Can you mix natural and dry dog ​​food? What is the best food for a dog? Dry food or organic food

When a small puppy, kitten or adult animal appears in the house, the first thing the owner needs to decide is what is the best way to feed a new pet? And this is natural, because proper nutrition will have a beneficial effect on the development, health and appearance of a pet. It should be noted that the words “proper nutrition” mean a properly balanced diet, which includes all the necessary vitamins and microelements appropriate for the age of the animal. Such a diet can be provided by feeding it with natural products or industrial feed. So let's find out what is better food or natural?

What is natural nutrition

Of course, naturalka is a healthy and tasty food option. But it is important to remember right away: natural food for dogs and cats is not food from our table. An animal is not a person, their needs and desires are completely different. With treats from the table, you will only harm the health of your pet and bring up a beggar.

When choosing a natural food option for dogs and cats, get ready for some challenges. First of all, you must consider and properly balance the diet of a puppy or kitten, dog or cat. You should have enough time to buy natural products and prepare food for your pet. In addition, natural products do not contain fertilizers, additives and gene modifiers, so they are not cheap.

So, you still decided to feed your dog or cat natural, remember:

  1. You need time and money.
  2. Products must be fresh and of high quality.
  3. Feeding a dog or cat 2-5 times a day, depending on the age of the animal.
  4. Food should be slightly warm.
  5. The necessary vitamins and minerals are added to the diet.

Everyone probably knows that the most "natural" food for cats are small mammals and birds. Add here the eggs from the ruined nests, a small amount of grass and cereals. That's almost the entire diet of a wild cat. But thanks to him, she gets all the necessary nutrients and vitamins.

It is clear that at home no one will arrange such natural nutrition for a cat. But if you try, you can organize a wonderful "natural table" for your fluffy. The main thing to remember here is that felines should not be eaten.

  1. Pickles and marinades.
  2. Smoked and spicy food.
  3. Sweets, chocolate, cocoa.
  4. Potatoes, tomatoes, onions, garlic, broccoli.
  5. Mushrooms.
  6. Grapes, raisins.
  7. Citrus, kiwi, pineapple.
  8. Salo.
  9. Bones (any).
  10. Bakery products.
  11. Canned food.
  12. Dog food.

With caution or better to exclude from the cat's diet:

  1. Pork.
  2. Salt and sugar.
  3. Liver and lungs.
  4. Milk (adult animals).
  5. Raw fish.
  6. Fatty fish (in any form).

What is the best food for a kitten?

  1. Milk is not fatter than 3%, goat's is better.
  2. Dairy products: kefir, curdled milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, fermented baked milk.
  3. Chicken meat, turkey, beef.
  4. Kashi: rice, semolina, buckwheat.
  5. Eggs boiled and raw.
  6. Carrots, beets (fresh and boiled).
  7. The fish is boiled.
  8. Greens.

Note! The menu of adult cats differs from the diet of kittens only in the absence of milk in it. Usually, after the age of one year, the cat's body stops absorbing it and she may have an upset stomach. Although, if your adult cat enjoys drinking milk and feels great, you can sometimes pamper your pet.

When compiling a diet for cats, one should not forget about vegetables, cereals and fresh grass, they are necessary for the health and beauty of the animal. Vitamins and trace elements should be added on the advice of a veterinarian.

Natural for dogs

It is worth noting that dogs do not need a wide variety of diets: the more familiar the food, the better it is absorbed by the body. It is more important that a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals come from food.

Note! By nature, dog jaws are adapted to tearing raw meat. Therefore, having decided to feed your dog natural, give him such an opportunity. Meat can be given raw or boiled. Both adult dogs and puppies are recommended sinewy meat without fat. Puppies make smaller pieces.

What is the best food for a dog or puppy?

  • Milk (up to 3 months, sometimes up to a year).
  • Dairy products: cottage cheese, yogurt, curdled milk, cheese.
  • Meat cartilage, they contain many trace elements.
  • Meat: beef, veal, poultry (only without bones).
  • Fish (certain types and no more than 2-3 times a week).
  • Kashi (barley is poorly digested).
  • Vegetables.

Dry and canned food

Many owners feed their pets exclusively dry food. And not only because they contain all the necessary nutrients and vitamins, but also because it is very convenient. Dry food does not require cooking time; no dirty dishes and no worries that half-eaten food in the pet's bowl will turn sour while you are at work or away.

Today, there are many industrial feeds on the market from economy class to elite ones. If you also chose dry food as a food for a dog or cat, then immediately give up economy food, give preference to premium and super premium class food. It contains no artificial additives, a balanced mineral and vitamin composition and contains natural nutrients. For purebred show dogs and cats, special feeds have been developed. When choosing such a feed, there are many nuances to consider. Expert breeders will help you choose the right food for you.

Note! Each age category of cats and dogs needs its own food, as it differs in composition. Never feed puppies or kittens food intended for adult dogs or cats. And make sure your pet always has fresh water. If desired, dry food can be soaked in water or milk. For small kittens and puppies, soaking is a must.

In addition to dry food, the industry produces canned or "wet" food. Many consider it more useful than "drying" and an excellent substitute for natural. In addition to the fact that the animal will never refuse such a treat, canned food has other advantages: sealed packaging and a long shelf life; saving time; high moisture content, especially necessary for cats.

Transfer to natural nutrition

It should be noted right away that the transfer from food to natural is often a troublesome and painstaking task. A pet accustomed to eating industrial food is likely to refuse "unnatural" food.

How to switch from food to natural cat? Be patient and calm. The cat is cunning and will try to pity you or piss you off with its heart-rending meow.

Method one. Translate gradually. Add a little meat to the dry food for the cat, a little more the next day, and so add up to 10 days. On day 10-12, completely replace the food with meat. You can try to sprinkle the natural woman with crushed dry food. The cat gets used to this smell, and she likes it very much.

Method two. A radical method, suitable only for healthy cats and cats. For breakfast, offer the cat a piece of boiled meat. Don't be surprised if she doesn't eat. Remove meat. Try again in half an hour. Try changing meats: beef, chicken, turkey. Doesn't eat? You can give a little raw. Do not give dry food. If the cat has not shown interest in meat for 2 days and has been starving all this time, you will have to transfer from food to natural in the first way. If the cat began to eat meat, mix cottage cheese, vegetables, cereals into it.

How to switch from food to straight dog? Replace one feeding with a natural one. It's better if it's breakfast. Give the dog meat (beef or chicken), after dousing it with boiling water, with grated carrots and porridge. Then, during the day, you can follow the reaction of the dog's body to the products. If an allergy occurs, products are replaced with others. On the 6-7th day, cottage cheese, yogurt, yogurt are introduced into the diet. The amount of dry food is gradually reduced.

Many people prefer to mix natural into dry food in small portions. It is better if in the first 2-3 days the amount of natural food does not exceed 25%.

It happens that the dog liked natural feeding. Then the transfer can be done in 2-3 days, provided that the dog is completely healthy. It is useful to give the dog probiotics during the transfer, they contribute to better digestion of food. After the transfer, accustom your pet to raw meat.

What is better natural or dry food, it's up to you. And, regardless of the choice, remember that your pet needs a properly balanced diet. And it can be both high-quality natural products and high-quality industrial feed.

Dog nutrition is an important part of its existence at home. For this reason, the owner must think through everything to the smallest detail - feeding time, serving size, number of meals, as well as the type of food.

It is important to choose the right type of feed mixture, it can be dry or wet. The main thing is that it suits the pet, contains the necessary amount of useful substances and vitamins.

In order not to make a mistake with food, it is worth considering the important features of dog nutrition, the rules for compiling a diet and choosing food.

Nutrition rules

Proper nutrition of dogs is the basis of their full existence at home. It plays an important role in the development and formation of the animal's body, saturates it with vital elements and promotes active growth.

Important! When compiling a diet, it is worth considering the breed and weight of the animal. Many pet stores have dry or natural dog food that is specially formulated for a particular breed of pet.

So, let's highlight the important rules for dog nutrition:

  • feeding regimen. The time of eating is the main requirement of proper nutrition. This is due to important instincts in the life of a dog, the development of reflexes, and the peculiarities of the hormonal background. For this reason, it is recommended to feed the pet only at strictly set times. Food should not stand in the bowl all the time, it must be removed immediately after feeding. The period of digestion of food in dogs usually lasts 6-7 hours, during this time it is not necessary to overload the animal with food;
  • correct diet. In order for the pet to always be active and healthy, you need to correctly compose its menu. Natural feeding of dogs should be a priority, which means that 40-50% of meat should be included in the menu. The rest should consist of vegetables, fish and other natural products. If you plan to feed your pet with dry food mixes, it is best to first consult with a veterinarian so that he can choose the right food;
  • composition of products. When compiling the menu, it is imperative to take into account the composition, properties and nutritional value of the selected food. If the dog does not have enough lecithin, then buckwheat porridge should be included in the animal's menu. A high level of protein is present in the composition of cottage cheese, and semolina can easily make up for a lack of iron. An animal can get food vitamins from a raw liver;
  • overeating is not recommended. Do not think that the dog will not be able to eat more than it should. Any animal, just like humans, can become obese. And this can lead to the development of serious health problems. Carefully monitor the amount of food that the pet eats, do not give him too much at a time;
  • nutrition should be multi-component. You do not need to feed the animal only meat or fish. In order for the dog's body to be strong, healthy and active, it is worth including different foods in the menu every day - meat, vegetables, cereals, fish, dairy products. If you feed a caudate with purchased mixtures, for example, you use dry food and a natural woman, then you probably wondered more than once whether to interfere or not. Veterinary experts say that it is necessary to interfere, otherwise the animal will have serious health problems;
  • You need to give vitamins to your dog. They can be in the form of complexes that can be purchased at almost any pet store.

For feeding dogs, many owners often use dry food mixtures. This is due to the convenience, no need to spend time preparing food for the animal. Of course, this is not all the positive qualities of dry food, there are others.

However, dry food also has negative aspects that every dog ​​owner should consider. The main disadvantages include:

  • It is not always possible to determine exactly what dry dog ​​food is made of. There is no guarantee that the composition contains only natural ingredients;
  • the composition may contain chemistry, which can adversely affect the condition of the animal;
  • if the food is not properly selected, then in the future it can provoke the development of an allergic reaction;
  • cheap economy-class feed mixtures contain soy or low-quality offal instead of meat. If you constantly feed animals with these mixtures, then over time they may develop serious diseases;
  • in the production of dry food, high temperatures are used, this leads to the destruction of most of the vitamins and nutrients;
  • almost all dry feed mixtures contain preservatives and emulsifiers that can provoke allergies and diseases in animals. However, these components contribute to long-term storage of feed.

Many owners often include natural dog food on the menu. Of course, natural nutrition is much more beneficial for the health of the animal - it contains all the necessary vitamins and substances that the pet needs so much for the development and active growth of the body.

It is worth noting! Before including natural food in your diet, you should consult with your veterinarian. The specialist will be able to tell in detail what you can feed the animal, and what is still not worth it.

Feeding dogs natural food has a number of positive qualities:

  • the dog's natural diet is saturated with vitamins and nutrients, which positively affects the development of the animal;
  • you can independently control the quality and freshness of products;
  • feeding the dog with natural food as close as possible to the natural, "wild" nutrition of animals;
  • you can independently select dog food products that will be saturated with all the necessary nutrients;
  • dog nutrition using natural products is varied. Every day, you can introduce different components into the diet, for example, combine meat and vegetables, fish and cereals;
  • natural dog food is great for animals that are prone to allergic reactions to industrial components. With self-preparation, it will be possible to easily eliminate the allergen;
  • Compared to industrial feed, natural food is superior in nutritional value, usefulness and palatability. If only natural food is used to feed the pet, then the owner can be calm about the health of the animal.

But it is worth remembering that natural food has some negative qualities, among which are:

  • Although some natural products are cheaper than industrial feed, natural nutrition is still relatively expensive. Of course, feeding adult dogs will come out cheaper, but the nutrition of puppies will fly out to the owner in a round sum. The fact is that a growing body needs special products, they must be varied and fresh every day;
  • great investment of time and labor. If dry feed mixtures do not need to be prepared, it is enough to open the package and pour the required amount of feed into the bowl, but with natural food, things are completely different. Before giving it to a dog, it must be cooked. And it will need to be cooked every day, and it will take a lot of time;
  • the norm of feeding with natural food must be observed. If it is incorrectly calculated, then this can adversely affect the health of the animal. Typically, natural product rates are calculated according to the weight of the animal;
  • every day you need to give a variety of components. You can not feed the animal only meat or fish, this can adversely affect the condition. But the use of only poultry meat and bones can quickly lead to metabolic disorders of the animal and to rapid weight gain;
  • It is worth remembering which products are prohibited. A veterinarian can tell you about them. But we can definitely say that dogs should not be given food from the table;
  • for many, it may seem inconvenient to give an animal porridge every day. But this component is really necessary for the full development of the pet, it replenishes all vital elements, strengthens health, and improves immunity. But how porridge can be better learned from the veterinarian, the menu can include buckwheat, semolina, oatmeal.

How to transfer a pet to dry food from natural feeding

Transferring a dog from natural to dry food is not an easy task. You should not think that you can stop giving your pet his usual food so abruptly and immediately pour the dry mixture from the bag into his bowl. The pet may not refuse a new treat, but he may well have problems with digestion.

Important! All veterinarians say that it is necessary to gradually transfer the dog from natural feeding to dry food. So the animal's body will experience the least stress and quickly adapt to a new delicacy.

A dog that has previously eaten only natural food, namely foods with a high moisture content - up to 70%, may be perplexed when meeting with dry food. It will be unusual for him to feel dry pieces in the oral cavity, for chewing and swallowing of which a sufficient amount of saliva is required. In addition, dry food also smells completely different.

But still, if you decide to transfer your friend to dry food, then you need to do it right. The amount of food that is given to the animal should correspond to its physical activity, should be commensurate with its age and breed. For this reason, in order to accurately calculate the required amount of dry feed mix, some important conditions must be taken into account.


It doesn't matter what foods you give your dog - natural food or industrial food - the diet should be the same. The number of feedings per day depends on the age of the animal.

It is worth noting! A growing organism always requires more food, because it spends a lot of energy. For this reason, puppies need to be fed more frequently. Since they spend a lot of energy, then the portions of food should not be small.

The number of times feeding depends on age, namely:

  • puppies aged from one to two months need to be fed often - 6-7 times a day;
  • individuals from two to three months - 4-5 times;
  • dogs at 4-6 months are fed 3-4 times a day;
  • animals from six months to a year are fed no more than three times a day;
  • after a year you need to feed twice - in the morning and in the evening.

Slow mixing

In order for the pet to quickly adapt to the new food and endure it as easily as possible, it is better to give it at first along with natural food. At first, the amount of natural food should be comparatively greater than industrial food. Start mixing dry food with natural food in a ratio of 1:4.

It is important to keep the proportions, if you just add dry food to natural food, then the animal will simply overeat. It is worth paying attention to the fact that dry food restored to a normal level of moisture increases approximately three times, which means that 10 grams of dry food is about 30 grams of wet food.

The established ratio is required to be observed for several days. During this period, it is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the dog, its behavior and health. Particular attention should be paid to her chair. If everything is in order, and there is no diarrhea, constipation, then within a few weeks you can gradually switch from natural food to dry food.

The weight

The amount of feed in a serving depends on the weight of the animal. The larger the animal, respectively, the larger the volume of one serving will be. To understand, it is worth considering a few nuances:

  • if the animal weighs about 10 kilograms, then it will need about 150-200 grams of feed per day;
  • if the weight of the dog is 15-20 kilograms, then she needs to give no more than 300-400 grams of food per day. The quantity usually depends on the class of the product;
  • if your pet is large, then he will need to give at least 600 grams of food per day.

Dosed feeding

It is not necessary to give the established norm of feed at one time. This can negatively affect digestion, can cause metabolic disorders. It is better to divide the established amount of food into several portions and give in parts.

Feeding the dog should be at the set time. It is desirable that there be a certain interval of time between doses.

Scheme of translation from natural girls

In order to correctly transfer your pet from natural to dry food, it is worth considering a certain scheme. It will make this process simple and easy, while it will prevent unpleasant consequences for the health of the animal.

To make the transition of a dog to dry food simple and easy, some useful recommendations will definitely come in handy:

  • do not pay attention to the whims of the pet. The dog is a smart animal, she knows perfectly well that you love her and therefore she will show discontent with all her might, you should not be fooled by this;
  • so that the animal willingly eats dry food, introduce it as a delicacy. It can be given a little for the execution of some commands;
  • gradually replace their regular food;
  • if the dog does not want to eat food in the morning, then leave it for the evening, no need to change it;
  • if the animal categorically does not want to use the selected feed mixture, then it is better to change the brand;
  • carefully monitor the well-being of the pet.

How to transfer your pet to natural feeding from dry food

Transferring a dog to natural food from dry is not so difficult, difficulties can arise only when the dog does not know the taste of ordinary food. This can happen when the owner starts to feed only dry food from birth. However, this rarely happens, usually many dog ​​breeders give their pets a piece of meat, cheese, fish and other natural goodies at least once a week.

Gradual translation without variety

Before the dog is transferred to natural food from dry, it is worth considering the diet that will be observed at first. It is not advisable to allow diversity during this period.

Some useful tips:

  • if you want to feed your pet with raw or boiled meat with the addition of cereals and vegetables, then it is better to choose one type of protein and a source of carbohydrates;
  • in the future, after a complete transition to natural nutrition, it will be possible to gradually introduce other products;
  • the transition from dry food to natural food should be gradual. It is better to start by mixing the dry mix with cooked food in a 4:1 ratio;
  • in the subsequent period, you can increase the amount of natural food, while the amount of dry food should decrease;
  • when switching to a natural diet, it is important to carefully monitor the condition of the animal. Particular attention should be paid to digestion.

In addition, you need to carefully monitor the diet. It is recommended to feed the animal at the set time, between meals it is required to withstand a certain period. Do not overload the stomach of the caudate.

The pet's diet should be varied. Every day he needs to be given different food - meat, offal, fish, bones, cereals, vegetables, dairy products. Additionally, to maintain immunity, the menu should include vitamin-mineral complexes.

Feeding dogs is a rather complicated process, but it is quite doable. The owner must carefully study all the important features so that in the future he does not have unpleasant nuances. It is better to consult with a veterinarian first, because he will be able to tell you exactly what food you can give your dog and which not.

Dry or natural dog food - only the owner of the four-legged decides. Both ways of feeding have both supporters and opponents.

I propose to analyze all the pros and cons of one and the other way of feeding.

Dry food


  • A big plus of dry food is that there is no need to cook;
  • No need to calculate the volume of a single serving, the daily feeding rate is calculated and indicated on the package;
  • The food is balanced and there is no need to buy additional vitamins;
  • A huge variety of feed allows you to choose an individual menu based on the age, lifestyle and health of the animal;
  • If you travel frequently, then dry food is easy to take with you on the road;
  • Cheaper than natural.


  • You do not know for sure what dry food is made of, and whether there really are natural products indicated on the package;
  • Incorrectly selected food can cause allergies;
  • Cheap economy class food instead of meat contains soy or is made from poor quality by-products, which can cause serious diseases in animals;
  • Feed is produced at high temperatures, which contributes to the destruction of the vitamins of the products used for its preparation;
  • Dry food contains emulsifiers and preservatives that can cause allergies and diseases in the animal, but contribute to long-term storage of food.

Natural nutrition:


  • You know exactly what you feed your pet and choose the quality of the products yourself;
  • The food does not contain preservatives, emulsifiers and artificial colors;
  • If an allergy occurs, you can easily replace one product with another;
  • The presence in the diet of natural protein, fiber, fats and carbohydrates;
  • Happy and content animal.


  • You will spend time preparing food;
  • You yourself need to choose the right, balanced diet so that your dog receives all the necessary trace elements;
  • With natural feeding, it is recommended to additionally add vitamin and mineral supplements;
  • With natural feeding, it is more problematic to travel with a dog, since you will need to specifically look for a hotel where you can cook food for your pet;
  • Natural food is more expensive than dry food (although this is also a moot point, because buying high-quality dry food will cost you about the same amount of money as buying natural products).

Today I tried to tell in detail about all the pros and cons of one and the other way of feeding.

Well, what to choose - dry or natural dog food, you decide. The main thing is that your four-legged pet is happy and healthy.

Take care of your pets!


    For almost 6 years we have been feeding our Dzhekushka exclusively with natural products.
    From the very beginning, we did not have a relationship with dry food.
    And I consider it a huge plus to see the happy eyes of my shilopopika when he greedily gobbles up natural meat, sour cream, fish and other goodies. And since we often take Jekusik on vacation with us, I can say with confidence that it is not at all problematic to organize his meals outside the home.
    It's just that when we travel with Jack, we always choose apartments with a kitchen to stay.
    So I calmly cook for him, and it turns out to be much more profitable to eat by buying groceries in supermarkets than to spend fabulous euros on 3 meals a day in foreign cafes and restaurants.

  • Hello! Thank you for such a great site! I learned a lot of new and interesting things! Our beauty is 8 months old, she was initially fed dry food, but her appetite was disgusting! She was transferred to a straight woman, she eats everything with pleasure, but I have a question, how to determine the proportions for one feeding, so as not to overfeed?

  • Good afternoon! I have a question? What if you need to leave for the whole day in another city, while it is possible to take the dog with you, what to feed it on the trip????? Do you have any advice????

  • Good afternoon! Do you think it is possible to replace natural meat with meat "wet" food? For example, feed natural meat for a week, and add meat stew from bags to cereals for a week, plus, of course, vegetables, herbs, vegetable oil? Or is it still not worth buying food in bags?

In this article, I will compare the diet for dogs based on ready-made dry food and natural food (meat, cereals, vegetables). What are the advantages and disadvantages of such food. What is the best way to feed a pet for a beginner dog breeder and why. Is it possible to mix food at the same time, or combine the opinion of a veterinarian.

It is the responsibility of the dog owner to provide the pet with proper nutrition, balanced in all major components. The easiest way to do this is to buy ready-made in the store.

Feed manufacturers assure that all vitamins and microelements are included in the composition of dry feed, they are balanced and meet all the needs of the animal's body.

There are special formulations for puppies with a high protein content, for lactating bitches, dietary, canned food for castrated animals.

It is convenient to feed dry food - just pour the required norm into a bowl and put clean water nearby. However, there is a danger of tooth enamel erosion in dogs if they are fed only hard pellets all the time. Veterinarians recommend that elderly animals soak the granules in water.

It is not uncommon for pets to be allergic to certain ingredients.


  • chicken;
  • wheat;

In this case, the food is replaced with a hypoallergenic composition or the animal is transferred to a natural woman.

I want to please my pet with something tasty, but at the same time give him the maximum amount of vitamins.

Dry food

Dry granules can be divided into classes: economy, premium and super-premium. They differ in price and composition.

Feed economy class

They are inexpensive (about 100 - 120 rubles per kg). As a rule, they are produced at feed mills or meat processing plants, as an accompanying line that utilizes waste from the main production. If you read the composition, most of it is occupied by cereals and vegetable fats.

The value of such feeds is low, they cannot be recommended for feeding puppies, pregnant bitches and older dogs.

Economy brands include Chappi, Pedigri.

Economy dry food pedigree

Premium class

It implies a special production, with its own laboratories and developed recipes for different groups of animals. Such as Royal Canin are successfully used by dog ​​owners around the world. The granules have a pleasant meaty smell, they are nutritious and are eaten with pleasure by animals.

Royal Canin Rottweiler 26 dog food 12 kg for Rottweilers

Super premium class

Super premium is made up of the highest quality compositions of the brands Hills, Proplan, Akana. There are practically no preservatives and non-natural additives in these granules, they rarely cause allergies.

Hill's L/d Liver Care Dry Food for Liver Dogs

The price for 1 kg is 400 - 600 rubles, but it is justified by its high quality.

Pros and cons of ready-made dry food

  • ease of use;
  • ease of storage;
  • balanced composition.
  • high price;
  • the possibility of an allergy.

natural nutrition

Natural feeding is called a diet consisting of the usual food: meat, boiled cereals, vegetables, dairy products. This is the natural diet for the animal, provided it is balanced. Some breeds (hunting, shepherd) need raw meat, they feel unwell on dry food.

The proportion of quality meat (and not bones and fat!) Should be at least 60% of the daily food intake. Dairy products are not cheap, and you can’t feed an animal with cereals alone.

Meat must be present in the pet's diet

The difficulties of natural feeding include the need to prepare products for feeding: cook porridge, cut meat, wash and clean vegetables, mix ingredients. Food and prepared food should be stored in the refrigerator.

You can not feed your pet rotten vegetables, dirty cereals, not fresh meat! It is forbidden to feed the animal waste from the human table.

Experienced dog breeders prepare their own pet food. They argue that this is the only way to be sure of the quality of the food consumed by the dog. For the correct compilation of the pet's diet, depending on its breed, sex and weight, there are special tables and calculators.

Pros and cons of natural foods

  • it is the natural food for the animal;
  • the possibility of compiling an individual menu;
  • confidence in the freshness of products.
  • time-consuming preparation and storage;
  • high price for quality products.

It is strictly forbidden to use fragile and tubular bones, fragments will damage the stomach

Is it possible to feed dry and natural food at the same time

Veterinary experts categorically speak out against the combined, mixed type of dog feeding.

To digest dry food, certain enzymes are produced in the dog's stomach that are not suitable for digesting natural food.

For this reason, the transition from dry to wet (natural) feeding and vice versa should take place gradually over two weeks. During this time, at one of the feedings, the usual food is changed to a new food. Gradually, the food in other feedings is also replaced.

Some owners of their pets practice giving fresh meat, kefir and vegetables in one feeding and dry food in another. They claim that the dog is not harmed by such food. Nevertheless, high-quality fresh meat in the dog menu cannot replace any expensive food.

It is not recommended to mix ready-made food pellets and porridge, meat or vegetables in one bowl!

As a result, you can add - the choice of diet for your pet depends on the capabilities and preferences of the dog owner. Both options are suitable for feeding a pet, provided that the owner responsibly approaches the diet and does not save on the pet.

If a dog appears in the house, you are responsible for its life and health. And this health is largely dependent on nutrition. Compiling the right diet for the animal is the key to its normal life, long life and the absence of problems with the body. After all, the dog should receive with food the whole complex of minerals and vitamins that it needs.

Dry food is a real find for owners. With it, a person no longer needs to take care of the proper nutrition of the dog. Many dry foods are labeled "complete". This means that such food can completely replace other types of food, without compromising the health of the dog. But how to feed the animal correctly so that it feels good?

The benefits of dry food

Why dry food has firmly entered our lives and the lives of our pets? Why has dry food become so popular that it is now available for almost every pet dog?

Dry food has many benefits. Firstly, it is a balanced diet that can satisfy the dog's need for all the necessary vitamins and minerals. The owner does not need to worry about what else the animal may need - everything is in one package. Secondly, dry food is convenient for the owner - poured into a bowl and no problems. No need to waste time cooking, heating, cooling. Dry food does not require special storage conditions. This convenience facilitates the process of keeping a dog in the family, which gives a definite plus.

If necessary, you can buy dry food for a dog that is at a certain point in life. If the bitch is pregnant or nursing puppies, she needs more nutrients, which is taken into account by the special series of dry food for pregnant and lactating. There is also a line of food for sickly, mobile and allergic or obese dogs. This allows you to adjust the nutrition of the animal at different periods of its life.

There is another advantage of dry food - the financial side of the issue. Yes, many do not bother and feed the dog from the common table - a lot of money is not spent on this. However, on such a diet, the dog will not last long. For normal life, he needs vitamins, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, meat, fish every day. Dry food is much more profitable than preparing a natural full-fledged dinner for your dog every day.

Dry food is small pieces of food that differ in calorie content, quality and taste. When choosing a brand of dry food, pay attention to its class. Premium dry food usually contains absolutely all the minerals and vitamins that the animal needs. However, in order for the dog to learn them all, it is necessary to feed the animal with dry food according to the rules.

  1. First you need to choose food. If you feed your dog the same food all the time, don't change it. There is an erroneous opinion that says that you need to add variety to the diet and change the brand of feed. This is not true. If your pet's food suits him perfectly, his coat is silky, and he feels good, do not change the type of food.
  2. You can buy food "by weight" only in large veterinary stores, in which there is a large turnover. If a large bag of food was opened more than a week ago, you should not take such a treat.
  3. Don't buy too cheap pet food. Often they do not contain the declared vitamins and minerals. In addition, they need to be supplemented with complementary foods - other necessary minerals. Cheap food often does more harm than good.
  4. If the dog eats only dry food, a bowl of fresh water should always be within sight of the dog. Since the food swells in the stomach of the animal, this can cause thirst, in which case the dog drinks water in excess.
  5. Feed your dog dry food strictly according to the schedule. Give food to your pet at the same time, preferably twice a day. The portion size should also be the same.
  6. Some dogs are happy to crunch dry food, and then wash it down with water. This is correct, since solid food relieves the animal of tartar. If your dog does not like to gnaw crackers, the food can be soaked - it swells up beautifully, becomes soft and appetizing. Some gourmets prefer to eat food only when wet. For soaking, you can use not only water, but also kefir, yogurt, etc.
  7. Dry food should be stored in a kitchen drawer, in a well-closed bag. Be careful and close the package tightly so that cockroaches and other animals do not get inside. In addition, if the package is left open, the contents quickly deteriorate, become rancid and lose their useful properties. Often the owner does not even suspect that the pet continues to eat a spoiled product.

These are the basic rules that must be observed when feeding an animal with dry food.

Can I feed my dog ​​only dry food?

Not only possible, but necessary! Developing the composition for the future dry food, manufacturers are counting on the fact that the dog will eat this product all the time. But many owners do this - they feed the dog with ordinary food, and the food is given only as a treat or encouragement. This is fundamentally wrong. If you are going to feed your pet dry food, everything else should be removed from his diet.

If you feed your dog with food and supplement with meat, an overabundance of protein can occur in the body, which leads to various problems in the functioning of the kidneys. If you give your dog dry food and supplement it with fish, this leads to an excess of phosphorus. If there is a lot of phosphorus in the body, the dog will suffer from urolithiasis, the bones will become loose and brittle, and anemia will appear. When feeding porridge, there will be an excess of carbohydrates, which leads to excess weight and related problems.

In addition, the dog's stomach with a mixed diet has to constantly readjust either to dry food or to ordinary human food. Frequent adjustments can lead to gastritis.

The exception to the rule is small pieces of treats that can be used as a reward during training. You can pamper your dog with pieces of cheese, dried fruits, crackers or boiled meat.

All these arguments suggest that it is possible to feed a dog only dry food, and it will not need additional nutrition. But how much food does a dog need so that it does not overeat and feel good?

Puppies tend to eat more often, but in small portions. If you are giving dry food to a small puppy for the first time, you need to introduce it gradually, starting with a teaspoon per day. If the dog does not have allergies (which can be manifested by skin redness, itching, anxiety), you can increase the dose of dry food gradually to the age norm. Feed your dog only food that is appropriate for its age. After all, babies need other vitamins and minerals than adult dogs.

In general, each package indicates the amount of dry food that a dog needs per day. Puppies up to two months of life eat 5-6 times a day. At three months, the number of feedings is reduced to 4 times. At six months, the dog eats 3 times a day, and after a year it is transferred to two meals a day. You need to feed the dog at the same time, preferably at regular intervals, that is, at 8 am and 8 pm. The amount of dry food per day is calculated by the weight of the pet. If the dog weighs less than 2 kilograms, the amount of its food should not exceed 60 grams of food per day. A 5 kg dog is entitled to 90 grams of food, a 10 kg dog - 160 grams. If a dog weighs 20 kg, she needs 300 grams of dry food per day, and if a giant weighs 40 kg, almost half a kilo of food.

This is the norm for active dogs that play, jump and run for more than an hour a day. For sofa couch potatoes, the amount of food must be reduced by 20-30%, otherwise they will begin to gain excess weight. Also, the dog's diet should be reduced by a third if it is elderly. But if the dog works, feeds milk or is pregnant, her diet, on the contrary, increases by a third.

Types of food

Just like human food can be of high quality or not, dog food is also divided into classes.

  1. Economy class. Such feeds are not very high in calories, they require more volume so that the dog gets enough nutrition. Economy class feeds are made from low quality products, essentially waste. If you give your dog a similar food, take care of additional vitamin and mineral complexes, since the economy class food does not make up for the dog's daily nutritional requirement.
  2. Premium class. The calorie content of such a product is 300-350 calories per 100 grams of product. Such feed is made of their by-products, contains a sufficient amount of minerals and vitamins, and does not need additional enrichment.
  3. Super premium. This is a high quality product that contains in its composition all the vitamins necessary for the dog's body. This is a balanced diet that can become a complete diet for constant feeding.
  4. Holistic class. This dog food is made from high quality products, the food has a great nutritional value. Designed for show dogs, pets that are in the rehabilitation period after illness, as well as for pregnant and lactating bitches.

If you want to feed your dog only dry food, choose a brand that is at least premium. Otherwise, the dog may develop health problems over time.

Separately, I want to say about fresh feed, which are also on sale. Most manufacturers have in their line of products wet food in the form of canned food with pieces of natural meat. It can be given to a dog as an additional source of protein, in the form of a treat. Contrary to popular belief, wet food is not a substitute for dry food, it does not contain the whole palette of useful ingredients. However, this food is great for older dogs with bad teeth or problems in the gastrointestinal tract.

Dry dog ​​food is a real breakthrough in veterinary medicine. The presence of dry food greatly facilitates the life of both the dog itself and its owner. If you feed the dog constantly with dry food, he is less sick, his teeth remain strong for many years, and his coat shines. If you decide to have a pet in the house, take care of his diet and do not count on your own strength. It is quite difficult to choose a balanced diet from natural products - this can only be done with the help of a doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the dog. Take care of your pet's health, feed him dry food!

Video: how to feed a dog dry food