Can a tyrant husband leave home. Why is it hard to leave? Show aggression for complete control

The idyll in family life is the central heroine of every woman's dreams. Mutual respect, so often described in fairy tales, reverent attitude and affection in harsh reality often quickly dry up. Many realize the problem only when a hurricane of cruelty and anger suddenly bursts out of a benevolent family man, which cannot be controlled by persuasion or humiliation.

There is a problem!

A tyrant husband is a fairly common wording in everyday life: a neighbor beats his wife, an acquaintance in society is addicted to humiliating his own beloved, and the newspapers again wrote about the torture of his wife's wife and children. This kind of news instills panic and seemingly unfounded alarm in the heads of even morally stable citizens.

Unconventional approach

Especially suspicious women see mysticism in a family ruled by a tyrant husband. A conspiracy and rolling out a chicken egg is the first thing that comes into the heads of many housewives, so simple hoaxers and charlatans often profit from the psychological imbalance of the family. Advertising brochures and homemade announcements ring out about the omnipotence of such specialists who will successfully help to adjust the weather in the house in favor of the offended side.

Many rush for help to the lords of cards and stones in order to learn from the witch's lips, The conspiracy in such techniques plays rather the role of self-hypnosis, which helps a woman to realize the presence of a problem and to some extent makes it possible to calm down. If you often repeat your wishes, the Universe will one day hear them, according to many philosophers and prose writers of our time. But in the case of beatings and bullying, the consistently stated words read on the new moon do not always play a decisive role.

At the moment, in the practice of many world experts, there are trainings and methods for women who have learned by their own example how to organize their lives when the husband is a tyrant. The advice of a psychologist in this situation can be regarded in different ways: as a motivation in making fateful and already hard-won decisions or a foundation for stubborn justification of any male actions.

Jealousy is the cause of many problems

Oddly enough, but the situation when the wife of a fiend regularly justifies her own tormentor is the most common in the world. Most of the main root cause of the poor marital status is the feeling of jealousy popularized through books and films.

It is often associated with a sense of constant fear and rivalry, which has its origins in early childhood, which was experienced by the tyrant husband. The tendency is too widespread when in a large family parental attention is not entirely distributed fairly and equally. Each child has its own unique character, its own degree of activity and perception of the world, therefore, the human factor can play an elementary role in the older generation. Freud, the most often discussed and difficult to perceive psychologist, painted at one time a picture of the first example of jealousy in a child - the fear of losing the mother's breast and milk. The founder of the scandalous depth psychology believed that in the infant a feeling of fear of losing the bliss of connection with his mother manifests itself from the first days. Uncontrolled screaming and crying are colorful confirmation of this.

The spouse is a kind of continuation of the infantile affection that the tyrant husband values ​​so much. For boys who have not fully lived the stage of growing up in the cocoon of love of their parents, women become, rather, a means of filling family gaps. As a result, relationships and all their joys and sorrows are perceived through the prism of their own program. Coping with this situation is difficult for most normally developed women.

Initial manifestations of jealousy, or rather mistrust, often inspire the woman herself, boosting her self-esteem. especially well-fed and contented, often leads to cooling of feelings, freshness and boredom, which short-sighted ladies decide to sweeten with jealousy. Unreasonable delays at work, lack of time for marital duties, flirting with strangers and long stay in networks do their destructive work. As a result, tormented by demons since childhood, the faithful loses their already fragile control: sudden calls, commanding habits and reporting demands on any occasion can be intensified by scandals and fights.

Even experienced psychologists are quite difficult to talk to such active wives. The well-established notion of good intentions is too slowly leaving the subconscious of a woman. In her understanding, only the desire to add piquancy and gloss to married life is recorded, and the damage caused by her whim is not immediately amenable to analysis.


Jealousy is on three rather well-fed whales - the thirst for property, a progressive feeling of inferiority and the projection of personal flaws on the people around them. The tyrant husband is no exception. Signs of jealousy always eloquently demonstrate their origins:

  1. The owner does not accept the opportunity for his woman to communicate with other representatives of the stronger sex - no acquaintance with comrades and the introduction of a male team will correct the perception of a tyrant. He also completely denies the need for the personal space of the beloved. All-consuming control is the motto of his entire life. Often, the root cause of this behavior is the very nature of the man - stubbornness and lack of sociability lead to lust for power and quarrelsomeness.
  2. The feeling of inferiority is a solid foundation for tyranny: a man dissatisfied with his body or character manifests his complexes more vividly than a woman. Any aspirations of the spouse to develop and improve are perceived as betrayal and manifestations of betrayal. Comparing or drawing a parallel with a wife is the worst offense that a tyrant husband can draw to himself. Signs of jealousy are manifested with theatrical meticulousness - any wishes or demands receive an unheard-of resonance and a powerful rebuff from the faithful.
  3. With the projection of shortcomings, everything is relatively simple - a husband prone to adultery does not doubt the sinfulness of his own wife, therefore delays at work and silence on the phone are always perceived as a proven fact of betrayal.

Monitor the interference!

The abundance of omniscient counselor friends is a characteristic feature of families in which the husband is a tyrant. Divorce and emergency moving are the most popular suggestions that can be heard during a girl's kitchen get-together. The most active friends not only motivate and instruct, but also strive with all their might to become an actor in a family problem. Psychologists advise spouses to control this process of interference in their personal life. Not all problems require a mass audience.

Awareness of the problem

In a situation where a woman is married to a sadist and an inveterate alcoholic, the external factor plays a significant role. Being in a constant cycle of alcoholic feasts of their faithful, chronic lack of funds and beatings, not everyone can find the right solution from the current situation. To represent the full depth of a family tragedy, it is worth going back to its beginning. None of the girls deliberately married an alcoholic and bully. This is the main thesis of any family confusion. And often it is a stranger who helps to realize it.

Each cell of society develops independently, and the pace, as well as the directions of this process, is determined only by its participants. A person cannot become in an instant a non-drying subject with constant bouts of aggression. Alcohol dependence progresses demonstratively gradually, it spreads like bad news throughout the body, persuading its cells to obey only the thirst for drink.

The beginning of such a tragic epic is often missed by women, because a compliant and positive-minded husband, after drinking, is to some extent impressed. This situation is common in families where the breadwinner is faced with the daunting tasks of providing and educating. Women themselves prepare the ground for their halves. In world practice, there is a widespread case when the mother assigned the husband the role of the family executioner. All the misconduct and disobedience of the little ones are clearly conveyed to the parent in the most colorful form, after which the tired husband is taken for family repression. Few women realize that the mission of the punisher qualitatively destroys the human psyche, and the man subconsciously does not want to lose the throne of a strong and courageous hero. The circle closes suddenly, sometimes leaving no loophole for correcting mistakes.

The burden of social, marital and parental obligations puts pressure on a man, especially if he has not been taught from childhood the habit of sharing his even insignificant fears and anxieties with his immediate environment. The best anti-stress is alcohol, which becomes a catalyst in the process of transformation of a spouse. Frequent corporate parties and buffets, later drinking because of the evening sadness, then just for appetite. Conversations and pleading often lead to pictorial outbursts of anger, assurances of complete control of your cravings and the ability to stop communicating with a glass at any second.

Signs of distress

Experts say that not one of the clients of narcological institutions came to them on their own initiative, especially in the initial stages. Often, the initiators were the victims, whom the tyrant husband had qualitatively ruined the life of. What to do with a fighter and a drinker, only medical wives or all-round developing people know.

The first signs of disaster can be seemingly small processes:

  1. The degree or the number of drinks of the faithful changed - the husband smoothly switched from beer to vodka (cognac) or from a bottle to packs.
  2. The so-called bodun disappeared - or head (stomach) pains do not appear from the previously noticed doses.
  3. Reflection of the amount of alcohol on the attitude towards children and spouse. The husband does not just break down on the little wife who prevented him from getting the dose, but also tries in every possible way to unbalance the children.
  4. The appearance now of a frequent guest - amnesia: cases when the awakened tyrant husband cannot bring all the events together. Advice and persuasion only lead to irritation and scandal.
  5. An eloquent manifestation of dissatisfaction with life, family and work in sober moments of life. The tyrant husband not only grumbles about the broken tap for the umpteenth time, but also gets annoyed about twos, the amount of food or politics, the sight of his wife especially drives the aggressor out of himself, fights happen.
  6. Hours of alcohol marathons turned into multi-day actions - the appearance of drunken moments is the most striking manifestation of addiction, after the first case, you should immediately drag your hubby to a narcologist.

How to live with a tyrant husband, who regularly looks down his throat, is not so easy to determine. Each case is strictly individual and depends mostly on the willpower of the alcohol addict himself and his family. But there are several general principles for a more even coexistence with the aggressor.

It is undesirable for a tyrant's wife to admit the following:

  1. Making fun of a spouse's addiction or personal qualities in society - caustic statements will not only not spur a man to improve, but will also lead to increased cravings, because the bottle brings euphoria every time, and not the family and children.
  2. The provocation of jealousy in a believer in relation to one of his company - this is a trick practiced by many wives, not realizing that a situation modeled as positive will turn into a drunken trial with possible injury and greater hatred of the wife herself.
  3. Shifting the responsibility for the drunken hubby onto the shoulders of his own parents - a sense of shame cannot pave the way for the addict to recover. And in most cases, he knocks out the already elusive ground from under his feet, the tyrant closes in himself, at the slightest reason uses his fists and runs away into the warm embrace of companions by addiction.
  4. Ultimatums and threats of divorce - such sanctions can help only for a short time and only in those cases when the principles of love, craving for the family remain alive in the soul of a man, otherwise the cries of deprivation of the rights to children and joint property can lead to relapse and physical reprisals.
  5. Simulation of serious illnesses or refusal to perform household chores - the impotence of a woman in almost all men causes disgust and to some extent even offense, a principle is laid in the mind of a man dictating the obligatory presence of a blooming woman in him, violation of this rule can cause an increase in the desire to drink and brawl.

A small list of good habits will help you to correct or simplify your own life with your tyrant husband:

  1. It's worth starting with yourself. Marriage with a tyrant is not the limit, you should not get used to the role of a vegetated victim and let everything go by itself. Financial independence (even the most minimal) will help to soberly assess the situation, the material plane always leads to a constant analysis of their capabilities and dependencies. In the initial phases, a drinking husband can still notice the transformation of his wife, analyze his own correspondence with such a woman and pass judgment on himself.
  2. It is always worth evaluating how a tyrant husband behaves. There is no need to encourage a rude man with a second glass to improve his mood. A woman who wants to isolate the family from the alcoholic plague is obliged to introduce a moratorium on alcohol in her penates. The so-called in Soviet times is not a method of influencing or controlling the faithful, the ban on drinking should become a principle for the whole family, and not just for those on an alcoholic diet.
  3. The main problem of the family is a bored tyrant husband. Psychologist's advice is quite simple - in moments of enlightenment from alcohol, men often do not understand where to stick themselves, society is developing tirelessly, and binges only knock out of this pace. The tyrant must be interested or wisely involved in a joyful activity - mountaineering, cycling, hiking or skydiving in emotional value can easily replace the euphoria of alcohol, the main thing is not to leave a man alone with this activity, female praise and inspiration are excellent catalysts for male aspiration ...
  4. The tyrant's wife is obliged to accept the fact that alcohol is a method of relaxation, therefore, replacing it with something more intense, you can get rid of the problem itself. This principle works at the very beginning of alcoholism, which cannot be changed by an inveterate drunkard. To begin with, a woman must take herself into her fragile hands and start acting - constant scandals and the use of rolling pins only discourage a man from doing something. Dinner should be a small celebration for a man, even without fabulous salads and snacks. A pleasant conversation, delicious tea (coffee), a tidy wife are the keys to the stability of any relationship. If the family has come to the conclusion to solve the problem together, it is worthwhile to arm yourself with life's cunning.
  5. If a man grieves about troubles or difficulties at work or in society, do not dismiss the inflated problems. Each person feels a thirst for support and understanding, neglect from loved ones is often taken as personal defeat and disappointment. Medicine in the form of alcohol or drugs is found much faster than a family distress signal matures.

All these rules can give results, or at least the slightest results, only if the whole family is united and understands the severity of the alcohol problem. If a man does not recognize his own weakness and perniciousness of such behavior, it is much more difficult to cope with him.

How to get rid of a tyrant husband? How to disperse peacefully?

In the case when all the methods have been tried, and the result rather aggravates the situation, it is worth thinking about divorce. And how to divorce a tyrant husband without harming the kids and their own nervous system? It sometimes takes a whole decade for many women to come to this conclusion, because the weaker sex is prone to idealization and hope, so the harsh reality does not immediately overtake its victim.

Who is prone to violence or enmity, it is quite difficult to derive an algorithm. First of all, you need to get a good lawyer. The consultations will help to realistically assess the situation, the possible consequences and prospects, as well as support from a legal point of view with arguments. The next step is to remove the move, you should not share the room with an uncontrolled person, attacks of aggression can lead to injury or death. It is better to send children to a psychologist in order to correct existing phobias, as well as prevent future ones.

If everything is returned ...

It happens that a former tyrant husband after a while tries How to act in this situation, each woman decides for herself, based on common sense and already acquired experience. The main nuance remains the children's reaction to the development of such a plot, having analyzed the totality of all factors, one can decide the fate of a second chance for a tyrant.

Currently, men and women have the same rights, but there is still such a phenomenon in the family as a tyrant husband. Most often, the tyranny of her husband is growing gradually, and at the beginning of the relationship he was, on the contrary, sweet and caring. Women do not always immediately pay attention to the fact that the husband is infringing on their freedom and rights. Every day, the tyrant husband begins to command more and more, does not listen at all to the opinion of his wife. "Because I said so!" - his favorite explanation for all questions. Life with such a spouse gives a woman many inconveniences and worries, the tyrant literally tramples her self-esteem. In advanced cases, it comes to assault. At the same time, the man does not believe that he is beating his wife. He is not able to admit this to anyone: neither to himself, nor even more so to other people. In his eyes, he educates and punishes the "unreasonable fool". How can one recognize signs of growing tyranny in a spouse and protect oneself from psychological pressure in advance? Psychologist's advice will help you understand this issue.

In order not to fall into such a trap as a tyrant husband, take a closer look at his behavior. If you find at least 1 item in it, then psychologists already say that the likelihood of such a development of events is high.

  • Frequent criticism from scratch. Appearance, clothing tastes, preferences, and your career achievements lend themselves to criticism. It should be noted that at first the future tyrant behaves rather softly - he just laughs at you a little, sometimes even under the pretext of helping.
  • Prohibition and control of communication with friends and even relatives. At first, this can be explained by the fact that this is not the best company for communication, does not benefit your development, and so on.
  • Control of telephone conversations and SMS.

What happens next?

If a girl does not pay attention to the first symptoms of tyranny, she is more and more drawn into this swamp. Over time, the husband begins to show more obvious signs of despotism, such as:

  • it is impossible to please a tyrant, literally everything that a wife does is criticized. How she cooks, cleans the apartment, brings up children.
  • The spouse conducts strict control of material costs. You have to ask for money even for the smallest things. If a woman works, then money can be taken away. Also, the husband often pushes himself to quit his job, that the wife was completely dependent on him.
  • In circumstances where the common man asks for something, the tyrant demands and gives orders. And he does not pay any attention to attempts to object. Perhaps at first it will seem like a manifestation of a masculine character, but time passes and the girl finally loses the right to have her own opinion.
  • After several years of such a life together, the wife herself begins to feel herself a weak person dependent on her husband, unable to live without his help.

This was precisely the goal of the tyrant - to destroy the victim's self-esteem, to make him passive, and in such conditions she would tolerate everything.

If you still find yourself in such a situation and your husband is a tyrant, then you need to decide what to do next - keep the family or divorce. It is not easy to figure it out, and if the spouse is a tyrant, then even more so. After all, the despot will resist your decision, may even become aggressive. Therefore, this moment needs to be carefully considered. But more often than not, this will be the best solution, since there is practically no hope of fixing the tyrant, just as a woman can get rid of the psychology of the victim while under oppression.

How to plan a divorce.

Take your time to tell your husband about your decision to divorce, so as not to run into unnecessary aggression. If you do not work, then you need to think about the means so that it would be possible to support yourself on your own. Perhaps it is worth thinking about a part-time job, so that the husband does not know or somehow justify it to him. You also need to decide in advance where you will live. It is good if there is an opportunity to move to relatives or friends so that you have support and someone to protect. After moving, you can already file for divorce and think about

The innermost dream of the wife of a domestic tyrant is to remain an inconsolable widow.

Perhaps my most primitive dream is to get married, and the most important thing is to be loved and certainly a weak woman. This means that there should be a strong man nearby who will find a way out of any situation, protect, support always and in everything. He will never, even in thought, raise his hand, much less allow others to do it.

For a long time she was jealous of her friend Katerina. Here's a lucky girlfriend, so lucky. A real human being was her Sergei. He wore flowers regularly, met, saw off, gave a lift. Was always there. This is love, I thought! We got married. Nothing has changed in marriage. Hand in hand, dresses, leads to the hairdresser, he chooses and buys underwear. True, over time, I was very alarmed by the strict dosage of communication with us (girlfriends from school). He forbade her to work, even leave the house without him once again. Strictly kept track of which channels she watched, who she called, which books she read. Even Katherine's thoughts were under his control. “What are you thinking about, Sunny? And now? And now (10 minutes have passed) what are you thinking about, Darling? " She wanted to work, she would like a different lipstick, and not a red jacket, but a blue coat. And she decided to leave, there was no more strength to obey and be completely dependent on her husband. In everything, the sympathetic Sergei punished his rebellious wife. They are now, after 5 years together. From the outside they are a wonderful couple, Sergey is the most caring husband. Only a few know true family relationships.

The husband is a tyrant, the husband is a despot. Who is this?

This is a person who imposes his will, he does not tolerate wrangling. You cannot object to this person, since the only correct opinion on any issue is his personal. He deprives his loved one of his personal space. There is not a single secluded corner that would not be controlled by a tyrant husband. He limits communication with friends, even with parents, rummages in things, eavesdrops on conversations, reads other people's letters. Clothes, books, music, even the wife's thoughts are only those that please him, those that he imposes even against his will.

Opens up his hands. Jealous of every pillar. Doesn't allow to paint and, sorry, to wash your hair once again. In fact, in such a family, a certain type of violence is practiced, where the wife is the victim. This is violence over the will, oppression of one's own self of a wife. Very unpleasant and inhuman!

Where do such people come from?

Psychologists say that all problems come from childhood. Despots and tyrants are most often boys who are not loved in childhood, deprived of affection. Forgotten by all. Or this boy had some (perhaps, according to his conviction) flaw: he was red-haired, or short, or wore glasses. Children are very angry! Therefore, he often had to endure ridicule, insults and kicks from classmates. And all his childhood, this child dreams of becoming big. Here he will take revenge on everyone, he will prove the best to everyone, everyone will be afraid and respect him!

How to get along with such a husband? What to do?

The question arises: "Do you need it?" It is no longer possible to remake the tyrant. Tyranny is a kind of mental deviation, a desire to rule and dominate. If a woman has a strong character, then she will resist her husband, she will try to resist. This, I think, is not a happy cloudless family happiness that we dream of, but a constant struggle, quarrels, scandals, beatings. A weak woman, over time, involuntarily turns out to be completely dependent on her husband-despot. As they say, having understood, you can even forgive yourself. She tries to understand and even justify the tyrant. In order to get used to this, a woman develops a rare quality - emotional deafness. She believes that she preserves peace in the family at any cost, but in fact humiliates herself in front of her husband, and he, in turn, asserts himself, taking out all the evil on his wife and children. Trying to somehow grasp the logic in his actions is impossible. Even translated from Latin, tyranny is stubbornness, stubbornness squared. This is a mental pathology of impaired switchability of thinking, limited processes and attitudes.

To my mind? the best result, even perhaps the only correct one, is divorce... And no compromises, which you will still have to regret later. It is a crime to hope for the best for too long!

The first time will be very difficult. The ex-husband will, in spite of everything, chase you, threaten, guard on the street. The most important thing is not to be afraid of him. Your fear helps him get rid of his complexes and poison your life. Fortunately, in fact, all domestic tyrants are "bunny cowards". Albeit with tears, but it needs to be lived through. Many are forced to change jobs and place of residence.

We were born once, and not to endure humiliation and constant fear, but to be loved and happy.

During the candy-bouquet period of courtship, a young man always strives to look his best in the eyes of his beloved. But the girl finds out his real character only after the wedding, in the process of living together. Unfortunately, there are cases when a beloved and tender spouse magically turns into an oppressive tyrant. Most women try to hide this fact from others, but at the same time they experience severe mental suffering. Every woman in such a difficult life situation needs to clearly understand what to do if her husband is a tyrant, how to behave correctly with him and where to look for salvation.

Types of tyrants

In fact, determining whether your husband is a tyrant is not so easy.

Note! A tyrant man in good spirits can be quite pleasant, warm-hearted and welcoming.

And it is often not clear where despotism and tyranny suddenly awakens in such a sweet person. A distinctive feature of a despotic character is the desire to subdue all close people to his will by any available means. There are three main types of tyrants, but in such an explicit form, as described below, they are very rare.

The main aspiration is total control ... Such a man constantly wants to know who communicates with whom and is friends; who went where and with whom; what the person does. Favorite question of a tyrant husband, addressed to his wife: "Where have you been?" He wants to control literally every step of her. And God forbid the wife to stay at work for ten minutes - she will torment her with questions and suspicions. Absolutely everything that happens should be in charge of the tyrant spouse, otherwise he will feel insecure.

Obsessive desire to humiliate a woman ... Men-tyrants of this type regularly arrange quiet torture for their woman. Favorite sayings thrown at her are: “Where are you without me? What can you do without me? Uneducated knot! " Moreover, the husband can pronounce these offensive phrases with a gentle intonation, gently stroking his wife's back. Such derogatory statements help the tyrant to maximize his self-esteem. But in fact, his goal is to convince his wife that she is a stupid and not a person, and without him she is just an empty place.

Physical abuse, assault ... Such indecent male behavior is the most extreme manifestation of tyranny, but, unfortunately, it is not uncommon. The husband's lack of a decent upbringing, sound self-control and self-control, as well as his explosive character, often become the reason for despotic assault. Alcohol and drugs add to this unworthy male behavior. Despite the fact that the tyrant constantly spreads his hands in relation to all household members, in his true essence he is a coward, unable to resist a street bully.

What actions to take for a woman

Before a woman, trapped by a tyrant, sooner or later will face a fateful choice: either she voluntarily become a slave, or try to preserve herself as a person. If a woman decides to remain true to herself, then she will need to take certain steps:

  • Report your husband's antics to all relatives, friends and relatives. Moreover, the husband must know about this without fail, so that it dawns on him that not a single violence or insult inflicted on him will go unpunished.
  • Tell your tyrant husband that there is a way to hold him accountable for physical and mental torture. But in this case, a woman needs to be ready to attract strangers to witness the insults received and traces of beatings.

  • You can also get support by calling a nearby crisis center, talking about your husband's indecent behavior, and asking for help.
  • Start making your own living. A financially independent woman will not tolerate humiliation. Finding a long-forgotten self-esteem is a top priority for a woman who wants a better life for herself. Most likely, she will have to live for some time separately from her husband, however, the presence of children in the family complicates the situation. But you need to understand that the most reliable way to save yourself and your children from the constant attacks of a tyrant is to reduce all contacts with him to zero.
Note! If a woman feels the strength to go through life on her own, she needs to make a final decision and urgently file for divorce.

Improving self-esteem

Note! Most often, a woman who has a low opinion of herself lives under the same roof with her tyrant husband.

To stop giving herself offense, she needs to learn to love herself, but not in the sense of admiring in the mirror. A truly self-loving woman considers herself worthy of all the best, but for this she will have to constantly deal with her own development, be it studies, work or hobbies. Only by increasing self-esteem and gaining self-esteem, a woman will finally be able to eliminate material and moral dependence on her tyrant husband.

Marriage and a happy family life are the things that girls have dreamed of since school. Romantic walks under the moonlight, honeymoon, having children, but then ... But then everything went wrong.

Constant quarrels, nagging, insults and even assault do not fit into the format of a happy family life. How could it happen that a gentle and romantic prince suddenly turned into a real despot and tyrant?

A woman is tormented not by the tyranny of a man, but by his indifference.
Jules Michelet

The problem of male aggression is quite common. At the same time, everyone suffers: the wife, children, loved ones, and, oddly enough, the aggressor himself. The overwhelming number of women, faced with such a problem, silently endure all the insults and bullying, patiently waiting for the moment when everything will work out.

But is it necessary to endure? In any case, the last word is yours.

Causes of aggression

So what's the reason? The nature of male aggression can be very diverse.

One of the most common reasons is dissatisfaction with one's position or lifestyle, as well as professional failures. Being in such a state, a person may not even notice that he is hurting his loved ones, offending them with his words and behavior.

Fortunately, this problem can be overcome, but your desire alone is not enough. A man must fully realize that the way out of this situation entirely depends on him, and, in turn, will meet any of his decisions with understanding and support.

Often women, without noticing it, unwittingly become the reason for the transformation of the fairy-tale prince into a terrible tyrant. In their desire to show tenderness and care, they sometimes go too far.

Often, an uncontrollable desire to please your man in everything leads to the fact that he simply gets used to good things and absolutely ceases to appreciate and notice your efforts.

The people call this phenomenon "zazhralis". Imagining himself as a great padishah, the man begins to cling and scandalize over trifles. And you are gradually turning from a wife into a maid for him, who can be scolded and kicked for or without reason. Caring for a man should be dosed, otherwise it simply loses its value.

In addition to all of the above, the reason for the inappropriate behavior of a man in the family may be a hobby for another woman, the instructions of parents (who often turn sons against their own wives), or maybe just feelings have cooled down.

How to get back the old relationship?

There are a number of very important points, thanks to which you can get off the ground and try to return the old relationship:
  • Straight Talk.
    Sooner or later, the time comes when you need to express all mutual claims and discontent. Better early than late, but the main thing is that in no case be silent. If the desire to change the situation is mutual, contact a family psychologist;
  • Willingness to help.
    If a man's aggression is caused by professional failures or a personal crisis, allow him to feel the support of his family and show a little patience;
  • Try to bring something new to your relationship.
    A change of scenery, a change in the usual rhythm of life - any changes will help you shake up and look at each other in a new way;
  • Force yourself to be respected.
    Take care of yourself, change your wardrobe, find a hobby for yourself - continuously improve. Become interesting to those around you. Start to respect yourself and, perhaps, it will bear fruit.


Any relationship deserves to try and maintain it. If all your efforts are unsuccessful, this is a reason to think seriously. Should you endure humiliation and bullying?

Often, women sacrifice themselves for the sake of their children, in order to maintain a full-fledged family. But is it as complete as you think it is? Will it be good for the children for whom you sacrifice yourself? Maybe it's time to start a new life?

In any case, the decision is only yours.