandmother.
Educator: Now Lukyan will tell us a poem. Listen carefully and tell me who it is.
“I have a grandfather,
Like winter, gray-haired,
I have a grandfather
With a white beard.
My grandfather is all for me
Can give an answer.
And my grandfather is not old,
At least he is a hundred years old! "

Educator: I suggest playing a game called "What is your family?" (the game is played with the ball).
Children stand in a circle, in the center of the circle there is a teacher with a ball. He throws the ball to the child and asks:
-What is your family? The child who catches the ball must respond with an adjective. (big, small, friendly, caring, hardworking, cheerful, kind, good, strict, healthy, strong, happy)
If children find it difficult to find an adjective, I use the direct hint method, for example:
-And if you have a lot of people in your family .... big;
-And if you all live together .... friendly;
-And if everyone in the family cares about each other ... caring.
Educator: Well done, I see you have wonderful families. And I also want to know who is doing what in your family. Let's play the game "Who is doing what in our family?"
The teacher asks a question, for example:
-What does mom do (dad, grandmother, grandfather, brother, sister?) Children pick a verb (ironing, washing, cooking, washing dishes, going to work, sewing, making money, checking lessons,
goes to the store to shop, teaches lessons, takes care of flowers, dusters, plays, reads, makes crafts ...)
Educator: Thank you guys, I am very glad that you know so much about your family, about who and what loves to do in your family. From your answers, I understood that you all have friendly families. A family is very necessary for every person, big and small. It is very important that all family members love each other, respect each other, and take care of each other.
Educator: And now our girls will tell us a poem by V. Orlov "I have a lot of trouble".
1st girl.
Doll Masha is a daughter,
Mom Tanya is me.
On me from under the handkerchief
My Mashenka is looking.

2nd girl.
I have a lot of trouble:
I need to cook compote
Masha needs to wash
And feed them with compote.

3rd girl.
She needs to tell fairy tales
Take her for a ride in a stroller.
Bathe, change,
Milk is hard to miss!

4th girl.
I need to be in time everywhere:
Wash, wash dishes,
Need to iron, need to sew
We need to put Masha down.

5th girl.
How stubborn she is -
He never wants to sleep!
It's hard to be a mom in the world
If you don't help her.
Where a friendly family is
The head is spinning with happiness!
Where a friendly family is
Faces shine with a smile
Like stars are burning!
Where a friendly family is
Everything is arguing perfectly!
Where a friendly family is
Good luck on the path!
- And now I invite you to look at the photographs and drawings "Our friendly family."

WITHprice for speech therapy entertainment "My family"
for children of the older group with TNR

Target: overcoming speech impairment in children with TNR through play exercises
- enrichment of vocabulary;
- improving the grammatical structure of speech;
- development of the syllabic structure of the word;
- improvement of general and fine motor skills;
- stimulation of speech activity.
Brownie Kuzya
Equipment: 3 chairs, a doll, a ball, a sofa, 2 baskets, colorful balls, cheesecakes.

Event progress

Children enter the hall to the music and stand in a circle.
All the children gathered in a circle.
I am your friend and you are my friend.
Let's hold hands tightly
And we will smile at each other.
- I will look at your faces, with whom I would be friends here? I am Elena Sergeevna, and who are you? Tell me what your affectionate name is (Yegorushka, Sasha ...).
- Tell me, guys, where are you in a hurry in the evening after kindergarten? That's right, home. And why? Yes, your family is waiting for you!
- It's so good that you all have a family! You are the happiest children in the world, because in your families they love each other, they all live happily and amicably together. The main thing is that the family always has peace, friendship, respect, love for each other. Who lives in your families?
- Say the best words about your mother, what is she (caring, hardworking, gentle, affectionate ...)?
- What can mom do? (sew, cook, wash, wash ...)
- And what daddy? (strong, brave, hardworking ...)
- And what can dad do? (tinkering, sawing, digging, vacuuming ...)
Children go to the high chairs. Music sounds.
Role-playing scene
Role played by an adult: Host
Roles are performed by children: Tanya, Mom, Grandmother
(In the center of the hall or on the stage there is a table, three chairs. A doll sits on one of the chairs. On the table is a dish with four cheesecakes)
Our children are so stubborn!
Everyone knows this himself.
Mothers often tell them
But they don't hear mom.
Tanya in the evening
I came from a walk
And the doll asked:
Tanya enters, goes to the table and sits down on a chair, picks up the doll in her arms.
How are you, daughter?
Again you crawled under the table, fidget?
Sit out all day without lunch again?
It's just trouble with these daughters

Go to dinner, turntable!
Cheesecake for lunch today!
Tanyushin's mom came home from work
And Tanya asked:
Mom comes in, sits on a chair next to Tanya.
How are you, daughter?
Played again, probably in the garden?
Managed to forget about food again?
Granny shouted to dine more than once,
And you answered: now yes now.
It's just trouble with these daughters
Soon you will be as thin as a match.
Go and have dinner, turntable!
Cheesecake for lunch today!
Here grandmother - mother's mother - came
And she asked my mother:
Grandmother enters with a stick, walks over to the table and sits on the third chair.
How are you, daughter?
Probably in the hospital for a whole day
Again there was not a minute for food,
And in the evening I ate a dry sandwich.
You can't sit all day without lunch.
I’ve already become a doctor, but everyone’s a fidget.
With these daughters, it's just a disaster.
Soon you will be as thin as a match.
Go to dinner, turntable!
Cheesecake for lunch today!
Everyone eats cheesecakes.
Three mothers are sitting in the dining room
Three mothers are looking at their daughters.
What to do with stubborn daughters?
All three.
Oh, how difficult it is to be mothers!
Guys, let's give our artists a pat.
And now I propose to "hide the syllables in the palms." Children swipe the syllable structure of the words mom, daughter, grandmother and name the syllables in order.
Guys, how to call these people in one word: dad, mom, son, daughter, grandmother, grandfather?
Children: family
That's right, in the family they do everything together. Let's do some exercises together.
"Family exercise".
Children pronounce words and make appropriate movements:
Grandmother and grandfather,
Mom, dad, brother and me - Clamp fingers in turn, starting with the big
A friendly family together! Clap their hands
In the autumn, in the spring,
Summer and winter
We go out into the yard
Friendly to the whole family.
Let's stand in a circle and in order
Everyone is doing exercises. Marching on the spot
Mom raises her hands
Daddy squats cheerfully.
Turns right - left
My brother Seva is doing it.
I jog myself
And I shake my head. Raise their hands
Make turns

Run one after another
Shake their head
Little Brownie Kuzka comes out to the music.
Brownie Kuzya:
Hello kids!
Boys and girls!
I'm a cheerful Brownie,
Well, my name is Kuzma.
Hold hands together
And stand in a circle!
Match ball game.
Children stand in a circle. The brownie throws a ball to each child in order and says the words; the child catches the ball and calls a pair word.
Daughter - son Grandfather - grandmother
Brother - Sister Dad - Mom
Grandson - granddaughter Uncle - aunt
Father - mother Nephew - niece
Mimic exercises
Little brownie Kuzya begins to cry
Oh guys, which one of you is crying? Ah, this is Kuzka the brownie. Why are you, Kuzma, sad?
You see, and the guys are sad (children pretend to be sad)
Brownie Kuzya:
So I listened to you, and then I thought - that I live alone, I don't know where my family is. Help me friends! Ahh!
Children feign surprise.
Guys, let's go for Brownie Kuzya to live in our friendly group. Children portray joy. And he will play different games with us and find out how fun we live here and learn to speak correctly.
Didactic game "Prepositions"
In the middle of the hall there is a sofa, a table, a chair. The leader makes riddles, the children guess who it is, the leader chooses the child. The child performs an action (stand near the sofa, sit on a chair, etc., and the children make up sentences)
He did not work out of boredom,
He has calluses in his hands
And now he is old and gray
My dear, beloved ... (grandfather)

Where is grandfather sitting? (Grandpa is sitting on the couch).
Where is grandfather standing? (Grandpa is standing behind the sofa).
Is grandpa standing in front of the couch? (No, Grandpa is behind the couch).

Fragrant jam,
Treat pies
Delicious pancakes
At the beloved ... (grandmother) - the girl is tied with a scarf.
Where is grandmother standing? (Grandma stands to the right of the table).
Where is grandmother standing? (Grandma stands to the left of the table)
Where is grandmother sitting? (Grandma is sitting on a chair)

She is the best in the world
You cannot live without it.
Katya, Petit has it
And, of course, mine. (Mother)

Is mom sitting under the table? (No, mom is sitting at the table)
Where did mom come from? (Mom got up from the table)
Where is mom standing? (Mom stands between the sofa and the table)

In every family, everyone has their own responsibilities: someone goes to work, someone prepares food, cleans, and does laundry. And, of course, our guys also help at home. Now we will find out how we do it.
Game "Who will collect toys faster"
(2 baskets with colorful balls)
Children are divided into two teams and collect colorful balls in baskets. Each team collects balls specific to it (for example: one team collects - red, the other - blue). When all the balls are collected, the children, together with the presenter, count the balls (1 red ball, 2,3,4,5)
I wish your families to live in harmony and happiness, there was peace on earth.
And our holiday ends.

Compiled and conducted by: teacher-speech therapist Dyachkina Elena Sergeevna

Erzhena Tsympilova
Entertainment "My family"

Scenario entertainment"My a family»

Group "Snowdrop"

Educator Tsympilova Erzhena Dorzhobalovna


To the music, children enter the hall in pairs and stand in a semicircle.

Leading: Leading: Good evening! We are very pleased to see you in such a warm family circle. We gathered here for a reason, but for the occasion. ... On the eve of Mother's Day, we really want to know: which of all families is the happiest?

Poems about family:

Without what in this world

Adults cannot survive and children

Who will support you friends?

Your friendly a family

A family- this is happiness, love and luck

A family- this is a summer trip to the country

A family- this is a holiday family dates

A family- this is work for each other, caring

A family- this is a lot of homework

Family is important

Family is difficult

But it's impossible to live happily alone

Always be together, love, cherish

I want friends to talk about you

How good is your a family!

Family is mom,family is me

Daddy, granny my brother and sister

Grandfathers, aunts are all friends!

Seven times repeated in a word A family!

How many have gathered in this hall,

Both parents and children

We have been waiting for you very much,

Such important, honored guests.

Leading: Each person has their own a family, my house. And wherever we are, we always remember him, he attracts us with his warmth! Home is not only a roof over your head, it is yours a family, these are people close to you, for us for the children the Kindergarten is also our home and we will now sing about this house. (song "Kindergarten")

Who lives with us in family children will tell us about it. Poems about mom, dad, grandmother.

Who will teach you how to hammer in a nail

Will give the car to steer

And he will tell you how to be brave

Strong, agile and skillful?

All of you guys know -

This is our beloved Dad.

Ezhy minii - naran

Ezhy mni - dalhey

Ezhym namdaa urin

Ezhym namdaa meehei.

My grandpa dear

We are all proud of you

And I'll tell you a secret

There is no better grandfather in the world

Granny and I are very friendly

We help each other

She cooks dinner for me

I eat everything for her.

My dear grandmother, my sun

I am always with you joyfully, warmly

I wake up in the morning, I see you

You are always in care, my swallow.

Who loves both me and my brother?

But he loves to dress up more?

Very fashionable girl

My little sister

And now the guys have prepared a dance for our guests. Dance

Children sit on chairs.

Now let's play with our parents and invite two mothers to a game called "Guess the baby"

Our girls will sing a song about family in the Buryat language. (song in Buryat)

The game "Think of an outfit for a child" defile.

Rooms from parents.

Bloomed yesterday


Like a flashlight

Who lit it in the house.

How handsome he is

Fragrant, shiny!

The flower is not artificial,

He is real!

Who will I give it to?

You know yourself.

Of course, beloved

And an affectionate mother.

Song about mom.

Leading: And now, ending our evening, I would like to say a huge thank you to everyone for participating, and express the hope that our family holiday helped us get to know each other better, unite and unite. I would like to meet with you more often and spend such evenings.

Related publications:

"Musical Family". Fun for children and parents"Musical family" entertainment for children and parents. The participants of the entertainment are divided into 2 teams: each has parents and their children. Members.

Sports entertainment "Dad, Mom, I am a sports family" MADOU "Kindergarten No. 7" Sozvezdiye ", Cheboksary Sports entertainment" Dad, mom, I am a sports family "with the older children.

Purpose: 1. Formation in children of the initial foundations for the preservation and strengthening of health. 2. Increasing the level of completeness of educators.

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When at a family celebration the table no longer arouses keen interest among guests and owners of the house, philosophical topics usually come into play and global political disputes start up, but someone usually already yawns desperately and looks sideways at horizontal planes, or even at all. a door.

Well, that means it's time to move on to the active program of the celebration and diligently involve everyone present in fun games. Choose the ones that will be appropriate today, now, in this company.

Better yet, entrust the organization of entertainment to children. They are able not only to help mom set the table, but also to become real "stars" of the family holiday. The main thing is to help them believe in themselves. Who knows, maybe for someone this will be the beginning of a truly stellar career?


This game is especially good for a man's company - and it is appropriate for adults, serious men, and for cheerful kids. Two teams are playing. The winner is the one that completes the leader's task first. The leader announces the topic, for example: "By height", the members of each team must line up by height (either with the smallest, or with the largest, by agreement). This is followed by: eye color; the floor we live on; the number of letters in names; age; the size of the feet, etc. As far as the presenter has enough imagination.

The ships

You need to make boats from a nutshell or plain paper and glue triangular sails to them. Let the boats float in a plate. We blow on them in different directions. You can hold a competition for the most beautiful, fastest, and even the most unsinkable ship.

"Formula 1"

This game is especially appropriate in the company of male drivers. But kids play it no less recklessly. After all, auto racing is really interesting!

The players sit around a table, a fire, or simply sit in a circle on the floor. The goal is to become the best Formula 1 driver. For this, all you need is to remember two simple commands:

1) Vroom-m (the sound of a passing car).

2) And-and-and-and (the sound of the brakes, similar to a squeak).

To start the car in a circle, say clockwise, the player turns to the neighbor on the left and says: "Vroom-m". The one to whom the car "arrived" can:

2) Expand it in the face of the “sent” to say “and-and-and-and”.

Now the "sender" must "go" to the right. Eliminated from the game is the one who:

1) “Passing” the car, he will turn to the neighbor and say not “vroom-m”, but “and-and-and-and”.

2) “Braking” the car, he will say “vroom-m” instead of “and-and-and-and” in the face of the “sent”.

Enough "riding", you can enter a time limit for the answer. As a result, 2-3 drivers remaining “in the game” are appointed “Schumachers” and sprayed with something “suitable” from drinks, at their discretion (as you know, champagne is used in real races).

Auction for ladies

The presenter sets a certain feminine theme (for example, "flowers", "cosmetic companies", "items of clothing", "jewelry"). The task of the participants is to name, in any order, words related to this topic. The participant who calls the last word gets a prize point.

Women's logic

The host names several items. Participants must name an item that is redundant on this list and explain their decision. For each correct answer, the participant receives a prize point. Examples of tasks "What is superfluous?":

Hair coloring with henna, basma or hair dye. (Coloring with paint, since henna and basma are natural dyes)

Vanilla rusks, bread crumbs, raisin rusks. (Breadcrumbs, as they are not a ready-to-eat product)

Viscose, cotton, polyester. (Polyester, because viscose and cotton are natural materials)

Eau de toilette, lotion, perfume. (Extra lotion as it is used for hygiene purposes, and eau de toilette and perfume are used as perfumes)

Basting, machine stitching, overlock. (Basting, as it is done by hand, the rest is done on the sewing machine)

Non-standard situations

The presenter offers each participant a difficult situation from which he must find an original way out. Participants with the most interesting answers receive a prize point. For example:

You have been preparing for the party for a long time, specially bought an elegant dress to impress everyone. However, when you arrived, the attire of the hostess turned out to be like two peas in a pod similar to yours. What to do?

You are waiting for the arrival of your husband's parents. To impress, you've decided to cook something special. However, nothing works for you: - you oversalt the soup, the roast burns, and the pie looks like a sole. You do not have time to fix anything, because the guests are already ringing the doorbell. What to do?

Before an important date, you went to a hairdresser. As a result of a terrible mistake, your hair was dyed green. Goodbye one hour left. What to do?

You came to the holiday in a knitted dress. You are talking with a respectable guest and suddenly you notice that someone has caught the thread of your dress with a button of a jacket, and the farther it goes, the more it opens. And the conversation is not over yet. What to do?

The participant with the most points wins a prize.


Any number of participants can play. All participants in the game sit at the table, if it is a free area, form a large circle. In the center is the driver with a handkerchief in his hands. He throws a handkerchief up while he flies, everyone laughs loudly, as soon as the handkerchief is on the table or on the ground, everyone subside. As a rule, at the moment when the handkerchief touches the ground, “the laugh itself” begins, but from the funniest one the “fant” is taken. A phantom can be a dance performed, a song, a told anecdote, or a playful "assignment."


For this game you need 1 more men than women. The players line up opposite each other. When the melody sounds, the men "grab" the ladies, and the "extra" ... dances with a mop! It's quite fun to watch the loser gently hug the mop. eighteen

Slipper for Cinderella

The guests are divided into two teams. In each, a captain is selected, and both must leave the room for a while. Teams sit down opposite each other, take off one shoe or one boot and throw them into the center on one pile; you can also put "extra" shoes in a pile - use the stocks stored in the closet. The task of the captain is to put on his team faster. The first team to be in the shoes wins.


For this competition, it is better to divide into teams: "boys" and "girls", regardless of the age of the participants.

From balloons of various sizes and shapes, "boys" need to sculpt a female figure with the help of scotch tape, and "girls" - to sculpt a sculpture of an "ideal" man.

Some of the balloons may already be inflated. In addition, you need to stock up on a sufficient number of non-inflated balls and threads. It is interesting to use balloons of various sizes and shapes for this game.


The game is played by couples (man and woman). In addition, a bottle (glass or plastic) and a flower (real or artificial) are needed for each pair.

Women squeeze bottles under their armpits, and men take flowers in their teeth. The task of each pair is to put the flower in the bottle as quickly as possible without using hands.

The couple who completed the task faster than others will receive a prize.

Like Aunt Irina

Those who play by the counting room choose "Aunt Irina", who goes to the center of the round dance. A round dance joins hands, walks in a circle and sings:

Like Aunt Irina

There were seven children

They didn't drink, they didn't eat,

Everyone looked at my aunt,

They did this at once.

Aunt Irina makes all sorts of grimaces, gets up in inconceivable positions (squats on one leg, presses her knee to her chin, etc.). All players must accurately repeat her gestures and grimaces. Whoever makes a mistake, inaccurately repeats the pose of the aunt, he will replace it in the center of the circle and himself will show the players what to do.


The game is very good in a large children's or youth group, but it is quite applicable in a closer, but no less friendly circle. So, everyone stands in a circle, in the back of the head, one after another. At the command of the leader, everyone takes the person in front of him by the waist, and together they all make “hip movements” left-right-back-forward. Better, of course, to play with music! Further, the task becomes more complicated. The presenter asks to take the person in front by the waist through one! Then, as you might have guessed, the "movements of the hips" are repeated left-right-backward-forward. Then the task becomes more difficult again, now it is proposed to take by the waist the one standing two people in front! Naturally, the movements of the hips ... The game is held as long as "there are enough hands." At the end of the game, as a rule, everyone “falls” on the floor merrily!


The “male” half of the company participates in the game. An honorable task - to make jewelry for your beloved woman!

It is very convenient to string pasta or clothespins (and if there are, shells, large wooden or plastic beads) on shoe laces with firm tips. And how fun it is to present the best piece of jewelry to its lucky owner! A small photo session will not hurt - there will be something to remember later!

Hands on the table!

Those wishing to participate in the game sit tightly to each other on one side of the table. They receive some small object (coin, button, nut), put their hands under the table and begin to pass this object from hand to hand imperceptibly. The driver sits on the other side of the table. Seizing the moment, he suddenly commands: "Hands on the table!" Everyone should immediately place their hands on the table, palms down. In order not to give away the one who is holding the coin (by holding it between their fingers), the rest of the players also hold their palms in a boat, tightly clenching their fingers. And yet the driver can guess who has the coin and in which hand (by accidentally knocking a coin on the table, by too tense and slow movements, etc.). At the request of the driver, the player must show this hand. If the driver guesses correctly, this player replaces the driver. If you guessed wrong, the game repeats. The main rule: whoever drops or throws out the transmitted object at a dangerous moment becomes the driver.

"Football" by a feather

Two teams sit on opposite sides of the table. The table is divided in half - as a rule, there is a middle line on folding tables. If it is not there, then the line can be marked with chalk on a tablecloth or with thread (to make it stretch, tie its ends under the table).

A "ball" is placed on this middle line - a bird's feather (a light ball of wool, cotton wool, foam rubber is also quite suitable). Players of both teams simultaneously begin to blow on the "ball", trying to blow it off the table to half of the "opponent". The team, which succeeded, “scores a goal” into the “opponent's” goal.

The game starts again from the middle line and is played up to the agreed number of "goals".


The presenter scatters 20-25 different small items prepared in advance on the table: nuts, badges, pencils, coins, pins, etc. Everyone looks at them attentively for one minute, and then the host covers all this property with a newspaper. Now all the players take turns calling one of the objects, without repeating the one already named. Those who could not do this in 5 seconds are eliminated from the game. The last one not to drop is the winner. It is desirable for the presenter to have an alphabetical list of subjects and mark those that have already been named.

What changed?

For those who wish to test their observation and memory, offer to carefully look at the seated, then go out for 1-2 minutes. When inviting the driver to re-enter, those who remain in the room must keep everything as before, except for 5-7 changes, which everyone will agree on. For example, you can rearrange a vase on the table, two people can swap places, keeping the same postures, you can slightly change someone's hairstyle, remove the badge, etc. The driver, returning to the room, tries to detect as many changes as possible. Then he goes to drive the one whose change was noticed earlier than others.

Charade game

Charada is a riddle in which the hidden word must be guessed in parts, and each part is itself a whole word, for example: trace - experience, steam - mustache. The game of charades can be simplified a little: parts of a word have already been given, and you need to add a whole word out of them. In advance, write on the sheets of paper the words that make up the parts of the charades: trail, steam, experience, mustache, pass, port, floor, sack, wasp, tur, hay, gas, shaft, spruce, dock, yar, fret, brand, mouse, weight, yak, period. Place the sheets of paper with these words on the table in no particular order. Let each one take the two words that make up the charade. Whoever gets more charade words is the winner.

Five points

Children play this game especially well. Place a stack of identical pieces of paper and pierce them through with a needle in five places. Each participant in the game receives a piece of paper and marks punctures on it with dots. Then he makes a drawing - any, but so that the drawing line passes without interruption through five points. This competition is not only in the ability to draw, but also in quick wit, a wealth of imagination.

Repeat and add

They agree to name words on a specific topic - for example, the names of games. The first player calls it: hockey. The second repeats: hockey - and adds: checkers. The third already says three words: hockey, checkers, charades. Finally, someone will not be able to repeat, without error, the entire series of words (hockey - checkers - charades - crossword puzzle - tags - rounders - badminton - the third extra - blind man's buff ...). This player is eliminated, and the next one in turn repeats the attempt. The winner is the one with the longest row of words. It is advisable for the organizer of the game to keep a record of the named words in column order and monitor the observance of the word order when repeating. This game is also good in that it will help you collectively remember many good games. Some of them can be played right there.

Fish, beast, bird

The players are seated at the sides of the room. They choose the driver. He walks past them, repeating three words: "Fish, beast, bird ..." Suddenly stopping in front of someone, he says loudly one of these words, for example, "bird." The player must immediately name a bird, for example "hawk". You cannot hesitate and name those animals, fish or birds that have already been named before. Anyone who gags or answers incorrectly pays a fant, and then “buys” it - reads poetry, sings, etc.

Prize with a secret

For this game you will need a large box, postcards according to the number of participants in the game, prizes for each participant. Cut each card in half. On the back of one of the halves, write the name of the prize, and on the other half, write the tasks. Tasks can be as follows:

Sing a song

Tell a poem

Ask an interesting question

Tell a funny story

Make a riddle

Express a wish

Sing a duet with someone

Say a phrase, an aphorism for thought

If you have many participants in the game, you can write the same tasks twice or come up with others. Put the halves of the task cards in a box, and put the halves of the cards with the names of the prizes in a prominent place in the room where the game is being played. Invite each person present to take from the box the halves of the assignment card and take turns doing what is written in the card. After completing the task, the player looks for the other half of his postcard in the room, where the name of the prize he deserves is written. When the half is found and the halves of the card match, the presenter must present this player with the prize indicated on the card.

Quack quack!

Everyone sits in a circle on chairs or just on the floor. The man, who is blindfolded, sits down in the middle, he has a pillow in his hands .. After he is blindfolded, everyone changes places and observes silence. The driver tries to feel someone's knees with a pillow, then puts the pillow on those knees and says: "Quack, quack!" A player with a pillow on his lap must answer him as well (it is allowed to change his voice). The driver must identify the player by his voice and give his name. He is given 3 attempts. If the driver guesses correctly, they switch places.

History from the header

Everyone writes on separate pieces of paper, each one - one word of their choice. The leaves are collected and mixed in a hat. Then everyone takes one piece of paper from the hat and reads it to themselves. The essence of the game is to tell a coherent story using the words from the header. The first player starts with the word: "Once ..." and comes up with a sentence with the word he pulled out. The second continues and so on. The stories turn out to be very funny and are remembered more than once later!

Musical instruments

Divide everyone into several teams of 2-3 people. Each team receives a sheet with the name of the musical instrument and must depict the game on it, supplementing it with sounds and movements. The group is given a minute to prepare. Then, one by one, the groups are introduced and the others guess the instruments.

Give each of the two interlocutors 10 nuts, a topic for conversation and say that you need to communicate in pairs, talking and asking questions about the topic, but without naming the word "I". When one of the couple utters the word "I", his interlocutor picks up one nut. The one with the most nuts in 5 minutes is the winner.


You will need pencils, crayons, sticky tape, and a large sheet of paper. Give each team a set of pencils. At different ends of the room, attach a piece of paper to tables or to the wall so that rivals cannot see. Each player receives only one part of the assignment (picture descriptions). Everyone chooses a place for themselves on a piece of paper, and everyone begins to draw at the same time.

For example:

1. A man in blue pants ...

2. ... crying a lot ...

3. ... a striped toy in hand ...

4. ... crying a lot ...

5. ... on the street under a maple tree ...

1. Baby in a stroller ...

2. ... holding a bottle of juice ...

3. ... drinks Coca-Cola ...

4. ... reading a book ...

5. ... on a stormy sea ...

Dogs and roosters

Players sit in a circle. The driver gives everyone the name of the city. Then he says: "I heard that in the city ... the dogs crow, and the roosters bark." The player, whose city was named, replies: “No, sir, in the city ... dogs do not crow and roosters do not bark. The city in which dogs crow and roosters bark is called ... ". The player whose city was named responds in the same way. If someone does not answer immediately or is confused, he gives a bail. When a lot of pledges are collected, they are redeemed by completing the tasks of the leader.


Blindfolded, you need to reach the designated place without touching the placed objects (shoes, watches, dishes, etc.). If you want to cheer up the participants, for the second or third time, when everyone has already seen what kind of objects are on the floor, ask someone to take off the watch and put it down as well. Then blindfold the participants and replace the clock with ... eggshells, placing them so they are more likely to be stepped on. It is difficult to convey the feelings of a person who knows that there is a clock on the playing field and hears a crunch under his own foot ...


Take a large, empty egg carton. On the bottom of each indentation, write a number from 1 to 30. Place the target cardboard on the floor. Divide the players into 2 teams. Draw a line one and a half to two meters from the target and give each team 4-5 balls. The goal is to hit the cells and score as many points as possible, but the ball must hit the floor once before hitting the target.