Lack of sex: What threatens a long abstinence? DISTRIBUTION: The effects of chronic lack of sleep

Insecurity leads to a variety of hazardous consequences. A regularly non-racking person not only feels the decline, he can exacerbate chronic diseases, and new serious illnesses may appear.

In the modern world, the lack of sleep is the problem of many people, and the most different ages. Adults are tormented by insomnia due to constant stress. Young people are experiencing symptoms of chronic lack of sleep, because having fun-learning-working. However, in spite of the crazy rhythm of our time, it is extremely important not to skip the signals of the body that you need a full-fledged rest, otherwise you can earn a whole bouquet of medical problems in the future.

What does the lack of sleep?


Consider the main effects of chronic lack of sleep. Night entertainment, Internet, TV shows - modern society is awake practically around the clock. However, only recently we began to realize what harmful consequences of the lack of sleep are hidden behind such a rhythm of life. Irritability, drowsiness, scattered, the inhibition is only flowers. Scientists concluded that the lack of sleep increases the risk of such hazardous diseases as diabetes, oncology, ischemic heart disease, obesity, and so on.

Doctors say that lack of sleep leads to a failure of all the functions of the body, which, by virtue of its biological structure, is simply unable to adapt to it. Despite the fact that for a full rest, various people need a different amount of time to sleep, the risk of disease increases sharply if we sleep less than 6-7 hours per day.

Experts insist that the daily man's sleep should be 7-9 hours.

One of the recent clinical studies was confirmed that the dream, the duration of which is less than 6 hours, significantly increases the risk of early death. The fact is that with a deficiency of sleep, stress hormones are stressful, and blood pressure is raised, which is an important risk factor in stroke and heart attack. In addition, in the blood of regularly inappropriate people, an increased amount of inflammation mediators is marked, which also increases the risks.

In addition, people who are forced to work at night are especially exposed to the oncology of intestines and chest. This fact is caused by artificial lighting, which lowers in the human body of the secretion of melatonin, overwhelming the growth of tumor cells.

Also, experts came to the conclusion that even a slight lack of sleep provokes a violation of the exchange of such hormones as Leptin and Grejn, who are responsible for our appetite. Since the human body is genetically programmed in such a way that night wake is justified only in two cases: when it is necessary to protect against danger or to extract food, then the man awaken at night is often at the open refrigerator. Easy, but regular lack of sleep negatively affects even well healthy and young people. If during the week a person will not have a time to 2-3 hours a day, his body will be worse to absorb carbohydrates, which will automatically reduce its stress resistance. Against this background, hormonal deviations may develop, which will substantially weaken and the immune system.

A longer regular lathes can cause changes in endocrine function and metabolism, which is similar to the effect of early aging. In chronic lack of sleep, the body sharply deteriorates the ability to absorb glucose, which leads to enhanced insulin production. Excess insulin in turn can provoke the development of diabetes, and also increases the risk of hypertension and obesity.


As you can see, regular inappropriate is very detrimental to the state of our organisms. Therefore, it is not worth saving time due to a full sleep that will help you resume strength, keep youth and health. Pleasant dreams!

Sergey Vasilenkov

In order to understand the consequences of sexual abstinence in women, one should approach each representative of the weaker sex individually. Probably, men often notice that one girl actively responds even to the easiest affection, and the other retains calmness with very thorough partner's efforts. What is the matter?

Sexy appetite

Specialists of sexologists emphasize that all individuals are divided into 3 groups. The first includes men and women with a high temperament, to the second - with the average, to the third - with low. And try to learn how to identify personality to one of the types. All this will help to figure out than dangerous abstinence in women.

Representatives of a strong temperament usually ripen before their peers. Accordingly, they have an interest in their body, its needs and sex as a whole. They early begin sex life, in 12-13 years old. As you grow, such girls begin to experience in daily sex.

Statistics show that these representatives of fine sex pay great attention to the process itself, and preliminary caresses are not so important for them. However, it is worth such a woman for some time without a man, as it immediately affects its psychological state. It is mainly manifested in extreme irritability and aggression.

Middle temperament and thought about sex

Most of the female population has medium sexual temperament. Such girls are recognized that they indulge in the carnal joy 2 times a week. And this is for them - the norm. Girls with such temperament need long male caressing, gentle words and a suitable setting for making love.

But such a partner is easy to kill sexy appetite with slightness or unpleasant odor. And then the girl will prefer to remain at all without sex this time. How should the abstinence in women should be assessed in such a situation? The benefits and harm from this will go parallel lines.

That is, physiologically identity will remain unsatisfied, but psychologically, it protects itself from negative sensations. What could be the thoughts of the girl? It is able to think like this: "If there are no conditions for sex, it means, will refuse him today."

But and psychologically, such a girl can remain unhappy, but it is unlikely that it will show. What is dangerous such abstinence in women? The consequences depend on how often similar situations occur. Scientists emphasize that the French representatives often retain a calm look when they have to abandon sex. But in the end, they can overcome melancholy or handra.

Low temperament and abstinence

Low sexual temperament includes women late sexual development. The saying "Sex is not the main thing in life" usually belongs to them. The owner of such a temperament is usually monophice, and they are not embarrassed with love 1 time per month. Often they have to do without sex for a long time, and then a number of questions suggest. What is dangerous abstinence in women? And his consequences will be what? Serious?

There is an opinion that such girls are too picky. They should be encouraged to a sexual contact smoothly, paying a lot of attention to emotional mood and erogenous zones. However, low temperament representatives suffer more from lack of male attention than without physical contact. Therefore, such women are psychologically calmly tolerate the absence of sex for a long time.

Abstinence in women. Benefit and harm

In fact, there are various opinions of doctors and psychologists about this. Nevertheless, most specialists lean towards the fact that the intentism is not so harmless. This applies to all women, no matter what kind of temperament type they have.

After all, it is known that sex is the best tool for health and rejuvenation of the body. And for representatives of the fine floor, it is always important! In addition, it is proved that the lady, refrain from sex, is most susceptible to depression and obsessive fears. What else can the long abstinence of women can bring? The consequences are the most different character.

No sex - path to disease

Often the shortage of sexual relations can give green light to many diseases. First, the excitement and sense of dissatisfaction will begin to eat the girl from the inside. As mentioned above, women in such cases become irritable.

Thus, dissatisfaction with sex life is trying to find a way out. Secondly, the risk of developing gynecological diseases, which can be complicated and lead to cancer.

There are a lot of theories about the sexual lives of opposing floors. Many are trying to figure out what the abstinence leads to women. Benefits and harm are considered for each representative of the beautiful floor individually. If we talk about the positive side of the failure of Intim, then it is most likely the only one and is pleasant. It was revealed that after the abstinence period, the next intimate contact with a man causes stormy emotions. It turns out that the rejection of sex aggravates the feeling, giving them a brighter color.

Long abstinence of women. Effects

Statistics show that young people are not as susceptible to diseases as their older girlfriends. It is known that a person varies periodically and must comply with certain standards. When an imbalance occurs in the body with a long abstinence, the woman may violate metabolic processes.

This often leads to a sharp with all the ensuing consequences. In the work of a sexologist Yaroslavsky "Abstinence in women. The benefits and harm of the absence of sex "is described in sufficient detail that the uterine mioma, nodular and diffuse mastopathy, neoplasms of malignant nature are serious diseases. And they arise not just like that.

Beautiful sex can suffer from a severe form of premenstrual syndrome. As a rule, it is accompanied by frequent change of mood and attacks of migraine. It is also noticed that the failure of sexually affects the thyroid gland, adding additional health problems.

All of the above diseases may appear due to prolonged sexual abstinence. During this period, the imbalance is reflected on women.

Medical studies show that the lack of intimate life not only leads to depression, but also makes it suffer from ladies from the attacks of neurasthenia. Often, this leads to a strong neurosis, from which it is not always possible to get rid of its own. Some young women change sexual orientation, they begin to pay attention to representatives of their sex. This is another significant item for those who care what is dangerous abstinence in women. And its consequences, as you can see, it is difficult to call positive.

Women's behavior in the absence of sex

What could be due to the rejection of sex life? The reasons may be the absence of a permanent partner or psychological problems. There are often conflicting opinions when such a topic is addressed as an abstinence of a woman. The benefits and harm should be considered in each particular case separately. It should be noted that the reaction of the ladies on the absence of intima is different.

If the lady has a low interest in this side of life due to natural temperament, it practically does not suffer from this morally. Moreover, many individuals successfully submilitate sexual energy into industrial activities and creative classes. Moreover, if the woman is actively engaged in sports or dancing, she succeeds safely to avoid many diseases listed above.

However, not all beautiful sex representatives feel comfortable without intimate relationships. Over time, they inevitably outweigh the negative features in the character. Such ladies are characterized by their rigidity in judgments, often demonstrating categorical in communicating with others.

Failure to sex in a pair

It should be paid to the fact that they refrain from sexual proximity not only the lonely women. Those who have a permanent partner are often prone to this. What drives them: fatigue from monotony, loss of attraction to a man or boredom?

Psychologists unanimously believe that the refusal of sex with the chosen one is inexorable leads to problems in a pair. After all, sex is a kind of indicator in the relationship. His drawback or absence inevitably lead to the disintegration of the Union.

How to avoid this? If a similar problem occurs, a woman should not be closed in itself. On the contrary, it is necessary to discuss the reason for its unwillingness of proximity to the partner. After all, such behavior can not only prevent a pair of gap, keep the health of both, but also give a new breath of established relationships.

Forced sexual abstinence provokes unpleasant phenomena, which develop in two directions: local stagnant phenomena in the field of genital organs and neurotic symptoms. What is dangerous, what consequences does it have?

Under local phenomena, they understand the swelling of the veins of the seed rope, scrotum, hemorrhoids, rectum. Externally, this is manifested by the permanent sensations and frequent urges to urination. The phenomena described above are most pronounced in the period of hypersexuality in the junior age.

Long abstinence for a man launches the process of change in the prostate gland, which is known in medical practice as.

It has long been established the fact that frequent ejaculation is an excellent prophylactic measure that avoids the occurrence of prostatitis, since the prostate is constantly cleaned.

Sexual member, like all organs of the human body, requires a sufficient amount of oxygen for normal functioning. It is due to the erection oxygen enters the penis. With age in the process of blockage of blood vessels, cholesterol oxygen enters into smaller quantities, moreover, the activity of the penis decreases. Its increase directly depends on the regularity of sexual contacts. By the way, sex, being intense exercise, is able to improve the blood circulation of the entire body.

Psychological consequences of abstinence

What does a long abstinence in psychological health lead? In men, the lack of sex leads to the emergence of depression, emotional disorder, neurosis and nervous disruptions. Often, men have thoughts about impotence, which are accompanied by an oppressed state. This situation in the complex provokes premature ejaculation and fear of sexual relationships. The most correct solution is to calm down and repeat the attempt to be proximity.

Such negative phenomena, as a violation of night sleep and insomnia, are inextricably linked with the absence of the ability to conduct a regular sex life. Prolonged abstinence is the path to excessive shares, experiencing from sex neurosis, pushing a man to maternity classes. These problems are natural and explained, but much dangerous still represent changes in the prostate gland.

In the sex life of a person there are many problems that can be studied from a medical point of view. But there are such problems that, as it were, are not problems, however, they relate directly to human health. This article will consider the issue of sexual abstinence and its possible consequences.

When it comes to abstaining in women, the first association coming to mind becomes irritable evil especially, mad furia, an ugly woman. It is worth noting that these are all the primitive judgments of the ordinary people, in fact, this question has deep medical roots.

For example, according to the medical encyclopedia, the abstinence of sex (or sexual abstinence, sexual deprivation) means a conscious or forced decrease in sexual activity below the constitutional age (individual) need.

It is shown that the voluntary failure of a woman from sexual life has serious consequences. In such women, gynecologists doctors significantly discover such serious diseases such as fibromyoma of uterus, mioma, nodular or diffuse mastopathy, malignant neoplasms. These diseases arise as a result of a long forced sexual abstinence, when an imbalance between estrogen and progesterone occurs in the body of the woman. Of course, this may not affect the psycho-emotional state of a woman. Often it stays in long depressions, suffers from attacks of neurasthenia, which leads to deep neurosis. Some women, in addition, suffer from severe premenstrual syndrome, accompanied by irritability, sudden mood shifts, migraines. The health state is also aggravated by the fact that sexual abstinence has a negative effect on the thyroid gland, which leads to the development of additional problems in the body of a woman.

Sexologists and psychotherapists argue that abstinence can be quite dangerous. It leaves the imprint on the physical health of men and on the mental in women. We undenify the fact that the pleasure of sex and the feeling of orgasm is a discharge for the psyche of a woman, for her "nerves". Men should always remember that the social behavior of the woman, its attractiveness is in close dependence on the condition of the hormonal background.

The lack of a permanent sexual partner in a woman forms a moral imprint when a woman perceives the world schematically looking at life through the prism of one-sided principles. Over time, a sharp criticism appears in judgment, the condemnation of others, rigidity in their estimates. All this quickly applies to professional activities, on the sphere of public life and intermediary relationships.

The idiomatic expression "biological clock" have a real basis. Indeed, a female organism is a clear clock mechanism that works in a certain mode: the time for ovulation occurs during critical days, then the period for conceiving a child and so on. Hormonal background of women should always match their period, supported at the desired level. Otherwise, this "hourly mechanism" will assemble and lead to the development of the states already mentioned above.

Please note that sexual abstinence has a significant impact on the relationship of the pair. A man and a woman adhere to the same meaning and equal contribution to their sexual relationships and in sexual intercourse. The situation is extremely rarely possible when the reduction of sexual activity is observed in two partners at the same time. Usually from sexual life, one of the spouses temporarily refuses. The partner who was not the initiator of the abstinence suffers from the strengthening of erotic fantasies, which ultimately could lead to what he will be forced to go beyond the relationship with his regular partner. Such a situation is a clear indicator of the collapse of the pair. In other words, sexual abstinence can play a critical role in the relationship between men and women.


For many people work in the office It assumes a long-term seat at the table, sometimes even throughout the day.

Of course, today you can find various ergonomic products that make work in the office more comfortable.

In addition, some companies offer their employees free hours, for example, in gym or pool.

Do not forget about those who work at a distance - a sedentary lifestyle affects those who work at home.

And yet scientists believe that many of those who have often sit at the table, already damaged to their body, and to correct these problems, you will need not one day.

This is what the doctor of science Peter T. Katzmarzyk thinks about this: PETER T. KATZMARZYK):

"Even in those people who lead an active lifestyle, the high risk of harmful to their body. Long seating can simply be compensated by physical activity."

Sitting position

It is difficult to imagine that such an action as a seat can be so harmful to our health.

In fact, a long stay in a sitting condition may have many adverse consequences.

Why sit harmful

Here is a list of 12 side effects of a long stay in a sitting position:

1. Slow metabolism

Long-term failing reduces fat burning rate, which slows down blood flow, and reduces insulin efficiency.

2. Incorrect Pose

Staying in a sitting position creates pressure on lumbar intervertebral discs.

In this position, the head is tilted forward, forcing the shoulders to compensate for the transfer of weight.

3. Injuries of the back and spine

A long sedentine position creates a constant pressure on the lower back of the back, including muscles and ligaments.

4. Reduced Social Skills

In addition, sitting for a long time behind the computer, which means less to go on fresh air, and the lack of sunlight leads to a lack of vitamin D. According to scientists, the lack of this vitamin significantly increases the risk of getting diabetes or cancer.

6. Metabolic syndrome

Long seating leads to an increase in the mass of visceral fat, fabrics become immune to insulin. This in turn leads to hormonal and clinical violations, and as a result, the development of cardiovascular diseases.

7. Chronic pain

Incorrect landing at the table for a long time leads to an increase in pressure on the lower back of the back. Pains that eventually occur can become a symptom of chronic diseases.

8. Obesity

Due to the fact that with sedentary work, the main groups of human muscles work less, calories are burned slower. Over time, this can lead to excess weight or even obesity.

9. Diabetes

Lackability reduces body ability to maintain a normal blood sugar level, which lowers insulin sensitivity.

10. Cancer

Reduced activity increases the chances of developing cancer. According to one of the studies, sitting work badly affects women, which contributes Development of breast cancer, uterus and ovarian.

11. Heart failure

Long sitting at the table, driving and / or before the TV also harms to men. According to the study, a sedentary lifestyle can lead to the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system, and sometimes to death. The risk of developing diseases, according to scientists, is increased by 64%.

12. Female outcome

After several studies conducted, scientists found that a long-term sedentary lifestyle increases the risk of overall death among men and women by 6.9%

General mortality is the ratio of the number who died from any diseases and / or injuries to the amount of this disease suffered, expressed as a percentage, for a certain period of time.

Simply put, if you have health problems, then with a sitting lifestyle, these problems may worsen.

Useful tips for those who cannot avoid a sedentary lifestyle

These advice gives James A. Levine (James A. Levine), a doctor, doctor of science of the Maio Clinic (Mayo Clinic) - one of the largest private medical centers of the world.

Periodically move / move in your chair

Get up when talking on the phone or snack

Use the desk (table for standing standing)

Make regular pauses while working

For a conversation with colleagues, do not suit the conference, and go with them a little; Simply put, during the conversation, wind the circles.