Powerful conspiracies for success and prosperity - so that everything works. Magic rituals for success and assistance in work

A happy person is the one that could take place in life, to bring something to her. The most important and basic one chooses for yourself. For someone - this is a family for someone. And in the same in the other field, it is not without hard work and the desire to learn.

But sometimes one desire is not enough - it happens that things do not go uphill, the failure strip begins. What to do? In such cases, people always appeal to the highest forces. If there is a sincere faith, the appeal to the Almighty will be heard.

How to rely on prayer?

The very first rule is sincerity.. That is, you must sincerely want to pray about what. You should also believe in the power of your words. Before reading prayer, it is necessary to drive out all evil feelings and thoughts from the heart. More prayer does not tolerate a rush. It is important.

Any business or request to voiced starts with a total prayer:

"OUR FAVE, OTHE ESISE FOR SKY! Yes, your name will hurt, and your kingdom will take away, and will be your will, IKo in the sky and on the earth. Bread our urgent grandfather to us; And we leave us our debts, and we leave our debtor to our; And do not enter us in temptation, but you save us from Lucavago. Amen."

Saints patrons

All patrons for professions have long been identified by the Church. The patron woman is chosen in its acts. Lists, of course, no, but after reading and learning the lives of saints, you yourself can choose a patron who was closerly connected with your occupation..

From evil people

Good relationship with the team is a guarantee of successful work. But some people can be negative about you set up. Maybe envy or just dislike, but it is unpleasant to work in this atmosphere. Believers in such situations will help the appeal to holy assistants.

  1. Prayer from the wisestness:

    "Wonderworker, God's desire. Protect me from the sorrows of those who want, under the guise of good the Duma hiding. Let them get joy forever, they will not come to the workplace with sin. Yes, there will be the will of yours. Amen."

  2. Mother Matron ask:

    "Oh, the Blessed Starith Matron Matrona. Ask for the Lord God to protect against enemy attacks. Clean my life path from a strong enemy envy and dropped from heaven to save the soul. May it be so. Amen."

  3. Strong prayer to the Virgin:

    "Understand our evil hearts, the Virgin, and the attacks hate us and all the crumpled souls are allowed. On your bole, the holy image is discriminating, by your suffering and mercy about us we will fail and your wounds are lying, our arms, tearing, terrify. Not gone to us, Mati is a blessing, in our cruelfolds and from the cruel terrace of near die. You are able to truly evil hearts softening. "

  4. For well-being, good luck in work and earnings

    What kind of saint praying so that work is not lost?

    Reorganization, crisis, staff reduction, conflict with the boss - how many reasons to remain without livelihood. In order not to dismiss from work can help prayers.

    1. Ask your angel help:

      "Holy Christ, my benefactor and patron, I pray for you, sinful. Help Orthodox, living in God's commandments. I ask you about a little, I ask you to make me in my way in my life, I ask to support a difficult moment, I ask for honest luck; And everything else will arrive in itself, if there is a will of the Lord. Therefore, I do not even think about it, except for good luck in the life path and in all sorts. Sorry, if you are sinful before you and God, the father of heaven for me, and your welfare has given me. Amen."

    2. Protect against injustice, ill-positions:

      "Lord is merciful, delay now and dream and slowed around me standing all the plans before the location of the movement of my, exile, displacement, dismissal and other goat planned. So the requirements and the wants of all, I condemn evil destroy. And on the eyes of the blindness of everyone on me, the spiritual move on my enemies. And you, the Holy Lands of the Russian, prayers of their powerful about me to entee the chairs of the demonskie, Koznyov and the designs of the devilish - I make a departure to destroy my heritage and me myself. ArchReart Mikhail Guardy Terrible and the Great Sword Fiery Walning of Enemies of the Summer Safety Safety Departs Me. And the Ladychitsa, the "unreal wall" called, for anti-meer and the dirtiffs of the animals, the obstacle to the Nedolima Protective Stain. Amen!"

    You can also pray in your own words that go from the heart. Remember, sincere, filled with faith, prayer will help you.

If the financial condition leaves much to be desired, and the "black strip" came in the quarry, conspirers and prayers for good luck in work and attraction of money. Believing in a favorable result, you will change your life for the better.

Conspiracies will help improve financial position.

Features of monetary magic

Monetary magic is no less common in the people than love. Means for existence are needed by a person to feed themselves and their family. Therefore, rituals and rites for success in affairs and the attraction of finance are in demand for many hundreds of years.

The most reliable in the field of labor and material goods is white magic, because It is less dangerous for asking. There are a large number of ways to help in solving any problems. Today, everyone can:

  • take advantage of cash conspiracies, spells and attract good luck to business;
  • ask for the help of saints using Orthodox prayers;
  • create mascots and amulets.

Such magical methods help people regardless of age, gender, activity. The main thing is to believe in the success of the conceived and continue to work on yourself, strive for new heights and records.

The effectiveness of monetary magic depends on the implementation of all the details of the instruction, the use of certain magic accessories at a suitable time.

Words, appeal to the highest forces, carry a huge positive energy and, with proper handling, can work wonders. Conditionally, such magical instruments are divided into 3 groups:

  • helping to return funds;
  • attracting finances;
  • helping to quickly get a certain amount of money.

The last group of conspiracies is used only in extreme cases when finances are needed to save someone's life, for surgery, etc.

There are also conspiracies of narrow specialization that help attract funds not to the house, but in a separate wallet or piggy bank.

Rules for the effectiveness of magic

Magic acts helping to attract financial resources or establish the situation in the work area, have certain rules. Conspiracy may differ from each other, but have the same conditions for conducting rituals. Or the words are similar, but the time and features of the conduct differ.

Wishes to change their future, make it more secured, it will take into account the general features of monetary magic.

  1. The best day of the week for witchcraft - Wednesday.
  2. The most powerful effect of magic will be on the night of a decreasing moon. There are less severe rituals to the growing month and the full moon.
  3. The rite is carried out alone. No one should know about him.
  4. All actions must be accurate. Observe step-by-step execution of the instruction, words read without changes and errors.
  5. At the time of reading conspiracy, it is important not to hone in yourself anger on someone, to be in a good mood.
  6. It is forbidden to use magic to children and pregnant women.

If there are some doubts about the effectiveness of the magic or in the very ritual, it is better to refuse such actions. You can ask for the help of another person who has experience in magical practice. It is also important to thank it for the work done. Without this, the rite will not bring the desired result.

Simple conspiracy

Such magical words will suit those people who are often faced with the signing of contracts or under the paper: managers of enterprises, accountants, cashiers, banking workers, etc.

Wanting to attract a little good luck in their professional activities, you need to take a conventional handle and read a conspiracy for good luck at work on it 3 times:

"The handle will serve me true and faith. With the handle of this me to be friends, live and not rug, letters together to write and solve the tasks. In the handle so much ink as I have forces. I write this handle and write, and I do not know the trouble. To make money to me, Holly and appreciated, was not boring, it was to work again. As said, so it will be. Amen".

Next take a small cut of a white thread and tied up with her handle. The accessory itself is placed in a pocket of a shirt or trousers and carry it there until the end of the working day. The next day, the handle should begin to use without changing it until the ink is ended.

Simple conspiracy

Purification of the workplace

Unbearable in affairs is often associated with negative energy focused on the site. Frequent quarrels with the bosses, envy, the resentment of employees do not pass without a trace. Gradually, evil accumulates and prevents the hardworking personality to show their talents, honestly work for their money.

It is possible to correct this situation with the help of a cleaning ritual in the workplace. In the period of decreasing moon, you need to wake up with the dawn and go to work. While there are no employees, organize cleaning:

  • put things in places;
  • get rid of unnecessary trash;
  • wipe the holy water furniture from dust.

When cleaning will be completed, you need to make sure that there is no other. After reading a plot:

"Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God. We have mercy - in now, for centuries and at all times. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. In the garden, Adamov tree stands, under the tree the grass grows, it blooms once every 1000 years. I approach her closer, worship down: a degeneracy-grass, I did not give rise to you (a), I didn't get the name (a), I did not praise you (a). The earth spawned you, the dew and the rain was watered. I ask you, I beg, I glorify you. Help me, the servant of God (servant of God) (his name). Let everything be laid around me, the eye is bad will not be smoothed. Lebity-grass, people evil odds. So that I would at my work in my work (a) would be honored. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and in the eyelids. Amen".

After pronounced words begin work. About the rite, it is impossible to tell anyone: neither at work, nor at home.

Prayers for good luck in affairs

Conspiracy and prayers have a lot in common, but the words addressed to the Lord act on a person and his fate other than the words of the statement. The result comes slowly and only with hope and faith in the heart. Therefore, referring to the Lord and the Holy Great Martyrs, it is important to prepare for a long expectation. And it is not worth praying without faith, because Time will be wasted.

There is a large number of prayers that will help a person to attract good luck in affairs, save from poverty. But it is important to conduct a righteous lifestyle, observe posts, attend services in the temples, etc. If all this suffering is ready to go, the Lord will be favorable.

Prayer Saint Matron

In Orthodoxy, ask for help is made in Blessed Matrona. In still life, she helped everyone, not asking anything in return. Helps holy overcome any health problems, money and personal adversity. It will give asking good luck to make his life improved.

Prayer Matron Simple. It is easy to learn by heart to enjoy the need. Thinking about their problem, read these words:

"Holy Righteous Starrow Matrona, the moth of God about us!".

You can handle such words to holy with any problems. The main thing is to believe in her strength and hope for a favorable future.

Prayer of the Holy Matron about helping

Prayer Guardian Angel

The best defender from any evil and assistant in business is the Guardian Angel. You can contact him asking for fortune.

The help of a personal patron to the planned important events, cases, meetings is particularly effective. Going, you need to pray:

"The Angel of God, the keeper holy, to comply with me from the Lord from heaven to me, I ask you, I pray you, save-and enlighten, from all the evil saved, to the good deed to mention, on the path of luck to me. Amen".

Regularly praying to his patron, do not have to wait a long time, all undertakings will end for a person favorably.

Prayer of the Kazan Mother of God

This prayer will be effective in its own business, before important meetings, negotiations, or before concluding contracts. It brings success and profit.

"Oh, the Most Holy Mother of God, I trust you as myself, your handles whiselle, your deeds and thoughts of the purest, your statements of generous. Give me to me, Mother of God, good luck in the matters of my money, you put me, sweet, the skills that I do not have, but bring me a gift all-seeing and thin lies feeling. To make money to me the river, yes, people needed to me pip, and so that I manifes them with my mind, my face, and his voice is his angelic. I swear that rogging, I will not bother to help cash for those in need and your neighbor, I will not spend earned good on evil affairs and crafts. How iron will stick to the magnet, so let me stick to me and do not leave me. My word is firmly and yes desire for mine. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Read prayer before each meeting, concluding a contract, etc. The icon itself is better to put on the table or hang on the wall in the office.

Effective conspiracy from Natalia Stepanova

In addition to prayers to help attract the fortune can also conspire. The most popular and strong of these is a conspiracy from Natalia Stepanova. The famous Siberian healer recommends that everyone needs to use the Easter ritual.

No need to prepare for the rite. In the feast of the Resurrection of Christ Early in the morning with faith in the heart and hopes for a new white strip in affairs, it is necessary to have a conspiracy for good luck in the work:

"Lord, and I am mercy of your heaven, my shadow is above my heads with crowns, above houses with the colon. How people love cakes in Easter, so let me give love and affection. All the strengths of this for the sake of my Savior Angela. In the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

After reading, go to the temple to consecrate food. After Easter, the life of a person will begin to change: he will change work on a better or everything will be done on the old one.

Ways to attract money

When the costs exceed income, there is a reason to think about ways to increase money. Magic ways to attract money there are a large number. There are those that spend in church holidays in certain phases of the moon. There are strong and simple conspiracies and prayers. Select a suitable way to clean. The main thing is to correct the magical action without rejecting the existing instructions.

Ritual with coins

The people are popularly popularly conspiracy, which is read on coins. To make money in the wallet, you will need to get a few gold-colored coins. The nominal is not important.

Conduct a ritual for a decreasing moon. Having waited for the night, you need to hold the coins in your hand, go to the intersection. Stretching coins to the lunar light and read the words of the conspiracy three times:

"Everything grows from the Sun and multiplies, and money from the lunar light. Grow, set, add. Enrich me the slave of God (name), come to me. Amen".

After the pronounced words go home, not turning around and not talking to anyone. Go to bed, and in the morning - go to the store to buy products to buy money.

Rite to attract wealth

Ritual with coins and water

Another strong magical way of attraction of money is a rite with coins and water. It takes a glass glass, clean water and 3 coins.

Conduct a magical action on a decreasing moon. A spring or holy water is poured into the glass, throw a glass of coins with water and, thinking about wealth, read words five times:

After a glass with water hide from households. In the morning, the wallet is sprayed with conspiracted water, and something buy something on the coins.

Ritual on a decreasing moon

There is another strong ritual who will help attract money to the house. Conduct it on the night on a decreasing moon.

Having waited for a favorable magic act of time, locked up in the room, quench the light and put 2 church candles on the table. Candles are lit with the idea of \u200b\u200bthe desired wealth, they read the words three times:

"Lord God, Jesus Christ, help me with your help! Your slaves in the sky went, the bags were dragged, there were money in bags. Bags opened - money fell. And when I walk on the bottom, I found them. Candles burn, money in the house. Amen".

Candles should burn themselves, the remaining flags need to be connected until they cooled, and put in the wallet. The remains of the conspiracy wax will be a talisman on the way to welfare.

Ritual on piggy bank

So that the financial situation constantly grew up in a person's life there was no poverty, use a conspiracy to a new piggy bank.

Conduct a ritual on the night of the environment. With the onset of midnight in the acquired accessory, you need to put a large bill, trying to progress three times:

"Cash rites do I, I attract bills to the piggy bank. To make money into my house, the road was not forgotten. One to one, the second to the second - all to me. "

After the piggy bank, it is important to put in a prominent place. So that the conspiracy affects, it needs to be placed on one bill or coin daily. Soon, a person will notice that his financial well-being has become better.

Candle ritual

One of the most popular monetary magic rites spend on 3 wax candles of different colors. It is better to use white, green and brown. Mages are confident that white color symbolizes a favorable result of the action, green - finance, and brown - magical forces.

The rite is spent on the rising moon. At midnight it is important to stay alone, close the doors to the room and turn off the light. Prepared candles and matches put on the table. The magic accessories are packed in a certain sequence so that the triangle is:

  • white candle - opposite the man;
  • brown - left;
  • green - right.

Putting the candles on such a scheme, they are also lit alternately. The first lit a white candle, uttering words:

"Flame as a soul, and the soul as a flame."

"Profit in profits, money in money."

And over brown, they pronounce:

"Cases in affairs, paths in paths, all noses."

"In power, power is in power. I am with the strength and power of that. "

After waiting until the candles are torn. Sparks hide away from households. While they won't find them, they will serve as a talisman.

For the rite you should take three colorful candles

Ritual for debt return

If a person does not give someone else and only "feeds promises", it is easy to correct the situation with the help of white magic. All you need is to prepare a broom and learn the words of conspiracy by heart. In the evening, on a decreasing moon, we need to get a mess and, peering into it, read the words:

"I send to the slave of God (name) what. May this hope burns and bakes, in the corners chasing, the bone breaks, nor eats, nor sleeps, does not drink, peace (name) does not give me a duty will return to me. Amen".

Reading the Words, it is important to think how this dying the unfinished debtor gets on his back. If everything is done true, money will return to the owner after a few days.

Magic Methods from Vanga

Conspiracy from Vanga for good luck and attraction of money is the legacy of the provisions, helping people. They are easy to use at home. The main thing is to do everything correctly, according to the instructions.

Ritual with water

One of the most powerful magical acts that are carried out at home is the rite with water from the Bulgarian Vanga Providarians. It is suitable for those who begin a new business and needs good luck to achieve their goal.

Magic action is carried out 30 days. The beginning of him is the night on the ascending Moon. Purge the rite:

  • pick up the clean spring water so much to have enough for 30 days;
  • each morning, waking up, go to the bathroom, where a little clean water is gained in the bucket or a different container;
  • wash it away, before saying:

"Water-wiring, mighty element, smoking, talking to success and for the success of God's slave (name). To burn everything that neither began to benefit all that did anything. The word is my castle, my word is the law. Amen".

It is important to wash in a good mood, with faith in your own well-being. So it turns out to attract good luck in the affairs before the expiration of the rite. Magic action is important to bring to the end.

Ritual with bread

Another famous magical way to attract good luck and money from the Bulgarian provincial is a ritual with black bread. It is simple and does not require long-term preparation.

All you need for the rite is to store and buy a black bread. In the evening it is important to abandon dinner, even from drinking. Weching 3-4 hours, late in the evening to retire in the room. No one should know about the magic act. From bread cut off a small slice, over which you need to read these words:

"The Lord, you fed all the needy and hungry so that they always felt satiety. Help and me, attracted good luck. Let the long way of joy, wealth and happiness come to my dwelling. I will spend every penny with my mind, I will not leave in trouble suffering. Amen".

After uttered words, sleep sleep. In the morning, with the sunrise, get up from bed, take a conspiracy slice of bread and give a pet, better than a dog. It is important to make sure that the animal has eaten conspiracted bread, otherwise the actions will not be effective.

Ritual with black bread should be done on an empty stomach

Danger of rituals

Welfare and luck necessary to each person for material development is a product of hard work on himself. Some people do not believe in helping the highest strength, acting on their own.

Magic is a way to turn the fortune to your face, increase the income and make your own career a little more successful. It is not worth afraid of the difficult consequences of its use. If a person turns to white forces, nothing threatens him. But all the features of rituals must comply with the magic instructions. If this is not done, the consequences may occur very different. Most often, human errors appear:

  • decline forces, apathy;
  • loss of funds;
  • failure in affairs;
  • troubles at home;
  • worsening health.

Experienced magicians are confident that the guarantee of the success of rites and rituals lies in the true faith in their power. This concerns both prayers and conspiracies. Doing everything with a pure heart, believing in success and following the magic instruction, you can see the result very soon. Success in work is guaranteed, as well as improved financial well-being.


There are a large number of conspiracies and prayers that help to attract good luck in new endeavors, develop professionally and achieve certain heights in the career. Separate magical methods will help improve financial well-being.

The scope of labor is one of the most important in the life of any adult. Find a job for yourself and in favor of your wallet - this is half of the case. It is also very important to firmly entrenched in this position, conquer the respect of colleagues, to be in a good account at the authorities, confidently move up the career stairs. You can achieve all this by either a long and hard work, or resorting to a little trick and choosing a simpler and short way - to take advantage of the reading of prayer or conspiracy for good luck.

You can read such conspiracies every person who wanted to make friends with the capricious Mrs. luck. They are characterized by safe use, as they are taking white magic. The worst thing that can happen after using such conspiractions is a zero result.

Good luck in the field of labor plays one of the main roles. Whatever the skills working person do not have, no matter how high level of professionalism is not characterized, he will not be able to move far away if good luck will bypass it. Conspiracy will help attract luck and use it for the benefit of his career.

The peculiarity of such rites is that they can be used in many different options - depending on which the performer's task wants to decide. All existing rituals for good luck in work can be divided into several groups:

  • universal conspiracies and rites, the purpose of which is to attract overall success in affairs. The most popular group;
  • associated with various stages of the device for a new position: job search, interview, testing period;
  • attracting success in cooperation with the labor team: consolidation in the new team, improving relations with colleagues and, rites from ill-wishers;
  • aimed at raising salary;
  • for successful career growth;
  • attracting luck when implementing any large projects.

One of the peculiarities of most rituals for success in the work is the lack of binding to the specific lunar phase. You can read them in any lunar day. With the days of the week, things are a bit otherwise: reading conspiracy can be engaged in any day, except Friday and Sunday. For rituals and prayers associated with finance, the environment and Saturday are most suitable.

If the conspiracy, by condition, the performer should read directly at his workplace, then it must be pre-prepared to carefully prepare. Preparation includes guidance of purity and order, getting rid of all unnecessary and unnecessary things, aligning all items in its place.

The use of a conspiracy by the Contractor should be strictly kept secret from all people, especially from colleagues. Otherwise, the ritual for luck loses its effectiveness, or can turn into a worsening of cases.

Conspuses attracting good luck in

Before pronouncing the conspiracy, the performer must acquire fresh and fatty milk. It is desirable that it was a rustic, revenge not earlier than yesterday's evening. With this milk, you need to remove the cream with a wooden spoon with a wooden spoon - the best thing that may be in milk. Cream in this plot act as a symbol of success, recognition, mining. In the process of making cream, the text of the conspiracy is pronounced:

"The cream is all the Cake - all the best, desired and sweet pick. So in matters with me, luck will arrive, all the fatty most and sweet is my own. I'll take the cream, leave all so on. So in the work of the tasteless everything is spawned, he will leave all the sweetest. "

The collected cream after the ritual need to drink on the same day, and the remaining milk - pour out.

With the help of coins and cockroaches

To make a ritual to prepare number, coin and dead cockroach.On Thursday, not far from the place of work (for example, in the nearest park) you need to dig a small hole and folded all the cooked items with the words:

"As quickly, soap ends, so my bad luck is asking. Unlucky, Sgin! Good luck, stay! How little cockroaches have a bad mistress, let me be so much money and good luck! "

Words should be pronounced by heart, so they should be learned in advance. Slipping the plot, the hole must be buried and go from this place without looking around.

On a growing moon

Its feature is that he is read only in the phase of the growth of the Moon. On Wednesday, buy a candle and dial a few holy water to your place.

In the evening at home, as the dark, put a candle and a jar of holy water in front of it. Light a candle and say:

"Crash, please, ask for good luck. Persistence and strength give me that anyone's work successfully went out to me so that everything I started (a) I ended successfully. And let it always be the best (s), in respect - at colleagues, in width - at the authorities. And let no nobody do to me, does not build a goat against me. Amen!"

Repeating the words three times, you need to close the jar with water. The next day, try to first come to work conspired by water to spy every corner in your office, from the corner to the corner moving towards a clockwise direction. The remaining water should be sprayed on the floor.

Over 5 more ways, see the video:

Walk to date with the development of Taro "Map of the Day"!

For proper divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about at least 1-2 minutes.

As you will be ready - pull the map:

Fortune is necessary for everyone, and especially in the work, in particular, if the work is related to transactions, purchase and sale or various types of contracts. But if you prefiggle that Fortuna leaves you, put it up again to your side, applying a conspiracy to good luck in the work you can read on our website.

Four conspiractions for good luck in affairs and work: read and results will not make long wait

In this article you will find a few simple plots for good luck in your work. To carry out a witch rite, you need to prepare. Put your workplace in order. Extraly postpone from the table to the distant corner, and some things that lie without need, and throw away at all. Next, after this action, you can begin to conjure.

Option number 1 "on the handle"

Effective conspiracy option for good luck in affairs and work.

This option is a conspiracy for good luck in business and work, it is recommended to read on an automatic handle that you always use is an important success criterion!

Vera and the truth served me a handle, with her to be in the future, but to be friends.

Tasks are vital to decide, yes letters decisive writing.

A lot in the ink handle - it will be exactly the same and I have forces!

The handle will write for a long time, but the position is suitable for me to find it!

To pay the salary to make my faithful employee in the face,

So that it was not boring, but was handy.

May it be so. Amen!"

After conspirass, wrap the handle with a light thread, cover it in your pocket and keep it all working hours there, no one who does not giving it to see and take it into hand. Soon, you will notice changes for the better.

Option number 2 "Conspiracy - Prayer"

And also take advantage of the alternative way to attract good luck to your work. In this case, the Orthodox prayer will help.

Jesus Christ, the Son of the Lord, spare Us, not only now, but also for all times.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. In the paradise garden grows a tree, under it

Grass magic blooms, it blooms every 1000 years. I bow to her.

Left - Grass, I didn't give birth to you, I didn't call you, I didn't care for you, I did not praise you.

Earth-Mother gave birth to you, the dew with the rain was cared.

I beg you, I glorify you! Slice to help to me, God's slave (name).

So that again all the centuries around me all bloomed, my successes, my luck,

My soul so that the enemies of the party go around to always be in honor.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever. Amen.

But sometimes it happens that all the rest of the work is depending on a single successful case.

Option number 3 "For success in work"

A strong conspiracy for a successful thing in work.

It is also one of the strong in its kind. For its implementation, it is necessary to thoroughly prepare, as well as prepare all the materials for its implementation. At the growing moon to collect wax with a yellow thick candle, wrapped it with a red thread and stick a black feather crow. Next, coming out of the house to read this plot:

In a clear field, Archangel Mikhail. He is knives

Yes, forks, all my words pierce, all my actions say,

The act with the desired fastens, and to be fulfilled, it blesses.

Strong conspiracies and rituals for good luck in work + for different necessary ...

1. The appearance.
2.Manens of the Inexian.
3. Speaking, uncultural speech, weak voice, poor diction.
4. Activity of a career plan and a clear goal.
5. Lack of sincerity and equilibrium ...

6. Activity of interest and enthusiasm.
7. The impossibility of participation in affairs, except due to the schedule.
8. Current "for money: interest only in higher payment.
9. Low achievement while studying
10.Tellia start from below. Wants too much and immediately.
11. The desire for self-election, evaders, references to adverse factors
12. Lack of tact.
13. Maturity name.
14. Deadostate courtesy.
15. Making reviews about previous employers.
16. At least to navigate in society.
17.Regged unwillingness to study
18. Alpine experience.
19.Tellia look into the eyes of the interlocutor.
20.Overacted handshake.
21. Energy.
22. Logging during the holidays.
23.Nextful family life.
24.Fall relationships with parents.
25.The taking appeal.
26.The calm is just attached.
27.The calm get a job for a while.
28 .. no sense of humor.
29.All knowledge in the specialty.

31. Activity of interest in the firm or industry
32. Houring your dating.
33.Negelary to go there, where it will be necessary.
35. Low moral level.
37.Fonality with highly developed prejudices.
38.USness of interests.
39.The value to appreciate the time. For example, looking a lot of TV or plays cards.
40.There on owning own affairs.
41. Activity of interest in public life.
42.Thebility to perceive criticism.
43. Activity understanding of the value of experience
44.Adicality of ideas.
45. Activation for an interview without a valid reason.
46. \u200b\u200bWhat of any information about the company - employer
47.Night-surfactant (not thanks the interlocutor for their attention).
48. Activity questions about working towards a potential employer.
49.Silically pressing type
50. Uncertainty of answers to questions.


Spell helps during the search period and work device.
It is best to start on the night of New Moon.
You will need: your astrological candle, two brown candles, one green candle, aromatic wand (cinnamon), cinnamon aromatic oil.
Light an aromatic wand, lubricate all cinnamon candles. Lubricate from wick to the base. Candles should be in a safe place, where no one can repay them, there are no drafts, jumping animals, etc. They will have to burn completely, never going out.
Put one of the brown candles in the center, to the right of it the green candle, on the left - astral. Light first astral candle and tell me:

I ask for changes I need:
Open my road
Open my eyes.

Light a green candle and tell me:

Great gods, give me good luck and wealth, come to me with.

Light a brown candle and tell me:

I see new opportunities, work, rewards and success.
So there will be so it will be.

Leave the candles to trample. Every night, during the week, ignite the second brown candle for nine minutes, look at the fire during this time. This will help achieve harmony and balance. If you find it difficult to calculate the burning of the candle for seven days (or the size of the candle does not allow), burn it to nine minutes every night, until it burns completely.
During the whole period, actively search for work.


Allows you to get a specific job you need, or work in the area of \u200b\u200binterest to you.
Do on the first night of the growing moon, immediately after the new moon.
You will need: green candle, bay leaf (better with berries), pine oil or butter Bergamot, small paper bill, white paper sheet.
Google in a metal or clay bowl of several laurel leaves. For better burning, you can mix them with matches and shallow paper.
On the candle at the top scratch the name or type of work that you need, below it, lower, scratch the arrow with the tip down. Under the arrow scratch the dollar sign. Below this, draw the second arrow with the edge down, then write your name under it. Lubricate the candle with oil, at this time concentrate on the thoughts about the necessary work.

On a piece of paper, write the amount of the desired earnings, but do not write unrealiest sums! Put the note under the candle (if the candle in the candlestick, then not for it, namely under the candle). Light a candle, look at the fire for a while, try to present in detail how you get this particular work, or work in the area you are interested in.
Then tell me: From you to me the money flows,
All my financial troubles will go away
I will get this job no later than the full moon will shine.

Give the candle to burn completely, burn the note in the bowl, where the leaves were burning, if it does not light up from the candle. Remains of the candle, wick, ashes from leaves and notes. Wrap in the bill and wear with you as a talisman. Look for this work on Wednesday before the full moon. Of course, you can search for this work during the entire period of the growing moon, but do not be surprised if you get it on Wednesday.

Change life for the better.

Ritual "Help Lord Karma"

If you really do not like something in your life, but you do not know how to get rid of it, how to change life, then this ritual will help you.

The ritual should be carried out in the black moon phase (new moon), for the greatest effect - three nights in a row (28th, 29 (30) - th, 1st lunar days).
For ritual, you need:

black candle in a candlestick,

incense patchouli,

black or dark robe

hooded clothes

music that helps immersion

altar (table, stool) and chair.

Preparation for ritual.

There is a little on this day. After sunset or at night, install the altar opposite the chair. Take a bath, put on a bathrobe, do not talk to anyone. Include music for immersion. Grind incense, bypassing the room against a clockwise room. Put on the altar, light the candle, bypassing the room with her against Ch.S. Put on the altar. Turn off the light, sit in the chair in front of the altar, squeeze the hood. Relax, plunge into yourself.

Ritual meditation.

1. To present yourself in a narrow tunnel inside the cliff, illuminated by the lamps on the walls. The singing is heard, go to the sound.

2. Go out into the large room, in the center of which a huge boiler, leads two rows of high candles. Behind the boiler, the throne of black stone, it sits on a high figure in a black cloak with a sword in his hands. Figure Calling to come up, stop in front of the boiler.

3. The figure will ask the question. It is clear to formulate, why did you come here that you want to change in life why dissatisfied with the current situation. But it is impossible to tell what you want to see the process of change - just not like. Listen to the answer from the Divine.

4. You may be offered to enter the boiler. If you decide to enter the boiler, then (p.5)

5. Upon exit from the boiler, there may be symbols or items that have a value for you. Remember them, even if the meaning is not clear.

6. The Deity makes a sword sign, and you quickly creep on the tunnel back. Enter the usual state, think about what you saw, about your feelings.

7. Upon completion of the ritual, bypass the room with a candle clockwise, also with incense. To pay off the candle to the next time (on the second and third night, or leave to burn, if this is the last night), incense leave to get to the end. Write your visions, think about them to the full moon when you can see change.

From misfortunes, misfortune and when it raises.

Read in the morning at lunch and evening three times, standing face east, open the window: in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen. May I have a mother of the Most Holy Mother of God. They slept in the mountains, spent the night. He dreamed of sleep, terrible and creepy. What crucifixed Jesus on three trees. I saw a thorns on the head of the head. And this dream I carry Christ to the throne.

I carried the life-giving cross. Iisus Christ, save and save. The malignant to my cross. Mattle, the Most of the Virgin Mary, wech me with my cover.

Jesus Christ, Mother Most Holy Mother of God, Nikolai Wonderworker, I ask you ... (Here in your own words, it is to state your request). Mamin. Amen. Amen.

Amulet good luck.

Take a green candle, install it in a glass with a small amount of orange juice (squeeze one orange) and burn it. Glass with candle. Put on the floor. Jump over a burning candle, speaking words:

Morae, you who weave the cloth of fate,
Give me good luck
Remove evil from my destiny.

When the candle is fruit to the surface of the juice and go out, collect the remains of wax, wrap them in white matter and put in your pocket. Symbols that came on the wax surface (such as the sun, or any other), will help you find good luck or will attract it to you.

Spell for good luck and success.

Full moon.
You will need: your astral candle, 1 gray candle, 1 black candle, 1 orange candle.
Light the astral candle and tell me:

This is me in all my affairs.

Light a black candle and tell me:

It is all the failures that stand on my way.
Difficulties, disappointments and tears - all this goes forever.

Sorry gray candle and tell me:

All my failures, all that was bad, burns and melts, like this candle.

Sorrow an orange candle and tell me:

This is the energy that comes to me, which gives my life movement and speeds up changes.

Sit calm and convenient, visualize how the negative energy of you is delayed, enters gray candle and turns into nothing, neutralized and disappears. As the orange candle "pulls out" the energy of good, good luck and new opportunities, air jets coming from the candle to you.
Leave the candles to burn completely.

Ritual for winning in gambling.

Buy on Monday or Thursday on the growing moon any lottery ticket (not for the game).
Brew the grass of mint and cinnamon powder.
Sprinkle the currently purchased lottery ticket, dry and smear the "luck" oil, the recipe of which is slightly lower.
Recipe of oil "luck":
Mint - 7 drops,
Lemon - 7 drops,
Cinnamon - 9 drops,
Sandal - 5 drops,
pine - 3 drops,
Patchouli - 3 drops,
Dill - 1 drop.
Wear a lottery ticket with you, when you go to a casino or just when you buy lottery for the game.
All components that are needed for the ritual can be bought on any pharmacy. They are quite inexpensive. And buy a lottery ticket in specially designated places.

From misfortunes, misfortune and when it raises.

Read in the morning at lunch and evening three times, standing face east, open the window: in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen. May I have a mother of the Most Holy Mother of God. They slept in the mountains, spent the night. He dreamed of sleep, terrible and creepy. What crucifixed Jesus on three trees. I saw a thorns on the head of the head. And this dream I carry Christ to the throne.
Here he was Jesus Christ through the thirty lands.
I carried the life-giving cross. Iisus Christ, save and save. The malignant to my cross. Mattle, the Most of the Virgin Mary, wech me with my cover.

Ravering me, the servant of God (name), from all the nasty, misfortunes and diseases. The snake crawling, from the beast of fruit. Is a thunderstorm, from drought, from flooding.
From all enemies visible and invisible. From the Sumy, from prison, from the courts. And Nikolai Wonderworker went,
I carried a saving bow to save me, the slave of God (name), from all the nasty, misfortune and diseases,
From the snake crawling, from the beast of bike, from thunderstorms, from drought, from flooding. Everything enemies visible and invisible. From Sumy, from prison, from ships.
Jesus Christ, Mother Most Holy Mother of God, Nikolai Wonderworker, I ask you ... (Here in your own words, it is to state your request). Mamin. Amen. Amen.