Bladder in pregnancy. Why does the uterus press on the bladder during pregnancy

Waiting for the birth of a baby is certainly the happiest time in a woman's life. Doctors prescribe joyful emotions, fresh air and a positive outlook to expectant mothers. But the unpleasant sensations that accompany pregnancy, even in perfectly healthy women, can overshadow the mood.

Some show signs of toxicosis, while others have swollen legs or a sore bladder. To avoid unnecessary worries and worries, it is better to prepare in advance for possible problems. Useful information and an optimistic attitude will help you survive any "surprises" that Mother Nature presents us with.

Changes in the bladder during different periods of pregnancy

Carrying a child affects many organs of the female body. The urinary system is no exception. Moreover, because of the close proximity to the uterus, she suffers one of the first. In addition to disruption of normal functioning, signs of trouble are caused by the fact that the organs are displaced from their usual place.

  • In the early stages

The growing fetus begins to squeeze the insides, giving the woman some discomfort. The nature of unusual sensations is directly related to the duration of pregnancy. At an early stage, as a rule, women complain of frequent urge to urinate. This is due to increased production of progesterone, which relaxes the sphincter muscles. In a pregnant woman, the amount of urine increases, since the kidneys need to process the metabolic products of two organisms at once.

There is no danger in the fact that you have to go to the toilet "in a small way" more often than usual, no. At this time, the bladder may hurt due to overflow. Such pain usually disappears immediately after emptying. Do not worry about a little incontinence when sneezing or coughing. If this happens, doctors recommend just using pads.

During the second trimester, the uterus grows upward and the pressure on the bladder is temporarily relieved. There comes a long-awaited relief, annoying symptoms go away, however, returning again at the end of pregnancy.

  • At a later date

By the third trimester, the bladder may hurt for a different reason. The fetus, impressive for the mother's belly, presses on it more, while its shape changes, the ureter lengthens. In some cases, the stomach pulls due to the fact that the baby's head is low. At the same time, frequent trips to the toilet are considered a physiologically normal condition, which stops immediately after childbirth.

Doctors warn that you can not endure for a long time if you want to urinate. Stagnation of urine can not only cause pain, but also provoke more serious complications.

Causes of pain

In answer to your question: “Why does the bladder hurt?” expectant mother can hear different answers. Depending on the period and clinical picture, the doctor can give the following explanations:

  • fetal pressure due to active growth of the uterus;
  • hormonal changes;
  • untimely urination;
  • cystalgia;
  • urological diseases.

The first two reasons are purely physiological and are completely safe. They just need to be endured. The rest of the states are worth talking about in more detail.


From the medical language, the term is translated as "pain in the bladder." Such a diagnosis is made when a pregnant woman does not show any changes in the analyzes and during ultrasound diagnostics. Cystalgia is not a disease, but a urethral syndrome, which is caused by improper innervation. Simply put, the neuromuscular plexuses in the pelvic area are responsible for it. A pain symptom may be associated with a deterioration in blood and lymph circulation, which causes swelling of the bladder membrane.


  • urination disorder;
  • dull pain in the perineum, pubis, radiating to the lower back, sacrum;
  • pain in intercourse.

Along with the absence of an inflammatory nature, a characteristic difference between cystalgia is that its symptoms often appear during the daytime. In addition to the urologist and gynecologist, a neurologist is involved in the treatment of this syndrome. It will help eliminate disorders associated with the nervous regulation of the urinary system.

To alleviate the condition with cystalgia, one should not neglect the advice aimed at increasing the blood circulation of the small pelvis. Regular walks, swimming, yoga for pregnant women, qigong gymnastics will help get rid of unpleasant manifestations and improve the general well-being of the expectant mother.

If during pregnancy it hurts or cuts the bladder, first of all, urological problems must be excluded.


The clinical picture of this pathology is brighter compared to those described earlier. A woman may be concerned about:

  • cramps, itching, worse during urination;
  • frequent urges, some of which may be false;
  • change in the transparency of urine;
  • bloody issues;
  • rise in temperature.

The cause of inflammation in the bladder is associated with the action of a large spectrum of microbes and viruses. Features of female physiology increase the predisposition to the rapid penetration and reproduction of harmful microorganisms. During the bearing of a child, the risk of getting cystitis increases even more. Doctors explain this by weakening the immunity of pregnant women, which reduces the body's resistance.


Women who already had cystitis before pregnancy should be especially careful. In this case, it is necessary to inform the doctor about this during the examination and undergo a more thorough examination. Chronic cystitis gives more blurred symptoms similar to cystalgia.

Moreover, urinalysis may remain within the normal range. Often the only examination that confirms the exacerbation of chronic inflammation is cystoscopy (endoscopic examination of the bladder). Therefore, this diagnostic procedure should not be neglected.

Acute primary cystitis is much more severe, but diagnosed and treated much easier. As a rule, the diagnosis is confirmed after a complete blood count and bacterial culture of urine.

Inflammation is indicated by an increased content of leukocytes and an ESR index. An increase in red blood cells may indicate urolithiasis. To clarify the picture of the disease, the doctor will definitely recommend performing an ultrasound of the bladder.


Outside of pregnancy, acute cystitis is usually treated with antibiotics. Given the harm of antimicrobial drugs for fetal development, during pregnancy, the treatment regimen changes. Bladder instillations come to the fore. With this manipulation, medicinal solutions are injected directly into the affected organ, eliminating the danger to the health of the child.

The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and causes almost no discomfort. Preparations are selected taking into account the severity of inflammation and damage to the structure of the mucosa. For a complete cure, a course of 5-7 instillations is carried out.

In late pregnancy, antibiotics are no longer so harmful to the fetus, but are used strictly individually, as directed by a doctor. Even if it is impossible to do without their use, a competent specialist will select the most gentle option.

As maintenance therapy, herbal pharmaceutical preparations and decoctions of herbs (bearberry, horsetail, lingonberries, rowan fruits) are prescribed. Well helps with pain in the bladder decoction of oat grains, which has regenerating properties. Useful sour fruit drinks from fresh berries. They acidify urine, which helps to neutralize pathogenic microbes.


In some cases, inflammation extends to the urethra. Urethritis has both microbial and non-infectious nature. With inflammation of the urethra, it also hurts and pulls the lower abdomen, pain occurs when urinating.

Infectious pathogens are chlamydia, ureaplasma, gonococci. Therefore, in parallel with a visit to the urologist, you should be examined for infections of the reproductive system. Conditionally pathogenic bacteria are also observed in absolutely healthy women. However, with the onset of pregnancy, their number may increase due to a decrease in immunity and other weakening factors.

Symptoms of urethritis are easily confused with cystitis, moreover, they often occur simultaneously. The nature of the pain symptom will help to distinguish the disease. With cystitis, the bladder hurts mainly during urination, with cystitis - after. In addition, with cystitis, the general condition worsens more often: weakness, fever, nervousness, etc. appear.


Unlike physiological causes, untreated cystitis is fraught with adverse health consequences for mother and child. Inflammation can take on larger forms and spread to the kidneys. In addition, the process of childbirth may be complicated, and the child may be born with pathologies such as conjunctivitis and pneumonia.

If the bladder hurts due to inflammation, do not hesitate to contact a urologist. Timely examination and competent treatment are the only sure ways to eliminate adverse effects. It is extremely dangerous to self-medicate. In this case, folk remedies such as herbal medicine may relieve symptoms somewhat, but not eliminate the source of infection.

Prevention of pain in the bladder

How can a pregnant woman avoid conditions in which the bladder hurts? To prevent pain caused by physiological causes, it is necessary to strengthen the muscular corset and maintain its tone during pregnancy. To prevent infection, follow these guidelines:

  • Use special gels containing lactic acid for personal hygiene. They preserve the normal microflora of the genitourinary system, which helps the body not to get sick.
  • Beware of hypothermia, drafts, swimming in cold water and other provoking factors.
  • Drink plenty of fluids (at least 2 liters per day).
  • Do not abuse spicy, fried, exotic dishes, smoked meats and marinades.
  • Refrain from wearing tight pants, thongs and other tight clothing during pregnancy.

And the last. If, despite all the precautions, you feel that your bladder hurts, do not panic. Modern medicine has effective tools for the diagnosis and treatment of such conditions, regardless of the timing of pregnancy.

Pain in the bladder during pregnancy can be due to various reasons, both physiological and pathological. It is important not to miss the symptoms associated with pain, and to consult a specialist in a timely manner.

Physiological causes

The body undergoes changes during pregnancy that affect the functioning of all organs, including the bladder. At the very beginning of pregnancy and shortly before childbirth, a woman is disturbed by frequent urge to urinate, sometimes accompanied by pain. It is impossible to understand where the physiological pain in this organ comes from without knowledge of anatomy.

The bladder is a container for urine, the external course of which is closed by a sphincter. Thanks to him, a person is able to keep urine inside. The process of urination occurs as a result of the contraction of the detrusor (muscle membrane) and the simultaneous relaxation of the sphincter.

During pregnancy, the body begins to synthesize the hormone progesterone. It is necessary for the normal course of pregnancy, but at the same time it relaxes smooth muscles. As a result, at the initial stages of bearing a child, a woman is disturbed by frequent and not abundant urination.

In the later stages, the enlarged uterus and the baby squeeze the organ, which again causes frequent urination. At the same time, a woman may be disturbed by periodic pain caused by the baby's pushes.

Another cause of discomfort is the overflow of the bladder. After going to the toilet, the discomfort disappears.

The above conditions are absolutely natural for a pregnant woman, they do not need treatment. However, they create favorable conditions for the development of various pathological processes. Therefore, during pregnancy, a woman should pay increased attention to health, noting the slightest unusual symptoms.


Severe pain in the bladder during pregnancy may be due to a pathological condition. The most likely reasons for this phenomenon are:

  • Cystitis.
  • cystalgia.

Let's look at these conditions in more detail, find out the accompanying signs and nuances of therapy.


Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder. Pathology develops independently (primary) as a result of circulatory disorders in the pelvic area. Also, cystitis is a consequence of other diseases (secondary): stones, tumors, lesions of nearby organs.

The disease can be of an infectious nature: streptococcus, staphylococcus, E. coli. Predisposing factors for the development of the disease are hormonal imbalance, violations of the integrity of the mucous membrane of the organ, difficulty urinating, hypothermia. Associated manifestations are:

  • Increasing the temperature to 37 ° C and above.
  • Cloudy color of urine.
  • Constant urge to go to the toilet.
  • Feeling of incomplete urination.
  • Cutting at the end of urination.
  • Impurities of blood in the urine.

Do not underestimate such a disease as cystitis. Especially during pregnancy. In the absence of adequate therapy, it is possible that the infection spreads through the ureters to the kidneys and, as a result, the development of pyelonephritis. And it can greatly complicate the course of pregnancy.

Diagnosis and treatment

Diagnosis of cystitis involves a urine test, a swab from the vagina. Be sure to take tests to detect infections, an ultrasound examination of the kidneys and bladder is performed.

The treatment regimen depends on the cause that caused the development of the disease. If it is an infection, antibiotics are prescribed. The most common antibiotics that specialists prescribe to pregnant women are Amoxiclav and Monural. The drugs are relatively safe for the mother and fetus, however, only the attending physician can prescribe and determine the treatment regimen.

As part of complex treatment, medications are prescribed that help relax the muscles of the bladder and anticholinergics. Decoctions of herbs have a good effect: cranberries, lingonberries, bearberries.

Of the methods of physiotherapy, it is possible to use electrophoresis, exposure to heat.


If the bladder hurts during pregnancy, and there are frequent urges to urinate, but the tests did not reveal an infection, there is reason to suspect cystalgia. It is rather not a disease, but a complex of symptoms that occur under the influence of disturbances in the functioning of internal organs, as well as psychological factors. So, the causes can be ovarian dysfunction, hormonal changes, gynecological pathologies, allergies, stress.

The condition is manifested by frequent, very painful urination, incontinence, a feeling of incomplete emptying. Some women experience dull pain in the perineum, radiating to the lower back.

Diagnosis and treatment

The diagnosis of "cystalgia" is based on a general diagnosis. It is important to exclude other pathologies of the bladder and urethra. Therefore, a complete examination of the urethra, laboratory tests of urine and blood for hormone levels are carried out. An x-ray is taken to determine the condition of the kidneys.

Treatment of cystalgia is complex. General strengthening therapy is prescribed, while most patients need the help of a psychologist to stabilize their neuro-emotional state.

Particular attention is paid to the elimination of etiological factors of the disease, inflammatory processes in the genital organs and other diseases of the urogenital area. If the pain exhausts the woman, painkillers and antispasmodics are prescribed. Drugs during pregnancy can only be prescribed by the attending physician.


A pregnant woman, in order to avoid discomfort, should take good care of her health and follow the following recommendations:

  1. Do not tolerate if you want to go to the toilet.
  2. Not wearing tight underwear is a provoking factor in the development of cystitis.
  3. Eat rationally, do not abuse spicy food.
  4. Avoid hypothermia.
  5. Try to remain calm even in stressful situations.

The main thing to pay attention to when the bladder hurts is the nature and frequency of pain. If they occur occasionally, are not accompanied by other unpleasant manifestations, they can be considered physiological. If accompanied by other symptoms, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

Despite the fact that the tummy in pregnant women does not begin to grow soon, internal physiological changes in the body of the expectant mother occur literally immediately after conception.

Organs every day begin to work more and more intensively, the hormonal background changes, the immune system becomes vulnerable.

And over time, it becomes so crowded inside that the insides have to give way to a growing baby and move from their usual location. All these factors can act as predisposing factors for various ailments. In particular, there are often such conditions when the bladder hurts during pregnancy.

The organs of the future mother ensure the functioning of two (or more) organisms simultaneously. The volume of fluid in the body increases, so the cardiovascular and work hard. The need for oxygen increases, and the lungs work more actively, up to the development of shortness of breath. The need for nutrients increases, and the intestines have to process more food, and in new conditions of the internal environment.

Female Skeleton Urinary System

The concentration of hormones changes immediately after the moment of conception. Especially strong jumps in their level are observed in the first weeks, so many women experience toxicosis. One of these biologically active substances - progesterone, is released to relax the muscles of the uterus - so that the embryo does not reject ahead of time, and subsequently the fetus.

All smooth muscle muscles of different physiological systems are also exposed to its relaxing effect, hence the frequent problems of pregnant women - constipation, heartburn, urinary stagnation. Despite the apparent activity of many expectant mothers, their body gives a huge amount of energy and nutrients to the developing baby.

Parting with valuable trace elements and vitamins, he himself becomes vulnerable to all adverse factors - infections, hypothermia, shifts in nervous and humoral regulation.

Dormant chronic ailments that previously could not have been suspected by a woman may be aggravated, since before pregnancy her immunity compensated for such problems.

The changes that occur in the prenatal weeks are a constant increase in the uterus, which not only shifts the intestines, urinary organs, lungs and heart, but also presses on them, causing disturbances in normal life.

All alarming changes in the body should be reported to the doctor - he will determine whether this is the norm, or whether it is worth taking any measures.

Causes of pain

Based on the physiological changes in the body, we can identify the main reasons why the bladder hurts during pregnancy:

  1. increased load on the urinary system;
  2. the relaxing effect of progesterone can provoke urinary retention in the body, especially with a sedentary lifestyle;
  3. increased susceptibility of the body to infections, the development of beriberi, complicating the fight against inflammatory processes; as a result - develops;
  4. exacerbation of chronic inflammation with increased load on the body;
  5. physical impact on the tissues of the bladder - squeezing the organ itself and the ureters associated with it.

These factors can act not one by one, but simultaneously. Therefore, at the slightest weakening of the body, pathological phenomena can manifest as pain.

To reduce the risk of developing abnormalities during pregnancy, you need to strengthen your health - eat right, perform special physical exercises.


If the pain is caused by the development of cystitis, then severe cramps, burning sensation, occur in it. Painful sensations intensify with the urge to go to the toilet, and they become noticeably more frequent.

A woman, even after the end of urination, feels incomplete emptying. The pain may radiate to the lower back or upper legs.

In the last months, many pregnant women begin training contractions, designed to train the uterus before a real birth. These muscle contractions are painless in many women, and some do not notice them at all.

But there are times when considerable pain develops during false contractions, and the expectant mother (especially during the first pregnancy) can take them for real labor or for inflammation of the bladder.

The pulling pains that visit a woman from time to time should not be ignored.

They can indicate either increased uterine tone, or digestive problems, or. The pain syndrome may be accompanied by other symptoms, the list of them depends on the cause of this condition.

These can be swelling and high blood pressure (with urinary retention in the body), fever (with infections or non-infectious inflammations), the development of constipation (with jumps in progesterone).

Even experienced mothers, during subsequent pregnancies, cannot accurately recognize the source of pain - only a doctor can identify their cause.

Diagnosis and treatment

Pregnant women should be under the supervision of a doctor - they periodically go to the gynecologist and take tests.

Regular monitoring of the composition and properties of urine makes it possible to detect diseases of the urinary system in time, even if they are not accompanied by vivid symptoms.

If there is pain, you will have to undergo an extraordinary examination, in addition to it, the attending physician may prescribe additional studies - urine samples according to Zimnitsky and, and the fetus (to control its condition).

The established diagnosis determines the direction of treatment. Pain caused by the factors of pregnancy themselves (squeezing, muscle relaxation) cannot be cured, in general, it is only possible to symptomatically weaken the manifestations. Perhaps the doctor will prescribe herbal remedies, but the decision is made taking into account their possible effect on the fetus.

Infectious cystitis must be cured as soon as possible. The complexity of therapy lies in limiting the freedom of choice of drugs - not all drugs are suitable for pregnant women.

In case of bacterial infections, an effective one is selected, the dosage and duration of which can be reduced due to the special condition of the patient.

The attending physician may prescribe an antibacterial drug for three days, followed by a second visit, examination, diagnosis. Depending on the changes, the antibiotic may be stopped or the medication changed.

Viral cystitis (which is much less common) is treated with antiviral agents. The tactics of selecting drugs is the same, taking into account their effect on the baby. The symptoms that accompany cystitis also require special attention - analgesics are prescribed to eliminate severe, unbearable pain. If more than 38 degrees rises, an antipyretic is necessary, as this is a dangerous factor not only for the health of the mother, but also for the pregnancy itself.

In infectious diseases that provoke pain, herbal remedies can be effective.

They normalize the vital activity of the tissues of the urinary system, increase urination, which is the reason for the active washing of the urinary tract and their purification from toxins and pathogens.

A pregnant woman should inform the doctor about the pain, you can not start self-medication. It is dangerous for any person, and during pregnancy, the expectant mother is responsible for her life and the future baby.

Pain in the bladder during pregnancy should not be removed with a heating pad - this can provoke a miscarriage or premature birth!


If from time to time pain in the bladder occurs during pregnancy, it is necessary to undergo a diagnosis and, if necessary, treatment.

In addition, following some rules will help to avoid their amplification.

It is necessary to carefully observe the rules of intimate hygiene.

During pregnancy, a lot of vaginal discharge can form, which becomes a fertile environment for the development of infections. Casual sex while carrying a baby is very dangerous, they can lead to infection of both the mother and the child.

It is necessary to exclude hypothermia, excessive physical activity. But it is necessary to engage in feasible special exercises, if there are no contraindications. It is very important to eat rationally and observe the optimal water regime (the amount of fluid consumed should be discussed with the doctor).

You should be more in the fresh air and eat fresh, not imported fruits and vegetables.

Let's chat here:

A variety of changes that occur in the body of a pregnant woman are vital for the baby. This happens because the body creates the conditions for the birth of a healthy child, and subsequently its development. In each trimester, the child develops in its own way, and the body changes in accordance with the needs of the baby, but the most basic changes for the female body occur with the growth of the fetus. All nearby organs begin to move or experience very strong pressure. One of these organs is the bladder. This organ functions as a reservoir for collecting urine in order to bring it out later.

Reasons why the bladder hurts:

1. The growth of the uterus and its pressure on the bladder.

2. Hormonal changes can also be the cause.

3. In the last months of pregnancy, the baby's tremors can cause periodic pain in the bladder.

4. A full bladder can cause pain. It may be a dull ache that goes away after passing urine. During pregnancy, overfilling should not be allowed, as this very often causes cystitis.

5. The main and most common cause of pain in the urinary area is cystitis. This pathology occurs for many reasons, but usually it is due to bacteria that can be detected using a special urine test (bacterial culture). It can also appear along with other pathologies of the urinary system. Factors predisposing to cystitis are spicy foods, the use of spices and other foods that irritate the stomach. Symptoms of cystitis are manifested: pain in the bladder, pain at the end of urination and constant urge to go to the toilet with an empty bladder.

6. Cystalgia. A neurotic condition in which all the symptoms of cystitis occur, but analyzes of this pathology do not reveal.

Diagnosis and treatment.

Diagnosis of diseases associated with pain in the bladder are various urine tests:

General urine analysis.
Urinalysis according to Nechiporenko.
Bacterial culture of urine.

These tests reveal whether there is inflammation in the bladder or not. A high white blood cell count confirms that an inflammatory process is occurring in the bladder. The combination of high white blood cells and red blood cells is a sign of urolithiasis.

Also, the doctor can perform an ultrasound of the kidneys for a complete picture of the disease.

If no abnormalities are found, cystalgia is usually diagnosed, which is dealt with by a neurologist. If cystitis is detected, the doctor may advise you to drink various fruit drinks that will not harm the development of the baby, for example, cranberry juice. Of the drugs, Canephron is usually prescribed, which is allowed during pregnancy and is based on herbs. In severe cases of inflammation, antibiotics are prescribed based on a bacterial culture test, which helps to identify the most appropriate antibiotics.

Prevention for pain in the bladder:

1. Avoid overfilling the bladder.
2. Tight underwear very often becomes an additional factor for the appearance of cystitis.
3. Avoid hypothermia.
4. Monitor nutrition.
The main thing that a woman should do when pain occurs in the bladder is to determine whether it is constant pain or periodic, and whether they are accompanied by additional symptoms. If there are additional symptoms, consult a doctor for diagnosis and, if necessary, start treatment.

Material prepared specifically for the site

During the period of bearing a child, a woman may face many difficulties, the bladder during pregnancy is under stress with a constant increase in the uterus. The urge to void increases especially at night. If this symptom is not accompanied by discomfort and discharge, then there is nothing to worry about. If pain occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor for help, as there is a possibility of developing an infectious disease that is potentially life-threatening for the expectant mother and child.

Why does the urinary tract hurt in pregnant women?

If the bladder hurts during pregnancy, it's time to turn to a doctor who can identify the cause and, if necessary, draw up a treatment plan. Common reasons include:

  • Change in hormonal background. From the moment of fertilization, hormonal changes begin in the body, the amount of progesterone increases, which is responsible for a favorable outcome of pregnancy. It is this hormone that prevents the muscles of the uterus from contracting, which would inevitably lead to a miscarriage. All the muscles of the small pelvis are relaxed, with an increase, the pressure exerted on the bladder increases, pain may occur.
  • Often, pain provokes an infectious lesion of the organs of the urinary system. The infection comes both from the outside and from the anus and vagina. More often it is staphylococcus, streptococcus, Escherichia coli. Do not forget about the presence of stones in the bladder, which during pregnancy can begin to move.

What is there to be afraid of?

The presence of infection in the body during pregnancy adversely affects the development of the child.

Any inflammatory processes are dangerous for a pregnant woman, especially an infectious one. If it was not noticed in time, then there is a high risk of complications, up to the development of pyelonephritis, chronic cystitis. If cystitis appeared in the II or III trimester, then there is a high probability of premature delivery. The development of infection in the uterus is dangerous - the fetus begins to form incorrectly, in the early stages there is a high risk of miscarriage. When the first symptoms appear, you should immediately seek help. Otherwise, self-treatment may result in irreversible consequences.

How do violations manifest themselves?

A woman should understand that symptoms may indicate physiological changes and infectious lesions. Manifestations of infectious diseases:

  • feeling that the bladder is full, even after emptying;
  • changes in the quality of urine, for example, color, smell, the presence of pus and blood;
  • frequent urge to go to the toilet;
  • incontinence with an irresistible desire to go to the toilet in a pregnant woman;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • swelling, burning, itching in the labia and vagina.

Diseases caused by infection

Infection can lead to urethritis.
  • Cystitis. One of the most common diseases of the urinary system. It appears both during pregnancy and outside of it. A provoking factor can be any infection that was already there before the moment of conception or got from outside, mechanical trauma to the bladder, chemical. Pain in the bladder during pregnancy can be more intense, due to the fact that the disease develops rapidly. Cystitis occurs in acute or chronic form.
  • Urethritis. This is an inflammatory process that develops in the urinary canal, it can be infectious and non-infectious in nature. In most cases, pathogenic microorganisms already exist in the body, but when immunity is weakened, they begin to actively take effect. And also the cause can be trauma to the channel, for example, during medical procedures. The symptoms of diseases are very similar, but the hallmark of urethritis is pain at the end of the act of urination.

Cystalgia is a disorder of the nervous system. In this case, similar symptoms appear as with cystitis, but the analysis does not indicate quantitative deviations from the norm.

The child presses on the bladder: how does it manifest itself?

In the last trimester, the pregnant uterus exerts strong pressure on the bladder, which causes discomfort and the urge to urinate.

Under normal conditions, pregnant women may also experience discomfort. As the term increases, the child puts pressure on the bladder and all nearby organs. By 4 months, the condition will improve, as the uterus will take a different position and the fetus presses with less force. In the third trimester, the urge to go to the toilet, especially at night, will become more frequent, but immediately after childbirth, all unpleasant symptoms will disappear.

Modern diagnostic methods

For pregnant women, standard diagnostic measures are provided, which include ultrasound of the urinary system, a clinical analysis of urine and blood for the detection of pathogenic microorganisms, bacteriological culture and cystoscopy, as well as an analysis of hormones. In the acute course of the disease, cystoscopy is not recommended. After identifying the cause of the disease, the doctor can begin treatment.

Specifics of treatment during and after pregnancy

The treatment plan is made individually depending on the characteristics of the patient. To achieve a positive effect, an integrated approach is used. A pregnant woman should follow a diet, and minimize physical activity as much as possible. And also drug therapy is used, taking into account the position of the woman, most drugs are prohibited for pregnant women, so self-medication is dangerous.


With cystitis of a bacterial nature, the expectant mother is prescribed Amoxicillin.

If elevated leukocytes were detected in the urine, and during the examination the diagnosis was confirmed, cystitis was confirmed, then drugs of various groups are prescribed. Before starting antibiotic therapy, an analysis is made for the sensitivity of mycobacteria to the drug, the general course of treatment is 5-7 days. List of drugs:

  • cephalosporins - "Cefalexin", "Cefazolin", "Cefuroxime";
  • penicillins - "Amoxicillin".