Folk remedies for high blood pressure during pregnancy. What is hypertension, its types. High blood pressure at different stages of pregnancy

Arterial hypertension during pregnancy is the most common cause of maternal deaths during childbirth. Most women faced with this problem ask themselves: how to reduce blood pressure during pregnancy?

There are various options for treating hypertension and correcting blood pressure levels. It is necessary to periodically measure blood pressure and, if it rises, immediately seek medical attention from a doctor.

Causes and mechanism of development of arterial hypertension in pregnant women

There are many different theories for the development of hypertension in pregnant women. However, not all of them have been scientifically proven. In most cases, an increase in blood pressure is recorded in women who had a hypertensive status even before pregnancy.

In some cases, symptomatic arterial hypertension is detected, which develops against the background of diseases of other organs. Stressful situations and the corresponding reaction of the woman's body play a certain role in increasing the level of blood pressure. The more such situations, the higher the risk of developing hypertension and complications.

The human body constantly produces certain hormones and mediators. Depending on the balance of these substances and their interaction with each other, the state of a person is also determined.

The pressor system includes the sympathoadrenal, aldosterone, and renin-angiotensin systems. The depressor system includes the calicrein-kinin system and prostaglandins, which promote vasodilation.

Thus, if the action of the pressor systems predominates, then blood pressure rises, cardiac output increases, and peripheral vascular resistance increases, which leads to a thickening of the vascular wall.

The increased work of the heart leads to the development of hypertrophy of the heart muscle, and in the future - to its relaxation and dilatation. The vessels of the kidneys are also affected, which leads to their ischemia, the production of angiotensin increases even more and the level of blood pressure rises.

In order to reduce the pressure during pregnancy, it is necessary to find out the cause and eliminate it or influence the pathogenetic links of the process.

Clinical manifestations of high blood pressure in pregnant women:

  • Headaches and dizziness;
  • General weakness and fatigue;
  • Perhaps the addition of a feeling of nausea and vomiting;
  • There may be pain in the chest;
  • Sleep disturbances and unreasonable feelings of anxiety;

Quite often, episodes of increased blood pressure are not accompanied by clinical manifestations, which is very dangerous for both the mother and the child.

How to lower blood pressure at home for a pregnant woman?

Every pregnant woman who has reported more than 2 cases of high blood pressure should consult a doctor and visit a health school. After a thorough examination, the doctor will be able to prescribe drug therapy and make recommendations regarding diet and exercise to prevent complications and premature birth.

There are methods that can be used to reduce blood pressure in a pregnant woman at home:

  1. The thumb or forefinger is pressed on a point in the occipital region of the head and held for about 10 seconds, after which it is released. After a break (up to 30 seconds), press on the point again and hold it.
  2. Ingestion of fresh beet or birch juice will help lower blood pressure. This method is also used to prevent the occurrence of hypertensive crises.
  3. If the pressure increases, you need to squeeze and stretch the middle finger of your left hand with your right hand, then vice versa.
  4. You can not strain your eyes during a hypertensive crisis (give up reading and watching TV for a while).
  5. Doctors recommend following a diet that limits the intake of table salt to 5 g per day and the amount of animal and vegetable fats. You should increase the amount of vegetables, fruits, dairy products and cereals in your diet. Be wary of chocolate products, do not drink strong tea and coffee.
  6. Fresh vegetable salad can help lower blood pressure: carrots, raw beets and cabbage.
  7. Normalization of sleep and rest. Sleep should be at least 10 hours a day.

The above methods of lowering blood pressure should not be used without first consulting a doctor!

After a complete clinical and laboratory examination, if necessary, the doctor prescribes drug therapy, which includes a specific antihypertensive drug or a combination thereof.

There may be certain indications for hospitalization of a pregnant woman in a hospital for treatment. Such readings are classified as absolute and relative.

An absolute indication for hospitalization of a pregnant woman is an increase in the level of habitual blood pressure during pregnancy by 30 mm. rt. st ..

This group also includes pathological changes in the central nervous system, in which case it is urgent to start parenteral administration of antihypertensive drugs.

Relative indications for hospitalization include the ineffectiveness of the prescribed treatment with antihypertensive drugs, the addition of signs of preeclampsia or pathology of the placental system, the need for an examination to clarify the genesis of hypertension.

Principles of drug treatment for high blood pressure in pregnant women

Among all medicinal antihypertensive drugs, there is not a single harmless drug for the fetus of a pregnant woman. The effect of many substances on the growth and intrauterine development of a child has not been studied. There is a classification of antihypertensive drugs according to the degree of negative impact on the child, which includes 5 categories:

  1. It is recommended to start antihypertensive therapy with safe drugs that do not in any way affect the condition of the fetus, but give a slight hypotensive effect: aspirin, mineral magnesium, calcium gluconate. These drugs belong to group A.
  2. Vitamin therapy and some myotropic antispasmodics are used in the initial stages to reduce blood pressure in pregnant women.
  3. In the first trimester of pregnancy, methyldopa and hydrochlorothiazide are allowed. These drugs are classified as category B (experimentally established a harmless effect on the fetus of an animal, studies on pregnant women have not been carried out).

Methyldopa should be taken at 250 mg. per day, gradually increasing the dose. However, it is not recommended to take the drug at 16 weeks of gestation, as it may adversely affect the fetal nervous system.

  • If drugs of category B do not give the expected effect, then they resort to prescribing calcium antagonists. They belong to group C (use only if the therapeutic effect outweighs the risk to the fetus). These include verapamil, nifedipine, amlodipine.

You should not simultaneously prescribe nifedipine and magnesium sulfate, as there is a risk of developing an uncontrolled hypotensive state.

  • Beta-blockers are classified as drugs of category C. They do not have a teratogenic effect, but can lead to a delay in the intrauterine development of the fetus and a violation of its adaptive mechanisms in the future. The most selective and safe drug in this group is bisoprolol at a dosage of 10 mg per day or labetalol.
  • If all of the above drugs do not have the desired effect and the blood pressure of the pregnant woman is still high, a centrally acting drug, clonidine, is prescribed. Clonidine belongs to category C drugs. You can start taking it from the third trimester.
  • Diuretics are prescribed only for strict indications, in particular hypothiazide (belongs to class B), since when using this drug, the volume of circulating blood does not increase. There is also a high risk of electrolyte disturbances and kidney dysfunction.

Relief of hypertensive crisis in pregnant women

If the blood pressure level in a pregnant woman is higher than 170 to 110 mm Hg, then immediate medical correction is required. To do this, use the following drugs:

  • Beginning therapy with hydralazine at a dose of 5 mg, administered intravenously or 10 mg - intramuscularly. If no effect is observed, then after 20 minutes the drug is injected again in the same dosage. After reducing the pressure, it is necessary to repeat the introduction after 3 hours.
  • If there is no effect after taking hydralazine, it is necessary to use labetalol at a dose of 20 mg, injected intravenously or intramuscularly, then re-enter 40 mg after 10 minutes and 80 mg after another 10 minutes. If the pressure has not decreased, you need to switch to another drug.
  • Nifedipine is taken twice with an interval of 30 minutes in the form of a tablet at a dosage of 10 mg.
  • If there are signs of encephalopathy, then sodium nitroprusside is prescribed at a dosage of 5 mg per 1 kg per minute, the drug should be administered no more than 4 hours.
  • A solution of magnesium sulfate at a concentration of 25% is administered in 20 ml intravenously. It is used as an anticonvulsant and for the prevention of preeclampsia.

Pregnant women are categorically contraindicated in taking angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and angiotensin receptor antagonists!

Even if you have never had high blood pressure, blood pressure can rise in the third trimester of pregnancy, causing you to experience many unpleasant moments. Dizziness, tinnitus, headache, nausea - these are not all signs of high blood pressure in a pregnant woman.

See also: Why do pregnant women develop hypertension?

If the high blood pressure is within the physiological norm, then it does not pose a danger to the expectant mother and her child, but a higher one can have serious consequences. Therefore, if you feel unwell, be sure to contact your doctor.

Self-medication during pregnancy is unacceptable, since many drugs that normalize blood pressure are contraindicated during pregnancy.

Read also: Pregnancy and medications: how to be treated without pills

However, there are also methods for short-term reduction of blood pressure during pregnancy.

Massage. Self-massage of the head, neck, collar, abdomen and front of the chest. Massage is performed by rubbing, kneading and stroking. A good result is given by massage of the shoulder blades and shoulder girdle. After the procedure, rest and lie down for 30-40 minutes.

Acupressure. To relieve pressure during pregnancy without medication, use the pad of your thumb to press the junction of your spine with your head, count to ten, and release for a few seconds. Then repeat the manipulation again.

Hot water massage. A stream of hot water directed to the cervico-occipital region helps well with increased pressure. The procedure takes 5 minutes.

Contrasting foot baths. Lower your feet alternately in cold and hot water for 2 minutes. Carry out the procedure for 20 minutes, finish it with cold water.

Hot hand bath. A hot hand bath can help reduce high blood pressure. The water temperature should be about 45 ° C, the procedure time should be 10 minutes.

Juices. Pomegranate, birch, beetroot and cranberry juice will help reduce blood pressure during pregnancy. Mountain ash juice will also help reduce blood pressure, but it should not be consumed more than 2 tbsp. spoons 3 times a day, otherwise it can act as a laxative.

Rosehip water infusion. Rosehip infusion will help not only lower, but also help fight swelling during pregnancy. However, be careful: in case of hypertension, an alcoholic extract of rosehip is contraindicated, since it has the opposite effect - it increases blood pressure.

Water, lemon and honey. You can easily prepare a safe pregnancy blood pressure reliever with a glass of mineral water, a tablespoon of honey, and the juice of half a lemon. You need to drink "lemonade" in one go.

Holding your breath. With a sharp increase in pressure, try to relax and try to hold your breath while exhaling for 8-10 seconds for 3 minutes. This technique can very quickly reduce blood pressure during pregnancy by 30 points.

Fresh air. At the first sign of a sudden increase in pressure, it is recommended to go out into the fresh air. A leisurely walk can help reduce pregnancy high blood pressure by 10-20 points over 30-40 minutes.

See also: Pressure during pregnancy: what it tells about

See also: Why measure blood pressure during pregnancy

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Almost every pregnancy is accompanied by different changes. Even those women who have not previously had problems with blood pressure may face a problem while carrying a baby. What to do? How dangerous is arterial hypertension for a pregnant woman?

Norm and pathology

Each person must constantly monitor their pressure. For someone, it is considered normal to be low, and for someone a little high, while there are no complaints, a person can calmly do work, rest, nothing bothers him.

The expectant mother should be well versed in her norm. Then after visiting the doctor and measuring the pressure, she will know if there are deviations or not. It is important to understand that high rates can affect not only the well-being of the mother, but also the baby.

High blood pressure is especially dangerous during the last period of pregnancy. This suggests that a woman's heart often contracts, blood volume is increased. For some pregnant women, the problem arises after experiencing stress, due to constant excitement, weather dependence, after intense physical exertion.

Attention! In the first period of pregnancy, high readings on the tonometer can warn of danger. Due to pressure, the walls of blood vessels begin to actively narrow, subsequently the fetus does not have enough oxygen, vital nutrients that are necessary for its development. It all ends with slow physiological growth, spontaneous miscarriage.

During the second trimester, hypertension can lead to:

  • Placental insufficiency.
  • Bleeding.
  • Placental abruption.
  • Chronic oxygen deficiency of the fetus.
  • Frozen pregnancy.

When is an urgent need to go to the doctor?

A pregnant woman should be concerned if such unpleasant symptoms appear:

  • Noises in the ears.
  • Great pain and dizziness.
  • Vision problems occur.
  • The whole body swells.

One cannot ignore these signs, otherwise everything will end with preeclampsia, in which the woman's immunity is perceived by the fetus as a foreign body, so a miscarriage occurs.


To know exactly what caused the pressure to rise sharply, you need to find out the reason:

  • Gestosis is a pathological condition in which the functionality of internal organs and capillaries is impaired. This pathology is indicated by a urinalysis, in which a laboratory assistant detects a protein. The pregnant woman suffers from severe edema.
  • Chronic hypertension. If a woman suffered from pressure before pregnancy, it will periodically rise during the period of gestation.
  • Other diseases. A tumor of the thyroid gland, renal pathologies, diabetes mellitus, hormonal imbalance can worsen the condition.

Treatment methods

If a pregnant woman suffers from arterial hypertension, you need to take care of good nutrition. We'll have to forget about sweet, fatty, salty.

Important! You cannot take drugs for pressure on your own, use folk remedies, otherwise the condition will worsen.

Medical assistance includes: diagnostics, establishing the cause that led to high blood pressure, only after that effective and safe drugs are prescribed: Papazol, Egilok, Dopegit, Nifedipine.

If even after taking medications it does not feel better, the pregnant woman is urgently hospitalized to keep her pressure under control.

For hypertension, a tincture of yarrow, motherwort, valerian, rose hips, calendula, hawthorn is effective. In pharmacies, a ready-made collection of herbs is sold, with which you can quickly relieve the condition.

For preventive purposes, a garlic compress is used, it must be applied to the forehead, feet, palms. To make such a compress, you need to finely chop the garlic, then add boiling water, wait 8 hours until the product is infused. For preventive purposes, you can take a bath with mint, birch leaves, yarrow, lemon balm.

It is necessary to reduce the pressure in the expectant mother with extreme caution, taking into account the general recommendations that relate to rest, sleep, nutrition, physical activity. If there are no contraindications, you can drink vegetable, fruit juice, green tea.

Therapeutic and preventive methods are selected depending on how severe the hypertension is. A pregnant woman should remember about a healthy lifestyle, forget about stress, nervous strain, smoking, and alcohol. Walking in the air is very good at soothing, strengthening health. Also, doctors recommend listening to your favorite music, treating life positively, not getting hung up on problems.

  • You need to forget about sweet chocolate, strong tea, coffee, and other food, because of which blood pressure can rise sharply.
  • Doctors advise eating salad with beets, drinking fresh beetroot.
  • This method stabilizes the pressure: you need to press with your thumb on a point located in the fossa of the occiput. Carry out the procedure about 10 times. You also need to find 3 points on the sides of the neck and click on them.
  • Cranberry fruit drink, pumpkin decoction with the addition of honey perfectly reduces pressure. You need to take a fresh pumpkin, chop it, boil it until it becomes soft. Then put everything on a sieve, put honey.
  • This method helps very well: you need to direct a stream of water (hot) to the neck area, back of the head.
  • Place a towel dipped in apple cider vinegar on your feet. It will feel better in 10 minutes.
  • Contrasting foot baths reduce pressure.
  • Make a hand bath, only the water should be very hot.
  • Prepare a glass of mineral water + lemon juice + honey (tablespoon).
  • If the pressure has jumped sharply, you need to urgently pull yourself together, hold your breath, count to 10, then exhale.

So, pregnancy is a crucial period, so it is important to carefully monitor your well-being.

During pregnancy, the female body undergoes major changes, many of which lead to increased blood pressure. Already in the early stages, this threatens with a decrease in the lumen of the vessels of the placenta, due to which fetoplacental insufficiency can form and eclampsia develop. Due to the fact that most drugs for lowering blood pressure are contraindicated in pregnant women, there are ways to reduce pressure during pregnancy at home without pills.

1 Causes and symptoms of increased blood pressure during pregnancy

If hypertension is not detected in a timely manner and treatment is not prescribed, the disease can lead to impaired cerebral circulation, the formation of late toxicosis, fetal malnutrition, abnormal fetal weight, kidney disease, placental abruption and profuse bleeding. Premature birth is not excluded. Therefore, it is very important to eliminate the factors contributing to the development of high blood pressure before conceiving a baby.

These are, first of all:

  • Changing your lifestyle and giving up bad habits. It is necessary to quit smoking, drink alcohol, give up fatty and unhealthy foods, increase physical activity;
  • Identification of chronic hypertension. At the stage of planning a child, you need to undergo an examination and find out whether there is a fact of increased blood pressure in a woman. Get rid of the reasons, and, if necessary, undergo a course of treatment.
  • Eliminate external factors of an unfavorable environment. Work in production, accompanied by contacts with toxic substances, in conditions of increased exposure to electromagnetic radiation and radiation background. All of these factors contribute to the onset of chronic hypertension.
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High blood pressure can be the result of changes in the woman's body caused by the pregnancy itself. The determining factor is the formation of the placenta, which forms and grows with the fetus. As a result of the growth of the placenta, the total blood volume in the body of a pregnant woman increases. If the spleen and other organs do not cope with the regulation of hematopoiesis, hypertension may occur.

In addition, developing preeclampsia leads to increased blood pressure in pregnant women.

2 Ways to reduce blood pressure at home

To lower intracranial and blood pressure at home without medication, you can use folk remedies.

For this, natural products are used:

  • berry juices and syrups;
  • tinctures of medicinal herbs;
  • walnuts, sunflower seeds, flax seeds;
  • beekeeping products.

At home, you can use massage and other physical procedures. Diet, moderate physical activity and correction of the psycho-emotional state will be useful.

3 Products and herbal tinctures for pregnant women

It is important to know that it is possible to lower blood pressure with folk remedies at home only in the first trimester of pregnancy. At a later date, treatment should only take place under medical supervision and preferably in a stationary setting.

To reduce pressure are used:

Before you start taking herbal tinctures and other traditional medicines, you should obtain permission to use them from your doctor. This is necessary in order to take into account possible contraindications and to avoid side effects.

4 Diet

Pregnant women with high blood pressure should choose a diet rich in proteins and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Protein should be obtained from lean boiled meat, fish, chicken.

Sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids can be:

  • linseed and olive oils;
  • lean sea fish;
  • nuts.

Avoiding simple carbohydrates helps reduce blood pressure during pregnancy. Diet carbohydrates should be complex (low glycemic) and high in fiber.

An example of a diet to lower blood pressure in a pregnant woman:

  • Breakfast. Boiled rice, seasoned with a tablespoon of flaxseed oil, a slice of boiled chicken breast, tomato or cucumber. Half an hour before breakfast, you need to drink 200 ml of water.
  • Dinner. Undercooked durum (glassy) wheat pasta seasoned with a tablespoon of olive oil, a slice of fish, lettuce, or fresh cabbage.
  • Dinner. Undercooked buckwheat porridge, a piece of boiled lean meat, raw vegetables.

Another dinner option is a plate of low-fat cottage cheese with dried fruits.

The volume of food should be taken individually based on body weight. The main thing is that the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates should be in a ratio of 1.5 / 0.5 / 4.

Tea (without sugar) or water should be consumed no earlier than 30-40 minutes after a meal or half an hour before a meal.

Fruit can be eaten between meals.

If, along with lowering blood pressure, the goal is to get rid of excess fat, then the entire daily amount of food should be divided into 6 equal parts. That is, you need to eat in small portions every 2-2. 5 hours.

5 Correction of psychoemotional state

During pregnancy, women are exposed to stress much more than in normal life. An increase in anxiety and excitement is associated with worries about the health of a bearing child.

Accumulating stress leads to severe depression, accompanied by a weakened immune system, disturbances in the nervous system and digestion. The cardiovascular system also does not stand aside. Regular pressure surges are common for pregnant women who experience frequent stress.

6 Exercise to reduce blood pressure

In the first trimester, it is still permissible for a pregnant woman to perform basic exercises with her own weight or with small weights. It can be squats, lunges, lifts of small dumbbells for the biceps of the shoulder.

A typical workout might look like this:

  • Monday. The squat exercise is performed. Before starting the exercise, you need to warm up thoroughly for 10-15 minutes. For this, brisk walking or pedaling on an exercise bike is suitable. After the warm-up, a stretch for about 5 minutes should follow - the joints are unwound with smooth movements, the ligaments and muscles of the whole body are stretched. The squats themselves are performed with a flat back 17-22 reps in 5 sets. The rate of lowering of the torso and its raising should proceed from the level of fitness of the woman. The main thing is to monitor the pulse. It should not exceed 120 beats per minute.
  • Wednesday. Two exercises are performed: push-ups from the floor and lifting a dumbbell to the biceps of the shoulder. Each - three sets with as many repetitions as possible. Rest between sets should be such that the heart rate does not exceed 120 beats per minute. Warm-up and stretching are required before training.
  • Friday. The press is being trained. For an effective load on the abdominal muscles, it is enough to perform twisting - the simultaneous raising of the legs and shoulders to the waist from a prone position. 3-4 sets of 12-14 reps with a break between sets of 40-50 seconds.

If it is difficult to perform the exercise with such intensity, you need to increase the pause between sets.

In the second trimester, you need to abandon the basic elements, moving on to physical exercises to strengthen the heart and blood vessels. This should be a low-intensity, regular, long, low-intensity exercise that lasts 30-40 minutes. The ideal option would be to exercise on a stationary bike or treadmill. If there are no exercise equipment at home, you can jog in the park.

In the third trimester, it is necessary to limit yourself to breathing exercises, light gymnastics and long walks in the fresh air, preferably in a park or forest.

6.0.1 Massage and other physiotherapy

Various types of body massage are an excellent way to increase the elasticity of blood vessels, improve blood circulation and lower blood pressure. In addition, massage has a general healing effect on the entire body of not only a woman, but also her fetus.

Healing properties of massage:

  • reduction of edema;
  • improvement of blood and lymph flow;
  • reduction of skeletal muscle tension;
  • prevention of stretch marks;
  • psycho-emotional relaxation.

It is important not to press hard and deeply during the massage, especially in the abdomen. In later stages of pregnancy, massage should not be performed in this area of ​​the body.

To increase the healing effect during the massage, you can use various cosmetic and essential oils, tinctures of medicinal herbs.

To lower blood pressure, it is important to restore good blood circulation in the body. Rubbing your body with a warm, damp towel immediately after you shower is a good way to do this.

Recently, yoga and acupuncture have become popular ways to improve overall health and lower blood pressure.

High blood pressure can have dangerous consequences for a pregnant woman and her fetus. But this disease does not make the use of toxic, potent drugs inevitable. You can fight the disease in the early stages quite successfully with the help of folk remedies at home. The main thing is to take precautions, consult with an observing doctor and try to maintain a calm and balanced psychological state.

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High blood pressure during pregnancy has many causes and manifests itself in different ways. In order for the doctor to compose the correct individual treatment, the patient needs to be diagnosed. It will be possible to understand the intricacies of the problem that affects about 40% of expectant mothers if you focus on research results.

Hypertension and its types

Hypertension (arterial hypertension) is a disease due to which the pressure rises to the level of 140/90 mm Hg. Art. and above at rest or about 160/110 mm Hg. Art., if before the measurement a person experienced stress, physical activity.

Doctors consider the normal pressure up to 140/90 mm Hg. Art. This is the upper limit for pregnancy.

Members of the International Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnant Women have divided the disease into several types:

  • chronic. It is observed even before pregnancy or appears in the early stages;
  • gestational, which occurs after 20 weeks, but does not create proteinuria (protein in the urine);
  • preeclampsia. It appears after 20 weeks, a feature is the protein found in the analyzes;
  • combined preeclampsia. The same as the previous type, but its cause is chronic hypertension;
  • chronic gestational. It appears in the second trimester and persists for 12 or more weeks after delivery.

High blood pressure is a common diagnosis in pregnant women. If a woman's weight does not keep pace or cannot return to normal after the birth of the baby, the mother has to suffer from hypertension until this happens. About 10% of women giving birth live with this diagnosis all their lives.

Classification of arterial hypertension - table

Effects of hypertension on maternal and child health

A slight increase in pressure is not hazardous. But if it is higher by more than 10 mm Hg. Art. from the maximum norm and persists for three months, it can be the cause of abortion, perinatal fetal death or premature birth.

According to WHO statistics, about 27% of birth deaths are associated with hypertension.

Among the complications of the disease are:

  • violation of the adequate functioning of all body systems;
  • abruption of the placenta, which causes profuse bleeding that threatens the life of mother and child;
  • pathologies in a baby caused by a lack of nutrients and oxygen;
  • hypertensive crisis caused by gestosis (late toxicosis).

It is especially worth worrying about the occurrence of gestosis in the last trimester. At this time, it is most dangerous, as it directly threatens the life of the mother and the fetus, as well as the normal course of the birth process.

Expectant mothers should not worry if blood pressure rises in the first trimester. This is how the body often responds to the stress associated with a new condition. The pressure will normalize itself as soon as the body gets used to this role.

Causes of high blood pressure in pregnant women

There are many reasons behind hypertension. The most common ones are:

  • emotional stress;
  • loads unusual for the body;
  • kidney problems;
  • insufficient work of the heart, which does not have time to pump blood "for two";
  • diabetes;
  • heredity;
  • smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • poor physical activity;
  • obesity;
  • violation of the hormonal activity of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, pituitary gland.

During the last trimester, common obesity can also become the cause of high blood pressure, so it is worth monitoring the weight gain.

Symptoms of hypertension

The first manifestations of hypertension are tinnitus, dizziness, and frequent headaches for no apparent reason. Other common symptoms include:

  • deterioration of vision;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • redness of the face and chest;
  • nausea, sometimes vomiting;
  • periodic appearance of "flies" before the eyes;
  • general deterioration in well-being.

Sometimes the disease is asymptomatic.


Hypertension is diagnosed using a set of procedures and tests. The main thing is to measure blood pressure, which is performed by a tonometer. For a more accurate diagnosis, the following procedures are needed:

  • physical examination. It includes a study of the shape of the face, the presence of obesity, the proportionality of muscle development (a violation indicates congenital narrowing of the aorta), comparison of blood pressure and pulse on both hands;
  • electrocardiogram (ECG). The work of the heart is examined using electric fields.
  • echocardiography. One of the ultrasound methods that analyzes changes in valves, malformations or structural abnormalities;
  • aortography (x-ray of the aorta);
  • dopplerography. Ultrasound of moving objects, examining the work of the heart in "live broadcast".

An ultrasound of the thyroid gland and a blood test for hormones determine the role of the glands in the occurrence of hypertension. Biochemical and clinical blood tests, general urine analysis are no less important. The presence of the disease is indicated by a high level of red blood cells in the urine, the presence of blood, protein, glucose in it. In a blood test, the level of protein, hemoglobin, erythrocytes, leukocyte formula is checked. It is important that all indicators are not below the norm.


In order to find an individual treatment, the doctor must know the exact cause of the increase in pressure. It is not necessary to resort to drug therapy. It is enough to make up the correct daily regimen and go on a protein diet or otherwise regulate your diet.

The doctor's decision to prescribe medication is based on the results of the aforementioned procedures and tests, as well as on the medical history. The patient is asked a number of questions aimed at clarifying heredity and health in general. In addition, risk factors are assessed.

At a pressure of 170/110, the expectant mother is urgently hospitalized and treated in a hospital.

List of Prescribed Drugs

If the abnormal pressure threatens with serious consequences, the doctor prescribes medication. They can be divided into several main groups:

  1. Diuretics They have a diuretic effect. Pregnant women are prescribed Canephron or Fitolysin.
  2. Vasodilator drugs. The drugs Hydralazine, Methyldopa, have proven themselves well during pregnancy.
  3. Calcium antagonists that normalize blood pressure. Pregnant women are prescribed Verapamil, which has the most adequate side effects.
  4. Beta blockers. Reduce the effect of adrenaline and other stimulating hormones on the heart muscle, normalizing heart rate and blood pressure. Pregnant women are most often prescribed drugs Metoprolol or Labetalol.
  5. Magnesium-B6 tablets and vitamin complexes containing omega-3, ascorbic acid, iron, potassium, folic acid.

Medication is used only in extreme cases when the mother's health is at risk. Even the most harmless medicines affect the fetus. Therefore, drugs are taken exclusively as prescribed by a doctor. Self-medication during pregnancy is prohibited.

Photo gallery: drugs for the treatment of hypertension

Kanephron is a diuretic, has a diuretic effect
Dopegit is an effective vasodilator
Verapamil - calcium antagonist, normalizes blood pressure
Metoprolol - reduces the effect of adrenaline and other stimulating hormones on the heart muscle

Diet to help lower blood pressure

Foods in the diet of a pregnant woman should be natural, fresh and of high quality. Magnesium is best lowered by blood pressure. Therefore, it is important that the diet contains foods containing it:

  • milk, yogurt, kefir, cheese;
  • greens;
  • olive and coconut oil;
  • wheat and rice bran;
  • eggs, chicken and quail;
  • lean meat;
  • sesame seeds and nuts;
  • dried fruits;
  • sea ​​fish, especially halibut;
  • cereals and legumes;
  • potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants;
  • berries, especially cranberries;
  • cocoa;
  • corn flour.

The menu should not contain too sweet, spicy or salty foods. This will harm both the expectant mother and the child. The best option would be steamed dishes, although fried and boiled ones are not prohibited. Natural butter can be added to food to improve taste and help reduce blood pressure. And also it is worth giving up coffee, carbonated drinks, black tea, muffins and other products that increase blood pressure.

Dairy products are rich in protein and calcium Greens contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals, as well as essential folic acid
Vegetable fats such as olive oil should be included in the diet Eggs are high in vitamins and amino acids
Lean marine fish such as halibut contain protein and magnesium Cranberry has a diuretic effect, you can use this berry in the form of fruit drink

Folk remedies

Rosehip decoction helps to reduce pressure during pregnancy. It is enough to pour a handful of dry berries with 500 ml of boiling water, then cook for about 10 minutes over low heat, cool and drink 50 grams before each meal.

Pumpkin broth is prepared in almost the same way, which also helps in solving the problem. The pumpkin is cut into slices and filled with 500 ml of cold water, cooked for 5-10 minutes. You need to drink the cooled broth three times a day. Freshly squeezed viburnum juice is also effective.

Remember that you can use folk remedies only after consulting a doctor. During pregnancy, even commonly consumed foods can be dangerous.

Herbal components of funds - photo gallery

Rosehip decoction will reduce blood pressure and make up for vitamin C deficiency Freshly squeezed viburnum juice helps reduce blood pressure during pregnancy Pumpkin broth effectively relieves blood pressure

Is a cesarean section compulsory?

Hypertension affects the way of delivery, but only when the mother is in danger and an urgent termination of pregnancy is required, in which doctors recommend a cesarean section. Such situations are still rare.


In some cases, high blood pressure can threaten the life and health of the expectant mother. The woman is obliged to decide the question of termination of pregnancy herself, having thought it over well. It is important before this to listen to the obstetrician-gynecologist, who will give his expert opinion based on the data of the examination and analyzes, as well as information about the previous course of pregnancy and hypertension (if any).


In measures to prevent hypertension, you should treat your body with care and closely monitor its "malfunctions". Being in position, it is better to observe the daily regimen, not overwork, eat right, breathe fresh air often, take walks, do exercises or do simple sports. Yoga will come in handy - it will create a balance between body and soul.

A pregnant woman is shown to sleep not only at night for at least 8 hours, but also during the day, give up invigorating drinks, avoid stress and control her weight. Subject to these simple conditions, in 90% of cases, the likelihood of hypertension is excluded.

Hypertension during pregnancy - video

Do not sound the alarm right away when you see a diagnosis of arterial hypertension in your medical record. For every woman, it proceeds in its own way, not always bringing terrible consequences. Remember that a positive mood is the key to well-being - both for you and your baby. So be calm and always think only good things.

Monitoring blood pressure indicators during gestation is a must. An increase in pressure is quite common in women in position. This is considered the norm only in the absence of pathologies.

There are many factors that influence the development of hypertension, and in order to know what to do with high blood pressure during pregnancy, it is necessary to understand the mechanism of the development of the disease.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that not all medicines can be taken, since it is possible to damage the health of the developing fetus.

High blood pressure during pregnancy is mainly the result of stress in the body. Carrying a child requires the mobilization of all the forces of the body, both physical and moral, which leads to a sharp increase in stress.

Often in women, even in the period preceding conception, chronic hypertension is observed. With the onset of pregnancy, the disease usually begins to progress.

Sometimes heredity factors play a decisive role. If the relatives of the pregnant woman had high blood pressure, then it is possible that she will develop hypertension. Carrying a child in most cases provokes the primary appearance of high blood pressure in pregnant women.

The reason for high blood pressure in a pregnant woman can be a decrease in the compensatory adaptation of the body and a significant increase in the volume of blood pumped by the heart. If the heart can hardly cope with the increased loads, then an increase in blood pressure is observed.

Also, pregnancy is associated with a change in hormonal levels, which affects blood pressure indicators.

Being overweight is one of the reasons that leads to the development of hypertension. Lack of physical activity leads to a weakening of the heart muscle. As a result, as the load increases, the heart works with difficulty, which leads to an increase in pressure. Also, in the presence of diseases that affect the kidneys, an increase in this important indicator often occurs.

Medicine divides people who are at risk of developing hypertension into the following groups: one of them includes women who had previously had problems with blood pressure, and the other, those who have a hereditary predisposition to the disease.


The danger of high blood pressure during pregnancy is that negative changes in the vessels supplying blood to the placenta and the fetus inevitably occur. This becomes the reason for the deterioration of blood circulation between the mother's body, placenta and baby.

If the increased pressure is stable for a long time, then this can lead to ahead of schedule.

The presence of hypertension during childbirth often becomes the cause of the development of convulsive syndrome. This phenomenon has an extremely negative impact on both the health of the mother and the child.

High blood pressure during pregnancy can give a complication called preeclampsia. With its development, there is a disruption in the functioning of the organs on which human life depends: the blood supply system and the heart.

Gestosis causes the appearance of microscopic holes that affect the vessels, due to the production of specific substances. Through these holes, the penetration of plasma protein and fluid into the tissue occurs, which causes the formation of edema. Most often, they suffer from swelling of the limb.

At the same time, placental edema occurs, which is the cause of a lack of oxygen in the fetus.


Severe gestosis, in fact, its final phase, is called eclampsia. This disease proceeds in a state of deep depression of the central nervous system and is accompanied by loss of consciousness, coma.

In this case, there is a rapid development of convulsive syndrome. Thus, high blood pressure during pregnancy can be serious.

Risk factors for eclampsia include the following:

  1. Preeclampsia, which was in a pregnant woman in an earlier period. In this case, there is a significant risk of its recurrence, while it is possible that it will proceed in a more severe form.
  2. Pathology poses a threat to women who have given birth multiple times or have had multiple pregnancies. In addition, smoking, hypertension, and chronic kidney problems can be the cause of the disease. The risk increases significantly if the fetus has developmental defects and in the case when the interval between pregnancies is very long.
  3. Medical statistics indicate that the development of preeclampsia poses a significant threat. This is due to the fact that even outside of pregnancy, the likelihood of developing diseases of the cardiovascular system is high. Doctors note that the occurrence of late gestosis (toxicosis) is more dangerous than the occurrence of early toxicosis.

Do not panic in such cases, as doctors know what to do if high blood pressure is detected during pregnancy. Careful medical supervision and adequate therapy will allow the child to be carried before the end of the prescribed period.

What to do with high pressure?

There is no definite answer to the question of what to do if there is high blood pressure during pregnancy. The solution to this problem and the management of pregnancy in this case occurs under the supervision of several specialists - an obstetrician-gynecologist in contact with a therapist or cardiologist.

In this case, both therapy with the use of drugs and non-drug methods can be used. The latter include the correct organization of sleep, a decrease in the amount of stress and significant physical stress.

Outdoor activities, relaxing walks, rethinking bad habits, and a balanced diet are beneficial. The described activities will be the answer to the question of what is possible for pregnant women with high blood pressure.

Moving on to solving the question of what to do if a pregnant woman has high blood pressure, in the context of drug treatment, the fulfillment of the following conditions comes to the fore.

First, there must be constant monitoring of blood pressure indicators. Secondly, the selection of a drug that stabilizes pressure to a normal level should be carried out taking into account the safety of the fetus during its long-term use.


What to do to avoid high blood pressure in a pregnant woman? As a preventive measure, the following recommendations should be adhered to:

  1. Normal sleep duration is the key to normal blood pressure.
  2. Lack of emotional and physical overload. If the working conditions do not allow meeting this requirement, then it is necessary to switch to work with lower loads.
  3. Reasonable physical activity should not be denied.
  4. You can normalize blood pressure by changing the daily diet, excluding from it foods that can excite the nervous system.
  5. It is important that the increase in body weight during pregnancy is controlled.
  6. Constant monitoring of blood pressure will help to avoid the development of complications, in particular preeclampsia.

It should be understood that neglecting treatment and ignoring high blood pressure during pregnancy can have irreparable consequences.

Therefore, if the doctor's prescriptions do not give the desired effect, then you should not refuse hospitalization, since only in a hospital setting can the safety of the further course of pregnancy and timely delivery be ensured.

Helpful Video About High Blood Pressure During Pregnancy


How to lower blood pressure during pregnancy? If the problem is serious, medications are needed. Not all remedies are suitable for pregnant women, therefore, only a medical specialist should prescribe and monitor therapy.

During pregnancy, a woman's body is rebuilt, which affects the general condition. Most of the changes are physiological, that is, normal for the period of pregnancy, although they can manifest themselves with unpleasant symptoms, for example, morning sickness. At the same time, some changes can have negative consequences - these include fluctuations in blood pressure (BP). If hypotension (low blood pressure) is often a physiological condition due to changes in hormonal levels and does not pose a particular danger in the vast majority of cases, then hypertension (high blood pressure) can lead to undesirable consequences in a fairly short time, therefore, you must immediately seek medical help to remove it, that is, to normalize it. At the same time, pills for pressure during pregnancy are not prescribed immediately; first, the pressure is assessed by comparing with the individual norm, and it is found out whether it can be removed without pills. Medicines are prescribed when the risk from their use is lower than that of high blood pressure.

Indicators of normal pressure are subject to individual fluctuations, but on average they are in the range from 120 to 140 mm Hg. Art. systolic and from 70 to 95 mm Hg. Art. diastolic pressure.

How to lower the pressure of a pregnant woman without medication

If the hypertension is insignificant, they first try to reduce the pressure during pregnancy at home without the help of pharmacological drugs. It will not work quickly to bring it down in this way, but this is usually not required under these conditions.

First of all, it is recommended to adjust the diet - to eat less salt, but more vegetables and fruits, it is recommended to limit carbohydrates, especially fast ones (sugar, confectionery). Berries, as well as fruit and berry juices have a diuretic and hypotensive effect.

With the permission of a doctor, folk remedies can also be used to reduce pressure. Pumpkin broth with honey, freshly squeezed rowan or viburnum juice has an antihypertensive effect - 2 tablespoons three times a day for two weeks. If you have heartburn or other problems with the digestive tract, the juice can be replaced with jelly from these berries.

Soothing decoctions and teas - chamomile, mint, motherwort - have a mild property to lower blood pressure.

Medicines to lower blood pressure during pregnancy

1 trimester is a special, important period during which the organs and systems of the fetus are laid, including the nervous system, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal. Any violations in the early stages can lead to irreversible consequences, the fetus is especially vulnerable at this time. In the first trimester, only those medicines that do not affect the fetus are permissible for use.

What can you drink to lower blood pressure during pregnancy at this time? If necessary, Labetalol (aka Presolol, Amipress), Methyldopa (Dopegit), Nifedipine, Metoprolol are used.

First of all, it is recommended to adjust the diet - to eat less salt, but more vegetables and fruits, it is recommended to limit carbohydrates, especially fast ones.

To reduce pressure during pregnancy in the second and third trimester, you can use a wider range of drugs - the resistance of the child's body increases, it has a certain autonomy and stability. However, the danger of hypertension in the later stages does not decrease, but increases, therefore, more powerful drugs are used. What tools can be used? These are diuretics - Furosemide, Verapamil, Hydrochlorothiazide (Hypothiazide), Indapamide (Arifon), as well as a wide range of adrenergic blockers - Atenolol, Propranolol, Nebivalol, Talinolol and others. Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors are widely used - Captopril, Enalapril, Lisinopril and others. A highly effective agent is calcium antagonists - Nifedipine, Amplodipine.

An additional group of drugs for combating hypertension includes alpha-blockers like Prazosin and Doxazosin, imidazoline receptor agonists - Physiotens.

When taking medications, it is necessary to monitor the dynamics of the decrease in blood pressure and take measurements every few hours.

During pregnancy, you should not take outdated drugs such as Magnesia sulfate or Papaverine hydrochloride, especially intramuscular or intravenous administration is undesirable. They do not have a point effect, but affect the entire body, therefore, they can harm the fetus.

What pressure is considered high and needs to be reduced

Before taking any medications, you should consult with your doctor and measure your blood pressure. Each person has his own norm, which he should know - perhaps the numbers considered to be high blood pressure do not pose a danger to an individual woman.

In the first trimester, only those medicines that do not affect the fetus are permissible for use.

Indicators of normal pressure are subject to individual fluctuations, but on average they are in the range from 120 to 140 mm Hg. Art. systolic and from 70 to 95 mm Hg. Art. diastolic pressure. For pregnant women, this figure is usually slightly lower. Figures exceeding 140 by 90 mm Hg. Art., are considered hypertension. A dangerous condition is an increase in blood pressure to 160 by 110 mm Hg. Art., when signs of damage will appear quickly enough.

Why is arterial hypertension dangerous?

A persistent and long-term increase in blood pressure can occur independently or be caused a second time, that is, due to violations of the organs and systems that control it. The first option is called essential hypertension, does not have clear causes (the pathogenesis of this condition forms a vicious circle - one link provokes another, so the pressure does not decrease for a long time) and is treated symptomatically. With secondary hypertension, it is more and more difficult - it may indicate damage to the heart and blood vessels, kidneys, and the endocrine system. Therapy in this case is aimed at treating the underlying disease.

Hypertension is a dangerous condition, since high blood pressure can provoke damage to the so-called target organs. These are kidneys, liver, brain, heart. Deterioration of the mother's condition, in particular the deterioration of blood circulation, adversely affects the fetus, leading to complications:

  1. Premature placental abruption, which is accompanied by bleeding and leads to fetal death.
  2. Damage to shock organs, which can result in a heart attack, stroke, transient ischemic attack, acute vascular failure, chronic renal failure.
  3. Eclampsia as a form of an extreme condition (gestosis), in which, due to high blood pressure during gestation, its blood circulation is disturbed. The child's cardiovascular system is inextricably linked with the mother's, therefore, a change in blood gas composition or pressure is reflected in the child.
  4. Fetal pathologies due to its hypoxia - developmental delays, damage to various organs and systems (including the brain), late miscarriages.


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Serious changes in the body of a woman expecting the birth of a child predispose to the onset or development of existing hypertension. High blood pressure often provokes the early onset of gestosis (late toxicosis), serious complications for the baby and mother. Only timely diagnosis and adequate therapy can prevent miscarriages, bleeding, fetal death, stroke and cerebral edema in a woman and ensure the normal course of pregnancy and childbirth.

What is hypertension, its types

Arterial hypertension that occurs during pregnancy is a painful condition that is expressed:

  • in an abnormally stable increase in blood pressure values ​​above 140/90 mm Hg. Art .;
  • in regularly present episodes of an increase in pressure, when its indicators are higher than those recorded in the patient before conception or in the first trimester, namely:
    • systolic at 25 and diastolic at 15 mm Hg. Art. and more in case of double registration with an interval of at least 4 hours;
    • with a single fixation of diastolic pressure of more than 110 mm Hg. Art.

In women with a pathology that manifested itself when carrying a child, blood pressure often changes throughout the day and during pregnancy. Domestic cardiologists distinguish 4 types of the course of the disease at this time:

Among diseases of pregnant women, arterial hypertension is 15-20%.

Classification: chronic, gestational, unspecified hypertension and others

According to the Common European Classification, it stands out:

  • primary (chronic) - hypertension recorded before conception or up to 20 weeks, the signs of which persist for more than 42 days after childbirth;
  • gestational hypertension diagnosed after 20 weeks in pregnant women who do not have a disease before conception, which spontaneously disappears within 42 days after the birth of the baby;
  • preeclampsia is a complicated condition that combines manifestations of gestational hypertension and proteinuria (an increase in the amount of protein excreted in the urine);
  • hypertension with proteinuria, registered before conception, intensifying after 20 weeks with an increase in proteinuria;
  • unspecified - identified after 20 weeks of pregnancy, despite the fact that there is no information on the level of blood pressure before this period.

Three stages of the disease were established in accordance with the degree of increase in blood pressure (BP) in mm Hg. Art .:

  • I - from 140/90 to 159/99;
  • II - from 160/100 to 179/109;
  • III - from 180/110 and more.

The danger of hypertension for pregnant women: methods of delivery

A steady increase and "bursts" of pressure are dangerous throughout pregnancy for both the expectant mother and the unborn baby.

High blood pressure at different stages of pregnancy

In the first months of pregnancy, high blood pressure in the mother threatens the development of:

  1. Fetoplacental insufficiency due to structural and functional changes in the placenta and vasoconstriction caused by hypertension. As a result, metabolic processes, blood supply to the fetus deteriorate, leading to hypoxia (oxygen deficiency in the tissues of the brain and other organs), developmental disorders and death.
  2. Early spontaneous abortion.

Placental insufficiency during pregnancy, caused by hypertension, leads to underdevelopment of the brain and other organs of the baby

In the second trimester, there is a high risk of:

  • miscarriages;
  • the development of early preeclampsia with characteristic complications;
  • developmental delay in the fetus, intrauterine death of the baby.

During the last three months of pregnancy, there is a possibility:

  • early placental abruption;
  • acute renal failure;
  • disorders of cerebral circulation in the mother and fetus;
  • retinal detachment;
  • eclampsia (extreme manifestation of severe complications of pregnancy);
  • stroke;
  • premature birth;
  • DIC syndrome, in which there is a violation of blood clotting in microvessels and the formation of blood clots that block blood flow in organs with the development of deep dystrophic changes. Violation of the coagulation process provokes catastrophic bleeding.

Features of gestosis in hypertension:

  1. Late toxicosis of varying severity appears very early - at 23-25 ​​weeks and is detected in 30-90% of women. Manifestations of preeclampsia in hypertension are caused by microcirculation disorders in the heart, brain, liver of the mother and fetus, changes in adrenal function, and intravascular blood coagulation disorders.
  2. Gestosis, joined to hypertension, in most cases (98%) is repeated in subsequent pregnancies, but is more severe.

Hemorrhagic stroke, eclampsia, bleeding are the main causes of death of mothers suffering from essential hypertension.

The term and method of labor management for hypertension: when a caesarean section is necessary

If the condition of the woman and the child is satisfactory, the mother's blood pressure, which is amenable to therapy and control, the pregnancy is extended as far as possible until the term is 38–40 weeks. Labor is predicted through natural pathways with monitoring monitoring of pressure indicators and fetal health.

Also include:

  • constant drug prevention of hypoxia in a child and antihypertensive therapy;
  • in the first stage of labor - adequate pain relief, early amniotomy (obstetric opening of the fetal bladder);
  • in the second period, with high blood pressure, it is possible to use ganglion blockers, which increase the contractions of the uterus and bring childbirth closer;
  • with the onset of fetal hypoxia, it is possible to reduce the second stage of labor by performing a perineotomy (dissection of the perineum in order to speed up the process) or the imposition of obstetric forceps;
  • in the third period, intensive prevention of the development of bleeding is carried out.

Caesarean section for hypertension of pregnant women is indicated for:

For what reasons may increase blood pressure in pregnant women

The high incidence of hypertension when carrying a child is largely associated with the rapid and complex changes occurring in the woman's body. All organs and systems are actively adapting to new conditions and tasks, the main one of which is to ensure the growth and survival of the fetus.

In this period:

  1. The placental circulatory system develops, which is necessary for nutrition, supplying the baby with oxygen and removing metabolites and toxins from his blood.
  2. The volume of blood circulating through all vessels increases by 25–30%. This is provided by nature itself, not only to provide the baby with all the necessary substances, but also to allow the woman in labor to lose the physiological volume of blood without harm to her health and life.
  3. Myocardial contractions become more frequent in order to "drive" the increasing volume of blood through the vessels.
  4. Abdominal pressure increases, due to the growth of the uterus, the position of the diaphragm and heart in the chest changes.

The risk group includes pregnant women who have the following conditions:

  • the presence of hypertension before pregnancy (more than 90% of case histories);
  • arteriosclerosis, non-closure of the ductus arteriosus, arteriovenous fistulas, aortic valve insufficiency;
  • hypercalcemia, polycythemia vera, polyarteritis nodosa, diabetes mellitus;
  • kidney disease, including kidney stenosis, diabetic nephropathy, glomerulonephritis, vascular stenosis, kidney infarction;
  • pathology of the endocrine system (hypo- and hyperthyroidism, thyrotoxicosis, hypercortisolism, Cushing's syndrome, Riley-Day);
  • mental, neurological, neurogenic disorders.

There are certain factors provocateurs of an abnormal increase in pressure in a pregnant woman, of which the following are of particular importance:

  • hereditary predisposition to hypertension;
  • deficiency of circulating blood volume (intravascular volume);
  • increased blood viscosity, hematocrit (the number of red blood cells - erythrocytes);
  • decreased clearance (rate of blood cleansing) of creatinine, which indicates dysfunction in the renal filtration system;
  • increased cholesterol;
  • pregnancy with multiple fetuses;
  • delayed development of the embryo and fetus;
  • large weight gain;
  • the absence of a physiological decrease in blood pressure inherent in the typical course of pregnancy in the second trimester;
  • smoking, use of drugs, alcohol;
  • first pregnancy.

Symptoms, first manifestations and development of the clinical picture

The clinical picture of the development of hypertension is determined by the degree of increase in blood pressure, changes in the state of the neuroendocrine system, functions of organs, indicators of fluidity and blood circulation.

The main symptom is a regular increase in blood pressure.

At first, the rises in blood pressure are transient, and the first manifestations may not cause concern, since a slight deviation from normal values ​​initially does not affect the general condition of the patient too much. However, the asymptomatic course is replaced by a condition in which the signs of hypertension become pronounced.

The first manifestations that the patient usually complains about:

  • attacks of pressing headache, which is more often localized in the back of the head (not always), and during emotional stress intensifies, which is caused by a sharp spasm of blood vessels and a jump in pressure;
  • nausea (which is often explained by the very state of pregnancy, especially in the first months);
  • irritability, tearfulness, restless sleep at night and drowsiness during the day;
  • tinnitus and dizziness;
  • abnormal fatigue.

With the development of the disease, the increase in pressure becomes regular, persisting for a long time, and its degree corresponds to the severity of the pathology. Early manifestations intensify, in addition to them, there are:

  • an increase in the frequency of heart contractions, held for a long time;
  • the appearance of "flies" and "cobwebs" before the eyes, blurred vision;
  • swelling on the face, ankles, hands;
  • increased anxiety, unexplained feeling of anxiety;
  • severe sweating;
  • numbness of fingers, legs, feeling of goose bumps;
  • freezing in a warm room or chills (a typical warning sign of a sharp increase in pressure);
  • pain in the region of the heart of a different nature - stitching, squeezing;
  • sometimes thirst, nocturia - increased urine production at night.

During a hypertensive crisis (complications of hypertension), the well-being of a pregnant woman sharply worsens.

The neurovegetative form of the crisis is manifested:

  • sudden onset with acute agitation;
  • the manifestation of fears, panic;
  • bouts of vomiting;
  • severe sweating and cold fingers and extremities;
  • pronounced pallor of the skin with signs of erythema (red spots) on the face and chest;
  • bleeding from the nose.

Edema during pregnancy can be a sign of an edematous hypertensive crisis.

The edematous form of crisis is dangerous for its gradual development:

  • severe drowsiness, apathy, decreased activity;
  • violation of orientation in space;
  • an increase in edema, puffiness of the face;
  • nausea, headaches, dizziness;
  • persistently high pressure.

The convulsive form of hypertensive crisis threatens a pregnant woman with cerebral edema, expressed by the sudden appearance of seizures, loss of consciousness, and the development of a coma.

For any warning signs, first of all they call an ambulance. Emergency care for such conditions in a pregnant woman is provided only by specialists.

Diagnostics, analyzes and procedures

The study begins with anamnesis, that is, the collection and analysis of information about the transferred, existing diseases of the patient and close relatives, including hypertension, pathologies of the kidneys, blood vessels and heart, autoimmune pathologies, diabetes mellitus. The fact of persistent increase in blood pressure observed in previous pregnancies is of diagnostic value.

Analyzing the patient's complaints, special attention is paid to the following symptoms:

  • regular rise in blood pressure;
  • dull pain in the back and lower back;
  • thirst;
  • polyuria (an abundance of fluid secreted);
  • the use of oral contraceptives, glucocorticosteroids, analgesics.

The doctor specifies and compares the duration of pregnancy with the onset of symptoms of hypertension.

Physical and laboratory diagnostics of a dangerous condition

On physical examination:

  1. The body mass index is calculated. Exceeding the value of 27 kg per square meter is considered as a risk factor.
  2. Determine the pressure and pulse rate on both hands lying and standing. At the same time, an increase in diastolic (lower) pressure when the patient gets up is inherent in hypertension, and a decrease is characteristic of symptomatic hypertension, which is not considered as a disease.
  3. Examine and auscultate (listen with a phonendoscope) the carotid arteries to identify signs of their stenosis (narrowing).
  4. The abdomen is probed to check for possible enlargement of the liver or kidneys with cystic formations.
  5. The pulse is measured at the ankles and examined for possible edema.

Laboratory tests for suspected hypertension may be mandatory and optional.

Mandatory (and basic) tests include tests for:

  • the presence of protein and glucose in the urine;
  • quantitative indicators of protein, cholesterol, their fractions, liver enzymes, triglycerides, bilirubin (blood biochemistry);
  • hemoglobin, platelet, erythrocyte levels (clinical analysis);
  • coagulability and blood viscosity (INR).

These obligatory studies help to clarify many questions related to the rise in blood pressure in the patient and the probable organ disease.

  1. High numbers of hemoglobin, erythrocytes indicate abnormal blood density. In this case, an increase in pressure is considered as a symptom of gestational hypertension, that is, developing when carrying a child.
  2. An increase in LDH, AST, ALT signals pathological processes in the liver.
  3. By the concentration of uric acid in the blood, it is determined which form of hypertension belongs to - gestational or chronic.
  4. Creatinine tends to decrease during normal pregnancy. Otherwise, we can talk about an increase in the degree of hypertension.
  5. is an important indicator of kidney function. Special monitoring of proteinuria is necessary if the amount of protein in the daily portion of urine is more than the norm - 2 grams.

Additional tests are provided if complications are suspected. These include:

  • determination of the clearance (rate of elimination) of creatinine;
  • urine analysis according to Zimnitsky, Nechiporenko;
  • determination of bacteriuria (microbes in the urine);
  • serum potassium to sodium ratio;
  • the presence of aldosterone, renin in the blood.

Instrumental research

The basic method for diagnosing hypertension in pregnant women is the standard measurement of blood pressure. It is carried out no earlier than 1-2 hours after a meal (excluding coffee and tea). The woman rests for 10-15 minutes, then the indicators are taken first in a sitting position, then standing (2 minutes after getting up).

If you suspect cardiovascular complications, problems with hemodynamics (movement of blood through the vessels) perform:

  • Ultrasound of the kidneys, adrenal glands, heart;
  • dopplerography - in order to determine the state of the vascular system of the mother, placenta and fetus;
  • examination of the fundus.

High blood pressure treatment

The main task that is solved when developing the optimal tactics for treating hypertension in pregnant women is to maximize the likelihood of developing complications, including eclampsia.

When to undergo inpatient treatment

Be sure to hospitalize pregnant patients who have an excess of the normal blood pressure for this patient by 30 mm Hg. Art. and more.

The following are used as relative indications for hospitalization:

  • the need to accurately identify the cause of high blood pressure;
  • joining the existing hypertension signs of preeclampsia;
  • signs of dysfunction of the fetoplacental complex (mother-placenta-fetus circulatory systems) without regard to blood pressure indicators;
  • lack of positive results of treatment carried out on an outpatient basis.

Drug therapy

The task is a pronounced and stable stabilization of blood pressure. Combined medication treatment is prescribed:

  • if blood pressure is higher than 130/90 mm Hg. Art .;
  • if the systolic (upper) pressure is higher than the normal for this patient by 30, and the diastolic pressure by 15 mm Hg. Art. (and with a combination of these two indicators, and with an isolated deviation);
  • if there are signs of late toxicosis, impaired blood supply in the fetoplacental system.

Treatment for hypertension in women carrying a child is complicated by the fact that many medications cause varying degrees of harm to the baby or mother. Therefore, the use of pressure-lowering drugs (antihypertensives) has limitations due to adverse effects on the fetus.

Most doctors, based on evidence-based medicine evidence and practice, believe that while carrying a baby should not be used at all:

  • antagonists of angiotensin receptors (Valsartan, Ibesartan) - due to their teratogenic properties (the ability to cause congenital malformations in the embryo);
  • angiotensin-converting enzyme blockers (Quinapril, Enalapril, Monopril), which also have a teratogenic effect, especially in the first months of pregnancy;
  • Reserpine - due to its ability to cause fetal growth retardation;
  • Veroshpiron (diuretic), which is used as part of complex therapy, negatively affects the course of pregnancy.
  • Isoptin and Verapamil are not recommended in the first trimester.

Prohibited medicines during pregnancy - photo gallery

Valsartan should not be taken so that the fetus does not have congenital malformations Verapamil is highly undesirable in the 1st trimester
Monopril has teratogenic properties Monopril has the same active ingredient as Verapamil Verospiron negatively affects the course of pregnancy

Essential medicines

The medicines listed below are not intended for independent use; they can be used only after being prescribed by a doctor in strictly adjusted doses in order to prevent serious complications in a pregnant woman and a fetus.

  1. A safe drug prescribed for pregnant women, which is easily absorbed, rarely causes side effects - Labetalol (Amipress, Presolol).
  2. In order to quickly reduce pressure, calcium ion blockers are used (only if the need exceeds the negative effect on the fetus and the health of the pregnant woman):
  3. Isradipine;
  4. Amlodipine.
  5. Antihypertensive medicines with the active substance methyldopa provide the necessary conditions for the full growth of the fetus, have a sedative effect and a positive effect on vascular tone, are safe for women and babies:
  6. Aldomed;
  7. Methyldopa.
  8. Means for normalizing vascular tone, activating placental blood flow and metabolic processes:
    • Aminophylline.
  9. Protein synthesis stimulating drugs - Orciprenaline.
  10. Saluretics (diuretics):
    • Brinaldix;
    • Hygroton.
  11. Antispasmodics. Effective in injections for the relief of acute hypertensive crises:
    • No-Shpa;
    • Euphyllin;
    • Magnesia (magnesium sulfate).

Combining several antihypertensive drugs is strictly prohibited. Most often, it is necessary to take the drug until the end of pregnancy and in the first weeks after childbirth.

The effectiveness of the therapy is assessed by the degree to which the stabilization of blood pressure is achieved within the normal range for a particular patient.
To clarify the type of hypertension and the possible correction of drug treatment, examinations are required from a therapist, nephrologist, cardiologist, endocrinologist, urologist, ophthalmologist.

Medicines for hypertension in pregnant women - photo gallery

Hypothiazide is a diuretic Dibazol is used in the relief of acute hypertensive crises Pentoxifylline - a means for normalizing vascular tone Nifedipine is prescribed to rapidly lower blood pressure Dopegit safe for women and babies

Drug-free treatment to lower blood pressure

Stable maintenance of blood pressure during pregnancy at a level of 140-150 to 90-100 mm Hg. Art. in the absence of renal pathology, lesions of the vessels of the fundus and normal blood circulation in the vessels of the placenta and the fetus, it allows treatment without the use of serious medications.

Physiotherapeutic methods that have a beneficial effect on the condition of patients include:

  • electrosleep;
  • the use of inductothermy (treatment using a high-frequency alternating magnetic field) in the feet and legs;
  • diathermy (intense heating of tissues and organs by high-frequency currents) of the perirenal region;
  • hyperbaric oxygenation (oxygen therapy under high pressure in a medical pressure apparatus).

Women expecting a baby are especially affected by stress, anxiety, fears, as well as uncontrolled physical overloads that are inherent in them during this period. Therefore, doctors recommend:

  • track emotional fluctuations and prevent stressful situations;
  • dose physical activity, alternating with daytime rest;
  • make rational changes in nutrition.


Any treatment regimens for hypertension in women carrying a child include dietary food.

Diet basics for hypertension:

  • consumption of table salt up to 5 grams per day;
  • the maximum possible exclusion of foods that increase cholesterol;
  • an increase in the diet of foods saturated with potassium, vegetables, fruits, cereals and milk;


  • fatty meat and fish;
  • fried foods, smoked meats, marinades, sausages;
  • fatty rich broths, lard;
  • mayonnaise and fat sour cream;
  • hot spices, baked goods rich in margarine;
  • dark chocolate, strong coffee and tea, alcohol, carbonated sweet drinks, white bread.


  • boiled, stewed meat, low-fat fish, poultry;
  • vegetable soups, porridge, beans, peas;
  • low-fat dairy products, including kefirs, yoghurts;
  • candy, milk chocolate, marmalade;
  • compotes and jelly, dried fruits, light tea, fresh juices diluted with water;
  • nuts in small quantities.

Products and dishes prohibited for hypertension during the period of bearing a child - photo gallery

Smoked products are very harmful even if hypertension is mild.
Fatty fried meat brings only harm to pregnant women Strong black coffee provokes an increase in pressure Hot and spicy spices can exacerbate hypertension Mayonnaise is a poison for hypertension Sausage, both boiled and smoked, is pure cholesterol Cakes and pastries are rarely acceptable and in very small portions Alcoholic drinks will "wait" for the successful birth of a baby

Prevention of complications

All pregnant patients with arterial hypertension are at increased risk of developing late toxicosis and placental insufficiency. In addition to the dispensary registration with a therapist, three planned hospitalizations are carried out:

Preparing for pregnancy and hypertension - video

Hypertension in a woman carrying a baby does not mean inevitable complications for the mother and baby. Compliance with medical recommendations, as well as competent tactics of treatment and management of childbirth, allow predicting a favorable pregnancy outcome, normal delivery and the birth of a healthy baby with a high probability.