Folk games for Christmas. Christmas games and contests for children

Winter shints

Many Russian folk holidays are accompanied by reminiscent of the theatrical representation of actions, often unusual and incomprehensible. Why are people from year to year, from century to century on certain days as if performed by well-learned roles? It is hardly for these and similar questions everything will be able to answer. Most, probably, will say that so, they say, this is the tradition.

Right. Such is the tradition. And her roots leave in the time of gray-haired antiquity, in the time of pagan.

There was time. Along with the development of a person, his religious performances developed. In a single whole, pagan holidays and Christian, adapting to popular life. A series of holidays and memorable dates has become a convenient timeing system for peasants.

The most fun holiday was the shinties. The batch week accounted for a frosty winter season, took place from 07 to 19 January. In fact, it was not one holiday, but a few.

Christmas of Christ - January 07, the New Year, which came to Vasiliev Day - January 14 and Baptism - January 19.

The shints are from the word "saint".

The shints are a bright example of how not only get along, but also intertwined, the Christian and pagan holidays with their rites and traditions merge.

First Holy Holiday -Christmas.

The beginning of the holiday was preceded by a forty-day Christmas post, during which not only it was impossible to "eat soon", but every passion was rebored. Therefore, it is possible to imagine how long the first evening before Merry Christmas.

The Christmas Eve is called Christmas Eve, because on this day "to the first star" the post should be observed particularly strictly, there is nothing but the cochiva - the bread-eyed ceremony with honey.

In the evening, everyone went to the church - to the all-sleeping, during which the people led by the priest committed a congestion. His mandatory attribute was a Christmas lantern - the symbol of the Bethlehem star, which referred to the birthday of Christ's Baby to Him. Returning from the Church home, the whole family sat down at the table.

After the meal, the youth went to Collast. Walked from home to home and sang congratulating songs-carols, in which the owners of the house were famous and contained the prosperity of wealth, harvest, largeness, etc.

Camelade came,

On the eve of Christmas!

I would uncle kindness!

Note money on the pass!

Having issued - you won't give

Will wait,

At the gate stand!

Golden head

Schelkova beard!

You feed the Pie

For the sake of the Holiday Christ

Pie then at least fresh

Although their

Yes Wheat!


Love more!

Special treats are baked for this holiday - "Kozuli" cookies. The hosts were gifted by cookies, candy, money. If the hosts greeted or did not give anything, then the rounders sang naughty carols with comic threats:

Do not give pir

We are a cow for the horns.

Do not give quask-

We are a pig for the temple.

Do not give a bin

We are the owner in Pink.

Everything that the owners gave, the bole gathered in the bag, and then collectively eaten.

During the density, the density ranked three times: in the Christmas Christmas Eve, under the New Year, in Vasilyev the day and in the Epiphany Christmas Eve.

Often, along with the ranks went rich. The guys, the girls and adults sought to dress up so as not to be recognized: Faces smeared soot, put on masks. Most often changed in animals - bear, goat, bull, horse, etc.

Out without an invitation with noise, the gamas burst into houses, bringing revival and fun in them. Various scenes were played out, which flew spectators who often became participants in the action.

After a stormy Christmas night with a collage, games of the ritual, ritual laughter and fun - the ceremonies of pagan - there was a peaceful morning, bringing with him calm and elevated Christian rites.

The church clergy hurried to circumvent the peasant yards to congratulate the owners of the Merry Christmas of the Lord God and the Savior of our Jesus Christ. A christmas lamp was carried in front of the process.

Following the priests, children and teenagers also walked from the house to the house of chocolate Christ. In each group, any of the guys carried on a long six star, made of foil or colored paper, symbolizing the Bethlehem star.

Entering the hut, the children first performed the trails, and then began to sprinkle everything around and people with grain, which was perceived as the wish of wealth in the coming year.

Second HolidayNew Year, or Vasiliev Day.

He was copious by the old calendar - January 14th. The celebration of the New Year began on the eve of the evening. The youth went to rank. But the New Year's bond was somewhat different from Christmas. Songs had a different chorus: oxen. The title is coming from the word "oxen". This word is associated with the ancient name among Russian people of January - "Prosinets", which means "brighter".

We went, approached the paths,

Hey, oxen, hey, oxen!

We were looking for, I was looking for

And Sergevnin Yard.

We found her courtyard Sceress Moscow,

Sing of Moscow - the gate is red.

New Year was special congratulations.

Sway, I feel, sow

Happy New Year.

For the new year, for new happiness

Breaks wheat, spikes, lentils,

On the field - shocks, on the table - cakes.

On the night of the New Year (Vasilyev evening), a festive table was covered in each family. New Year's feast was especially lush. It was believed that the abundance of dishes would provide the same abundance of products for the whole year.

With Vasilyeva Day began "terrible evenings" - the real rampant rampant strength. It was a time when it could be in contact with her to ask about his destiny. The girls gathered at the gatherings and arranged fortune telling. Of course, it was a sinful and dangerous thing, but so I wanted to know what is waiting ahead, learn about personal happiness.

Devils, left,

Demons, devils,

Come burn!

Narrowed, rich,

Come to join me

Quality me, taking me.

Adults were wondering, but the questions of the spirits were others: about the crop, about the rating of livestock, which promises the future - wealth or poverty, health or illness ...

There were many divination methods. But the main thing is to push the "sign" correctly, which is submitted by unclean power.

Epiphany - The third holiday of the shin.

On the eve of the baptism, the third time ranged, the festive table was covered. In the baptism of sanctified water, all sins were washed - "cleared".

Epiphany Christmas Eve is the main day of the soda fortune.

The girls guess their fate:

Cockerel, Cockerel,

Golden scallop,

You are on the floor

And my fate find.

With the help of fortune telling, they tried to find out when it was destined to marry, whether it was to have a wealth or poverty.

In the shit, the guys looked out for their brides, because after the holidays it began to be weddings. The girls peered at the gatherings, playing, and to draw attention to themselves, organized dance.

The shinties have ended with their fun, fortune telling, rhodation, festive carelessness and mischief.



Games - a kind of school of a child. They are satisfied with the thirst for action; It seems abundant food for the work of the mind and imagination; The ability to overcome failures, to experience failure, to stand up for oneself and for justice. Games - the key to the full spiritual life of the child in the future. The games were an indispensable element of folk rituals. Unfortunately, the folk games today almost disappeared from childhood. We would like to make them the property of our days.

Almost every game begins with a choice of leading. Most often it happens with the help of readers.

There are games in which players are divided into teams. So that it does not arise disputes, conscriptions were used: who choose? What do you choose? What will take?

The invaluable national riches are calendar folk games. They are of interest not only as a genre of oral folk art.


Clouds, clouds, clouds, clouds.

Rides a horse big, mighty.

Through clouds he jumps

Whoever believes, will come out!

One two three four!

Lived mice on the apartment,

Tea drank, cups beat,

For three money paid!

Who does not want to pay

So led!


Blook Blue

Or Yellow John's wort?

From the river Yersh

Or from the woods of hedgehog?

Hay kost.

Or claw gold?

Summerly duck

Or Wooden Dudka?

Game - "Baba Yaga"

Driving - Baba Yaga - is blindfolded in the center of the drawn circle. Playing go in a circle without going into it. One of the players pronounces:

In dark forest

The hut is treated backward.

There is an old woman in that hut

Grandmother Yaga lives.

She has big eyes,

Standing hair.

Wow, and terrible what

Our grandmother Yaga!

At the last word, playing in the circle, and touch the Baba Yaga. She tries to catch someone. Caught becomes a Baba Yaga.

Game - "Two Frost"

On the opposite sides of the site, there are two "houses" lines. Playing are located in one "house". Two "frost" are selected: blue nose and red nose. According to the signal "Frost" say:

We are two brothers young

Two frost are removed,

I - frost red nose,

I - frost blue nose.

Who of you will decide

In the path of the road to empty?

All playing chorus answer:

We are not afraid of threats,

And the frost is not worried.

After the word "frost", all players are moving into the "house" on the opposite side of the site, and "frosts" try to "freeze" them, touched by someone's hand.

Game - "paint"

Playing choose "Mom", "Angel" and "Chour". Themselves become in a row, at the end of a number of "Momka".

All players are given names - the name of any paint: red, green, and so on. "Angel" walks on the one hand, "damn" - on the other.

"Angel" says:

Knock, knock under the window.

"Mom" asks:

Who is here? What came?

For paint.


Behind white.

Named comes out and takes on the side of the "Angel". "Damn" for his part also knocks under the window and the question "Who is there?", Answers: "I am damn with horns, with hot cakes." Then also calls paint. When playing will be divided into two batchs, they are dragging on a stick: on whose side of power is more: on the side of the "Angel" or "Chour".

Game - "Salki"

Children diverge on the site, stop and closed their eyes. Hands in all behind his back. Driving imperceptibly for others puts one of them in hand any item.

On the words "times, two, three, see" children open their eyes. He who got the subject raises his hands up and says: "I am Salka." Participants of the game, jumping on one leg, run away from the cabin. The one he touched his hand goes to drive. He takes the subject, raises it up, quickly says words: "I am Salka". The game is repeated.

Rules of the game:

  1. If the playing is tired, he can jump on one, then on the other foot.
  2. When the cabins are changing, playing permitted to get up on both legs.
  3. Salka should also jump on one leg.

Lyudmila Mikhailovna Bebenin
Scenario of Entertainment "Christmas Games"

Purpose: Socialization of preschoolers through attachment to national culture.

In GEF on pre-school education social and personal developmentit is considered as a comprehensive process, during which the child absorbs the values, traditions, culture of society or the community in which he has to live.


To acquaint children with Russian traditional traditions - holding a degree in Russia;

Develop interest in the values \u200b\u200bof the culture of the Russian people;

Facilitate the development of unity, cohesion of children in the game of games;

Education of positive emotions.

Preliminary work: Arching of rolling games and dances on physical education, riddling mysteries, learning spelling, observation work for the preparation of adults for the holiday of Christmas, watching the starry sky in the morning and evening hours, viewing biblical illustrations, a priest's conversation with children (with parental permission, manufacture with children Angel toys in visual activities, considering winter patterns on the window, building an ice mountain.

Material: The decoration of the hall with a codty tradition - "Vertel" (imitation of the cave, nursery, Christmas trees, sculptures of animals, homemade Bethlehem star, Icon of the Kazan Most of the Virgin Mary, homemade Bethlehem star on a stick, masks of the goat and other animals for richness; candlestick. Call, 2 bag, prizes - Notepads.

Equipment for moving games: Rope, 2 cap, 2 bags, gymnastic sticks for each.

The course of entertainment.

In the hall, the light is muted and candles are lit in candlesticks. Under the bell ringing, children quietly enter the hall. Consider a fixed "vertel".

Educator: (Children agree)

Among the winter - a big celebration: a great holiday - Jesus ... (Christmas)

He is waiting for everything - from kids, to dad and mothers and all the elegant rush to the service in ... (Temple)

And, waving green needles, bangs everywhere christmas ... (Christmas trees)

So that with the prayer passed today, all people light home (candles)

And in the church, the sermons joyfully hit, and after Merry Christmas Jesus (congratulations)

The miracle of all wonderful on this day came true - I came to Earth (Jesus Christ)

Children, after the Nativity of Christ in ancient in Russia, people spent shirts. They congratulated each other: "Christ was born - Slavit!" And celebrated bright and solemnly, rank!

We went with the Bethlehem star in the courtyards, sang songs-carols.

Let's play so! (Children put on masks, the teacher of one group takes the star)

The game "Kolyada came"(Alternately, the children of each group go towards each other)

Kolyada came on the eve of Christmas

Who will give a cake -

That is full of hlev

And who will not give the cake -

To the chicken leg,

Pest yes shovel,

Cow humpback! (children treat each other - put on a bag of bagels, candy)

But the goat! Goat - symbol of good, wealth in the house. It must be drawn. Let it be treated with hay. Play the goat with us.

The game "goes goat around the bridge" (Children get up in the dance) (2 times)

There is a goat on the bridge,

And wiely the tail.

Caped for the railing,

Right in the river landed - and boo!

And now I will knead the dough, we will cut the pies for the holiday.

Game "Bubble" (on the development of power quality - children pull back and hold hands tightly) (2 times)

Well, not getting on the hot frying pan!

Game "Skovorod" (the children hold hands and try to tighten each other in the socket of the pan) (2 times)

He tells everyone to dance, will try to sing songs,

He merges all in a row, it's not tired.

All centuries we have, friendly, noisy ... (dance)

Horovoda "Oh, Guys, Ta-Ra-Ra ..." (2 times)

Oh, guys, Ta-Ra!

Mountain stands mountain

And on that grief oak,

And on Duby - Funks!

Raven in red boots,

In gilded earrings,

He plays a pipe, in silver.

Pipe is accurate, gilded

Pipe Flood, Foldable Song! (Raven "flies" for the circle concerns one of the players - he becomes raven)

Who will repeat the patter for me?

"She sews a cap and not in Codekakovsky" are awarded prizes for activity.

Sit, we will remove the riddles with a rest. (Children sneeze the riddles, give the prize to the guess)

Kalechina-Malechina game (with gymnastic sticks, keep on the palm after the song)


How many hours remains

Until the evening, to winter! (children consider how much will keep)

How much hours do you have? And you have? Etc.

Competition game

"Sweat of the Cap" (knocking down a parsley cap stuffed snow)


"Who is faster in the bag"

The game "Tetherka Walked"

The tetherka was walking, Machova went,

Herself went through all the children spent

And the best - left!

(Children holding hands with a chain pass through the lips of the hands at the top of two children - "Boots". After words, the backs are lowered and pick up the caught. He must say that he chooses: "Moon" or "Sun" and stands for leading. After 2 teams - children pull each other)

The same two teams become against each other - wall on the wall.

Game "And we got sown"

First row:

1. And we hired the land, hired (go, holding at the hands to meet - to peck)

Oh, Did Lado hired, hired. (depart back - to peck)

Second row:

2. And we land Pariili, Paris

Oh, Did Lado Paris, Paris.

First row:

3. And we were sown, sowed

Oh, Did Lado sowed, sowed

Second row:

4. And we are millet, extinguishing

Oh, Did Lado Pulloppaching, extinguishing.

It's time to finish our games. Thanks to the Great Holiday Christmas Christ, we are nicely ranging and played!

And now I will arrange tea drinking and invite all of our employees.

Publications on the topic:

"Games with a woodwist" physical education in the first youngest group. Purpose: To form and educate in children the need for rolling games,.

"Christmas carols". Entertainment Scenario for Medium Group Children "Christmas Customs" Scenario Entertainment for children of the Central Group in the framework of the "Russian Izba" project. Purpose: maintain Russian folk.

Scenario of entertainment "Christmas shints" Objectives: "Expand knowledge about folk traditions, to form interest in folk games, songs, develop cognitive and creative activity."

Scenario of Entertainment "Games of Our Childhood" Joint entertainment with parents in the week and toys. "Games of our childhood" Dear Parents We are glad to welcome you in our.

Scenario of Entertainment "Christmas Combols" In the hall to the music "Good evening, people" include children - "dressed". Ahead of everyone goes a boy and carries a "Christmas star". Children: Kolyada came.

The Christmas games, contests and more will recreate the atmosphere of the holiday. It is not so difficult to arrange them, as it seems at first glance. Next, we list the most popular games for people of any age. Game - Present Participants must come up with a present that he would produce for a neighbor. After that, using gestures and signs, each of the participants alternately demonstrates the present. After guessing the present to the present, he begins to invent his gift to another. It is not allowed to say words out loud.

Game "Real current"

All participants should sit down at the table and hold hands. After that, the choice of Tamada and the participant from which the competition will begin. The very first participant takes a man's hand near, and he transmits it to another. After the command of the leading stop the game stops. At this point, the presenter must determine the jiberation on whom. If he succeeded, the players change places. And if not, everything remains unchanged.

Game "Transfer Orange"

All participants must stand in a single car. The task of the game is to convey in a circle of orange and in no case do not touch it with your hands. In other words, making a transfer with elbows or heads. If the fruit gets into the floor, then the game must start first.
Game "Duck and Goose"
Players get up in a circle and put hands on the shoulders to each other. The presenter of all of the players is separately pronounces on the ear who will be. In the future, the rules of the game are told - those who play in the role of geese, must push the leg, and ducks are sitting on the floor and pick legs.
Game "Christmas tree"
The host must choose one participant, tie his eyes and put in the middle of the circle. Other participants hold on arms and drive around him a dance, performing a song about the Christmas tree. As soon as the team sounds, all participants freeze. The goal of the player located in the middle, guess which of the participants stands near him. If he guessed, the guys are changing and continuing to play.

Games for kids

"Do not give snowfish to fall"

Thanks to this game, children develop a reaction and patient. The tutor gives the players a small piece of cotton wool, called snowflake. Children must come to the balls, and on the team to throw them upstairs and blow, so that the snowflakes were held as long as possible in the air. Wins the one who could not miss the snowflake longer.

"Gather a snowman"

Thanks to this game, the child develops imagination and smelting. To play, it is important to pre-prepare components: carrots, cap, broom and mugs different in size. The game is played by couples. By teammate, each of the participants proceeds to the manufacture of its own snowman. Wins the one who will do this first.
Games for the whole family

Competition "There are Christmas trees"

Santa Claus serves in the title role and explains the participants the rules of the game. Those who are above the rest of the growth raise hands up, and lower the hands and go squatting. Then the game begins. The main goal of the lead is to confuse the children.

Competition "We are looking for the fastest"

Competition "Balloon"

All participants take on the balloon. The kids throw a ball into the air and try not to allow his fall to the floor. In addition, it is not allowed to touch it with your hands.

Game "Mittens"

It is necessary to pre-cook a bag with toys and mittens. The child is awarded not thin mittens, which must be put on, and after lowering them in a bag with toys. The main goal to the touch guess what he took. In addition, funny christmas games include:

The game "Specled"

The game is universal because it can play it not only children, but also adults. Before the start of the game, you need to write on the little sheets of body parts. All leaflets fold into the bag. Players alternately reach the leaves and face each other written on the sheets of body parts. As a result, it comes out a cool chain.
As an option to hold a contest with riddles. It is written in advance with riddles that belong to winter topics.

The game "Sour cream"

A small plate is taken, which add a bit sour cream. After children from the back, they put their arms and for a while they offer to eat sour cream, without using hands. The winner is the one who will make it faster.

The "accuracy" game

The game must be done outside the house. Her task is to divide the participants into two teams. Some distance from them are buckets. For a while you need to make a snowball and throw it in a bucket. The winners becomes the team that turns out to be the most label. At home, too, there is the opportunity to play this competition, you only need to replace the snow with paper balls.

Game "Divination"

Pre-acquire a different number of keyfobs, which depict animals, cars or money. Everything is removed in the package. Players alternately take one of the souvenirs and try to express the present. For example, if someone got the machine, therefore, next year he will acquire a car. If it is, for example, a monkey, then there will be a trip to warm countries, money is unexpected wealth.
It is important to remember that every child needs encouragement, it did not depend on or not. After all, games should bring positive emotions, and not to look for a winner. According to the well-established traditions, small carols can be learned with the guys. The game will bring joy to children, and besides, their efforts will be encouraged by a delicacy or souvenir.

You can arrange a grand holiday and rank away. It is necessary to purchase everything in advance for the celebration. In the old days, the carols were carried out in certain costumes, for example, a hare, a bear, a wolf and the like. Cooking will be a kind of real fun, will help develop a fantasy and creative start in children. People who are planned to come to visit, it is important to communicate about the arrival. Children should not know about it, you need them to think that everything is done spontaneously. Everything is thought out thoroughly and should not determine the leader. In addition, it is necessary that the planned guests prepared different treats for children, it can be lollipops, candy and small chocolates. Costumes for children can be rolled, if you allow the means, then buy together in the store or make your own hands.

When the New Year tree is still in the house, it can be done without difficulty. It remains only to hang other toys, opening the secret of ancient history about Jesus. After all, it was he who began to decorate the trees. Initially, he endorsed apples with apples, rowan red berries, and plums - plums. The trees alternately came to him, and he decorated every tree, but one stood aside and shy to come to him. When he saw him, he said that modesty is always rewarded and this tree will be more beautiful than everyone else. That is why every year the Christmas tree is decorated with the most beautiful New Year's toys. After the story you can make the manufacture of bright crafts on the Christmas tree with your own hands. Today in stores you can find a huge variety of various jewelry, which can easily decorate or glue yourself. The kit includes everything you need, and they are not expensive. But you can and get paints, paper, glue and everything else. View on the Internet. Possible manufacturer options and with children start execution.

In addition to the listed, you can come up with your game. For example, arrange a game - rod. Everyone is divided into pairs, take hands and raise them up. The couple, which passes through the raised hands, chooses a new couple. And change places. You can play indefinitely. It is also possible to invite to visit Tamada, who will preliminarily designate the necessary components for games. Most often, souvenirs are acquired, which are awarded both the winner and as a present of the loser.
Games There are a huge set, it remains only to show fantasy or read the possible options in the World Wide Web.


Congratulations on the holiday:Christmas

Christmas contests

Game - Competition "Pass Orange"

All the guys are built into one rang. The essence of the game is to transmit on the chain of an orange (small ball), provided that it is impossible to touch the hands of the hands (that is, it is possible to transmit with the help of the shoulder, chin, etc.). In case the orange (ball) falls on the floor, the game begins again (or the player drops out of the game, win 2 remaining players).

Competition "Hold Snezhinka" (The game develops dexterity and endurance)

The presenter distributes to each child to the small lump of the wool, which he denotes the "snowflake". Further, the children break their lumps, and on the team of the host throw them up and begin blowing, so that as long as possible to keep your "snowflakes" in the air. The winner becomes the player who the very latter was able to keep his "snowflake" in the air.

Game "Guess and come up with rhyme"(children and parents play)

The presenter reads the riddles, children are guessing, and parents come up with rhymes for the word-commercially. Wins the one who called the last word.

Sheltered the ground by a down blanket,

Sought rivers with strong ice

Patterns on the window drew

Sparkling white silver. (Winter)

Hooked for the cornice
Head hangs down.
Acrobatka - Krochotulka,
Winter Lollipop - ... (Soselka)

He is one of the snow
From carrot nose his.
Slightly warm, paying the VMY
And melts ... (snowman)

Whose drawings on the window
As a pattern on a crystal?
Winter Grandfather ... (Frost))

Became in the stars

In the air a little

Village and melted

On my palm. (Snowflake)

Snow is circling along the streets,
Like feathers of white chicken.
Winter-winter girlfriend,
Northern Guest ... (Blizzard)

I was lying all winter
And in the spring ran away. (Snow, snow)

Competition "Show without words" (children and parents play)

For the competition you need to prepare notes with winter phenomena or things. For example, wind, sledge, ski, Snow Maiden, Santa Claus. The essence of the competition comes down to the fact that the participants in the competition must stretch the notch and dance, move the movements that it is written on it. The most original dancer is given a gift. (Parents show, children guess.)

Competition "Snowballs"

From the wool (paper) you do "snowballs", distribute them to two teams. The task of the guys - from a short distance to get to the bucket. Which team has less misses, she won!

Game - warm-up before the competition "Out of the Christmas tree"

We will play as an interesting game with the guys: what the Christmas tree is dressing, I will name the kids.

You Listen carefully, and answer.

If we say correctly, say "yes" in response. Well, if suddenly - incorrectly, say boldly "no!"

Multicolored flappers?

Blankets and pillows?

Clams and cribs?

Marmalaka, chocolates?

Glass balls?

Wooden chairs?

Teddy bears?

Buvari and books?

Multicolored beads?

And the garlands are bright?

Snow from Wat White?

Rangers and portfolios?

Shoes and boots?

Cups, forks, spoons?

Candy shiny?

Tigers real?

Golden cones?

Stars radiant?

Well done, you wonderfully coped with the task. And now the competition "Fucking the Christmas tree".

Competition "Dressing the Christmas tree"

Children dress up to the Christmas tree with toys and tinsel (parents play the role of the Christmas tree). 2 Couples dressing up a Christmas tree, 2 pieces of pairs are discharged.

Game attentiveness.

- We answer "yes" or "no".

Santa Claus is known to everyone, right?

He comes exactly at seven, right?

Santa Claus - the old man is good, right?

Wear a hat and calosa, right?

Soon Santa Claus comes, right?

He will bring gifts, right?

The trunk is good for our Christmas tree, right?

He was cut from double bastards, right?

What grows on the Christmas tree? Cones, right?

Tomatoes and rugs, right?

What, beautiful our Christmas tree, right?

Everywhere red needles, right?

Santa Claus is afraid of the jewel, right?

He's friends with the Snow Maiden, right?

Well, the answers are given to questions, you know everything about Santa Claus. And this means it is time to come, which is waiting for the entire defores. Let's call Santa Claus! ...

Additional contests

Competition "Who is the most deft?"

The presenter decides on the semi New Year toys. All children go to the music in a circle for the lead and on his team or a scroll try to take a toy from the floor (table). The one who did not get toys leaves out of the game. Next, the game continues again. Winning toys as a gift.

Game "Choose yourself a gift"

1 option: Through the entire room stretching a clothesline with sicks hanging on it. Each participant with tied eyes cuts off a gift. Lead comments on every gift. If the gifts got not at the address, then you can, with the consent of the participants, change.

Option 2: Put gifts in the same boxes, 2-3 boxes leave empty. Who will choose which box, that gift and get.

Competition "Gemini"

Two people are suitable for each other and embrace with one hand (one takes the partner with his right hand, the other left) it turns out that each of them turns out to be one free hand. Then they get a task that must be performed as if it is - two hands of one person. For example, cut out the figure. The 1st participant with his left hand holds a sheet of paper and guides it correctly, the second right hand - cuts scissors. I like the following task option more: to lace a shoe, put it in the box, pour flour into the bank from the package, close it with a lid, put again into the box, and close the box and tie a ribbon. For a good task execution, 2 connections are given ....

Competition "Catching Snowball"

The game involves two teams. One child from each team in hands a blank package that he holds wide open. Each team has several paper snowballs. On the signal, everyone starts throwing snowballs in the package, the partners also help, trying to catch them. The team wins, who in the package will be more snowballs ....

Contest proverbs. (For parents)

Offer guests to pronounce a familiar, familiar text of the proverb in return to the one that will sound:

1. The gift is not discussed, accept what is given ...

(They do not look at a given horse's teeth.)

2. You need to learn throughout life, every day brings new knowledge, knowledge is infinite.

(Live and learn!)

3. If it took for what? The case, bring it to the end, even if it is difficult to do it!

(He took up for a man, do not say that not a duzh!)

4. Nolescence, the trouble happens usually where what? Something unreliable, fragile.

(Where is fine, there and breaks.)

5. As you yourself feel about another, it will be treated for you.

(As it will appear, it will respond.)

6. Do not try for strangers.

(Not knowing the broth, do not fall into the water.)

Competition "Our smaller brothers". (For parents)

Each insect, each animal has its own motto. Offer guests to guess which one who has:

1. "Repeat - mother teaching!"(Parrot)

2. "Hold your pocket wider!"(Kangaroo)

3. "Tears of sorrow will not help!"(Crocodile)

4. "There is safety in numbers!"(Locust)

5. "Go foot!"(Caterpillar).

Christmas - What do you know about him?

In essence, this competition is a big quiz on Christmas topics.
1. In which city was Virgo Mary born? (Little town in the northern part of Israel - Nazareth.)
2. What was the name of the Archangel, who brought the good news of Mary about the birth of a son named Jesus? (Archangel Gabriel.)
3. Why did Joseph and Mary have to go to Bethlehem? (At the direction of the Roman Caesar, the population was held, according to the terms of which all residents had to be located in the city of their ancestors. Maria and Joseph were the heirs of the kind and house of King David. Bethlehem was the hometown of David.)
4. Where exactly did Jesus Christ be born? (All Bethlehem hotels were busy due to the census of the population, so they were forced to stop in the cave, where shepherds came across their cattle. Maria gave birth to a baby in this cave and put it in Nursery.)
5. Who first recognized about the great event, the birth of the Savior? (Angel came the shepherd from Bethlehem, so they were the first to find out about it.)
6. Why did the shepherd hastily go to Bethlehem? (Shepherds knew that the Savior came, and wanted to worship him.)
7. What exactly did the gifts implied the Magicians to Jesus? (The first offerings of the Son of God were: Smirna (since he was mortal, and any deceased at that time was put on incenses), incense (for he is God) and gold (for he is the king of all people)).
8. Why does the star be installed on the Christmas tree from above? (This is a memory of the guiding star of Bethlehem.)
9. What do gifts under the Christmas tree symbolize? (They repeat the gifts of Magi Baby Christ.)
10. What are these lanterns that are worn by Christ? (They also resemble the Bethlehem Star.)
11. Who knows what is Nursery, where did the baby Mary Mary put? (They are a feeder where animal feed are put.)
12. Why did Christo get the name of "Mother of all existing holidays"? (The birth of Jesus on Earth marked a new era. Therefore, modern announcing completely sounds like such a year, from the Nativity of Christ.)
13. Who knows what denotes the word "vertel"? (Vertel is a small box that was carrying a bole or, in old, slathers with him. Also, a verteres called the theater, where the rounders showed scenes from the Bible. Each such performance was held under the christmas song and carol.).


"At the time of my student, I really deftly conducted one trick with all those who wanted to know the name of their narrowed, which I, in turn, learned to the company of the same curious girls of my older sister in the company. And the whole focus is actually very simple, like all Ingenious. For the success of this event, a bathroom is needed or simply a sink with a small piece of soap, preferably completely flat, although anyone is suitable for the lack of another. Well, and the rest, that is, a flock of thirsty truth, I think there is also a matchbox, After all, the candles need to be lit, so buy in advance. And when all this is ready, everyone gathered, everyone has already exhausted their knowledge in the field of Christmas ghosts, you, as if by the way, you can ask: "And I can say how to call her husband Any of you ". In response, you can hear anything: surprise, distrust, etc. But necessarily someone will interest it. It all starts. You can still say your intriguing phrase, Nothing On the inside of your forearm (from the brush to the elbow) the cooked pasting of any male name. It is necessary to make it a rib slightly wet soap so that the hand remains dry. If you did not have time to do this in advance, then after you all interested, do somehow so that you need to go out (get the match, hairstyles, in the end, go to the toilet), just do not say that you need to prepare for fortunening, it can alert the most suspicious, and there are always such everywhere. When you delete, you need to write any male name or the name of the alleged groom that the first was called. When you return to everyone, it is necessary to offer to everyone with a serious look to focus and in no case laugh, in general, to impose fog. Then suggest a girl for whom fortune-telling will be carried out, burn 5-20 matches (how much soul will wish, but not less than 5) and spread completely burnt matches on your prepared forearm. When the girl will burn matches, she must fully focus on his future, as she sees it (or come up with something interesting again for the same fog). Then, with no less focusing, it is necessary to confuse the burnt matches right on your hand (cruel, but what you can't do for laughter), with each of its movement on your hand will peck the name you have previously written. You can believe, even the most skeptical persons will believe and want to do it yourself, and may not be one time. For the second and subsequent times, you will not need to look for an excuse to remove to cherished water and soap to write a cherished name for the next girl. It is desirable that no one knows this joke besides you, but it is not so important if that person is your ally. It is also important to be absolutely serious and even, maybe, indifferent, in no case laugh. When everyone is satisfied, you can and tell about everything, unless you want to keep the monopoly also for the next year. In my case, from the very beginning there was most skeptics, and began everything because of curiosity. And at the end, even the most ardent skeptics so broke up and seriously believed. Doubts from them remained even after I honestly told them. But in general, everyone was satisfied, and that the most interesting, even after my recognition, everyone was told that their narrowed would be called exactly how I predicted. I wish you all good luck in holding this fortune telling! "...