Is it possible to change the kindergarten in the electronic queue? How to choose the right kindergarten. Step-by-step instructions How to choose a kindergarten

Whether a child will go to kindergarten or not is a question that each parent must decide individually. To answer it, you need to seriously think about what this will give my child, will it benefit him or harm him? To understand this, you need to learn about all the advantages and "pitfalls" of modern preschool education.

What does kindergarten give a child?

There is an opinion that if a child did not go to kindergarten, then he will not be able to learn to find a common language with his peers and in the future he will have problems with communication and sociability. In fact, if a child is in contact with children while walking on the playground or visiting sections, then this already provides the necessary base and he should not have problems with communication skills. The main thing is to bring the little one “out into the light” more often, do not sit at home. And in kindergarten, despite all the opportunities for communication, the baby has a risk of running into aggression from peers, which can negatively affect the delicate child's psyche and really create problems.

And do not think that this kind of “school of life” is completely harmless, it’s good if the child copes with the stress that has piled on him, but if not?

With constant conflicts in the kindergarten, the child can withdraw into himself. In this case, it is important that the teacher resolve the problem in time, otherwise there is a risk that the child will develop self-doubt and fear of communication itself. In addition, there are cases of gross incompetence of the educators themselves. If a child is systematically subjected to unfair reproaches from adult staff, then he may form the concept that this is the norm of behavior, and that force gives the right to humiliate people who are weaker than themselves.

Many parents believe that they will not be able to develop the child and prepare him for school in the same way as they will do in kindergarten. But no one will be able to convey new information to the child in the way that parents would have done, and he will not listen to anyone like his relatives. And most importantly, in case of difficulties with the study of the material, mom and dad will always help, and the baby will not be afraid to learn new things, he will be confident in his abilities and strive forward. With the right approach of parents to education and development, the baby can achieve much greater success than in kindergarten. Read literature on education, be interested in teaching methods, and the result will not be long in coming.

Another reason for Kindergarten - if a child does not go to kindergarten, he will not learn discipline and self-organization. In reality, things are not so clear cut. After all, at home it is also possible, and in fact it is even necessary, to introduce a daily routine. Organize the baby's day so that everyone is comfortable, diversify it with all kinds of activities and games, give interesting tasks, let him be a little independent.

If your child attends kindergarten, carefully monitor his behavior. It should be alert if the baby began to withdraw into himself, became indifferent to his favorite games, cries before going to kindergarten, gets nervous for no apparent reason and periodically comes with bruises and scratches. Talk to the baby, discuss this issue with the teacher, if there is a problem, then it must be solved.

But do not think that it is impossible to send a child to a kindergarten in any case. Kindergarten kindergarten strife, with the right choice of educational institution, a kindergarten can become a second home for a child and will bring only benefit and joy. And if you decide to send your child to kindergarten, you need to approach the choice very responsibly.

In a good kindergarten, there should be free access to information about the work of the kindergarten, its staff, regimen, nutrition; the menu should take into account the characteristics of a particular child; small groups, no more than 12 people. Be sure to talk with the teacher, let him tell you about his method of teaching children, you can attend one lesson. Talk to the parents of classmates, whether they are satisfied, whether their child is willing to go to this kindergarten.

You can also consider not only public kindergartens, but also private or home gardens, the latter being listed as "child care centers". Choose the most suitable option for your child.

So, the example of North Carolina. I think it's clear that a kindergarten that meets the minimum requirements gets 1 star. On the one hand, it’s not enough, but in fact it’s already good - after all, some kind of verification and evaluation. To get additional stars, you need to earn points on many components over the past year: staff education, the availability of paid vacation or other additional payments from them, the process of teaching children, the standards and approaches used, not to mention the required number of teachers, toys and free areas for games and recreation. Here are just some of the points that are taken into account when putting down the so-called "environment" or atmosphere rating in kindergarten:

  • The ratio of the number of staff and children in the institution;
  • Is the room big enough for the kids and is everything organized safely;
  • Condition and availability of materials for games;
  • Follow the rules for changing diapers / clothes, washing hands;
  • Relationships between educators and children, etc.
These are just a few requirements from a large list, so it's easy to imagine that waiting lists for vacant places in a 5-star kindergarten can drag on for years, although the price there is clearly very high. At the same time, 3 stars is already a very good result. If we consider that the kindergarten must post its scores for each item in a prominent place, it is very easy to understand why one institution has a little less, and another more.

In my opinion, such an assessment is quite a reasonable decision - at least from the point of view of parents. They have the ability to immediately imagine what they are paying for. For example, in Canada, kindergartens are very expensive. Prices vary greatly, ranging from 500 Canadian dollars to (I'm afraid to even guess) 1500 per month. Imagine, when you need to pay such an amount for a month, then at least you want to be confident in this institution. Especially if we are talking about a home kindergarten, where a mother, having her children, takes other kids and looks after them. It is not always possible to determine by eye why one kindergarten costs twice as much as another, so the presence of an official system of affixing stars for specific and public requirements attracted me.

I don’t know how good this system really is, but we can definitely say that the quality of care for children in kindergarten does not always depend on the number of stars, so it’s definitely impossible to rely only on points. What are your thoughts on this?

Related articles: Children

Lara Mom 22.04 13:53

My sister went to the kindergarten screaming. All the neighboring houses heard how she was screaming! Now she says that the nanny called her a "microelement". Now she understands that this is not some kind of swearing, but a statement of fact. She is small in stature (now she is 30 and 1m49cm :)). Memories are not good. But she sent her daughter to kindergarten. Only not at 1.5 years old, as they gave it away, but at almost three.
There are always "two sides of the coin." I think that you need to communicate with the teacher. Ask about your child, talk about his individual characteristics. We brought the nephew to the teacher and said: "The child needs an eye and an eye. She can run away from the playground. Be careful, please."
I believe that a kindergarten is needed. In general, it has a positive effect. But a lot depends on the educators.
Good luck to all!!!

Rinatka Akhmetova 22.04 13:54

I went to kindergarten for about a year, and then flatly refused. She said that I would stay at home alone, but I would not go there. And she was sitting! While my father came home from work (he worked in shifts), I sat alone at home under the table, but I didn’t go to kindergarten! I don't remember what I didn't like...
Of course kindergartens are different. One woman from Australia sent me a description of their kindergarten and what they give children in terms of education and skills, so we read it with the whole family more than once. My Julia can't even part of what the younger child already knows how to do there! I'll ask permission and post maybe an excerpt later. That's what I mean by kindergarten! The child does not want to leave it, can you imagine ...
And our teachers are hungry, they went there out of hopelessness, those who are not enough from God after all ...
Children are often shouted at, forced to sit on pots for an hour, and so on. horror movies. Often the children of educators are simply afraid, they put pressure on them psychologically, destroying their personality and leveling everyone with the same brush.
Of course, there are many good things, and most importantly communication and teamwork. This is very necessary in life.
I, too, solve the problem of how to give good development, love and at the same time a team to a child. Until I came up with the idea of ​​​​creating a kindergarten myself
And you have a lot of all sorts of commercial, elite kindergartens, etc. in Moscow. Where is one teacher for 5 people who knows English and all known methods, etc. Maybe look for something like a development center? Or is it insanely expensive?
We have one such kindergarten in Omsk. There's an afternoon group and classes (they call themselves Montessori). There is a queue for several years in advance and crazy pay.
No, why not business!? People are ready to pay for education, for a good attitude towards your child. There is demand and there is no supply. Something is wrong... the market won't allow it.
And I am also somewhat held back from the kindergarten by the fact that most of the kindergarten children of my friends have very frequent acute respiratory infections. Well, almost only they will be discharged to kindergarten, again on sick leave. I would not want to ruin the health of the child. Although there is an opinion that the child should be in all sorts of infections, this trains the immune system. But my heart just can't accept it...

Remember, the sooner you think about sending your baby to kindergarten, the easier and better your choice will be. You can deal with this issue immediately after the birth of the child. So you slowly decide which kindergarten is more suitable for you and your baby, you can evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of a particular preschool institution. How to choose a kindergarten for a child will tell in this article.

Which kindergarten to choose

First, decide which kindergarten you want to send your child to.

  1. State kindergarten usually located near your home, perhaps you yourself once visited it. Children are often enrolled in such kindergartens immediately after birth, because the queue usually comes up no earlier than three to four years later. State kindergartens operate according to a standard program approved by the Ministry of Education. They accept children according to the area of ​​​​residence, in a group there can be more than 25 children. Funding for these institutions is minimal, so you should not count on a too varied menu and a large number of toys.
  2. Private kindergartens attract potential customers with new toys, high-quality interior decoration, a variety of teaching aids designed for the development of the child, as well as delicious food, small groups, where the teacher will pay attention to everyone. In such a kindergarten, they take it regardless of the place of residence, but the price for the services of such a kindergarten is high.
  3. Departmental kindergartens is a separate category. They like to call them elite due to the fact that it is very difficult for outsiders to get here. Such kindergartens are in the department of any institution or enterprise and are created specifically for the children of employees. They are more well-groomed in comparison with the state ones; such institutions often have their own peculiarities of the educational process. The kindergarten provides a significant discount for its employees, while for outsiders the price can be as high as for a private kindergarten.

What to look for when choosing a nursery

To begin with, in order to choose a kindergarten, you need to collect information about a particular institution. To do this, visit the kindergarten and see how it suits you.

  • Pay attention to the territory, its fenced off, cleanliness and grooming. Is there a playground for games and a gate that closes.
  • Get to know the manager. She will talk about the kindergarten regime, explain how much time is spent on games and sleep, as well as developmental activities.
  • Watch the staff. The group should have an assistant teacher and a second teacher. Note how educators communicate with each other, how they treat children, how passionate they are about their profession.
  • There must be a nurse in the kindergarten and a mandatory medical examination before the child goes to the group. Pay attention to the equipment of the medical office.
  • Evaluate the interior spaces, as well as their suitability for the child's stay. If everything is shabby and badly destroyed, there are no toys or they are broken, you should not waste your time on this garden. If the premises are clean, and the groups look well-groomed, there are toys and teaching aids, the staff treats children with care, then you can think about sending your child to such a kindergarten.

Choosing a good kindergarten for a child is a very difficult task. However, we should not forget that your baby will go to the kindergarten, not you. When choosing, try to take into account his personal characteristics and assess how comfortable your child will feel.

If the kid didn’t like it right away in some kind of kindergarten, draw conclusions. A child, unlike adults, often immediately feels the general mood of a particular group. But keep in mind, if a child has an initial attitude "I don't want to go to kindergarten" - he will reject any kindergarten, even the best one ...

One mother arranged her daughter in a kindergarten, and, of course, she began with an institution that was reputed to be exemplary in the area. There, they say, there is active development, and swimming, and delicious food ... The manager met the visitors not very friendly. Nothing seems to be surprising - the head of the kindergarten, as a rule, is a busy person. But the tone was not too hospitable ... And most importantly, while walking waiting along the corridor, the girl looked into the group and saw this picture: the kids sit decorously on chairs along the walls, with their hands on their knees. This is the busiest time of the day! The child frankly grimaced, and when they were nevertheless invited to the office and they began to hint that it was impossible to get into this institution just like that, the three-year-old girl, without undue diplomacy, said: "Mom, let's go to another kindergarten!" She pulled her mother towards the door. (Please note - we won’t go home at all, but look for another kindergarten!)

As a result, the girl “choosed” an ordinary ordinary kindergarten, unremarkable, but on her first visit, mother and daughter saw a different picture: the teacher brings lunch to the group, and then two children proudly walk in white caps and aprons: one carries bread on a tray, and the other is napkins. And one more thing: while, as usual, they were waiting for an audience with the headmaster (who in the most friendly tone asked them to wait a bit), not a single educative voice from the group was heard in any raised tones. The fact that children are brought up in this garden quite actively, without suppressing their personalities, was liked by both mother and daughter. By the way, the kindergarten in general did not deceive their expectations.

Decide what's important to you

For other adults, a good kindergarten is one where, in addition to general development, they will give a three-year-old baby a bunch of additional items, load him to the limit (for a lot of money from his parents), and as a result, sometimes it turns out that the child will not receive general development. Will be tired. And as a result, he will fall out of love with the kindergarten, and classes, and communication.

To others, a garden closer to home seems to be the most attractive. Many make a choice based on the external and internal "decoration" of the kindergarten - they say, are there carpets, are there many toys, are there repairs ...

Well, your right to use any criteria. But remember: not you, but the child will go to the kindergarten. So maybe being close to home is justified in some way (if you don't have a car). After all, it is difficult for a small child to make a long journey on foot or in public transport at first. But in everything else, keep an eye on the general mood of the team, the spirit that hovers in this garden.

Meet the Head of the Kindergarten

A lot in the kindergarten depends on the head (more precisely, on the head, since the vast majority of women work in this position). Your child will be happy in the kindergarten, which is run by the head, who combines the qualities of a teacher and an administrator in equal measure. I’ll warn you right away: a balanced combination of these qualities is quite rare, there is often a frank bias in one direction or another.

Here is one option: at the head of the kindergarten - wonderful teacher, loves children, respects educators. But at the same time, she completely lacks any administrative skills. And therefore it is difficult for her to control the recruitment and the quality of their work in the field. In one of these kindergartens, the headmaster conquered at first sight: young, friendly, second education - a child psychologist, loves kids and what is called, feels ... But on closer acquaintance with the kindergarten, the parents discovered that in the group their child had a frankly mediocre teacher and alcoholic babysitter As sad as it was, I had to part with the garden.

Option 2: manager born administrator(this is exactly the very indicative institution that we talked about above). The staff is well-trained, the selection of personnel is tough, the supply and maintenance of the kindergarten is at the highest level (and this also needs to be able to organize ...) But at the same time, there is a rather cool attitude towards both children and teachers. That is why the educators themselves, with all their professionalism, often broke down on the children (and so that there were no complaints at work, they simply forced the kids to sit on the chairs - if you don’t want to be pointed out to mistakes, it’s better not to do anything ...) As a result, communication with the kids at exemplary The exemplary provision was rather formal, which was clearly not to the benefit of the children. And the kindergarten actually attracted parents more, and then for the time being.

Third option - happy combination administrator and teacher. This is the kindergarten that a three-year-old girl chose, whom her mother "attached" to a children's institution. Yes, here the manager most likely did not seek to make her garden an exemplary one, but most likely because she understood that this would not benefit the children and staff. On the other hand, it is possible to avoid unnecessary checks and allow educators not to formalize work with children, but, on the contrary, to make it active and close to the children themselves. On the other hand, the organization of work in the kindergarten did not suffer: there were no drunken nannies, no teachers yelling at the children; children's theaters periodically came to the kindergarten, various holidays were organized throughout the year, on New Year's - an indispensable Christmas tree ... This was not all over the edge, but it was felt that the work in the kindergarten was organized primarily with love for children.

What to do if you are actively asked to pay some kind of bribe when entering kindergarten

Often this is framed by the words: "Well, how can you help our kindergarten?" Usually a list of expensive purchases is offered that parents need to make for their offspring to enter the garden. Many parents go for it - they say, there is nothing to do ... And others ask - to pay or not to pay? There is only one answer - do not pay if you get a job in an ordinary municipal garden, in which you are simply obliged to be taken for free, if, moreover, your "turn" has come up for this.

Remember the well-known "law of bribery" - where money was extorted from you once, they will extort you twice and thrice, and why not? You paid once, and then prove later that it was your long-term savings and you don’t have that kind of money anymore!

In general, in any case, when you are offered to pay, ask - for what? If you hope that after your bribe, the child in the kindergarten will be treated better - then most likely, all the children there entered the kindergarten on the same grounds, and your child will not be an exception ...

Of course, we are talking again about the most ordinary garden. If you yourself decide to place your child in a private or specialized paid kindergarten, the fees for admission are initially agreed upon there. But this is no longer a bribe, but the cost of a place. There, this fee is of a completely different nature, and you decide on this fee yourself. At least you know what you are paying for, and at the same time you get the right to demand the provision of paid services. And in the case of unauthorized "help to the kindergarten" from the pocket of the parents - what can you demand?

It is clear that our municipal gardens are in a very deplorable state, and sometimes they are forced to take such measures. But help to the kindergarten may well be not only financial!

In many kindergartens, parents themselves glue and wash windows, bring flowers from home, food for birds and fish, as far as possible; Dads fix lockers and children's furniture. And one mother frankly had no time to glue windows, but having a computer and a printer at home, she typed and printed out the documentation necessary for the kindergarten (since there was no such “luxury” in the kindergarten itself) ... This kind of help is quite natural, especially if do not force by force with threats to recoup the child.

Meet the educators

So, if you have chosen a kindergarten at the head level, get to know those who work in the group that your child will attend.

Yes, at the level of salary that an employee of an ordinary kindergarten receives now, somehow the language does not turn to require special zeal in work - although to the credit of the educators it must be said that most of them are still in a good way fanatics of their work. Although there are also frank psychological sadists who are ready to work practically for free, but as compensation they have the opportunity to suppress people subordinate to them - even small ones.

Getting acquainted with educators, not only evaluate their character and desire to work with children, but also try not to cause tension in them yourself. After all, the key to a successful visit to a kindergarten by a child is the contact of parents and educators, the ability and desire to cooperate mutually.

Naritsyn Nikolai Nikolaevich, psychotherapist, psychoanalyst

Before choosing a private kindergarten for your child, read the main pros and cons of visiting this institution.


  • The number of children often does not exceed 10 people in a group;
  • More individual approach to each child;
  • Diverse menu;
  • Variety of activities;
  • Presence of cameras in many kindergartens with remote viewing for parents;
  • The working hours of the kindergarten are more flexible, it is possible to pick up the child later than in public ones;
  • Parents can make suggestions on the educational process of children.
  • The child adapts more easily.


  • High price;
  • Often they can be located quite far from their place of residence.

Home kindergartens

Home kindergartens are gaining more and more popularity. For many parents, this becomes an alternative solution, in the absence of places in public institutions.

What you need to know about these gardens:

  • This type of activity can be organized if you have a pedagogical education and work experience in a preschool institution;
  • The garden is usually located in apartments or in specially rented premises;
  • No more than 6 people should visit at the same time;
  • All educators must have the appropriate education;
  • A bedroom should be equipped, each child has his own sleeping place;
  • The kitchen must meet all the requirements for cleanliness and safety.

The advantages of such a garden:

  • Individual approach to each child;
  • Accept children at any age, but depending on the average age of the group;
  • A small number of children (usually 3 to 7);
  • Contractual conditions for visiting;
  • Meals are selected according to the requirements of the parents.


  • Such gardens do not have licenses and are organized by private individuals. Therefore, various sanitary checks are not carried out there. The parent must make sure that it is safe and clean;
  • If there are any conflicts with the leadership, it will be quite difficult to prove something;
  • In many kindergartens there is only one teacher, there are no other teachers;
  • Walks take place in the nearby playgrounds. It is quite difficult for one teacher to keep track of 7 children, especially if they are active. Many sites are not fenced and located next to the roadway;
  • Small spaces (3-room apartments are most common). Little space is allocated for games and activities for the child;
  • Absence of a medical worker;
  • High price;
  • In case of illness of the child, as a rule, the cost is not refundable.

Documents for kindergarten

If the choice is defined, another question arises, what documents are needed?

Often, clinics already have doctor's bypass cards for the garden. Also, each institution can give you a detailed list.

List of documents for enrollment:

  1. Statement.
  2. Birth certificate (copy).
  3. SNILS child (copy).
  4. SNILS of the parent (copy).
  5. Parent's passport.
  6. Certificate of registration at the place of residence.
  7. Medical policy of the child.
  8. Agreement.
  9. Honey. card and vaccination card.
  10. Help (095 / y form), provided every year after the summer.

For a medical card, you need to bypass the following doctors: pediatrician, surgeon, orthopedist, neurologist, ophthalmologist, speech therapist, otolaryngologist, dentist.

Vaccination card: DTP, polio, mumps, measles, mantoux, BCG

Analyzes: general analysis of blood and urine, enterobiasis, worm eggs (shelf life is not more than 10 days), ECG.

If you refuse to be vaccinated, then according to Law No. 157 "On Immunoprophylaxis of Infectious Diseases", this is not a reason for refusing to enroll in kindergarten. But you must provide a written refusal in the form N 19n. It can be taken at the clinic or from the honey. worker in the garden.

Keep in mind that the Mantoux test is not included in the list of vaccine refusals. It is not a vaccine.

More and more parents, for a number of reasons, are faced with the need to choose a kindergarten for their child. Not all parents are willing or able to send their children to municipal kindergartens, which for a long time were the only type of pre-school educational institution. Over the past 10 to 15 years, a growing number of different private and family gardens have emerged that offer special early childhood education programs.

In large cities, the choice of gardens is usually wider.

Along with municipal kindergartens, you can find departmental gardens, as well as private and family gardens that are gaining more and more popularity.

In addition, in addition to kindergartens that do not have any particular specialization, there are kindergartens that work according to certain methods of education - Montessori, Waldorf, bilingual gardens.

Based on their goals, parents can choose which garden is best suited to their requirements.

Criterias of choice

How to choose the best kindergarten for your child and what criteria to look for, where to send the baby? When choosing a kindergarten, parents rely on their own special criteria. For example, these could be parameters such as:

  1. Proximity to home.
  2. Cost of education.
  3. Operating mode.
  4. The number of people in the group.
  5. Methods of education.
  6. The ability to take into account the nutritional characteristics of the child (if the child suffers from allergies).
  7. The presence of foreign teaching staff and an international group of children.
  8. Ethnocultural orientation of the garden.

We offer you to watch a video about the main criteria for choosing a kindergarten:

Signs of a good garden

For each parent, there may be a special set of features by which a kindergarten can be classified as “good”.

But, as a rule, there are a number of signs that are called, one way or another, by almost all parents:

  • Educators and teachers- benevolent, loving children, not allowing rude and offensive treatment, using consistency in the principles of education, able and willing to find a way in any conflict situation, able to persuade children, and not force them, listening to the opinion of their parents.
  • Garden areas must be clean and well maintained., the group is divided into several zones - play, for food, for classes, for sleep.
  • garden area well landscaped and cleaned, fenced.
  • Sufficient time for walking, and the walking area is well equipped - there is a sandbox, a canopy, toys.
  • Children have time to play freely- it is at this time that children learn to negotiate with each other, quarrel and put up, develop their imagination by playing role-playing games.
  • Children are well fed.
  • Children often do some crafts- drawings, appliqué, molded from plasticine.
  • There are extra classes, children's matinees are well organized and rehearsed.

Getting to know the management: what questions should you ask?

Before getting acquainted with the leadership, it is worth making a list of questions:

  1. Schedule.
  2. Daily routine - is there morning exercises, the number and duration of classes and walks, the duration of daytime sleep.
  3. Methods of education - what principles of education are adopted in this garden.
  4. List of classes within the framework of the main education program.
  5. Organization of leisure activities in the form of holidays, sports events.
  6. A list of additional classes, on what basis they are provided - paid or free.
  7. Meals in the garden - whether the food is prepared on the spot or ready-made, how the menu is compiled (whether seasonality is taken into account - in spring, autumn and summer, the menu should have more vegetables and fruits).
  8. Number of children in the group - it is preferable that the group has no more than 15 children.

Choice among different types of preschool educational institutions

Which kindergarten is better to choose in order to send a child to it - private or public? Depending on the type of garden, approaches to the selection will differ. If the choice is between several municipal gardens, then you should find out the following information:

If the choice is between private or family gardens, then the following information will be important:

  • The work schedule of such gardens is more flexible - in addition to full-day groups, there may be groups of a shortened day (from 4 to 7 hours), or vice versa, round-the-clock groups.
  • Remoteness from the place of residence - if the kindergarten is too far from home, for a small child, daily travel can be very tiring.
  • Methods of education - if the principles of the Waldorf system are important to parents, then, most likely, the choice of kindergartens will narrow down only to those that practice this method of education.
  • The number of children in the group - if the groups are too large (relevant for a private garden), then it may not make sense to overpay for a private garden, but it is better, if possible, to give it to a municipal garden.
  • Since food is cooked on site in private and family gardens, it can be clarified whether it is possible to take into account the nutritional characteristics of the child.
  • Are there additional classes, and on what basis are they provided.
  • How the morning filter (examination) of children is carried out, how the kindergarten staff act if an unhealthy child is brought to the garden or signs of the onset of the disease are found in the child during the day.


Municipal gardens are gardens that are part of the system of the Department of Education, and therefore under its control, as well as under the control of other departments that monitor compliance with sanitary and fire safety standards.

At the moment, parents are given the opportunity to put their child on the waiting list in three kindergartens.

As a rule, a municipal garden is chosen on a territorial basis (the one that is closest to home), as well as according to the reviews of the parents of those children who already attend this garden.

If children are happy to go to the garden and to the teachers, talk about the time spent in the garden with pleasure and joy, you can expect that your child will be comfortable in this garden.

However, municipal gardens have a number of pluses and minuses that need to be considered.

pros Minuses
  • Located near the house.
  • Low cost.
  • Additional classes (in addition to the standard program) are most often available for a fee.
  • In case of serious conflicts with the management or teaching staff, you can contact higher organizations (department of education or prosecutor's office).
  • Often there are a lot of children in groups - up to 25 people - this makes it difficult, and also increases the likelihood of more frequent illnesses.
  • Often, due to funding problems, there may not be enough caregivers or nannies.
  • The food is not very varied, does not change depending on the season.
  • There may be queues for admission (it is recommended to get on the queue immediately after birth).

Private or departmental

Recently, private gardens have become increasingly popular.. They are of particular relevance in those areas where there is an acute shortage of places in municipal gardens.

In addition, private kindergartens offer specialized education methods - the Waldorf system, the Montessori system, English-language education (with foreign teaching staff) and other methods.

Departmental gardens are under the control of various departments and enterprises.

Most often, you can get into such a kindergarten only if one of the parents works in the relevant department or enterprise. It is most likely impossible to come to such a garden from the outside.

Both types of kindergartens operate on a paid basis. As in the case of municipal gardens, such gardens also have their advantages and disadvantages. The pros and cons of private gardens can be found below.

pros Minuses
  • Small groups (10 - 12 people) - this allows you to apply a more individual approach to education, children receive more attention, quickly adapt to the garden.
  • More diverse classes (in addition to standard classes, English, chess, theater skills and others can be included).
  • Varied and tasty food, taking into account seasonality.
  • High cost of education.
  • In the case of a missed day, even due to illness, the cost of missed days is most often not compensated.
  • They may be far from where they live.
  • Private gardens rarely have a fenced area - children often walk on ordinary playgrounds in the courtyards of residential buildings.
  • Even with a state license or attestation, private and departmental kindergartens are not subordinate to the Department of Education, which means that in case of acute conflict situations, it will be necessary to deal only at the level of the institution's management.

We offer you to watch a video on how to choose a private kindergarten:

Regardless of which kindergarten you choose for your baby, you should know some of the features of the rules and regulations that you will have to adhere to. For you on the pages of our portal there is all the necessary information on this topic. You can also familiarize yourself with the ones that our specialists will give for parents and read about how and how you can or.


Family kindergartens, for the same reason as private kindergartens, are gaining more and more popularity. However, family gardens are even more intimate, as they are usually located in three- or four-room apartments.

It's important to make sure that:

  1. The kindergarten management and teachers have education or experience in preschool.
  2. The kitchen is equipped with all the rules of sanitary safety.
  3. Kitchen staff have medical records and know the nutritional requirements of young children.

Such gardens also have their pros, but the list of cons will be longer.

pros Minuses
  • Such kindergartens take up no more than 7-8 children - it is better that these are children of the same age, and not a mixed group of 3 to 7 years.
  • A small number of children allows a more individual approach to raising children.
  • A varied diet, it is possible to take into account the characteristics of each child.
  • Since the garden is not licensed, there are no inspections by the Department of Education and other agencies in the family garden.
  • Most often, there is only one teacher in the kindergarten, there are no additional teachers.
  • There is no health worker.
  • Small premises (no gym, music hall).
  • High cost of education.
  • In case of illness, the cost is not recalculated.
  • In conflict situations, you will also have to deal only with the management of the institution, without the possibility of involving higher organizations, as is the case with private gardens.