Can pregnant women travel long distances by car? Travel and pregnancy

Many women sometimes have to travel long distances - and pregnancy is no exception. It can be a trip to rest, to visit relatives, on a business trip, etc. And if earlier we chose transport for a trip based on the principles of comfort or cost, then during pregnancy, first of all, the question of the safety of this or that type of transport for the unborn baby arises. ... Is it possible to drive a car, fly an airplane, or is it better to choose a train? Traveling by train during pregnancy - how safe is it?

Can i travel by train while pregnant?

Traveling by train can sometimes be contraindicated for perfectly healthy women who are not pregnant - for example, if you have seasickness. Pregnant women should also be wary of using the train, especially if the journey is long enough. So, you should not think about train travel during pregnancy in such situations:

  • with an increase in uterine tone;
  • with severe anemia (hemoglobin less than 90 g / l);
  • with ICI - isthmic-cervical insufficiency;
  • with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus;
  • with problems with heart activity;
  • with low blood pressure, frequent dizziness;
  • with significant manifestations of toxicosis;
  • if there were previously cases of spontaneous abortions (miscarriages);
  • with multiple pregnancies (only after consulting a doctor);
  • with a low location of the placenta;
  • with placental presentation.

In the third trimester, it is better to avoid any travel at all in order to avoid premature onset of labor. It is especially dangerous to go on a long journey after 36 weeks of gestation.

If the gestation process proceeds normally, the expectant mother feels good, and the doctor has nothing against such train travel during pregnancy, then traveling is not prohibited. It is advisable to take with you on the road such documents as an "exchange card" (if the woman is already registered with the antenatal clinic), or a medical certificate from a doctor.

What's better? Plane or train during pregnancy

When choosing between train and plane, it is still better for a pregnant woman to choose a train. Flying in an airplane is dangerous due to sudden changes in pressure during landing and takeoff. Yes, and shakes on some planes no less.

If a woman becomes ill on the plane, or premature birth begins, then the chances of competently helping her are much less than if this happens on the train.

Absolutely all airlines do not allow pregnant women to fly at a later date - starting from 36 weeks.

There are a number of other advantages of the train over the plane during pregnancy:

  • On the train you can lie down and even sleep.
  • On the train, you can walk along the carriage, during a stop, go to the platform and get some air.
  • On the train, you can eat or drink whenever you want.
  • The train has a clear timetable that it follows. If the composition is delayed, then, as a rule, insignificantly. The plane can be delayed due to bad weather, and sometimes the flight is canceled altogether.

Of course, the plane has one indisputable "plus" is the speed of movement. However, sometimes - for example, during pregnancy - it is better to move more slowly, but more calmly.

Train travel in early pregnancy

The early stages of pregnancy are a particularly dangerous period, because most complications (for example, spontaneous abortions and missed pregnancies) occur in the first trimester.

If you really need to travel somewhere by train during pregnancy, then first you need to undergo an examination and obtain a doctor's permission for such a trip. It is very, very desirable to do this, especially if you have a long journey.

When going on a train journey during pregnancy, it is necessary to take into account the following characteristic points:

  • It also shakes sometimes in the train: for example, when connecting-uncoupling cars, when changing a locomotive, when emergency braking of the train, etc.
  • If the carriage is overcrowded, there is a danger of a lack of fresh air supply - and in such a situation, most pregnant women feel much worse.
  • It can smell bad on the train: it's no secret that pregnant women often develop intolerance to odors.
  • On trains, sometimes you have to communicate with fellow travelers, conductors, which sometimes you absolutely do not want to do.
  • Toilets on trains are not always comfortable and clean. In addition, sometimes, in order to get to the toilet, you need to wait for your turn, or wait until the train leaves the sanitary zone - and this can be a small problem.
  • People with colds and even viral diseases can travel on the train (especially in winter). If such a person is in the same compartment with you, then the danger of infection is reduced to almost 100%.

However, in most situations, the train during pregnancy is still much more comfortable than some other types of transport. There is only one conclusion: before planning a train trip during pregnancy, carefully weigh the pros and cons, consult your doctor and make the right decision.

The already catching phrase "pregnancy is not a disease" is the motto of many pot-bellies and those who have just begun a new life inside. An “interesting position” forces many women to radically revise their lifestyle, rebuild their plans, and the unborn baby is already beginning to contribute to the life of the parents. Some pay less attention to circumstances and skillfully adapt to any force majeure, despite a bulging tummy.

So, some ladies, frankly, are very worried about this tummy, it is like a golden testicle that they do not want to break and disturb, for example, by a long trip or flight. It is right, it is natural to worry about the safety of the child, but is it worth it to lock yourself in four walls and be afraid of everything and everyone? Let's talk about whether pregnant women can drive long distances.

Why are there concerns?

Anything can happen in the life of each of us, we pursue different goals, set priorities, and sometimes circumstances arise that force us to adapt to them, regardless of our desire. When we talk about traveling by car during pregnancy, we usually mean a long-awaited vacation, for example, on the seashore, which we have been planning and have been looking forward to for the last six months, or we mean a forced trip to visit relatives in another area. And everything would be fine if it were not for the news of an interesting situation or an already existing tummy, for which we are very worried. In any other case, we, full of the spirit of adventurism and anticipation of the trip, would not hesitate to jump into the car and drive even across the country, but here such things are ... So what's the matter?

Indeed, women are not in vain worried about this, and these experiences differ depending on the duration of pregnancy.

Everyone knows that our vast road is not so hot: potholes, bumps and other irregularities make a car pretty shake even with the softest suspension. Shaking for pregnant women is extremely undesirable, while the longer the period, the more undesirable such a trip. The fact is that amniotic fluid in such conditions mechanically stimulates the dilatation of the cervix, provokes uterine bleeding and other terrible things. If you are already "on demolition", then carefully weigh the pros and cons.

Driving a car involves a long sitting position. Even the most comfortable chair will not provide you with the necessary comfort if the journey is more than 2-3 hours. A woman in a position to sit for a long time is not only uncomfortable, but also not worth it at all: the uterus is clamped by the pelvic bones, blood circulation is impaired, including in the legs, the likelihood of edema increases, etc. However, the good thing about a trip by car is that you can stop at any time and exercise a little.

An inconvenient belt, which ensures the safety of passengers and the driver, can overtighten the bulging belly. There is a solution in this case: a special pad for pregnant women or just lie down on the back sofa if it is not busy there.


Increased sensitivity to external factors, especially in the first trimester, exacerbates the experience of the trip. Nausea, dizziness, susceptibility to temperature changes (it becomes especially bad in the summer heat), smells often accompany travelers in position, especially in the early stages.

And, finally, any trip is an excitement that does not fit into the regime of a future mother, because a pregnant life should go on calmly, quietly and without extreme. However, if traveling by car is just a joy for you, and you do not doubt the professionalism of the driver, then, as they say, go ahead and with a song.

Perfect timing

And yet, long trips by car during pregnancy are practiced all over the world, many women comfortably move from point A to point B at different times, and some manage to drive a car, and not just stay as a passenger. Be that as it may, plan a trip (if possible) during the safest period of gestation, namely in the second trimester. Why at this particular time? It's simple:

✓ You have already been released from all the wisdom of the first weeks in the form of nausea, dizziness, drowsiness and general malaise. In general, in the second trimester, women feel great;

✓ the tummy is not too big yet to turn you from a graceful deer into a clumsy duck, does not restrict movement, and it is not yet so hard to carry it;

✓ From 13 to 27 weeks, the chance of an involuntary miscarriage or early birth is minimal.

If you are an autolady and cannot imagine a day without an "iron horse", then you will probably notice, and then compare, that it is the middle of pregnancy that is most "convenient" in terms of movement and travel. Some even wonder if it is okay to travel while pregnant or just drive when needed. Nobody will give you a definite answer, so you have to proceed from your own feelings. If your driving experience is long enough, you feel confident behind the wheel and are used to driving in this way, then you probably shouldn't master the delights of public transport or spend money on a taxi. Otherwise, it is better to abandon this idea.

Separately, I would like to emphasize the role of a pregnant woman precisely as a driver during long journeys. Nevertheless, one should not go on a long journey, and if such a need arises, then notify your relatives about the route and plan it through large settlements where they can provide emergency assistance (all scenarios must be taken into account). If you are traveling with your spouse, then you can easily share driving a car, if you really want to, but not equally! No more than 2-3 hours behind the wheel for you, and entrust the rest to a non-pregnant driver.

After 34 weeks of gestation, it is advisable to completely abandon travel, no matter how desirable. Otherwise, be prepared to give birth in a back seat or in a rural hospital.

If the adventure with a trip of several hundred (or maybe thousands) kilometers does not scare you, then make it as comfortable and safe as possible for yourself. A couple of tips will definitely do the trick for you:

✓ The first thing that you should take with you on the road is all the necessary documents, and after 30 weeks also the "duty suitcase". However, the documents must be with you always and everywhere, and the second is already when traveling (long-distance or not);

✓ Try to travel as a couple or family, without unnecessary passengers, relatives and random travel companions. The fewer people in the car, the better for you: lie down, sit, throw your legs up - whatever you like;

✓ 10 minute stops every 2 hours - an immutable rule. Warm up, stretch, go to the toilet, have a snack;

✓ Do not take dry water and save yourself from quick snacks - your stomach will definitely not like it. A thermos with hot soup, fruits, vegetables, fruit drinks, still water is a good option. You can stop at a cafe if you know the cuisine and have dined there before;

✓ If there is a long way ahead - think over places to sleep, preferably comfortable ones. Although the adventurer did not fall asleep in you, it is better to refuse campsites and dubious hostels, especially from non-stop arrival;

✓ Plan a route in advance through large settlements, especially if the timeframe is long enough. Nobody knows what can happen on the road, so plan your trip so that you can get to a normal hospital on any part of the journey;

✓ Wear comfortable shoes and loose-fitting clothing made from natural and elastic fabrics;

✓ And avoid drafts and overheating;

✓ And use special seat belt pads if necessary;

A car is a universal tool that helps a woman to make her plans as easy as possible. When traveling by car, a pregnant woman makes important trips in a short time, moving comfortably through the streets.

Is it possible to drive a car during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a natural physiological condition, which in no way can be called a disease. If you feel well, there is no need to change your usual lifestyle and give up driving. Traveling by car has a number of important benefits for the mother-to-be.

  • The car provides a pregnant woman with comfortable travel around the city in any weather.
  • Helps to avoid crowded public transport, where not everyone will give way, and different smells can provoke nausea.
  • An expectant mother who knows how to drive a car does not need to stand at a bus stop, wait and storm the bus in order to be in time for an appointment with a doctor or for work.
  • Having her own car saves a woman from a large crowd of people, which is the prevention of various colds that are completely unnecessary for a pregnant woman.
  • For an experienced driver, driving a car gives a lot of positive emotions.
  • In the car, you can create your own microclimate, which makes it much easier to endure any weather conditions - summer heat or winter bad weather.
  • At any time, a woman can stop and rest a little, especially if you need to travel long enough distances.

Safety rules while traveling

A mother-to-be should remember that a pregnant woman driving is a serious responsibility. There are several important safety considerations to consider before getting into your car.

  • Feeling unwell or toxicosis? Refrain from traveling. If this is not possible, ask someone close to you to take you or call a taxi. If you have high blood pressure, you should also avoid traveling on your own.
  • You should not learn to drive at any stage of your pregnancy. This can provoke severe stress that can harm you and your unborn baby. Driving around town or over long distances is okay as long as you are an experienced driver with good training.
  • No motorcycle trips, even if you are the leader of a local bike club and are expert in riding two-wheeled vehicles. This is unacceptable at any stage of pregnancy.
  • For travel, choose a quiet time, when there are few cars on the street, so as not to get stuck in traffic.
  • It is imperative for pregnant women to fasten in the car, while the seat belt should not squeeze the stomach.
  • Do not drive at high speeds. During pregnancy, concentration of attention, as well as reaction, decrease.
  • Always take your mobile phone, exchange card and passport with you, especially in late pregnancy.
  • Do not drive in heavy rain or ice.

Whether pregnant women can drive a car or not is up to you. Remember that you are responsible not only for yourself, but also for the life of your baby. And one more important point: in pregnant women, as a rule, intuition is sharpened. Even if you feel great, but, for some reason, do not want to get behind the wheel, it is better to listen to yourself and use public transport, or, if possible, avoid traveling on this day altogether.

1.How long can you travel during pregnancy? Midwives consider the first and second trimesters to be the most travel-friendly. Behind toxicosis, morning sickness and an acute reaction to stuffiness and odors; at the same time, childbirth is still far away. Of course, you need to consult a doctor before traveling. Contraindications for long-distance travel are exacerbation of any chronic diseases, problems with the formation of the placenta, the threat of uterine bleeding, a history of miscarriages.

2. Which country to travel to during pregnancy? Look for countries with a temperate climate: not too hot, not too dry, not too humid. It is better to give up exotic countries (Africa, Cuba, Mexico, etc.) for a while, because they are in a different climatic zone, and now you absolutely do not need problems with acclimatization. The best directions are where you can fly in 2-5 hours by plane: the south of Russia, Crimea, Croatia, France, Spain, Switzerland, the Baltic countries.

3. When purchasing a tour, please note that health insurance usually does not include cases related to pregnancy, etc. Just in case, have a credit card with you so that in case of unforeseen expenses you do not get into a difficult situation. The level of medical care in the selected country must be high enough. Just in case.

4. It is worth avoiding countries where daytime temperatures rise above 40 ° C. It is also not recommended to go high into the mountains while waiting for the baby, because the higher the altitude, the less oxygen, and the baby needs air for normal development.

5. All-inclusive can play a bad role for you: it is fraught with overeating and inability to choose the most suitable dishes. It is best to eat in cafes, restaurants or cook on your own (if you rent a villa or apartment).

6. Check with your obstetrician / gynecologist. Usually the best time to fly is in the second trimester, from the 14th to the pregnancy. In an airplane, try to move as much as possible. Prolonged sitting in one position can disrupt blood circulation, which is undesirable for you and your baby.

7.If you travel by train during pregnancy, choose the bottom bunk. The trip itself should ideally last no more than 15 hours, maximum - a day. There is not enough air on the train, little ability to move and there are no doctors, although it must be admitted that this is the safest mode of transport during pregnancy.

8. When going on a long trip by car, keep in mind that during pregnancy it is harmful to stay in one position for a long time and overwork. Every 200 kilometers you need to stop and get out of the car, a 15-minute break will help restore blood circulation. Be sure to think about where you will stay for the night and snacks. For long journeys by car, it makes sense to buy a special safety belt for pregnant women.

9. It is best to relax on the beach in the morning before 11 am and in the evening after 4 pm, when the sun is least active. It is not recommended to sunbathe for a long time during pregnancy, because there is a possibility of overheating and provoking the appearance of age spots on the skin. Also, prolonged exposure to the sun for the expectant mother can be fraught with uterine bleeding, overheating, fainting, varicose veins.

10. It is possible, but no more than 15-20 minutes. First, you may not feel tired, which can lead to a drop in blood pressure, dizziness, and fainting. Secondly, expectant mothers should not overcool. The water temperature must be at least 22 ° C.

IMPORTANT! Provide yourself with everything you need while traveling.

What to take with you (list):

  • Medical policy.
  • , a note indicating your blood type and the phone number of your husband or close friends (if you are traveling alone or with children). If you are flying abroad, the exchange card should be translated into English.
  • A gynecologist's certificate with a flight permit (Aeroflot requires this already at 36 weeks of gestation).
  • A travel first aid kit with drugs approved during pregnancy. Please note that many drugs abroad may have a different name or be very expensive. It is better to have what may be useful with you.
  • Sunscreen cosmetics with a protection factor of at least 30SPF.
  • Disposable toilet pads, wet wipes, hand sanitizer.
  • Still drinking water, dry biscuits.
  • Comfortable footwear, light clothing made from natural "breathable" fabrics, headwear.
  • Travel pillow for the neck.

Of course, every pregnant woman should take care of her health, as well as the correct development of the unborn baby. Now you have to give up a lot so as not to harm your future baby. But many women are concerned about the question of whether it is possible to combine pregnancy and travel. Let's try to figure it out. Of course, there are no specific contraindications for this, and it all depends on your ongoing pregnancy. In this matter, it is worth considering the prescribed recommendations of your doctor, if he does not see any threat in going on a trip, then, as they say, a good journey!

So, travel during pregnancy is not contraindicated in cases where your pregnancy is proceeding normally, without any deviations.

If you are still going to go somewhere, then you should take into account some recommendations.

Avoid traveling to exotic countries with very hot climates. Of course, a trip to the sea will be the best choice, but choose resorts with a suitable climate, habitat, cuisine and other things that are familiar to you. During pregnancy, it is worth giving up such extreme activities as diving, rafting, skiing and other similar options. Give your preference to a calm and relaxing stay.

What type of transport should you choose in order to travel without risking your health and the health of your unborn baby? In principle, in the early stages of pregnancy, you can choose any type of transport, if, again, there are no contraindications from your doctor. Traveling by car while pregnant is also a normal option for getting out and about.

If you are going, then do not forget to stock up on a map of the area, emergency phone numbers, as well as the necessary documents that may be useful (for example, a generic card, which contains all the information about your pregnancy).

But in the last stages of pregnancy, it is better to completely abandon air travel and travel by rail. Now labor activity can begin at any time, and while on a trip, you most likely will not be able to provide timely medical assistance.

So, travel early in pregnancy is not dangerous if there are no special contraindications from your doctor. Remember that it is better to refuse to travel to distant countries. Traveling elsewhere is not recommended in late pregnancy. Do not forget that proper and proper rest will bring health, as well as unforgettable emotions and impressions.